For once, Alma Towazu isn't standing in the lobby.
In reality, the young champion of virtue and YFCC vice-president extraordinaire spends most of his time in this comfortable room off to the side of the library, silent for hours on end as he reads reports, signs invoices, and otherwise directs the affairs of this fine institution. Tirelessly the fighting model deals with the issues that swamp any newly formed organization, though the refreshing breeze from the large window open to a nearby house's backyard garden and his highly comfortable padded chair may help.
Suit and hair immaculate, loosened tie and unbuttoned blazer only enhancing the adorable look his artfully unkempt hair always provides, Alma gazes down with a mild and studious look at the newest report in his lap, apparently unfazed by the way a stray bang drapes down over one of his hazel eyes.
The door is open as always, as the library presents no trouble with the noise level, and a second comfortable chair set on the other side of his desk suggests that visitors are always welcome even if only occasionally received.
The only sound is the faint trickling of water from a fountain outside.
A lone figure approaches the YFCC, one that's never yet graced it's halls. The figure enters through the heavy doors and speaks quietly with an attendant at the information booth, obtaining the needed information and delving further into the depths of the building. The young fighters in the community center are ignored, though some may take notice, the figure seemingly having a specific purpose other than interacting with the various youths. It walks with a purpose to the location given, and steps inside. Upon entering, an amused look forms on Ingrid's face. "Oh my. I don't think suit's are very becoming on you, Alma."
Alma blinks, looking up-- and rises automatically to his feet.
"...Eternal Goddess!"
The title is delivered without the slightest bit of sarcasm.
"Is that so?"
And he grins warmly, reaching up to push his hair out of his eyes to reveal that both eyes now twinkle with good-natured mirth.
"You, on the other hand, look as lovely as ever, Miss Holmann."
Grin subsiding into his usual mild, friendly smile, the young executive gestures toward the seat in front of him.
"Please, join me."
If she doesn't sit, he'll stay standing; if she does, he'll seat himself after her and fold his hands calmly in his lap, still smiling.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Ingrid smiles when Alma gets to his feet, still with an amused glint but more a friendly gesture now than anything else. "Good afternoon, Alma. I'm afraid that it is. Your main asset is your boyish charm, is it not? A suit makes you look so much more... serious." The amused look returns, and she seats herself in the chair that's motioned to. "Thank you."
She gives him a smile, and then asks, "Oh Alma, do I really need a reason to come visit you? If so I suppose I could leave, but it's simply that I haven't seen you in so very long. And that is a shame, I'm sure you'd agree." A hand lifts to brush her hair back over her shoulder, "This is a very nice center you've built. Now that it's here I find it surprising that no one had thought of it sooner." And that is one definition of a genius, isn't it?
"It is a shame," Alma readily agrees, continuing to look quite pleased. Every time he sees her, he can't help but admire her aura. He almost wishes that he could share the lovely sight with another-- but then again, he finds himself thinking, there is a certain thrill to having it all to himself.
That thought makes him feel a little embarrassed, though.
At least she isn't wearing a bikini this time.
He reaches up to rub his head with a modest little grin at her mention of his boyish charm, thus exhibiting, well, yet more boyish charm. "But you know," he replies mildly, "I am a rather serious person." It's true.
"Oh, I can't take all the credit for it," he says, shaking his head with a renewed smile. "Miss Rose provided much of the funding and inspired me to design it. She's been helping me along in my studies of the psychic arts. I, ah, don't suppose you've met her?"
The tall youth leans back in his chair, looking as though this is the first time in a while he's truly relaxed.
"Well, you know what I have been up to. How about you? I was hoping you might stop by earlier than this." He avoids a chiding tone; it's just the truth. "I've missed the sight of you." Well, that may be a bit embellished.
Her own playful nature does, he finds, manage to extend to him sometimes, though. Psychics at work? Or just Alma taking advantage of an opportunity he rarely gets or notices?
