Neo League 401 - #422: Hotaru vs Leilani

Description: A dirty underground arena. Two beautiful young women. Only one victor. (Winner: Hotaru)

Another week, another Neo League fight! Hotaru isn't a blood thirsty girl, by any means. She just wants to prove herself. She has to know that she isn't weak. If she can prove it to herself, she can prove it to her brother when she finds him. And if getting the experience to prove herself means she has to keep throwing herself into the meat grinder that are Neo League fights, then so be it.
Sometimes though, she really starts to question this path she's chosen. And tonight's fight happens to be one of those times. The setting is a pit fighting arena in an underground bar. The fighting pit itself is a brick-walled hole in the ground with a chain-link fence around the top through which the audience can watch the blood letting. The floor is plain = dirt - it's so much easier to clean up after a brutal fight than, say, cement. There are a few square cement posts sticking up out of the dirt at random spots, roughly three feet high, three feet wide, and half a foot thick.
Having been escorted to the pit by the officials, the fighting highschool girl looks horribly out of place. Hair done up in her signiture pigtails, Hotaru is clothed in her usual fighting attire. The pristine white portions of her clothing a stark contrast to the dingy, dirty fighting pit only dimnly illuminated by lights overhead.
She's been assured by the officials that in spite the harsh environment, the fight is no different than any other. When it's over, it's over. She doesn't have to worry about being brutalized if she's knocked out, like some stories of pit fights gone horribly wrong that she's heard about.
All the same, even with assurances from the officials, Hotaru's eyes look a bit wide and she seems pretty tense as she claims one side of the pit as her own starting point. Breathing in deeply, she tries to put everything out of her mind that doesn't matter. The audience, the place this is - it's all unimportant. All that matters is how she performs here, in this hole in the ground. Exhaling slowly, she clasps her hands behind her back and bows her head, closing her eyes as she concentrates.

Now, just as Hotaru looks out of place, so does the exotic beauty now being herded into the arena by another official. It's almost looking like some kind of torture movie, having these two young women fight in this arena. This second woman's outfit is a little more subdued and certainly fits into the look of the arena a bit more, though the freshly laundered look keeps the contrast well in mind.
Now, unlike Hotaru, Leilani Ke'ekikolani has not been verfy active in the Neo League. In fact, she's only been in one fight in the League thus far. Since Geese Howard doesn't control the League, her involvement with it is less than necessary, and so she's kept out of that particular limelight. However, the bar this fight is being held in is under Syndicate control, and her boss, Mr. Big, thought that she should have a day off the pole and instead causing pain. Leilani had eagerly agreed to the battle, knowing that it could bring her "daddy" some money, and maybe he'd show her some more kindness for the act. But now, here in the middle of a dirty arena, out of view of sun or moon, the young Hawai'ian feels a little uneasy.
Ocean blue eyes look around for a few moments before coming to rest on Hotaru. A warm, gentle smile crosses the woman's face before she steps forward, bowing first courteously before offering a gloved hand to the younger woman. "Aloha, honey," she says, voice like a warm summer breeze. "My name's Leilani. I've heard a lot about you, and I'm looking forward to this." Eyes shift up and around as a smirk crosses her face, before she adds, "Just kinda wish the venue was s'koshi more inviting."

Leilani's rare appearances made her a hard opponent to find out much about. But that doesn't mean she doesn't know what she looks like, having had the opportunistic chance to fight alongside her in an exhibition match against Ken Masters months ago. Having been taken out of the fight too quickly to really see what Leilani's style of fighting is, Hotaru has resigned herself to having to figure it out on the fly. A student of defined, traditional styles herself, she always feels more confident when she can identify an opponent's style. As one who relies on not getting crushed by brutal attacks, being able to predict how one's opponent might strike goes a long way.
She becomes aware of the young woman's presence first by the wolf-whistles and hoots from the sidelines. Hotaru had garnered a couple of those herself, but next to the beautiful Hawai'ian of a few years older, it probably isn't a fair comparison. Opening her eyes as her opponent approaches, Hotaru's expression becomes a smile and she reaches out to clasp the offered hand with a brief but firm handshake.
"Leilani," Hotaru replies, mimicking the way the name was pronounced by just copying the young woman's way of saying it, having not been able to come up with the pronounciation on her own. "I'm Hotaru, but it sounds like you knew that well enough already," she finishes with a light laugh. Her expression warms as she realizes her opponent feels about like she does about having to fight in this pit.
Up top, out of sight from either opponent, the officials announce both of the contestant's names. In the final seconds before the fight starts, Hotaru backs up and offers Leilani a bow before slipping into a composed, relaxed fighting stance. Apparently for the moment she's doing fine putting the audience out of her mind.

