Mizuki - Savage Savate!

Description: Giving a demonstration at the YFCC, Mizuki taps Eva for a quick sparring session that lets both girls show their skills.

The Young Fighters' Community Center--hereafter referred to as the YFCC as it is easier to type--is usually, when it's open, a bustling center of activity. Not only has it been the site of several fights, but classes and seminars and the like are often held in the building. It is, in fact, where Mizuki is, currently--for the purpose of giving a demonstration. As one of the few school-aged weapons-based fighters who isn't totally insane (see Edge, Hyo, Malin), she was asked to give the demonstration.

Currently, thus, she is moving through a kata, sweeping her baton around in wide circles, thrusting forward as she lunges, and that kind of thing. It's a fairly nice demonstration, really, although clearly meant for display rather than 'real' fighting.

Still, the children watching are applauding and cheering, Mizuki herself looking a bit flushed as she goes through the motions--finally stopping with her short-staff held in a high guard.

"That was the 'Mizuryuu' kata," she says, her voice carrying over the crowd, to which more clapping is given; it seems the demonstration is almost at an end.

There's at least another weapons user in the building, though her status as one could be widely contested because of the strange prop she uses in battle; it's hardly meant or even able to harm a person except for the rarest of occasions. Really, could a blazer be seen as a weapon?
Practicing a series of kicks and punches against a body-length punching bag in another part of the room, much like a few other fighters present in the gym today, the tall girl pauses and turns to finally watch the baton-wielding Mizuki as she allows her muscles to cool down, kneeling over to massage the muscles in each leg as she listens with interest. Interesting. As the people clap, she does in turn with a polite rhythm, smiling slightly. ".... I should really come down here more often," she says, to noone in paticular. It's too bad she didn't watch the first half.

Actually, it's fortuitous that Eva happens to be there; Mizuki looks around the room, musing. "Hey, if I can, would you guys like to see a demonstration?" she asks the crowd--who of course answer in the affirmative. Mizuki smiles, then looks around again... most of the people here -aren't- fighters, at least not trained yet... however, there is -one-...

"Excuse me!" she cries, waving in Eva's direction, using her left hand. "Ah, I know this is kind of odd," she states, as she walks over to the resting Eva, "but would you be interested in doing a sparring session?" Mizuki smiles, pleasantly; of course it is up to Eva, but Mizuki is showing a real interest in the savateuse's abilities.

Eva, on the other hand, obviously is a fighter. The punching bag responded to her kicks and blows rather than simply sagged in dead space, and Eva's been practicing different sides and positioning with it, rather than simply punch from head on with an intent to impress. Rather, she's using the tip, side, or heel of her foot to stab or push into the surface, using varying degrees of pressure.

It's not hard to grab Eva's attention, however, now that she's resting. Pausing to look at Mizuki with those blue eyes of hers, she nods as the other manages to fully capture her attention. A sparring session? ".... Ah, sure." The tall girl blinks, but seems willing enough as she smiles slightly. "A real sparring match, or more just you showing your techniques and how they work on your opponent? I don't mind doing either."

Mizuki blinks, then smiles at Eva's blue eyes. Mizuki has blue eyes too! And some unusual coloring for a Japanese girl. She did, in fact, catch Eva practicing out of the corner of her eye... very much a kick-based style, which is interesting to Mizuki.

"Oh, I was thinking of a regular sparring match..." Her smile brightens, "I'm not really teaching, just giving a demonstration... I'm not good enough yet to be a teacher." And that is the truth, plain and simple; Mizuki has no delusions about her ability.

"I'd like to, someday, but... well, anyways. I think some of them want to see us 'in action', and I think it'd be fun!" The redhead clasps her hands behind her back, leaning forward just slightly as she awaits Eva's final answer.

Both their eyes could be considered odd; Mizuki's, because of her Japanese background, and Eva's, for the strong coloration. "I'd be honored to spar," the Italian-American says, nodding slightly. "As for being a teacher... you seemed to be doing excellent work over there. I cannot judge your ability as a fighter, but I can see you're able to command the attention of everyone very well."

But anyways. Eva is hardly an expert on teaching; if her father was here, he could perhaps give Mizuki a few pointers, but that's that's neither here nor there. Walking over to the area where Mizuki was teaching, then looks back over to her. "Shall we begin?"

