Description: Yurika meets yet another student of Seijyun, Sada Asai of the Glee Club. Could this be the beginning of a musical friendship? Plus, Shinobu gets a homework assignment from the musician.
As the name may imply, the glee club is both much smaller and much less formal than many of the other musical interest groups at Seijyun High. However, if only to channel the efforts of those who are... less gifted in this field (NOBODY at Seijyun is POOR at ANYTHING, of course -- but there are talents and then there are talents) into something appropriate, or nearly so.
The meeting in the music room is nearly over, and several of the less appealing young ladies who have roadie duty are already packing up the chairs. One or two girls sit in the chairs, catching up on their work with pencils and paper; they should be wandering off before too long.
Sada Asai is twirling a microphone in one hand while speaking with Sasaki Ijoun, notable for having a face like a horse and being nearly six feet tall. "Oh, you don't have time for a second run?" she asks in her low voice.
"Naah," Sasaki replies, rubbing the back of her neck. Her voice, by contrast, is sweet and high. "Besides, shouldn't we get out of here? Our period's almost up."
Yurika is actually -not- a member of the Glee Club! Which in some ways is just extremely suprising for the more knowledgable students of the High School. Why this is probably isn't too suprising; it wasn't that she wasn't interested, but Yurika just didn't think it was for her. However, she has something mildly important to take care of today, one of the teachers had asked the prissy student to pass on a note to this 'Sada' person today.
That was odd, it was a name she hadn't heard before, and on top of that she did have free time to see what it was she was missing. The door slides open, and there stands Yurika out of school uniform, clad in in a black, frilly dress common of most gothic lolita's, matching handbag in one hand. Small, dark, lacy gloves, and a white mantel over her shoulders- knee high, white socks a must to go with her dark mary-janes, ".. I am looking for a Sada Asai? Amawa-sensei said she left something behind in class." her dark eyes shift from one sitting student to the other.
Considering that Sasaki and Sada had just been belting out a rendition of 'Paradise by the Dashboard Light' in their best Engrish, it is probably just as well that Yurika did not have the presence of mind to be - well - present.
Both Sada (who appears more or less normal) and the somewhat gangly Sasaki look towards Yurika as she comes in. Sasaki shrugs one shoulder and walks off to pack up sound equipment; Sada steps forwards with a curious frown, still holding onto the microphone.
The other people loitering around to do their homework start packing up. Time's almost up and everything! Perhaps Sada has no other courses to follow up on tonight. "I'm Sada Asai," she says, blinking several times and bowing slightly at the waist. "Did she say what it was?"
... Um. Suddenly Yurika had this overwhelming urge to just turn around and leave right then and there. But seeing as she has a reputation to upkeep, she'd have to stick around at least for a little bit. Her eyes try not to linger too long on Sasaki, in favor of the other whom had stepped toward her and greets the student with her usual small smile, "I don't believe it was urgent, since she said it was your progress report. Don't worry, I didn't look at it."
As she offers the manilla envelope, she does take note of the microphone and cringes just slightly. She's not much of a singer, but the bow is returned with a very graceful curtsey, "I am Yurika Kirishima. I actually have not heard very much about this particular club. Are members limited?"
Sada reaches out with her left hand to take the envelope, even as the other club members start sidling out the doorway. They bow a bit to Yurika but don't speak up. This means that very shortly, the two girls are left alone.
"Oh, thank you," Sada says, taking the envelope with both hands. She glances up through her bangs towards Yurika as she lightly pushes open the little notches that depress the flap of the envelope; she looks down as she says, "You mean the glee club? Well, not really, but we're sort of the leftovers. Someone like you've probably got it to get into the other ones, with recitals and everything, right?"
Yurika can't very well curtsey to everyone, so their bows are returned with a slight one of her own, mild smile still in place. Her attention back to Sada, then, she seems mildly confused by the girls comment, "I'm sorry? N- No, I don't believe I had been part of this club at any point of my years here. I prefer to play an instrument rather than sing, so.."
Yurika lets the sentance trail off from there, feeling it doesn't really need to be finished, "I think I may understand what you mean, that is.. I.. I apologize, I'm really uncertain how to respond to that.." the girls cheeks pinken very slightly. Leftovers. Not a very flattering word at all, really. And not one she's really sure she can approve of, "Well, other than that is unacceptable. Are you a rather unpopular club, then."
"Oh, I mean - you know, you can get into like any club you like!" Sada says with a smile as she looks back up, before looking back at her progress report. Hm, she thinks to herself, making a note to practice the flower arranging later. She slides it back into the envelope and seals it up.
