Remy - A Chinese Restaurant

Description: The Genhanten. A famed restaurant in China. But not for its cuisine, but rather the identity of its owner - the legendary fighter, the man called Gen. It is him that Remy has come to see. For he suspects that this Gen might know something about the one he seeks. But wait... what's this? Where is the old man? And who's this idiot serving tables? Yun?!

Genhanten. Basic Kung Fu Movie Chinese Restaurant. Business is booming, as usual... as well as music. That's right, with Yang off doing that Wannabe Ryu thing, Yun has been left to hold the fort of the restaurant today. And when that happens, nothing but fun and excitement can be going on in the restuarant. Music is blaring from speakers that have been set up and there's even a DJ spinning tunes and adding to the overall ambiance. Something that Yang would never have let happen... but what the other twin doesn't know what hurt Yun, right?

Yun literally skates out of the back, holding up two plates of food and skids around a couple of customers. "Arms up, ladies!" he calls out to the girls in one of the corner booths. He puts on the brakes, spinning on his skateboard and drops both plates down onto the table. "And because you two are the prettiest girls in here? Seconds are on the house." Yun flashes his classic flirtatious smile and the girls giggle, each giving him a kiss on the cheek.


At the other end of the restaurant, a door swings open. Someone comes in through the main entrance. He stops, framed in the doorway, regarding the eatery's interior with narrowed eyes. The wave of sound slams over him like a wave. He gives a small shake of the head. He'd heard that this place was owned by the legendary Gen. An old man. This...this...debauchery...was not what he was expecting.

Apparently, Chinese youth party just as hard as teenagers in the West.

Remy shakes his head, again. He walks forward, pushing past a couple as they leave the restaurant. Heading towards the eatery's main floor. The Frenchman is a noticeable figure, standing out just a little from the crowd. Tall and caucasian, definitely not a local. A foreigner, then - but he isn't dressed like a tourist either. At least not a normal tourist. Not with that biker jacket, thick red pants, and leather boots.

His steps are heavy, sounding against the wood. A measured tread. The impact's muffled by the sheer /volume/ of the music eminating from the impromtu disco setup, but if it wasn't for that...there'd be something strangely regimented, strangely /precise/, about the way Remy walks.

His eyes, pale and green, scan the restaurant, until they settle on Yun. The one who seems to be in charge.

Yun is back on his feet and has kicked his skateboard up into his arm, before making the rounds at the tables. He stops here and there, checking on people and slapping hi-fives with whomever's having a good time. Other waiters are doing the same thing and Genhaten seems to be the place to be at this particular juncture in time and space. The place is never rocking like this when Yang is around.

"Hey Yun! This place is never rockin' like this when Yang's 'round!" comes a voice from in the crowd somewhere.

Yun laughs and gives the guy a thumbs up, "Do I know how to party or do I know how to PARTY?!?!" His exclamation causes the crowd to yell and give him some props. Props that Yun takes right to his skull. One can almost see his head get bigger. As Yun passes the DJ table, he reaches over and grabs the DJ's glass to give him a refill, while his eyes manage to pass over Remy. He raises an eyebrow, figuring it to be a tourist and heads off in his direction.

"Yo yo!" Dear lord, Yun speaks ebonics. "Welcome to Gen's! You can sit anywhere and I'll be right with you, alright?"

Remy gives Yun a hard look. By his side, one of his hands curls into a tight fist, the muscles in his arm tightening. The Frenchman's lips close in a thin line.

Then the moment's gone.

"Certainly," Remy replies, in a deceptively calm voice. His face betrays no sign of rage or anger. Just a pleasant sort of vague smile. He nods, once, drifting over to an unoccupied table for two in the restaurant floor. Pulling the chair back, taking a seat. He makes no move to peruse the menu, however, or anything else. He just watches Yun.

Yes. He would be the one in charge.

Poor Yun is oblivious to all of this nonsense. He's too busy having a good time. He disappears into the back and for less than a minute he's gone. Soon enough, he's skating back through the kitchen doors and into the restaurant again. He slings the DJ's glass onto his table, hits the corner and glides down to where Remy has taken up temporary residence. "Alright, dude. Let me have it." Yun says, pulling a pencil out of his hat and his order pad out of his back pocket. Oh yes, he's seriously asking for it.

Remy doesn't look up, as Yun approaches the table. He doesn't look up...because he's been staring straight at Yun all this while.

He's just been holding his voice until the appropriate moment. It wouldn't do to shout across the restaurant, after all. That wouldn't be dignified.

