Description: The introduction of a new member into the Blackjack organization yields little in the way of response.
A lot has changed with Blackjack since the fall of Thailand. From it's relatively humble beginnings in a warehouse on the docks of Southtown, Elle's managed to get the sponsorship of several big names that keep her well paid an in the game. That alone isn't what manages to keep things moving, however. A dedicated and focused staff keeps the momentum alive.
What this means, of course, is that the meeting place has moved from the scum-ridden socks of Southtown to a more legitimate office in one of Southtown's many massive skyscrapers.
The meeting place is still quite modest, keeping in with Elle's preferred style. It's no more than a few thousand square feet, and is mostly still in the process of being set up, with boxes and file cabinets strewn about. There is a board room, however, and Elle's called everyone here to fill everyone in on the newest projects and to introduce the newest member.
She sits at the head of a solid oak table, with a whiteboard and projector overhead. Dressed in a black snakeskin pantsuit and a low cut maroon blouse, she looks more businesslike than usual... but that's to be expected in a place like this.
Per usual, she has snaks and beverages readily available as she awaits her people to slowly shufle in as they always do, sitting back in her chair and reading over files and reports that she's made ready for issue.
As usual.. The Devil's punctuality goes above and beyond the call of duty.
Already in attendence, the tall maiden stands against the vast windowed wall of the office, overlooking the sprawling Southtown below. Viewing the world not unlike she viewed the quiet, sober streets of Thailand mere weeks ago.
Oh, there is still a war out there. A war fought in every street, in every corner of this Heaven forsaken rat-hole of a city. Perhaps no conqueror has claimed swaths of territory and hoisted their flag boldly for the nations of the world to see.
Nothing, however, is different. Hundreds disappear every day. Unspeakable acts of carnage are unleashed in broad daylight with living weapons stronger than any vehicle of war devised by man.
The only difference? By and large.. the lowling cattle don't know it.
Regardless, the Shadowed one remains silent. Her back turned to the precedings with her parasol obscuring her upper half. Superstitious she may be, for good reason, but apparently the one about 'umbrellas indoors' does not bother her.
Slamming the door to the board room open, Dr. Tran makes an explosive entrance! Not literally, of course, because Elle would no doubt rip his spine out through his nose if Tran were to come in here with fireworks. He'll just have to settle for the next best thing: beer.
"Happy Fourth of July, people!" Tran certainly is exuberant, at the very least. He may be able to make things explode, but he can't do REAL fireworks, and when you've got illegal connections anyway, they're as real as it gets.
Anyway, Elle's dressed up a bit for the office: naturally, Dr. Tran has to go all the way, dressed for this occasion in a pure white suit, the only exceptions being a light, pastel blue tie and red cuffs. He's also wearing a designer cowboy hat, snakeskin boots, and a belt with a buckle the size of his fist.
America? Fuck yeah. That's the only country that matters, at least today.
"So, anyway, how's everyone doing?" Damn, but today just puts the doctor in an awesome mood. He's smiles all around. It's almost disgusting, really.
"We're not even in America, are we?" The witch asks, she knew they weren't probably, but maybe she didn't. At any rate she leaves plenty of room to wonder and maybe doubt was her purpose. Having arrived at some point after Marise, but before Tran. In a red dress, a broom over her shoulder and then found a spot somewhat away from Marise to look at the streets. She tries the window. It doesn't open. She sighs and then takes note of food and beer. She pauses to flash Marise a winning smile in the reflection of the glass, probably thinking it'll annoy her before heading to the table and gorging herself a bit. Elle really knew how to get this lot to turn up big. No question about that.
The sound of the toilet flushing and the sink being used is likely a strange thing to hear for most of the group, given that they seem to be almost completely in attendance. However, after a few minutes, the newest member of the organization steps out of the restroom and heads towards the refreshment table. Only Elle and Tran have had the opportunity to meet the woman, whom is currently clad in an eggplant microfiber catsuit with flared sleeves, the zipper pulled up only to about mid-chest. "Aloha ahiahi, ka po'e apau," the Hawai'ian beauty says, smiling at everyone around. Grabbing a beer and a couple of miscellaneous snackfoods, Leilani just sorta stands around and waits for the others to show her what the hell to do. Other than eat, drink and say hello.
Elle awaits the team to go through their usual pre meeting rituals of getting on one another's nerves before standing up and motioning for the group to get settled. "Alright people. Sit down, and let's get to work. There's a lot to cover, and almost all of it concerns our next big project."
