Lien - Rooftop Rendezvous

Description: In the heart of Southtown, Lien Neville stalks the rooftops in hopes of engaging in some reconnaissance undisturbed. Unfortunately, things aren't always that easy...

Late night in the business district of Southtown draws its share of people, despite the swiftly approaching midnight hour. Perhaps one of the busiest districts of the city itself, it serves as a hub of sorts for the shadier folks at late night. Men and women of all walks of life can be found here, and the center of it is usually Geese Tower. Well-guarded, the imposing building stands tall - taller than most buildings throughout the city. And after all, why shouldn't it?

It IS the building which belongs to one of the most powerful men in the entire city.

However, it isn't Geese Tower which Lien Neville finds herself. Instead, the Gorgeous Assassin is perched on an empty office building, a pair of high power binoculars pressed to her auburn eyes. Clad in a sleek black catsuit, the assassin seems intent on watching who goes and who leaves the Tower, lips pulled into a thoughtful line across her smooth features. Here, on this lonely rooftop, the heir of the Neville name, the only remaining daughter of her father's legacy, can work without interruption.

Or so she can hope.

Pausing, the woman pulls back, lowering the binoculars from her eyes. Exhaling softly, the woman fishes a hand into the front of her suit, past the open zipper and withdraws a small device. Long gloved fingers idly tap the screen, pulling up a few bits of information, for the blonde's eyes only.

But there are some people in this world who might care to see Geese Howard remain alive, at least while still remaining useful. For all intents and purposes, Southtown is the homebase of Rolento Schugerg; Unofficially, but the most independent cells in the world are linked here, and the commando himself sets up shop and his main global information network. In return for being allowed this gratuitous nest, Geese has asked for the master tactician to oversee some counter-guerilla operations. It is a simple thing, one usually waylayed to underlings especially with the situation in Thailand being one of the prime opportunities to inflict some damage upon Shadaloo.
But in a similar manner to Lien, others observe the adjacent rooftops during routine patrols. Such is one of many filters; After all, people who are within tinted windows cannot be located through such a mundane method, but there is always that minuscule chance a fly is caught in the web. Ninety-nine out of a hundred times, Lien would be absolutely safe in her present location. Any masterful mercenary would agree. However, her present counter is a man who takes chances that pinpoint you that single time...
After confirmation of a suspicious individual observing Geese Tower, Rolento was called in personally due to being nearby. The power level of the person is suspect, and he is the best at interrogating to boot. Constantly updated via three points, he scales the building to the floor beneath the roof. A window opposite the side Lien views is quietly forced open, before in a show of strength and acrobatics he scales precariously, shifting up without even a whisper to belie his presence upon the building. Through the shadows he creeps, baton held ready in one hand and knife in the other, out of sight except for quick flashes. His very breath is held, scarred visage narrowed in concentration, as he begins his final approach. Hands begin to raise, pausing now and then like a preying mantis about to snatch up prey, lips pulling back to expose his pristine white teeth...
And if his ambush works, he will attempt to snap forward and catch Lien beneath the throat with his wooden shaft, and then place the tip of his blade firmly against her jugular.

Whatever reason or purpose Lien Neville has invested in Geese Tower remain unknown, save to the woman herself. There, on the dark, vacant building on which she resides, the dusky-eyed assassin watches, though the air around her is far from lethal. In fact, the woman lacks any weaponry on her person - any visible weaponry, that is. Regardless, the blonde pauses in her observations, toying with the palm device.

Unbeknownst to the Neville heir, however, another set of eyes are watching her.

With an idle sigh the woman pushes a button, turning the device off before tucking it back into the front of her suit. Long fingers reach out to her side, blindly groping at the ground where she left her binoculars. All the while, Rolento scales the building opposite her own unnoticed, easily making his way toward her present location. And not once does the woman move. She just continues to observe.

To a normal man or woman, Lien would appear utterly oblivious. However, to a trained pair of eyes - eyes like the mercenary's - her demeanor and posture are rigid. Muscles are tense, her arms tight as they hold those binoculars to her dark eyes. She doesn't move. Instead, the woman just watches the ground below her. Or so it would seem.

