Tenma - The Obnoxiousness Twins

Description: Gedo's Tenma Kiryuu storms Pacific High at lunch hour to find Luc; instead, he finds Luc's teammate, Marisol. Deciding to beat the Pacific Delinquent's location out of her, Tenma gets more than he bargained for, and nobody ends up happy. Except people who like to see loud kids beat each other up.


It's lunch break here at Pacific High, and rather than take a seat inside the school's cafeteria, a good portion of the student body has made use of the outdoor areas. Under trees, on patches of grass, some on sidewalks; every which way you look, there's likely to be a set of Pacific Students cheerfully eating on whatever they have TO eat.

Of particular note is a small throng of girls, who have taken up making a small patch of grass under a sprawling, lively oak. In its abundant shade these girls talk with one another, albeit a little oddly. A blonde with curly locks is eyeing a magazine, a pigtailed brunette is idly nibbling on a bland-looking sandwich and a dark-haired girl who looks almost half-Asian is reading what appears to be a crappy romance novel. Seated with her back against the oak's trunk is a redhead, long arms crooked and lifted up behind her head. She almost looks to be napping.

"Don't you guys ever get tired of just sitting around reading?" she asks, not bothering to open her eyes. The girls all look up and over, before they offer a flat expression each and unanimously state, "No." Marisol smirks.

"Sorry we don't like to get punched like you do," the blonde says, licking a finger before she turns the page. "Unlike you, some of us would like to keep our girlish charms and good looks."

Lifting her eyes from over the book's edge, the dark-haired girl adds, "Besides, if doing what you do means we'd have to be with the likes of that Schroedinger boy and the weirdo British guy, write me out. I'd rather stick bamboo under my fingernails." She even scoffs.

"Hey now," Marisol interjects, opening a single gray eye. "They're good fighters, even if they might be weird or retarded." Leaning forward, a finger idly pushes against the girl's cheesy romance novel as she adds, smirking wolfishly, "Besides, you're not so sane yourself. Who reads these things? Old ladies and cat women, I tell you." The girl blushes as the other two girls laugh.

What an awful weekend. It should've been a great weekend, full of beating up people on television, but instead? Instead, Tenma Kiryuu was on the side that got beat up. Now, despite his impressive ego, the Gedo swordsman isn't so fragile as to fall apart at a single loss, but it was... Well, it was /embarassing/. They got beat by some stupid prettyboy pro wrestler - and that stuff is FAKE - and some weirdo who didn't wear any freaking shoes. And it's /all Luc's fault/.

He HATES that stupid monkey!

Nevertheless, he's pretty sure he knows where the idiot goes to school, which is why Tenma has cut out from his own campus at the very moment the lunch bell rang, travelling across the downtown core of Southtown to reach Pacific High. By the /beach/, of course. Full of stuck up trash, no doubt... But there's at least a handful of people worth fighting, so that's something, right?

Of course, Tenma sticks out like a sore thumb, with his bundled bokken over his shoulder and his rather rough and tumble demeanor, as he stalks the campus trying to find the German retard with the bad haircut... But instead, he finds Marisol.

"Oh, look at what we have here!" Tenma declares, grinning a bit unpleasantly. "It's the man-woman!" Marisol's friends, the giggling normal girls, are ignored entirely; Tenma's focus is entirely on the redhead. "Where's your monkey of a boyfriend, eh? I've got a bone to pick with that ugly idiot. So why don't you tell me where he is and you can get back to being the terrifying hag that makes your friends look better by comparison?" Isn't he a charmer?

Upon entering the hallowed grounds of Pacific High, home to some of the richest children of some of the most well-to-do people throughout the world, Tenma Kiryuu has already earned the attentions of just about everyone he passes. People stop to look, watching him with eyes filled with disbelief as he dares to enter their school. Their PRESTIGIOUS school, with what appears to be some sort of bundled weapon across his shoulders. And yet, no one really does anything; they just sit and stare.

It's not the first time someone has wandered into their campus looking for someone.

Unfortunately, he doesn't find Luc Schroedinger. Instead, as fate would have it in for him today, he happens across the familiar likes of Marisol O'Connell. She seems to actually be enjoying the break with her friends under the comfort of that aging oak.

But no. Oh no. Tenma has to go and just RUIN that, doesn't he?

A single, gray eye slowly opens as she's spoken to. For a long minute, the relaxed redheaded girl just looks up at him, unimpressed to say the least. The girls around her, on the other hand, silence up almost immediately, tight-lipped as they shift their gaze between their friend and this weirdo with a scary grin. "Man-woman?"