"I'm not interested in food," Remy replies, "or drink. Just information. This is the Genhanten. I am looking for a man that came here two years ago. For a fight."

The way he says it, with his eyes boring into Yun, leave no room for compromise.

Yun blinks a little bit, still holding everything at the ready to try and take this man's order. Unfortunately, though, it doesn't seem like this dude's going to be ordering anything. Not good for business. What's even worse is that he's here looking for information. He hates it when people show up for information.

"Well, here's the thing, dude. We got a rule here in Gen's..." Yun will probably never call the restaurant by the full name. It's not cool enough. "You no buy? Our lips sealed." He flashes a bright smile, reaching up to straighten his hat some. "You buy? We sing like canary." And yes, Yun made sure to play up his accentish stereotype for those wise words.

"So. Like I said. What can I get for ya?" Yun flashes a smile, once again raising up the order pad.

Remy doesn't reply, not immediately. He just holds that look, still staring at Yun. He doesn't so much as blink.

Honestly, by any objective standard, it's a simple thing that Yun's asking. Not an unreasonable request at all, especially for someone running a business. And it shouldn't be that much of a hardship for Remy to simply order something. After all, he came to China, to this place specifically, solely to pursue this lead. Now that he's so close...shouldn't he just oblige?

Well. No.

Maybe it's -because- he's come all this way. Maybe because he's tired. Maybe because the blazingly loud Cantopop music and its annoyingly cheerful beat is driving him /insane/, to say nothing of the DJ's vinyl-scratching contributions.

Remy's hand grips the tablecloth, fabric bunching up beneath his fingers. The empty teacup topples over, plate and chopsticks, everything on the table, shifts.

"Just answer the question," he says, evenly, "is that so hard?"

Yun's a jerk. But he's one of those cute, funny, lovable jerks that always seems to get away with stuff while his twin brother takes the rap. Unfortunately, his twin brother isn't here to take the rap this time... but Yun doesn't particularly care too much. So, the baseball capped china man just shakes his head at Remy, even as he listens to him not order anything.

After an overexaggerated sigh that pretty much draws some much needed attention to Yun from the patrons, he gives a wave of his hands over his head. "Why don't you just order something? Is /that/ so hard?" Yes, Yun is purposefully provoking this man into ordering something. Or trying to anyway. When he looks around, noticing he's getting looks from his patrons, he utters, "Tourists." to them in Chinese.

They laugh.

Remy doesn't speak Chinese. He doesn't know the language. He doesn't understand it. He has no idea what it is Yun just said. But it's clear that whatever witticism the younger man just made, it was at Remy's expense.

And if there's one thing he can't abide, it's being laughed at. Especially by someone who fancies himself a fighter.

Remy did his homework before coming here.

"Yun Lee," Remy says, in a quiet voice.

He stands, pushing the chair back, stepping around the table. He's taller than the Chinese teenager, and he uses that height to full advantage.

"If you were just a waiter," Remy continues, his tone still hushed, "I'd forgive that. But you're not."

"You know what I want."

Yun continues to look as calm and collected as he always does. Mainly because he knows what's about to happen and well, he's going to take some time to just... well... let it sink in. Smiling the entire time, he stuffs the order pad into his pocket again, while taking his pencil and sliding it into his cap. His movements are slow, for a reason. It helps build up the tension and allows for cinematic close ups at the right moments.

"Alright. Fine." Yun steps down off his skateboard, finally and kicks it up into his arm. He looks up and at Remy, keeping his smile but narrowing his eyes to clearly state that the challenge has been accepted. More or less. "Let's just take it outside, alright? If I turn this place upside down again, I'm so going to get grounded." No fear in the young skater boy. No fear at all.

"Pity," Remy says, "I was hoping you'd capitulate."

But the way he says it makes it clear...that Remy considered that a distant possibility at best. No, he knows Yun's type. The boy's clearly cut from that particular kind of stubborn and cocky cloth.

The Frenchman starts walking towards the restaurant's exit, towards the doors. This leaves his back turned towards Yun, open to a surprise attack. But that doesn't seem to concern him, not in the least.

Another kind of confidence, that.

"Outside, then," Remy continues, "wouldn't want to hurt anyone else, either...would we?"

"I was thinkin' more about the property damage from me moppin' the floor with your face but... whatever floats your boat, dude."

Yun follows Remy out, though there's no need for him to do any surprise attacks. He may be cocky. He may be a Chinese Ken Masters. He may look really hot in his cap. But he's also got some sort of honor and that includes no sneaky hits for no reason. "Keep playin', Deej. This won't take long."

