Description: After the fiasco at Elle's hotel, Reed meets up with Tran for a little one-on-one.
Ah, the heart of Southtown Village. It's sort of the heart of the city, and to be honest, it's where Dr. Tran likes to relax when he's in the area. Sure, other areas of Southtown have their own unique charms, but after a while, you want to go to a place where you'll recognize other people as you get hammered on a weekly basis. Unfortunately, the doctor isn't here for good times, tonight. Not only is this a business occasion, but he's dealing with a kid, underage, so he can't go drinking. It's a hitch in the negotiative process.
So, instead of his usual hangout, Tran's waiting at one of the many outdoor cafes, having contacted Reed in regards to his performance against Aranha at the warehouse. The small asian doctor had a bit of fun testing the two, but they were too easily distracted by their rivalry - it got in the way. Still, they managed to impress someone, at least a little, so here Tran is, ready to see what the young thief's got, and hopefully turn it into something Blackjack can use. Assuming the little brat ever shows up, anyway.
Reed may be a potty-mouthed brat...but he certainly ain't little as far as height goes. In fact, if the doctor were to spot him right now, he just might catch a glimpse of the dark-clad teen with his usual wares, the signature long-baton in one hand and a leather wallet in the doubt stolen. The skinny-ass kid even has the nerve to sidle up to a passerby and take something from her purse while she's not looking. Deft hands, nonchalant deportment, and that sickeningly arrogant smirk. Right after the Vuitton-wearing woman glances his way, he's already gone, headed towards Tran and finding his new accoutrements a sweet steal. Now he can finally pay some rent and replace that crystal chandelier he stole, just two nights before his big raid on some young celeb's clandestine sweet sixteen party. Such is life, for this one.
Oh. There's the lad. And he's pickpocketing like a pro. Well, better than Tran can, at least, not that he really cares. He's a doctor, not a plucky boy thief with everything to prove. Although...the impulsiveness might spell trouble. In fact, Tran's going to just go ahead and assume that it has spelt, is spelling, and will again spell trouble.
Of course Tran plans to go over it, just as soon as he gets the little jerk over here. Hell if he's going to go through the trouble of evading authority if someone catches on to Reed's illegal antics, just to have a little chat. Raising his hand, the doctor waves, calling out, "Hey, over here."
Huh. Well if it isn't the dude who 'buttled' the f*ck out of him the last time around. Though competitive moments like that during the faux-heist weren't ever truly forgotten, Tran must have punched him hard enough to make him forget an infinitesimal amount of information, because it takes a few seconds for the kid to recollect one of the faces that humiliated him. "Oh." Long pause. "It's you." Tyler Reed. Thief. Pickpocket. Supreme jackass. But fortunately for him, he's precocious enough to remember that he's on the losing end of this if he doesn't cooperate.
", yeah. So." He glances at his 'belongings' and stuffs them into his pockets, just the wallet and the Hermes scarf that he plucked from the affluent young lady over there. "Guess, I didn't get to properly introduce myself the last time." Ah...yes. And his ettiquette is somewhat passable, should he be in the proper mood to use it. "Tyler Reed....a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Yeah, RIGHT.
"Doctor Richard Tran. Choke and die, kid." Clearly, Tran is similarly versed in the finer points of social interaction. A truer gentleman there has never been, as he takes a sip of coffee! It gives it time to sink in, understand, before the doctor moves on.
"First off: you didn't do bad last week." Straight and to the point, the very model of business-like efficiency. Is Elle rubbing off on him? "You didn't do good, either." Maybe a little. Tran leans forward to level an irate stare at Reed. "Maybe you can remind me - just what were you supposed to do in that warehouse?"