COMBATSYS: Hotaru has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|

Strangely enough, she'd forgotten Hotaru being part of the team when they took on Masters. To be honest, Leilani had forgotten about Azrael and Lyakio as well. Her recollection of the fight pretty much was Ken hitting her hard, and then her kissing the Ansatsuken practicioner before turning his shoulder into jell-o. Considering the blows she took, it might have been just the fact that she'd had her head knocked around a bunch.
As Hotaru backs up, so does the Hawai'ian, her right hand twisting into the air as she begins to move. Hips and shoulders twist as she begins to dance, causing the catcalls and whistles to erupt anew. Bringing her hand back down, it meets the other one with a thunderous clap, causing those catcalls to suddenly quiet. Her left hand raises as she presses the right hand forward. She takes a step forward, her left hand dropping to behind her ear before rocketing forward, palms again making contact as her right hand takes a slow arc over her head... and suddenly, she hops forward, the arc reversing hard as she comes in with a ridgehand towards the younger woman's shoulder. After the swing, she crosses her hands in front of her, the connecting wrists become a pivot point as they twist, allowing her to rocket a palm towards Hotaru's midsection.

COMBATSYS: Leilani has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Leilani

COMBATSYS: Hotaru dodges Leilani's Strong Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hotaru           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Leilani

Hotaru's stance has her facing her side toward Leilani, providing as small a target as possible it would seem. This certainly comes in handy seconds later as the match gets underway. Her near arm is down a little, ready for defending or light striking. Her far arm is bent at the elbow, raised up near the level of her face, clearly ready for landing stronger blows.
Her blue eyes, matching the color of her dark blue vest, remain focused on Leilani, trying to make sense of her own dance-like movements. When the time comes and she moves forward, Hotaru still isn't sure what to expect from her. Which is why when she finally attacks, the girl reacts by taking the only safe option she can think of. Leaning to the side, she avoids the strike for her shoulder and when the palm prest comes her way Hotaru hops backward, the back of her feet coming down right next to the pit wall.
Smiling a little, the girl jumps up... and backward, before pressing off the brick wall to launch herself at Leilani, heel first. If she can plant her heel on Leilani's shoulder, she'll then hop off from there into a second flip through the air, giving her a little space to work with instead of being stuck against the wall. "Ha!"

COMBATSYS: Leilani counters Koushuu Da from Hotaru with Kona Wind.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Hotaru           0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0          Leilani

The Hawai'ian wasn't really expecting for her strike to hit. Too telegraphed, after all, but it's what she needed to do to get back into close range. So as her hands only cut through the air, she has already began to prepare for the return attack. Twisting back into a stance of the hula, she prepares for a straight up attack, and is actually somewhat surprised to see the hop backward by her opponent. However, Leilani's preparedness comes in handy as the blue-haired girl leaps at her... All her attention focuses in on that ankle, and she snags it.
Falling backward with the momentum of the girl's jump, the Shark turns as she falls, her hold on the ankle causing Hotaru to topple as well. As the two finally make contact with the floor, the exotic dancer rolls over the back of her Asian opponent, pulling her off of the ground by the ankle as she regains her footing... before whipping the young woman over her shoulder back into the dirt, face first.
Hopping back, Leilani winces. That looked painful.

The problem with high flying acrobatics is that when you fall, you fall hard. And Leilani's grip on her ankle is the last thing Hotaru needed. The drop to the ground left her too stunned to kick her way free in time as she finds her leg being pulled back up by Leilani. Pulling her other leg back, she attempts to kick once at her opponent's hand in a vain attempt to save herself, but she finds herself flipped over, crashing back to the floor, managing to spare herself a nasty face plant by absorbing some of the landing with her hands. Ermph!
Rolling over, her white clothing quickly taking on shades of brown from contact with the ground, Hotaru hops back up to her feet, eying Leilani with more caution now. She is already unsettled by being unable to read her attacks as well as she would like, but knowing that she's also very quick on her feet to strike first is troublesome.
Exhaling, Hotaru runs forward, attempting to grab hold of the other fighter's arm. If she gets a tight grip, she'll end up stomping her way right up the front of her only to leap from her shoulders into another backflip at the end.