COMBATSYS: Eva has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Eva              0/-------/-------|
1 health gauges: Eva (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Eva0

COMBATSYS: Mizuki has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Mizuki           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Eva
2 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Eva (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Mizuki0Eva0

Mizuki follows Eva over to the area--smiling the whole way. "I hope we can be friends," she remarks, as she passes by her sparring partner to her spot.

"Everybody! Miss--ah--" She flounders a little, "--well, um... I forgot to get her name," blushes Mizuki, "but she's graciously agreed to spar with me. Wish us both luck! I think you'll get to see some great stuff!" And with that, Mizuki draws her baton, slipping it into her right hand; her right leg slides back, her left sliding forward, and her body turns.

Then she brings her left arm up, elbow bent, hand open... and nods to Eva.

"Since you are the guest, here, please feel free to start."

"I don't see why not," Eva says. ".... My name is Eva. Eva Manzetti. I go to Pacific High." Pacific High, home of the likes of people like Roy, Marisol, and Luc, a school that puts on a certain air of eliteness and arrogance that's perhaps not seen often with other schools in the area. However, that can mostly just be the impression the fighters give off, being the most vocal of the student body by far. Or maybe, it's just all rumors and misunderstanding, as the tall girl seems very approachable.

She's also fighting in her uniform, albiet with the jacket around her waist instead of worn over her torso. ".... What's your name, if I may have the chance to ask before we start?" As the pony-tailed girl slips into her stance, Eva does the same, raising her fists close to her face and widening the gap between her feet. "Alright. I'll begin, then." It's okay to announce it, since this is just small spar. Get too intense and it may scare Mizuki's crowd away. Slipping forward, she raises her knee upwards, curling it to the side slightly before whipping her foot forward, toes first.

COMBATSYS: Mizuki dodges Eva's Medium Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Mizuki           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Eva
2 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Eva (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Mizuki0Eva0

"Kamigawa Mizuki, from Justice High." Mizuki actually breaks stance long enough to bow properly, but she's soon adopting her stance again; Justice, too, is one of the ultra-elite, but Mizuki hardly seems like she belongs there. Rumor has it that Justice students are offputting and arrogant... and Mizuki is hardly either of those. The crowd gathered around murmurs to themselves as the girls introduce each other and then...

Eva's announced her agreement to start and then she does so, coming in with that kick. Mizuki just smiles at her sparring partner; this may be 'serious' eventually, and it isn't -play-... to act as if it were would be to insult Eva and to make light of what they do--both Eva and herself--and so Mizuki will not do so. The kick is dodged; Mizuki steps back twice as the kick whips in, causing the miss. And then, just as quickly, she's stepping forward, rotating through a turn to her left, which ends with her striking outwards with her short-staff, trying to catch Eva in the calf.

COMBATSYS: Mizuki successfully hits Eva with Medium Strike.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Mizuki           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0              Eva
2 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Eva (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Mizuki0Eva0

Akira leaves the community center.

Justice High? The name makes Eva's eyebrows lift slightly. She's heard of that school; in fact, it's hard *not* to hear about it. The quality of the education there must be superb, though she doesn't think it would be enough of an incentive to risk uprooting herself from her small but firm bit of footing she's gained in Pacific High. Besides, the standards that school goes by are extremely tough; she may not measure up.

The muscles of her lower leg bulge visibly just before the kick lands, but it does nothing but allow Eva to soak the damage as the foot lands soundly against her calf. ".... Gkt!" The friendly demanor has shifted to one of solemn concentration, though this is not out of spite or anger. She's just putting her all into this fight, though with the idea that this is more a demonstration, not a matter of overextending yourself and scare others away who might be interested in watching. Untying the black jacket from around her waist, she hooks a sleeve onto each hand and wipes it forward like a net in a motion that seems fully practiced, unlike a dirty trick made up on the spot. If the 'net' manages to whip around Mizuki's head, the Eva will use it to pull the girl towards her, twisting around in a roundhouse kick so that the actual attack will have plenty of momentum and her jacket will be tugged free from Mizuki's head.

COMBATSYS: Mizuki blocks Eva's Black Hook.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Mizuki           0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0              Eva
2 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 28 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Eva (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 2 of 16.Mizuki0Eva0

"Gnf!" Mizuki wasn't expecting the 'net'... but regardless, she tries to defend herself, basically just pulling her arms in and covering up. And lucky she did, or she might've caught a roundhouse right in the ear; instead it crashes into her arm, and while that stings, better her arm than her head. Pulling free of the jacket, Mizuki's expression is more serious too; she'll give her all just as Eva will, and do so happily.

