Neo League 376 - #390: Leona vs Drake

Description: Can wrestling beat the tactics of a mercenary? A battle between Domino and Leona ends up being closer than one might expect. (Winner: Leona)

The time for retribution is going to happen soon. The Ikari have been training for the upcoming attack for a few weeks now and soon Heidern will be avenged when Rolento is finally taken down for the count. The troops are in shape and everything is planned out nicely as a double headed attack that the crazed militant should have problems with. Even so there are some Ikari who never feel that they can be prepared enough. One of those happens to be the adopted daughter of the recently assassinated leader of the Ikari Warriors.

The troops at the base are tough, but more often than not trying to hone ones skills against someone of a different style helps greatly. While she isn't sure how well this Neo League fight might serve in helping her prepare, it is at least a way to vent out some pent up aggression that the woman often holds back. Of course it is hard to even tell if she is angry. Not like Leona shows much emotion at all when in a fight. In fact she has that same rather cold expression on her face right now as she waits for this fight to start up. Her hair has already been tied up with her dogtags and she is idly adjusting her gloves, her gaze not really even looking about at the people and camera men gathered about for this fight.

Meanwhile, Domino has just arrived at the fighting area. Having recently suffered a rather.. ugh.. undue loss to someone he deems unworthy of his amassed scoring, he's perfectly willing to accept another fight. He's got nothing to lose now, anyway. Apart from a possible marr on his record, anyway.
Nevertheless, Domino comes in with a wry smile, waving to the gathered people for the fight. Notably less than the crowd he had earlier. ...Dammit. With a bit less enthusiasm, he pulls the sash apart keeping his robe together, and he tosses it out of the boundaries of the fighting zone. He then turns to regard his blue-haired challenger, amethyst eyes coursing over her briskly.
He steps to the center of the 'ring', and waits for her to join him.

Quite a long way from home, it would seem. Chae Lim hasn't really come to spectate the fight. Having caught wind of a beautiful bolt of material, she made arrangements to come out this way and check it out, to see if it was good enough for the new outfit she's already planning. The material was a bust, but someone pointed out that camera crews were gathering for a Neo League fight, and like any fighter who's interested in seeing other styles she made her way to where things have been set up.
First she spies the young woman and tilts her head a little. The militaristic look has her pursing her lips, wondering if she could recreate an outfit like that for herself. Turning her attention back to one of the cameras, she spies Drake and blinks. Attempting to get his attention, she waves and lets loose a shrill whistle.
Then she looks to the woman beside her and says, "I know him! That's Domino!" To the ring she calls, "GOOD LUCK DOMINO!" Now she's wishing she brought along the little banner she made but she'll have to make do with what she has.

The Ikari woman looks up from adjusting her gloves when a few people start to cheer to signal the arrival of the other fighter. Domino isn't a name she is too familiar with. He has apparently made a decent sized splash in the fighting world as one of the man successful wrestlers turned professional fighter. If anything this should be interesting. She idly wonders what style he uses. His build makes her think more of something similar to Ramon perhaps. Then again she has no real experience against grapplers aside from the likes of Commander Steel who already uses a style similar to wrestling.

Those dark eyes of Leona focus on her opponent as she approaches the area designated as the ring as the official begins announcing the fighters. It has been awhile since Leona has been in a fight like this, but it seems that the fans still remember her enough for a small amount of cheers to be made as she steps up. She straightens up for a moment and makes a crisp salute to her opponent and then she lowers her hand while offering a nod. "Let us do our best." she says in a calm and rather monotone voice as she takes up a fighting stance, her legs spreading out some and arms held out in front of her as her gaze never leaves Drake.

