Description: Yurika is quite comfortable in the company of those who don't speak much. It's a must, really, to be best friends with Akira. She approaches Aislinn (whom she had previously talked into joining Seijyun) to thank her for pulling Akira out of trouble in Thailand, and attempts to tighten their bond as a result.
And so Summer is the here and now, and all the Thailand chaos has finally come to an end. It'd been a really difficult time for some, very easy for others, and to no suprise things have been very quiet at Seijyun.
For Yurika Kirishima, the time of tears have ended, and it's back to work for her, but she's also been in a pleasent mood since she'll be getting some training time with her younger brother at last.
At the moment Yurika is returning from making a run to the store, dressed about as frilly as one would expect, with a fine mix of blue and white colors in her gothic lolita apparel. Her parasol protects her from the sun, and just a regular ol plastic bag is in her other hand.
It's no suprise to her that campus is nearly deserted, it's pretty much club activities and summer classes that go on nowadays.
And yet, some without club or activity are here regardless. For Aislinn, it is a quiet time indeed. Though there were times she had to be in Thailand, mainly to keep an eye on Cross--who, having mysteriously disappeared, is no longer Aislinn's concern, as offically told to her by NESTS.
Thus, she is resting under a tree, with a stack of books beside her. A side of Aislinn few, if any, have actually seen--the girl who enjoys a quiet spot and a few good books. Of course her senses are up, they're always up--and not too long ago she was ambushed here...
It's certainly news to Yurika. She figured Aislinn would study when necessary, but to be reading casually? She honestly didn't think Aislinn the sort. However it's a very welcome and pleasent suprise that gets thoughts of some sort developing in that unusual mind of hers. The sound of her mary-janes should be all Aislinn needs to know that Yurika is arriving, only to come to a halt when she finds herself standing in front of her fellow schoolmate. "Good day to you, Aislinn," is murmured with a small smile. "I didn't think you would be about during the season."
"I have nowhere else to go," comes the reply, calm and soft. There is no indication that she cares about it; while it's true she could go back to NESTS HQ, when she's there she's subjected to tests and poking and prodding and she prefers to stay away from it. So, she'll stay at Seijyun until she's called for.
The books, by the way, are not exactly light, scholastic summer reading; mostly war history books, also war technology books... the closest she gets to light reading are some hardcover Tom Clancy novels. "I see your shopping trip was a success," she continues... even though she hasn't really lifted her head much, if at all. The scrape of a page being turned sounds into the heavy summer air.
Yurika takes note of the reading, but it's pretty well known what her interests are. She doesn't seem to give them a second thought. She glances to her bag though, and then back to Aislinn, "Oh yes, just some minor things really. There was a new blend released that I wanted to try. If you'd like, you could join me then?"
The idea that Aislinn had nowhere to go is not lost upon her at all. It was part of the reason why she had recommended the girl come to Seijyun in the first place but... It'd seem her 'lone wolf' status hadn't changed very much. Yurika glances then to the school itself, almost distractedly, "You won't have places to go to unless you allow yourself to open up."
"I... have considered that," replies the girl. Again, she sounds calm, but there's a faint note of... annoyance? Admiration? She had figured Yurika to be so wrapped up in her own things... much like Aislinn... that the fact of Aislinn's orphan status would have been lost on her. It's admirable, but she doesn't know if she likes having someone being able to read her that well.
*clop* Her book is closed, and Aislinn sits up, reaching behind her for a large tote bag. The books go into the totebag, and then Aislinn is standing up. Her getting-up recovery frames are pretty small, a nice advantage when people are trying to play knock-down footsie gam--er, right. She gets up fast.
And she finally looks at Yurika for a long moment.
"Very well," she says, making a decision, "Let us try this 'new blend'..."
Yurika has put a lot of attention into the school and its students. Because she doesn't want to hurt people directly, she just went ahead and made it her duty to know her classmates as well as possible; though she would easily admit that Aislinn and Zaki are the most difficult.
And really, she won't get any work done mulling over her own problems.
The prissy musician smiles once more, gesturing to the girls dorms, "Excellent, hopefuly it will be worth both our while." She goes ahead and takes the lead then, though she purposefully stays two steps ahead of Aislinn, just to see what happens. "It has been some time, hasn't it? I never did get to ask, was 'Odin's Hammer' interesting?" She meant Odin Sphere, of course.
"Odin Sphere," Aislinn translating the mistitling easily, "is a worthy title. However, I have already decimated it." Not that she'd ever return the game... even if she does have a 100 Terabyte RAID system set up just to hold all her games as 'backups'... yeah, that thing keeps her warm at night. Literally.