Considering her possible attack options, Mizuki smiles--then takes a darting step forward, used to give her momentum as she pushes off of the ground and into a low hop. The momentum from the hop is transferred into her baton-wielding arm as she arcs it overhead and seeks to land it on one of Eva's shoulders--a strong blunt impact, if not exactly swift...

COMBATSYS: Mizuki successfully hits Eva with Fierce Strike.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Mizuki           0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0              Eva
2 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 28 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Eva (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 21 of 30. Super: 5 of 16.Mizuki0Eva0

They'll both give their all, but in a professional manner. Eva's not going to push her body this match; she's not trying to impress anyone, and as long as Mizuki shows off her moves, that's all that matters. When she pulls Mizuki free of her jacket, Eva leans back, not quite ready to follow up with another attack as she quickly ties the coat around her waist.


"Uuf!" That *hurt*. The blow might not be swift, but it is *definitely* painful when it lands squarely on one of Eva's shoulders head on while she tries to dodge backwards. It's not a matter of Eva not paying attention, as she's able to tie her jacket without having to look; it's more a matter of just the lag in her step after such an attack. However, she now ready to respond, neglecting to use her aching shoulder and instead her legs. Backing away as if to protect herself from Mizuki's next attack, she then rushes forward, jumping up to make a single fierce turn in the air, legs stretched fully outwards with her feet bent in a hook.

COMBATSYS: Mizuki blocks Eva's Flying Crescent.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Mizuki           0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0              Eva
2 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Eva (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 20 of 30. Super: 4 of 16.Mizuki0Eva0

Phew! ... Mizuki's going to have to apologize. She didn't mean to put -that- much into it... still, this -is- a sparring match and she's come to expect her opponents to go all out, as it were. Mizuki, herself, has yet to do so.. but she's working up to it.

"Impressive...!" she blurts out, as Eva goes airborne; the horizontally-arcing kick is caught on both of Mizuki's forearms and the impact forces her down onto one knee for a moment--she pushes back and up to her feet, smiling as she draws her baton back... then, gauging where Eva will land, lunges forward.

The baton glows with blue-green chi, an aura surrounding it as she slashes for Eva's torso repeatedly, a swift series of attacks covering a range from Eva's shoulders to her hips; after six or seven of the slashing baton attacks she draws her right hand back and thrusts it forward for the final blow--accompanied by a short, nearly-wordless kiai from the redhead.

COMBATSYS: Eva blocks Mizuki's Kouryuu no Renda.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Mizuki           0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0              Eva
2 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Eva (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 18 of 30. Super: 5 of 16.Mizuki0Eva0

Eva doesn't seem to be holding any of Mizuki's actions against her; if anything, she'd probably smile and comfort the girl, assuring her that it's all in the spirit of the fight. Pain just comes alongside it all, and that's what the bright-eyed girl trains against. Whatever she'd say, however, will have to be saved for the end of the sparring match. Right now, her attention is focused on giving her all. .... In an appropriate fashion, of course.

There are fighters that can stay airborne for much, much longer at Eva; even if she held up another more stronger attack as her example, it would fall short in the face of far more famous and weathered fighters like Ryu. Landing deftly on the ground, Eva only has time to turn before the baton is thrashed at her torso, managing only to throw up her rised left leg and arms up in a shield, each appendage taking the brunt of of Mizuki's blows. Whatever Eva's good at, it's clear that she's good at taking in pain.

Now, time to let loose with a chi attack of her own. Lowering her raised left foot to the ground, she backs away with her arms still rised in a guard over her upper torso. These arms shift in a crossed formation, lighting up with light blue lacy chi as she bursts into a run directly forward in a headbutting motion towards Mizuki.

COMBATSYS: Mizuki reflects Cerulean Bullet from Eva with Suishou no Kagami.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Mizuki           0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1              Eva
2 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 24 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Eva (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 14 of 30. Super: 8 of 16.Mizuki0Eva1

So far... it's been quite a good fight for Mizuki. Though she knows--from personal experience--that that can change at -any- time. Mizuki, though she may not look like it, is actually a specialty student in chi; while she's certainly trained with the baton/short-staff and that is mainly what she uses, she also has life energy at her command, and it is that which she uses now.