In a blur the silent mercenary makes his move, lodging the length of that baton at her throat. However, when that blade comes to touch against her soft neck, it meets with an odd sound. Rather than touch supple flesh, the blade touches against something hard, meeting with a soft clink sound.

The Gorgeous Assassin's binoculars are in the way.

"And you are?" she asks, employing a particular tone of cool collectedness, sounding almost amused by her predicament.

The strength applied by that dagger is incredible. All that might be seen is a half-gloved hand, bronzed skin old and weathered stretched across powerful muscles no longer past their prime. The baton slips tighter, given that her binoculars couldn't intercept both items. Rolento attempts to heft upwards, to force the other mercenary upon her tiptoes, unable to glance behind. To an attentive person, the commando is actually remarkably odorless. Not even an undertone of sweat, for someone intimately close enough to press his chest against Lien's back. "You are in little position for parley." His voice is a gruff baritone, further highlighting a man likely at least past his forties. It is barely an inch from the side of her ear, breath and tone disturbingly even and paced for an otherwise tense situation. "I can assume you are not here to sightsee Geese Tower. State your business and who you are working for, or this information shall be extracted from you by any methods necessary." To emphasize this point, Rolento would actually try to move forward. Towards the edge of the building, trying to overpower enough that Lien might find the only thing keeping her from a fall to her death would be that baton...

It would be a lie to say the blonde is not paying attention to her surroundings. The moment a hand comes into view, those dusty auburn eyes are flickering aside, gazing briefly at the offending appendage. It tells her all she needs to know of the person currently invading her personal space. Though her binoculars spare her jugular the pain and threat of the steel, that baton does not. Thus as more pressure is applied the woman twitches slightly, flinching in response as she tries harder to breathe.

It's not an easy chore to say the least.

Whoever has her caught by her proverbial tail is good, she can admit that much. His threat comes easily enough, his tone rugged, betraying his secrecy. But still, she has no obvious advantage here. If anything, Lien is at the mercy of the unknown mercenary. Yet, for all the threat he poses, the woman remains strangely calm and composed.

"And what if I am?" she replies, gasping for a breath swiftly thereafter. It takes a lot to reply, what with her predicament and all. One hand fights and struggles to keep his knife at bay with the binoculars, all while that wooden shaft threatens to snap her neck. Soon, however, the blonde is ushered forward, toward the building's edge, where the mercenary threatens to dangle her precariously from over its edge.

Yet when he approaches, he finds himself meeting resistance. Sharp, six inch heels suddenly jerk forward, long legs perched against the edge. Surprisingly powerful in their own right, she actually offers resistance as he tries to cart her forward, struggling against him to prevent him from accomplishing his task.

"I'm here on my own business," she states coolly. "Nothing more."

"I have no compunctions about killing you." Rolento doesn't sound ominous or threatening in the least. The reasonable tone of a crisp businessman, as if he is fully aware of Lien's likely mindset. Someone once in her shoes for as long as she was past a training bra, at least. His grip is iron, and position superior. There's no doubt who has the advantage in raw power here, and it's not a tiny one at that. Rolento is a solidly build and broad figure, muscles densely compacted. One of his booted feet kicks towards a heel heavily, suddenly surging forward with such reckless heed it's very likely both will hurtle to their death unless Lien cedes, and allows him that superior position where the mercenaries' life is in his hand. Death, or only potential death? It's her decision to make, and might perhaps herald the psyche of her unknown assaulter. "Negative. The business is now mine as well. Begin speaking."

"I never suspected otherwise," the Gorgeous Assassin is swift to retort, her words still employing that same collected tone she's exercised since the unexpected mercenary encounter. Of course she wouldn't expect him to have compunctions against killing the woman; likely, he's in the same line of business she is. It's what they do. It's her life.