COMBATSYS: Leona has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Leona            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Drake has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Drake            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Leona

Domino hears the shrill whistle piercing through the sounds of the audience, and he glances back to spy Chae Lim. "Hey!," he calls, lifting an arm to wave to her with a smile. She found out about this fight? Who would've guessed? He looks back to Leona in time to see her salute, in which he responds with a twiddly handwave. Not a mockery, but a motion of lighthearted mirth.
"Here's to hopin'," the model murmers. This is more for himself than for her. The last fight has him questioning himself a bit.
But then Domino takes his stance. The footing is a shallow backstance, left foot forward. His right hand hovers by his chest, fingers splayed as if ready for a grapple. His left arm rests angled downwards before his body, hand flat.
Then the announcer calls to fight.
Fight Domino does.
He moves in quickly towards her, stance breaking to permit an all-out run. His left arm extends, aiming to catch the female fighter either across the throat or collar with a clothesline.

COMBATSYS: Leona blocks Drake's Quick Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Drake            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Leona

A deep breath is taken and hands clench into fists as the announcer calls for things to begin. She doesn't decide to move though and instead decides to let her opponent strike first. She isn't familiar with him so she will be having to test the waters for awhile to see what he can do exactly. She pulls her arms back and crosses them at the forearms as Domino comes in. The arms absorb the blow as the attempted clothesline doesn't even seem to budge the rather stout woman.

With him in close she quickly strikes back before he has any chance to get away. She pushes off the ground to jump backwards, her arms quickly cutting about the air as hands open up to making chopping motions, the result creating a X-shaped wave of chi to slam into the wrestler as she tries to use that combined with her leap back to create some distance between the two so she can get back into her defensive stance and prepare for his next attack.

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Drake with X-Calibre.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Drake            0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0            Leona

Domino may as well have struck a tree trunk. The shock is enough to warrant a pause from him. Dang. The heck with throwing punches and strikes, apparently.
His eyes lift to follow her movements, and he sets himself to evade the oncoming energy.. but he falls just short of it. He's knocked off his feet and tumbled back a little ways to end on his back.
"Ugh.. what in the world..?"
He curls back and kips up cleanly to his feet again. Domino's amethyst eyes narrow on the female, and he slips back into his stance, opting for a more cautious, tactical approach to this fight.

COMBATSYS: Drake focuses on his next action.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Drake            0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0            Leona

The mercenary's plan works well and she is planted firmly back onto the ground ready for any sort of counter attack by the time Drake is back onto his feet. Is it hesitation or is he taking time to look for an possible opening? With him holding back Leona soon finds herself left with the decision of pressing her attack or wait to see what tricks the wrestler might try to pull against her. It appears to be a quick decision and the woman bends some at the knees and then pushes off her feet to begin moving forward.

Her momentum picks up as she quickly closes in on Domino as if ready to just up and strike with a punch, but as that fist comes forward the woman leaps upwards and flips forward with catlike agility. That hand that was ready to throw the punch then opens, a small item almost looking like an earring for the most part rests in her palm and falls out of it as she sails overhead to land in a crouch with her back to his. The earring is more than just a simple piece of jewelry, though. Domino or ground, no matter what it ends up hitting a small explosion will soon follow.

COMBATSYS: Drake dodges Leona's Earring Bakudan.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Drake            0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0            Leona

Domino's eyes remain affixed to the blue-haired female, judging her movements with sharp interest. At first it seems like she's going to set him up perfectly for a Solar Eclipse... but then that doesn't happen. She tosses something at him. Something small.
Her earring?
If Domino had any superhero danger senses, they'd be tingling. But since all he has to go on is intuition, it says to move. So that's what he does. He quickly slips aside from the object, and when the explosion sounds, it affirms to him that he really should be paying attention to gut instinct.
Domino turns quickly to face the female, taking note of her crouched position. It seems like a perfectly viable opening in defense, so he rushes to make use of it. He goes to literally step up on her back and shoulders to launch himself upwards into the air.
And once airborne, Domino twists his body over in a slow backflip.. bearing him down directly at the girl again, abs-first, in a moonsault.

