Yurika - Seijyun and Sumo.. Um.

Description: Always keeping the vision of Seijyun's reputation in mind, Yurika decides to have a little chat with schoolmate Hinako to discover what her deal is.

At Seijyun high, it seems as of late is is becoming crunch time for the students. Finals finals and more finals are approaching, if not already here and some of the girls are in a panic.
Yurika Kirishima is one of those students who isn't, however, and it isn't unusual to any of the underclassmen that the teachers have allowed Yurika to take her tests earlier in order to help out the newer students.
Out in the flower garden, a traditional event is being practiced, that being the japanese tea ceremony- though the focus is more on the tea and tables preperation rather than the ceremony itself. So Yurika brought it upon herself to send Hinako an invitation to join her.
She's one of the many stronger girls she hadn't conversed with, after all. But she was more curious about the blondes reputation: quite the lady, but aspiring to be a sumo? How.. Unusual! Hinako should know to arrive in a kimono if she has one, the silver haired girl herself is adorn in a light green kimono with white flower patterns. A floor has been set up over the grass for the guests to sit at, and for the 'trainees' to practice their preperations, but at the moment herself and two other students are conversing amongst one another in review.

Hinako is quite aware of the proper manners and forms that must be observed when it comes to the tea ceremony. It's very difficult to attend Seijyun without picking up these things. Unless you want to get kicked out, anyway. And of course Hinako has her own kimono, in her favorite shade of purple and decorated with white floral patterns. She wears her hair pulled back a bit more tightly than usual, pulled back in a knot and held in place with chopsticks. It wouldn't do to have hair hanging in her face over tea.
Once Hinako arrives, she makes her way over toward Yurika, bowing deeply once she's caught the other girl's eye. "Thank you very much for inviting me to join you here today, Yurika-senpai."

The other students looking distracted is the sign for Yurika that Hinako is approaching, and so the musician turns to face the girl, greeting her with a mysterious little smile, "Miss Shijou, I'm so pleased that you could make it, especially on such short notice, it means so very much to me, thank you." and she returns the bow with one of her own, and gestures for Hinako then to go ahead and seat herself, "We won't be going through the entire ceremony, the students were more focused on the tea preperation and set-up more than anything else so sociality won't be an offense."
Yurika then seats herself at the flat table, seated seiza position with the assistance of one of the students- And the other offers the same to the sumo girl, "I thought this would also be a wonderful opportunity to know a little more about one another, I've heard a lot about you and just had to meet you face to face. I wonder, if you have heard much about myself."

Hinako takes her own seat when indicated by Yurika, although it takes her a moment to settle into as comfortable a position as possible. "I'm honored that you've taken such an interest in me, senpai. I'm afraid, though, that I don't actually know that much about you. I do know about your musical talents; I sat in at one of your recitals once, and I've heard people talking about your talents as well. I also know that you've managed to adapt your skills to be suitable for combat, although I'm afraid I've never actually seen that in action."

Yurika gives Hinako a quick look-over, and inwardly is a little confused. Apparently she had expected the blonde to be a little bigger. She's not disappointed, of course, just a bit suprised. But her smile doesn't waver, she just giving a curt nod of her head, "Oh no, please don't apologize. I confess that I've perhaps made most of my reputation by revealing my strengths. Ah but I'm very pleased that you've heard some of my playing, I really do love music, quite possibly more than anything else that I'm involved in. It's a passion. As for my fighting, well, I really don't do all that much. It's a little difficult to comfortably fit into my preferred lifestyle. And speaking of.. I understand you're quite a combatant yourself, a practitioner of sumo?"
Yurika's eyes shift on ocassion, checking on the other students as the tea is prepared and incense is decided on, "Forgive me, I'm sure you've been asked this a countless number of times, but what brought this on?"

Hinako smiles, giving a polite laugh. "Yes, I do get asked fairly frequently... When I was in junior high, we went on a series of cultural field trips, to help expose us to various traditional aspects of our country's culture and reinforce just how important they are. And one of those trips was to a professional sumo match."
Hinako looks down at the table for a moment, pausing as she tries to think of how best to put things into words. "I... saw the grace and beauty in the art of sumo, which so many people seem to have trouble with. There's a lot more to it than just large men crashing into each other. And I saw that size isn't really what matters. It's determination, skill, and strength. And if you've got the first one, anybody can achieve the other two. That's what I believe, and I intend to prove it to people!" Her eyes get somewhat fiery as she speaks... This is a topic that's quite near and dear to Hinako's heart.

Well it's a good thing Yurika wasn't drinking anything, Hinako's firey passion would have been enough to make her drop her tea. Yurika's smile faulters, making her expression more blank for a moment.. But then she seems very pleased; unusual or no, Hinako's ability to see art in something like that is actually rather inspiring. It's easy enough for her to accept, "Well, I certainly hope you do. If that is your vision, then I will support it as well. I'd love to see some of your sumo art sometime. I am not very familiar with the tradition of the sport itself, but seeing such a club here would certainly be shocking, but interesting. But how do you plan on supplying this proof, Miss Shijou?"
And with the tea seeming to be ready, two cups are poured and set on the table, one for herself, and one for her underclassman, of course. It smells like a simple green tea.

