Frei - Frei Long

Description: There's only so many big name practitioners of Hiten-ryuu Kung Fu... and if one of them is the guy you want a rematch with, then you probably need to track the other one down if you want to learn about the style...

Hong Kong! City of a thousand surprises, most of them unpleasant surprises that leave you calling your family back in the States and asking if they can forward you some money 'cause some punk kid just stole your wallet. Shoulda used American Express Traveller's Cheques, man! Only you can use them! Isn't that a stroke of intense genius?!

As someone who lived in China for quite some time, however, even white bread-looking, red-haired Frei Renard can get along in Hong Kong without being too much of a sore thumb. In fact, he's a man on a mission... sort of. There's something that he has to do, something that's been weighing on his mind since he returned from burying his master and returning to Southtown. But with the sudden loss of his home and the need to find a new one -- not to mention a lot of reunions with old friends and suggestions of dire tidings -- he's been too busy to pay it heed. But that ends today.

Fight smarter, not harder. That's always been Frei's motto, since he is a slacker. What he really needs is information, and the information he needs can come from only two people... one of whom it wouldn't be a good idea to get it from. So instead he focuses on the other possibility: action star Fei Long, who's been known to haunt the film studios of Hong Kong now and again. Thus Frei is walking up to the high walled entrance to one such studio, hoping he can somehow overcome the obstacles in his path.

It is his duty to fight the Fei Long. Yesssss. It will happen.

A tumbleweed rolls by.

And quite a duty that is! And quite a good amount of deductive reasoning Frei utilizes. For Feilong is here among the various staff and crews of the film studio. He's been away from the movie business for some time, but he's often brought in for movie pitches and contract negotiations. It is one such visit that has concluded just now. The Kung-Fu Action Star exits an office building just off the main paved path running through the studio lot. The Star is flanked by a couple of security guards and lawyers... merely entourage for the meetings. He's headed for a limosine that's idling just along the main path.

Target: Locked.

Espying Fei Long out of the corner of his eye as he scans the area -- it's hard not to notice a big star -- the monk seizes upon his opportunity and takes off for the entourage at a run. Never mind that Fei Long hires people to keep the riffraff out. Never mind that this is unannounced. NEVER MIND that bodyguards might GUN HIM DOWN. He's on a mission!

"Oi, Mr. Fei Long!" the monk yells, waving both arms and trying to get his attention. The limo... he's headed for the limo! "Sir, can I have just a moment of your ti--" He never finishes this sentence. Why? Because the unthinking chauffeur, in preparation for Fei Long's arrival, just opened the limo door... which Frei, unobserving of his surroundings, just ran into at full speed, tumbling backwards and sprawling on the sidewalk. "...oh god, ow."

A sickening crunch of metal and plastic is heard as the limo door is slammed into by the monk. The hinges of the door are warped due to the sudden pressure and movement. The door isn't meant to go in that direction! The entourage had began to act as Frei swiftly approached. The lawyers took off and the bodyguards moved forward to intercept the monk. After the tumble the Monk takes, the bodyguards will be converging on Frei. Feilong stands there looking at the limo, "What have you done to the car?"

He's not answering. Why? Because Frei is instead looking up at the sky with a glassy expression, not 100% registering what's going on. He did, after all, just hit a car door at a fairly nice clip of speed for someone on foot. Groaning and holding his head in pain, the monk finally fights his body's natural reactions down and straightens up. Don't lie down with a head wound, kids. Keep your skull elevated! Seeing the bodyguards, he blinks, swallowing. Why does Fei Long have bodyguards? Even R1s can take down bodyguards, man! Rubbing the back of his neck, he waves his fingers with the other hand. "Hello the--"

Then comes Fei Long's question and Frei, standing on tiptoes to see over bodyguard shoulders, winces as he sees the damage done to the door. Apparently he hit it a little harder than he thought. And Fei Long seems kinda mad. Maybe even... fighting mad...?

You can almost see the little lightbulb go on over his head.

"I... I broke it! On, like, purpose and stuff. Totally not by accident at all. You wanna fight about it? Huh? HUH?!" Oh god, you are the worst liar in the history of man, Frei.

