Guile - Terrorists?!

Description: Kai Gabriel's attempts at 'purifying' the water near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base are foiled as Guile steps forth to defend the land that he loves.

Life's been fairly crazy for the second in command of the Vigilantes of late. First there was all that business with Thailand being invaded and his brother-in-law being brainwashed by Shadaloo. Then there was the business of them just plain disappearing off the face of the earth. Having been so close to getting Vega, he hadn't been able to give up just because the trail disappeared, but without even getting a hint of a clue where Shadaloo could be hiding, some of the other Vigilantes had told him to drop it for the time, get some rest, spend time with his family.
So that's why Guile's out here, near the base he's supposedly stationed at in the middle of the night. He's spent a few days with his family, but for some reason he just couldn't sleep tonight. Rather than toss and turn, the soldier's out in the middle of a rather empty park, sitting on a bench with a smoldering cigarette between his lips, dressed in just a plain old windbreaker and blue jeans, watching the stars.

Now why was she here? Kai Gabriel was doing a work study for school. Though she never was a good student and quickly found the American way of life too disgusting, too disgraceful. Did Americans know that they drove on the wrong side of the road? That's just dangerous. They also eat fast food and swear a lot and speak very nasal. But by and large the worst thing they did. . was. . The fluoridation of water.

Didn't they understand the importantance of purity? The purity of water? of fluids? The Crusader of Light was going to do something about this. And so here she was. In the middle of the night, having followed the plans of a water mane in order to purify the water. Somehow. Standing over a spot in particular where a small water access point was. She'd already cast the six in round lid aside to look down the dark hole, far to small for a person to go into, but perhaps..

Even lost in thought, Guile's years of training seem to be enough to shake him out his idle trance with the sound of the metal cap to the water access point being tossed aside. It's definately not the sort of sound you expect to hear near midnight out in an empty park.
The soldier takes one more huff of his cigarette before tossing it to the ground and putting it out under the heel of his boot. Pushing back up from his seat, he starts off down the walkway at a slow pace, the only thing to really suggest trouble being suspicion tugging at the back of his mind, but it's always better safe than sorry.

Well she couldn't exactly decide how to purify the water, so instead of just trying, she'll have to do something else to it, poison it, so no one drinks it. If water is defiled, after all, you have to stop people from drinking it. Luckily Gabriel carried a fair bit of poison stuffs. She reaches into her pocket and uncorks a small bottle. She could just pour it in but.. Probably not nearly enough here to poison all of the water. She needed to do more. Setting the bottle down the girl starts to look around. Perhaps a gas pipe.. She presses her lips together a moment in indecision, not noticing Guile yet.

This definately was suspicious. Some girl sitting near an opened water access point with some sort of strange bottle next to her in the middle of the night. Anyone who would think this was just some routine work would be a complete idiot. So far it doesn't quite seem like she's taken notice of the Vigilante, so Guile continues to make his way closer toward Gabriel, moving rather quietly for a man of his size on a paved surface. In fact he barely makes a noise at all until he manages to get within a few feet of her from behind, clearing his throat, "What do you think you're doing?"

The crusader looks up with a start and jumps a little. She was so not expecting someone to address her. Gabriel stands up and glares, as if rather than being caught doing something wrong, she was catching someone else do something wrong. She doesn't have her sword. Easily remedied. Without warning Gabriel reaches out an opened hand and shoves her fingers through the glass pane and closes her fingers around a shard. Her hand is bleeding as she pulls it out of the now broken window with a shard of glass the length of someone's forearm.

If she wasn't already being suspicious enough fiddling around with the water main, it becomes quiet clear that she's up to no good when she quite purposefully smashes her hand through the window and grabs off a shard like a weapon. It looks like Guile's found himself a terrorist, and it's quite clear what any red blooded American should do in this situation.
Far faster than most would expect from a man of his size, the Vigilante dashes across the distance seperating him from the girl and brings his fist in like a sledgehammer, aimed right for the head and clearly trying to knock her out.

COMBATSYS: Guile has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Guile            0/-------/-------|
1 health gauges: Guile (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Guile0

COMBATSYS: Gabriel has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Guile
2 health gauges: Gabriel (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Guile (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Gabriel0Guile0

COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Guile's Strong Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel          0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0            Guile
2 health gauges: Gabriel (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 28 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Guile (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Gabriel0Guile0

And they're off, Guile comes with a fierce strike at the start of the round. She's pushed back and yes, hurt, even deflecting the blow she has to brace herself not to go too far. Man this guy.. who is he? Her eyes narrow. Not a normal person.

"Goddess, please bless this path." She takes a moment to clasp her pendant and gives it a little kiss. Then it's time to deal with her opponent.

"Repent!" she cries and tries to throw Guy by the hair. If he thought she would pray so long he'd get another shot at her, then I've got another thing for you.. She won't!
She does however try to pull his hair to smash him into a a wall quickly.