Holding her resistance against his own, the woman maintains that odd position, legs tense and as stiff as iron as her heels otherwise lock into place against that ledge. As composed as the woman may be, she is clearly struggling to maintain that position; her legs twitch, her body shivering as she struggles still for a decent breath. Yet she remains unwilling to yield.

Unfortunately, it would seem Rolento Schugerg has other plans.

A leg of his snaps out, kicking at her heel. It proves effective; her leg jerks, twisting sharply to one side before it ultimately jerks free, clumsily sliding over the ledge. "Y-you fool!" she cries rather unexpectedly, twitching in his grasp. "Are you trying to kill us both?" Still, it seems of little concern to the mercenary; he continues to demand, even as her other, remaining heel remains solidly placed.

Perhaps unnerved, the blonde's opposite arm suddenly twitches to life. Jerking out from her side straight out, a glint of steel can be seen in her long, gloved fingers before she suddenly swings it back and around, attempting to lodge the steel between the unseen man's ribs.

It's risky, but if she's lucky, it might give her freedom to face her assaulter.

"Were you to relent your resistance, neither of us would be in jeapordy of death." Rolento muses, as if this was entirely logical and his own potential death by the almost tackling motion was not in any way foolish. Yet as she lashes out in that manner, he unfurls abruptly, slipping backwards while pushing out. The result should be that Lien would be likely unsettled, directly towards the sharp drop from the building's edge. He retracts a few meters away, light hop taking him into a defensive crouch as his knife sheathes so quickly one might wonder where he put it. The other retains hold of his baton, twirled once in nimble fingers and then interposed between hard white eyes. A yellow uniform and red beret. Lien would have to be under a rock for decades not to recognize this man, and his telltale scar. The battle hardened warrior, who made the ascent from two-bit mercenary to leader of a world renowned army in one fell swoop that brought an entire city to it's knees. Assuming she did not die... "Tell me why you are spying on Geese Tower. And what your intent for this information is. I will not ask a second time before deciding whether to extract it, or eliminate you."

His words earn him the faintest of chuckles from the British woman, her eyes drawing to a close as she lingers precariously near Death's door. Indeed, the unknown mercenary has her life in his skilled hands, but the woman does not seem as bothered about it as she ought be. To most, it would likely be frustrating or unnerving. To a man as skilled and efficient as him, however, it is little bother.

"My, that wouldn't be at all exciting, now would it, gov?" she coos.

But things suddenly turn as the woman's arm shoots out to the side and, with a blur of motion, attempts to lodge something into his ribs. As expected, however, he all but releases her like a snake uncoiling, moving out of harm's way altogether. Yet as he does so he shoves, attempting to cause the woman to spill off the roof's edge. At first, it would seem the woman is doomed to plunge to her death...

At least until a hand lashes out, long legs swinging out, gaining momentum before they swing upright. Inverting herself, she stands on the edge in a handstand before easily dropping one leg, followed by the other. Once more, those sharp heels make soft purchase against the rooftop. A risky gamble, but it pays off.

With a chance to get a good look at her assailant, the Gorgeous Assassin seems mildly surprised at the sight that awaits her auburn gaze. "You?" she asks, her words almost incredulous. As for the demands, the blonde scoffs slightly, thin brows furrowing ever so slightly.

"It is as I said. I am merely observing. I pose no threat to the Tower, or whoever goes in or out. I assure you I am not here on a contract." Contract? Whatever his response, the blonde slides into a defensive posture, eyes narrowing slightly. "Though really, I could ask of you the same. Why are you here, haunting rooftops, Rolento Schugerg?"

"You would not be risking your life observing this tower for idle interest. Do not patronize me. If it is personal curiosity, or an attempt to acquire information to sell to another, I recommend this be your last attempt." Of course he's completely unsurprised at the recognition. Maybe people claim Rolento has been seen in Southtown more then he should for a man of his prestige and renown, wanted by more countries then one can count. Those rumors appear to have weight to them, for the undertone of this meeting does suggest he might be doing this at the behest of Geese Howard himself. Mayhaps not an official contract, but a favor amongst peers. He remains crouched, adjusting his feet to easier move in any direction, similarly drawing his center of balance to his stomach. Fingers splay upon the cool rooftop stone, tightening the grip on the base of his baton enough to creak the old leather straps. "And my reasons are unimportant. Identify yourself."

