Aranha - Robbery

Description: Aranha breaks into Sergio's house for a ring in order to pay off a favor. Instead of the ring he finds Sergio. Had he left a few seconds earlier, he would've escaped unseen. After mutual buttkickings ensue Aranha goes diving out of the window.

Sergio has recently moved into one of the house-like apartments in Southtown village, the rent being reasonable enough for him to manage it on his lifestyle. So far the place is pretty sparse, the standard appliances as well as an older couch, a bed, a dresser, a television and TV stand, a table and some chairs the only possessions it contains. Even those looks like it was got at some sort of second hand shop, and nothing's new. And if you want to get down to it, it hardly looks like a home at all, things are placed about in a very haphazard fashion, an interior decorators nightmare.
All of this might be somewhat out of place, because the home itself is newer and rather nice. The truth of the matter is that a person who had very few worldly belongings has moved in. About the most expensive stuff to be found in the place is the clothing found in the dresser and closet, and probably the TV.
Sergio is currently out, a couple blocks away with a bag of groceries in each hand. Part of settling down meant getting a house, and he figures he should probably keep some food in it as well, just in case he decides to eat at home, or if he has to entertain. The refrigerator and cupboards are bare for the moment, but that should be remedied once he gets home. He probably should have paid for a taxi; the bags aren't that heavy, but the walk is time consuming.

He didn't believe Mr. Big, when he said he'd get an itch for thievery again. Truth be told though, Aranha didn't get the itch. The problem is that he still owes a few people here and there some favors and this is one of the cases where they have called them in, much to Aranha's chagrin.

So here Aranha finds himself, inside Sergio's apartment wearing a black mask that while it looks like it's entirely faceless it allows for him to still be able to see. He's also wearing a black t-shirt and loose black slacks as well.

Aranha has spent about fifteen minutes searching throughout the house for a specific object. He's been careful about leaving the area in pretty much the state it was before he came in and making sure he handled everything with leather gloves. Giving up, he pulls out his cell phone. "The ring isn't here. Yes I looked everywhere. What kind of idiot do you take me for? You know what I oughta..." His voice fades as he realizes he got hung up on. "Screw this..."

He pockets the cell phone and moves towards the window he entered through.

About the time the cell phone is going in the pocket, the front door slowly opens. Getting the keys out of his pocket, and then into the door lock would have been so much easier if he'd have just set one of those bags down... As it is it took a bit of extra time for him to get the door open. He doesn't realize what's amiss at first, focusing on shutting the door without sending his groceries all over the floor. Since Aranha was careful about his search the fact that there's an intruder isn't immediately obvious. Sergio goes and puts the two bags on the table and puts his keys back in the pocket, and turns around.
Standing near a window is someone who does not belong here. The form is definitely not recognized, and the mask makes it all too clear what's going on. "You've got to be kidding me. I've been here a week and I'm already being robbed!" Nothing /looks/ like it's been messed up, and he isn't holding anything, and there's really nothing of value he could hide on his body...but it's still an invasion of property. "That's it, get your ass over here, just what do you think you're doing!" That said the teenage burglar is suddenly being advanced on by a large, angry Italian man.

'Dammit,' goes through his head as he turns towards the obviously angry Italian. What would've been a neat exit out of the apartment but what would've came down to a matter of seconds he would've completely avoid him. But it wasn't to be. He has two choices. He could continue to try to make his escape anyway or fight his way out.

Aranha chooses to try to make his escape anyway but he may have trouble if Sergio attempts to slug him while he makes said attempt to escape. Hmmm He could've sworn he had less trouble with the window getting in than getting out.

COMBATSYS: Aranha has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Aranha           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Aranha takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Aranha           0/-------/-------|

"Not going to talk, huh!" Sergio speeds up when Aranha keeps trying to get out of the window, his footsteps becoming a bit heavier. "Not so fast! You're not getting away with breaking into my house so easily, punk!" He then mutters under his breath, "If I'd have known this was going to happen... nah, I'd have probably done it anyway." Sergio realizes that smacking him would be a good way to slow him down, but he doesn't just want that, he wants to interrogate him. While Aranha's back is turned he tries to seize him by the shoulders, and pull the young man closer, reaching one of his strong arms around his neck to put him in a headlock and choke him for a few moments. If that works he'll then turn around, press his hand against his lower back and blast him away with a strong blast of chi; chi in the form of a strong stream of water. That ought to give him some second thoughts.

