Description: The newly forming organization continues to review and form strategies. Targets are discussed. Plans are formed. Perhaps.. descent in the ranks? The neophyte criminal organization begins to stretch forth its hand..
After having one of these little tete-a-tetes, Elle knows what she needs to do to make the second one a little more comfortable, interactive and productive. It took careful, long consideration to arrange things just so, but things are taking shape. Her steps, in the following order:
1) Forget to invite Alan and Naerose.
2)Buy food.
3)Bring visual aides.
She sits at the conference table, and has set out food. What kind of food? Pizza. Pizza from AMERICA. Specifically, she found the only place in town where the food is prepped by an actual Italian guy from new York. He was even named 'Mario'. The pie fills the room with a tasty aroma, and the six pack of beer is set in a cooler.
But lest she forget, marise isn't the type to eat grease and suck down suds. Instead, she has provided what she's puzzled out to be a decent meal for a tradionalist Japanese in the form of miso and ramen. At least, that's what her guidebook says is traditional.
And finally? A display of new toys. She has set up on a display rack a legion of knew sampling knives, a few gadgets, and a few drums of mysterly lquid. All of it is to be stored away for later. But for now? It's out to be seen. Behind her, the map, and the pictures of schoolkids... everything is prepped and ready.
So while she waits for folks to arrive? The usually ironhearted rocker chick sits back in her big chair, crosses her legs, cracks open a Sam Adams, and eats a slice of pizza.
Life is good.
Normally, Tran would be taking his sweet time showing up to one of these things. He does remember how it went last time, after all, and it's not like it was a hell of a party or anything. A fruit pie is nice and all, but a pizza pie? That's the shit, right there, and when you can smell it all the way out in the hall, well. It makes a man hurry.
Essentially, Tran bursts onto the scene with about as much burst as he can manage without actually breaking anything, like the door, or whatever unfortunate thing happens to be behind the door.
"Yo, partner." His greeting is brief as he makes a beeline for the pizza, almost absentmindedly grabbing a brewski out of the cooler on the way. He doesn't even slow down, and in just a few moments he's slouched down in a chair with his slice, munching happily. "I'm glad to see you still remember the basic essentials of living." He's feeling fairly lighthearted, but at the same time he's just now starting to pay attention to the various visual aides around him. Tran knows better than to ask before everyone's here, though.
"Hey Fireplug," Elle says absently, chewing on a slice. "Good to see you're on time. Looks like Marise is running a little behind." Probably for a good reason, so she's not too irritated. Elle, for better or for worse, trusts the demon lady to do what she does and do it well. After all, if she ever gets in trouble, she's got the emergency beeper. So far, it hasn't gone off, so all is well in the world.
"We've got a lot of stuff to cover, so make sure to pay attention today, alright?" She reaches over to the rack and pulls off a few of the knives. "We got some new shipments of these things. Lots of them, so don't even worry about wasting," she says, tossing a few of the weapon-tools still sheathed in the plastic wrapping. "And I also wanna talk about some of that crap we found in Cody's pockets."
She leans back, picking pepperoni off the pizza absently as she shifts in her seat to get more comfortable. "Anything you wanna let me know about before Marise gets in?"
"You mean besides how elusive any Pacific High kids who aren't a complete goddamn waste of time are? Nothing." Tran irately rips off a chunk of his pizza, swallows it with hardly any chewing, and continues, "I mean, I found that one kid, who's useful for some extra muscle if nothing else, but it's like anybody else who's anybody's on vacation or sick or some shit." Tran pauses again to chew and think, and when he speaks again he's completely shifted gears.
"Speaking of, how's he doing? Cody, I mean, not the other kid. He was looking pretty fucked up last I saw him, but I haven't boned up on drugs or severe joint injury in a while." Since it seems Tran's slice is already gone, he reaches over from his seat and snags another, chewing on that.
The Devil of Koga is not one to be late often. Punctuality is an important skill.
However, some of the work the Ninja has been saddled with has taken careful preperation and maintainence. Not operations she can drop on a dime. Often baring complications she could not forsee priorly.
Although, ones that hold rich rewards for the patient.