Again, it would seem that the woman can't help but find some amusement in his tone. She does not push the matter, however; rather, the blonde lets her body shift, easing into a defensive posture, lets he choose to assault her once more. Smiling faintly, those red lips pull across her smooth features.

"I assure you I am not planning on selling anything to anyone. And honestly," Pausing, she exhales, sounding faintly exasperated. "I wasn't risking my life until you interrupted me, you realize?" Whatever the matter at hand, the Englishwoman doesn't press matters too much. She knows of this man, clearly. His infamy knows no bounds.

As he positions himself, the woman frowns only slightly, dusky eyes narrowing ever so discreetly in response. "I'm not too sure of that," she ultimately replies to his given reason. "I would imagine a man of your standing would have better things to do, but..." A brief shrug is given. No matter to her. His is his own reason, much like she has her own.

"I'm sorry," she ultimately responds, sporting a tiny, nigh-regretful smile. "It's personal, I'm afraid."

"Maybe you are more naive then I thought, if you believe even the most base investigation of Geese Howard does not potentially reap fatal consequence. No matter." He begins to coil once more, head cracking to either side as he spreads his stance, maneuvering upon the very tips of his toes. "Affirmative. Then I shall proceed with interrogation." Inwardly, Rolento is curious of the woman's abilities. And has need of sharpening his own body and mind, after so much time beyond the reach of the front lines. In little more then a heartbeat he is in the air, vaulting in a beautiful overhead sideflip that takes him well past fifteen feet. Descending in an acrobatic spiral to gain inertia, he sweeps the baton overhead with a building snarl, swishing through the air with a sound like a whipcrack and trying to strike her shoulder. Were it to miss, concrete chips would fly in all directions like a hail of shrapnel. Looks like she gets to assess the combative threat of this legendary terrorist as well...

COMBATSYS: Rolento has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Rolento          0/-------/-------|
1 health gauges: Rolento (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Rolento0

COMBATSYS: Lien has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Lien             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Lien0Rolento0

COMBATSYS: Lien blocks Rolento's Mekong Delta.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Lien             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 28 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 29 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Lien0Rolento0

Naive? The Gorgeous Assassin blinks at this, her head tilting slightly in response before she softly smirks. With a soft, barely audible sigh the woman draws her eyes to a close, long arms folding neatly across her chest. "You presume my interest lies in Mister Howard," she coolly replies, bowing her head gently. Still, it would seem there is no shaking the persistent Schugerg; clearly, he lives up to his reputation.

Unexpected, perhaps, is his sudden lunge into the air. Surprisingly fast, he vaults off his baton and twists midair, coming at her at an odd angle. Still, the blonde doesn't allow herself to be caught so easily off her guard. Lifting her long arms up, her forearm intercepts his baton, impact alone causing her to wince slightly. Only after he distances himself does she shake her arm out. "Bloody...that hurt," she murmurs.

Does he want a fight? Then a fight he'll get. With a sudden charge, Lien leaps up and, in an odd gesture, attempts to land on Rolento's shoulders...

COMBATSYS: Rolento parries Lien's Tisiphone!

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Lien             0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 29 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Lien0Rolento0

Oh, there will be significantly more pain then that in this encounter. He backflips away fluidly, landing some distance off. As she runs forward and leaps, his response is rather devastatingly simple. Twirling his baton, he shifts it up. Both her feet instead land upon this weapon, and any further intent is lost as there is a vicious heft upwards, to throw her off her feet. Reaching up to his harness, one of his grenades is yanked free as he begins a heavy roll, laughing deep within his chest. Raising upwards, one of the green orbs is suddenly hurtling through the air, and just as Lien is likely regaining her composure it detonates in a flare of fire, shrapnel and raw force that light up the sky. Things are likely not off to a pristine start. "You have little chance of beating me in a direct engagement. If you were not interested in Geese Howard, why are you spying on his tower?"

