Yurika - Kasane Ate w/o Kasane Ate

Description: Determined to become the Counsil President of Seijyun, Yurika first invites senior Kasumi Todoh to lunch in hopes of making a good impression on her in order to start a domino effect with the underclassmen.

The village mall is nothing special these days. The occassional sale here, the bustling arcade there, it's a very cool place for those wacky teenagers to hang out, and the lesser educated adults to get a job, but if it weren't for a smaller chain store of 'Baby, The Stars Shine Bright', Yurika would simply have no interest in this place at all.

Which would also mean she'd have missed out on the opening of a newer and very nice coffee house 'Silver Spoon'. There's been a few complaints that it's rather pricy, but this is likely because the place is, while small, filled with all sorts of little quirks, lovely wooden tables with checker/chess boards or placements for playing cards. Their dessert selection is nothing short of amazing, so it has good reviews at least.

Kasumi might be suprised to recieve an invitation from the prissy student of the music club. But in the invitation it was made clear she'd be paying so it may at least be worth checking out, right? And there the girl resides right now, placed at a window seat and perhaps to ones suprise is not completely decked out in gothic lolita attire, but a nice light blue dress, very conservative, but with
plenty of frills along the hem and shoulderless top. Soft music fills the air-conditioned air.

Music club would be one of the few clubs that Seijyun high has that Kasumi isn't involved in. Not that she has a problem with music, but she sees no practical reason to join a club that could not improve her fighting style in any shape or form. Sweating to the Oldies just isn't her thing. She isn't Yuri afterall. She decides to accept the invitation more on general curiousity and the fact that she tries to be a upstanding student so the younger ones such as Yurika can have someone to look up to. Nevermind the fact that some of her antics on television during SNF are quite the opposite of the image she tries to keep in school.

She had finished up training with the Aikido club not long ago before heading out towards the mall which means she is pretty much dressed as if she is ready to fight. Not like that is really different. One has to wonder if she even has a school uniform since she never wears it and instead always seems to be in her gi and hakama as if she is ready for any challenge that might come her way. That or she is just expecting to run into a Sakazaki at any time and she has to be prepared.

She steps into the 'Silver Spoon' After greeting another friend in passing from school then she glances about to find the would be inviter. Sure she has seen Yurika before, but that is about it. She has never really talked to the girl which is why she is also curious as to why Miss Priss might be inviting her out for coffee. "Ahh, there you are." she says once spotting Yurika and taking a seat across from her.

Yurika doesn't follow up very much on the television scene, sure she watches the news and such but there's very little interest in the Neo League or the Saturday Night Fight franchise. She'll watch her brothers matches on occassion however, but that's another story.

When Kasumi finds her, the muscian was just thumbing through a magazine, her dark-eyed gaze raising when she hears Kasumi's voice, "Oh goodness." She gives a small smile, setting the book in her handbag, and nods her head to the other girl. She's a bit of the nosey type, so she knows most of Kasumi's academic records. "Miss Todoh, thank you very much for accepting my invitation, it's been a rather busy year for me, leaving me unable to meet as many people as I would have liked. As you know, I'm Yurika Kirishima, and I was hoping to be able to discuss some things Seijyun-related if you wouldn't mind? It'd be very helpful for me, and perhaps for yourself as well in the future."

The senior's face sours ever so slightly at being called something so formal. She can rarely stand it when Miu calls her senpai or the like, but she supposes there is no harm in the little names the girls use for her. Afterall, they are just trying to be respectful. She bows her head some in response to Yurika's introduction and then sits up straight in her seat. "To be honest I was surprised that you would invite me to discuss things. We are mostly involve in quite different fields when it comes to clubs and the like."

She does tilt her head to the side at the mention of discussing things related to school, though. "Very well. What is it you wish to talk about?" she asks while her curiousity deepens. Granted she will still be involved with helping in clubs once she graduates there is much else Kasumi will be dealing with in school matters when she graduates. She wonders why it took Yurika so long in deciding to speak to her about such things.

"You're exactly correct," Yurika replies at first. She noticed Kasumi's reaction, the expression more accuratly, but isn't certain how to correct it. Was she too formal, or not formal enough? "While I wouldn't say we are polar opposites, we are distant in a sense that 'unity' wouldn't exactly apply to us. And I was hoping to create a change there. First allow me to apologize, I have had a lot on my plate this year, and have been dealing with closer issues this time around. This is because I plan to, next year, run for student council president."

At this point the waiter, a well dressed teenage boy approaches, and Yurika orders a cup of tea. "I have not had time to create better standings with the clubs more professed in martial arts. This is a problem because as it stands, it is the musicians that tend to be the target of redicule by most outsiders, and for the fighters to have 'their back' as it were, would be extremely helpful. I'm sure there's a way some sort of academic payment could be given in return. I am not in touch with these groups, wheras you have a very very strong influence there. What do you think?"

No sake here to get. Such a shame. Not like many people usually let Kasumi get a drink unless they know her well enough. This sadly isn't King's place. Instead she orders a plain coffee and listens to Yurika while keeping focused on her fellow student. She isn't sure if she is disappointed in finding out what this is about or perhaps a bit relieved. She has heard Yurika can be a bit nutty at times. Then again it is hard to be considered nutty by Kasumi when she has to deal with her father's antics day to day.

She does shake her head after Yurika finishes and then takes a sip of her coffee. "I don't think you really need to worry about that. My fellow club members are disciplined and wouldn't do such things." Or at least while she is around. Kasumi is a very small individual, but it is amazing how even the naughtiest of students will turn straight laced if it means avoiding her ire. "Student council is something silly anyways. I have never ran for it and I probably command more respect from my fellow student than any council member." she says with a dismissive wave. "But if that was your only concern I doubt you have to worry. The girls won't cause problems."

