Description: Yurika and Aislinn have a chat about Mini-WW, combat, and politics.
Ah it seems at long last, class finals are finally over! But if that's the case, then why are classes still going on? Perhaps the japanese are just crazy like that, but the bottom line is things are finally starting to calm down.
The time about now is after final period, where a lot of students are now either rushing to their clubs or mingling in the halls. And today Yurika Kirishima is actually one of the many mingling in the halls, talking to a few of her underclassmen about something.. Seeking opinions, actually, and getting suprisingly positive responses.
But that isn't her entire motive today, under her understanding, she believes Aislinn should be heading out of classes as well and perhaps as usual, making a beeline toward the exit. She'll see if she's incorrect shortly.
Ah, yes. Classes. Well, Aislinn had actually finished her last final approximately an hour before class ended... but was content to sit and wait it out... staring at the proctor as unnervingly as she can. Which was pretty unnervingly. But finally the bell rings and classes are out... which means so is Aislinn. As expected, she is the first out of class--though not in a hurry--striding purposefully, if not terribly quickly, towards the entrance to the main grounds.
That doesn't mean she can't be stopped, of course, but there is a barrier of 'don't touch me' vibes that clear a path for her--it's like people move out of her way subconsciously.
Yes it doesn't seem that any of the teachers have come to Yurika for anything, it's known with the upper faculty that Yurika was the one that made the recommendation to allow Aislinn in from Gedo in the first place. Then again, despite everything Aislinn does seem to be staying out of trouble, or anything worth even considering explusion.
The musician hadn't expected anything less, of course. Over time, though, she's learned that the more 'punk'ish of students is extremely difficult to really pin down and manipulate, despite having a fairly predictable and repetative pattern. She had always wondered why, but eventually she gave up on it- As may be told when she had asked the girl sincerely for help.
Recognizing the sound of Aislinn's footsteps, the musician politely dismisses the younger students and turn around to face Aislinn, "Oh, Miss Doyle," she greets with her usual mysterious little smile, violin case in hand, "Good day to you.. Do you have a moment?"
It doesn't do to mess where you live. Gedo was different; people were -expected- to cause problems there. It was more troublesome -not- to. Here... it's a different culture and so Aislinn is adapting. She pauses, mid-step. Yurika is one of the few people can pierce that air around her without pause... even most teachers can't manage it.
"... Kirishima," she greets, in her usual, to-the-point manner. She considers, for a moment; but she really doesn't have anywhere to be at the moment.
"Yes, I can spare a moment. What do you need?"
The musician most certainly was hoping for adaption more than anything else from Aislinn. She had no interest in changing the girls personality, after all, just her lifestyle. Which arguably could be worse.
Yurika gives a small nod of her head, however she joins the girls side, and motions as if to actually continue toward the exit, "How could I ask for anything else after just the other day," she replies with a light laugh and shakes her head, "Goodness no, I actually wanted to thank you for your assistance, it was very much appreciated and I wanted a chance to thank you properly. You know, they say that no good deed goes unrewarded.. So perhaps I could by your dinner tonight?"
Aislinn's lifestyle is perfectly fine, free of mind-controlling scary brothers and other odd things... but adaptability is one of the things she's supposed to be good at. So she settles onto her feels, drawing her bookbag around to her front, and again considers for a moment.
"The thanks is not necessary. It was clear that it was not a fight you were going to win by yourself." It's not said insultingly, just matter-of-factly; but Aislinn never sees a reason to sugarcoat the truth.
"I assume you have some other motive, so... yes, you may."
Yurika's pale cheeks redden a little, and the musician has no choice but to nod in agreement, "You.. Are correct, as much as it embarasses me to admit it. It's a little puzzling really, why I have been doing so poorly in combat lately. But, that's neither here nor there."
Yurika then strides forward, giving a wave to the other students in passing, though they're a bit hesitant to wave back, even a little perplexed by the odd-couple! "So straight and to the point, and you're right about the second part as well. But I don't like to do underhanded things, my other motive has little to do with dinner. Though I would like your opinion on something, see.. I have been considering running for Student Council next year. Do you think that fits me at all?"
It is unsaid that Shinobu is quite possibly a challenge that Aislinn could not take by herself, either. Even if Yurika finds it embarrassing, Aislinn would not... 'combat' is a tricky and unstable beast and trying to quantify it, even as she does, is near impossible. Aislinn frowns, slightly, then replies, "You should practice more. There are ways to gain combat experience that do not constitute needing to fight 'for real'."
Falling into step to Yurika's right and slightly behind, Aislinn totally ignores everyone else, except to make sure people are going around her, rather than the other way.
