Hakuya - The Fated Meeting

Description: Kiryuu Tenma and Suigetsu Hakuya meet for the first time, and become fast friends. After beating each other up.

Being new at Gedo High isn't really an easy thing... Even if you have been at the school for a few weeks, just laying a little bit low. Even somebody like Tenma Kiryuu isn't going to draw a lot of attention, at Gedo; it seems like EVERYBODY there is a loud abrasive punk, doesn't it?

At the moment though, it's lunch hour, and Tenma is miraculously actually on campus rather than off in an arcade somewhere and/or ogling girls. Instead, the recent, end-of-year transfer student is hunkered down with a few other Gedo students, and they're all eating terrible lunches and, you know, being somewhat sociable. Of course, Tenma's everpresent cloth bundle is there, resting against his front and shoulder as he eats some patently awful lunch bread. The truth of it is, he's bored. Bored bored bored. "Tch... Shoulda gone to the arcade or somethin'," he mutters. The other boys seem either disinterested or in vague agreement. "Maybe I should just cut my afternoon classes..." If only something more interesting would present itself!

In a school of loud, abrasive punks who regularly get rowdy and go on riots with either vandalism or vigiliantism on their minds (and sometimes both), the likewise end-of-year transfer student named Hakuya would stand out like a sore thumb. For one, he's quiet, and not at all loud or abrasive. In fact he almost appears like a normal high school kid. Not someone who should be stuck in this place filled with deliquents, but somewhere where there is order, rather than chaos. Niceties, rather than insults. A sheltered lifestyle, where there is cynicism.

And some damn bread that isn't three days old.

The lunch bread he was eating - something that was marketed to have strawberries in it, kind of like melon bread except not - was just as patently bad, but the stoic young man, sitting off to the side, alone and by himself, seems to not be minding it. At least outwardly. Even though he has to chew nearly a minute after each bite, and chase it with a swig of water from a bottle, he takes it all in stride. His face seems open and honest, glancing around without worry as he looks over the individuals passing, apparently just people watching. It would likely mean he's just a normal kid, were it not for the fact he was: 1) alone 2) looking like he was from a normal highschool, and yet was acting completely unfazed by the roughness of the school 3) had his hands covered in fingerless gloves, white cotton bandages up to his elbows. The kid seemed to belong there, if only for the last.

See, now... That guy isn't familiar to Tenma at all. Which probably isn't saying much, as he's relatively new to the school himself, but Hakuya, aside from his bandaged arms, /really/ doesn't look like he fits in, does he? All placid and normal here at Gedo. But you know... He looks pretty strong, at least to Tenma's trained perceptions. The flow of energy through a fighter is very different than through a normal person. So, young master Kiryuu grins, and the other boys sitting with him exhale long-suffering sighs.

Here we go again.

Standing up, Tenma makes his way over to where the stoic boy sits by himself, carrying that cloth-wrapped package over his shoulder, tapping it there lightly. "Hey," he says, by way of a greeting. "Pretty crappy bread, isn't it?" And then, well, he suddenly swings that cloth-wrapped package downwards in a wide arc, right at Hakuya, not even giving the other boy a chance to get ready!

COMBATSYS: Tenma has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Hakuya has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Tenma            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Hakuya

COMBATSYS: Hakuya blocks Tenma's Random Weapon.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Tenma            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Hakuya

Hakuya doesn't seem disturbed in the least as the other teenager walks up to him. He turns his head, blinking up at the silhouetted figure, while biting off a piece of bread, and beginning to chew on it, a bit roughly. He speeds up his chewing a bit in order to try and answer, but then instead of getting a chance to answer, he's swung at. He's sitting down, and not exactly ready for it, so he does what he can, by lifting his hand... that, uh, holds the bread, and intercepts the attack, using it. The cloth-wrapped package impacts, causing a bit of pain to jolt through the wrist, but not as bad as it would've done had he been hit normally. Immediately after the blow lands, Hakuya springs up onto his feet, and then dances backwards, his fist clutching around the bread that... is crumbling. He makes a dismayed sound, looking at his hand as the destroyed bread crumbs fall through his fingers, and he mutters something that sounds like 'Strawberry.' With that, though, he adopts a fighting style - legs spread front and back, hands held out, palms open. He doesn't seem intent on striking, though... merely watching. Though he does say: "I'm enjoying it."