Yurika probably isn't in her right mind. However it's her charisma within Seijyun that helps out there, and of course being practically a posterchild of 'prim and proper' is helpful. Lots of little technical things keep her from being openly labled a complete weirdo.

After Kasumi insists there wouldn't be much trouble, Yurika gives a small sigh of relief, and nods her head. "Oh thank goodness, I'm very pleased to hear that. But yes, that was my concern as well. No matter how high a social standing you may have, there will be some that you simply cannot effect. Like, take Miss Himezaki for instance. There simply is little hope for me there, and I've come to accept that. However, I am not afraid to ask for help in these situations, as you have seen. My goal overall, however, is to maintain social standing and prestige of Seijyun itself."

She smiles, "And no club is capable of doing that. Things like that are what I'm interested in, I see myself being a business womon of a major corporation one day." Her dark eyes shift to Kasumi once more, "What is your goal?"

Slowly the older student is starting to find out it was probably best never to have met this girl before. Not that she has much of a problem with Yurika, but she does seem a bit too ambitious for her own good. Or too worried about proving herself to people. "My goal?" she echos and to be honest that isn't something she has to think long and hard about. "To defeat my greatest rival in one on one combat." she simply states then takes another sip of her coffee. "The Sakazaki family wronged mine a few years ago and I simply wish to avenge my father's honor."

Nevermind the fact she doesn't go on into detail beyond that. The training with Eiji, the slight involvement of underhanded tactics to get under the Kyokugen fighters' skin. Sometimes things have to be done to meet your goal and she does wonder how long it is before Eiji does go off and actually murder one of them. They may have a pact, but it is hard to trust someone when they are one of the highest profile assassins money can buy.

As well it should be difficult to pin exactly what Yurika's issue is, she has a rather strange poker-face. It almost seems like it's a dreamy-state, betraying her rather serious words. The girl takes a sip of her tea, pausing and seeming rather suprised by Kasumi's 'goal', her jaw just goes a little slack.
"H- How.. Ah.. Passionate. But that is a rather interesting goal, I similarly have an issue with the Sakazaki family, though it seems very miniscule compared to your own. Though we had a family dishonor once though."
"Nearly everyone involved is dead now. Not very dissimilar to that of a mob war probably, I was too young to remember it well." Yurika shakes her head slightly. "... Hmn, though you said 'defeat', not 'kill', didn't you."

"Kill? Of course not." Kasumi says while frowning deeply. "I would not lower myself to do such a thing. Murder is a deed that only cowards commit. I have no respect for those who would go down that path." If anything perhaps a nerve was struck. Did Yurika somehow know of Kasumi's affiliation with Eiji? No, she couldn't have. Not even Krauser himself knows as far as she has been told. No way in hell some random girl from her school would know.

"Of couse I shouldn't have to tell you that." she finally says while seeming to relax a bit once again. "Even people that pretend to be hardasses like Zaki-san wouldn't stoop to being a murderer. She may be strange, but she has honor. I'd trust her more than some other people I have met around this town."

Yurika jumps slightly in her seat. Kasumi didn't outburst or anything, but the way her words come out are suprisingly effective! The silver-haired girl shakes her head quickly with an apologetic smile, "N- No, I apologize, that wasn't what I was trying to insinuate at all. Believe me I am very pleased that your rivalry doesn't involve anything like that and I'm touched by your feelings on the matter."

The underclassman settles as well, she glancing thoughtfully to the ceiling and then back to her companion. "But I see what you mean. It's important to be open-minded and not to judge a book by their cover. I confess to being guilty of that on occassion and try hard to be more open-minded. Yet I still find myself suprised that you believe so strongly in Miss Himezaki.. In fact, I envy you, it seems that you fighters have some sort of mutual understanding that I simply cannot grasp. I'm a bit of a swordsman myself, but I've learned it just doesn't seem to be the enough to understand."

Perhaps really that is what she has with the rather strange chain fighter. A mutual respect for one another in doing what the believe is the right way of handling things. "I am not even sure if it is just because we are both practitioners of a fighting style, Yurika." she says and sets her empty coffee cup down. "Call it a feeling one has about being able to judge a person's intentions. Zaki may act tough and try to be rebellious to an extent, but she means well. Have you ever seen her involved with something wrong? I can't think of any incidents."

With that being said she does finally rise from her seat and she bows her head once again. "Thank you for the coffee, but I must return home for training and to make dinner for father. Our mother is away on business and he is the type to burn the house down." And if only she were lying. If there is away to make something simple into a catastrophic event, her father would be the person to find a way. "Feel free to always look for me if you wish to talk." She gives a polite smile and a wave before turning about to head out of the coffee shop.

Yurika's lips curl inward for a moment. Again, suprisingly wise words from Kasumi- Not that Yurika ever questioned her intelligence, she just came off as a lot simpler.
She wondered if Kasumi thought the same about her, but only the ocassional observation would answer that for sure. The musicians smile is much more pleasent, however, as Kasumi excuses herself. "Thank you very much for your time and kindness," she replies. She'll actually be getting herself another cup, so makes no motion to leave anytime soon. "I won't forget anything you said. And ah.. The house burning down would be a bad thing. Do take care."

Yurika would give a final wave, and then sit back, enjoying her brew. No.. She enjoys her brew intensely. Precious precious tea.

Log created on 20:57:02 07/25/2007 by Yurika, and last modified on 04:06:12 02/09/2009.