COMBATSYS: Leilani counters Shin-Jou Tai from Hotaru with Counter Strike.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Hotaru           0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0          Leilani

As Hotaru stands, Leilani cringes again. The drycleaning bills from all this dirt won't be good. Those whites are tough to get clean, what with the high contrast between the them and that bright blue. She knows this well, she has a few shirts like that. At least it's only dirt. Slipping back into the hula, she quietly mouths, "Sorry," her face showing concern and discomfort.
Apparently Hotaru's caution isn't enough, though. As the girl runs and reaches out, the Shark's senses again focus in on the outstretched limb. Stepping to the side, she snags the wrist and quickly delivers a palm strike to her opponent's elbow, locking it out for a moment before snapping another ridgehand out towards the Asian's forehead.
Having caused her damage, Leilani hops away and starts her dance yet again. Hopefully this keeps up.

Iori enters the community center.

Finding her attempt to grab Leilani's arm met with her own hand being gripped, Hotaru tries to pull back. But the strike to her elbow hits true, eliciting a cry of pain from the smaller girl. "A-ah!" The blow to her forehead sends her stumbling back as she reaches up with her other arm to clutch her wounded limb, staring at Leilani, much of her focus being shattered with the carefull way each of her attacks are getting torn apart with what looks to be great ease on the part of her opponent.
She just needs to think this through, she tells herself, clutching her arm tightly. Don't give her what she wants. The effortless defense on Leilani's part has earned a round of chuckling from the audience. From what they can see, this appears to be quite the mismatched fight. That might make it a more brutal bout, but it also means it's probably going to be very short at this rate which isn't what anyone wants.
Gritting her teeth, Hotaru just remains in place, tuning out the pain as best she can for the moment.

COMBATSYS: Hotaru gains composure.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Hotaru           0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0          Leilani

From the crowd's point of view, this might look mismatched and easy for the Hawai'ian, but it is hardly an easy thing. She's still concerned about her opponent, as well she should. Leilani's watched a few of Hotaru's fights, and she's taken down opponents far larger and far more experienced than she is. Besides, the dancer knows that she tends to start strong and stumble towards the end.
So as Hotaru holds, the Shark knows she has to strike, and strike fast. For this reason, the woman slides forward, dropping down low as she comes in on her opponent. Dragging her hand through the ground, the edge of her hand begins to gleam with a white, tooth-like aura of chi. Arcing upward, these teeth attempt to bite into Hotaru's flesh as her hand flies up towards the blue-haired girl's hip.
Droplets of water fall off her hand as her hand moves, splashing against the dirt and causing little dust clouds from the impacts.

COMBATSYS: Leilani successfully hits Hotaru with Shark's Bite.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Hotaru           0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0          Leilani

Bracing herself, Hotaru decides try and avoid going for something fancy and just bunker down to weather out the attack. She doesn't respond so well to the attack coming in from so low though, trying to block with her arm instead of moving her leg to intersect the path of Leilani's next attack.
Gasping at the sensation of having her thigh bitten, Hotaru stumbles a couple of steps away, pushed along by the dancer's hand, finding her back once against the wall. She really shouldn't let it get to her, but the nature of the attack after having already found two of her own techniques rebuffed is starting to panic the girl. No one really likes getting torn up, and when you're as fragile as she is, the prospects are even more unnerving.
Pushing herself off the wall, Hotaru charges the woman again, trying to weave past her tight defenses by leaping just enough to try and plant her hands onto her shoulders. If she connects, she'll swing up into a handstand, switch shoulders in an instant, then swing back down to drive both of her feet into Leilani's back to try and knock her down.

