Description: Duke, in the midst of work in Metro City, is encountered by two representatives of the Blackjack organization -- Marise and Leilani. An offer is put forth, and one that might very well bring Duke one step closer to his goals...
In Metro City's downtown area sits a warehouse. Nothing truly special, it's one of many that dots the entire city. A perfect cube-shape, it is neither too large nor too small, nor imposing -- it is largely unassuming and average. The sheer dullness of it, in fact, is something that has inspired it to become something of interest -- one of the strange paradoxes within Metro City. Its overal sense of boredom has, in fact, garnered it media attention, in a largely unwatched program called "The World's Most Boring Buildings."
But that was years ago. Now, the warehouse is largely forgotten save for a turning point for some spectators to stop and stare at in wondering over how something could be so perfectly dull. Over the years, it has been largely thought to be abandoned -- by most. The MCPD had theorized for some time it was a probable center for criminal activity, but the theories had been largely snuffed out from lack of evidence and unseen exchanges of money to the noisier of cops. Without evidence, there could be no search warrant to explore the warehouse, and so it remained untouched as it is today.
Untouched by most, at least. To those who operate in the criminal underworld, they would know this place to be a site of illegal activity -- just as suspected. The activities here, however, are largely under the radar and too unimportant for most of the major players to care, though, and this allows for the perfect breeding ground for an empire to be formed. One small step at a time.
The warehouse is currently unoccupied, for the most part. Night time has begun to touch down on Metro City, warm winds blowing through the buildings as the sun slowly descends into the horizon, the moon vaguely visible in the sky above. There is only one person within the boundaries of the warehouse today; a single man, large and dressed in fine red and black clothes, counting what appears to be a large stack of money. To him, it's not much. Chump change.
But Duke knows that everything counts towards the greater goal, no matter how small -- and common goons can't be trusted with loose cash. And so, he is here for the rest of the night. Counting. A dull evening if there ever was one.
Just as unassuming as the building itself is a rather dull looking sedan, which nonchalantly pulls up to the warehouse. The driver, though dressed casually, stands out. This area doesn't see much of people like Leilani Ke'ekikolani. Opening the door and stepping out into the street, the woman heads towards the building as if without significant purpose or haste. Casual. There's a certain air that needs to be maintained, and the woman knows it well. And while it isn't in a part of the city she would like to see, the location is far more important. She is, after all, here on business.
It's been a long time since Leilani was on the 'mainland', as the continental United States is known on her native Hawai'i. Even then, it was only to California... She's never seen Metro City, despite an interest in the shopping districts she's held for years. She's just never had cause to travel to the city. At least, until now.
The Syndicate enforcer named Duke wasn't one of the names she'd heard much of during her time in the ranks, but that wasn't too hard. With the man's main focus being here in Metro, it was easy for someone based in Southtown to have not been informed of him. In addition, her rank as one of Big's girls kept her from even more information... but that position also placed her well into the public eye. It's quite possible that Duke could recognize the Hawai'ian as she opens one of the warehouse's side doors and looks around.
Aha. Noticing the man sitting amongst the stacks of cash, the Shark smiles, warm like a summer breeze. "Well, well, well," she says, slowly stepping towards the man, her hands clasped together at her chest. "It's about time I had a chance to meet you, Duke..."
Looks like his dull evening just got a bit more interesting.
Rarely has the Devil ever set foot in this Heaven-forsaken land. The dark maiden has to fight the urge to spit for every step she takes on the pavement-encrusted, decayed Earth.
Here she is surrounded by the great enemy, the servants of uncultured barbarism and their golden dollar. The air stinks with the smell of cars, obscured by clouds of noise and a cacophony of confusion.
No wonder their children are killing themselves by the score. Suicide would be preferable to breathing in such a wretched place.
As the Emissary shashays her way towards the imperious looking man, another shadow makes itself known in the wake of the Stripper Cumme Business woman. A tall silouette of a woman, standing just to the side within the entrance to this most unremarkable of arrangements. An ebony kimono obscures her form, with a bamboo parasol eclipsing her upper-half from view.
As silent and still as death itself. Duke was given enough of a word to know that Leilani would not be coming alone, so the appearance should not be too terribly much of a concern. Naturally, the Islander will do all of the talking in this endeavor. This is her show.. lets see what she's got..
There are few things that the man known as 'Hell's Executioner' let's slip. He is a careful person, as well he should be -- with the kinds of goals he has, being anything but -extremely careful- would be a detriment to his continued existence. He has an appointment for today, and the place of meeting was very specific. In a situation where he finds himself engaging individuals he has not seen or worked with before, Duke operates from this warehouse. Unassuming, disinteresting -- and the perfect location to deal with problems should things go awry.