She looks thoughtful.

"Stop confusing me for your boyfriend. Hakuya, was it?" Shoulders shrug idly, dismissing such unimportant facts. "I don't have a boyfriend, so...I dunno who you could possibly be talking about." She shrugs again, grinning broadly as she just looks up and at him.


Oh, right. Tenma had almost forgotten about Marisol and her gay jokes. "Yeah," he says, dryly when Marisol admits she hasn't got a boyfriend. "I can't imagine why you wouldn't." Yes, he likes his double standard; it's /okay/ when he's a tactless jerk, but other people? No way! Especially not girls, girls are supposed to have some kind of proper manners or something, aren't they? All nice and demure? Well, whatever.

Anyway, it's clear that the Gedo swordsman's patience is even thinner than usual today, as he smiles right back down at the redhead's broad grin. "Guess I'll just havta deal with it then, huh?" he says, faux-pleasantly, before he sweeps his wrapped sword off his shoulder and swings it down, hard, towards Marisol's face.

COMBATSYS: Tenma has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Marisol has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Marisol          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Tenma

COMBATSYS: Marisol blocks Tenma's Random Weapon.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Marisol          0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0            Tenma

Whatever he says to her clearly falls upon deaf ears; instead, Marisol opts to just let those lazy grays draw to a close, lips pulled into the faintest of smirks. She looks pretty comfortable there, relaxed up against that tree. So much so it unnerves two of the girls - the pigtailed brunette inches away, and the dark-haired girl goes back to her book. The curly blonde, however, watches the exchange with a frown.

"Not again," she mumbles before she goes back to her magazine. It's far more interesting than THIS.

"Are we done here?" Marisol ultimately asks, opening an eye once again as she turns her eyes back up onto Tenma. "Because, you know, it's a long walk back to Gedo and you wouldn't want to miss you class...oh right. Silly me. GEDO; you guys don't CARE about education. Only learning how to scrawl graffiti and worry about gang wars and such." Lifting a hand up from behind her head, the half-Spaniard motions it dismissively. Even his threat falls upon deaf ears.

Is she unprepared!?

It doesn't seem that way when he swings the sword down. Twisting her hand, the girl intercepts it in her palm. Both gray eyes snap open and fix solely on Tenma, glaring up at the Gedo youth with a mildly irritated look.

"I'm warning you," she states, "Get lost, punk, or I'm going to make you regret it."

Oooh, it's on now. Will he back down, or..?

COMBATSYS: Marisol focuses on her next action.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Marisol          0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0            Tenma

"Pff... Hah," Tenma laughs a bit, as Marisol stops his attack. Okay, so she's not a complete waste of time, huh? "Then make me regret it, flat-chest," the Gedo swordsman replies, wrenching his weapon away from her grasp and undoing the tie on the cloth sheath. He draws the blade, tucking the cloth away, and then, well... His teeth bite into the flesh of his thumb, bloodying it, before he draws a red line down the blade of his wooden sword with that digit, creating the chi link.

Tenma's bokken is swept through the air once, surrounding it with a misty red aura of bloody chi, and otherwise he seems quite unconcerned about having injured his own thumb. "C'mon... Show me what you got," he adds, beckoning her on with his free hand, his sword held over his shoulder, casually.

COMBATSYS: Tenma focuses on his next action.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Marisol          0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0            Tenma

He won't need to struggle much to pull away his bokken; with a firm push of her palm against its length the girl pushes it toward him, back and away from her. Once she's in the clear, the redhead doesn't relax again; instead, she stays quite alert, her features looking almost a bit ...serious. Is she actually not in the mood to fight him? It's hard to say - even her friends seem kind of stunned at her less-than violent response to the mysterious Gedo boy.

Then they just flinch and collectively "ewwww" at his motion.

"That is such a disgusting trick," Marisol observes pushing off onto her feet with a grunt. Dusting the white skirt of her Pacific Uniform off, her gaze lifts up, peering at Tenma as he all but seems to goad her into attacking him. "I don't know if I want to fight you. After seeing what you did to Luc with all that blood..."

She's a liar, of course. Rather suddenly, Marisol reaches out, attempting to snare Tenma by the collar and send him rolling across the grass knoll!