It would be a lie to say Alma didn't have his own aura about him, the sort that makes one feel welcoming, friendly, and trustworthy. Ingrid smiles at the grin and rubbing of his head, "Oh yes, I know that. But it isn't the sort of serious that one would find in a board meeting." Is the thought of Alma standing as the CEO in a board meeting, seriously debating the facts humorous? Perhaps so.
"Oh, but you were the inspiration for the facility, were you not? There's no need to be modest, Alma." When saying that she is, of course, teasing. "Miss Rose?" An intrigued look forms over the amused one, that emotion seeming to be dominant now. "Why yes. As a matter of fact I have met her just the other day. A very intriguing and mysterious woman."
And then an eyebrow raises, "Psychic arts? That sounds rather interesting. You should tell me about them, sometime." Ingrid, in fact, has never been informed of the nature of her powers. She simply knows that it is hers, and special to her.
"I'm afraid that after a rather exciting episode," one could easily guess which international event might have spurred that, "I've been doing very little of importance, I'm afraid." She tilts her head a slight bit, "Why Alma, I've missed you too."
"Who, me?"
Alma, grinning, even flushes slightly at that.
It's easy to forget sometimes, given the 'boyish charm' that Ingrid has so pertinently noted is one of his greatest assets, that Alma spends many of his working hours in the company of exceptionally beautiful women in varying states of undress at Studio Giorgio.
This should say a great deal about the importance of auras.
It's true, though, the thought of Alma at a board meeting is pretty humorous, though no more so than the thought of Jay-Z at a board meeting, and he's done alright too, right? When she brings up her ignorance of the 'psychic arts', though, Alma looks a bit startled.
"What? But..."
Well, what does he know? What she wields /seems/ like what is known as 'Psycho Power', but he does not pretend to have any true grasp of the actual metaphysics that surround the phenomenon. For all he knows, she is a real live goddess, and his powers are some shadow of her own. He's willing to entertain the idea, at least, even if he's not about to get down on his knees and worship her. ...Unless she asks very nicely.
"...I would love to," he picks up, gazing into her eyes curiously, his smile having subsided to be replaced by a rather thoughtful expression. He has discussed motivations and romance with her, but he finds himself again highly interested in just what it means to be the 'Eternal Goddess'. He begins to smile slowly, softly.
"How about over tea tomorrow?"
But Ingrid wouldn't know of Jay-Z, only of Alma. There's nothing in her mind that says Alma would be bad at such a job, but the thought of him being and acting such a part in that situation seems humorous, regardless of aptitude.
"Hmm?" The young Norwegian's head tilts a bit at the seeming confusion, picking up on the emotions that are seemingly about her and wondering what they could mean. Her power most certainly is the horridly named 'Psycho Power', though she herself wouldn't know it by name. She would know that what she uses is very similar to that of what Alma uses, and yes even Vega. What she doesn't know is what it is, or why it is.
"Over tea? Now that is a wonderful idea. You certainly are full of those, aren't you?" She smiles in a kind manner, "Why don't you come over to my apartment, then? I do love the chance to entertain, and it has been quite a while." It would also be one of the best places possible to speak of such important topics in private.
Well, gosh.
Alma sits a bit straighter in his seat, despite himself.
"Oh. That... would be great," he manages, clearly a bit startled again. This is, in fact, the first time a girl has invited him anywhere when the situation hasn't involved fisticuffs. Let alone to her home! Goodness gracious.
"Thank you very much," he adds, grinning again.
Alma, get a grip.
He does get a grip rather quickly though, actually, as soon as he glances down at his desk; his expression sobers rather quickly as he sees how much paperwork he has remaining. When he looks up at the girl again he gives her slightly pained, quite sincere look.
"I really would like to speak with you more--" And marvel at that delightful aura. "--but if I don't get these done before closing time, Miss Maxwell is going to have words with me." The last words are delivered dryly; his secretary isn't intimidating, but she is clearly capable of being quite wearying. "I apologize, but-- well."