The mercenary leader raps the white board with a knuckle, gesturing to the casino plans. "As everybody knows, I'm opening a casino come hell or high water. The only factor right now is money. I have it, but more is always good." She then gesture to Leilani, "And complimentary to that, I hired La Isla Bonita over here. This is Leilani. I expect all of you to treat her with the usual respect that you treat me." He eyes narrow. "Especially you, Sabrina." The rocker chick says towards Naerose.
"Leilani is going to be helping me out on the administrative side of things. We're talking human resources and management of the casino end of business as well as running the usual drug, prostitution, and and money laundering stuff that I used to have to do myself," She elaborates, and then produces a canister of something green and slams it onto the table. "But, first thing's first. Bonita," Elle seems to have assigned the islander that little nickname. She has one for everyone. "I need you to open up negotiations with Duke in Metro city. This is glycolauric octanol, AKA Glow. This can has a street value of $5,000.00"
"I'm not getting my hands any dirtier than it has to be with this crap... but I'll sell it wholesale to Duke for 75% of normal cost," Elle says, pushing the can to the islander. "See what he has to say to me, and get back to me, preferrably with a signed contract. If he gives you shit? Leave, and we'll pay him a more hands on visit."
The woman shifts gears immediately, turning to Tran. "Fireplug. You're training Reed, right? I want a status check on that, plus your casino heist. Right now, I have all your equipment ready for that job on standby. All I need right now is a target, and I can help fill in for the rest."
Her head turns again, shifting her weight to peer at Naerose. "Now Sabrina, I understand you have a tournament to set up. I also recall assignign you to monitor Aranha. I need a report on the status of both of those."
Then finally her attention turns to Marise. "And Vamp. Have you picked out some big targets? I need some big names for cash and genejacking. NESTS is starting to get hungry for more DNA, and if I can't pull in some product, they're going to start looking at me funny."
These matters seem reasonable enough to the Devil.
The introduction of the Islander is met with something of quiet nonchalance. Still not bothering to turn around for now.. But then, not frightening the new hire is something Miss Elle undoubtedly appreciates.
The woman has been.. overworked of late. Hiring on new administrative help is a logical step, especially as their operations expand. While the girl's pedigree has some.. question, the ghost has faith in Elle's choice of attaches.
The nitty gritty of the drug deal is similarly passed upon.. not really concerning her overtly. The good Doctor's antics are most certainly passed upon. She had managed to completely forget about that insipid holiday those colonial mongrels celebrate on a yearly basis.
How a culture can take pride in essentially winning a battle because their old masters were too bored to continue fighting.. Is something the dark one does not comprehend. But then.. there are a number of mystifying things about American culture. And it is something she has chosen not to take vocal umbridge at.
Tran is useful, afterall.
"Soon. I have not yet accounted for all whom have returned from Thailand. The dust has yet to settle on that war.. Many children flocked to the conflict. Many of whom yet missing. I will know more.. soon." In truth, Marise is a touch annoyed at the meeting so soon after the last one. She's hardly had time to work on some of her schemes and plots ... And equally annoyed that she has nothing really to show for it as yet. Such failure annoys her most of all.
Tran starts things off with a quick nod to Leilani to say hi. They weren't on the best of terms, last he checked, but they weren't at each other's throats or anything, anyway. Besides, Tran can respect that the Hawaiian knows how to take a wad of bills to the head.
Waiting for Marise to finish speaking, unaware of her WOEFUL IGNORANCE IN REGARDS TO HOW GODDAMN RAD AND BADASS AMERICA IS, the doctor, by now slouching in one of the cushy office meeting chairs, raises a hand slightly to indicate that he's going to talk, and to hell with anyone who tries to get in his way. "Yeah, I've been giving the kid a workout. He ought to be ready to help out by the time we go for the cash monies. Anyway, I'm still doing some research, so hopefully it won't be too long and we can move in."
Tran pauses, looking thoughtful. "Hey, when we pull it off, can we, y'know, keep it in a giant moneybin?"
"Eh.. how about a giant money tower? We could swim in it, it would be neat," The witch says, probably joking, but who knows with her. She lets Tran finish, decides he's finished and gives Leilani a little finger wave with a sweet smile lingering on her lips. She does smile a lot, but they're usually off.
"Nice ta meecha Lilo," she says, having recently seen the disney movie and thought it was pretty amusing.
