Hayato - First Challenger!

Description: The first student to take Hayato up on his open challenge is Gan, thinking he might be able to use his sumo skills to get the better of the Taiyo teacher. Luckily for Hayato, his wallet remains safe from the Gedo student's massive appetite.

There were rumors, and when they made their way to Gedo High, a certain rather giant student heard them. Especially when he heard anything, including a sumo match. He wouldn't think of a reason not when he heard of a free dinner at Hayato's expense. He's not planning on having him eat any of it, instead, planning on having his family take part of something he earned. Simple food's good enough for him.

The hulking form of Gan enters the Taiyo Dome from one of the entrances, slowly walking in and looking for the Phys Ed teacher. Gan excels at this kind of stuff, and so he thinks he has a pretty good shot. The walk becomes slower as he takes in the large room, the huge arena, the immense ceiling. Everything. He still prefers Gedo, but the sight is just amazing.

Eventually coming in realization that he didn't plan to just gawk at the place, Gan looks for the Phys Ed teacher, Hayato, instead of just looking around. His walk a bit more normal, he raises a rather large hand up to help his voice carry, "Hey, Hayato! You here?" Gan's pretty simple, and the rumors came with a name, after all. Calling out has to attract some attention, if not just the sight of the pretty worn uniform on Gan that makes him an obvious other-schooler.

At the moment there are no Taiyo students available who have need of Hayato's training, so the Burning Phys-Ed Teacher is concentrating on improving his own abilities. By doing push-ups. From a handstand position. With one hand. Without being against a wall to support him. "98... 99..."

That's when Hayato hears someone calling out his name in a loud voice. He tilts his head up far enough to spot Gan, noting the uniform. This looks promising. "100!" Hayato leans back and lets his feet hit the floor again, smoothly swinging himself up into a standing position. "That'd be me, kid. Can I help you out with something?" He grins in Gan's direction, looking rather happy to see the large Gedo student. He didn't make that challenge for nothing, it seems.

Single handstand pushups. That's something that Gan has to give tha man credit for, when he looks over and hears the 100. A hundred of them with one hand. Well, this won't be as simple as Gan thought, but that makes it all the better. As Hayato moves to a standing position, Gan, of course, still has alot of size on him. "I'm here about that challenge you made. I was thinking I'd take you up on it." He thinks it's real enough, so he doesn't ask about if it's true. The phys ed teacher, from what he's seen and heard, isn't going to be easy. Still, Gan doesn't show any signs of worrying, a bit of a smile of his face.

"A straight brawl's good enough for me. Though I could go for sumo too. Ahahah! Maybe a combination of both in the challenge." The Gedo High student certain's into the idea at least. He wouldn't put out one of those challenges if the guy wasn't sure he wasn't going to win.

Looking down still, he scratches his head a little. "So how about it?" Gan looking around at the various fields. Any one of them are pretty big enough to fight. However, Hayato already personal with the fields, may be getting even closer if he accepts.

Hayato takes a moment to crack his neck, still grinning at Gan. His current position is in the baseball outfield, a relatively safe place to have a fight. At least if there's damage done to the ground it'll be relatively easy to fix it up. "Perfect! It's wonderful to see a student taking some initiative. Some people may speak badly of Gedo, but I know you've got a lot of enthusiastic spirits over there."
The gym teacher slams his right fist into his left palm, then looks thoughtful for a moment. "A combination, huh? Sounds good to me! How about sticking to sumo techniques, but not ending at the first fall?" That'll give them both a chance to get some good exercise out of it, without having to make it best two out of three or some such thing. Hayato glances at his shinai to make sure it's still safely where he placed it on the ground before exercising, then takes a few cautious steps away from it. He then hunches forward slightly, holding both of his arms out with his palms pointed toward Gan. "Okay, big guy! Show me what you've got!"

COMBATSYS: Hayato has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hayato           0/-------/-------|

The damage to the ground and perhaps the damage to Hayato's face! Well, if Gan potentially gets a hold of him. The turf is good for the sandals that Gan has on, anyways. From what he hears, he likes Hayato. He's not judging them by what he hears, but by the students. Gan's going to really enjoy this now.

"Yeah. I couldn't pass up something like this." ANd it's true, from what he's heard, Hayato's really going to give him a run. Clenching his hands as the Gym teacher speaks of the rules, Gan certainly has no problem with it. "That'll be perfect. It'll give me some practice too." Especially from the fight Hotaru put up. He was just hanging around to, not expecting anything like that. She started his drive to get more active again.

Enourmous hands move to his side as he backs up a bit and hunkers down as well, both arms held much like Hayato. "Guess I'll start then!" And Gan after balancing his form, breaks out forwards, moving quick towards Hayato with a simple and quick one two palm thrust. He's putting his weight into it a bit. But when doesn't he?