COMBATSYS: Hakuya focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Tenma            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Hakuya

That's... Exactly what Tenma was hoping for, actually. How disappointing would it be if Hakuya had just taken the hit, and folded like cheap lawn furniture? Instead, it seems like the tall boy can enjoy himself here, and even better; he can go all-out. The cloth is untied, letting it fall to the ground as his bokken is unsheathed. "Heh," he says, and then he bites into the side of his thumb, drawing blood; his thumb is drawn over the side of the blade, tracing a line of red down the blade, and as he gives the weapon a practice swing through the air, it glows with a red aura. Weird!

"Just gonna stand there, huh?" Tenma wonders, before rushing in close, swining his wooden sword in a wide arc, aiming to strike Hakuya right in the side. "Haaa...!!!"

COMBATSYS: Tenma successfully hits Hakuya with Ungyou.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Tenma            0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0           Hakuya

Blood? The biting of the thumb and smearing the blood on the sword makes Hakuya blink. Particularly the red energy that begins to flare out from the blade. The other teenager was a 'demon' then? Something he hadn't really expected, and it more or less shows when the sword sweeps in and strikes him on the side without him being really ready for it. Oh, he tried, but the combination of stiff wooden sword plus crazy blood chi energy just blows through the defense he was trying to mount. It hits, and staggers him, Hakuya crying out and moving to the side. He recovers quickly, however, and steps inwards, an open palm striking towards Tenma's face. Then another, towards the stomach. Both, however, are feints, and hopefully the swordfighter won't notice Hakuya's foot work as he more or less slips his foot in in order to hook it behind Tenma's, pulling the other's footing out from under him, while simultaneously pushing on his chest, throwing him hard to the floor.

COMBATSYS: Tenma endures Hakuya's Waning Dawn.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Tenma            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Hakuya

Hitting Hakuya like that is pretty satisfying, too; Tenma can tell he can do some damage to the other kid too if he has to, so all is good. He even lets out a pleased little chuckle after striking his impromptu opponent; by now of course the other students in the courtyard are watching, shouting encouragement or advice to the pair, and the like. It's Gedo, after all, it's not like somebody's going to go tell a teacher. Hakuya's sudden feints draw Tenma into trying to evade them, weaving between the attacks... And he's trapped by the hooked leg, falling painfully onto the ground, but he can use this.

Oh yes, he can use this; while Hakuya is hopefully till recovering from that little move, Tenma pushes himself up, not just rising to his feet but actually leaping off the ground, whirling around in an rising slash with his chi-empowered bokken, trying to knock Hakuya up into the air and away. "Don't give me that weak crap, man!"

COMBATSYS: Hakuya reflects Vajra from Tenma with Full Moon Sunder.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Tenma            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Hakuya

Sliding as he throws Tenma, the Suigetsu boy makes a full, sliding circle, kicking up a bit of dust as his sneakers grind on the top of the courtyard. It's good enough to get his footing back, anyway, and that's all he needs - particularly since his impromptu opponent is quite fast, already up on his feet and moving to attack. Looking at the sword, however, it was obvious to see what was going on - he was being attacked again with chi power. It was time to put a little of ol' Suigetsu training to work. Draining in a sharp breath, he tightens his ab muscles, and then lifts a foot, and literally steps into the attack. Hands go out, side by side, palms open, and as his foot comes back down, he thrusts those hands out. The sword is stopped, and then pushed back, while Hakuya continues onward with his palms. His -own- hands then seem to be covered in the red chi, but not precisely - it's more like he's pushing it right back at Tenma, which is what impacts the swordsman, right along with Hakuya's own double palms, slamming into his stomach.