COMBATSYS: Lien dodges Rolento's Grenadier EX.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Lien             0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 28 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Lien0Rolento0

As she descends toward the mercenary feet-first, the blonde seems mildly surprised at his attempts. Intercepting those particularly unpleasant heels of her boots is the baton, and following through the mercenary hefts her up into the air. Following the momentum, the Englishwoman rotates midair, her body inverted there at the peak of her ascent. And just in time, too. Those auburn eyes catch sight of his hand reaching into the bandolier.

That can't be good.

Her flight is suddenly cut short as she all but dives toward the ground proper. Landing hands first, the woman tucks her body and rolls, narrowly avoiding the explosion that results from the detonated grenade. Following through with the roll, she attempts to deliver a swift kick aimed right for his stomach as she springs up.

"I was merely interested in the company Howard chooses to keep," she replies.

COMBATSYS: Lien successfully hits Rolento with Light Kick.
Glancing Blow

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Lien             0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Lien0Rolento0

With the same liquid speed, Rolento hurls himself upwards, the heel only grazing his side rather then landing a resounding blow upon him. He's curled into a tight ball once more, whirling away before landing a few meters off. "That is none of your business. And not business he wishes to be known...!" Again he lurches forward, slipping low before shooting out a vicious sweep for Lien's legs, trying to catch them from beneath and force her to an uncomfortable thud upon the ground. This would instantly be met with another evasionary backflip, hopefully putting him out of range from any immediate reciprocation. Wide open areas are not his speciality; He has little terrain to use to his advantage, but he has already garnered that he is both faster and stronger and likely more durable... Lien is not a subpar fighter, but she is inferior to Rolento, it would seem...

COMBATSYS: Lien dodges Rolento's Light Kick.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Lien             0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Lien0Rolento0

With heels as long as hers, it doesn't surprise the assassin as it grazes against his side as he swings himself out of harm's way. She seems far from unconcerned, however; pushing off the ground, she lands in a deep crouch behind the mercenary, a three point stance before she slowly rises up and turns to face the soldier.

"It isn't?" she asks, sounding mildly amused by his words. Watching as he lunges at her, the woman stands her ground until the last second; the moment his leg shoots out she leaps up and back, avoiding the attempt altogether before she flips, landing a distance away. Once grounded, the blonde eases back into a stance, one arm raised, the other low. "Well, I apologize, but I've found reason to make it my business."

Charging forward, the woman coils a fist tightly at her hip as she zeroes in on the mercenary and, upon nearing, thrusts it forward, attempting to land a solid blow into his chest. "HIYAAAH!"

COMBATSYS: Rolento interrupts Strong Punch from Lien with Fatality Package.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Lien             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 20 of 30. Super: 6 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 22 of 30. Super: 4 of 16.Lien0Rolento0

"Then you can deal with the consequences." is all that Rolento seems fit to respond. Her attempt to overtly impact him appears to be foolish, as he has more then one way to deal with someone of such apparent agility. He is not mere speed and quick strikes; He is also a down and dirty mercenary. One hand snaps forward, and he's struck heavily in the shoulder. But in the same breath he catches Lien by the front of the shirt, holding her still long enough to slip close and impact her in the gut with the base of his baton. Bending it to an obscene degree, he then slaps on a strand of grenades to her side before snarling and unleashing a vicious upwards POING that sends her careening into the air, just as the series of concentrated blasts, in tandem adding up to a heavy blow, again light up the sky like fireworks. Custom tooled for aesthetic burning, of course. "Did you truly come into this believing victory was plausible? We are on different levels, and mere luck is insufficient when consistency is the true factor in battle!!"

"So be it."