He smiles again, as though he can't help doing so when looking at her.
"May I call you tomorrow, once I finish here?"
Ingrid smiles warmly, "Good, it's all settled then." She's about to suggest a time when Alma speaks up once more, revealing that his time may not be quite as free as it seems. "I certainly wouldn't want to impose myself on you for too long; especially if it would get you in trouble with Miss Maxwell."
She reaches over, without asking, and picks up a pen off the desk and finds a small scrap of paper, a business card if Alma has them sitting out or perhaps a notepad, and quickly scrawls down a phone number and address. "This is where I can be reached if I'm home, which I should be tomorrow." She smiles to him once again, this time with an amused glint. "Call me when you get off of work?" That said she slides the paper over to him and then stands up.
If this was high school, Alma would have just made a major score!
As Alma never went to high school, he wouldn't know. This does not prevent him from feeling as though he has made a major score all the same.
He rises from his chair as well, smilingly only a little foolishly.
"I'm very glad you stopped by, Miss Holmann," says Alma, his honest face making his good mood all too evident. "I look forward to tomorrow evening already..."
Finally, a chance to learn what Ingrid truly believes about her powers.
~ I'm going to be alone with Miss Holmann... ~
Alright, so there's that too, or so he thinks right now. Really, Alma, what's the matter with you? To be honest, though, it is probably that Ingrid's air of mystery reminds him strangely of what he finds most attractive about Gabriel Kai...
"Shall I bring anything?"
Her smile still settled upon her face, Ingrid nods to Alma, "I'm glad I came as well, Mister Towazu." Something about calling him that appears to humor her, "And I do as well." Tomorrow should be a day full of revelations for the both of them. The prospect of that is certainly exciting. Of course, so is the prospect of being able to tease and fluster Alma some more.
"Hmm... I should have everything we need for tea at home, but if there's something specific you'd like I suppose you should bring that along." Poor Alma, he's so excited by that prospect that he doesn't realize he's alone with her right now, even if the door's open. "Until tomorrow, then?"
Hey, you never know what might happen behind closed doors.
"Until tomorrow."
Alma smiles.
Whatever else... it's nice to have a friend like her.
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "Open >_>/"
---------~~~~~~~~****** THE FOLLOWING EVENING ******~~~~~~~~---------
It's a little late for tea, but not too late for Alma.
The clear air is brisk under the setting sun yet the evening chill is appreciated by the tall young man striding unassumingly through the neighborhood, a basket under one arm. The temperature is just right to snap him back into focus and revive him after another long day of labor at the YFCC-- not to mention another scolding from Giorgio for being unable to meet so many appointments at the modeling center. The stress would be enough to wither away at another man's soul, but Alma knows what he wants -- he is very careful to know what he wants -- and he knows that /this/ is what he wants, despite or even because of the challenge, and that gives him the resolve he needs to perservere.
Thus he does not look the slightest bit fatigued in his more casual and impeccably fitted outfit, a high-collared zip-up earth-toned cotton sweater and matching chocolate brown designer jeans, a typically demure combination of colors that enhances the appeal of his lightly bronzed skin and manages to be stylish without being showy. Fashion too is an expression of his self, as far as he is concerned, and he likes to think this is just as sincere a demonstration of his nature as what he presents in combat. His usual mild smile hovers at his lips, and though he moves with purpose he seems to amble in a charming sort of way, a manner that suggests he wouldn't mind be distracted by a fortituous chance encounter, even if only for a moment.
For better or worse, there are no such encounters tonight, and Alma soon arrives at Ingrid's apartment, making his way toward her room through its corridors. The contents of the basket under his arm would surprise anyone who didn't know him and be of no certain to anyone who does: no champagne or expensive gift but yet another manifestation of his own effort, a difficult confection he only recently achieved the necessary skill to perfect. Two creme brulee, one for each of them, born of great effort, rich custard encrusted with caramel. He is rather proud, but-- only as much as he feels he deserves.