COMBATSYS: Gan has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Gan              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Hayato

COMBATSYS: Hayato endures Gan's Quick Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Gan              0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Hayato

Hayato flexes his fingers as he watches Gan move in towards him. Now the fight has begun, and Hayato doesn't plan to pull any punches. Not that he usually does, but especially not now. His wallet is riding on the line, and Gan certainly looks capable of putting away a whole lot of food. The gym teacher observes Gan's form as the large student moves in for the attack, and begins drawing back his right arm in response.
Both of the palm strikes hit Hayato cleanly in the chest with a satisfying thump, but they don't manage to drive the teacher back. It would seem his judgement is correct, having focused on his own strike at Gan, rather than putting too much effort into his defense. As Gan's hands are coming off of him, Hayato lunges forward into a single palm strike aimed at the dead center of Gan's chest, throwing most of his weight behind the blow.

COMBATSYS: Hayato successfully hits Gan with Fierce Strike.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Gan              0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0           Hayato

The strikes may easily slam into Hayato, but unfotunately, Hayato doesn't seem too phased by it. He hadn't seen the fist being pulled back, and after the stikes are finished, Gan only has a moment to react and to at least prepare himself for the strike. This doesn't happen, and Hayato lunges straight forwards with the single palm strike. Gan backs off, stumbling a bit from the strike, wooden sandals plowing through the grass as he slides a bit from the force initially. Harder than he expected alright.

Getting back, Gan balances himself in the sumo stance again, raising one foot and bringing it down, then raising the other. Moving in again to the Phys Ed teacher, the massive form of Gan actually raised his leg high, balancing on a single leg, before slamming it into the turf directly nearby Hayato, sending a shockwave of energy and force against him.

It may hurt the ground more than Hayato though, if he's quick about it.

COMBATSYS: Gan successfully hits Hayato with Rough Wave Stomping.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Gan              0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0           Hayato

It would seem it was in Hayato's best interest not to make this match to the first fall. An interesting technique on Gan's part, and it manages to take the teacher by surprise. He winds up attempting to leap over the shockwave, but he's a bit too late to react properly. His feet get caught in the blast and knocked out from beneath him, sending him crashing back down to the ground. A quick roll back, though, and Hayato's back on his feet. "Ha! Nice one!"
But since the fight's not over, don't think Hayato's just going to hang around and do nothing! Running back toward Gan, Hayato lunges out with his right arm, reaching for Gan's left shoulder. He tries to push the Gedo student, hard, to upset his balance, then crash into him with his whole body to send Gan crashing down onto his back.

COMBATSYS: Gan endures Hayato's Medium Throw.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Gan              1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Hayato

Well, Gan's doing his best as well, fighting with everything he has, but sometimes it's only so good. The burning phys ed teacher is incredibly versed, and Gan's finding that he's having alot more trouble with him than Hotaru that he fought before. As Hayato runs towards Gan and lunges with his right arm, the Gedo student's pushed an his balance is upset easily. Too easy, as Hayato crashes straight into him. Gan falls back, crashing to the floor even as he readies himself to take the throw. It takes Gan longer than usual to recover from this attempt.

Getting up again, Gan pulls himself to his feet,. "Haven't seen that tried before. You must really know alot about all this." But Gan won't give in until he's truly beaten, and while he gets up to his feet, immediately lunges towards Hayato, not being as beat up as he's making himself seen, going for the leg and attempting to lift him up off the ground a bit and to whip him to the side into the turf of the field.

Normally the sumos are usually about the same size, so a grapple like this is impossible. But Gan is pretty huge. Hayato isn't that small though!

COMBATSYS: Gan successfully hits Hayato with Giant Storm.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Gan              1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0           Hayato

And up he goes... and then back down. Gan manages to snare Hayato's leg, yanking him around and slamming him down into the turf. Quite impressive, really. Hayato rolls away when he hits the ground, though, quickly popping back up to his feet. A quick brush of one hand clears some grass off of his red track suit's jacket. "You've got some pretty strong arms, kid. What's your name?"
Sure, he could have asked /before/ they started beating on each other, but hey. Better late than never, right? And Gan already knows /his/ name. And since Gan is being a bit... unorthodox in his own sumo methods, there's no reason for Hayato to hang back. He charges at the student, but rather than crashing into him attempts to step past him and spin behind him. He then reaches out to wrap both arms around Gan's torso before leaning back and yanking him into a German Suplex. Unorthodox? Yes. Difficult to pull off on someone of Gan's size? Certainly, but not beyond Hayat's ability! And his feet are still the only part of his body in contact with the ground!

COMBATSYS: Hayato successfully hits Gan with German Suplex.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Gan              2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|======-\-------\0           Hayato

Woah. That's .. that's not expected at all! Gan before the suplex was pretty ready to take anything that Hayato can dish out. But it turns out, maybe not! "My name's Gan. And the strength comes from hard work, they're not strong without the knowledge to use them." Farm work does that to you, and he may just be reciting what Daigo's said in the past, or his wn version.