"So Aranha, he's been training lots, but not making any great deal of progress and I dunno if his heart is into this whole thing or not. You hired some Tony fella before right for small stuff? Oh and tournament, eh so far failed to get anyone terribly interested, been kinda busy with Aranha." She reaches for another snack.
Having taken a seat, Leilani sets her food and drink down as she's introduced to the group. She nods individually to each, pausing only when Naerose greets her. Yeah, she was expecting the Lilo & Stitch reference to come into play eventually. Turning her attention back to Elle, she reaches out and snags the canister, pulling it open and getting the tiniest little taste of the product before relidding it and setting it down again in front of her. She's had some minor experience with drugs, and can thus tell that, yes, it is, in fact, the real deal. This Duke character should be happy to get this stuff on the cheap; hopefully he'll take the offer. "On it, Mo'i," she says, taking a cookie and biting into it. Mm. Chocolate.
Elle absorbs the information she's given with her usual clarity, and stis back down to think over the respective situations of her operatives to formulate new directions. Her finghers rub her temples and her eyes close as she plots out a new course. So far, everything seems on the straight and narrow, with some of her crew progressive faster than others.
"Okay, Sabrina," Elle says, shoving a file over to the Witch with the red dress on, "Forget Aranha as a hire for the time being. Reed seems to have the kind of aggression we're looking for, and Tran thinks we can do something with him. What I want you to think about now is marketing. I've set aside a little bit of cash for you. It should be enough for you to start up an agency. By this time next month, I want you to be the agent or general manager of at least two fighters. You can even try being Aranha's agent if you have to. Think you can hack that?" In the folder is a list of bank accounts and a corporate shell already set up for the witch to use. All she has to do now is supply the talent.
"As for you, Tran, I'll be stopping by to talk to Reed directly soon, so make sure he's prepped enough so that I know he won't have a shitfit when taking orders from me. Also, you need to start trainign with some of the equipment I have for your heist. I suggest you look at Atlantic City. Vegas is a little... overdone." That, and their security is a lot better, which shows up in the research packet that she shoves at the AMERICAN doctor. "Pick something from there."
"And Vamp, I know I haven't had a lot of time to give you to work on your stuff, but we need results a little faster here. My time window is drawing close. If you can, I want you to accompany Bonita over here to her meeting with Duke. I think your persuesion styles work on the same level, and every negotiation team needs a safety net. If shit goes bad, someone needs to be able to bail the other out," she informs. "Bonita, Vamp's got a lot of experience. Work close with her, and ask questions. If anything, she can bluff her way out of a lot of situations. When you get done with the meeting, I'm hoping you two can work on the genejack program together. I collect DNA samples for NESTS, and they pay thousands for them."
Now, Housekeeping. "In other news. Thailand chewed up and swallowed a few of our associates. Tony is basically a lost cause, as is Cody and Sada. If you see them? Feel free to punch them in the face. We're done using them, as far as I can tell. Todoh and Yurika are still on the immunity list."
She then tapes up some pictures. "There are some people I want to talk to or have investigated, though." Gan, Edge, and Lien's pictures are placed up on the board. "See what you guys can find out on these three, and let me know ASAP."
"And that's what I got. I dropped a few messages off with NESTS's honcho. Apparently Zero got reassigned, so I'll be dealing with Igniz directly, and I'm seeing what falls out of a talk with Kain fairly soon. Any questions?"
Mmn. Saddled with a partner.
Clearly the ghost is in the dog-house already.
For the first time in this meeting the shadowy figure turns to face her compatriots in full. Her Parasol gliding to the side as her hidden gaze meets her leader in full as yet another action item is heaped on her list. Well.. Having Gan and Edge reassigned to the group on a whole will free up a good chunk of her responsibilities anyway.
By and large.. The Devil tries to avoid beings of great power. It is, afterall, why she enjoys having Elle be the go-between for a great many authoritative figures. But.. things considered, at least this Islander seems marginally less annoying than certain other cohorts. Turning her gaze towards the cat-suited woman in brief before acknowledging her orders with her usual quiet words, "Miss Elle."
Although, the Devil is a bit confused. Isn't this girl supposed to be working with Elle to alleviate some of her administrative bottlenecks? Ahwell.. Getting her familiar with Blackjack's more.. opaque operations could prove to be entertaining. She can only hope this one proves to have a stronger heart than some of the others that fell by the wayside.