Perhaps she senses the buildup of chi just before Eva comes running in... perhaps it's just instinct, or reaction once she sees that blue flare. In either case, she takes a skipping backstep, buying herself a couple of seconds as she brings the baton up. As she lands, she's tracing a large circle in the air, the end of the baton glowing blue-white and forming a circle. She actually circles twice, then puts out her left hand as she cries out, "Suishou no... KAGAMI!"

When she completes the last syllable, a flare of cold energy resolves into a thick, circular 'mirror' of ice-tuned chi, a mirror one can actually see themselves in, for the moments it exists... and it turns that chi power back on Eva, before she can contact the other girl.

Well, that'll show Eva to use chi so wantonly. While her training in chi is very good, Eva is hardly a master. Dad wasn't much of one either; while he was an efficient and brutual savatuer, chi was something more that was passed down from Eva's grandpa as a sort of 'work in progress'. What Eva inherited was much more refined that what her father Luca had to deal with, but the finer points have yet to be uncovered.

Hitting the ground, the girl coughs a few times, somewhat stunned by the strange counterattack. Wow. That was completely different from what Eva's seen lately; it reminded her a lot of the sorts of attacks many of the fighter legends would throw out at their opponents. Quickly, she regains her composure, loosely rolling her body backwards until her feet touch the ground. She then straightens and, with a nod to Mizuki, she settles back into that poise, ready for her next attack.

However, instead of doing something complex, Eva allows her body to continue to recover by resorting to more common attacks. Hooking a leg upward, she smoothly hops froward on her other foot, fully extending the raised leg in a kick towards Mizuki's shins.

COMBATSYS: Eva successfully hits Mizuki with Light Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Mizuki           0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1              Eva
2 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 22 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Eva (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 14 of 30. Super: 8 of 16.Mizuki0Eva1

She didn't think that would work! But she's kind of glad it did. She doesn't like getting hit in the head, makes her woozy. Eva's skill with chi is not to be disparaged, however--most 'fighters', even those who make it, can't handle chi that well, or only handle it in certain ways. It's certainly no failing of Eva's. Mizuki is glad to see that Eva is up and running still--perhaps not literally, but in spirit.

And that hooking kick.. it's odd--the whole thing is strange to Mizuki, the forward hop, the shin kick... and so when it impacts, it knocks one of Mizuki's legs out from underneath her, forcing her to drop her left hand to the mat to retain her balance.

For a 'fast' kick, that certainly hurt quite a bit... still, Mizuki smiles--she's really enjoying this fight, the flow if it is quite beautiful to her. "Nice kick, Manzetti-san," she murmurs, as she rises up--favoring the leg slightly. But, even though her leg is somewhat injured, she still uses it to balance as she tries to surprise the savateuse with a kick of her own, a high front kick common to some styles of karate!

COMBATSYS: Mizuki successfully hits Eva with Light Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Mizuki           0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1              Eva
2 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 22 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Eva (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 12 of 30. Super: 9 of 16.Mizuki0Eva1

Some who knew Muy Thai would say it looked very similar. However, Eva's feet are not bare, and she's using her foot to direct where the pressure behind her kicks land on her opponent's body. It's not so much about the power her foot holds, but the strike itself. The musculature present on her legs helps, yes, but a more experienced male Muy Thai fighter would probably be able to surpass her in power. It's more about fighting like your legs were a knife, rather than a fist onto itself.

At least, that's the way Eva thinks of it.

*thwap* The foot hits cleanly against Eva's face, pushing her backwards as she coughs. ".... You're doing very well yourself," she belatedly says, wiping the spit from her mouth with her forearm. "I think you will certainly win this match. However, losing's not the point of being a fighter, is it? Let us show the crowd what they need to know." Eva gives a good-natured smile to Mizuki before rising her knee up, lower leg pointed slightly outward, and letting loose a series of three sharp piston kicks in a row: one to the shins, one to the midsection, and one to the chin.

COMBATSYS: Eva successfully hits Mizuki with Red Piston.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Mizuki           1/------=/=======|=------\-------\0              Eva
2 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 15 of 30. Super: 9 of 16. Eva (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 12 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Mizuki1Eva0

Well.. she =was= doing good. Now she's not doing so well. The three kicks strike hard--the knock to her shins tipping her forward, only for the other two kicks to land squarely in midsection then chin, toppling her backwards with a sharp, involuntary cry of pain. It isn't something she can help, as she tumbles to the mat, gasping a little.

"--o--ow... wow... that was really..." She shakes her head out then pushes to her feet, more bruised than a few moments ago, but still up. "I--I'm not done yet!" she says, unsteadily--then seems to get her bearings.

