Naerose - Ohana? Err. Aranha.

Description: *Season three, Episode Thirteen* Next time on "Sylvester and Aranha" plucky Sylvester learns to speak, but Aranha is finally starting to realize that this bunny might not be a bunny, but actually a mutant alien made by an evil mad scientist to cause devastation to the planet, can he teach it to love? If you miss this thrilling installment you will probably die!

Since the day Tran dropped him off at the Doc in the Box. Aranha has been thinking about the whole test. How he failed to get to the final floor, and how much he wants to break his foot up Tyler Reed's behind. He knew he had some things he needed to sort out and since he hadn't heard from Elle or Blackjack he felt it was pretty safe to assume that he didn't get the job.

In the cool air of the night time the capoeirista found himself walking around aimlessly deep in thought. While in contemplation, he found his inability to get to the third floor was his fault because he became so focused on punishing Reed that he had ignored his objectives. Of course what was done was done and now it was time to find a dice game to finally take his mind off of it. Will he find one or will he find something completely different?

What was the chance that she would find the person she was looking for in china town? Didn't he have enough of sweet and sour chicken? Maybe not. Come to think of it, the witch didn't either and when it came in those perfect to go boxes there was only one thing she still needed,

"Can I have a fork?" she asks the dealer, who is only too disgusted to hand one to the NOT asian woman.

"Oh check that out," she says and adjusts her shades as she watches Aranha in his wanderings, before approaching him, actually paying the man, having money was awesome. Of course her eyes are bigger than her stomach so she also bought some extra food, drink, deserts, no way she could finish it all, no way. But she was going to try.

"Hewy," she says, her mouth full.

He's instantly snapped out of his reverie by the witch in red. At first recognition doesn't set in since he doesn't make the connect of the person standing before him now with the woman in the red french maid's outfit. His head tilts and then after a few moment. "Oh wait... You're the chick who tried to dust me."

Aranha watches as the witch shovels her face. He personally decides to wait for the moment she tries to swallow for when he opens his mouth. "After what happened the other day, I didn't expect see any of you again." After he finishes the sentence, he allows for his lips to curl into an easy going smile.

Naerose spits out her food. A chewed red spray of sweet and sour chicken made puree for baby consumption. A new gerber flavor. Cool. Or not, if you were say, standing in front of her. Lets face it, everything she spits out has got to be red right? Not that it was true or anything. French maid? Well she is dragging a broom around. So what terrible thing did Aranha say to illicit such a reaction?

"Woah crap this stuff is spicy!" She exclaims, "What did you say? See us again? I dunno what you're talking about, I'm Naerose, who are you?"

Other than the part where Aranha's face is completely covered in grinded sweet and sour chicken, it would be hard to to describe the look on his face. Incredulous would be a good start as would confused. Neither one can fully encompass the shock on his face.

He reaches for a napkin and silently wipes the gunk off his face. The people around begin gathering around him wondering what exactly the man is going to do and whether or not he's going to go off on the witch.

He doesn't flip out in the figurative or the literal sense but he looks like he's pretty close to do ing one or the other. "You must have a look alike then who has the same taste in eyewear."His tone of voice barely hints at not buying it but he continues, "Anyway, I'm... Aranha. I would say it was nice to meet you but..." He doesn't finish instead holding up the napkin with grinded chicken and then dropping in the waste bin.

Duke heads south down the main road to the downtown area.

Duke enters the downtown area from the north.

"Right, of course, I was looking for you, something about looking for a job or something." The witch responds and goes into one of the sweeter chinese dishes too, but lets face it, she'll eat anything.

"So what sort of jobs do you look for? I mean, I'm not the best source of information bout employment, I usually don't have a job myself." She drinks on whatever it ws they were selling. Sure is tasty. Slurp slurp.

"This is good, want some?" She offers sounding like she didnt want to actually share.

"Job?" Aranha sort of moves in a way that would get him barely out of the path of spewing food if it happens again. As far as jobs. No one comes looking for him for a job unless it's for a specific thing. The people could always find hired muscle. He knew he was currently a small timer when it came to fighting and not special enough for anyone to be searching him for that. It was also rare that he would be sought out for gambling because he never gambled what he couldn't afford to lose and plus you come to the game. Not the other way around. That leaves, theft. "May I ask who is inquiring?"