COMBATSYS: Tenma fails to interrupt Medium Throw from Marisol with Ungyou.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Marisol          0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0            Tenma

Yeah yeah. Tenma doesn't buy that for a second! He knows what Marisol is like, all violent and crazy. Her parents must be appalled by the harridan they raised! So, as the redhead reaches to grab him, Tenma starts to swing his sword arm down, but... This time at least, he's not quick enough. He's instead thrown, sent tumbling rather awkwardly on the grassy knoll, which hurts his pride almost as much as it does his body. Hmmph.

Getting his feet underneath him, the Gedo swordsman starts getting up, his expression a bit more serious. "That it? You can hit harder than that, can't you flat-chest? I'd really hate to be picking on somebody weak..." Oh, it's all trash talk; that hurt!

Whether he buys it or not doesn't matter to Marisol; what matters is the sudden burst of movement from the young woman as she lunges forward and snares him. Sweeping him off his feet she introduces him to the ground, to send him tumbling forward like a fool. A few bystanders in passing pause, look over, blink and move on. Nothing to see here, obviously.

Marisol, on the other hand, just offers a sneer, gray eyes hooding. "I saw that," she states, noting his attempts to stop her throw short. "Keep that bloody toy of yours away from me. I really don't want to have to buy another uniform." If it wasn't clear, she points to her pristine-white skirt. "You don't realize how many of these I always have to purchase!" Just thinking about it seems to mildly annoy her, a slight tick in a thin red brow.

As for his jib? The girl scoffs, lifting her chin a bit as she clenches her hands into fists. "Flat chest? Open your eyes, buddy. Unlike your native women, I'm particularly full. Or are you too busy thinking about your boyfriend to pay attention to a womanly physique??" Pausing, those eyes hood briefly before her lips pull into a fierce smirk. "Weak?"

Charging forward, she attempts to soundly grasp him by the throat, her other hand swinging forward to bury a fist into his gut, followed by a yellowy chi explosion to send him flying back further, away from her spot - and friends.

COMBATSYS: Tenma fails to interrupt Moon Sling from Marisol with Head Breaker.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Marisol          0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0            Tenma

Of course it's not /true/, that's not the point of trash talk. The point is that it /bothers her/, and if there's anything he remembers about Marisol from their first encounter, it's that she completely flipped out when he called her small-chested. So anyway, he's got a Marisol coming his way, which is potentially dangerous - she hits pretty hard. However...

Rather than trying to avoid the attack or anything, he actually steps right /into/ it, letting the punch hit him in the gut as his hand grasps Marisol's uniform shirt. Tenma's plan from there is probably not a nice one, as he's lunging forward, but he wasn't anticipating the /explosion of chi/, which does send him flying. Hopefully he didn't tear the girl's shirt in the process!

Tenma is not nice. No one ever said Marisol was sweet; if he came looking for an easy time, well. He's sorely mistaken, and Marisol's going to show him what an idiot he's been for underestimating her!

It's why she suddenly charges forward, lashing a hand out to grab his neck. Snared, his own hand comes forward, getting a nice grip there on her button-down's collar. Briefly, the redhead looks puzzled by this outcome before she simply swings her hand forward. Her palm slams against his gut, and in turn a burst of chi erupts and sends him flying away.

And yes, he tore some of her blouse.

"Oh, you dick!" the girl exclaims, looking down at her shirt with an incredulous expression. "Now I have to find a new blouse. What'd I tell you? I'm tired of having to buy new uniforms all the time!" If he wants her to flip out, he's doing a good job of getting her there - fast. She jogs after him either way, looking to lash out at his face twice with either fist before both slam against his chest, coupled with YET ANOTHER explosion of yellow chi!

COMBATSYS: Tenma Toughs Out Marisol's El Matador!

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Marisol          0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0            Tenma

As he gets up, Tenma gives the fabric in his hand a curious look. Huh, where did that come fro--Oh. It's pretty obvious from whence it came as he sees the crazy redhead charging towards him again, a tear in her blouse. That's a little bit awkward, isn't it? He casually tosses the torn fabric aside as Marisol closes with him, and rather than sensibly trying to avoid her attack, he just stands there and lets her hit him. The fists to his face barely make him budge, though his body shudders at the double-punch to the chest coupled with an explosion of chi... But Tenma himself doesn't go anywhere.

"Pathetic," the Gedo swordsman grits out, suddenly whirling around with his bokken held in a backfist grip, aiming to slash Marisol roughly with the wooden blade and bloody chi in the side of her head, continuing to whirl about afterward if that hits, before lashing out with a heel kick aimed at her gut. "C'mon, stop flirting with me and start HITTING me!"