And thus does he wait here while counting his money instead of operating from his primary location, the opera house that only a handful know is run by Duke himself. This is the perfect location for the beginnings of a business deal of any sort; easily abandoned, and gives no more information than necessary to the other party. Just as much as that dark gaze of Duke's gives nothing but a simple stare as a single, simple figure enters into the warehouse with the creaking swing of the metal side door.
Frowning only slightly at Leilani's arrival, he makes note of the girl's appearance almost immediately -- one of Big's. No recognition enters his eyes, though. Instead, he carries on easily, large hands drifting away from his money to slide into his pants pockets as he turns to regard Leilani and the appearance of her mysterious companion more fully. Brown eyes drift to the ebony-clad woman only for a moment, before his gaze turns back to the Hawaiian, a black brow arching. "Is it? An interesting choice of person to send to make a meeting." He pauses here, brows furrowing. "I'd introduce myself, but you already know who I am -- and what is your name? And your... friend? And most importantly..." He turns back to his money, intent on continuing his count as he listens, fingers shuffling through bills of hundreds as he speaks.
"... why are you here to see me today?"
The Hawai'ian pauses in her forward motion in order to bow courteously to the man before her. "Leilani Ke'ekikolani," she says, placing an open hand to her chest as she introduces herself. Turning slightly, she points to the shadow behind her with an open palm. "This is my associate, Marise." Probably not the kind of thing Marise would hope to hear, but this is a delicate negotiation. One has to follow certain rules. Introductions are part of that.
Turning back to Duke, Leilani smiles again. "I'm here with a business proposition. As I'm sure you're well aware, the narcotic glycolauric octanol, or Glow, has become rather popular as of late. The creation of the substance is a difficult process that takes time, and thus it is expensive. But the expense of it pays off sevenfold to the distributor, as an amount of the product the size of this..." Slowly, carefully, the woman reaches into her small purse to retrieve a canister of green liquid as she steps forward to place on the man's desk. "...can be sold for over five thousand dollars on the street."
Taking a step back, the Shark continues, "The organization I represent has a great deal of this product in stock at this time, but we lack the ability to effectively distribute it. So what we are offering you is the supply at eighty percent of the normal cost."
Ever watchful. Ever alert. Even if the Devil doesn't particularly seem so.
Its difficult to read anything from such an obfuscated demeanor. Standing in such stillness she could give a manniquin a run for it's money in lifelessness. But, of course, to simply stand around isn't why she is here.
There is a lot of information to be had. Her fellow 'associates' are very interested in seeing how well their new recruit handles herself in a deal. Not to mention.. There are more than a few questions regarding the man they're meeting here this evening as well. Little is known about Southtown Syndicate's newer manager, deep in the belly of the western beast. Occasionally, in the midst of bantered words and explainations, the edge of her parasol tilts just so. Enough to offer glimpses of glittering gold, twinkling beneath a veil of darkness.
Regardless, this figure offers no input whatsoever. Simply allowing the business arrangement to unfold under her stoic scrutiny.
Little known about this Southtown Enforcer, and for good reason. When a person's past has been lost to everyone but themselves, it becomes a rather useful thing to have that information become a safe-guarded secret. The only information on Duke comes from the scar that, even from a distance, is all too obviously dragged across the entire circumferance of his neck. A scar that brings with it more rumors than facts. And that's just how Duke wants it.
Leilani introduces the pair, and for a moment Duke's gaze lingers once more on Marise. She seems to be serving a role different from a negotiator. Perhaps just here to observe? It's something that Duke keeps filed away for later consideration, and in that instant Marise is dismissed from his mind as something currently unimportant to the deal about to be discussed. His attention instead focuses on Leilani, though his gaze remains on the money he is counting, leaving small stacks of green slapped down on the table next to him with every few passing moments. "'Glow,' eh?" he echoes the word thoughtfully, placing down the last stack of hundreds without so much of a second thought -- just as the canister is distributed. He looks down at it, plucking it up within his right hand before he brings it up for inspection, brows furrowing. "The drug works as an enhancer... am I right?" Something that could be sold to hoodlums, maybe, or more importantly--street fighters.
"So, you want to sell this to me to distribute it. If I were to agree to this deal, when could I expect the shipments in?" Duke pauses here, scrutinizing the canister of green liquid before setting it down. "And... I assume since you're coming here to me, offering me this... that Mr. Big is unaware of this deal or the 'organization' you work for?" He's aware. And he's aware of potential complications of Big did know -- whether for or against him. A man must always be -prepared-, after all.