To be honest, he's a little nervous.
And that he is nervous makes him even /more/ nervous.
~ It's Miss Holmann, after all... we're friends. ~
Of course, of course. Still...
~ Xiangfei came to my place once, but I've... I've never... ~
What's a young man to do?
Well, when he's Alma, press forward. With no show of trepidation, the lovely-featured youth knocks sedately on the door, still smiling softly to himself. It's not just that he's friendly, now; he is, to a certain degree, just a bit amused at himself.
~ All this time in the world, and there's still so much I haven't done. ~
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "What's Creme brulee? O.o"
[OOC] Alma grins.
[OOC] Alma says, "It's basically a tasty mini-custard pie."
[OOC] Alma says, "With caramelized sugar on top of the custard."
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann gets back to posing XD;
Whether it's late or not tea is what was suggested and tea is what there will be. Besides, tea was the drink of choice in Japan for centuries, and it was enjoyed at all times of the day. So as they say, 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do.'
Ingrid is busy rushing about the apartment as Alma is on his way, making sure everything is in it's proper order. The tea is just about ready, and there is a nice array of little treats sitting on her coffee table, cookies and the like. She really does like to entertain, and it's one of the things she allows herself a little less control over her emotions for; it can be fun moving from this place to that in a hurry, desperately trying to make sure everything is ready, even if a more structured approach would be faster and more prone to success.
As is about normal, her guest arrives just as she's finishing up, and she smiles to herself when the knock is heard. She calms herself quickly and then walks to the door, taking a look through the spyhole to make sure that it's who she's expecting. A moment later the door swings wide open. "Good evening, Alma. I'm glad to see you could make it, after all." There's a short pause as she notices the crème brulee he brought with him, "Oh Alma, you didn't have to bring anything, that's very thoughtful of you.
The young Norwegian steps aside so that he can enter, and the apartment becomes much more visible. It's a fairly spacious and tidy place, the entrance opening up into a living room full of nice furniture, a decent entertainment system sitting opposite a couch. A coffee table is oddly pushed away from that couch, the snacks set there with two spots set. It looks like you'd sit Japanese style on the floor at the table. Opening right up from the living room is a kitchen with all the amenities, though the appliances are only middle of the line. The kitchen ends in a wall with a closed door on it, and the living room has two more doors on the other side; one to Ingrid's bedroom, and the other- well, a lady has to freshen up somewhere, doesn't she?
[OOC] Alma says, "Just out of curiosity, did Ingrid dress for the occasion at all or does she look casual?"
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, ""
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, ""
[OOC] Alma says, "..."
[OOC] Alma says, "I hope you're serious, because that's hilarious."
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "Kidding, kidding."
[OOC] Alma says, "With the lollipop and everything."
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "I do need a reason to wear that, however."
[OOC] Alma says, "Do you /really/ need a reason?"
[OOC] Alma says, "I mean, with a hat like that."
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "XD"
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "Midnight Bliss /indeed/"
[OOC] Alma says, "Oh baby. <3"
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "In truth, however. Standard:"
[OOC] Alma XD "Just wondering. Thanks."
"Of course."
Oddly, once he sees her, a lot of his nervousness simply dissipates. She is, after all, his friend; it is the prospect of the unknown that daunts the usually dauntless youth. Not just the unknown, for the unknown is often a source of welcome challenge, but the unknown and invisible, the infinitely distant; going to a girl's apartment is like reaching for the horizon for Alma, and the thought of one's fingertips somehow brushing the skyline, of him actually making it this far, even in the most casual of ways, confuses him; it seems as though it should violate some natural law of some kind, even when the girl in question is off-the-wall enough to claim to be a goddess.
But he is here. Of course.
"It was really my pleasure."