Without regret the woman makes her move, charging the mercenary without an ounce of hesitation. Only as she draws near does the woman's fist blaze forth, crashing quite soundly against his shoulder. It turns out to be a setup, however; snared by the front of her particularly revealing catsuit, the woman is hefted up and, with a swift jerk she's wearing grenades and launched high, where she's left to blow up in a glorious display of fiery red.

Just as the smoke clears, however, the woman suddenly appears and, with a particularly odd and shrill scream, flies down at the soldier foot first, attempting to bury her heel straight into his chest, if Rolento isn't careful. For the moment, the woman seems unconcerned with the front of her suit, mindless of the holes that have burnt through. It matters little to her; she's more interested in putting the hurt on Schugerg.

COMBATSYS: Lien successfully hits Rolento with Azelfafage.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Lien             1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 8 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 6 of 16.Lien1Rolento0

It seems a shrilly crying Lien was unexpected; Rolento thought she would be more afflicted by the unwanted airborne detonation, and he's sluggish in hefting up his baton to catch her the second time around. It costs him, as she merely plows through it before he braces and cracks heavily against his solar plexus. With a 'wuff!' he slides backwards, doubling forward and catching himself with a hand. Before once more charging outwards, right hand sweeping almost gracefully in an attempt to catch Lien by the throat, twist around and hurl her bodily into the unrelenting stone of the makeshift building-top arena. Those heels sting. No further commentary is made; The battle has grown more savage, and he's more then willing to allow such to propagate...

COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Lien with Medium Throw.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Lien             1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 15 of 30. Super: 10 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 6 of 16.Lien1Rolento0

Piercing his defenses, those sharp heels strike true, crushing against his chest and solar plexus and leaving its mark. Not one to linger, the woman simply pushes off after her strike, her figure sailing easily through the air before she lands in a slight crouch. Only after touching down does the blonde rise to her full height before she eases back into her stance, ready.

Without hesitating Rolento makes his move once again. Though the woman attempts to duck and weave her body out of harm's way, that large hand makes purchase at her throat. Following through with his assault, she's hefted up before she's slammed into the rooftop, a loud grunt slipping past her red lips.

But Lien isn't about to lie there and just take her beating. Rolling back, the woman leaps to her feet before she charges toward the mercenary, a hand lashing out to grab him by the throat...

COMBATSYS: Lien successfully hits Rolento with Caph Slam.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Lien             1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 15 of 30. Super: 12 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 14 of 30. Super: 9 of 16.Lien1Rolento1

Having her hold on the man, the woman pulls no punches. A leg swiftly ascends, striking Rolento fiercely against the side of the head, followed by the opposite leg. Twisting her body, she releases him and, at the same time, delivers a nice, fierce backhand to fell him. Once grounded, however, a leg lifts swiftly and kicks with her heel, allowing the blonde to step freely back and away from the mercenary.

Eye for eye, throat for throat? Lien's ability to rebound with surprising speed appears to be an asset, as Rolento maneuvers to deflect a physical blow only to find he's gripped instead, snaking past his shifting forearm. There's a grunt of mild annoyance. Is he this out of practice, to misread twice by such a laughable majority? He can ponder it more later, cracked against either side of his head before thunking to his knees, again bracing himself with a hand. Teeth grit, before he deftly lashes out once more, this time exploding into a tight roll. The intent is to rebound off Lien with rather surprising speed and send her staggering backwards. If it hit he'd bounce away to land in a crouch a couple meters off. "Hnnngh!"

COMBATSYS: Lien dodges Rolento's Mekong Delta.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Lien             1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 15 of 30. Super: 12 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 15 of 30. Super: 9 of 16.Lien1Rolento1

Despite the plight of Schugerg, Lien moves irregardless. No mercy employed, the woman attacks, two swift kicks and a backhand before she simply dismisses his body with a kick, to let him roll if he should while she walks forward. Only when there is enough distance does the woman pause and turn, turning to face the mercenary with a stern look. Despite her stern expression, however, slender shoulders sag, rising and falling. She's in no better shape herself, clearly.