Of course, as Yun leaves, the crowd figures they know what's about to happen. It's happened before. Most of them start to get up and file out of the doors after him, while some just decide to stick to the windows. Either way, welcome to Yun's Stage...

Out the door, and on the street. His boot soles touch pavement. Remy keeps walking. Another step, then another. He's a few feet away from the restaurant before he turns back, facing Yun and the gathering crowd. He ignores the spectators. They're of no consequence to him.

To Yun, he says, in that same flat voice, "Last chance, boy. Just tell me what I want, and you won't get hurt."

The way he says's not even a threat. It's not bravado, it's not posturing. Just a statement of fact. He seems to take it as a given that Yun /will/ be the one hurting at the end of this exchange.

COMBATSYS: Remy has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Remy             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Yun has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Yun              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Remy

Once Yun's outside, the skateboard is dropped and the young Street Fighter takes to the air, flipping a foot or two and landing across from Remy. Immediately, he gets into his classic fighting stance, while watching the crowd start to gather. Which is, of course, always a good thing to have when you're fighting on your own turf. A crowd.

It's laughter that comes from the china man as he listens to Remy's words. "You? Hurt me? Please..." Yun rolls his eyes, reaching up and grabbing the brim of his cap, tilting it down. "It's like this, hombre. I don't know you. I don't like you. And as of now..."

Yun breaks off into a quick sprint, leaping into the air and extending his right fist out towards the questioning tourist!

"I'm all over you!"

COMBATSYS: Remy endures Yun's Jab Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Yun              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Remy

"Are you, now."

That's the only reply Remy gives. His features are impassive. If there's any emotion in his eyes...the only thing he feels is cold, quiet, contempt.

He stands his ground, feet apart on the pavement, hands by his sides. On some fighters, that might well be a cunning stance. A tactical position. If the body is open from all angles...there is also no obvious weakness for an enemy to exploit.

On's probably just a sign that he simply doesn't care.

The flying punch hits him. Rocking his head back. But, quick as a flash, he retaliates. Lashing out with his own arm, jabbing the side of his hand towards Yun's throat. Before the teenager even lands from his lunge.

One hit.

If that lands, he'll follow up with a knee to the gut, and then a brutal palm-strike uppercut.

COMBATSYS: Yun blocks Remy's Crazed Waltz.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Yun              0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0             Remy

Yun is still in the air and that makes it a bit hard to do what he's about to do, but Yun manages to get his arm up and black that incoming hand. He smiles, dropping down to the ground again and stepping backwards. "Not bad. Not bad, at all." Yeah, this is going to be one of those fights where Yun just keeps saying witty remark after witty remark. It's what he does, you know.

If there's any pain from the block, Yun doesn't show it. Instead, he's spinning around on his left leg and pulling himself into the air, once again, as he launches himself towards Remy. A twist in mid-air allows him to bring his right leg around, aiming to bring that heel into contact with the side of Remy's face!

COMBATSYS: Remy interrupts Medium Kick from Yun with Quick Punch.
- Power hit! -

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Yun              0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0             Remy

"Not bad, hm?"

Remy arches an eyebrow, a giving a faintly quizzical look. It doesn't do much to soften the harsh aspect of his face. He remains where he is, standing on the pavement. While Yun's been pulling all sorts of acrobatics, Remy...Remy hasn't shifted from his spot. He started the fight standing there. His feet haven't moved, just his upper body.

And that doesn't change. At least not yet. The message he's sending with his quite clear.

Yun? No challenge.

Remy doesn't flinch, as the Chinese teen's foot heads towards his head. He just shifts his own arm - and jabs a hand. Forcing his rigid fingertips into Yun's torso, just beneath the ribcage. Blunting the force of the boy's spin.

"Pity," Remy adds, blandly, "I can't say the same about you."


Poor Yun is literally knocked out of the air... and out of air. He falls right down, landing on the ground with a hard thud and winces in quite a bit of pain. Not a good sign, in all actuality. Especially since he's holding his chest there on the ground. He doesn't stay that close to Remy for long, though, because he doesn't want to get stomped or anything. Thus, he rolls away and clambers up to one knee. Time to catch his breath, while spouting off some more lip.

"Yeah, yeah. Everybody gets lucky once..." Yun must be referring to that hit he just took. "But I'm pretty sure sleeping with your Mom doesn't count." Yes, Yun also tends to be of the Yo Momma generation. Go fig.