But she doesn't attack--instead, she calls upon her power, her chi, a blue-silver flow of energy spiraling up around her, visual effect for the energy she calls, her hands clasped almost as if she were praying...

COMBATSYS: Mizuki gathers her will.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Mizuki           1/--=====/=======|=------\-------\0              Eva
2 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 15 of 30. Super: 13 of 16. Eva (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 12 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Mizuki1Eva0

Slowly lowering her foot from that last attack, Eva looks worried. "...?" She doesn't want to ask 'are you alright' in front of so many people just yet- it would make some of them begin to panick. So, for now, she backs off, hopping backwards to allow Mizuki some space to breathe and prepare for her next attack.

And prepare Mizuki does; Eva's not sure how to really even react to this. *Two* things that Eva has not seen in person, now present before her. Whatever it is, she'd better respond quickly to it, and that she does. Hopping over, she leans back to balance herself as she arcs her right foot around, though it's not directed at Mizuki's legs. Rather, it's intended to hook *behind* one of her legs, in order for Eva to pull that leg forward and in turn cause the Kamigawa heir to fall.

COMBATSYS: Mizuki endures Eva's Quick Throw.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Mizuki           1/-======/=======|=------\-------\0              Eva
2 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 13 of 30. Super: 14 of 16. Eva (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 13 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Mizuki1Eva0

Well, Eva's leg -does- hook Mizuki's, and it -does- pull her forward... but not to fall, apparently. Even though Mizuki practically had her eyes closed, it seemed she was rather ready for this--or at least, anticipating it; as she begins to fall forward, suddenly it may be realized, by Eva, that Mizuki's baton... is at the ready. And the fall is suddenly arrested, Mizuki stomping down with a foot to counteract the momentum...

... and then she's lashing her aura-assisted baton at Eva's body again, a much longer series of strikes at Eva's torso, perhaps fifteen in all, in a high-mid-low-mid-high repeating pattern... and then Mizuki steps into Eva's body, swinging her baton through a high uppercut...

COMBATSYS: Mizuki successfully hits Eva with Kouryuu no Ranbu.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Mizuki           0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0              Eva
2 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 12 of 30. Super: 5 of 16. Eva (Right Meter) -- Status: red, 5 of 30. Super: 6 of 16.Mizuki0Eva0

... and when the uppercut lands it throws Eva straight up into the air--and Mizuki is not far behind, crouching and leaping. Somehow the two hang up there for a few seconds--Mizuki slashing at Eva five more times before bringing her short staff around in an overhead smash to send the savateuse back to Earth. Or the mat, anyway.

And the fight draws to the end.

Eva's move is countered by Mizuki's in a graceful dance; by now, the crowd is completely invested in seeing this sparring match through. When the tall girl hits the ground with a satisfying *thud* and stays there, wincing, some in the crowd begin to worry. To Eva, however, the world's a complete blur, and she struggles to get up.

Groaning as she staggers to sit up and, eventually, stand up, Eva immediately bends over, planting a hand on one kneecap as the other is held up in a 'stop' motion. "... Let's stop there..." she pants, a smile shaping her open mouth. The fight could go on for much longer, but it would require a grittier side to Eva's determination in order to do so and probably some more pain from Mizuki's side as well. With people and little children watching, it wouldn't be proper. They wanted a show of their skills, and they got it. ".... We should definitely spar another time. I would gladly welcome the honor to challenge you again."

COMBATSYS: Eva has left the fight here.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mizuki           0/-------/--=====|
1 health gauges: Mizuki (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 12 of 30. Super: 5 of 16.Mizuki0

Mizuki lands, gently, turning towards Eva, ready to continue but--... no need. Upon hearing Eva's words, Mizuki lowers her baton, then sheathes it on her back, where it normally rests.

Amidst the appreciative clapping and cheering (for -both- girls), Mizuki walks over to Eva and offers her a hand. "Here, let me help..." Placing her hands on Eva's shoulders, Mizuki sends a brief wash of healing energy through the savateuse, and then smiles again.

"That was really fun... yes, I'd love to spar with you again!" The Justice High student was very thoroughly impressed by the Pacific student, that's for sure; maybe they can fight together sometime, perhaps in an SNF...

COMBATSYS: Mizuki has ended the fight here.

Log created on 21:59:21 05/30/2007 by Mizuki, and last modified on 09:51:40 06/07/2007.