Again, the mercenary in yellow rolls at her, attempting to strike her and send her staggering back. However, the woman leaps back, flipping out of harm's way just as he closes in. Handspringing, the Englishwoman lands in a slight crouch, dusky eyes narrowed on the infamous mercenary. A beat, and the woman lunges toward the man again, pausing only to sharply pivot on her heel and deliver a kick for his chest.

COMBATSYS: Rolento dodges Lien's Light Kick.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Lien             1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 16 of 30. Super: 12 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 15 of 30. Super: 9 of 16.Lien1Rolento1

The roll manages to scarcely take Rolento out of harm's way, letting out a somewhat annoyed snort. She's exceptionally lucky it would seem. There is a consistency to this fight, and that is in his failure. But still, they are neck and neck almost. Mere testament to the level of difference the fighters have, were she to win by fluke. Twirling his baton heavily in hand, he almost dances forward, swiping it out twice in an attempt to bypass her guard and riddle her body, grunting out lightly in the effort. It's a rather simpler assault comparatively, but there seems to be an underlying purpose to it not yet seen...

COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Lien with Weapon Jab.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Lien             1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\1          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 13 of 30. Super: 13 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 15 of 30. Super: 8 of 16.Lien1Rolento1

Her kick avoided, the woman simply swings her leg back and around, setting it down with a soft click of heels on concrete. Facing him fully, the assassin offers him a mildly bemused look as he recovers and, rather suddenly, comes forward toward her, baton swinging. Try as she may to duck it and avoid it altogether, the blonde is struck, her body reeling against the force. Not one to stay down so easily, Lien recovers.

Wiping a hand across her cheek, she sports a tiny grin. "You're quite a handful, mister Schugerg," she remarks teasingly, before she grabs her arm and pulls it with the other, suddenly lunging at the mercenary elbow-first, to slam him in the face...

COMBATSYS: Lien successfully hits Rolento with Assault Type - Al Tarf.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Lien             0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 13 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: red, 7 of 30. Super: 12 of 16.Lien0Rolento1

...following the strike, the woman's opposite arm blurs, a swift gut punch striking the mercenary in his gut, to knock him back. Unrelenting, the Gorgeous Assassin charges forth once again, her elbow drawn and aimed for his stomach, adding insult to injury before she punches him in the face. Dipping briefly, she suddenly rises, a swift motion of her arm delivered, heralding a burst of bright, pinkish-white chi energy to blast the infamous mercenary away, leaving the blonde panting for breath.

Vulnerable still, once more Lien manages to take good advantage of it. A duck downwards is made, one that doesn't quite evade the staggering blow to the side of the head. A brutal combination ensues, and the crack of chi sends him flying backwards, rolling upon his side to the very edge of the building to skid precariously, one leg dangling over the edge. At least he seems built of resilient stuff, coughing bloodily while picking himself up. He's no longer amused in the slightest by this tirade, rising languidly to a stand despite his somewhat ravaged body. "Hrrm." He simply adjusts his uniform, tilting the beret and tightening one glove, gaining some breath back while carefully assessing his opponent. She's managed better then he wanted... but...

COMBATSYS: Rolento gains composure.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Lien             0/-------/-----==|=======\===----\1          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 13 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: red, 10 of 30. Super: 11 of 16.Lien0Rolento1

Turning her back once the gout of chi erupts and sends Rolento rolling back, the blonde just lifts a hand and adjusts the gloved on her delicate hands. Drawing her eyes to a close, she makes no real, immediate move at the soldier; instead, she turns as he rises back up, facing the soldier with a vaguely impressed look. He's still willing to stand? Interesting.

Lifting both arms, the woman tips her head back and lets her arms tuck underneath her hair, lifting it up before she simply releases the blonde tresses. Curled locks spill about her shoulders, auburn eyes mildly humored as he adjusts his garments. He's just standing there? Giving him a moment, the woman holds her ground. ..before she runs at him. With heels clicking, the Gorgeous Assassin closes in, but makes no move AT him. Instead, she lifts an arm up and high before she swings it down, slamming her fist against the ground. As result, the ground erupts in that same odd, pinkish-white chi.