He pushes off the ground once again, lifting himself into the air and into a front flip. As he comes down, he extends his right leg again, this time hoping to give Remy more than just a bit of a headache, if his foot connects with the Frenchie's skull.

COMBATSYS: Remy dodges Yun's Strong Kick.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Yun              0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0             Remy

Anger flares behind Remy's eyes. His lips curl back in a snarl, a hiss of rage escaping his lungs.

But anger doesn't affect his control.

The kick goes wide, as Remy bends at the waist. Shifting out of the way a heartbeat before the heel connects. Yun's foot meets empty air - the only part of Remy it touches is a few stray strands of long green hair.

"My mother's dead," he says, tilting his head to the spectators standing around the restaurant, "do your friends like your -kink-?"

And then, Remy launches his own kick. Finally deigning to lift his feet from their spot.

It's not a simple thing. Not like Yun's moves at all. Both of his feet blast towards the sky as the Frenchman flips backward. A blazing trail of retina-searing light, burning blue-green, trailing his legs. Drawing a crescent arc of pure spiritual energy. Aimed not just at Yun's face, but his entire torso. Gut, ribs, neck, head.

COMBATSYS: Remy successfully hits Yun with Rising Rage Flash.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Yun              1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0             Remy

Unlike the majority of the fighters around these parts, Yun doesn't have the luxury of all this cool spiritual energy and what-have-you. That is, of course, why his eyes go into major wide mode when he's smacked all upside the upper part of his body from Remy's Rising Rage Flash. It actually doesn't do anything but leave the poor young chinese boy in a world of pain.

When Yun lands, he hardly knows where he is. And there's blood... dripping from his face. His entire torso is in pain and there might even be a rip in his shirt, but he's not too worried about it at the moment. He's busy trying to keep himself from like dying or something.

Soon enough, though, Yun is back on his feet. "I guess sayin' 'my bad' right now would be a little late, huh?" Yun tries to shake off the attack, but he's still a little bit out of it. Thus, the punch that he gives next is purely one out of weak frustration.

COMBATSYS: Remy blocks Yun's Jab Punch.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Yun              1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0             Remy

"Yes," Remy says, calmly, "it would be."

He rises from his crouch, the position he landed in after that chi-charged kick. Just in time to intercept Yun's attack. Remy blocks the punch, lifting his arm. Catching Yun's blow against his jacket sleeve - and the dense bone and muscle beneath.

He regards the Chinese teenager with a frigid look.

"Now you know I'm serious."

He flicks a foot out, driving the heel of one leather boot towards Yun's knees.

"It isn't too just tell me...what I want."

COMBATSYS: Yun endures Remy's Light Kick!!

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Yun              1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0             Remy

Yun takes the hit... it's almost as if he wanted to or something. Whatever the case may be, he certainly takes it. The kick curves his knee inward, but it doesn't break... thankfully. Instead, there's just quite a bit of pain that comes in the form of a wince across Yun's features. He has to stumble and twist backwards to get himself out of Remy's range for a moment.

Coughing up a bit of blood, Yun continues to talk. Like he's been doing this whole time. "I told you before, dude... you gotta' order something..." Another cough, but that's just for a bit of closure.

Yun straightens himself up in the next moment, though, as if making the pain in his body go away. His right arm goes up in front of his face, while his left arm goes down. The pose only lasts for a moment, before he's switching arms, raising his left one up towards Remy's chin. This is followed up by a spin that aims to slam his back into Remy's body and a strong armed right fist to try and welcome Remy to Gen's... Yun Style.

COMBATSYS: Remy blocks Yun's Sourai Rengeki.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Yun              0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0             Remy

"I'm not sure whether you're stubborn..."

Remy stands there. The first hit rocks his head back. But the second... Yun's body crashes into Remy's guard, one arm lifted in a warding gesture. That same arm deflects the final right-hook that Yun throws, absorbing the final blow in the combination.

"...or just stupid."

By now, it's unmistakable.

The Frenchman is glowing.

There's a distinct blue aura surrounding him, waves of chi eminating from his form. After blocking the final punch, he rocks back on one foot. Lifting his other leg, in a fashion not unlike a crane stance. The light round him builds. Enough that the crowd of onlookers, the restaurant patrons and passers-by drawn by the street fight... many of them flinch, or take an involuntary step back.