COMBATSYS: Marisol fails to interrupt Deep Strike from Tenma with Red Clover.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Marisol          0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0            Tenma

Where did it come from?

Why, the angry redhead across from him, her face afire with irritation. So much so she comes racing after him, swinging her fists at him - but to no, real avail. Instead, he barely budges, jarring only slightly so as her fists slam into his chest and explode with chi. Stepping back thereafter, the girl sports a lopsided smirk.

"Says you," she retorts.

Then he comes at her! ...and she tries to kick him in the face. Only, it was better when she THOUGHT about it. The result? She's whipped with that blode upside the head, causing her to jar a bit before she regains her footing - only to be kicked back in her gut. Exhaling loudly, she staggers, but does not fall.

"Stop flattering yourself, you punk!"

Man, neither of them seem to be having very good luck with that sort of thing, do they? Tenma lands in a bit of a crouch after he kicks Marisol in the gut, and he's a bit impressed that she manages to avoid falling down. But how long can she keep /that/ up for? It seems they're about to find out. "Gonna get embarassed in front of alla your little school pals, huh?" Tenma wonders with a smirk, before he lunges forward.

This time, Tenma lashes out with repeated thrusting attacks with his chi-charged bokken, though it's unlikely all - or even most - of them will hit, in his attempt to pepper the redhead with small, stinging wounds that might hurt her pride more than her flesh.

COMBATSYS: Tenma successfully hits Marisol with Light Strike.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Marisol          1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0            Tenma

"Oh piss off," she snaps back in retaliation, eyes narrowing as the gray-eyed redhead just glares at the Gedo youth. He's got a mouth on him - why, he's almost as annoying as that twit Luc. The tolerable thing about Luc is...well, even she's not sure. But she can sure tolerate his smart-assed mouth. This guy is just a jerk!

Rubbing at her head, the half-Spaniard just continues to glare, even as he lunges forward. He comes in and, though she still manages to maintain her footing through the quick attacks, is struck. It causes her to wince lightly before she scowls.

"Is that the best you can offer?" she chides, idly rubbing at the numerous petty hits he gleefully dotted her with.

COMBATSYS: Marisol gains composure.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Marisol          0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0            Tenma

Is that the best he can offer? Of course it isn't, but Marisol is welcome to think whatever she wants; she is, after all, the one choosing to stand there and nurse her bruises. The thing is, even as she's doing that - and she can rub herself all she wants, it's not going to distract Tenma one little bit! - he pulls back briefly, clearly with something else on his mind.

And just what Tenma has planned is going to become clear quickly enough; Marisol had a commanding lead early in the match, but now that Tenma's managed to take control, he doesn't have any intention of letting up. He sweeps his bokken through the air in a wide arc, nowhere near close enough to hit Marisol herself... And in the wake of the sweeping motion, a crescent of crimson blood launches forth at the half-Irish girl, careening right at her. "Shut up, you cow!"

COMBATSYS: Marisol fails to interrupt Dharmapala from Tenma with Iron Butterfly.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Marisol          1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0            Tenma

Clearly goading him works. Striking a nerve with an expert's precision, the young man comes at her again, swinging his bokken in the process. Frowning sharply, the girl attempts to grab its tip in the center of her hand before her OTHER hand swings out, to introduce him to a nice swath of yellow chi. Unfortunately for her, she misreads him. A burst of red chi strikes her, causing her to stumble back.

After impact, however, Marisol just turns her head to one side and spits. Yes, she looks particularly angry and peeved off at this point. She was starting off so well, too. What happened? Even she doesn't know.

"Those insults are pathetic," she manages to grunt out.

Honestly, Tenma's not entirely sure what Marisol tried to do right there, but he's probably glad it didn't work. He slings his bokken back onto his shoulder, looking at the redhead consideringly. "Like yours are any better?" the Gedo swordsman wonders, arching a brow faintly. Yes, he seems to be completely in control of the match now... Which means it's probably about time he got a little overconfident, isn't it?

"There's a little thing I like to say in situations like these," Tenma says, suddenly reaching at Marisol with his free hand. If he succeeds in grabbing her front somewhere he oughtn't, he says: "Honk," and then he trips Marisol. Why? Because he's a jerk.

COMBATSYS: Marisol endures Tenma's Quick Throw.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Marisol          1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1            Tenma

Whatever her intentions are, Marisol's plans falter, and she feels it. Staggering a bit, back and away, the fiery Pacific High girl just offers a sneer and more scathing words, her amusement barely there beneath that irritable facade. Yes, despite the fact she's now losing quite terribly, Marisol has the tiniest of smirks on her lips. "I dunno," she replies. "I've never punched myself in the face to find out."