She looks back up. "Most of us have good voices but that's about it. So I guess it's like the mirror image, huh?" She smiles after that, straightening up as she turns the microphone (now not plugged into anything) over in her hand. "And... I guess we aren't /popular/, but you know how it is, it's not always the same thing."
And Sado is responded first with another pleased smile from the prissy student, "Well, I suppose you'd be correct there.. I had never really thought about club politics or anything before so, I thank you for explaining things in greater detail."
She gestures to Sada then, with her black-gloved hand, "I'm not a fan of such politics at all, but situations like that are difficult to fix so I would like to bring a different kind of offer. I'd like to join your club, as well as help gain some academic influence. I believe that music, whether it's 'good' or 'not so good' to still be music, and is especially important to remember for those who love it." the silver haired girl pauses a moment, and then, "I suppose it may be better to present this to the club leader, wouldn't it?"
"Oh, we're not fighting them," Sada says with another slight smile. "It's just like... well, I guess maybe it's hard to explain if you haven't been there!" She doesn't press the topic, however, and she certainly doesn't seem resentful as she is gestured at.
"Wow, really? Well, uh -" Sada's head turns towards the door. "Sasaki's the president. I'm just the CFO!" She taps her temple with a fingertip before her brow furrows slightly. "Are you sure you'll like our style? A lot of it's, you know... like when they have a pops show at the orchestra."
She doesn't actually breathe the 'rock and roll' word. That would be pushing it.
Yurika looks to Sada patiently, her eyes blinking on ocassion- Pretty much the only sign she's paying attention at first. But it had been clear from the moment she stepped in that she was a little bit of an 'outsider' in this particular environment. It bothered her a little, but figured she'd get over it, "To be honest I really don't know. As I said before, I'm not much of a singer.. I do appreciate many forms of music actually. I'm aware I look like I'm more 'classical' oriented, but that is merely my favorite. You're correct though, I would like to watch over for a couple of days, and while it's true you're not actively competing, there have been many circumstances in which clubs that don't have much power.. Well.. Get the bump because of larger clubs." her gesturing hand settles back down, "But again, that is me getting into politics."
"It's like onions," Sada says. "It gets into everything!"
She flips her hair with one hand as she turns, letting the microphone slide partly out of her hand-- she hangs onto it with the cord, however. "Anyway, we meet three times a week, so you're welcome to come in. It's pretty casual, although..."
She puts her free hand's index finger to her lower lip, pressing it slightly. "I don't want to tell you that you shouldn't participate if you want," she continues, looking up to the ceiling, "but if you wanted to accompany live, we'd probably love it. Usually we use tapes..."
Shinobu walks in, marching past the two with a meaningful step, and heads into the locker room. After a moment, she pops back out, holding an guitar case in one hand. Putting it down, she kneels, popping the latches before flipping the lid and pulling out an acoustic guitar. She picks momentarily at the strings, and then stands up. Then, finally, recognition seems to hit her, and she blinks at the pair.
"Hi!", she then chirps cheerily as she slings the strap over one shoulder. She then twangs the guitar discordantly, as it seems to be rather out-of-tune. She blinks, looking down to the guitar, and hefts it up, looking into the sound hole and then shaking the guitar a bit, as if trying to figure out if something's gotten inside.
Accompany live? Was.. Was that a twinkle there in Yurika's eye? It very well could have been! "Casual," she repeats, "Well that shouldn't be much of a problem, I think. I'll be sure to drop in at some point during the week then.. And really," her free hand raises to her chest, her smile just a little bit brighter, "I would love to accompany live, that would be my specialty of course. Then let's give it a try, I'll be looking forward to being part of something so....... Unique."
Her dark eyes glance down to the microphone in Sada's hand toward the end of her sentance. She'd say more, but she glances toward Shinobu moments before the other schoolgirl decides to jam. Her eyebrow furrow just so slightly, her expression somehow maintaining it's patient nature, but were this anime, there'd definatly be that red veinbuldge in her hair, "... Good day, Shinobu. I was not aware you play guitar."
Sada is remembering that Rasputina CD that they'd had one of the freshmen bring in earlier when /suddenly/ someone marches in and past her. Her head swivels to look at Shinobu, and she gives the six inches or so of cord that the microphone dangles from a light, almost playful swing in a slow loop.
She lets it fall easily into her hand before looking back to Yurika. Her back is largely turned towards Shinobu, and thus, she can roll her eyes in peace!