Aislinn glances over at Yurika, a rare display of curiosity... but, no, she's asked Yurika the question before, and she doesn't think she'll get a satisfactory answer. So, instead... the tea. "Is this new blend untested or have you tried it before?" ... yeah, she's not good with small talk.
Yurika glances over her shoulder a moment, and chuckles. It seems Aislinn is even more of a hardcore gamer than Akira, though.. Akira did seem mainly fixated on Megaman than anything else. She did poorly playing it herself.
And while Aislinn's question may not seem to be an ice breaker, Yurika proves that otherwise. "Oh goodness no, I tend to stick with my favorites, but sometimes for a change in pace I'll try something new. It's sort of like wine, in a way. Someone always comes up with something new. This particular blend originates in korea, and uses a very common leaf, but is only served in korea at this time of the year. I can't pronounce it's name, but it's a green tea of sorts. I won't pretend to be a korean historian, however, I really don't know much about korean custom aside from that."
"As you can probably tell, it's one of my favorite beverages. It helps me relax my nerves, and there's just something very.. Traditional about it, so it really works for me, as you might suspect. For someone like you, though.. And forgive me for being judgemental but- I could see you enjoying sake as soon as you possibly could. Not that I would ever endore such a thing. So then what might your alternative be? Cola, perhaps?"
Yurika winks. And oddly enough it seems she's blabbed long enough to reach her room.
The pace is very deliberate, but Aislinn takes the turns and twists without thinking. She knows the campus well enough; she has a perfect fix on where she is, even if Yurika were attempting to trap her someway. And yes, Aislinn is a pretty hardcore gamer; it's about the only hobby she has. Fighting is her work; school is her cover. Gaming... is what she has to remind her she isn't some mindless robot.
"I see," she says--and technically she does, as she has plenty of scholastic knowledge of tea. As much as Yurika, at least. But it isn't her -passion-, so she doesn't understand it on that instinctive level. "Yes," she replies, without a trace of irony, "I believe the entire campus is aware of your love of tea." A pause. Her own drink preferences? Other than vitamin-and-electrolyte laden energy drinks given to her specially by NESTS (looks a lot like Gatorade of course)... "... I drink water, usually," she replies.
"Sake and other alcohols dull the senses, I see no advantage in consuming such beverages."
Yurika takes out her keys to unlock the door, and then step inside. Her room is rather small, obviously made for just one person to stay in. There are posters along the walls of famous musicians and on the shelves of the walls porceline teacup sets and plates reside. Other than that there isn't much, the usual bed and desk (with a small stack of 'Gothic Lolita Bible' issues on it) and television, with an old playstation near the tv. Her instruments must be in her closet. Somehow she managed to fit a tea-table within the area.
"Do they? That's interesting, I wonder how that got out.." Yurika doesn't make it clear if she's joking or not. She goes ahead and leaves the door open, sets her shopping bag on the floor and her parasol aside. "Water.. That's interesting I would have suspected something a little different. As for alcohol, you're right there is no advantage to it, but that isn't quite the point."
Yurika turns to face Aislinn, "I would have thought of it as an act of rebellion. But.. You're not entirely a rebel, are you Aislinn? You have quirks that contradict the way you act otherwise. Like.. A soldier."
A shrug. "It is common knowledge..." And she pauses, on entering the room. No smaller than hers, of course, but arranged so differently... Aislinn's is spartan, save for the elaborate games setup in the corner... no indication of personality save for that.
"I do not rebel unless there is a reason for it... Rebellious acts are important and should be treated with caution. Those who 'rebel' for no reason rarely seem to consider the consequences that will be visited upon them."
She carefully does not answer the soldler comment... instead she seats herself, and muses, "What did you think of the Thailand situation?"
The musician prepares the kettle, a small silver one, and her movements are rather fluid even as she listens to Aislinn. Though when she's finished, "It'd make sense for you to say something like that. Yet again your words betray your actions, I'm sure you're aware of what kind of presense you leave with the underclassman and even some of the administration. I'm curious to what your goal is to that extent."
Yurika then turns on the radio, classical music filling the air at a reasonable volume. She takes a seat at the opposite end of the table then, her dark eyes darkening just slightly. Her answer probably isn't what Aislinn would expect, yet makes sense all the same, "I was scared to death for Akira. I was pleased to hear from Zaki that you were helping her."
"I have no goal," replies Aislinn, and she does so as blandly as possible. "I am simply a student here at Seijyun High School." Almost anyone would believe her, huh? "What impressions I leave on others is their business; I choose to let that not affect my life." Or she'll use it to her advantage.
