Igniz - Meet The Sensei

Description: Ryuujin takes Eva to meet his 'Sensei'. Too bad that all is not as it seems...

The arts of unarmed combat are a lot more cosmopolitan than they used to be. Sometimes, Asia just isn't convienent for an aged master. As a result, it might be considered odd that a classic Reclusive Asian Mountain Dojo is hidden deep in the mountains, where a small cleft has created a reasonably pleasant miniature valley. Within, a wizened man in a black robe sits, crosslegged, on a cushion while meditating on rolls of calligraphy spread around him in an even spokelike pattern. Each roll appears to possess poetic verse on the seasons, gradually moving through all of them as one looks around the entire circle.

The journey is long and arduous, at least to one without even the slightest conditioning. Six hours walk, every bit of it strenuous. In four places, one potentially fatal with a slip, walls and outcroppings have to be scaled by hand. In two, a leap over a jagged chasm mayhaps a mile deep, the swallowing darkness peering like the pits of hell. The final act of faith is an ancient bridge, many boards missing and rope fraying majorly. It lies over a churning river, but an actual path to the dojo lies opposite. "Every time I walk this, I wonder if it shall break, and I shall die. And I wonder then, how many other disciples of my sensei have walked Fate's leylines, and thought the same... Someday, such will happen... but not today." is finished towards the girl who has hopefully not fallen and perished sometime during the trip. When he arrives, he's completely unwinded, not a trace of sweat on him. He wears his formal fighting clothing, the enshrouding pants and forearm guards, exposing the dragon tattoos on his body.
Sliding open the dojo door, Ryuujin enters, and immediately falls to his feet, bowing down in reverence usually reserved for emperors. He would not rise until bidden to. "Sensei. I have brought a friend from Southtown. Her name is Eva Manzetti. I would like you to meet her." What Eva might do is questionable. She might realize that... Ryuujin actually didn't *give* her any instructions in the slightest.

It seems like only yesterday that Eva and Ryuujin sat on that beachfront staring at the stars, wondering what the future would hold for the both of them. They even were prepared for the possibility that Ryuujin's master would disapprove of Eva, and that he would demand the two to be apart. Eva would respect this decision, of course, but it won't make the acid ball rolling in her stomach dissolve away.

The journey has only made it worse. Ryuujin may seem unfettered by this walk, but Eva is tired. Sweaty. Panting. It's not as if she's out of shape, as she lasted much longer than someone with no training whatsoever, but the physical endurance of an average fighter can only take her so far on terrain she is not used to. It's just that, if she had thought this through, she wouldn't have worn a white dress. The modestly cotton garment is stained with sweat and dirt, and a few nice scratches have now been added to the menagerie of injuries old and new marking her legs. And the shoes? Well, they're a lost cause, a pair of white ballet-style shoes with ribbon tied in a bow at each ankle. They did hold up very well considering being outside their intended element, however.

Standing in the doorway lik a deer in headlights, Eva takes a cue from Ryuujin, kneeling down and awkwardly bowing her body to the floor. "Good day, sensei."

The wizened man's eyes crinkle open, his glittering black eyes looking over the pair before him before he speaks in an elderly, but firm voice. "You return. It is good to see you again." His gaze flicks to Eva, then. "Hmm... Eva Manzetti. She has survived the journey, she is welcome here." The old man considers for a moment, and then his hands finally move, gesturing. "Rise, and make yourselves comfortable. Tell me of your travels... Have you been keeping up on your training, Ryuujin?"

"Yes, sensei." Ryuujin unfurls himself and rises, bowing again. "Eva has managed to fight me to a draw in single combat. Her skills are extraordinary. And she has only recently became a fighter. She served valiantly in Thailand, and has no fear and strong conviction, as well as a mind open to philosophy and the deeper meaning of existence. We have spoken deeply on life and it's mysteries, and I believe I am quickly adapting better to the world due to little more then her presence." And then, without any warning -- enough that poor Eva might be shocked, he adds on another. "I was hoping to court her. A relationship. Of course, without your blessing I shall break it off. It will not interfere with my duties, but I leave the decision to you. ...I shall go get tea."
And then Ryuujin flits off, slipping through a door in the back. Out of sight. ...Leaving Eva and his sensei alone.

Eva has put so much time into preparing herself for an inevitable rejection that the mere acceptance of her presence is a small miracle. The surprise lights up those pale blue eyes, which seem to echo the blue of the hot summer sky outside as she sits up. "... Ryuujin is always quick to praise me for being hard-working, but... I believe that the draw could have easily become a sure win. He challenged me throughly." Hands clench in her lap. "I will make sure I do not distract him; if anything, I wish to challenge him myself in combat as long as I am able. But, if a day comes when I am unable, I will still support him as he's supported me." It almost sounds like they're getting married, rather than courting, but Eva is certain Ryuujin's teacher would be unimpressed if she didn't treat it as seriously as that. Howeverr, the nervousness in her face becomes more apparent as Ryuujin departs, right at such a crucial moment when the sensei could speak his decision.