A wise thing. Especially when the energy /flares/. A bright flash blasting from Remy's body. The blue outline intensifies as he snaps a kick straight for Yun's head. Following it up with a flurry of punches, knife-hands and finger-strikes. All surrounded by his distinctive chi.

COMBATSYS: Yun blocks Remy's Blue Nocturne.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Yun              0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0             Remy

Yun doesn't particularly understand what Remy's going on about. But that's all because he's only getting in some fighting action. There's nothing wrong with getting a little fight action in front of his home crowd, is there? He frowns as his punch is blocked but doesn't particularly have time to pout about it, since the French Fry is glowing.

"Let me guess. Disco Inferno, right?" Yun remarks to the glowing Frenchman, taking a second to try and compose himself.

Yun waits it out for a second, watching Remy's body to try and time his movements and when Remy goes for that snap kick, Yun brings his hand up, just in time to block the foot that's headed for him. There's still a wince that shows up on Yun's face, but he quickly turns it into a smile for Remy. "Actually, dude. I'm just awesome."

Yun brings his hand down, alongside his other one and takes a step towards Remy. Both palms are thrust forward towards the Frenchman's chest!

COMBATSYS: Yun successfully hits Remy with Kobo Kushi.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Yun              0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0             Remy

Remy gives an involuntary hiss - as air is forced from his lungs. Owing to the impact on his ribs. He skids backwards, stumbling before he can regain his balance. Hunched over as he recovers his breath.

The crowd cheers. Yun's their hometown hero, after all. Not this rude foreigner who came in and picked a fight with him. Remy knows that. But it irritates him all the same. He suppresses that spark of annoyance, though, brings his fury back under control.

He looks up, then lunges. Sweeping a backhand towards Yun's neck, a strike in retaliation.

"I beg," he says, "to differ."

COMBATSYS: Remy successfully hits Yun with Quick Punch.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Yun              0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0             Remy

The crowd cheering is one thing. One good thing. A thing that only helps to empower the great Yun Lee himself. It's almost like it's tangible or something, the way the cheering pours over his body and fills him with what he needs to keep going. He's bleeding, yes. And it's quite possible that he may lose... but he's not going down without a fight, that's for sure. That is for sure.

Yun smiles and prepping himself for his next move. "You hear that, dude? That's the sound of my people showin' me love. You know else that's the sound of?" Yun takes a step and turns, lifting into the air and bringing his left leg around to try and connect with Remy. Any part of Remy.

"You gettin' OWN'd, dude!"

COMBATSYS: Yun can no longer fight.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Remy             0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Yun successfully hits Remy with Senpuu Kyaku.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Remy             0/-------/---====|

Remy reels, staggering back. It's a moment before he regains his footing. Glaring daggers at Yun. That last kick may have been pure desperation, but it was still painfully accurate. That hurt.

A moral victory for Yun, at least.

Unfortunately, that's all it is. Moral. Not really a victory in truth. Remy's still standing, and the blow doesn't seem to have hurt anything more than his pride. He straightens, rolling his neck. Flexing his arms.

Then he slips his hands into his pockets, and regards Yun.

"No," he says, "I am not 'owned'."

He casts a baleful look at the people clustered round the restaurant as well. A forceful stare. Making his feelings clear.

COMBATSYS: Remy has ended the fight here.

Yun lands and steps backwards, trying not to stumble. He's trying to look good for his people and that's what matters. Looking good. He didn't get murdered or anything, so that's a plus. He finds himself holding his side, probably trying to keep himself balanced or something closer to that. Whatever doesn't make him look like a total loser.

"Tell you what, dude. You come back when Gen's 'round and I'll get you a plate of info, on the house. Alright?" With that said, he starts to move towards Remy, mostly calm and unthreatening of ways. He holds out his fist, offering young generation form of truce. Touch your fist to his, Remy, duh.

Unfortunately, it seems that the significance is just totally lost on Remy. He just stares blankly at the raised hand. Not with contempt or disdain. Just...complete lack of comprehension.

His hands remain in his pockets as he studies Yun.

Does the boy know something? Is he holding back? Or perhaps...

Hmph. Maybe he just doesn't know anything. Maybe he -should- come back when the old man's around. He'd probably know more. Might even know what he wants.

Which means this encounter was so much wasted time.

When he speaks, Remy's voice is neutral. Devoid of all inflection.

"Fine," he says, "and maybe next time I'll buy something."

He gives a curt nod, turns, and walks away. Shouldering his way through the crowd.

Log created on 18:24:28 04/26/2007 by Remy, and last modified on 05:30:10 08/29/2007.