The loss of Cody in specific is keenly felt. They worked hard to attain that man's services.. But it was not meant to be. Even more unfortunate is they had no time to silence any future retaliation in a more permanent fashion. Ahwell.. Perhaps if they meet again..
With a grin, Tran gives a thumbs-up, even as his other hand snakes out to snag the folder. "Got it, got it. Atlantic City it is, will be, shall be. I'll go over everything later. Including Reed." Staying silent for a while, the doctor notes the faces that are gone, and at least one of them makes him a little happier inside. Cody and Tony can go have gay sweaty mansex for all he cares, but Sada deserves to go to that special level of hell reserved for crazy schoolgirls. If there's not one, there should be.
Leaning back in his seat, Tran puts his hands behind his head and thinks the rest of this one over. "...Kain, huh? Giving up on looting his shit, then?"
"Huh, like Entorage, sounds fun.. I'll get riight on that, " Naerose says with a wide a grin seeming to be having no small amount of fun with the idea and then reading the folder. She looks over at Marise talking and doesn't really have anyting to say to that or Tran's bit and so she continues to stuff her face with stuff.
Mmmm. snacks.
A careful shift of her shades and she decides to study Leilani some more. Somehow. She seemed to fit.
Another cookie slipped gently through the Hawai'ian's lips as Elle spoke, eyes flitting between the white-haired rocker and the information on the board. Interesting. As she's informed of her partner, she turns and nods. "Right-o," she says, turning her attention back to the group leader.
That 'Vamp' chick is a little odd. Quiet. Perhaps a little too quiet. One of those scheming types that may not really be on your side. Well, she's got experience, and that's what counts. Taking a sip of her beer, Leilani sits back in her seat and crosses her legs. Remember the rules of the first day on the job; smile and nod, and agree with everything.
Damn right Marise is in the doghouse. Elle hasn't forgotten how the woman abandoned ship during the fight with Chizuru. The fact is, since that event everyone else has been working double time. Tran's pulled in extra money with his SNF battles and increased solo missions. Naerose has taken an entrepreneurial route, looking for ways outside of the standard mercenary contract to rake in cash. While Marise has been a valued member in the past... her work product has dropped substantially.
Leilani's primary work is administrative, yes, but with one meeting with Duke in her docket, the Hawai'ian will have ample time to get the work done as well as do her pencil pushing duties. Marise being assigned to her is for training purposes, to make sure Duke doesn't obliterate her...
And yes. To some extent, an punishment. Calling Marise out in front of the group would be unprofessional and uncalled for. Nevertheless, this assignment should be enough to put the Devil of Koga on notice that Elle's not really pleased with her performance, and the demon has picked up on the clue quickly. Good.
However, Tran's statement does need to be addressed to some extent, and he gets a reply. "Sort of. Vega's going down the toilet, and fast. We have open space for a client and sniffing around won't hurt. I'm not ruling him out as a flat out target, but it won't hurt to milk him for easy money before we do. Now, if anyone has any questions to ask? Now's the time to do it. Otherwise, we need to get moving here. Time's wasting, and I want that Casino built on time."
Time is indeed wasting. And.. with all of the isses understood.. the Devil has already made her exit.
Another glance in her direction will show that the ominous one is no longer there. Yes.. The Ghost knows her work for Blackjack has lessened of late. She has spoken not a single word about the incident with the Priestess. Which, for her, has been a boon. The incident raises questions the Devil would rather not have to answer right now. Thankfully, eyes are on the bottom line and the Ninja will see to adding to it in the near future.
There are other.. extracurricular projects of course that Marise has indulged in perhaps a bit too deeply. While her allies had pulled from Thailand she couldn't help but linger a bit in the war-torn country.. It was so much fun..
And certain.. Personal matters were dealt with of late. Important enough that they required attention.
However, Marise knows that its time to attend to her 'day job' as it were. And she has much she needs to do.. And preciously little time to do it in.
This answer seems to satisfy Dr. Tran, as he nods assent when Elle's finished speaking. "Alright. I guess I don't need to tell you to be careful around him, then." She handled Vega, but he's nuts - Kain is powerful, cold, calculating, and from what Tran's seen, much more of a threat. He could be biased, though.
Pushing up to his feet, Tran looks around. "Alright, then. I think I've heard all I need to. Seeya later, kids." Turning abruptly, the doctor moves toward the door, head down, already preoccupied with the latest concerns.