"For... Student Council?" The Silent Assassin shakes her head. "I do not know. If you have political aspirations, then perhaps." Needless to say, Aislinn would not be caught dead doing such a thing.
Yurika says, "Hmn, you think so?" Yurika replies, "I didn't realize it was quite as simple as that.. I should have known you would understand about that, of course. Perhaps you could educate me a little further. As for politics, I think it's very.. Situational. There are many matters that I can handle, but I think what I felt most of all is that the President should be a representation of the school itself. But I could be wrong, I'll be sure to look more closely into it. Anyway, if you do not know, I think it's a good sign then that we haven't been spending enough time togeather."
"I apologize if I seem smothering, but I feel there's much I could learn from you, just as I hope you feel the same of me.""
"As simple as practice? Of course. Repetition breeds familiarity." This, at least, is a subject she -can- talk about.
"Familiarity breeds reflex. Reflexes are what is important in a fight. The important decisions take place in microseconds." Holding up a hand, Aislinn curls it into a fist--then snaps it forward, towards Yurika's nose, though stopping well short.
"The longer you take to think about your actions, the slower your reactions will be. Training is the only way to turn those actions and reactions into instantaneous things."
That may be the longest Aislinn has ever spoken to Yurika at one go... And then she listens to Yurika expound about the Council. She... shrugs. "I care not for politics. I prefer action to words..." And on the subject of spending time together... Aislinn just glances at Yurika for a long moment. But doesn't reply.
"I see, that does make sen- Ah!" Yurika's dark eyes widen suddenly when the fist comes toward her face, which is the only reaction she gives, not even making an effort to defend herself. A half-smile forms afterward, and as the duo approach the open doorway, she pauses in her steps as if reflecting, "I believe I understand, I will not forget that, Miss Doyle.."
And her steps continue, most certainly noting that the violet-haired student seems most comfortable talking about things like that. Which is nice, in a way. The glance she recieves after all that is mildly unsettling, but it doesn't show in her features at all, again that.. Smile. "I know, and I respect that kind of thinking. Ah, in fact, I am supposed to be bringing Shinobu to the mall tomorrow to help her pick out some clothing, I think it's for a recital or some such, I don't remember the details. Perhaps you could join us?"
Aislinn's point made, the hand is returned to her bookbag. Yurika's lack of reaction is almost as admirable as it is worrisome--because Aislinn can't tell if Yurika's lack of movement is due to her skill or her lack of it. Something to work on.
"..." Did she just get invited out? What? Aislinn sideglances. "The... Mall." There is only -one- reason to go to the mall, for Aislinn. ... But Odin Sphere -is- going to be out tomorrow.
"... I may, in fact, join you on that trip." If only for a moment.
Yurika would laugh, or maybe even fawn if she didn't think that Aislinn wouldn't repond to it in a positive manner. Because really, the pause and sideglance was absolutly adorable to the musician.
As for her laack of reaction. Well, that's a secret.
Yurika's smile brightens as she clasps her hands togeather, "Oh really? That would be wonderful, I'll be looking forward to that then!" Now of course, she hasn't the slightest clue what Odin Sphere is. In fact, she was only recently exposed to what Megaman exactly was and she couldn't beat Heat Mans stage. Very frustrating. "All right then, I suppose I will have to get back to you on that when a definite time is decided.. I'll send you an e-mail. Now then, I actually need to go and do some music practice so.. If you have dinner between now and three hours from now, please let me know so I can foot the bill. Otherwise, I'll see you then. It's been a pleasure, as usual."
... adoribal? What? That isn't in Aislinn's job description, at all. That is not possible. Yurika must have some messed up concepts of adorable... anyway. Aislinn merely nods, however.
"I will await your email, then." She pauses. "If you are going to be free within the next three hours, then I can wait. Otherwise I will go ahead and eat whenever it is most convienient for myself."
So saying, Aislinn turns on her heel, sharply, towards the dorms. "Contact me when you are ready to eat."
Yurika does have unusual concepts about cute. In fact, probably a good deal of thoughts that go through her head are 'messed up', but that's what happens when one lives the life she's had!
Anyway, with that aside, Yurika waves 'bye' to her schoolmate, "I will," though she had a feeling dinner with Aislinn would be very very quiet. Not that she had a problem with that, she'd done plenty of tea ceremonies in her day after all. Either way, she was looking forward to it. But for now, he would go to her room and lose herself in her violin play. It had always been the best way for her to relax and escape the emo in her heart.
Log created on 20:27:02 05/22/2007 by Aislinn, and last modified on 23:56:12 05/22/2007.