Feilong will look at the door. He has reached it and he will put a hand upon the door. He starts to swing it slowly back and forth... gauging the functionality of the hinges. He frowns and looks towards one of the bodyguards, "Can you call and get me another ride?" Feilong then looks to the other bodyguard, "Go find the lawyers. Tell them its safe and that a ride will be here momentarily." Feilong will then swiftly shift his gaze to Frei, "I really don't appreciate that. Renting these are expensive. And now I have to pay for the damages. That's not right." His tone is even... not in any way overly hostile. Feilong then points to Frei, "Why did you do such a thing?"

That doesn't process. Frei actually stares at Fei Long for a second, mainly because his expectation was 1.) "MY NAME IS INIGO MONTOYA, YOU KILLED MY LIMO, PREPARE TO DIE!" or 2.) OW PUNCHED IN FACE or perhaps 3.) both. Option 4, "Politely ask what happened", was kind of off the radar. To his credit, though, he downshifts and merges into the conversation at the appropriate speed mostly by, uh... telling the truth. "I was running to catch your attention, your driver opened the door in front of me, I hit it at high speed and then fell over, which HURT by the way!" He turns and gives the chauffeur a glare that would look withering on anyone but Frei; instead he just looks like a really cross schoolgirl. "You should be more careful!"

"And you should watch where you are going." Feilong chids the Monk. The Action Star will step away from his hurt limo and approach Frei a few steps. Feilong points at Frei, "Well, you wanted my attention. You have gained it." He's got a mild frown upon his face, "You had to damage my vehicle to get it though. So now that you have my attention. Use it well." The Action Star's eyes narrow a bit more, "What is it that you were wildly running up to me about?"

"I was watching! Someone put a door there that wasn't supposed to be there!" Frei is indignant because he's not exactly sure he wants to consider this 'his fault' now that operation: Piss Off Fei Long Until Punching Occurs is a bust. However, he fights down his annoyance because the kung-fu star has given him what he wanted, at least. "Ah, well, yes... actually, I had a favor to ask. And you're not registered through the Neo League so I had to do this the hard way, which means flying to Hong Kong!" Is he actually implying this is your fault, Fei Long? You gonna take that? Huh? HUH?

Rubbing the back of his neck, Frei looks abashed. "Anyhow. You practice Hiten-ryuu Kung Fu, right? Just like a certain other someone I know... someone I owe a rematch to. And I don't really know from fighting styles, but I thought... if I can fight the *master*, then it'd help me fight the student. Reasonable logic, right?" He dusts off his shirt and then balls his hands into fists, striking a dramatic pose. There might be a future in the theatre for this guy. "So, Fei Long! I came to challenge you to a fight!"

The Movie Star is usually rather jovial and rather personable individual. However right now must be a point in his day that the Movie Star is feeling a bit emotionally run down. One: He just left a long and tedius meeting full of lawyers debating his cut in profits. Two: His ride has been damaged and now he has to wait to escape from this place. Feilong just ends up staring at Frei, "I originated Hiten-Ryuu." He will answer the first question. Feilong then raises his hand to remove the tie that he was wearing to this meeting. Feilong nods, "And by all means, I accept your challenge." What?! He didn't seem interested in a hostile encounter... and he's definately not dressed for a fight. Feilong, perhaps, does need to blow off some steam!

Frei brightens considerably when Fei Long agrees. Sure, he had to endure crushing pain and accidentally crush a car door to get what he wanted, but sometimes it's the goal and not the journey, right? Right. "Even better!" he chirps, at the news that Hiten-ryuu is Fei Long's own creation. "Can't do better than the style's creator, right?" Glancing around, the monk tries to find an open spot away from parked cars, and when he finds one, turns and gets into fighting pose. "Okay. The whole point is to see what you can do, right? So come at me! And thank you, by the way! HAAAAAA!" Apparently the thought of this is getting the monk pretty charged up, his fighting spirit almost palpable as he summons his chi, the long tails of his headband fluttering behind him.

COMBATSYS: Frei has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Frei             0/-------/-------|
1 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Frei0

COMBATSYS: Frei gathers his will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Frei             0/-------/---====|
1 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 4 of 16.Frei0

COMBATSYS: Feilong has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Frei             0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Frei0Feilong0

Feilong gets the tie removed and tosses it towards the trunk of the limo. It hits on top and slides a bit before remaining still near its edge. Feilong then removes the suit's jackat he has donned. Feilong will keep his keen eye on Frei as he does this. The jacket is neatly placed on top of the car. Feilong points at it, "Expensive." He then shifts into his normal fighting posture. He hops back and forth from foot to foot as he continues to observe and critique his challenger's form and posture.