"Eh, hey wait Doctor! I wanted to know if you could take a look at something for me.. it's this new diet, I wanna know if.." And he's gone. The witch grumbles. Here was her opportunity for trying to get a doctor opinion, for free!
"I'll get him next time, " she swears to herself, not sounding all that put off. Instead she relishes further in snackage. seriously, take her leave? No if anything it's a figurative exit stage left in that she very much doesn't leave and seems content to indulge.
Standing, the Hawai'ian downs the last of her beer and tosses a cookie into the air before catching it. "So, right. I'll be on the first plane out tomorrow afternoon. You got any extra information about this 'Duke' character before I go into the lion's den? I haven't been to Metro in a long time, Mo'i, so I don't know the ins and outs of the whole thing." Leilani bites into the cookie, chewing for a long moment before continuing, "Oh, and a little more info on my enigmatic little goth partner'd be kinda helpful, too, if ya don' mind. I'm kine leery of her, based on what I kine see here, and what you kine say."
The rocker mercenary nods, and stands, shooing out any lingering people, including Naerose the mooch. The witch has work to do. Real work. She expects the flighty Naerose to be just as effective as the rest of them. "Everyone is, and you'd be sort of an idiot to completely trust her. That being said, she won't turn on you unless I tell her to."
"Vamp... Marise, is what you call a Reuben. And no, I don't mean the sandwich. There's a story about an infamous Merc, you see, named 'Unusually Ruthless' Reuben. They called him 'Ruthless' because he killed his own family with an electric hedge trimmer." Elle sits back down and starts to clean up the working space around her, seeming to speak to Leilani almost as an afterthought. "They called him 'Unusually Ruthless' because he recharged the damn thing three times before he finished."
"Vamp fights and kills basically on my say so, but she has her own reasons for it, like Reuben. Basically, she'll work with /you/ because the arrangement is beneficial. The second it's not? She'll turn on you like a bad penny. You don't have to worry about her backstabbing anyone, unless you're stupid enough to try and mess with her. You're taking the lead in the meeting, but Marise holds all the power to pull the plug if things look bad. You're an investment right now, and you dying isn't on the schedule."
"As for Duke? Seems he's a new Southtown op. Comes off as 'unkillable', or at least, those are the rumors. Some people tell me he's a psycho headcase, but he stinks of management material," Elle suppiles, pushing the scant NESTS intel folder at the Hawai'ian. "At any rate, it looks like they're setting him up for the Syndicate's Metro City operations. That means he can pee and hit the bowl, which is more than you can say for Yamazaki, or Billy."
"Well, then," Leilani says, looking out the door absently. "Well, I guess that I'll just have to make sure that, if she tries to turn on me, that I end her first, neh?" She smiles widely, her teeth flashing into points for just a brief moment in a flash of chi.
A long chuckle escapes the lips of the Shark as she listens further. "Hey, Billy at least sits down when he takes a piss," she says with a smirk, picking up Duke's file and starting to glance over the details. "Huh. Never heard of him... Y'think that I woulda heard something before I slipped out of there like a fish through the grates. Considering I managed to get out in good standing, I bet I can push this stuff on him without incident. But, it'll still be good to have backup. Even if it's someone that might wanna hit Home Depot and buy a new weedwhacker to try and knock me off with."
"You'd think," Elle replies. She doesn't expect Leilani to know everything, since her native territory is Southtown. Nevertheless, sending an ex Syndicate member to deal with another is just a good idea... and Marise's loyalties still lie with the group. It's questionable as two who is keeping an eye on whom. After all, Elle doesn't manage her group by remaining blind to personality conflicts. Speaking of which...
"TYou'll probably want to know who else you'll be working with," Elle supplies as she places all her files in a briefcase. "Tran you already know. Working with him is pretty simple. If I tell him to like you, he'll glare at me all day, but he'll leave you alone. Tran's a good fighter. Does what you tell him to do if you're the head of the mission. That being said, once you get to the point where he can't take you anymore, he'll punch your head off and kick you off a cliff. The long and short? You can mess with Tran. Just not for long."
"Naerose, the girl with the broom? She's another matter entirely," Elle's normally expressionless face grows slightly more fatigued just talking about the witch as she snaps the clasps on her briefcase. "I want to strangle her constantly, but she's good with the kiddy crowd, and nobody thinks she's a threat because she acts like a complete spazz. That being said, she'd feed you to a meat grinder if I paid her enough, and even if you think she's nothing but a clown, I wouldn't underestimate her at all."