"He is a strong boy.." Marise whispers. Calmly seated at the table, her kimono arranged around her as she slowly draws her noodles from the bowl. Full lips blowing on the heated morsels a moment.
No. The elegant woman was not seen coming in or even sitting down. A quick glance to their food, and there she is. As if she was always there.
Ninjitsu does have its trade secrets, afterall.
"Death will not find him so easily." She whispers calmly as she inhales her morsels with a silent swallow. Even her manner of eating is proper. Her arms held aloft at precise angles, her posture picture perfect. She could almost be considered aloof and snooty.. If it wasn't for a smile that suggests the canary was delicious.
Cody was a monster, that's for sure. Marise's sudden appearance gets a look and a raised eyebrow, but nothing more than that. Elle finds the woman unnerving enough. No sense sitting around mulling over the strange abilities she seems to have. That would likely cause insanity to set in and all kinds of paranoid thoughts. Elle's paranoid enough as it is by nature. Instead, she proceeds with business.
"Well, he's probably going to need his knee reset. Think you can handle that for me, Tran? I'd rather not take him to the hospital. Give him a bath and a decent shave, and someone's gonna ask questions at the hospital," the woman says, dealing with the cheese that seems to get everywhere. She wipes her hands on a spare towel hangingfrom the armrest of her chair. "But if you wanna talk drugs?" She pounds a fifty gallon drum next to her. "I got three barrels of the stuff. Premium Glow straight from NESTS to yours truly, plus two drums worth of the antidote." She tosses a vial of green over to Tran, and then a vial of blue. "I had them color coded so we won't make mistakes. Right now, giving him Glow won't help out his injury. Administer some of the antidote, and see what happens."
Elle then directs her attentions towards Marise. "So, how about you, Vamp? Dig up anything good out there? You look like you're in the catbird seat."
Happily eating his pizza, Tran looks away for a second. A SECOND, understand. And then all of a sudden a sexy, if dangerous and creepy woman is sitting right there where she has no business suddenly sitting. He chokes.
Hacking and coughing, Tran quickly puts his beer down and slams on his chest a few times, trying to work that shit loose. It finally does, but not before he's teared up and breathing heavily to make up for lost time. In between gasps, the doctor grabs his beer and just slams the rest of it down, after which he seems a little better. "Don't DO that, goddamn!"
If Marise wanted to get a rise out of Tran, she got it. "I swear to god, that just ain't right, god damn it." Elle might have gotten a little used to this kind of thing, but Tran's only even met Marise the one time. If nothing else, this incident has convinced him that she and he are going to have to have a little, seperate chat sometime later.
Although it still takes a few moments after that, the doctor does manage to get focused back on the matters at-hand when Elle tosses him the vial. "I...shit, gimme a little while to read up on it, and I'll probably be able to manage it. Even if I don't do it perfect, he's a tough guy, he'll probably be fine." He could probably add more just now, but Elle's shifted her attention, and he still needs a minute to calm down.
The Devil exhibits her nigh-supernatural, if rarely employed ability, to not titter mirthfully when truly amused. As such, she continues drawing a few lengthly noodles past her lips quietly as her bangs veil her smiling eyes. Making no stir as the good Doctor narrowly manages to not choke to death.
Her skills are truly vast indeed to manage such a herculean effort.
However. The maiden of silence makes no immediate comment, merely listening to Elle's breakdown of the young man in their 'care'. The gesture to their stockpile of drugs is noted, but not too closely looked into.
Not to say she's above the use of drugs, but simply it sounds like Elle has such matters well in hand. These two have much grander knowledge of the modern opiates. Better to rely upon their wheeling and dealing rather than waste time catching up. Her plate is monumentally full already.
%Case in point.
As the hellion asks that question. The Devil calmly reaches a hand beneath the table a moment, before gently setting a gray, plastic box upon the tabletop beside her. Clacking her chopsticks together to punctuate the moment, the box springs open with an air-sealed hiss.
A few tendrils of cool mist crawl forth from the enclosure, revealing a single crimson vial, with empty slot spaces for six others.