COMBATSYS: Feilong focuses on his next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Frei             0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Frei0Feilong0

Hmmm. A prudent fighter... but maybe too obsessed with expensive things, in Frei's worldview. Which of course means he has to comment on it like a jerk. Coming out of the chi-gathering stance, he points a hand at his nice-looking but certainly fairly common russet-brown Chinese shirt. "$20 or so... not too expensive. Wears well, easy to mend... sometimes money is more of a burden than a benefit!" That might be the most monk-like thing Frei has ever said.

As for the fighting, Frei watches his opponent for a second. "Well... I guess if you don't want to make the first move, I have to. Let's see...what have I seen you do on YouTube... oh right!" With a quick hop, Frei leaps at Feilong, hoping to crash down on him in an aerial falling axe kick, a crescent of scarlet flame erupting around his leg as he does so. "Fire kicking! Right?"

COMBATSYS: Feilong endures Frei's Kouen no Tsurugi!

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Frei             0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 29 of 30. Super: 5 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Frei0Feilong0

The Aerial Axe Kick is an impressive sight, for sure. Feilong is not focusing on it though... he's focusing on the monk's trajectory. The flaming kick slams hard into the Hiten-Ryuu Master, but it doesn't send him back. Oh no. Feilong manuever himself in such a way as to take the full brunt of the attack and not be knocked off his center of balance. The Result? As soon as Frei gets his footing, Feilong springs into an attack. Feilong hops forward and the Movie Star will perform a swift double-kick. One leg will left up to kick Frei, right before the other leg raises and deliver the strong One-Two.

COMBATSYS: Frei fails to interrupt Engekishu from Feilong with Fast Throw.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Frei             0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 3 of 16.Frei0Feilong0

Say what you want about his expensive tastes, Fei Long doesn't skimp on technique either. Looking up from his attack to find the Hiten-ryuu master coming right at him, he blinks in surprise, having felt his kick connect... and then curses himself for not noticing that it hit a little too easily. Hoping that he can make some sort of good come of this, he snaps up a hand, glittering with gold motes of light, to try and snag Feilong's foot... and said hand gets kicked out of the way before the second blow sends the monk skidding across the pavement. Getting up, he brushes a hand across his mouth and grins. "Okay! Right! More like that."

Feilong has an uncharacteristic frown on his face as he hops backwards after his One-Two strike. He hops back and forth in his fighting stance. One hand held down by his hip at his side, the other held hovering just in front of his face. Feilong narrows his eyes to watch the Monk, "Good form. Not good enough. Work on that." Feilong offers this advice in the middle of a fight. This could either be a slap in Frei's face or Feilong's giving pointers on how to counter him... and by countering him Frei could also counter the Hiten-Ryuu student he's after. Feilong will step forward swiftly to close the gap between the two. Feilong leaps into the air and will come crashing down on Frei's position. Feilong will perform his own dropping axe-kick, minus the flames it seems though.

COMBATSYS: Frei blocks Feilong's Medium Kick.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Frei             1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 24 of 30. Super: 8 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 3 of 16.Frei1Feilong0

If there's any indication Frei's offended by the comment, the monk doesn't show it. After all, he knows that unlike many fighters he learned things in reverse order... that's why he's an expert with chi but not so much with the punching. And he is still smiling, after all... his characteristic gesture, though there is a wildness to it too. More prepared on the defensive this time, the monk brings up an arm and catches the kick on his forearm, grunting with the strain but also pushing the Hiten-ryuu fighter back and blunting the force of the blow.

"Might be too early to be saying I'm not good enough, though!" he adds with a grin, dropping his arm back and cupping his hands at his sides. A crackling ball of multicolored energy swirls between Frei's palms, before he thrusts both of them at Feilong, releasing the prismatic energy in a burst that might be familiar (sort of) to the Hiten-ryuu master, depending on who he's fought in the past. "Hadooooukeeeeeen!"