Ryuujin's seeming inability to put himself in other people's shoes has never felt so prevalent. She bows her head, looking almost defeated. ".... I would greatly appreciate your blessing, sensei, but, I realize you hold your student to a high standard. And... that he holds your opinion more highly than anything in the world. As much as the idea of it hurts me, if you feel that he would be better with someone else.... I'll abide by it. He is certainly.... very unique. I would never find such a friend as I've had with him."

The black eyes of the Sensei bore into Eva as she is left alone with him. They are piercing, but at the same time, cold and calculating, full of a brutal strength that seems to be present even within the frame of this... ancient man. After some time, he speaks, his voice firm. "Your own training has equaled his own? He has progressed well, being one of my finest students... Though he has a long way to go to reach his true potential. In time, he will become a powerful warrior. And you wish to court?" The Sensei grows quiet for several moments...

And then he speaks again. "When a horse and a donkey pull a cart, the yoke splits. Similarly, a courtship must be between those who are equals. If you wish to do so, I can only approve if you commit to becoming as powerful as he is. Otherwise, I am afraid that the weight of your differences would shatter you both."

"I do not believe it has. Equaled his own, I mean." Eva's head sinks down into her shoulders at the weight of the old man's gaze. She is no stranger to the idea that age does not equal fraility of mind or spirit, having drawn many wrinkled visages and dark eyes, but this one... She feels like a turtle without a shell to pull into. "... Yes. I wish to court him." This is spoken with more conviction.

To be always as strong as him? Somehow, agreeing to that feels more impossible a verdict than a simple 'no'. She cannot count on Ryuujin's growth being as simple as a steady climb, or what the future may bring. She closes her eyes as she says the only thing she can say to this: "I can only try my best to be his equal, and to do for as long as I can manage." Her family has been known to shine brightly, then crash before they were old enough to retire. Her grandfather? Died in his fifties, which was quite young, due to a blow that later caused complications with his nervous system when he challenged a man half his age to punch him as hard as he could, much like Houdini. Her father fared much better, and is still able to give lessons, but he would never enter the ring again after a blow shattered the bone in his leg like fine china. Eva may have even accelerated that process. "Should my body break in a way that impairs my ability to fight.... I will leave Ryuujin in the gentlest way possible, to ensure it does not hamper his ability to live up to your standards. Is that agreeable, sensei?"

The Sensei listens carefully to Eva's words. His expression is unmoving, the weathered visage like the mountain he lives on. He is apparently unaware of Eva's background and their strange fate to be crippled... But the granitelike face softens, becoming more... benevolent. "There are ways to recover from any wound, as long as the spirit remains strong... While I could teach you, I know only of the ancient remedies. If medicine fails, then there are other paths one can take to restore one's abilities. Perhaps there are teachers who can give you the proper instruction you would need. I know not what price they would ask for their services... But perhaps they would be able to give you the guarantee of never having to leave him at all... But it would be dangerous. Would you be willing to put forth the commitment and effort needed to accomplish this?"

One might expect Ryuujin to have been listening into the conversation with baited breath, were they not to know him. Igniz is probably completely unsurprised -- and with his senses, aware -- that this is not the case. He carefully boiled water, and then poured it into simple cups, generic and long aged. There are four of them total, each flavored with true herbs in old-fashioned baggies. They are then placed on a wooden tray. Before in one, he drops a single white pill. It dissolves in a split second, flavorless and odorless. He then carries it back out the doorway, smiling softly towards both present and bowing again. Falling to a kneel, one cup is handed to his sensei. Another is placed before himself on the ground, although far from the scrolls. And then he shifts his grey eyes, unblinking, to look Igniz in the eyes. "I was unsure which flavor you wished her to sample." Two are said, both exotic and flavorful. That is true. However, one has a powerful narcotic. Which will the unknown Igniz guide him to place before his unwitting girlfriend? There's no appearance of hesitation. No doubting his loyalties. He'll do what is asked... but Zero made very sure of that almost since his conception, didn't he?

It's more their own choosing than fate. Each pushed themselves further than they should have, tempted fate far too many times. Her brother's death could factor into this unluckiness, but a car crash on a typical snowy Metro City day is hardly a death so rarely witnessed to be ascribed to fate. ".... But what about how Ryuujin feels? If a procedure is dangerous and a price is uncertain.... I would rather see how far I can go myself. People may change, and we are still very very young. We have much room to grow."

She takes a deep breath, then looks at the old man. "I shall do things my way, as far as I can manage. I know myself and my limits, and if it comes to a broken body part that may hamper my ability to keep up with Ryuujin's abilities, I will consider then my options, as well as how he feels." She then looks up as Ryuujin enters, the tense pressure in her shoulders leaking slightly like air from a balloon as she seens him come in. She almost wants to jump up and run over to him, to hug him and wish they were back at the beach again. But here, she cannot.

"That is a respectable answer." The Sensei replies, "Find your limits, and then work to surpass them. That is the way of true growth."