Now, back to the German Suplex. Hayato succesfully grabs Ganm and Gan tries to wriggle out a bit, even through his massive body prevents him from doing that, he tries to at least hold himself up. Things don't work out so well, and when the suplex comes, Gan is pretty much left to be slammed into the ground like a ragdoll, the head hitting the ground before the massive body collapses forwards as well. When he does finally get up, Gan looks worn. "That one .. really stung." Is his only comment, "But I bet this won't feel so good either." Gan responds. And since we're into the throwing section of things, Gan rushes forwards, speeding at Hayato before attempting to grab his legs again.

However, the previous version wouldn't hold a candle to his attempt. If he dogs grab Hayato's legs, it'll be a painful ride as Gan rips him around in the air, whipping him around against the turf multiple times, first on the right side, then the left, then leaping up to slam him into the ground with all his force against the turf. If Gan is going to go down, it certainly won't be without giving it his all!

And it might be painful!

COMBATSYS: Gan successfully hits Hayato with Concrete Smash.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Gan              0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1           Hayato

Despite having seen the kinds of things Gan can pull off, Hayato still isn't able to keep his legs from getting grabbed. And this time the consequences are a bit more dire. There are dents left in the grass where Hayato's body is slammed viciously into the ground, but he grits his teeth and bears it. And then he finally ends up in a Hayato shaped imprint in the turf. "Oof!"
Shaking his head, the teacher stands back up and grins brightly at Gan. "Well done, well done! But you're not there just yet!" Charging in toward Gan, Hayato once more reaches out with both hands, attempting to slip them under the kid's arms. He heaves back, attempting to (briefly) lift Gan off his feet and shake him. He then quickly yanks both hands back, and as Gan is falling back down he drives forward with a double handed palm strike.

COMBATSYS: Gan fails to interrupt Power Punch from Hayato with Super Gun Stabbing.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hayato           1/---====/=======|

COMBATSYS: Gan can no longer fight.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hayato           1/---====/=======|

Gan isn't so lucky on the response though. As the teacher stands back up, and tells him he's not yet there, Gan gets ready, as he knows he won't have a chance to respond, being rather beaten at that point. So when Hayato charges, Gan's unable to prevent Hayato from lifting him off the feet and shake him. However, as he falls, he gives it his all, and brings back a fist burning with chi to start to respond, energy welling in his palms.

It's promptly ended, however, when the double handed palm strike slams him straight on, causing the rather large Gedo high student to be launched backwards, hitting the ground not once, but twice, and skidding to a stop on the turf. Coughing once, Gan doesn't speak up, but being so soundly defeated makes him think that maybe ignoring his sumo club, and training, was probably a bad idea in the end.

Pulling hmself to a sitting position and rubbing his head a bit, Gan looks to Hayato. "Guess I shoudn't of skipped Sumo club so much." He honestly thought he was pretty darn good at it!

Hayato shakes a finger at Gan before nodding to himself in a knowing manner. "Don't be so hard on yourself! If this had been a normal sumo match, you might well have won! You've got a few tricks up your sleeve!" Although if it was a normal sumo match, Hayato also probably would have been putting a lot more effort into making sure he didn't get knocked over.
"But! You should definitely not be skipping sumo club!" Hayato is suddenly a lot closer to Gan, looming over the sitting student. "Gan, you said your name was? I think I'll be checking up with the Gedo sumo club. It would be quite a disappointment to learn that you're not living up to your full potential! Do you think Daigo slacks off?" Everybody who knows /anybody/ from Gedo knows who Daigo is, so it's a safe bet that dropping his name will likely have some sort of impact. And despite the fact that that was, technically, a threat, Hayato still seems to be in a perfectly good mood. He extends a hand down toward Gan as an offer to help him up. "And maybe next time you'll win yourself a meal, if you train hard!"

COMBATSYS: Hayato takes no action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hayato           1/---====/=======|

COMBATSYS: Hayato has ended the fight here.

It might have been odd, but Gan usually skipped it because he thought that he couldn't learn anything from it. "I know. I've got to the nationals pretty easy otherwise." It's not that he's a slacker or anything! It was a pretty good match, at least for Gan. So he didn't really do as well as he thought. That's because Hayato's pretty strong! There's a reason the rumor extended pretty far across the Southtowns.

However, that brief period of a pat on the back is replaced with some pretty good advice. Gan listens, doing not much else than paying attention to Hayato as he looms over. He looks pretty serious. And his words are lined with some good advice. Not just that, he ends mentioning Daigo. "Daigo never slacks off." Is what Gan almost instictively responds, "So I shouldn't either." Gan nods to himself, looking to Hayato as he does. "Never though of that.." He knew that trying hard at studying, which he was bad at, would eventually give positive results, but he never though of working harder on something that came natural. He's sometimes a bit simple. Taking the hand Hayato offers, Gan would be helped up, brushing himself off.

"I'll make sure to train alot before that time. Like Daigo would." Gan's grinning pretty wide. "Then maybe I will get that meal!" This has been alot more helpful than he though. Way more than just a plate of food. Or many plates with food. He'll certainly be more often at, and active, at Sumo club!

Log created on 17:05:59 06/13/2007 by Hayato, and last modified on 12:59:49 06/16/2007.