Regardless, she shrugs, rolling her shoulders idly. At this point she doesn't seem to care, but part of her is irritated at the fact things have swiftly turned. She is determined to fix that as swiftly as possible.

When he moves...she doesn't do anything. Instead, Tenma's free hand outright honks her in the chest. She looks...well, particularly unimpressed. "That's the best you can muster?" she asks rather flatly. Those full lips of hers even, and quite suddenly, crack into a broad smile, even as he trips her. Why? Because when she falls, she hits fist first...causing the ground to explode in chi and debris.

COMBATSYS: Marisol successfully hits Tenma with Shoot the Moon.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Marisol          0/-------/------=|=======\====---\1            Tenma

Snap! She didn't even get angry from that mid-fight sexual harassment?! Tenma has clearly underestimated Marisol... Or at least underestimated how little respect she has for herself as a woman and a human being! "Now you're just repeatin' yourself," Tenma says in response to her taunt... But when she goes and explodes the ground, there's not enough time for the swordsman to get the hell out of the way.

Instead, Tenma gets well and truly blasted by the chi and debris, which send him flying back, landing hard, before rolling over one shoulder and ending up in a low crouch. "Pff... Ha ha ha!" he laughs again, shaking his head. "Okay... That was good, but can you do it again? Come and get me!" he taunts the redhead, hoping to lure her... INTO A TRAP.

COMBATSYS: Tenma focuses on his next action.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Marisol          0/-------/------=|=======\====---\1            Tenma

"And so are you!" the girl snaps back, just before she's felled swiftly. Only, she doesn't take it lying down; instead, she punches the earth and tears it open, a geyser of yellow erupting and chunks of earth. It's a delightful smorgasbord of pain and chi, courtesy of the O'Connell girl's fist.

Rising from the ground, the redhead dusts here garments off, looking mildly annoyed stilled. Now she has grass stains on her white skirt. Sighing in defeat, the young woman just rolls her eyes before she focuses them back onto Tenma as he /again/ goads her. "I dunno. Maybe if you try a little harder next time I'll show you to something a bit better." Lure her? Oh ho ho, no. Instead, she stands there, looking amused...even as the ground beneath her begins to swell with chi energy. "C'mon, let's see what YOU can do."

COMBATSYS: Marisol gathers her will.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Marisol          0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1            Tenma

Clearly, Marisol is less hotheaded than Tenma had assumed... Which is too bad, but what can you do? Instead he's got to deal with her standing there and building up chi, which causes him to let out a faint hiss of annoyance as he senses it. She might have a last trick or two up her sleeve at this rate, mightn't she? But fine, whatever, if she wants to be that way...

As Tenma watches Marisol, his sword-bearing arm is held back, and his free hand extended forward, slightly contorted in a ritual position as he focuses all of his energy and attention on one, single attack. The smoky aura around his bokken grows in intensity, crimson blood obscuring the wooden weapon almost entirely, before finally... He rushes forward.

Tenma crosses the distance between himself and Marisol as quickly as he can, before coming to a skidding stop before her, swinging his wooden blade as hard as he can as he does so, aiming to catch the Pacific High girl under her ribs, with a powerful strike... But if it hits, his chi rushes THROUGH her, distrupting her own energy flow, stealing her vitality, leaving a weakness, a numbness, a chill feeling in its wake. "THIS ENDS HERE!!"

COMBATSYS: Tenma successfully hits Marisol with The Sealing Sword.

[                                < >  /////////                     ]
Marisol          1/-----==/=======|=------\-------\0            Tenma

There's a lot about Marisol many people don't know, or care to see. Why? Because jerks like Tenma call her names and try to rile her up and GET her angry. But even she has her moments of calm, when she's capable of being a little less-hotheaded and more composed. Like now. Then again, maybe she's just amused by Tenma's silly antics?

Whatever the case, Marisol just continues to stand there as he does his ritual with that sword of his. "Honestly," she says aloud, to no one in particular. "Who brings a weapon to a fight, anyway? Isn't it a little unfair?" Idly, she exhales, rolling her shoulders in a lazy shrug, as the energy begins to taper off.

Then he comes. Squaring her shoulders, she attempts to stave off his assault with her forearms. Faster than she, he slips past her defenses, striking her soundly, causing her to grunt audibly and stagger. Her response to the chi is a mix of surprise and irritation, gray eyes narrowing as she bites down, clenching her jaw.