The last of her current mouthful of noodles slips within her violet lips as she whispers, "The blood sample of one 'Momoko'. As requested. No evidence leading back to us or our employers. She was only too happy to hand this over safely and cleanly."
Closing the box with a flip of her thumb, and gently pushing the vessel in Elle's direction. "I intend to acquire the remainder on my sample list within the week. Miss Elle."
At that, her wooden utensils clasp yet another fold of noodles and lift it from the steaming broth. Mmm.. Good noodles.
Creepy or not, the woman delivers the goods, and does it with a smile. It's almost impossible to find that nowadays. Elle reaches over and clamps a hand around the box like an iron claw. Excellent. If she were the kind, she'd be steepling her fingers and chuckling. Perhaps she would pet a Persian cat. Thankfully for the rest of the world, she's not possessed of Bond Villian grandeur, and if she's smart, she never will. "Nice work," she says, nodding. High praise indeed. She reaches for another slice while standing up to get a marker.
"Okay, so you got to Luc, and Marise, you've dealt with Momoko," the rocker crosses off the faces on the board behind her. "Make sure that I have Luc's contact info so I can hopefully dredge the rest of his motley bunch out of hiding and arrange some fights for you." She bites her slice, placing it down and leaning back to get a better look at the picture while chewing. Hrm.
"Also, I got ahold of Sada, from Seijyun High who agreed that she'd be checking out some of the goings-on in the schools, so you can basically consider her a charter member until further notice." She scratches off that face, too.
"Couple of other things: Tran, I want you to set me up an appointment with Mr. Big. I hear through the grapvine that his girl Friday works around Geese Tower. Calls herself 'Leilani'." Thanks to the fighter database, Elle can cross reference anything and come up with some tangible results. She slides a picture of the pretty Hawaiian towards Tran. "Happy Birthday."
"Also, I've talked to a martial arts master named 'Todoh'. His joint's a little wrecked and she's got no students, but if you see him in the streets, don't mug him. I'm planning on pulling the permits on his place and turning it into a safehouse for us. Besides that, he's a solid fighter, and I think he might be of some use to us," Elle says in way of exposition. "Which reminds me: Once you get done on the psi kids, Marise, I want you to start on Katana."
Nodding occasionally as Elle confirms what's going down, Tran mentally marks off the faces on the board. When he puts his mind to it, he can be truly great at not-doing things. It's an incredibly useful skill, that frees up plenty of time for other things, like, oh, say, the chick in the picture. Tran picks it up and is suitably impressed, showing it with a long, leering whistle.
"Hoo, damn. Pretty little thing, isn't she? It's not my birthday, but damn if I wouldn't say it was for such a great present." He tucks the picture away into his coat, and then asks, "So, what should I tell her beyond 'Elle wants a meeting'? I mean, if that's enough to set things up, then great, but I've got the niggling feeling that it'll take a bit more."
The Devil was not expecting to bask in praise. This is, afterall, a small start. Obtaining Momoko's sample was more of a 'proof of concept' than a truly grand endeavor. Her research and setup for her enterprise has been aligned. Now its a simple matter to start raking in the samples. All it will take is a little footwork, and she should be able to get a little bit extra for their employers besides.
As Elle lines up the other aspects of their business, Marise is completely attentive. Though her gaze is hidden, her attention is obvious. Committing the image of Sada to memory once again as it appears the prospect has been brought into the fold. Along with this 'Luc' as well. The good Doctor has certainly been productive as well!
Not bad for a beer swilling pig of a man.
Information about Mr. Big and his henchwoman is similarly noted. Important figures to know, those. Considering their stranglehold over this town. Though that is not her area of responsibility, its good to know which names to pay attention for.
Not that Marise makes a habit of forgetting any name once she hears it, but especial attention anyway.
The name Todoh holds some recognition. A familiar name.. Todoh as in.. Kasumi Todoh? A popular figure in fighting leagues and tournaments? Interesting to hear that their dojo has become.. pliable to their wishes. The extra muscle will be most useful.
Especially if they are to accomplish what they hope for.
Elle's mention of Katana? Marise slurps the last of her noodles in a rare audible sound, almost lewd suckling noise, "Of course."
That faus-samurai will be.. most compliant. She is sure.