[OOC] Reed laughs. :)
[OOC] Dr. Tran tries to strangle Reed with his mind. o_o/
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I missed the fsckin' point," Reed responds, waving his hand in the air in the manner of some ill-bred blueblood. Whoever raised him definitely had taste in the looks and wardrobe department, but acceded to a loose leash when it came to good old-fashioned humility. "I was supposed to make it to the third level and get the damn...well, whatever it was. Trophy or some whacked shit like that. Anyways." A brief "click" is heard over the passing din as he levels his baton against the floor, leaning against it like some baseball bat. "Before you start callin' me an idiot and all that crap, let's get one thing straight. How the hell am I supposed to trust your boss, when she whacked me over the head real badly and stole the one object that was supposed to be mine?" Another pause, though this one's brief. "Yeah...did she tell you? She fuckin' ripped that Munsteiner right out of my hands. Ya can't trust gals like her."
"Here, maybe I'm not being clear." Tran stands up, pushing his chair back, and then folds his arms, looking at Reed for a moment. "Shut the hell up, you ignorant, arrogant little prick." Tran raises a finger to point at the young thief, his irate demeanor worsening. "Let me just lay out your position for you, real quick. You've got some skills that might make you useful, if you're not so retarded that they're more trouble than they're worth. We're interested, and we've got enough money to make it more than worth your while, more than you'd get in a month stealing chump change from strangers. BUT, and this is a big but, not only are you still young, but we've got at least one other person who, by all indications, is better than you in pretty much every way that matters."
Slowly working his way around the table, Tran continues, "Now, just tell me why, exactly, I would care about who you trust, or why I should pay the slightest bit of attention to your little fit of jealousy over the fact that my boss stole shit from you."
The 'little prick' smiles, leaning slightly towards Tran with that smug expression of his. "Well, thank you, signore, for summing all of that up for me nicely. It's pretty obvious now that you're loyal to your teammates....and you're certainly no pushover from what little I can tell of your fighting skills. Hmmm." There's a flash of admiration in his eyes, but it's so fleeting, that Tran would really have to pay attention to notice. Isn't he supposed to be raging at the self-proclaimed doctor like a lunatic? Well, given the usual circumstances, he would, but it appears that Reed just found out the answer to his first question. Unlike Tran and Elle, his methods of questioning are rather convoluted, as are the means of only the trickiest of thieves. "Ok, now it's my turn to get straight to the point. You shouldn't really give a damn about me, and you're probably better off finding someone more impressionable and personable than a street punk who knows no better than to steal some 'chump change' for a living. But like it or not, people like that can break just as easily as they are molded into something. People like that don't /know/ what starvation is. So let me ask you this. Would you rather tough out some punk like me or opt for the sucker who'll just about bend for the next thug who breaks his neck?"
Tran stops short of Reed, and then laughs, a low chuckle that swiftly dwindles into nothingness. "More loyal to them than to you, not that that's saying much." And more loyal to some than others. It's a diverse group, Blackjack. Vampires, witches, doctors, and rock stars. It's straight out of some B-movie.
"Make no mistake, boy, I'm not picking either option. You've got potential, and that's fine. The entire reason I'm here is to show you how to direct it, to make sure you're not going to do something stupid when it really matters. We'd rather have someone who knows how to do their goddamn job, swiftly and intelligently, without letting something as stupid as a pissing contest get in the way." Tran opens his arms wide to Reed, shrugging ever so slightly. "Impress me."
Shrugging, the kid takes his baton and raises it from the ground up, so that the narrower end is pointing directly at Tran's chest. He wants Reed to impress him? Okaaaaayy.....
"You said it, not me." No loud cry accompanies this little sparring session tonight. Instead, Tyler intends to hit him hard with an upper-torso strike, aimed to cripple the the targeted area. If Tran wasn't as swift as Reed had thought he might be, the doctor just might get a heart attack. Or is the case with most tough fighters, but Reed's about to find out. There's a look of crude examination on his part, as he watches to see just how much damage the movement might inflict. All it takes is a flick of his wrist and a considerable push in momentum, as the arm swings back and crashes straight for the Asian doctor.
COMBATSYS: Reed has started a fight here.
COMBATSYS: Tran has joined the fight here.