COMBATSYS: Leilani blocks Hotaru's Ten Ranku-Tou.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Hotaru           0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0          Leilani

Leilani has been handled in a lot of different ways in her life. This is the first time she's been used as a pommel horse.
In fact, the maneuver Hotaru uses surprises the woman long enough for the blue haired girl to hop up on her shoulders. As the girl tries to stomp on her back and drop her down, Leilani counters simply by attempting to stand up, causing the stomp to slide down the small of her back and drop her to one knee in pain.
Ooh, that smarts. Thank god Hotaru isn't using cleats.
This is the first pain she's suffered, and it's mainly to the fabric of her shirt. It was a nice shirt, but it's likely going to need to be replaced now. This kind of irritates the Hawai'ian, and thus she turns to counterattack. Twisting, she attempts to catch Hotaru in the side of the knee with a knifehand strike. Not hard, just fast. Just the sting of a jellyfish, that's all she's after.

COMBATSYS: Hotaru interrupts Quick Punch from Leilani with Hakki Shou EX.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Hotaru           0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1          Leilani

Rolling away after Leilani manages to weather her last attack pretty well, Hotaru comes up to her feet about a yard away. It isn't much space, but at least she isn't against the wall she felt trapped next to moments ago. Normally she would want more room for what she's about to try and do next, but she feels the need to keep quick pressure on the Hawai'ian.
Rolling her arm behind her, her forearm becomes bathed in a sapphire blue aura as the young Kenpo artist begins to focus all of her energy into the palm of her hand. As Leilani turns to attack her, Hotaru swings her arm forward, driving the small sphere of energy directly into her side. Her knee gets struck, and she wobbles a little because of it, but it was worth it to deliver the powerful blast of chi at point blank range.
The projectile itself splashes, feeling much like just a really solid kick, before the blue energy dissipates entirely, vanishing as if it had never been there. For her own part, Hotaru takes a step back now, her opposite arm reaching over to grip her fireball arm as if feeling a burning sensation from the effort that went into the attack. Gritting her teeth, she waits a second as the blue aura over her arm melts back into her skin.

There's a brief flash of "oh shit" that crosses Leilani's face before she is blasted off and into the wall behind her. Taking the brunt of the chi blast into the face, the Hawai'ian beauty's head slams hard against the wall, dropping her roughly into the dirt and giving her a really nasty headache.
This fight is keeping up with tradition. Start strong, end wrong.
Pulling herself out of the dirt, the Shark slowly risese and plots. Eyes dart around Hotaru, looking for places to strike, looking for weaknesses in defense. After a moment, she thinks she finds it... though she knows she's been wrong before. Reaching for the girl's fireball arm, Leilani tries to grab the limb and do a simple Irish whip right into the wall. Like her blue haired opponent, she doesn't like her back to the wall. But she's not above using it as a weapon.

COMBATSYS: Hotaru interrupts Quick Throw from Leilani with Tenshin Shou.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Hotaru           1/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1          Leilani

The opening is definitely there. Hotaru sees the girl coming in again and mistakes her reach for a strike, so just tries to block what she thinks is an incoming chop for her arm. Only to find that the well tanned woman was just reaching out to grab her instead. Whipped around right back into the wall, it seems like it would've worked fine. Except Hotaru catches herself with her feet instead, compressing down to absorb most of the impact.
When she uncoils off the wall it's directly right back into Leilani, using leg and torso strength to drive her shoulder into the islander's sternum, giving her a chance to find out just how hard Hotaru can hit when she's able to put her entire body into the attack like that.
Projecting horizontally, she ends up falling back to the ground into a rolling dive that brings her up some feet away where she raises her hands and settles back into her ready stance. Her expression is serious, a glimmer of confidence in her eyes as she is starting to adjust in order to work her way around Leilani's unpredictable style.

While there have been grunts and cries, there have been no words since the introductions earlier. Leilani finally breaks the silence, though, as she is plowed over by a female bullet.
"Jesus FUCK."
Her midsection feels like the girl actually forced her way through her body and punched her in the spine. Oh, god, that hurt. Splayed out on the floor, the Hawai'ian contemplates throwing in the towel. This girl does hit like a freight train, and she... she's just a stripper, dammit. How the hell did she end up in this?
Oh yeah. She likes hurting people.
Kipping up, the Shark winces, her stomach screaming again as she flexes into the movement. Whipping her head around, she storms towards her opponent. The gloves are off now, and she intends to really make her life a living hell for a brief moment. "Surf's up," she growls, reaching out to try and grab a handful of blue hair...