That? Was not what Tenma was expecting at all, but it /was/ pretty cool. His own energy is turned back on him, if not to any great effect, leaving young Kiryuu to stagger back after he hits the ground from being pushed back. "Hah... Interestin',

That? Was not what Tenma was expecting at all, but it /was/ pretty cool. His own energy is turned back on him, if not to any great effect, leaving young Kiryuu to stagger back after he hits the ground from being pushed back. "Hah... Interestin'," he says, resting his bokken briefly over his shoulder. What ought he do next, one wonders? He should probably be a bit more careful than he has so far... So rather than advance straight off again, Tenma stands his ground like that, his free hand tucked into the pocket of his slacks, looking quite casual and careless. "What else you got?"

COMBATSYS: Tenma focuses on his next action.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Tenma            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Hakuya

Thusly managing to focus his will enough to push back the energies being used on him, Hakuya is spared any damage, and manages to impress a few people. Not a bad trade off. But as his opponent takes a casual stance rather than attacking him further, Hakuya hesitates a moment. He wasn't really in the fighting business in order to hurt people. Not really, anyway. Sure, hurting -happened-, he accepted that, but he didn't fight in order to inflict that pain, he fought to protect others from it. And yet, were he to pull away right now, he would likely lose a lot of respect going for him, just from thus far holding up against Tenma - both from the crowd, and Tenma himself. He wasn't entirely certain if that mattered, but it certainly would make the rest of his stay here unpleasant, at best.

And besides... they weren't fighting to hurt each other. Tenma was fighting for fun. Hakuya could get behind that.

Having paused a split second to carry out that hesitation, he decides fairly quickly that it's the more fun path to continue fighting. Clenching his hands, then relaxing them into open palms, held the same way as before, the Suigetsu heir lets himself smile. Small, but sincere. "Heh... I didn't think there were that many with fighting skills as good as yours here. I guess I'll... have to get serious, then." The smile remains as he sets himself, visibly firming up his stance and getting ready to strike. There's another pause, this time mostly for dramatic tension, and then Hakuya is stepping forward, foot lifting up to make a quick, chambered kick to the sde of the swordsman's head, then as he draws it back, quickly leaping up, and spinning in place, bringing his other foot up to lash out in a strike to Tenma's middle.

COMBATSYS: Tenma interrupts Light Kick from Hakuya with Initial Breaker.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Tenma            0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Hakuya

As Hakuya approaches, Tenma's stance changes; he drops his sword-wielding arm down, and pulls his other hand out of his pocket, pulling his swordhand back to hold the wooden blade horizontally, pointed right at the other boy. "That's the spirit!!" the 'demon hunter' laughs, and the kick clips him in the head as he suddenly lunges forward /into/ it, thrusting his weapon out in a flare of chi, aiming to hit Hakuya right in the center of mass and knock him away. Maybe Hakuya shouldn't have given him those pauses, dramatic tension or no.

Perhaps not. But even when he doesn't really get to get that second kick off, and is instead jabbed, right smack in the middle of his body, with that chi-flared bokken, he doesn't seem all that disturbed. Somehow, he even keeps the smile up. He's having fun, damnit. This wasn't a life or death struggle, it was just... fighting, testing skill, all that sort of thing. The attack unbalances him due to him not having either foot on the ground when it comes in, and he lands on his back, instantly tucking into a roll and getting to his feet. He then pushes off the ground, charging at Tenma, and moves to make a rising upwards strike to the swordsman's jaw - only to fake it, so his other hand can come up and grab Tenma by the front of his clothes, and toss him over Hakuya's shoulder, the Suigetsu heir turning to stiffly kick him as he's in mid-air, sending him to the floor all the faster.

COMBATSYS: Tenma endures Hakuya's Blind Crescent.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Tenma            1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0           Hakuya

Pulling back from the force of his attack, Tenma doesn't really have too much time to decide what to do about Hakuya charging right at him; so instead, he stands his ground. He takes it like a man, getting grabbed, thrown and kicked, hitting the ground rather uncomfortably hard. But he rolls a little bit, and soon enough he's back on his feet, rushing right back at Hakuya full-tilt. Perahps something completely insane is going to follow!

Indeed, Tenma whirls around as he gets closer, lashing out for whar could be one helluva kick to Hakuya's head, attempting to whup him with that sneakered foot but good... And /then/, well, he uses that momentum to keep going forward, swinging his chi-charged bokken down in another big swing, red energy trailing it. This might hurt a little bit.