COMBATSYS: Sergio has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Aranha           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Sergio

COMBATSYS: Sergio successfully hits Aranha with Riptide.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Aranha           0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0           Sergio

Unfortunately Aranha spends a moment too long trying to fiddle with the window and the moment of distraction is what Sergio needed to grip up the capoeirista and blast him across the room sending him into the air, sliding across the the table before comedicly landing on his head causing him to grunt upon impact.

He's back on his feet quickly and he vaults up on to the table and with a running start he leaps up at Sergio or rather past him in order to land on the window sill and kicking off of it to launch himself foot first at the Italian and regardless of whether he makes impact, he'll try to to get some distance between himself and the other fighter.

COMBATSYS: Sergio fails to interrupt Sky's the Limit from Aranha with Breaker.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Aranha           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Sergio

Sergio isn't aware that this robber also happens to have any decent amount of fighting skill, so he's figuring that the pain from that attack will have been quite a bit more severe than it actually was. When he falls head first Sergio crosses his arms across his chest. "So, you ready to talk yet, toughguy?"
His answer comes in the form of incredible acrobatics, first jumping to the window and then back at Sergio. "What the-" When it's obvious that the man's actually trying to kick him, Sergio responds in kind, jumping forward towards him and reaching out with his foot to try and trade blows. Unfortunately for him Aranha's speed edge ends up being too much, the Italian himself getting kicked hard in the chest before his foot extends enough to make contact, getting knocked backwards hard enough to back up against his own wall and thud into it. "Augh!" He grits his teeth, and then grins, "Oh, so you've got some spunk in you, I see."

Aranha would love to trade trash talk and witty reparte but given his position as person who had attempted to rob him, it's just not a good idea. Instead, he'll just keep his mouth shut however a line that resembles a smile begins to form where the lips would be.

His body goes into a swaying dance as he moves in so deeply ingrained in him is the rhythm of his fighting style before he suddenly lashes out with a glowing blue kick followed by a spinning jump kick also shrouded in blue chi to be followed by a blue chi engulfed backflip kick to finish off the combo.

COMBATSYS: Aranha successfully hits Sergio with Aggressive Dance.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Aranha           0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0           Sergio

Keeping his mouth shut? That's fine with Sergio. After all, he's really in no position to be doing that sort of thing, and the Italian might end up recognizing his voice somewhere down the road if they ever meet again. "Not gonna talk? Fine. I can kick your ass in silence just as easily as I can kick it talking!" He grins once he says that, and readies himself.
The rhythmic movements are a curiosity, but they don't really worry Sergio that much. When the kick, now glowing with energy, comes at him he crosses his arms in front of himself and prepares to take the blow. The kick, however, slips right past his guard, smashing into him and jarring him just in time for the spinning jump kick and backflipping kick to find their marks. The man was ready for it, but even when he was he got pummeled. "Shit!"
Even with the pain of all those kicks mounting up over his body, he isn't going to suddenly decide to let the thief go. It just means this means it's going to be harder than he expected. He suddenly crouches down low and lowers his right fist, and then suddenly smashes upward in a powerful, and blatantly stolen, uppercut, his fist wreathed in watery energy, leaping into the air and aiming for the rhythmic fighters' chin. "Water Dragon Punch!"

COMBATSYS: Aranha fails to interrupt Strong Kick from Sergio with Random Weapon.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Aranha           1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0           Sergio

Aranha had looked at the chair one moment before the uppercut came along. He planned on putting his hand in the way attempting to soften the impact but still use the upward force of the uppercut in conjunction with pushing off with his feet to carry him up and over the chair before trying to move in and clock him but good with it. Instead he finds the attack going past his guard and into his chin sending him flying before he's forced to take a seat in the chair. He doesn't get up quickly this time and he's rubbing his chin because that chi engulfed fist had hurt... Alot.

Whatever Aranha is trying to do with that chair, Sergio doesn't have a clue. The fact that his fist strikes true and batters into Aranha, sending him up and away before actually landing in the chair. ...pretty neat trick, that! A cocky grin spreads on Sergio's face. "Hah! Wh-" He cuts himself off short of a taunt, however, remembering that he said he was going to fight in silence. So instead, he just grins wider.
And rather than advancing up to him and sending out another powerful strike, Sergio keeps his distance, suddenly pulling out a six foot length of rope out of nowhere and flinging it towards the sitting teenage intruder. As it flies a small vortex of water forms around it, the result being a mini tornado of water spinning quickly across the ground with a rope at neck height, the intent to blast him with energy and wrap the rope around his neck to choke him all at once.

COMBATSYS: Aranha dodges Sergio's Whirlpool.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Aranha           1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0           Sergio

Aranha leans to the side of the chair to plant both his hands on the ground to cartwheel out of the way of both the rope and the vortex of energy just barely saving him from the hurt that surely would've came had he stayed where he was. Of course, if anything was made clear at the beginning of the fight, it is that being stationary equals death.