The woman nods. "It is, yes," she says, responding to his inquiry as to the narcotic's use. She isn't familiar with exactly how the narcotic works, other than it does, and it makes those on it a force to be reckoned with. "As for shipments, they could find their way into your hands very soon. An exact time..." She raises her hands, as if weighing something that wasn't there, "I cannot be exactly sure. It depends, of course, on the amount that you would like in at first. The smaller the shipments, the easier it is to slip through customs, the faster we can get it here. You, of course, understand."
The the question comes that she knew would. A defeated smile crosses her lips as she closes her eyes, her head hanging slightly as she sighs. "Ah, yes, Big," Leilani says, voice tinged with sadness. "He is aware that I am no longer with the Syndicate. As for his knowledge of anything that happens here..." She shrugs, taking in a deep breath and shaking her head gently. "My role in this is simply as a liason between my employers and a valued business partner. The narcotics market in Southtown is minor compared to the nearly unquenchable thirst of it here in the U.S. I -suppose- you could inform him of my involvement in this, but I don't see it as something that would be a positive benefit to either of us."
It seems the deal is going smoothly thus far. Though there seems to be a question of the Islander's past employment, The Devil thus far feels confident that Duke knows a good deal when he sees one.
That alone, however, is troubling.
The ghostly woman keeps her hidden attentions affixed to 'Hell's Executioner', watching his every word and demeanor. Smooth. Calm. Inquisitive. Insightful.
And very powerful.
The force beneath the man's skin is not disguised to one such as she. The observer understands in no uncertain terms the man could end them both if he so chose. It seems The Syndicate has taken measures to ensure Metro City is in capable hands. Unlike certain small-minded fools she could name in Southtown proper.
An intriguing complication.
"You seem to be interpretting my meaning wrong," Duke explains as he sets the canister in the midst of the money he has just finished counting, "I wasn't bringing up your employment to threaten you. That wouldn't do anything for my benefit." Waving his hand through the air easily, shifting his focus back upon Leilani and the shadowy observer in the background for a few, silent moments. "No, I was asking to see how much he knew about this deal." And in effect, how much the Syndicate itself knows. If both are in the dark, then this could be a better deal for him than any here could figure it for. If Big -does- know about Leilani's dealings here, though...
"Give me half of what your employer currently has, but have it brought down in smaller shipments -- portion it out into five deliveries." Dark eyes drift towards the canister again, as the man known as Hell's Executioner seems to consider it for a time. "This new organization you're representing -- what is their name?" A simple enough question. He'd like to know who he's doing business with, after all, for such a lucrative deal as this. But, his attention shifts, his hands slipping into his pockets.
"You'll be paid a portion of the overall payment upfront for this, and I'll give you a fifth of the rest for each shipment that is successfully brought over." The way Duke says it implies that it's not exactly something up for discussion or debate. To him, this is a fair deal. Whether they agree or not may very well decide if the deal goes through, but -- the Southtown lieutenant makes his stance unyielding on it. This is, after all... a good arrangement.
The Hawai'ian bows her head for a moment. "My apologies for my misinterpretation," she says, once again leveling her eyes on Duke. "For that answer, no. Big does not have any knowledge of this, nor does Mr. Howard. You are the only one we've approached with this." She knows what this implies... a source of income that Duke can easily write off and not inform his own organization about. For the briefest moment, a calm little grin slips onto Leilani's face.
"Our organization is known as 'Blackjack'", the woman says, whipping her head slightly to get hair out of her face. She knows that Blackjack may be small enough to be under the radar of most, but she also knows that Elle intends to make the name better known. Soon. Nodding as Duke lays down his terms, Leilani smiles again. "I am glad we can make an arrangement. Before money changes hands, however, I will need to contact my employer and get exact figures; how much product we can provide, and, of course, the overall price of this all. I will be in town for a few days while I get the proper information." Reaching into her purse, she produces a business card, blank except for a telephone number. "While I am in town, I can be reached here, should you have any further questions."
Leilani is, after all, a negotiator and a liason. She doesn't have all the information. Yet.
At one point 'Blackjack' was a name the association tried to keep under the table. This time? However. Things are different.
Now, in the wake of Thailand, they want their name known. They want every criminal organization on Earth to know that name.
To know that if they want the best business? They come to Blackjack. And this little meeting is only a taste of what Duke will find should he choose to move forward with their propositions.
Of course, weither or not the Devil is pleased with the business result, her demeanor betrays no hint. It is not prudent to let slip one's poker face infront of perhaps one of the most dangerous men in all of the Eastern American Seaboard.