COMBATSYS: Tran endures Reed's Deep Strike!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Tran 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Reed
The baton smashes into Tran, the impact cracking bone and badly bruising flesh. If he were a normal person, there's no doubt that he'd be in a whimpering heap on the ground. Dr. Tran is no mere mortal man. He takes it standing, even going so far as to move into it, bringing him disturbingly close to Reed. His voice is soft when he speaks, "I figured you'd be more creative."
From his point-blank position, Tran has an excellent opportunity to take another step forward, driving upward to bodily take Reed off his feet, knocking him down to the ground for a relatively harmless pin. From there, the doctor will bring the real attack into play - a flurry of steam-powered punches, each detonating on contact with hot, explosive force.
COMBATSYS: Reed blocks Tran's Man of Action.
Though the doctor does manage to pick him up and knock him down, the barrage of punches are adequately dealt with as he brings his lacquered baton up to shield himself from The Force (tm). Well. It's not exactly something that Darth Vader would pull on him, but the strikes are hardy enough to get some damage in --- let's just be thankful that Tran isn't Zangief or some huge-ass, muscle-hulked wrestler with a penchant for smashing. "Gah! Okay, okay, I get your point," Reed answers, gritting his teeth until the blur of fists just /stop/. Once it does, he pushes himself out of the doctor's grip by smacking his baton up and away, scrambling to get moving.
But it's just not time for him to show the guy his best move yet. Nope. Instead, he opts for something else, letting his legs do the work this time, while his little fighting stick takes a short breather. It's not the most strongest of attacks, but it is fast and versatile. In a dizzying glide forward, the thief kicks his foot out as a surge of green energy explodes from his heel. "Take that!" If he doesn't get out of the way, he'll be smarting the attack, from navel to neck.
COMBATSYS: Tran reflects Splitz Overkill from Reed with Operation - Dr. Tran.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////........ ]
Tran 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Reed
Dr. Tran may be relatively small, but make no mistake - that only means his raging might is better concentrated, denser, if you will. Panting after that moment's exhertion, he still manages to note, "I'll be the judge of that." Coming up to his feet, Tran stays still for a moment, waiting for Reed to come at him. Waiting for just the right moment. Waiting for the chi he can /feel/ building up to appear...there!
In a flash of movement, Dr. Tran meets Reed's attack with one of his own, a disc of light grey chi forming out of nothing. Reed's foot collides with it, all of its forward momentum ceasing in an instant, before Tran focuses and redirects the young thief's greenish energy right back into him, sending it shooting up his leg. "I'm still waiting."
Now he did it!! If pissing Reed off was something Tran intended on doing, well...he definitely hit a sore spot, there. Not exactly the best sport when it comes to stuff like losing and winning, Reed stares at Tran, looking absolutely peeved. "So, let me ask you this, doc. I'm sure a man of your education is quite the erudite scholar. You like Cervantes?" His right fist grips the baton tightly, giving it a tough squeeze just to make his point. Joints crack briefly before loosening, the baton whorling over languid fingers before churning at an almost frenetic pace. That black menace just proves to get even worse as an eddy is formed, the two ends acting as a powerful fantail to suck whatever that is in its path. If he gets caught in its reeling vortex, he'll just be the recipient of a volley of strikes that hit in multiples from the chin down.
[OOC] Reed LAUGHS!!!
[OOC] You say, "I don't have enough SUPER for this attack!"
[OOC] Dr. Tran says, "A difficulty I am all too often on the other end of."
[OOC] Reed dies. Okay...I'm gonna hit you with something else.
[OOC] Dr. Tran says, "Protip: 'costs' will show you what you can't use, cuz it'll be grey'd out."
[OOC] Dr. Tran says, "If you remember to check first, anyway."
[OOC] Dr. Tran never does. :\
[OOC] Reed thanks. :)
COMBATSYS: Tran dodges Reed's Shepherd's Tail.
Simply put? It goes right over Tran's head. Or, well, a couple of things do. First, Cervantes, what? Tran's a doctor, not a...guy who knows...Cervantes things. Not that's going to admit it. "No." There. Simple answer, and it might even seem witty, in an ironic kind of way.