COMBATSYS: Frei successfully hits Feilong with Hadou Souran.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Frei             1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 22 of 30. Super: 10 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 20 of 30. Super: 6 of 16.Frei1Feilong0

The burst of energy is able to collide with the Movie Star. The chi energy connects and connects hard, sending the Hiten-Ryuu Master staggering backwards a number of steps. A foot is planted firmly against the ground to halt any more rearward movement. Feilong shifts back into his fighting stance, "Waaaa..." Feilong sets off running for his challenger. He will attempt to grab Frei either by the arm or by the head if he must. Feilong will shout, "WAAAIIEEE!" if he's successful and attempt to twist his own torso to the side and then flip Frei over his shoulder and onto the ground where he will slam backfirst into the ground. That's the plan.

COMBATSYS: Frei endures Feilong's Quick Throw.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Frei             1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 12 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 21 of 30. Super: 6 of 16.Frei1Feilong0

Hmmm... that new technique of his is working out fairly well for Frei lately, even if he (kinda) stole it (sorta). Feilong's recovery is impressive, though, and Frei watches him carefully for what he's going to do next... trying to take some sort of inventory of the fighter's movements, forcing himself to pay LESS attention to mood and energy and MORE attention to technique. It's not an easy thing to do for him, either.

But one of the things he has noticed is Fei Long's... a tendency that in anyone else would probably be called recklessness, but from Frei's point of view seems to be a calculated risk in making things work for him. So when the Hiten-ryuu master snags his arm, Frei doesn't worry about it; he refocuses his center of gravity and hits the ground just as hard as if he'd been unable to do anything... but in much better position to spring back up, his right hand shimmering with a hazy field of rainbow-colored energy. "Is the shouting... part of it too?" he asks, before thrusting his hand, palm out, at Feilong... and unleashing a massive, invisible forceblast at point-blank range, the air rippling from aftereffect. "WAAAAHOOOOOO!" Oh god, Frei, you sound like DAN.

COMBATSYS: Frei successfully hits Feilong with Fukami Reikai.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Frei             0/-------/-------|=======\==-----\1          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: red, 14 of 30. Super: 10 of 16.Frei0Feilong1

The Invisible Force Blast collides with the Kung-Fu Star. His arms had been raised and crossed in front of him, however that proved to not be enough! Feilong gets hefted from his feet and into the air. Feilong will shout, "Waa!" as he goes careening through the air. He hits the ground hard, skidding and ending up stopping when he hits the tire of the limosine. Feilong will sit theere for a moment before lowering a hand to the ground. He braces himself and tries to get up. When he does, he remains in a kneeling position. His arms are raised rather defensively as Feilong attempts to collect himself...

COMBATSYS: Feilong gains composure.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Frei             0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 17 of 30. Super: 9 of 16.Frei0Feilong1

It's probably a good thing for Frei that Feilong didn't turn around and try to counterattack... that move is his strongest, but it's also the most draining, drawing on so much chi as it does. Closing his eyes, he brings his palms together, then pushes out with a deep breath, trying to re-center himself. When he looks up, he sees Feilong doing the same and nods once. The man's a very skilled fighter... so Frei's got to stay on his toes. "You didn't answer my question," the monk teases, deciding not to push his luck by provoking him *physically*.

COMBATSYS: Frei gathers his will.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Frei             0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 20 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 17 of 30. Super: 9 of 16.Frei0Feilong1

"Excuse me for collecting myself." Feilong will say as he stands up from his kneeling position. He points at Frei and then returns to his fighting stance, "You will notice a lot of shouting in a lot of peoples techniques, not just my own. It helps to increase focus, concentration and add strength and precision to each blow." Feilong then breaks into a smile, "Like this." Feilong then darts off towards Frei. His feet moving swiftly and sending him towards the other fighter with only a few footfalls. When Feilong reaches Frei, he will lunge forward with a hook punch aimed at Frei's chest, "WAAAAIII!" Followed by almost instantly a lunging jabbing strike for Frei's face, "HAAAI!" Then a third and final backhanded blow is sent towards the Challenger's other cheek, "WAAIEEEEE!"