Yet another important cog in the wheels of progress, doubtlessly falling into place.
The Devil's gaze roams the board as names and faces are marked off, like puzzle pieces falling into place.. beginning to form a larger picture. Slowly but steadily.
Tran bring sup an excellent point, and Elle's forced to answer with something less than sufficient. "To be honest Tran? I'm a little short on info for you. I want to tell you that all you have to do is relay a message for me. Just tell her I have some product that Big might be interested in, and that I'm also looking to do a real estate deal. But if she gives you too much shit? Punch her pretty little face in until it falls out backwards from her ass." Vicious as usual. Elle's not really the kind that enjoys dealing with the small frys herself, despite being one.
"I'll make sure you're armed with enough cash to cover breaking one of Big's toys, so don't worry about retribution. He's crazy, but he's still a businessman," Elle reassures. Now only if she beleived it herself. her posture doesn't give it away, though. The last thing she needs is for Tran to worry. When he doesn't know there's trouble? That's when he's at his best.
"In the meantime. Cody's going to be needed some time rto recover, and a debriefing. I've heard that he failed in getting info on USPL for use because Rolento's boy-whore beat feet. I'm not too worried, but keep your eyes peeled. Cody's already proven that he's good against some for fighting by almost taking down Ryo, so I'm going to have him on duty to keep an eye out for this guy for NESTS." Elle tacks a new face on the board. "His name's Maxima. And what he is..." She taps the picture with the back of her hand, "Is a cyborg. Half man, half machine. All sugar free. If you see him, I want reports. Don't engage him without heavy backup. Just tail him if you can."
"Other than that, I think that covers the bulk. Any new orders of business you nutjobs want to let me know about?"
With a frown, Tran accepts what he's got to work with. Which is to say, not a whole lot. He's not thrilled about having to make this go, but he'll figure out a way. At the very least, though, it means Elle's trusting him again, which is a good sign. Really, the only thing to do is keep up the good work and make this shit happen.
And hey, it's like he's got a business expense account! Maybe some wining and dining will work better than punching and screaming, but who knows? Maybe it'll come down to both. "Got it. Good to know, I'll see what I can make happen."
Tran is taken aback a little when Elle explains Maxima to him. Half-robot? That's...kind of awesome. "So, this Maxima guy...does he have, y'know. Laser vision?"
Solid progress. The ghostly woman is certainly pleased as events continue to transpire in their favor.
Things are almost moving along too well. But then, the element of surprise is still on their side. They have the advantage of information. Few of their target organizations have even realized they have a new rival. Let alone knowledge to deal with them.
That, and these actions are on the ground level. Slow. Cautious. Targets carefully chosen for weakness and opportunity. Elle has considered these initial steps well indeed.
It is good to know that young man has been put to work immediately, and to great effect. Marise's head tilts inquisitively as those details are filled out. Two hits and a third lined up? Considering how quickly he's recovered.. amazing strength indeed.
My my.. He sounds tasty..
The very concept of a cyborg washes over the Devil Ninja without so much as a blink. The face and name are noted, however. The non-engaging nature of the mission keeps her from not asking questions immediately. That.. and she doesn't want to let these two fellow 'nutjobs' in on just how luddite she is about certain technical details.
It was hard enough memorizing all of those scientific details for her latest guise.
As for further business? Nothing pressing. Her needs are met and her efforts are continuing apace. When she's ready to move on Katana, she'll need to be bankrolled to fund the endeavor in Metro City.. But that's not an immediate issue.
Although, one detail does spring to mind. This question, surprisingly, directed at Doctor Tran. "Is Alma still off of our list of potential.. targets?"
In response, Elle checks her laptop. The information on it holds a wealth of information from two different sources. "Classified," Elle says flatly, looking over maxima's file. "Looks like a grappler style fighter with some heavy armor and some nasty tricks that the database doesn't go into." He head turns back to look at Tran. "The fact that he tosses people around like tiddlywinks should be enough impetus to keep you away, though. Like I said, don't engage the bastard unless you have to, or you have enough backup to justify it."