COMBATSYS: Tenma successfully hits Hakuya with Deep Strike.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Tenma            1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1           Hakuya

Shifting up his footing, the young man is ready and waiting in order to react to whatever it is Tenma has planned! Or so he thinks. The full-tilt rush makes Hakuya think that something insane is indeed comin' right for him, and he doesn't quiiiitte fall for the 'might be a kick' trick. Tenma is a swordsman, and no doubt he'd rely on his sword for any strong attacks like that. Well, so Hakuya reasons anyway! And he's not really let down - that red-tinged sword does hella come for him, and it shocks the Suigetsu heir so much at the ferocity of the swing, that he, instead of trying to go through the attack like he usually does, he tries to dodge. But being trained in the art of going through attacks, and not in the art of dodging, he's clumsy at the move, and doesn't twist his body the right way.
Thusly, he gets swatted, and away he goes, getting boweled into the ring that has formed around the two. Fellow students laugh, and clap him on the back, pulling him up, and give him general cheers and encouragement - and tips, because everyone's a critic - when they see he's still able to fight. He's then pushed back into the ring, causing him to stumble a bit, but catches his balance as it's now his turn to run full-tilt at Tenma. "Haaaah-!" he shouts, and then makes a somewhat clumsy, though no doubt painful, should it hit, clothesline, that turns into the young man wrapping the arm around Tenma's neck, then jerking him off his feet, in a circle, and then slamming him down on the ground.

COMBATSYS: Hakuya successfully hits Tenma with Quick Throw.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Tenma            1/--=====/=======|=======\===----\1           Hakuya

If there's anything Tenma's learned about Hakuya so far, it's that getting caught by him is a bad idea. He's pretty good at throwing people around like rag dolls in very uncomfortable ways. So, he tries to get out of the way of that clothesline, but in the process opens himself up even further, getting spun and slammed like something off of a professional wrestling show, and worse still he lands /all wrong/. The point is, it hurts like crazy. But Tenma puts some space between himself and Hakuya as soon as he can, getting to his feet with a grin.

"Okay, fine then," he says, swinging his sword arm back, and holding his free hand forward. What prompts the change in stance? Really, it's the sudden focus of power, as the wooden practice blade's red glow grows stronger and more visible. "Don't regret this any, huh?!" Tenma adds, suddenly lunging forward and swinging the weapon across as hard as he can, trying to catch Hakuya hard in the ribs again, but this time if he does, that powerful bloodlike chi courses through Hakuya's body, sapping the other fighter's strength. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!!"

COMBATSYS: Tenma successfully hits Hakuya with The Sealing Sword.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Tenma            0/-------/------=|=======\======-\1           Hakuya

Eyes narrowing as his opponent rises, Hakuya notes the change in stance, and... gets ready for it. Whereas Hakuya seems to be good at picking people up and then totally throwing them in uncomfortable ways, Tenma's unlinear, rather random method of sword fighting was hard to predict - an impressive feat for a sword style fighter, since swords were generally always linear in their attack motions. The massive chi flares up again, and Hakuya brings his arms up, attempting to block as the strike comes. Unfortunately that red chi is a lot stronger than he imagined it would be, this time, and it smacks dead on into him, even if he's able to bend a little to make himself not so horribly hit. The attack swats him again, but this time he manages to keep his feet on the ground, sneakers making a loud squeeling noise as rubber is ground against the cement. As the energy stops, he finds himself... panting? The hell? It almost felt like he was being drained while he was struck... but no matter! He still could go on!
Grabbing the sword, he tries to pull Tenma forward, other hand seeking to grab his shirt again. "Not a chance!" he yells back to his opponent, and then it begins. Assuming it all hits, he'll start by lifting Tenma straight off the ground, then slamming him back down. Then, he'll reach down, grab him again, lift, swirl around, then toss him into a nearby and convenient wall or tree or even student - he's not picky. Finally, charging after the teen, he'll grab him, lift him, then perform a final German suplex, right into the ground once more, head first.

COMBATSYS: Tenma Toughs Out Hakuya's Last Eclipse!