"Not just YET!!" she bellows, before she suddenly jerks a fist forward, attempting to lodge chi straight into his chest with a fist, where it will explode. Even if it doesn't hit, however, Marisol stumbles back, clearly winded.

COMBATSYS: Marisol can no longer fight.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Tenma endures Marisol's Bee Sting.

[                         \\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/---====|

That isn't Tenma's ultimate technique for nothing, ou know? Really, very few people have had much luck coping with the attack at all, so it's perhaps no surprise that Marisol didn't either. The Gedo swordsman seems quite unaffected - or at least uninterested - in Marisol's sour grapes complaints about his using a sword, and instead he focuses on, well, having hit her pretty hard.

Despite all of Marisol's talk though, Tenma knows it IS over, and just to be a dick about it, he doesn't even attempt to avoid her final attack, instead getting struck in the chest with a blast of her girly yellow chi. He grunts in pain, staggering back, and he realises... He was probably pretty overconfident to stand there and take that. "...S'that it?" he wonders, wobbling a bit, trying to catch his breath. "Mmph... What a waste of time this was."

COMBATSYS: Tenma takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Tenma can no longer fight.

There's a cursory expression of surprise when he doesn't do anything more than simply stand there. Even SHE knows how utterly slowed down and winded she is - there's no doubt in her mind he could have easily avoided it. Yet, despite this, he stands his ground, letting that spike of yellow chi drive into his chest. There's no mercy about it; the moment it impacts, she makes sure to allow it to explode, if only to rub his arrogance into his face.

"Yeah, it was a waste of time," she spits back, bending at the waist with her hands on her knees. She just needs a quick moment to catch HER breath too. "Next time you really need to do better." Tilting her head, a single eye peers up at him from beneath coppery red locks. "Who're you tryin' to impress, anyway?"

Eventually, her back straightens and, with an idle rub of her shoulder, she seems fine - but clearly not ready to start swinging punches again. "What the hell do you want Short Bus for anyway?" she offers with a wry smirk. "And what do I get out of it all if I TELL you where to find him?" Selling out her teammates!? Nah; she figures Luc can kick his ass just fine!

"Who says I'm trying to impress anybody?" Tenma wonders dismissively, as the misty glow around his sword fades, the red line he traced on it disappearing as well. From there, he fishes out the purple cloth sheath, so as to properly put his weapon away. Why? Because he's done fighting with Marisol, that's why. "Whatever... Just tell your stupid monkey that I'm looking for him," the Gedo delinquent decides finally, shrugging his shoulders. "You don't want to tell me where he is, that's fine."

Turning to walk away, because he's apparently had enough of Marisol, Tenma glances briefly back over his shoulder at her. "And when I find him, I'm gonna stomp a mudhole in him, understand? I'm gonna take every last one of you Pacific idiots apart if I have to, but I'm gonna beat that monkey until he admits defeat. Oh, and by the way," Tenma adds suddenly. "I've felt better." And then he gets back to leaving, ha ha ha ha!

Yes, he's a petty ass. Why?

"That's the impression I have from you. Why else would you be gloating? Goading me into hitting you?" Lifting her hands to her hips, the redhead just offers him a lopsided smirk, smoky gray eyes hooding in obvious amusement. Nevermind her side is stinging a bit from that one particular attack. She wouldn't DARE tell him it hurt. Never, or admit to the fact the two are scarily alike in a lot of ways.

Regardless, the girl exhales through her nose, nostrils flaring a bit as she turns her head to the side. "I'll do it if I feel like it," she mutters, drawing her eyes to a shut before folding those long arms across her chest. "And take us apart? Ha ha, you're a real joker. Funny guy. I'd like to see you TRY." A single eye opens, focused on the Gedo boy before she simply scoffs.

"I couldn't care one way or another what your intentions in finding Luc are. If you want to hit him, that's fine. If you want to give him a love letter, that's fine too. I just. Don't. Care. But I'm not about to give you what you want. Especially NOT after you just ruined my uniform. Jerk." Tossing her head, she scoffs noisily again.

Felt better? Watching his back as he goes, she adds, "Yeah? I've been groped better than that. Get some practice in before you try that again."

Turning her back, she reproaches her friends, who immediately begin interrogating her on the strange, toy sword-wielding Gedo weirdo. Who grabs boobs.

Log created on 16:16:35 05/21/2007 by Tenma, and last modified on 22:47:09 05/24/2007.