He smiles down at the contents of his basket. It was a worthy challenge.
Alma brightens considerably as he is let in, his mild smile expanding to a more lively one. "Thank you very much," he murmurs pleasantly, slipping out of his shoes easily and padding into the main room after the shorter girl, casually casting his gaze about the area. Naturally, he averts his curiosity from the doors leading to the bedroom and so forth, but he maintains a leisurely pace toward the table all the same as he peruses the environs.
"May I set this here?" He gestures toward the other snacks as though to set the basket down on the table. "I made these for an after-tea dessert."
He may be a little foggy on what constitutes good manners in a lady's house, but he's determined not to sit down until she asks him to or sits down herself.
"How have you been since we parted, Ingrid?"
He blinks then, though she may not notice his mild surprise as he is facing the other way when he speaks; he didn't intend to call her by her first name, it just slipped out. She does call him 'Alma' all the time, after all, but...
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "How long do you have, Alma?"
[OOC] Alma says, "I'm not goin anywhere."
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "Cool. I won't feel bad dragging Edvard into this then."
[OOC] Alma grins. "I was looking forward to it."
[OOC] Alma says, "Even if I've never heard of this Edvard before. XD"
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "He's just my NPC"
[OOC] Alma says, "Just as long as he interrupts a potentially intimate moment, that's all I ask."
[OOC] Alma XD XD
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "XD;"
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "Nah, he'd burst in right away, really."
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "He'd simply hear that she had company and invite himself over :D"
[OOC] Alma says, "Tsk, tsk."
Ingrid picks up on all these feelings easily enough, which strike her as both amusing and odd. Amusing because it would make it so easy for her to tease him, and odd because she had considered the air cleared when they spoke at the beach. He'd given her his reason why he doesn't date, or intend to date, and she'd accepted it and considered it a closed book. Apparently it won't stop him from very much feeling her femininity.
"Yes, that's a good place for them, thank you. Please, take a seat." She motions vaguely towards the coffee table, "The tea should be just about ready." The young woman heads into the kitchen and sets a teapot and two cups on saucers onto a serving tray, a sugar bowl already present, and carries it over, setting it down in the middle between the two set spots. "I've been well, thank you. Nothing exciting has happened, if that's what you're asking. My life has been fairly calm as of late." She takes one of the teacups and sets it in front of Alma, and then sets the other in front of herself, pouring slowly into both cups. "Would you like sugar in your tea?"
Maybe if it were a different setting...
"Thank you."
...and why does she remind him of Gabriel?
"Ah, no, thank you."
Alma was certainly honest at the beach, but there's quite a bit about himself that he doesn't fully understand, as much effort as he expends to sort his feelings out. It's just so strange. Why does he feel as though he's entered a whole other world? It is a weakness of his that, when he discovers an emotional anomaly, he must stop himself to confront it out of curiosity and a key interest in his own workings; though he is good enough to have his priorities straight enough to prevent his mind from stopping in a crisis situation, once he loses his flow in this manner, finding himself feeling something quite unusual, he only slows down the more and becomes more distracted; thus, as he approached, the very existence of his nervousness making him all the more nervous.
This trait tends to exacerbate awkward situations.
But Alma, though he is beginning to look rather absent-minded, and though the preternaturally perceptive Ingrid may find herself highly amused at the way the handsome young man is mentally chasing his own tail over an emotion that, had he any real perspective on these things, he would recognize as highly inconsequential, manages to look charmingly preoccupied rather than aloof.
"I suppose things are quiet on my end as well," he says, beginning slowly as he emerges from his introspective reverie and then, returning fully to the conversation, looking up with another warm little smile as Ingrid pours his tea for him. "Though I find that times of peace only become opportunities to prepare for the next battle-- figuratively speaking. The YFCC has finally settled down and become a legitimate Southtown staple, which I feel is quite the accomplishment for us all, but now that we're poised with the potential for greater growth, coming up with the correct approach seems even more taxing than the struggle to put the organization on its feet in the first place..."