Of course, this is also accompanied by a horrible sucking vortex of certain pain, inexorably drawing the doctor in. In the end, he decides to do the unexpected: he charges straight at it, only going into a dive between Reed's legs at the very last moment. Quickly coming to his feet, Tran makes sure to try to drive a quick elbow into the kidneys before he breaks off to put some distance between the two again.
COMBATSYS: Reed endures Tran's Quick Punch.
Unbelievable! The guy managed to dodge that?!?! Either he's just too fast or Reed is way too slow. He's hoping to God it's the former, because at this point, the kid is beginning to question just what sort of fighter he's turned out to be. Not much.
"Hey! Get back here so I can reduce you to a lump of nothing." Big mouth for someone so scrawny. But instead of surprising Tran with another one of his attacks, the kid goes for it again.
COMBATSYS: Tran blocks Reed's Don Quixote.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////..... ]
Tran 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Reed
Again with the spinning baton. It didn't work the first time, and while persistance can sometimes pay off, this time it definately just made Reed lose cool points. As the suction draws him in, Tran raises his arms, and then strikes downward with them, making it so that if the whirling circle that is the young thief's baton where a bike wheel, Tran just jammed a stick in between the spokes. It doesn't have quite the same hilarious ending, though, especially since that did hurt Tran's forearms quite a bit. The only nod the doctor gives to that is the act of gritting his teeth.
Instead of replying right away to the kid's taunting, Tran takes advantage of his up-close position by taking another step forward and driving his knee straight up, toward Reed's stomach. The only problem is that his crotch is in the way. Whoops.
COMBATSYS: Tran successfully hits Reed with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////........... ]
Tran 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Reed
Ouch. OUCH. Right in the NADS. Are you kidding me? Looks like our plucky boy thief' just didn't see it coming, figuring out that a doctor like Tran wouldn't resort to cheap shots. But who is he kidding? The guy could be an impostor at best, and though the kid basically gave him the benefit of the doubt, all such thoughts fly once the knee connects and gets him where it hurts. Doubling over in pain, the teen practically turns red with grief, yelling, "YOU SON-OF-A ************!!!," uttering every single ungodly curse that would even make the likes of Lester Bangs gape in disbelief.
"Alright, that's it." Baring his canines in the manner of some over-cocky wolf pup, Reed doesn't really attack yet, but he does gather what's left of himself to think or tough things out...whichever might work best at the moment. Uh, yeah. He just needs some time. "That's some cheap shot there," he grouses. "What kind of a fighter are you, huh? HUH??"
COMBATSYS: Reed gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////............ ]
Tran 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Reed
Sighing, Tran hangs back for a moment, letting Reed catch his breath in peace. Well, relative peace. "What are you, retarded?" The doctor folds his arms and levels a critical stare at Reed. "First, if you don't want to get nailed in the goddamn balls, then do something about it instead of just standing there with your jaw slack like some kind of brain-dead, worthless dope."
Unfolding his arms, Tran lets one hand down to point accusingly. He waves it a couple of times as he goes on, "So to answer your question, I'm the kind of fighter who's better than you in damn near every way, kid, and that's why you need me to tell you how to fight, and more importantly, how to act like you're older than you really are."
Slipping his hand into his coat, Dr. Tran pulls forth a pair of dark sunglasses, and then pushes them up onto his face. He just stands there for a moment, looking cool, and then finishes, "Any questions?"
COMBATSYS: Tran gains composure.
[OOC] Reed dies! I haven't laughed so hard in ages.
[OOC] Dr. Tran is a comedic mastermind.
"Yeah. Eat this, jerkwad." Quick to react, the young thief races towards Tran as he slides those damn sunglasses on...Ray Ban? Givenchy? Kenneth Cole? Who knows. Who cares. It's not like he's going to be stealing the doc's too-cool-for-med-school shades anyway. But he does manage to flick his long-baton out in a rather hasty vault, as its glossy end hits the pavement like-so, echoing a rather loud *CLAP* amongst the vicinity of strangers that pass them by. And yes, at this point, people are beginning to stare. Especially after Reed just cursed his way into hell that very moment. As his body jettisons forward, a blur of black can be seen slicing through air as his foot crashes forward in an attempt to knock the doctor straight back. His aim? Right for the kisser. That's right. Be prepared to run or block, doc.