COMBATSYS: Frei blocks Feilong's Rekkaken.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Frei             0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 18 of 30. Super: 6 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 16 of 30. Super: 9 of 16.Frei0Feilong1

He might have a point! Feilong's strikes are fast and strong, and the Hiten-ryuu master has the satisfaction of watching Frei panic as he struggles to defend against each strike, resorting to using his palms like someone sparring with a boxer... and knowing that if he hadn't been able to pull that off, things would have been considerably worse than just the stinging pain in his forearms. "Huh... I'm not much of a shouter, I tend to just scream whatever comes into my head," he says to Feilong conversationally, before rushing his opponent with what can only be called a 'ghetto Rekkaken', three barely-aimed punches in a row for the Kung Fu star's jawline, each blazing with an aura of golden Yang chi. "Autobahn!" *PUNCH* "Bratwurst!" *PUNCH* "GLOCKENSPIEL!" *PUNCH*

COMBATSYS: Feilong dodges Frei's Fierce Punch.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Frei             0/-------/-======|=======\=------\1          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 18 of 30. Super: 6 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 15 of 30. Super: 9 of 16.Frei0Feilong1

Feilong is swift on his feet and rather than deftly raising an arm to deflect each slowly thrown punch, Feilong will duck and weave around the offending limbs. After the last one through, Feilong will duck and stay crouched. Feilong smirks and utters, "Probably should work on the shouting and the striking." Feilong plants a palm against the ground behind him and then uses that for support and leverage. Why> Feilong will kick his legs against the ground and spring his body upwards. Feilong rests his hand against the ground as both legs lash out to perform a rather stylish kick. Both feet are aimed for Frei's jaw or throat.

COMBATSYS: Frei fails to interrupt Medium Kick from Feilong with Charged Throw.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Frei             1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 14 of 30. Super: 9 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 16 of 30. Super: 10 of 16.Frei1Feilong1

Striking was never Frei's strong point anyway; an expert fighter like Feilong can tell that the blows he's throwing out are really basic ones, led more by instinct than training. Still, he's got guts anyway. The punches missing doesn't seem to bug him, and he advances to try and keep the pressure up on the Hiten-ryuu master. "Well, is this general advice or your *personal style*?" he asks, face earnest. There's no time for followup, however, as the swift reprisal comes in the form of the kick. Hoping to snag Feilong's foot with a hand crackling with what appears to be lightning, the monk mistimes his grab and takes two boots to the chin for his troubles, sailing through the air and landing in a crouch a good distance away. That hurt. "...ow."

Feilong will recoil his legs and return to a crouched position. Both hands are resting against the ground, palms flat. He sits there and watches his opponent and challenger hit the ground after his kicking technique. Feilong shakes his head, "Advice." Feilong will answer Frei's question, "I would suggest other things to. I would enjoy meeting your Master." Feilong says this to the monk as he sits there and gains composure while Frei recovers from the last strike.

COMBATSYS: Feilong gains composure.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Frei             1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 14 of 30. Super: 9 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 18 of 30. Super: 9 of 16.Frei1Feilong1

That question dulls Frei's spirit a little, and it shows in the expression on his face... the normally bright green eyes dulled for a moment as unpleasant memories come back. Still, the farther and farther the event gets from him, the more he seems to be able to snap out of those mini-funks quickly, and in this case it is pretty fast, a mere eyeblink of emo. Standing up and brushing off his clothes, he doesn't really press the attack either... Feilong hit him pretty damn hard, after all. "He's passed on," Frei explains. "But thank you for the compliment. I think." A smile to show he's not hurt, and ready to go on. "As for me not shouting weird things... iya, I think I'm always going to be a little weird, so maybe shouting's not for me."

COMBATSYS: Frei gains composure.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Frei             0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 17 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 18 of 30. Super: 9 of 16.Frei0Feilong1

Feilong will stand, "Your technique is your technique. Due with it what you will." Is the response that Feilong makes to Frei. Feilong then returns to the fight. It continues with the Hiten-Ryuu Master rushing towards the Challenger again. Feilong grits his teeth as he runs, "YAAAIII-!" He shouts as he runs. When he runs on up towards Frei's position, Feilong will lash out with a swift roundhouse kick towards Frei's lower limbs. This is meant as only a feint, as Feilong will also spin around with a powerful backfisted strike towards Frei's head, "-IIAAEEEEE!"

COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Frei with Medium Punch.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Frei             1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 14 of 30. Super: 9 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 18 of 30. Super: 9 of 16.Frei1Feilong1

Walking into someone's punch sounds like such a great concept in theory, if you can take the hit to the jaw... but if you slip up, what you're left with is a punch to the jaw. Which is exactly what Feilong delivers unto the monk, with a resounding *CRACK!* that sends Frei reeling back a few steps. "OW!" Grimacing, he drops his hands to his sides and starts gathering two grapefruit-sized orbs of blue-white chi, snowflakes fluttering off from the intense cold. "Then I choose compliment!" Swinging his hands forward so his arms cross over his chest, the monk hurls both spheres at Feilong... when they get close, the spheres hit not the Hiten-ryuu fighter, but *each other*, detonating in a massive burst of ice crystals. And he even tries shouting. "Hyoushou... RENGEKI!"

COMBATSYS: Frei successfully hits Feilong with Hyoushou Rengeki.
- Power hit! -

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Frei             1/------=/=======|=======\====---\1          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 13 of 30. Super: 9 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: red, 14 of 30. Super: 12 of 16.Frei1Feilong1

The Chinese Action Star shifts into his fighting stance soon after delivering the cracking backhanded strike to Frei. The Movie Star sets a serious look upon his face and hops from one foot to the other as he concentrates on his next technique. However that technique is put on hold as the Hyoushou Rengeki is performed. Feilong attempts to leap away from the dual blasts, but does not anticipate that they are going to collide and cause an explosive reaction. The explosion is what catches the Movie Star. Feilong hits the ground and goes rolling across it. Miraculously he stops in a kneeling position, using a hand to keep himself propped up after the roll. Feilong grunts, "You've got some talent." In a sincere statement of admiration, "I'd like to observe your fight with another Hiten-Ryuu fighter." Feilong stands up and takes a couple of quick steps forward. His legs spring him up into the air and Feilong will come crashing down upon Frei with a swift Axe-Kick. Boy does that look familiar, "HWAAAIEE!"

COMBATSYS: Frei blocks Feilong's Chokka Rakutei.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Frei             1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 12 of 30. Super: 10 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: red, 13 of 30. Super: 12 of 16.Frei1Feilong1

The match has been very intense on both sides, and the sweat pouring down Frei's face certain shows the type of effort he's got to keep up if he wants to avoid being KOed by Feilong's barrage of powerful attacks. "Thanks!" he says, crossing his arms over his head and 'catching' the action hero's aerial kick with both arms and pushing forward, hoping to send him to the ground as setup for a followup attack. "As for the student... haha, if you want to see me humiliated, by all means... come watch!" He's honest about his record against Alma -- for it can be no other -- after all. Hoping to catch Feilong right as he lands, Frei pushes forward with one hand in a quick shotei palm strike to his opponent's stomach, the force of the blow aided by a sudden burst of wind around the impact point. "HA!" See? He can do the shouting too.

COMBATSYS: Frei successfully hits Feilong with Quick Punch.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Frei             1/-----==/=======|=======\=====--\1          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 12 of 30. Super: 10 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: red, 10 of 30. Super: 13 of 16.Frei1Feilong1

Frei's quick shotei palm strike slams into Feilong quite effectively. It's enough to shove the Famous Movie Star back a step or two. Feilong quickly regains his posture and his fighting stance after the staggering. He shakes his head to clear his mind of the sudden wave of pain and disorientation. Feilong will grit his teeth as he steps forward. He shouts, "HAIII-" As he hops forward to perform a roundhouse strike. After that strike he continues to spin until he's able to thrust his other leg outwards towards Frei in a lunging side-kick, "WAIEEEE!"

COMBATSYS: Frei interrupts Strong Kick from Feilong with Hizashi Ronde.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Frei             0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2          Feilong
2 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 8 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Feilong (Right Meter) -- Status: red, 5 of 30. Super: TOP Status, 16 of 16.Frei0Feilong2

It may come as a surprise that for a short, not particularly buff little guy, Frei can take some serious physical punishment. The secret, and he'll share it if anyone ever asks, is to learn fighting mostly through bar brawls. Feilong is a very quick fighter and dealing with that type of style has never been Frei's strong suit, so this is as much 'experiment' for him as it is 'learning the style'. So when he sees Feilong coming at him with an absolutely punishing roundhouse, he actually doesn't bother to get out of the way.

What he ACTUALLY does... is start to glow.