COMBATSYS: Hotaru dodges Leilani's Banzai Pipeline.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Hotaru           1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0          Leilani

Fortunately for Hotaru, she had a few precious seconds to watch Leilani get back up after the strong attack she hit her with. It makes her frown a little as she considers how bad that probably just hurt. Her father taught her a gentle style of kenpo for years - momentum using moves, shoulder drops, palm presses to knock the wind out of people... but the Kyokugen training she's been getting lately is all about brute force - single, solid, powerful blows. Using such attacks have certainly done her well, but she can't help that on some level, she is betraying the lessons her father gave her. Then again, no one's ever massaged their opponent to victory. Sometimes it takes some good, solid hits to wear them down!
When Leilani comes in again, Hotaru reacts swiftly, similarly to the way she moved when the islander tried to punch her at the start of the match. It's a close one, the end of one pony tail slipping through Leilani's fingers at the last moment as Hotaru leans hard to the opposite side.
While she's out here, she attempts to push Leilani away with a swift palm press toward her shoulder. She's hardly in the position to put her full force behind it, but it might give her the breathing room she needs for a bit.

COMBATSYS: Leilani blocks Hotaru's Quick Punch.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Hotaru           1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0          Leilani

Ingrid heads west to the business district.

Having missed her chance at turning Hotaru into a human surfboard, Leilani turns and sees the hand incoming. Raising her hand to block the strike, the two palms clap together with another crash of thunder. A smile creeps upon Leilani's face rapidly, and she says, a chuckle in her voice, "High-five!"
It's time to rethink her strategy. Being defensive tends to work better; it's when she tries to attack rather than react, she seems to lose out. Turning her hand around, she closes it into a fist... then extends her pinky and her thumb. Shaking it gently, she simply hops back, getting a little distance between herself and Hotaru, slipping back into the dance which she has been neglecting.

COMBATSYS: Leilani gains composure.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Hotaru           1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0          Leilani

The backing off after the blocked strike gives Hotaru a bit of breathing room to regain her balance. She'll never know what specific pain Leilani had in mind for her with her last attack. Not to say she's likely to get out of this match free of any lasting injuries. The ebb and flow of the fight has varied, with each fighter taking a turn on the defense and offense, each fighter adjusting to try and deal with how the other fights.
Hotaru grins a little, slightly because of the 'High-Five' shout but also because it's good to face a challenge like this young woman is presenting. It's also good to overcome her fears of getting her limbs wrecked by the girl, she decides, feeling confident enough to try and press her attack again.
Again she sprints forward, hands risking a grasp for Leilani's arm. If she can get a grip, she'll flip forward around the girl, pulling her arm sharply behind her before kicking her feet out from under her to send her to the dirt. "Ya!"

COMBATSYS: Leilani fails to counter Quick Throw from Hotaru with Kona Wind.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Hotaru           1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0          Leilani

Well, apparently the defensive stance isn't quite working as well as it did earlier. As Hotaru rushes in, Leilani's senses once again focus in on the girl's wrist, but the amount of damage she's suffered apparently has affected her reaction time, as she seems to instead put her arm directly into Hotaru's hand.
Oh, bother.
With her arm wrenched painfully, her feet kicked out from under her, the back of her head once again meets hard object. Stunned, the woman lays there in the dirt, curling up as she holds her skull and wincing in pain. She can taste pennies in her mouth, and a small amount of blood starts dripping from her nose and the corner of her mouth. Apparently something got knocked a little loose.

Trying to keep her speed up with risky acrobatic moves like that sometimes pays off and sometimes fails horribly as her opponents get a choice hit in while she's precariously positioned in the middle of the air. This time it pays off though as she sees Leilani's hand reaching for her wrist and adjusts the angle of her hand just enough to slip over it and deliver the tricky throw to take Leilani back down to the dirt.
On her own two feet again, Hotaru backs away, gauging the fallen girl, noticing signs of blood. Maybe the fight has been taken out of her completely? Inhaling deeply, she exhales slowly. The audience is silent now as the match has taken an unexpected turn from how it had started. The smaller girl seems to be fairing okay while the islander who started out strong seems to have worn herself out.
Hotaru opens her mouth to ask if Leilani is okay, but it's been explained to her that inquiring after an opponent's health is condescending, no matter how she tries to express it, so she shuts her mouth after giving it a second thought.
Waiting, she gives Leilani time to get back up, concentrating on evaluating the condition her opponent is in now.