The woman is very agile it seems and that energy attack that hit 'Domino' causes the minx in the audience to begin to chew upon her lip. The question on his lips is very like the one she murmurs, but no one in the crowd has bothered answering it yet. Chae Lim watches as the earring falls out of the woman's hand, uncertain what it means or if the woman knows that it's fallen. Eyes never leave the earring, watching it in case it's needed later. Then the explosion happens, and she quickly looks up to see if 'Domino' is alright. Seeing that he's slipped aside, she cheers loudly and blows a kiss in his direction. Looks like someone has a fan girl.

COMBATSYS: Leona interrupts Darkside Slam from Drake with Light Kick.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Drake            0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0            Leona

While the tactic didn't have the desired results it seems that Leona is already thinking of her next moves in this game of chess. She does look to be rather prone given her landing combined with her attack not going as planned, but perhaps something really is off in the way that she doesn't seem to be quick to twist about and try to get back into her defensive posture. Instead she almost looks like a cat ready to pounce as she lowers her head for a moment as Drake takes to the air and comes at her.

When he is in the air is when the mercenary decides to strike. she pushes off the ground while spinning about in the air fine with meeting the young wrestler in mid air letting him plow into her while she lashes out with a knee aimed at slamming into his side before falling back to the ground and landing on her feet rather easily. "Very quick." she says in that quiet tone while nodding at Drake in approval. She was hoping to deal with someone that showed good agility. Rolento is rather quick himself for his age and she needs to work on her timing and fighting big brawlers such as Ralf or Clark doesn't help with that.

Cheering aside, the Darkside Slam didn't go quite as well as Domino had hoped. He's knocked askew and lands hard on the ground, tumbling a few feet until he comes to a stop on his front. He starts to push himself up, then faulters and falls again. It's on the second attempt that he manages to bring himself back up to his full height.
He's hurting. It's visible on his visage and in his faultering posture.
Nevertheless, Domino assumes his stance again. Her compliment - if a compliment it really is, and not a mere observation - goes unnoticed. Instead, the dark-haired wrestler dashes back in towards her.
This time, his left arm tries to grab her into a forward headlock. His right hand sets to the hip of her cargos, and he aims to simply pull her up and drop back, trying to whip her over in a quick suplex.

COMBATSYS: Leona blocks Drake's Quick Throw.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Drake            0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0            Leona

He has tenacity, she will certainly give him that. She knows many a fighter who would often hesitate in that sort of situation no matter who they are fighting. That can often lead to trouble. Even though he is looking a bit hurt after that he still is finding the strength to rush right back in and attempt to take down the Ikari woman. The headlock itself is put on easily enough, but the momentum to heft up Leona just doesn't seem to be there and her feet remain firmly planted on the ground while letting his arm remain around her like that.

Looks like she wants him close for a reason. That reason being her hands coming together as a greenish glow surrounds them, a ball of chi being created before spiking outwards and eliciting a rather strong electric shock if it manages to touch the wrestler. Given his speed baiting him into attacks just might be the way to go.

COMBATSYS: Drake dodges Leona's Baltic Launcher.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Drake            0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0            Leona

Domino has the headlock cinched on, he's got a good hold on her, everything's going great. He's about to slam'er down. Finally, putting some hurt on his challenger.
Except she doesn't budge.
Holy crap.
That's when Domino spies the hands and the glow. In an instant, he releases the headlock and drops low near the ground, weaving around her body to get in behind her back to dodge the attack cleanly.
And from that position, Domino tries a different approach. His arms go to lock around her stomach, and he tries to simply bridge back and drive her head and shoulders against the ground in a German suplex.

COMBATSYS: Leona interrupts Strong Throw from Drake with Strong Punch.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Drake            1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0            Leona

Is that actually a bit of emotion on the Ikari woman's face? It is faint, but there is a bit of a smirk almost borderlines a grin when the wrestler sees her trick quickly enough to get away. The problem is he stays in close to attempt something that didn't work very well to begin with last time. She rolls with the punches....or throws in this case though and there is perhaps a bit off a disconcerting feeling that something is up when it feels like Leona pushed off her feet to help with her momentum when he hefts her up.