"Akira-san... was in a bad situation, and Zaki requested my aid." She also betrayed them, but that's hardly common knowledge, now is it? "I believe thatthose who survived will become stronger. So perhaps the Thailand events were not as bad as people may believe."
There's another pause from Yurika and she quirks an eyebrow, juuust slightly in response. But yet her smile again plays her features as she nods her head slowly. "Of course, none of us do, Aislinn.. Yet still, sometimes I question if it was really me that convinced you to transfer to Seijyun. I suppose, though, I'm not quite close a companion to really share that with, am I?"
"But that aside, I very sincere in my thanks. She's very.. Very precious to me. And it isn't fun feeling powerless in situations like that. And while you may be right, that she could become stronger as a result, that doesn't make me wish any less that she hadn't been involved at all." Yurika's eyes trail to the side. "I wonder if you have someone.. That's precious to you."
Aislinn muses for a moment, her expression betraying little. Let Yurika think what she wants--both are playing games, really, and Aislinn knows it. She's inadequately equipped for this... so she has only one play, and that is the stone wall. "You planted the seed," she says. Of course, that's true, but the decision was made by NESTS...
"You are as close a companion as I have, Yurika," she says, and that's true; every since Candy... left... well, Aislinn doesn't dwell on that. She never considered Cross a companion, more like walking trouble, so....
The rest of Yurika's speech is absorbed except for the last bit, which... causes Aislinn to flinch, in some way. It might be the eyes, it might be a slight tic... it's hard to say.
"Of course I have someone precious to me," she replies.
"I do that from time to time.. Plant seeds." Yurika glances back to Aislinn, purposfully silent for a moment. It's evident to her at this point that despite checking up on the student now and then, there is still so little she knows on a personal level. Of course, sometimes obsession with other things tends to get in the way of that. Her smile is more pleasent, more real the second time. "That's wonderful. I'm very pleased to hear that. About someone being precious to you, not so much having me as a companion, as much as that pleases me as well. But there is something we both have in common that makes things difficult, and that's distance. Granted, this is less of a problem for you since you are not a heavily social individual. Something I do hope to help you break free of in the future. And you've been wondering why I show so much interest in you, right?"
Aislinn lifts her tea mug, letting the steam wreath her face for a moment. The pause is pregnant like a Southern woman, until her voice breaks the silence like a whispered gunshot--quiet but eminently audible. "I had... wondered... yes. Because despite what you may believe..."
"I am not an extraordinary individual." Compared to 'mundanes', yes, she is. But there are many who are at her skill level or higher--many who are more ruthless than she--many who are more precise. She is, in some sense, a 'jack of all trades' who specializes in nothing.
Yurika doesn't show the slightest bit of discomfort during the silence. Well, the silence from Aislinn at least, the musician just simply waits patiently until her companion gives her response. And once she does, the musician chuckles lightly, and shakes her head in disagreement, "That is where you are incorrect, of course. Being extraordinary in even the smallest thing is a significant ability in my eyes. What it is, exactly, I'm not ready to reveal to you yet. Just.. Keep it in mind, for now, and in the future.."
Yurika takes a moment to pause this time. "Well, I suppose that is enough on that subject.. There are some slightly more pressing matters to speak of, aren't there Aislinn? I could go on and on about my current situation.. I'll allow you to speak first, if you'd like."
Aislinn seems just as comfortable during the next silence, following Yurika's invitation to 'take the lead', as it were. Any sounds heard come not from her, but from the world around her--the sound of tea moving in cups, the cough-starting buzz of an air-conditioner unit starting u...
The Silent Assassin simply looks at Yurika, her eyes as calm and still as they can be--which, given her background, are more still than if Yurika were looking at an 8 by 10 glossy of the girl. Finally, she speaks.
"You mentioned the Student Council some time ago. Do you require assistance in ensuring your election?
Yurika's usually calm demeanor faulters- Quite visably to Aislinn's question. She looks honestly suprised, and not only that her cheeks redden a bit as well. She brushes her hair back a little as she clears her throat, and then her smile returns once more as she shakes her head. "I.. Ah, no, at the moment I do not, but I thank you deeply for your offer. As it stands, so long as Zaki doesn't oppose me, I should gain favor from everyone else as a domino effect. However.."
Yurika picks up her cup, and takes a sip. "Should I find myself needing some help, I will be sure to contact you. I suppose now would be a good time to let you know that when my position is secured, I will definatly need you. I have an idea for an elite organization."
Ah yes, Zaki. The gangster girl has been in the background lately, tending to Akira and dealing with day to day business. Truth be told, Aislinn will be glad to not have to deal with Zaki--the beating she took from her was pretty severe, and Aislinn -does- have a memory for such things. However...