He pauses, then grins, having the good grace to look a little embarrassed.
"But I don't mean to bore you with talk of work."
Taking up his cup of tea, his grin becomes an easy smile, eyes sparkling engagingly as he regards his attractive companion.
"At the moment, I'd really much rather leave that behind."
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "Err- what was that first thank you in response too? ^^"
[OOC] Alma says, "Inviting him to take a seat."
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann nods.
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann erase erase erase erase. ^_^
[OOC] Alma laughs. "Sorry."
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "No problem; It was my mistake"
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "I realized it and thus, asked"
Once the tea is poured Ingrid waits for his response, and then settles herself down across the table from Alma. She apparently doesn't want sugar in her tea either. Taking the initiative, she lifts her tea to her lips and takes a small sip. It's a bit weak to her- she normally drinks coffee, but Alma might find it pleasant if he prefers tea. "I'm afraid I can't help you very much on the business front, I've never dealt with anything quite so complex." She listens quietly as he speaks about the YFCC, understanding most of what he's saying even if she doesn't fully comprehend the situation.
But then he pipes up and says he'd rather talk about other things, and Ingrid gives him a warm smile. It then momentarily turns into an amused one, "Well then, Alma," She leans forward slightly in her seat, "What -do- you wish to talk about?" Her voice isn't exactly suggestive, but she's definitely trying to tease him.
And then, seemingly out of nowhere, the door to the kitchen swings open and an older Nowegian man, likely in his fifties, sweeps into the room. "Ingrid, you didn't tell me you were having company over." There's a certain way about his speech patterns that might be hard to place- the best way to describe it would be 'effeminate'. He carelessly approaches the two, and gives the guest a quick look. A change sweeps over him. Alma's probably seen it before. "Well hello there, mister. If I knew one of my favorite models was coming over I'd have worn something nicer."
Ingrid's amused look seems to only increase with this disruption, and once the man has finished speaking she introduces him. "Alma, this is my pedogeuge, Edvard. He's Norwegian, as I am, though he fancies himself Greek. Edvard- well, I suppose you already know of Mr. Towazu, don't you?"
[OOC] Alma says, "Edvard isn't a fighter of any kind himself, is he?"
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "no"
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "He's just an effeminate old man who's Ingrid's parents feel safe sharing adjoined apartments with her. Take that how you will XD"
Alma looks slightly baffled, tea raised halfway to his lips.
"Well, I..."
Mercifully, he is interrupted before he is able to make himself look any more foolish; unfortunately, it seems as though he may have gone from the frying pan into the fire. For a moment he only looks even more bewildered, but this is more of a brand of surprise than he can handle -- why must she always speak in such a manner to him? -- and he quickly recovers, rising politely to greet the newcomer with a pleasant, mild smile.
Curiously, the flattering tone of this man seems not to affect Alma in the slightest, though he reacts with his characteristic friendly grace, no matter what he might feel about their little tea party being interrupted. It is a startling contrast from how the slighest of comments by Ingrid seems able to put him off-balance.
"Nice to meet you, Edvard-san," he murmurs politely, inclining his head and making no show of the fact that if asked he would probably be able to come up with very little information about what precisely distinguishes the Greeks from the Norwegians. Alma's grasp of the peoples of other nations is somewhat limited.
~ P... pedagogue? ~
Yet Alma detects no extraordinary abilities.
~ What exactly is the nature of their relationship--? ~
Well, it's none of his business.
"Please, call me Alma," he adds when Ingrid refers to him as 'Mr. Towazu'. "Ingrid and I were just sitting down for tea and chatting about... well..." He looks back down to the pale-blonde girl and his smile becomes a grin.
"...we hadn't quite decided on a topic yet."
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "Mind if I make up some fictitious magazine to say you modeled in?"