As Marise asks her question to Tran, Elle folds her arms. That's a good question. What of Alma? She still hasn't forgotten her roots. She'd still very much like to loot Kain's house, and Alma and Benimaru are still potential sources of spending money. After all, nothing wrong with a good honest home invasion.
Tran's face goes blank for a moment, and he slowly turns to stare directly at Marise. He's silent for several long moments. It would be intimidating, if it wasn't coming from Tran. Not that that sort of thing would probably work on Marise anyway. Regardless of this, it's pretty clear that he's /really/ gonna have to have that little chat soon with Marise soon.
"You know what? Fuck it. If you guys want to go and knock his shit over, fine, I don't give a damn. I'm not gonna bother with it, though, so there you have it." Tran angrily reaches over for another slice of pizza and viciously tears into it, silent save for the sound of gnashing teeth.
Aw. Touched a nerve did she?
The Devil of Koga meets the good Doctor's stare head-on. Oh. That chat is destined to be interesting. Filled with all manner of team building praise and exercises.
Perhaps in the single greatest act of strength recorded by humankind, Marise manages to not look smug at the Doctor's collapsing resolve on the matter. The wicked creature merely bows her head in acknowledgement of the extremely begrudged aquiescence, as she then turns her attention back to Elle. Perhaps the Devil is feeling a little bit arrogant now that she managed to squeeze the blood out of one of her 'psychic' targets and is looking for tougher game. Either that, or shes eager to earn more credibility from this NESTS Cartel so they can move on to secure the Mad Gear.
"We will see what opportunities arrise. However.. I believe our course is clear. Miss Elle." Politely sliding her mostly emptied bowl away from herself, having finished her meal.
Much to do, and very little time to do it in before their potential rivals and prey realize whats going on and mobilize against them.
The de facto 'leader' gives a grunt. She has no idea what's going on with Tran with the whole Alma business. She's left that to him to resolve. Nevertheless, she's had lingering questions about that strange relationship, too. On the assumption that he'd work it out for himself, it would appear that Marise's plans conflict. Something like that was going to happen eventually. She has only a little to say on the matter. "Look, like it or not, Tran, I have someone paying big bucks for Psi DNA. Vamp here will try to get the sample as clean as possible, but she's got all the permission in the world to mess him up if she has to."
"Otherwise? I'm not getting involved. If you want to settle this, you take it outside my warehouse, and you don't break any of my stuff. At the end, you work out whatever, and you come back here and you place nice, because I'm not hunting for replacement mooks." And that's that as far as Elle is concerned.
Her eyes narrow at the both of them. Not that she never expected to be doing personality management, but a sour note wasn't her epxectations for this meeting. "Okay, people, you have your assignments. Let's get this done like we always do: Fast and efficient."
Hey, don't look at Tran. He didn't bring it up. "Alright, fine, like I said, I don't give a damn. Have fun, try not to let him blast your brains out through your ears." He's still giving Marise a dirty look, though.
Standing up, the doctor wolfs down the last bites of his slice, and then shakes his head, trying to banish the light buzz he's got going from his beer. "Okay. I'll get you your meeting in a couple of days, and see what else I can manage." With that said, Tran turns and walks toward the door. "See you later." Especially you, he thinks in regards to Marise. Their chat really is going to be...interesting.
The shadowy woman rises to her feet with poise, her head inclining in the direction of her leader as she regards her simply, "Miss Elle." An acknowledgement of her suggestion. Indeed, time is always of the essense. And.. oh.. she will straighten things out with her ally.
Her hidden gaze turning to Tran, just in time to catch the last lingering glare from her comrade in arms.
His warning? Duly noted. Perhaps more noted than he would expect.
Clearly Elle must think less of her than she thought, if the rocker thought the Devil would toss away the good Doctors life so recklessly. Heavens no. He has proven himself extremely useful to the cause of late. Far more than certain other members she declines to consider.
This is not to say, the man should not understand precisely whom he is glaring at.
The ghostly one quietly is exaunt of the warehouse. Leaving with only a fraction more fanfare than her arrival.
Bold steps. But steps forward none the less.
Log created on 23:47:12 05/20/2007 by Marise, and last modified on 02:23:13 05/23/2007.