Aislinn nods, slowly. "Very well. As long as your plans do not run counter to any objectives I may hold, I see no issue in aiding you." The concept of an 'elite' organization is interesting, but Aislinn's only reaction is to incline an eyebrow slightly.
"So you intend to rule by force...
The musician's cheeks turn to normal color not too long after, and she actually seems a little amused by Aislinns visual reaction. And she replies quite bluntly, "There is a high chance it will, simply because I don't know what those objectives are. To be honest, I simply cannot fathom what an outside organization would want with Seijyun. Aislinn, I like you.. But I am not afraid to force you to make a decision either, should we end up having to butt heads. On the other hand, call it arrogance, but I don't believe you will stab me in the back in the end."
She sets her cup down then, and shakes her head, "I do not want to have to operate in that way, right now I have extremely little power. I have to work much like I have all my life.. Very hard and carefully. But I want to be as fair as I possibly can. I know it sounds backwards, but.. That is just how I am. As for this organization, it isn't related in that way. There is no way to tell, outside of upperclassman/lowerclassman relationships whom is truely powerful. I do not want Seijyun to be seen as just a school of 'fru-fru rich girls'. We are powerful as well."
"My current mission is nothing more than observation," is Aislinn's reply. Truthfully, NESTS won't have use for Seijyun except as a place to get interesting DNA data... and since no one of truly unusual power exists at Seijyun, the school is safe on that matter. But the subject of her 'employment'... it darkens her thoughts, and her eyes show it, just a touch.
"Force," replies Aislinn, "does not have to be the primary tool. Merely the most powerful and directly applied." Now she almost sounds like a lecturer, really. "By showing force, you disguise your power, unlike if you are -forced- to display your power."
"I see.. I could learn as much from you as you could from me, Aislinn.. I find myself having to make difficult choices regularly.. Simply because I just don't like being what I'm probably going to have to become one day. I enjoy teasing people, but.." Yurika pauses, and slowly shakes her head, "As you can tell I'm rather wishy-washy. It's not a weakness I'm very proud of. But you could not have explained it any more clearly, thank you for that. Don't think too much about it, however. I want this organization to feel like it's an honor to be part of. Once I fully map out it's purpose and how it will work, I'll ask you what you think."
Yurika taps her chin lightly, her gaze almost distant. "I suppose I should share my goal as well, though I believe I had made that obvious already. I do wish to have complete control over Seijyun. It has something that I want."
"Strength first comes from within," says Aislinn, and yes, that's a quote. It is attributed to many people, but whoever said it, it was true. She eyes Yurika for a long moment, again, steam wreathing her face as she regads her 'friend'. "I do not believe in honor outside of the sanctioned battlefield. I obey the rules..." ... and when it comes to unofficial fights or action... then there is only -one- rule--do whatever is necessary.
If Aislinn has any doubts about Yurika's ability to become whatever she 'must'... then she keeps them to herself. It isn't something that can just be told--Yurika must find her limits herself. Destruction? Dirty deeds? Death? Where does she draw the line?
"I see.." Yurika murmurs a second time, much more thoughtful. Is Yurika strong on the inside? It's something for her to think upon, though she's pretty sure that the answer is 'no'. But Kurow had always told her she had potential. And he's never wrong about things like that.
Yurika's cup is emptied with her next drink. "Honor outside of the battlefield. There really is much I need to learn, I need to understand things on my own if I'm to truly be a success. I think I understand that a little better. Well, Aislinn, for the time being, I do believe that covers that. There should be some new students coming in this year I hear, so keep your eyes open. I will need to be headed to the admin office, so I will have to excuse myself."
As the musician stands up, she raises one hand to her cheek, "We'll meet again of course, correct?"
"Given the location of your room and mine, and the status of our class schedules, it would take considerable effort to avoid you. I have better things to do with my time and energy." Aislinn rises, smoothly, and turns towards the door.
"I trust you will contact me when you need your opposition eliminated." Needless to say, she walks out thereafter--and yes, that was when, not if. Clearly Yurika couldn't be seen to be doing it herself even if it were possible...
Yurika can't help but shiver a bit. Even if it would be better for herself, Yurika can't help but feel mildly disturbed by how easily, without the slightest shake of tone, that Aislinn says her last words. She folds her hands behind her back, and then murmurs, "I.. Ah.. Thank you.."
Though it's likely long after Aislinn's made her exit.
Log created on 16:47:32 07/22/2007 by Yurika, and last modified on 04:00:33 02/09/2009.