It sucks.
Screw history. Screw tradition. Screw politeness. Screw Parliament, tea, scones, crumpets, tea, the royal family, fog, rain, Jack the Ripper, the crown jewels, Sherlock Holmes, Lewis Carroll and those miserable little black cabs. Screw England.
It's cold, it's wet, and it smells like pee. Everything is old, dreary, gloomy, and it's enough to make Elle hate the place with a passion. Still, she does a good job of hiding it behind her dour, mostly expressionless face. She skulks around in a brown trenchoat and hat if only to keep out the cold and the rain as she waits around in one of the crappy alleys behind a British pub. Why do evil people always have to meet in old subways, alleys, and military bases? Doesn't anyone ever meet at Chuck E. Cheese or something?
Still, Elle has things to give to Zero, and stuff to discuss. So she'll live through the wet and the cold if only to make things happen.
Despite popular belief, making shady business deals at a Chuck E. Cheese would stand out like a sore thumb. Time tested and confirmed; in the end, the best and most productive areas in which to settle deals of any sort are the most inconspicuous. Two people talking at a subway is not suspicious. In fact, typically the perfect area for dealing with criminal ring leaders... is right out in the middle of the street.
Which is what inevitably brings 'Hell's Belle' to a nondescript alleyway behind one of many simple, British pubs that litter the city of London. Whatever she may be doing there is anyone's guess. But she's not entirely alone; as rain beats down on the rough, grimy concrete that surrounds Elle, a form approaches. Tall, clad in sleek black, raindrops pitter-patter against the wide brim of a dark umbrella that shelters the man as he approaches. Not many have seen this person's real face, but it's one that Elle, at the very least, should be able to recognize; the emotionless gaze of Zero is not an easy one to forget.
"Ms. Belmounte," Zero begins smoothly, his deep voice ringing out clearly against the rain. He moves, such that his umbrella covers both himself and Elle. Perhaps an act of courtesy, though more to keep from being overly conspicuous. It would be more odd, after all, if he did not. "... on time, I see. I trust your meeting with my superior went well." He knows; there's not much Zero does not know, after all.
"And I assume your mission has been going smoothly?"
Elle responds with actions. She holds up a paper sack and shakes it, the bag making clicking noises as she jostles it. "You might say that," she says. "I got your three samples, with even more on the way. A steam chi user, a 'dark' chi user, and some little girl who practically breathes the stuff." Tran, Luc, and Hotaru, respectively. "I've got some of my people working on a wholesale gathering of samples... but I'm going to need more knives. I've got at least two psi users lined up for sampling."
Hopefully that'll meet the requirements. Getting the samples through combat isn't easy, and if everything works smoothly? She won't have to do it anymore. It was necesary, however, for these three at least, making the prize literally something she had to fight for.
Really, it's kid's stuff, though. If she weren't doing five other things at any given time, the samples would have been taken weeks ago. However, when you're building a small group of ruffians from scratch, things tend to be a little complex. It's all she can do to keep all the diverse and homocidal personalities from clashing. "So you got anything else, or am I just keeping up with this sampling job ad nauseum?"
There they are. Zero takes a good look at the sack that Elle presents to him, lifeless gaze taking a good look before a gloved hand outstretches to take them from Elle, unless she otherwise denies him them -- which likely would not be a smart idea. "Adequate work. Once they're verified, we will get back to you and send you the rest of your money for these samples." It seems, at least for now, these will be enough to satisfy. Despite the fact that his expression betrays nothing, Zero gives a small nod of approval. It's enough.
"Keep in mind, of course, that you will receive better payment for DNA samples you gather from individuals who utilize Psycho Power," The NESTS VP deadpans as he moves off to the side, beginning a slow walk. "Chi is more easily researched and obtained than Psycho Power, and therefor samples of so-called 'psychics' are currently more valuable to our organization."
But, it seems that's it for her samples -- for now, at least. "Continue with obtaining samples; the more powerful the better." A brief pause, "We will also send you more materials; simply request a quantity of them and they'll be delivered. As for other jobs..."