And keeping moving is exactly what he does. He sways and cartwheels and flips as he closes the distance before going into a handstand and going into a rapid spin attempting him to maneuver Sergio into a wall.

COMBATSYS: Sergio fails to interrupt Inverted Tornado from Aranha with Old Faithful.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Aranha           1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0           Sergio

The rope Sergio had just flung ends up hitting the chair, wrapping around it, the water energy evaporating into nothing. The Italian has a way of dealing with this inrushing like this one, and though Aranha is incredibly quick on his feet, he thinks he'll manage it. He tries to keep his eyes on him as he cartwheels and flips, and right before he's about to attack Sergio thrusts his arm into the air, and a geyser of water shoots up from the base of his feet.
And... it completely fails to hit in time! Perhaps it might have if Sergio was fresh, but he'd been throwing a lot of energy around, and it'd made him just a tiny bit sluggish. That little bit was enough for Aranha to get in, handstand and kick him around enough to send the counterattack off course, and successfully put Sergio against the ropes, as it were.

Aranha doesn't have a fairly good record against attacks that come up from under him and needless to say, he's a bit surprised when the geyser of water builds up at Sergio's feet and moreso when he realizes his own attack still gets in free and clear. Of course, it doesn't go exactly as planned but he'll take a clean hit, any way he can get it. Besides he has to be adaptable.

Aranha still intends on taking advantage of the position he has from manuevering Sergio closer to the wall and so he drops out of the handstand but keeps his hands on the ground as he extends a leg to hook his foot around Sergio's pulling it from under him taking away his balance and giving him time to temporarily pin him against the wall.

COMBATSYS: Aranha successfully hits Sergio with Quick Throw.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Aranha           1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0           Sergio

When the leg comes to hook behind his own, Sergio makes what should be a simple maneuver: getting out of the way. However, he's a fairly large man, and he's more used to just taking hits head on than getting out of the way, so he's not quite fast enough, move a little to the side. In the end, the attack works perfectly, the attempt to move simply making it easier to topple him over, sliding down against the wall and landing on the floor. He hasn't taken any terribly hard hits so far, but all the little ones are beginning to add up, and beginning to annoy him as well. He's normally pretty good about catching people mid attack with his own, as well, and it's just not working out.
What does this mean? Back to basics! All these fancy tricks just aren't working, so it's time to just go out and use brute force to take this guy down. So now that he's effectively tripped, and on the ground, he'll have to make due. How he does that is simple; he lunges. He simply gets up on hands and knees and then launches himself at Aranha's center of mass, trying to use his weight as an advantage to simply bowl him over, and then try to pin him, all the while coating his body with that watery chi to make the entire process harder to deal with.

COMBATSYS: Aranha dodges Sergio's Strong Throw.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Aranha           1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0           Sergio

Aranha draws back his foot after his attack landed holding him against the wall for only an instant. It gave him the time he needed to work himself back into a handstand. From this handstand he pushes off the ground launching himself up into the air, up and over the attempt to tackle him down to the ground.

When he comes down from the launch he lands quietly on his feet. His body in perfect position to kick Sergio while he's down as he moves towards the chair he had landed in earlier in the fight.

COMBATSYS: Sergio blocks Aranha's Strong Kick.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Aranha           1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0           Sergio

With Aranha coming down at him like that, Sergio sees what he thinks to be the perfect opportunity to stuff him and make attacking him like that a horrible mistake. However this kind of thinking has gotten him punished this whole fight, so he goes back to the basics, toughening his body up and preparing for a hard hit, reaching an arm out and 'catching' the foot with it, providing an able platform for his agile opponent to bounce off of, but giving him an easy method of taking as little pain from the attack as possible.
Once he's safe he picks himself up off the ground he rushes after Aranha once more, not sure what he's trying to do with that chair, but not wanting him to do it. He's going to shoulder charge, a literal wave of water forming behind him and flowing past him to boost his speed, trying to smash into Aranha from behind either before or just as he reaches the chair.

COMBATSYS: Aranha interrupts Medium Kick from Sergio with Joker's Wild.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Aranha           0/-------/------=|=======\==-----\1           Sergio

This time what Aranha had in mind, works. The impact from the shoulder charge is felt but he goes with it by kicking off of him at the most opportune moment and minimizing the possible damage it could do to him. It also has the benefit of propelling him exactly where he was planning to go which was to the said chair which then proceeds to launch himself off of, blue glowing body and trail of shadows and all, to land a kick on the bigger man, which he then uses as a spring board to launch him over to the couch which he uses to leap on top the television(which doesn't get damaged) to launch a second kick from there. He launches himself off the Italian to the wall and kicks off to grab the light fixture which surprisingly remains stable. He drops feet first from the fixture to then drop down on the man. He continues to bounce around the room launching various kicks from various angles before finishing with a kick from the ground where leaps into the air twisting while keep his leg held straight and tucked to his chest as he drops down upon him.