In fact it might be too late for Feilong by the time he notices that Frei's hands, held in front of him in a decidedly non-fighting posture, are glittering gold-red-orange, like sunlight, even as he's not moving. "I'm not... done... yet!" the monk exclaims, and when the first kick lands, he... explodes. In fact he detonates his Hizashi Ronde technique -- a massive array of chi 'fireworks' -- at point blank range, blasting Feilong back in a massive explosion of energy... and leaving Frei looking really, really tired afterwards, his breath ragged and hands on knees. "Haaa... haaa.... I can't believe that worked..."

The point-blank technique sends the Movie Star flying once again. The lithe and agile Martial Artist hits the ground hard several feet from where he stood moments ago. He rolls to the side and pushes himself up slowly. Feilong turns his head to regard Frei, a smile on his face now. He's gotten into this little impromtu encounter. The Movie Star turns his whole body to face Frei, "Should have more faith in your technique..." Feilong will utter as encouragement to his challenger. After that utterance, Feilong steps forward as quickly as his failing stamina will allow him. When he gets close enough to strike, Feilong will perform five seperate lunging fist strikes at Frei. They very in type, speed and power. All of them but the last are accompanied by a 'Hai!'. The last blow, a powerful backhanded strike, will be followed by a , "HAIIIIEEE!"

COMBATSYS: Feilong can no longer fight.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Frei             0/-------/-----==|
1 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 8 of 30. Super: 2 of 16.Frei0

COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Frei with Rekka Shinken.
- Power hit! -

[                            \\  <
Frei             0/-------/-======|
1 health gauges: Frei (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 2 of 30. Super: 6 of 16.Frei0

He may have been able to make a flashy showing against the action star with his desperate attack... but that's about all Frei's got left. He can see the incoming quick strikes, even sense the chi that seems to flow through the young star's body when he really pushes his skills to the limit. 'Do anything about it', however, is a different story. The first punch powers through Frei's guard, the second effectively *shatters* it; the rest are just battering a man already on the brink. The final backhand sends him sprawling across the ground, where he... stays. Looks like this fight is a draw.

Laying on his back, the monk stares up at the Hong Kong sky overhead, the mottled blue-white blocked by the shadows of skyscrapers and progress. After a moment, he turns his head to look at Feilong with a grin. "I'm confident, but... every time we've fought, I've lost. He's... I guess you could say he's my 'weakness'." In more ways than one, perhaps... but the kung fu star can draw his own conclusions. "But thanks for the fight. I think I learned a lot."

COMBATSYS: Frei takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Frei can no longer fight.

After the backhanded strike, Feilong drops to his knees. It's not a controlled fall, mind you, it's a rather sudden loss of strength. Feilong sits there hunched over on his knees. He turns his head to regard the other fighter. He gives a grunt and shakes his head, "You do not acknowledge someone as your weakness. You work to counter and overcome their technique. You seek me out to do just that, I am sure of it. However run through your past encounters in your mind during meditation. Come up with a strategy that is vastly different than those you've used against your opponent before." Feilong slips his legs out from under him and flops down onto his back. Oh... and off in the distance? Feilong's new limo is just arriving.

Well, it's sound advice, isn't it? If it's broke, fix it. Still, to hear it said makes Frei laugh, and he grins at Feilong. "You're pretty dramatic off-camera as well as on, you know?" he offers in a teasing sort of tone, before closing his eyes and looking back at the sky. "You're probably right, though. It's easy to say 'well, he's just in my blind spot' instead of correcting your blind spot. Still... it's funny." Summoning as much of his energy as he can, the monk sits up, then stands up... bruised and beaten, but mostly okay. He is, apparently, a quick healer. "I've never really wanted to BEAT anyone before. I always felt like getting to put my theories into action was the important thing. But somehow... I want to prove to him that I'm his equal. You know?" The monk realizes he's been babbling at an international film star for some time, then rubs the back of his head in embarrassment. "Sorry. I'm pretty talkative."

Feilong will, too, reach his feet with some effort. When he does he reaches into his pocket and approaches the other fighter. He shrugs his shoulders as he approaches, "Indeed. However you should reflect on why this is so important to you, and whether this desire to prove you are this person's equal is helping you improve or if it's holding you back." Feilong stops in front of Frei and pulls his hand out of his pocket. He produces and holds out to Frei, a business card. It's got Feilong's name and cell number on it, "And you are talkative? That's alright. However use this next time instead of damaging a perfectly good limosine, hmmm?"

Log created by Frei, and last modified on 11:59:04 05/09/2007.