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann is very careful about writing for other PCs ^^:
[OOC] Alma laughs. "I don't particularly mind." XD
[OOC] Alma says, "As long as, you know, it's not anything dirty."
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann laughs, "Nah. I was thinking something 'open shirt' but not dirty.
[OOC] Alma says, "Sure you were."
Edvard speaks up first, "Oh yes, he's very popular among teenage girls and middle aged men; weren't you aware?" The man allows himself a short laugh. "I'm sure you two will think of -something- to talk about." He looks between the two teenagers and seems to consider his options for a moment. "It's wonderful to meet you as well, I'm quite the fan of yours, if you weren't able to tell yet. I especially like your work in Metropolitan."
Ingrid laughs softly to Edvard, "Yes, I'm sure we will, you old scamp. You really should knock before you come in."
He has a quick retort, "I should knock to come into my own kitchen? Perhaps I'll just go and make myself a three course meal then."
The young blonde gives a playful smirk, "And I'm sure you would if you weren't such a gracious tutor. Maybe I can arrange for you to meet with Alma some time else, Edvard, but we do have important matters to discuss."
"Oh, I'm sure you do. ~Very~ important matters."
Another light laugh comes from Ingrid, who stands up and begins physically shooing him, "All right, that's enough, now. Isn't one of your favorite shows about to come on?"
"I'm flattered, sir," Alma replies kindly, eyes warming cheerfully and perhaps with a hint of mirth himself. Usually he is pursued by younger girls, but it is not entirely uncommon for him to be accosted by order men as well, though few of them are quite so much characters as this one. "Thank you for following my career." Again he inclines his head, gazing up through long lashes.
Alma's smile remains as he raises his head and quietly watches the two of them engage in affectionate verbal sparring. When Edvard remarks on their 'very important matters', however, the tall young man looks a bit sheepish, reaching up to rub the back of his head and smiling with a good-natured awkwardness. He doesn't seem particularly embarrassed, per se, but this is clearly one of those things he's decided in advance that the best response to, given his mellow approach to conversation, is just to smile. It's his version of laughing it off, perhaps; thanks to the nature of his charm, it generally becomes him.
"It was nice meeting you, sir," he manages as the girl shoos her tutor away; once she returns, he'll wait until she sits down again to seat himself as well and finally take a sip of his tea. He seems pleased at the result, but instead of commenting on it he asks, looking up into her eyes:
"So... what does Edvard tutor you in?"
Hopefully, at this point, it will be a natural enough question.
The tutor play-acts resistance as he's forced to the door in the kitchen, passing through it and turning back around to fire off a parting comment, "Very well, I'll leave, but I'm going to expect my own party since I'm being so rudely thrust away from this one."
"We'll have tea sometime soon Edvard, I promise." Ingrid begins shutting the door, "Good night, Edvard." She then returns to the seat opposite Alma, letting out a mock frustrated sight, "You can just never tell what that man's up to. If I didn't know better I'd say he has his ear against the door right now." She closes her eyes and lifts her tea to take another drink of it before setting it back down carefully.
Ingrid looks to Alma at the question, "Oh, the usual- History, mathmatics, language, philosophy. Though he may not have seemed it he's one of the finest private teachers around." That would explain why Ingrid hasn't enrolled in any of the local high schools; she brought her teacher with her. "Now where were we before that little interruption." She appears to think for a moment before stating, "Oh yes, you were about to decide upon a subject of conversation."
[OOC] Alma says, "Well, I know what topic I want Alma to bring up, but-- I'm finding myself running out of energy really quickly tonight. I was more wiped out by today than I thought. u_u I'll be around in the evenings pretty regularly though I think this week, so is it okay if we pause for the night?"
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann knew this would happen! ;_;
[OOC] Ingrid "One Chang" Holmann says, "And, sure"
Log created on 05:39:31 08/14/2007 by Ingrid, and last modified on 04:48:53 08/22/2007.