COMBATSYS: Hotaru focuses on her next action.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Hotaru           1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0          Leilani

After a long couple of seconds, the Hawai'ian pulls herself up off the ground, coughing twice before spitting a mouthful of blood into the dirt. Clearing her throat, Leilani mutters, "Lovely," as she looks at the spot of mud she just created. Shaking her head, she slowly turns her eyes back to her opponent.
Defense isn't working. Offense isn't working. Overpower isn't working. Well, she's still conscious, so the fight continues, right? Daddy'd be unhappy if his girl didn't give it her all. Wiping her mouth off, she begins to chuckle, the humor almost growing to an insane level before she reaches out towards the Asian girl, reaching to cup Hotaru's cheeks in her gloved palms. Given the way her lips are parted, and how she seems to be eyeing her opponent's lips, the crowd suddenly erupts in a series of whistles and cheers. A little lipstick lesbianism to add a little rush to the fight? Well, kinda. See, if she does manage to somehow get that kiss in that she is apparently going for, she'll pull back and slam her forehead hard against Hotaru's.

COMBATSYS: Hotaru interrupts Diamondhead from Leilani with Hakki Shou EX.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Hotaru           0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1          Leilani

When Leilani gets back up, Hotaru gives her a slight nod of acknowledgement. Okay then, it's still on. Rolling her arm behind her, she begins to charge up another one of those fireballs of hers, though the effort it's taking at this point is draining. Her forearm burns a brilliant, brighter shade of blue as she begins to focus up another chiball, perhaps hoping that just knocking the islander over again will do the trick. It doesn't seem like she has the strength to get up again.
Only, she /does/ have the energy to get over to Hotaru and cup her cheeks in her hands, the girl's eyes widening. The surprise is only to be outdone by the /real/ surprise at the kiss planted on her lips, one arm up trying to push Leilani away, while her other arm stays held out behind her back charging up the fireball.
The moment Leilani pulls her head back, her pig-tailed opponent looks positively flustered, her cheeks red and her eyes wide. So bewildered, she doesn't even have the wherewithal to bring her charged forceball forward until after Leilani has already decided to have their foreheads meet. "Ya-AH- OW!" Hotaru exclaims, her charged hand having swung forward, pushing into Leilani's side and discharging the chi she had been buiding up at the moment of contact.
For her own part, Hotaru stumbles back, bringing her hand up to press against her forehead with a nasty looking welt and trickle of blood has become immediately visible.

The fight /was/ on.
Usually, that kiss tends to be a kind of 'Kiss of Death', as Ken Masters had learned the hard way. But in this case, despite having laid her lips on Hotaru (as well as her forehead), she finds herself on the ass-end of things. That chi-powered fist slamming into her side explodes against her body, sending her flying. Slamming against the wall, she slumps. For a brief moment, she thinks about getting back up. But as she considers it, the strength in her limbs gives way, and the rather uncomfortable position she's currently in starts to grow on her.
Shaking her head, she blinks repeatedly, looking limply around the room with a confused look on her face. Slowly, quietly, that look drains as the darkness of unconsciousness washes over her.
Looks like Hotaru is the victor.

COMBATSYS: Leilani takes no action.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hotaru           0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Leilani can no longer fight.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hotaru           0/-------/----===|

Eyes watering, Hotaru wipes at her face with the arm she didn't use for creating the fireball, trying to clear her vision as quickly as possible, no doubt fearing retaliation. When she can finally see again, her eyes rest on her opponent, noticing the confused expression on her face. Oh, that's not good. She's done with the fight, for sure.
Hotaru can't help but wonder, even as the gate to the pit opens and medical staff rush in and her victory is announced above the dull commotion above that she barely seems to hear. The injuries the other girl took seemed to be largely internal and Hotaru looks uneasy as she considers that, recalling the blood at Leilani's mouth and nose after the tumble to the dirt earlier. Whenever fighters step into these matches, they accept the consequences, but for the second time tonight, the Kenpo artist slash Kyokugen student begins to second guess this path she's sunk so much of her life into pursuing. Is this really what her mother had in mind for her? Almost definitely not.
Shaking her head, she slips out of the gate and around an official waiting to wrap up some post-match business with her. She doesn't look to be in the mood right now.

COMBATSYS: Hotaru has ended the fight here.

Log created on 00:31:06 06/09/2007 by Leilani, and last modified on 20:35:07 06/12/2007.