COMBATSYS: Rolento interrupts Syrma from Lien with Mine Sweeper.

[                          \\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Lien             0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 4 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: red, 8 of 30. Super: 2 of 16.Lien0Rolento0

"I relented ground for a reason. It was in order to survive this final gambit. Ready?" This is said when it would be too late to escape the reciprocation, even if Lien were inclined. He suddenly begins rolling to the side, leaving a heavy grenade behind. He's caught in the edge of the pink detonation, washing over his form with a grunt, but not enough to finish him. Lien would be caught in the churning blast of concentrated explosives, but only to be juggled along three more, trailing scantly a meter behind; each almost takes out Rolento with it, and were he to even slightly miscalculate it would be disastrous consequences. But he remains in a crouch at the conclusion, leaving Lien to likely go sailing overhead while neatly smoking and smoldering, ravaged rooftop gouting up heavy smoke and lingering flames. "FIRE!!!"

His words fall upon deaf ears, obviously. Moving forth with no reservations, Lien swings her arm up and lets it fall. Yet just as it strikes the ground Rolento is rolling back and away, avoiding the blast, albeit barely so. Lightly singed at best, the woman's dusky eyes go wide as the haze clears and, in response, a sudden eruption of grenades consume her. Juggled mercilessly, the Englishwoman is rocked by the fierce explosions, sent flying high above, a smoldering mess.

But she swiftly corrects herself mid-flight, one last ditch attempt to fly down at him with a fierce kick aimed for his shoulder, to knock him back and hopefully buy her some time to make a swift retreat...

COMBATSYS: Lien has reached second wind!

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Lien             0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0          Rolento
2 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 7 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Rolento (Right Meter) -- Status: red, 8 of 30. Super: 2 of 16.Lien0Rolento0

COMBATSYS: Rolento interrupts Light Kick from Lien with Grenadier.

[                                <
Lien             1/---====/=======|
1 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 0 of 30. Super: 12 of 16.Lien1

COMBATSYS: Rolento can no longer fight.

[                                <
Lien             1/---====/=======|
1 health gauges: Lien (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 0 of 30. Super: 12 of 16.Lien1

Oh, there will be no retreat. Rolento is a crazyman, you see. He can tell that Lien is not quite out of the fight as she rushes towards him, and with a manic snarl he yanks off another grenade from his harness, and as she descends towards him hurls it at her. It connects just as her kick does, and the significant detonation blows both fighters away with no small amount of energy. Rolento is again skidding along the ground, this time coming to a stop with his hand only loosely gripping the baton. Coughing heavily he rolls over, body trembling. His kamikaze just cost him the ability to continue fighting... whether it finished off Lien as well, however, will remain to be seen...

Perhaps reckless of the insane mercenary, it proves effective nonetheless. Her kick intercepted with a sudden, rather painful blast of energy, Lien is sent flying back as a result of his attempts, much like his own body. Striking the rooftop hard, the woman rolls three times before she stops, crashing against the ledge of the roof. Smoldering, the blonde stares up at the skies above, attempting to shake off the dizziness and ringing in her ears.

Then, slowly, the woman pushes herself up off the rooftop, slowly and cautiously attempting to rise to her feet. Rolento, like herself, is unable to continue their rendezvous, and that is likely a good thing. For both fighters.

"L-like I said," she remarks, talking toward his felled form, whether he rises himself or not. Holding her arms over her chest, it's clear she's attempting to keep herself relatively modest, as her catsuit is tattered, worn considerably and singed beyond repair.

"I was just looking." Turning, the woman attempts to clamber toward the ledge and, in a jump, seeks to make a swift retreat to the next. She doesn't want to linger - Rolento is clearly a handful, and she wants no more unnecessary hitches. Besides, the distant whine of sirens does not bode well with the woman.

COMBATSYS: Lien takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Lien can no longer fight.

Log created on 23:54:33 06/23/2007 by Lien, and last modified on 20:26:26 06/24/2007.