Hinako inclines her head and shoulders to the student who brings the tea, since bowing from this position and in front of the table is somewhat out of the question. She then waits for Yurika to take her tea before reaching down to pick up her own, though she doesn't sip from it just yet. "I would be quite happy to show you whenever you wish. I don't have any great hopes of actually forming a club, but if I can get any of the students here to have any interest in the art, and perhaps even give it a try, even if only once, I will consider it a success. They just need to know that they can achieve what they want, if they put their minds to it."
And then she does take a sip of the tea, after taking a moment to savor the aroma. "Delicious. As for proof... Well, at the moment I suppose I myself am the best proof I have to show to people, but there are many others who would also qualify. Sumo is not the only fighting style that some people consider... undignified, or unsuitable for a lady, or in which women are excluded by other practitioners. Muay Thai, for instance... I hear there was a bit of an uproar when a woman defeated the then current Emperor of Muay Thai." Yes, Hinako keeps up on such things. She's a pretty big fan of woman who like to break into styles that are considered to be 'just for men'.

The musician takes a sip as well, though after doing so her lips curl in slightly. It's.. All right in her opinion, though really how can one really mess up tea? She'll have to talk with that student a little later, but it will have to do for now. % The student beside Hinako seems pretty pleased by Hinako's reaction, giving another bow, while the one beside Yurika seems slightly nervous, and for good reason.
"This will do, girls," Yurika then speaks toward them, "Miss Shijou and I will be a moment, this would be a good time for you to work on your calligraphy." and with that suggestion given, the underclassman are put right back to work, and she returns to her conversation with Hinako, "That's a very positive goal, though I am a little embarassed to admit that the reward just doesn't seem worth the trouble to me.." before she continues though, she listens to another similar tale, and her eyes widen in mild suprise, "You don't say, I actually have never heard of that. I believe that's something I should look into later in the evening, that is very impressive. I wonder why it has not been brought up in History class before.. Hmmn. Well then, when put in that perspective, I think I can understand a little more how this could play out in the future. Is this woman in question your role model? Do you aspire perhaps to have some sort of future in sumo as a career?"

Hinako shakes her head slightly for a moment. "Oh, it wouldn't be in the history books. This is fairly recently... A little under two years ago. It's a woman who lives here in Southtown, actually. Have you heard of King? She's a very skilled practioner of Muay Thai... And yes, she is one of my role models, although she's not the only one. Chun-Li is another one... Her style may not be one said to be suited only for men, but she's managed to achieve the title of Strongest Woman in the world, which is no easy feat..."
The blonde sumo takes another sip of her tea before continuing. "And... I'm not sure I really want to become a lifelong professional sumo... I just want to earn the right to compete. Although I suppose if I do I would have to stick it out, for the sake of anyone who might come after ."

More new names for Yurika to digest, this is much more interesting than Yurika would have imagined! On the other hand, maybe it's just common knowledge amongst fighters, and she was still new to the 'way of the fighter' in the respect. But that aside, the musician slowly shakes her head as well, "I'm afraid I have not. I confess to being a little undereducated in sports and fighters feats in general, but I am working to make myself better educated as such, it seems to be another important aspect of going.. 'Professional' I suppose is the word. They both sound like women I should try to meet sometime."
Yurika pauses for a moment, as if collecting her thoughts, and then adds, "The right to compete would be a major step indeed. It's good to see such ambition toward a positive thing. If there's anything I could do to help, please don't hesitate to ask, all right?"

The sumo nods quickly in response to the offer. "Thank you very much. I'll be sure to ask if the situation arises." It's mostly being polite, but it's true. Hinako doesn't really know what kind of things might happen in the future, and it would be a shame not to take Yurika up on her offer if it can help out. She's just not sure exactly /how/ she'll help out. Oh well, no point in dwelling on that now!
After taking another sip of her tea, Hinako sets the cup down carefully on the table. "Is there anything else you wish to discuss, senpai?" While Hinako has certainly enjoyed the chat, she /is/ one of those students who really needs to get prepared for finals. She's not dumb... But she's also not the kind of person who doesn't have to worry about how she's going to do on a big test.

"Oh no no, I think I've been nosey enough for one day, thank you very much for the enlightenment. It's been a pleasure," Yurika replies, making a smooth, outward gesture with her free hand to imply that Hinako is free to go at this point. In the meanwhile though, she does hope she herself made a good first impression, it's pretty crucial for her after all, "Best of luck on your tests, Miss Shijou, I know it will be a busy week. Hopefully we'll be able to meet again soon. Take care then."
And with that said, Yurika returns to her own teacup, taking another sip, a deeper one.. And her lips curl inward again in mild distaste. Very unlucky day to be a tea addict.

Log created on 19:07:11 05/08/2007 by Yurika, and last modified on 02:43:56 02/09/2009.