There is a small pause here. A gloved hand slips into Zero's coat pocket, producing two photographs; a man with white hair, dark skin, and a considerably larger man with large, dark sideburns. "Operatives K' and Maxima are traitors to the NESTS cartel. I want you to locate them, and tail their movements; report directly to me on this matter. Do not engage them in combat, however. They are far beyond your capacities alone." An important mission nonetheless, though. So why give it to Elle? "Beyond your current mission, you have no connections to our organization. They will not know who you are, which ultimately makes you perfect for this particular job." Zero stops his walk briefly, turning cold gray eyes to consider Elle.
Interesting that Zero would say that. Though alone, the woman is indeed nothing, she has a knack of defying expectations. Nevertheless, there's no reason for Zero to know that. Not yet, anyhow. She takes the photographs from Zero's hand and looks them over, and her photographic memory kicks in, the wheels in her brain turning full speed to recall an encounter months ago. "I've seen the white haired guy," she says after a moment. "But it was months ago. He was in Southtown Park. Kid looked pretty healthy last I checked." And angry, too. He nearly tore off her head for her troubles. "If I see him again, I'll keep better tabs."
"As for psychics, the problem is that they know you're coming. Slippery little bastards. I have my best trying to get the samples, but it might take a little more time with them." Alma alone she's been trying to get for ages, and he's about as elusive as the Loch Ness Monster. Hopefully, Miu will be a much easier catch. Between her and a few other prospects, Elle has her hands full with the miserable psionic freaks. Unless...
But that's a risk she's not willing to take. Not yet, anyhow. "Yeah, a few questions," she says. "First one: These guys here. What kind of capabilities do they have? Are we talking psychics too, or do they have some kind of special chi? They space aliens? Clones? Robots? What?" It's a snarky joke, of course, but Elle's probably a lot closer to the truth than she'd be comfortable. "Second, how long to samples stay viable if I use your sampling tools? There might be times where I get something, but I have to store it for a while. I don't want shit to go bad on me before I turn it in."
Finally, the woman shifts her weight, putting her hand into her pocket and withdrawing a small vial of something odd, green, and glowing. She holds it up in slender, gloved hands for Zero to see, eyebrow raised. "Finally: glycolauric octanol. The streets call it 'Glow'. Apparently, it's some kinda performance enhancing drug that futzes with your adrenal system at the expense of barbecuing your innards. Makes crack addiction look like a love for chocolate. Brand spanking new. I don't suppose you guys made it, did you?" She tosses the sample at Zero. "Got an antidote?"
"K Dash." Zero states the name simply, his movement beginning once more as they walk, out of the alley and into the street beyond. The rain picks up, the drops striking harder and harder against the protective covering of the NESTS VP's umbrella. "Arguably one of our strongest agents... before he saw fit to turn on us. Most of his capacities are classified; however, you would do well to know that he has an impressive control of chi that manifests itself in the form of crimson fire." Not entirely accurate, but on purpose. She's not nearly on a level to understand the truth behind the flames that K' wields.
"The other one is, in fact, one of our projects concerning the advancement of cybernetic enhancement technologies." Zero speaks calmly even as he delves into the busy streets; no one pays any heed. They all have conversations of their own to attend to, their own thoughts to listen to. His voice drowns out in the rain and the noise with only Elle to hear them. "He possesses incredible physical strength, as well as being skilled with grappling techniques. He can use his own cybernetic enhancements to amplify his strength. He is not, however, a dumb brute. Of the pair, Operative Maxima was designated to be the strategist." And even since defecting, Zero imagines such is still the case.
"As long as you are utilizing the tools we provide you, the samples should remain viable indefinitely -- unless otherwise tampered with. Once retrieved they will remain useful to us unless outside forces tamper with them." A simple enough answer, but there's nothing much more to it than that. But then -- in the wake of this interesting new discovery Elle gives him, why would he expand upon that subject any more?
"'Glow,' hm." Zero muses as he grasps the sample, looking at the glowing green vial with a small measure of curiosity. "Interesting. It's not one of ours. However, developing an antidote should not be difficult with this sample." There is a brief pause, before the NEST exec's gaze turns back to Elle, silently thoughtful. "An explanation as to why you require an antidote will be necessary, of course."