COMBATSYS: Tran endures Reed's Battere il suolo.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////........ ]
Tran 1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Reed
Run? Block? Ha, ha, ha. If only you knew. If only.
You see, when Reed's foot comes crashing in, Tran doesn't look the slightest bit impressed. The cool shades only add to this effect. In fact, the only thing the doctor does that even indicates he's noticed Reed incoming is a slight shift, putting one foot back behind the other, bracing himself for what's to come.
And it does come - the kick crashes against Tran's chest, causing him to exhale sharply and sway back, just a bit. It's still a far cry from what Reed was probably hoping for, however, especially considering what comes next. Hoping to catch Reed still extended, Tran ducks forward, perhaps pushing the outstretched foot with his chest, and then slaps both of his palms against the ground. Chi builds and then blasts upward, a geyser of steam with Tran at the center, and Reed hopefully close enough to get boiled.
However it turns out, though, the growing crowd goes 'ooooooh'. A water show!
COMBATSYS: Tran successfully hits Reed with -Q- is for Dr. Tran.
Suffice it to say, the kick-happy thief is fatigued. And he knows it. For all of his pomp and gutsiness, it just goes to show that Reed is either delusional or too damn stubborn. Or maybe both. This kid just won't quit, even though he knows he's down to the last wire. Forget about the budding crowd, the curious stares and the just-plain-looks of amazement as Tran unleashes his little geyser show. As the chi-blast shoots upwards and then pummels him like Old Faithful, streaming then burning him with terrible pain, Reed finds himself landing back, ass-backwards and skidding through concrete until one of the outside tables on the side of the street prop him back up. That doesn't mean that plates don't crash and glasses don't break against the floor....because they do, and several of the proprietors are drawn out of their holdings, looking very angry at the amount of destruction splayed here.
"Tch..." he spits, glaring at Tran with hell in his eyes as he leans against the midnight stick, his only means of staying upright. Blood and spittle hit the sidewalk, his one good arm swinging back to end this fight. With the same attack that started it all. Though from the looks of it, after this little move, he'll be back on the floor, fading to black.
COMBATSYS: Reed can no longer fight.
COMBATSYS: Tran fails to interrupt Deep Strike from Reed with Dr. Tran Doles Out the Harshness.
[OOC] Dr. Tran oh no
[OOC] Alan R.B. says, "That wasn't very harsh"
[OOC] Dr. Tran says, "It was a failure of harshitude."
[ \\\\\\\\\\ <|
Tran 0/-------/---====|
Psh, those store-owners will be fine. Fighter Insurance is a fine investment, available for many reputable firms. Especially here in Southtown, it's practically a neccesity. Suffice to say, Tran's not worried. Collateral damage is kind of a frequent thing when he fights. He's used to it.
He's also used to people throwing last-ditch efforts at him - and truth be told, he's got a favorite way to deal with it. Still in a crouch from his last blast, Tran holds position, save for one lifted hand, and then he waits - Reed's not moving fast at this point, but he is moving a little unsteadily, so the timing has to be perfect. Then a hot chick catches his eye, and it all goes to hell. The young thief smacks him but good across the head, sending Tran crashing to the side in a temporarily limp heap.
Rising slowly, Tran shakes his head, trying to clear the stars out of his vision, and then looks over Reed's battered form. "Hmph. At least you don't hit like a girl." That said, Tran moves over, lifts Reed up, and throws him over his shoulder, moving off to push a way through the quickly dispersing crowd. There's gonna be more Words to be Said later. Harsh words? Perhaps.
COMBATSYS: Tran has ended the fight here.
Log created on 12:33:46 07/07/2007 by Reed, and last modified on 22:28:08 07/10/2007.