She twists about to bring her elbow around to slam right into the head of Domino in a rather forceful manner as she is being hefted. She still gets suplexed to the ground though perhaps not as harshly as intended. It is still enough that she lets out a grunt on impact and she is a bit slower than normal in getting to her feet.

Not as slow as Domino. That's for certain. His bridge is derailed completely when his head is cracked with an elbow, landing flat on his back. He lays supine for a few seconds, then rolls over onto his side. Ugh. He's losing this badly, too. -Very- badly. He gives his head a shake, then starts pushing himself up to his feet. He backs a couple feet from her and takes his stance again. He doesn't rush her this time, though. He simply takes his time and focuses on regulating his accelerated, heavy breathing, and trying to focus out his pain.

COMBATSYS: Drake gains composure.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Drake            1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0            Leona

The mercenary seems to be well in control of the match, but pacing has always been the key to victory. She cannot let herself get too carried away by her luck against the rather quick wrestler. If she just rushes into things she might begin making mistakes. Even as he looks rather beaten up she knows better than to take any opponent for granted. Her breathing isn't as heavy as his, but she seems to be getting slightly winded after being dropped on her head like that. For now she hangs back and hunkers back down in her defensive stance while raising a hand to motion Drake to come at her once he has his breather.

COMBATSYS: Leona focuses on her next action.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Drake            1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0            Leona

Domino exhales a sigh. He's losing this terribly to her. Is something just completely wrong with him today? Twice in one day! Albeit this girl has shown depths of greater prowess and capability than that other girl.
Domino gives his head a single shake, then dashes in at her again. Once more, he attempts to grab her in a forward headlock under his right arm. If caught.. he simply drops back to drive her head squarely against the ground. Nothing fancy or hard-hitting, but definitely quicker than those of that sort.

COMBATSYS: Leona dodges Drake's Quick Throw.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Drake            1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0            Leona

Dealing with the likes of Leona can sometimes be frustrating for even the most tenacious of fighters. Perhaps it is the fact that the woman relies more on her brute force and allowing herself to take alot of punishment to lure in fighters close for her own strikes. She hasn't shown much speed either being that she seems to prefer to take things head on. Of course it also seems like the woman can move when she chooses to. She steps back quickly out of the reach of the wrestler and then quickly rebalances herself.

She then quickly comes forward with a strike of her own. A feinted left to serve as a hopeful distraction while her right comes in to quickly jab at the other fighter right in the jaw to knock him off balance. After the boxer-esque attack she starts to backpedal again, already anticipating Drake will be quick to reciprocate.

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Drake with Quick Punch.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Drake            1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0            Leona

The feint works. It's entirely too quick for Domino to react in time. His jaw is struck, and he's staggered back from her with a wince. His right hand lifts to touch his jaw tentatively, and he shoots to blue-haired wonder a look. A look of irritation.
Domino sets back into his stance for one second only, and with the sole purpose of making her think he'll delay. After that single second, he's suddenly dashing in towards her, arms outstretched and aimed to grab ahold of her shoulders...

COMBATSYS: Drake successfully hits Leona with Total Eclipse.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Drake            0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1            Leona

Domino takes firm hold of the girl's shoulders and yanks her forward to lock her neck between his legs. His arms then hook around her midsection to hoist her off her feet and into a piledriver position.
The slam doesn't take place immediately, however. Domino's arms first begin compressing her abdominal region in an inverted bearhug, trying to crush the strength out of her for a few long seconds.
After this, the agile wrestler springs into the air with his prey, curling forward to begin a series of rapid flips. On the jump's descent, the flips come quicker, blurring the two fighters together into a full circle. This only stops the moment the full momentum of the flip and their combined weight is driven against her head and shoulders.

The constant attacking finally seems to paying off as he ends up finally finding a hole in the defenses of Leona. Even as she starts to step into whatever Drake is trying she soon finds herself left open to being grasped by the other fighter and what soon follows is extreme pain. Even for someone that is used to a good amount of punishment the attack induces actually leaves the Ikari woman on the ground for a few moments with her only movements being heavy breathing as she tries to get her breath back.