To her credit, she turns her head afterwards to look towards the guitar heroine in training. "Check the strings first."
Shinobu lowers the instrument before saying to Yurika. "I haven't really...", she says with a nervous grin. She then looks across the strings, plucking them. "Is it broken?" She shakes it for a moment, and pouts. "It's not making the right noises." After a moment, she looks to Yurika. Then, she takes a couple of steps towards her, offering it up as if cradling an injured animal. She doesn't say anything, apparently figuring the other student knows what might be wrong with it.
Her attention shifts for a moment to Sada, though, and looks between the microphone and the girl curiously. She doesn't really ask anything alond, though, instead seeming content to wonder away in her head.
Yurika obviously agrees with Sada. The strings, indeed, need checking. But she goes ahead and sets her handbag down since it seems she'll be staying here a moment longer, and chooses the piano for the job. She accepts the offered guitar, and.. Has anyone ever seen a girl in gothic lolita attire handle a guitar? You have now. She goes ahead and slips the band over her neck and shoulder, and proceeds to tune the instrument, plucking at the same string six times or so, "It isn't broken, but it is slightly out of tune," she notes aloud, "If you wish to learn, I could at least start you off in teaching you how to play. As long as you promise me you won't suddenly decide you are Paul Stanley." her eyes narrow just slightly, in a warning manner, and then lightens up, as she gestures to Sada, "This is Sada, she's the CFO of the Glee Club."
And then gestures to Shinobu, "Shinobu. She's one of our more... W- Well.. Eccentric students." and then returns to her tuning. It wasn't noticable at first, but now that she's plucking faster, it's clear she's playing 'Yankee Doodle'.
Sada looks back to Shinobu without saying anything. She twirls the microphone around on its cord; it's not plugged in, so the only sound it makes is a soft whoosh of air over the dimple in the tip. Then she tosses it up in the air to catch it once more, turning her head to look towards Yurika.
EGL and guitar? Sounds like a recipe for at least one good album sale!
As Yurika gets the guitar in working order, she looks back towards Shinobu. "Hi," she says, her lips drawing back a bit from her teeth in a smile that is mostly friendly but just a little shark-like. "Great to meet you. Were you in the same flower arranging section as me last year?"
Shinobu ohs, and then leans towards it. "I think I've figured out how to play, but... I don't know who Paul Stanley is yet. I guess I might have some stuff left to learn!" She grins cluelessly, and then leans over to the guitar, looking closely at it. Then, she folds her hands behind her back, patiently waiting.
Turning to Sada, she oooos, and then looks up in thought. "Flower... arranging?", she muses. "Oh... I think...?", she says, rubbing her head. "I wasn't in all year last year but they said it would help make me into a lady. I don't really understand any of it, though." She shrugs, apparently unworried about that particular point, and then returns her attention to the guitar. Then, suddenly, she seems to realize, "Oh, good to meet you, Sada-san!", adding an embarassed, quick bow.
Yurika seems to be satisfied with the results of her tuning at last, catching sight of Sada's simple little toss and catch. Nice control, she thinks, and returns her attention to the two girls, mainly Shinobu at first, "Oh, ah well he's a musician, prone to smashing his guitar on-stage. It isn't very important knowledge, actually.." removing the strap from her shoulders then, she hands the instrument back to Shinobu. For the time being, she doesn't have much intention of playing more with Sada just yet. Though her brows raise slightly again as she looks to the black haired student,
"Flower arrangement?" she repeats in mild suprise, "Do you.. Enjoy that at all?" There's no right or wrong answer of course, Yurika is well aware that it isn't a very popular study at all. Then again, another interesting point is brought up. The girls lips press togeather briefly. Shinobu is a difficult girl for her to figure out, "Are you interested at all.. In being a lady, then?"
Sada returns the bow, though, it must be admitted, not very deeply. "So did it work?" she asks Shinobu, lightly. Then she looks back to Yurika as she mentions someone smashing a guitar! Sada looks as if she may disapprove of such things.
She shrugs a shoulder; "It's pretty fun," she says, although from her tone she may not be truly dedicated. Even so, passing interest is better than no interest at all! She steps to the side, though, to put something away while Yurika steps over to address the other girl. She can't twirl that microphone forever.
"Oh, well, it'd hard to be a guy, anyway!", Shinobu concludes, and takes up the guitar, slinging it again. "Eh? I don't really understand the difference. I mean, I think I am, but I don't really..." She trails off, looking down to the guitar and picking away. At the resonant sounds, she then giggles, apparently pleased with the change. "Ah, thank you!", she says.