Elle listens to the assessment of Maxima and K'. Interesting. While K's origins don't really concern her all that much, she does pay closer attention to Maxima's abilities more, perhaps because the man has been seen on television as of late performing in matches. What's more, he appears to be alone. Still, her features don't betray much thought. Just a glazed, slightly tired look that she always seems to carry around with her. Still, her mind is already chugging away at the possibilities...
As for the glow? "I have men addicted to it," is the honest-enough reply. In truth, it's more like a potential recruit is addicted to it, and it's Elle's interest to get leverage on him with promises of a cure. "I really don't care if half the city gets swallowed up by it, but I want my people safe from it's effects if something goes down."
And, as Forrest Gump is wont to say, that's all she has to say about that. "If you can get me a supply of both the drug and the antidote, it'll be a favor to me. In return, I'll make sure I have a man on K Dash and Maxima, as long as I can get a few liters of both a week." Is she moving into the drug business? Possibly. Elle's base enough in NESTS eyes to do something that distasteful. nevertheless, ingenuity has it's marits all it's own and Elle knows the score territorily and economically.
As for samples? Well, Elle has no intention on tampering with the devices. But she does have to ask, "When can I expect another equipment shipment? I have to prep my people and let them know when to expect another round of excursions. I'd also like to ask you for an unclassified target database. I don't want to duplicate info and research you already have. I don't need anything classified... but I'm working with antiquated info and fighter magazines for information and stats. It'd do both of us a favor to get me an updated list of compiled fighter strengths and weaknesses for me to study. Makes life a little easier."
Fortunately enough for Elle, Zero is not in the business of judgment and haughty assumptions. He feels no more nor less about her now than when he did back when he recruited her in the first place. The fact that she may or may not be interested in peddling this particular drug is just another fact that Zero considers with utter, icy objectivity. In the end, it's not distasteful... so much as it is just another aspect of an operative under his employ.
Which is why his expression remains so impassive as Elle speaks, laying out her requests. Zero says nothing at first, simply walking across the street as the rain begins to die down, little by little, until it becomes more of a light drizzle that smacks gently against the canopy of his umbrella. "Very well. I will have an antidote produced along with supplies of the drug. It will be delivered along with more equipment to gather samples with. Battle data that we have acquired and I deem you may be priviledged to access will be delivered in a disk along with the other supplies." Archaic, maybe, but effective enough. It's easier to keep from being traced this way. "All of your requests will be delivered by the end of the week. I assume that there are no problems with this?" Of course not.
However -- "Keep in mind that the resources required to duplicate this drug will require a decrease in payment for the next samples you deliver. I imagine that this will be a worthwhile enough exchange for you, if you are planning to deal this 'Glow' to others. Is there anything else you wish to speak to me about, or will that be all?" The NESTS VP questions apathetically as he slips that glowing vial into his coat pocket. More work to be done. Though the prospects of this 'Glow' are intriguing enough to be worth it.
She shakes her head. Zero impresses Elle to no end. The man is brief, direct, and logical. He doesn't seek to intimidate her, or display huge amounts of unecessary power. He does have a haughty aloofness... but who could blame him? He could kill her with a thought, and have enough power to take down most of London with him. Despite this, he treats her more or less as an 'equal', or at least equal in the fact that they're doing business without any extra leverage applied merely due to the fact that he's 'bigger'.
Zero has Elle's respect. It may not mean much to Zero. In fact, it may not mean anything at all. But such a thing is notoriously hard to wrest from the generally dour, impassive woman. "I think that's everything. I'll keep everything in mind. In the meantime, I'll send you a report by the end of next week on whether or not we have any Maxima sightings." Elle's mind switches gears again. How do you crack the defenses of a mechanical man? Especially one as powerful as Zero alleges.
A puzzle that Elle will likely solve in disturbingly short order.
"Yeah, that's all I got," Elle confirms that the meeting is more or less over. Now to catch a flight out of this miserable forsaken dump to warmer climes. "I'll get in touch with one of your ops if something comes up."
Log created on 21:28:38 05/16/2007 by Zero, and last modified on 02:51:05 05/20/2007.