It's some time after that he watches the witch dive into her food. When she offers some food he shakes his head. "No thank you. I had enough Chinese food to last me for awhile." He then glances at the trash can.

"More for me then, " she says before answering the next question with her mouth still full, "Sohw, whoo ahskin? Me?" She shrugs and stuffs her face a little more and then stops eating to wipe her face with a napkin,
"Not that I can offer anything, you know? I'm just umm." She looks sheepish, "So lemme say that someone paid me to check up on you or something and I figured, that seems like a real easy task like for getting cash, right? So here I am." She smiles a little with a whinning smile.

"Ahh... I see." He pauses for a moment as he tries to figure out how to phrase it. "If this person is looking for me it's probably because of my specialty in" He lets his voice drop off into a whisper. "Acquisitions." It's vague but intentionally so not everyone would be able to pick up on the actual meaning.

"Ahh, yeah, whatever.." The witch states and slurps a little more on her drink. Course now what does she do? She wasn't actually entirely sure what. .
"So lets see," The witch begins and then is momentarily lost in thought,
"So what do you do for fun, for ahh, money, do you feel like, I dunno, working on a public image? We could do some sort of fighting promotion deal, how does that sound? You seemed to like kicking stuff when I err didn't see you before. Right?"

Now that was unexpected for him. "Public Image? Fighting promotion?" His lips begin to form a smile. A smile of being completely and utterly amused. It takes all that he has within him to not out right laugh. It becomes even more difficult when she mentioned the fact that he had liked kicking stuff. It confirmed within his mind the fact that she was indeed there. Of course he might as well hear her out before he does laugh in her face.

"Yeah, imagine, you can't exactly go around saying you are an aquirerer of stuff, what does that even mean, you know, " The witch asks with a bunch of noodles in her mouth and then sucks them down.
"Or not, I guess I don't really care what you do." Come to think of it, she's plenty happy just following him around a while.

"Yeah, you just do whatever it is you want to do."

"Like I said, if I was was being /sought/ out for jobs it was because of that." He felt the need to emphasize it because that part was the key atleast in his eyes. "To the rest of the world, I make my money from being good at cards and fights here and there." His face lightens up a bit as he continues, "But you mentioned fighting promotions. You can't just leave me hanging like that. You've got to tell me more."

"Ahh," she begins, and apparently hasn't come up with much more to say about that yet.
"Well I guess we could try to convince people to get into fights with you and for money or something? Say you're like an unbeatable warrior or something. Umm, of course we'd have to pick fights we know you can win, I heard some comedian used to fight women, I guess they were weak women, maybe we could put you against children?" She looks thoughtful at this,
"Well not umm, you know those women from the schools, teenaged girls are scary."

The smile begins to vanish as she continues and is completely gone by the time she finishes. "I'm not gonna pull a Andy Kaufman." He continues to wear that frown on his face. "I'm not gonna get better if I fight push-overs. And I'm not unbeatable. You should know that from the time you never met me. If you want me to truly be marketable I'm going to have to pay my dues first. Besides, I still get paid even if I lose."

"Andy Kaufman! That was the name," The witch nods a few times and snaps her fingers. She then considers further how to go with this, so he wanted to be honorable. Well this was good, she was getting a feeling for what kind of fella this was,
"Well we could hire you out as the push over fighter someone else is going up against then, how bout that? I mean.. you'd get to go up against someone tougher, right?"

He doesn't quite like that idea either. "I rather not be hired to specifically job to people either." He looks down as he shakes his head. "Well, I'm going into the Neo League, I figure that I'll just let the roulette wheel determine my opponent. I'm not marketable yet and I know it. Right now the focus is to get myself to the point where I'm fit to be marketed and make money off my ability at playing cards."

"Right." The witch says and gives another winning smile, "Well I could do some fight commentating for you. I've done it profesionally before you see.. So it should be all sorts of fun." The witch leans on her broom and adjusts her hat and shades,
"I've got nothing better to do and no real commentating jobs for a while."

Log created on 00:07:08 06/26/2007 by Naerose, and last modified on 08:13:41 08/19/2007.