Nothing known about this either on Big's front, or even Geese Howard's. This, is the kind of opportunity that Duke has been waiting for. Yet, knowing -exactly- what this means, his response is one that is properly contained within a simple, cold sort of smile that graces his dark lips. "Good to know," he responds, a long finger tapping almost thoughtfully against that canister before he drags away from it. A consistent source of immense income that none of the Syndicate beyond his knows of. In other words... a considerably -large- stepping stone for Duke. And one that may very well help lay down the foundation of his own plans in the future.
For now, though, there is work to be done to finalize the deal. "Blackjack. Interesting choice in names." He says nothing further on this, though; he doesn't know of the organization but odds are, before this deal is done with, he'll have all the information he needs on it, and -- hopefully -- its members. Listening to the Hawaiian speak, the large enforcer nods once, lifting a hand to touch his fingertips against the scar that drags along his neck in an unconscious habit. "This boss of yours -- I'll want to meet them face to face before the deal is concluded. Tell them that I would like to arrange a meeting face-to-face when you get in contact with them. I'd like to see the person whoo's offering me such a... lucrative deal." Duke reaches out with his right hand, clenching that card between index finger and thumb before pulling it up for his inspection.
"Hmmm. Very well. I assume since you've done it before, you know how to get in contact with me. When you've finalized the arrangements with your employer, get ahold of me. We'll get things moving along then." Turning his back to Marise and Leilani, Hell's Executioner focuses once more on his money, taking his time to put each and every stack away into a simple, unassuming briefcase. "Be sure to go and visit the opera house before you leave. I hear they give fantastic performances..." He trails for a moment, looking over his shoulder at the two, "... and I'm positive you'd be given VIP treatment."
The cold smile of Hell's Executioner is met, in turn, by a slightly warmer one from the Shark. She can tell what the man is thinking. The look of a man scheming for power is something she's seen on the face of many of her former colleagues. It's a trait that they all share. A thirst for power. "I will inform them of your wish, sir," she says, taking a few steps back. "I'm sure my employer would be happy to speak to such a valuable and powerful ally."
"I will be in contact with you soon to set up that meeting, once the other trivialities are taken care of," she says. Taking a few more steps back before turning around, the Hawai'ian nods to Marise as she heads for the door. Pausing as she approaches the portal, the Hawai'ian turns and smiles. "You know, it's been forever since I've been to an opera," Leilani replies, brushing some hair behind her ear. "I think I just might take in a show."
A long, lopsided grin crosses the Shark's face as she turns towards the door. Looking back over her shoulder, she coos, "Oh, and if you should want some company for dinner... Call me."
With that, she slips out the door and into the night. "That wasn't so hard, now, was it," she says softly to her shadow.
As the two make their final negotiations, only then does the ghostly one choose to move. Her parasol shifting carefully to once again obscure the majority of her face. A seemingly irrational gesture considering how dark and cloudless it is outside.
As the Islander saunters past, the Devil inclines her head in the direction of their new business partner. A clear sign of respect, as she then simply turns and follows the woman along in an unhurried pace. What judgements shall she give her partner in crime? Well, the two of them will find out soon enough.
The shadow replies in her usually quiet tone, "It never is." Painted purple lips pulling back into a satisfied smile.
Business as usual...
... just with a touch of spice to make things more interesting.
The full severity and importance of the secrecy of all this is something that Leilani no doubt understands. Duke, while having no megalomaniacal desires to take over the world, seeks out his own sort of pinnacle. And this will just bring him one step along the way. No question that Leilani understands how that sort of a criminal mind works -- and understands the value of the secrecy of this. And so Duke says nothing more on that, offering a simple nod in response to the Hawaiian's words as she begins to walk off.
"See that you do. There are excellent works being done there, I'm sure you'll be able to appreciate them," the words come almost off-handedly as Duke speaks on the opera house, shutting that briefcase with a simple click of the locks. Grasping it firmly with one hand, he only looks towards the duo as Leilani gives her parting words. Something of a wry smile crosses the scarred man's lips, brief amusement tinging his features before it all washes away.
"Maybe I will. Perhaps I'll see you at the opera house... if I have the time to spare."
As the pair leaves, Duke makes his own way up the stairs towards the second level of the warehouse. First, to take care of the money. Then... to have 'Blackjack' looked up, and ensure that VIP tickets are made available for one Leilani Ke'ekikolani and her shadowy friend.
So much -work- to be done, but fortunately... such ample time to do it.
Log created on 17:59:33 07/08/2007 by Duke, and last modified on 01:22:32 07/09/2007.