[                           \\\  < >  //////                        ]
Tenma            0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0           Hakuya

So, a sensible person would've gotten out of the way of Hakuya's grab or something, right? But Tenma's not the most sensible of guys. Oh, there's crazier, really there is, even at Gedo right this very moment, but the swordsman is his own particular brand of crazy sometimes, you know? So he gets yanked in to see just what the other fighter's got planned, getting lifted, slammed, lifted, smashed into the wall, and then suplexed of all things! It's not a fun day in Kiryuuville.

But you know what? He's had worse. Tenma pushes himself up from the ground with a faint laugh, and /somehow/ he's managed to keep ahold of his sword throughout all of this. Staggering back a little - the hit on his head hurt! - he raises his bokken up. "HAVE SOME OF THIS, THEN!!" he shouts, sweeping the wooden blade down, and sending out a crescent of bloody chi right at the grapple-happy transfer student. And then...?!

COMBATSYS: Tenma can no longer fight.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Hakuya           0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Tenma successfully hits Hakuya with Dharmapala.

[                            \\  <
Hakuya           0/-------/--=====|

Honestly, he's not at all that good on his feet, either, after tossing Tenma around like a ragdoll. Maybe it was the fact they'd both taken a good deal of beatings, or maybe it's that strange draining energy Tenma used on that last attack, but whatever the case, after getting back up on his feet, he stumbles, catches himself, then sways a bit. He's panting, and obviously worn out. Which is why when Tenma hits him with that crescent-shaped projectile... he probably could've reflected it, or dodged it, or something, but he was simply too tired to. It smacks dead into him, and he tips over, collapsing onto the ground roughly, his breathing a little worn out.
It's silent for a moment in the courtyard as the crowd talks in a loud roar, admiring the two's abilities, and then starts clapping. Not for either one, but both together. After a moment of that, the crowd disperses, leaving Hakuya on his back, staring up at the sky. It's after they split that... the Suigetsu heir starts to laugh. A cheerful, honest, sincere laugh. He stops to cough, though, in mid-laugh, wincing in pain. That one attack from earlier he had tried to dodge was going to sting.

COMBATSYS: Hakuya takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Hakuya can no longer fight.

On the other hand, Tenma wasn't even that tired... His body just can't take any more fighting. It doesn't help that Hakuya's throws /hurt/. But he too is down for the count, and likewise he starts laughing when Hakuya does. Why? Because that was fun, dangit. And there's no better way for a fight against somebody you don't have any animosity towards to end than with a draw. Besides, it's a better way to spend a lunch hour than sitting around eating crappy food, right?

Using his bokken to help push himself up to his feet - the red glow having vanished entirely - Tenma shakes his head and half-stumbles over towards Hakuya, offering the other youth a hand up. "Name's Tenma Kiryuu," he says, simply. No compliments on his performance? Well, Tenma's not /that/ nice of a guy...

Instead of taking the hand, Hakuya's feet shift, drawing back, and he pushes himself up to a standing position, his hand extending to take Tenma's own in one of those non-shaking handshakes. "Hakuya Suigetsu," he replies, smiling in a cheerful, happy-go-lucky way. He, likewise, does not compliment on the other teenager's fighting ability - they had fought to a draw. Wasn't that enough of a testament to either's skill? They were at least as good as the other was. Letting go of Tenma's hand, Hakuya looks around a little, and then back to Tenma, "Ah... should we go back to class?" he asks, though, because of his tutoring, he wasn't really learning anything here that he didn't already know. So why -should- he go back...?

"Man, screw that," Tenma declares, moving to get the cloth sheath for his bokken, covering the weapon up once again and resting it over his shoulder casually. "C'mon, let's get the hell outta here... There's a bunch of better places to go get food than the crap you were eating before anyway." Besides which, fighting is hungry work. Far too hungry for just a simple lunch bread! Assuming Hakuya follows, then, the tall boy heads on out of the school campus to go get some grub. But wait, what about his bookbag?!

Actually, he didn't bring it in the first place.

Log created on 18:39:10 05/05/2007 by Hakuya, and last modified on 01:44:12 05/28/2007.