"You've collected quite an interesting little group here, Mo'i," the Hawai'ian says, once again referring to Elle with a royal honorific. "One nutjob with an overinflated ego, a spaztastic witch, the Vampire LARPer, a mechanical rockerchick an' a bloodthirsty woman of the night." She smirks, pausing to finish off her cookie. "Sounds like the Syndicate, only with more interesting personalities."
Setting the file down, she picks up the canister of Glow and looks at it again. "I hope you're planning on giving them the same little rundown warning about me. Given that I've made a man choke to death on his own genitalia, I'm hardly a weak-kneed little kitten. I may have made a poor showing 'gainst you, but sometimes y' just get outplayed."
Taking a deep breath, Leilani shrugs. "Anyway. I'll arrange it with Marise an' get out to Metro as soon as possible."
"They know what you are," Elle says, her voice cool and dry as always. "We all work together. We may not love each other and have company picnics and hang out at the mall at the God damn Cinnabon, but we all work together pretty well. Nobody around here underestimates anyone. That's why we stay functioning as a group." The woman strides to the door of the meeting chamber, briefcase in hand, to let the islander and herself out. Normally, she'd object to the use of the honorific, but Elle has no idea what it means. For all she knows, it means 'Horrid Bitch'. Titles don't mean much to her.
Just intelligence, ingenuity, and results.
"There's a big difference between me and the Syndicate, though, Bonita," Elle says as she waits for the girl to pass her on the way out. "The difference is that I'm not a sadistic monster, and I don't hire anyone that can't control themselves." The rocker'es eyes lock onto Leilani's, the frozen, dead stare offering no room to negotiate. "The bottom line, kiddo, is that I expect professionalism. I don't care if you're an epileptic Ku Klux Klan cannibal with Tourette's. When you're on the clock, you shut your shakey, racist ass-eating self down and do what you've been told to do. You don;t put any of your people in danger, and you don't leave anyone behind unless they deserve it. If you can't do that? Well... just let me know, and you can leave before we get any farther."
"Am I clear? Are we clear on this, Bonita?"
Heading out the door, Leilani nods to Elle as she passes by. The hard edge of the rocker's gaze isn't lost on the Hawai'ian, and it's surprisingly comforting. Just as she'd been told, the woman was a straight shooter, and that is a welcome change from her backwards dealings throughout her past. "We're crystal clear, Mo'i," she says flatly, nodding as she speaks. It's an irritated flat, just delivered with the same steely honesty that she's getting from the other woman. "I am a professional, and I'm glad you hold everyone to the same standards. I've worked with too many fucktards in my time."
Heading for the stairwell, she says over her shoulder, "Once I get Marise's availablilty, we'll head to Metro to work the deal out with Duke. If you need me to do anything regarding the casino while I'm there, just let me know."
The mercenary gives a short wave. Good. Leilani seems capable of delivering, and the fact that she's perhaps the most 'normal' out of the bunch will give Elle a decent respite when she's in the middle of dealing with a psychotic midget, a crackers witch, and the Princess of the Dark.
"I might have you sit down with the interior decorator," Elle says, "And have you take a look at some of the layouts just to make sure that someone other than the fruit I hired takes a peek at them."
"Otherwise, I'll make sure that Marise meets you soon. The best way to get in touch with her is to leave a note on the conference table, and she'll find you," Elle informs as she locks the door behind her on her way out after Leilani. "She doesn't use a cell phone... or anything higher-tech than a pencil, for that matter."
And with that, Elle is already setting off to make more deals and get more things done. It's amazing that she finds any time to sleep at all.
The Hawai'ian raises her hand as she's spoken to, extending both her thumb and pinky into a shaka, and thus agreeing to the items Elle has mentioned. "Gotcha, Mo'i," she calls over her shoulder, heading towards her vehicle.
There's a degree of weirdness to that situation. Guess the Lestat wannabe is also a luddite. This is of direct contrast to Leilani herself, as she is practically attached at the hip to her laptop and her Blackberry... which she checks as soon as she gets back to her car. She has plane tickets to buy, and some Syndicate partners to schmooze.
She'll also have to figure out what to pack...
Log created on 23:56:50 07/04/2007 by Leilani, and last modified on 16:37:56 07/08/2007.