The old man looks to Ryuujin as he returns, and smiles. He knows Ryuujin will do as asked. He knows the pellet with the poison is in the chalice with the palace. Or rather, what cup has it. The Sensei lifts his steaming cup of tea, gratitude on his face, and nods to Ryuujin. "I believe she would appreciate the Formosa right now." That would be the non-poisoned tea.

He returns his attention to Eva, and nods. "In time, you will find your true feelings. Until then, I will accept your courtship. Work to maintain equality and train as best as you can. Please, drink to the occasion." He lifts the cup, inhaling the fragrance of the herbal blend, before drinking the tea slowly... But the entire cup in one drink.

There's absolutely no hint upon his features to betray what he thinks of the choice. He merely nods his head a single time, taking the tea in question and offering it to Eva. Placing the tray behind, he maneuvers himself over beside the girl, folding his legs beneath in a calm sit. He sips lightly, savoring the flavors and smelling deeply of the steam. It truly is delicious. And although the walk was treacherous, he enjoys the view and solitary nature. It's almost a shame this is all a lie, a transparent stage that Eva is seated in unaware. He is glad at least that Eva will not have to suffer yet. And they can remain together. Even if he only gives a soft smile. "Your blessing is greatly appreciated. I promise, this will only make me stronger." Another bow, and he begins drinking in more earnest, quaffing the tea quickly. "That is all I wished to ask of you, sensei... It is a long walk back, and we do not wish to inconvenience you by staying the night. Is there anything else you wish of us?"

"..." The shock on Eva's face turns to a heady sort of happiness, a smile of relief filling her face and causing her eyes to shine.

The tea tastes so sweet now, combined with the drunk feeling of accomplishing the impossible. Even if it was under a certain condition, the idea of anything happening seems so far away. And she'll deal with it, when the time comes. Even her father was able to fight after his accident, and, if he opted for proper therapy and surgery for his leg, he could even enter the ring. "..... The tea is like heaven..."

So sad, perhaps, to realize how the girl has sealed her fate.

Sealed indeed. The 'Sensei' will have words for Ryuujin later, but for now... He continues to play the benevolent old man, smiling and nodding, "I expect you to use this experience to strengthen yourself, yes. In time, there may come a point where you will need to test your strength. Do not be found wanting, then." He sighs, setting aside his empty teacup. "If you are not staying, then you should leave soon. The path down is hazardous in the day, and even moreso at night. I have no other requests of you for now, but return soon for your next lessons."

"Yes, sensei. I know how valuable your time is, and Eva is not in dress to train for the rest of the evening. That is the only reason I opt not to demonstrate her abilities." Since it's doubtful she's wearing black shorts beneath her frayed white number, what with her desire to impress. Which really wouldn't bother Ryuujin, but -- well, that's an entirely different tangent. He rises, tea finished, and takes all of the cups, setting them back on the tray. He leaves into the back room to wash and replace them, giving time for any final words between the pair before arriving a fair bit quicker then before. Another deep bow, again upon the ground, is given to Igniz. Very close to the praise of a god, he might find... A hand would extend to help Eva off were she not to already stand of her own accord, before leading her towards the doorway. "I will keep in touch, sensei." is the last words said. Only when Igniz cannot see him is the slightest smile offered. Eva is no longer someone being followed purely for NESTS. She is a close friend, who is giving him countless new and appreciated experiences, when he came into life lacking so many. However, that is a perk. Only a perk. In the end... the Cartel is all that he has in life. When such is truly tested... Well, for now, he can enjoy the present.

In that space where the two are left alone once more, Eva says, "... Thank you, sensei. Life may not be easy for me, but... realize that I am taking the hardest path because I feel it is the best out of all. For both me and Ryuujin." Ryuujin means worlds to her, but, to blindly take risks just to stay by his side would not be healthy. She is her own person, and that is a quality Ryuujin probably appreciates, especially when he feels unsure of the world himself. She will solve her own problems as they come, and when her body breaks, Ryuujin may be a completely different person.

People change. That's why the moment must be savored.

If he allows for it, cool fingers interlace with Ryuujin's when they are out of the master's line of sight. "He was much scarier than I could ever have imagined, but.... I feel it was worth it. Let us make the best of his blessing as we go forward in life."

The Sensei nods in apparent understanding, but says nothing. After the pair leave, the Sensei rises, standing tall, and turns away from the door. With a quick motion, he reaches under his chin, and begins peeling, a layer of flesh parting off to reveal smooth skin beneath, as well as a wealth of blond hair. Contact lenses are removed, and Igniz shakes his head, breathing free once more. While NESTS technology makes such deception as this simple, he still prefers his actual appearance. Without a word, he raises his hood, and walks to the back of the dojo, pressing a hidden catch. The wall folds open, and he steps through the opening, the wall folding back with no evidence of such a hidden entrance. He has to return to the HQ. Time to settle some future plans for Ryuujin's new girlfriend.

Log created on 21:43:19 07/20/2007 by Igniz, and last modified on 06:09:24 07/23/2007.