COMBATSYS: Guile fails to interrupt Quick Throw from Gabriel with Rolling Sobat.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Gabriel          0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0            Guile
2 health gauges: Gabriel (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 28 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Guile (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Gabriel0Guile0

It soon becomes quite clear that he's not just taking on some random punk terrorist the moment she manages to fend off his first punch. She's clearly got some talent as a fighter. "I don't care what sort of cult you're in, I won't let anybody try to hurt the people of this country!"
As she comes in aimed for his hair, he starts to hop into the air and bring his leg around in a sweeping kick, but unfortunately the long motion leaves him far too open, and her hands manage grab hold of him by the broom top before she sends him slamming into the wall.

And before anyone can truly hope to follow her, she hopes anyway, the 'Crusader of light' makes another attempt. She leaps into the air and tries to land on Guile's shoulders and if she can pull that off, she'll have a palm full of flaring chi to shove into his face before flip kicking off. If she misses she might just have a wall to hop off from. Either way, she keeps the pressure on.

"This city must be cleansed," she states,
"I do not expect a denizen of it would ever understand."

COMBATSYS: Guile endures Gabriel's Grasping Yomo.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Gabriel          0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0            Guile
2 health gauges: Gabriel (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Guile (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 24 of 30. Super: 2 of 16.Gabriel0Guile0

"All I see is a psychopath attempting to murder innocent civilians in the name of some false god." Guile doesn't even try to pull out of the path of the assault, taking the burst of chi full on the face and barely even rocking back on his heels from it. The moment she launches herself back off of his shoulders, however, he jumps up after her, attempting to wrap his arms around her waist and haul her up across his shoulder as they come back down toward the ground, doing his best to cause the full force of the drop come right across her spine.

COMBATSYS: Guile successfully hits Gabriel with Backbreaker.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Gabriel          1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Guile
2 health gauges: Gabriel (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 8 of 16. Guile (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 23 of 30. Super: 4 of 16.Gabriel1Guile0

"False.. God?" Exclaims Gabriel with shock written all over her face. How dare he. And then she's grabbed. No matter she'll just roll out of it, the standard defense for a throw. *crunch*. This was the coolest throw in all of Street fighter 2. It is truly the only one that looked cool. Ken and Ryu's flip kick throws were lame sauce compared to it, specially taking someone out of the air. But back to the fight at hand, Gabriel can for this moment truly appreciate it.
Picking herself up would be a slow process. This pose was a slow process, though Daedalus was mainly to blame for that. Moving on, she wipes her mouth with her wrist.

"False.. god? And what makes a god not false? The number of people who worship it? This country is full of individuals whom place their beliefs over others with such arrogance. Cretin! The only true faith is the Merciful mother!"

And then she goes for an attack, reaching to try and grab and twist Guile's arm behind his back. . if she hits. .

COMBATSYS: Guile interrupts Deliverance from Gabriel with Flash Kick.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Gabriel          0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0            Guile
2 health gauges: Gabriel (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 10 of 30. Super: 6 of 16. Guile (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 19 of 30. Super: 7 of 16.Gabriel0Guile0

Watching as she comes back in at him, quite impressed that she was able to stand back up after that previous hit, Guile pulls back down into a crouch. "Your god's false because it was telling you to kill people. People who have never done anything to you in your life. Any god who would command something like that's just a demon in disguise."
He continues to wait, right up until the moment where she grabs hold of his arm, bringing it up behind is back, the hold definatley hurts, but it's nothing compared to what all he dealt with in Thailand. In an incredible burst of speed, he's suddenly launching up, off the ground, his boot fully extended as he swings around in an impressive somersault, coming back around on Gabriel's far side and sending his boot right into her head.

Maddness, utter maddness. What is a crazed fanatic supposed to do against such an onslaught? Try try again of course. No she won't give up, not that easily. Not ever, you can just see the determination on her face as she picks herself up from the last hit. Wiping her nose with her hand and looking terribly irritated now.

"The merciful mother is only concerned with the salvation of souls. Worldly shells which contribute to the degradation of morality is expendable." manages Gabriel, though it is getting harder.

"And so are you." She states and leaps into the air, having apparently not learned from the last attack of air defense guile used on her. She tries to stomp on his head with her foot.

COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Guile with Light Kick.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Gabriel          0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1            Guile
2 health gauges: Gabriel (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 11 of 30. Super: 6 of 16. Guile (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 17 of 30. Super: 8 of 16.Gabriel0Guile1

The foot comes in straight to Guile's forehead, knocking his head back and prompting a quick grunt from the soldier. He takes a few steps back as he waits for her to come back to the ground. "Souls may be important, but human life is never something to be used just to advance your personal beliefs. Have you ever even seen someone die? Watched as the last bit of life drains out of them? Only a monster would be able to do what you aim to after seeing something like that."
Just as she comes back to the ground, he sends himself charging forward, arms extended as he tries to take hold of her arm, twist around on one foot, then send her flying over his shoulder, aimed for the same wall he got knocked into earlier.

COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Guile's Quick Throw.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Gabriel          0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1            Guile
2 health gauges: Gabriel (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 10 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Guile (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 18 of 30. Super: 9 of 16.Gabriel0Guile1

That was actually more than Gabriel expected to be asked. Had she ever killed anyone. The truth? Well she didn't know for sure, but that was as good as a no. She has certainly tried enough times and even left people for dead, but did she actually finish them. . No.

When Guile does attack she looks taken aback to be thrown and rolls out of it more on reflex then conscious thought. Regular training grants you those sort of things, but she still seems to falter at this point.

"I.." she begins, stammering, very rare for her.

"I.. must not let my enemy distract me from my goal," she manages to reassure herself with a steely calm washing over, but the damage was done. The question Guile had asked rocked her to the core, it was visible apparent now as she tries to get some distance from her opponent by swinging the shard of glass in her hand, blood dripping down her palm and onto the ground.

"Cease your assault.. At once!"

COMBATSYS: Guile interrupts Random Weapon from Gabriel with Total Wipeout.

[                           \\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Gabriel          1/--=====/=======|=------\-------\0            Guile
2 health gauges: Gabriel (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 3 of 30. Super: 13 of 16. Guile (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 16 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Gabriel1Guile0

There's a glimmer of hope in Guile that perhaps he'd gotten through to her, maybe managed to dredge some sense up out of whatever sort of programming the cult had put into her brain. His guard actually lowers slightly as he prays there's some spark of sanity that can be reached.
Of course all of this is thrown out the window as it becomes quite apparent she's not going to just give up. As she starts to swing the shard of glass in, he bursts forward like a rocket, suddenly launching punch after punch, kick after kick in a frenzy of blows aimed all across the girl's body, almost seeming to be done without rhyme or reason. He speaks as throws each attack, "I've been in wars, I've seen people die. People I care about. People I was in charge of. I know that there are people who've killed. That's why I can't let you or any other monster just do as they please!"

She loses her shard of glass first (thats good) she's bleeding out of her face now too from punches (that's bad (especially if you don't wanna muss your hair)). Every hit, well rather after every hit she looks like she might wanna drop, but there comes another and another and another, until finally she is down on her knees, unable to get up and looking like her face was turned into ground beef and not cooked.

"Curses.." she says as she starts to crumple down.

"If this is the will.. of the goddess, then so be it, I will not allow myself.. failure completely.. Please hear my prayer, on my tireless heart that seeks only the maiden of light's good work. That the dawn of tomorrow will be a day without sin or corruption. May my hand work.. tirelessly.. to that end. .for the future, I solemnly swear."

All the while the girl starts to glow, pouring literally everything ounce she has into this attack, it could be arguably a kamikaze in the right circumstance, but here, she doesn't seem to have enough left to pour her life into it. Still, as she speaks the light grows brighter and larger, searing heat, almost as though there was somewhere an actual own of golden goodness. This was it's time too shine, and like a star, threatens to burst all around.

COMBATSYS: Gabriel can no longer fight.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Guile            0/-------/------=|
1 health gauges: Guile (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 16 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Guile0

COMBATSYS: Guile dodges Gabriel's Mirai e no Yakusoku.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Guile            0/-------/------=|
1 health gauges: Guile (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 16 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Guile0

The Vigilante pulls back after sending out his final strike, but not quite dropping out of his fighting stance. The girl certainly doesn't seem like the sort to stop just because she'd been beaten into paste by his hands. This quickly proves true, but with the girl in her battered condition and Guile still on the ball, he easily moves out of the path of all the chi, standing back as she unleashes every ounce energy she has into the air.
As Gabriel finally falls into unconsciousness, the soldier simply grabs hold of her, hauls her up across his shoulder and heads off toward the nearest police station, intent to turn her in.

For the moment, Gabriel is peaceful. Probably the most peaceful she ever is. She even looks the part, sleeping, calmly, nicely. Almost happy. Perhaps she is dreaming of something nice. Who can say. The shard of glass is left behind, actually it's more or less destroyed from Guile's last attack, but her hand still bleeds, along with her nose and mouth a bit. He really messed her up, but where she was at that moment there was no pain. Would they believe him when he turned her in ? Given Guile's background, most certainly, but would they take the proper precautions to contain her? Probably not without a great deal more persuasion. It would be easy once the vigilante left to assume she was harmless and put her in a regular cell.

COMBATSYS: Guile has ended the fight here.

Log created on 20:21:17 08/17/2007 by Guile, and last modified on 23:21:33 08/17/2007.