While at first it feels like he hit cleanly, but then the way Aranha kicks off him and shoots forward reveals that something is very, very wrong here. In only a moment the speedy invader is bouncing off of everything in the room and sending flying kicks at Sergio from every direction, the Italian completely unable to cope by the sudden nature of it and getting nailed with every single one of them. Even when it looks like it's over he keeps on going. This was the battering that hadn't hit Sergio yet, and now that it has he looks way worse for the wear, sweat beginning to bead on his face. "That was some crazy shit..."
Despite all the pain he's in, he simply can't let Aranha hit him so hard without taking punishment in return, so he picks himself up off the ground and attacks, moving into an almost purely brawling stance and swinging out with a right hook to the jaw, and following with a hard left to the gut, water rushing from his shoulders around his arms to his fists that should arrive at the moment of contact. "Hnng, haah!"

COMBATSYS: Aranha interrupts Fierce Punch from Sergio with Vingativa.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Aranha           0/-------/----===|=======\====---\1           Sergio

Aranha already knows he's in for it the moment begins moving in towards him. With the hook coming he tries to dodge but he can't quite get away from it. But he manages to adapt to the rest of the attack, stepping inside of the gut punch before it can fully be brought to bear and he sneaks his leg in behind both of Sergio's legs, presses his elbow against his abdomen and with a bit of leverage, pushes him backwards onto the ground.

Once again it seems like his attack is going to work perfectly as planned, and once again something suddenly goes wrong. At least it isn't quite as painful this time, right? He's shoved to the ground in an unceremonious manner, the legs trip elbow shove combination stopping his second punch from even completing its motion, whirling about instead to try and keep him on balance. In the end, however, it doesn't end up mattering a bit, and he falls back onto his rear.
He crawls backwards once the attack is completed, and then picks himself up off the ground. The frown on his face shows what he thinks of what just happened. Luckily he still has his trump card. He begins drawing upon his power, invisible to most people but dreadfully obvious to anyone who can sense energy, an incredible amount of it building up. All at once he releases it, a massive wave of water forming behind himself and Aranha. Sergio gets caught up in his and is swept forward powerfully, the one behind his opponent looking to drag him right to the powerful Italian. No matter what happens one thing's certain: The room is getting drenched.

COMBATSYS: Aranha blocks Sergio's Unrealized Potential.

[                            \\  < >  /////////                     ]
Aranha           0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           Sergio

Aranha is snatched up by the wave as it rushes towards Sergio, who is almost surfing within his own. The two waves come together and crash fantastically, Sergio pulling back both of his fists and smashing them with all his strength into his opponents stomach, cataclysmic eddies forming as the water swirls about the both of them and raising up to the ceiling, the Italian completely unharmed by his own energy, leaving Aranha to take the full brunt of the attack.

Aranha probably could've dodged it by making a dive for the table but with his fatigue, wobbly legs and the wet beating he's been taking all fight long he just didn't have the confidence in his ability to move out of the way of the two giant waves. He is indeed snatched up by the waves but he some how has the presence of mind to brace himself for the impact but he knows that even that wasn't enough and body can't take much more combat at this point.

He's not even sure he wants to stay around for Sergio's interrogation and so out of desperation, he dives out the window he came in. Forget about trying to get it open. He's down the fire-escape and moving from building. His 'friend' will definitely hear about this from him. A part of him is saddened, not by defeat but by the fact that in a completely different situation he might've been able to have fun with this fight.

COMBATSYS: Aranha takes no action.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Sergio           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Aranha can no longer fight.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Sergio           0/-------/-------|

With Sergio recovering from his attack, Aranha has plenty of time to get through the window, especially since he's doing it the easy way and just plowing right through it. The Italian is left sweating, with the entire room soaked, and his groceries strewn about the ground. At least the water's only chi, so he doesn't have a /real/ mess to clean up, right?
"Damn punks breaking into my house... now I've gotta replace a window, too. What a pain." He takes a look around, "Don't think he took anything... Guess I can forgive him and let him get away this time, he did just pay for breaking in, after all. Haha!"

COMBATSYS: Sergio has ended the fight here.

Log created on 23:34:13 08/08/2007 by Aranha, and last modified on 22:30:13 08/14/2007.