Slowly she draws herself up into a crouch as she raises her head, gaze fixing on Drake once more as she gives him another nod though this time her look is very serious as she tries to clear the cobwebs. Then she strikes. Leaping forward she draws a hand high up into the air as she comes downwards at Drake. She makes a downward slash with the hand that actually will cut cloth and even make a small surface cot downwards across the wrestler despite not holding a blade. She lands in another crouch and then turns her hand about while leaping up and past the other fighter, intending to leave a nicely sized V cut across his torso as she bounds away.

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Drake with V-Slasher.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Drake            0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0            Leona

The strike hits. Domino is cut, and he's cut deeply, a small spray of red issuing from his torso. He lets out a cry of pain and falls back, tumbling from the hit. He lands on his front again, eyes squeezed shut, and in quite a bit of pain.
Domino struggles to push himself up to his feet again, limbs buckling a little. He faulters a couple times, but manages it nonetheless. He glances to her with bleary eyes, then looks across the zone to.. a post.
That'll do.
Not that he has any real hopes. Unless this manages to somehow knock her out and he happens to land on top of her, and the announcer accepts a pinfall... he knows this last attempt will take the rest of his energy out. But he can't just lay down and give up.
So Domino staggers to the post and climbs atop it, balancing with much less finesse than he would earlier. Ignoring the blood dripping down his body, he lifts a fist to the audience to signal one of his better-known attacks. And from there, he springs into the air in a single, lazy, but graceful backflip, aiming to smash his upper-body over Leona's in another moonsault.

COMBATSYS: Drake can no longer fight.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Leona            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Leona blocks Drake's Darkside Slam.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Leona            0/-------/------=|

While in much better shape even Leona is still looking pretty worn down as she finishes her assault. She is surprised to see that the bloodied and battered fighter still remains standing after that. It might not be that way for long, but still being able to do much of anything after something like that is impressive to Leona. Even more impressive is the fact that he actually tries to attack her despite his injuries. Even as he comes in flipping about like last time she comes forward to catch him and the weight of the wrestler's impact sends her back a few steps as she moves to heft him onto her shoulder.

She actually seems rather uncomfortable with Drake up on her shoulder like that. Not because she is hurt, but more that the smell of the blood almost makes her feel ill. "Apologies. Let me get you to a medic." she says to the man as she starts wandering away from the fighting area and towards the doctors on hand for the fight. Even as she is announced as the winner she doesn't bother waving to those gathered or even acknowledge the fans. She is more thinking about how the battle went and what she will have to adjust when fighting Rolento. Drake ends up deposited by the doctors and she removes her jacket that is now a bit stained with the blood. It looks like it is time to wash it again. "Thank you for the fight."

COMBATSYS: Leona has ended the fight here.

Pushing through the growing crowd at the cry of pain, Chae Lim waits on the edge of the area. The right side of her lower lip is held tightly between her teeth to see if he's okay. Then the woman has him on her shoulder, and seems to be bringing him for medical attention. The Korean girl steps forward, but loses sight of the direction they take so it may several moments for her to find 'Domino' and see for herself just what happened to him.
The rest of the crowd begins to disperse, but a quiet little voice of a young boy quips up, "You'll win next time, Domino! I know it!"

Domino is... caught. Well, that's about embarrassing, isn't it? He doesn't have the energy to break away from her. He just slouches and bleeds. Vengeance for her cutting on him, that is. He's a model. He has to make a living off his looks, and now he's marred. Ergh.
The wrestler just dangles there anyway. He starts to say something else, but he then just manages to slouch even more. "Kay," he says in a subdued, half-hearted manner.
And next thing he knows, he's deposited and being tended to. He just lays there anyway. Meh, this girl's good. He can live with losing to her. The girl before her, though, is -not- good enough to take his points. He's still determined to rematch her and take what's rightfully his.
All voices and communication towards him is lost as he drifts into what most refer to as 'la-la land'.

Log created on 20:48:06 05/08/2007 by Leona, and last modified on 09:51:55 05/12/2007.