Then, she turns back to Sada. "Ah..." She plucks away casually, and it actually does sound like the piece of some tune... if however brief. "I tried kinda hard, but then they said it wasn't ladylike to try so hard, and... I don't really understand stuff like that. So, whatever." She looks down, watching her hand as she plays for a moment, and then lets off a brief rock lick... which might be eerie coming from the girl who didn't even know how to tune.
This is perhaps one of those few times where Yurika will let something like what Sada said 'slide', her lips curl up slightly in amusement. Passing or no, it's a rather uncommon interest- So needless to say this girl is winning points with the prissy student.
Her hands crossed in front of her, Yurika then eyes Shinobu again and finds herself very pleasently suprised. Well, maybe more shocked than suprise, there's no way she can hide the expression on her face, "..." Eerie? Mildly so, but it's clear at this point that Shinobu does have mild musical talent. Enough for even herself to work with. And she also feels mildly sympathetic toward the girl's plight. When put in such simple terms like that, it really does seem counter-productive sometimes, doesn't it, "I see.. It is probably one of those things one shouldn't really think too deeply into, it's.. Difficult to explain. Can you read music sheets, Shinobu?" she asks then, clearly a little more interested in the extent of the girls musical ability now.
"Huh," Sada says as she puts the microphone away in the small storage closet, lowering the muffling wooden cover over the metal door afterwards. She then steps back towards the others; she lifts the hand that isn't holding her progress report envelope.
"It was great to meet you both!" she says, with another smile. Her eyes flick towards Shinobu, and she says, "Good luck, really!" before walking towards the door, waving over her shoulder as she goes.
Shinobu's gaze shifts away on one of her trains of thought, and she purses her lips. "Musical... sheets? Those'd make it hard to sleep..." She then blinks, ohs, and puts her finger to her lips. "No, I don't really understand anything like that either, it's just..." She pauses, as if searching for the right answer. "I've been watching music on television and I just remember how they move their fingers. It's like when we fought!" She beams proudly. "I remember all that stuff you did with the violin... um... most of it, anyway!", she adds. "But I don't have a violin to be sure."
Looking awayand over to Sada. "Good to meet you too, ah... Sada!" She waves a hand back energetically, and then turns back to Yurika.
Yurika's dark eyes once more find Sada, and returns the wave with one of her own, "Be well, it's been a pleasure." Though her gaze remains on the exiting student until the door closes.
She has been paying attention, though, gaze dead for just a brief moment, "You're quite the enigma, Shinobu," but she doesn't clarify on that, her elbow props into her opposite palm, and the girl taps her lower lip thoughtfully, "But if what you say is true... Well.. I'm really uncertain what to make of it. It's a remarkable talent, but I haven't a clue on how to improve on mimicry. However, I do think I can provide you homework. If you would," she holds out her hands again, as if asking for the instrument.
"Thanks!", Shinobu replies, though her confused expression shows she's uncertain what to make of the statement... but willing to give Yurika the benefit of the doubt. She pauses, and there's an "Oh!" before she offers the guitar again. "I usually just figure it out on my own, like with fighting, but... I guess that isn't gonna work, huh?" With that, she folds her hands behind herself again. "But if it's just homework, that's easy."
Yurika smiles faintly as she shakes her head, and accepts the guitar once more, "In many ways, it is similar.. I won't get too deeply into it, but I'm interested in seeing the extent of your talent. Watch my fingers closely." this time she doesn't settle the strap over her shoulder, she raises her knee up high enough to set it on a chair, and proceeds to play an instrumental. It's not too quick, but it also isn't too slow, and .. On top of that is mildly repetative, the differences of notes on occassion as pretty subtle at a few points. If Shinobu is a fan of Weird Al, she'd easily pick it out as an instrumental to 'Dare to be Stupid'. If not, then it's just a rather catchy, eighties-ish tune that goes on for a full minute. A pause, and then she does is exactly the same, in again the exact span of one minute, "I am uncertain how quickly your mimicry applies, but I will give you three days. See if you can play it." she challenges, offering the instrument back once more.
Shinobu hmmms as she takes the guitar, and then nods. "Well... okay!" She crouches, putting it down in the case lightly, and then clips it up before standing. "Well, I don't think I could do /exactly/ what you do with a violin, anyway..." Laughing lightly, she hugs the case close to her. "Well, um, I've gotta get going, but I'll show you in three days!" She grins widely, and steps back. "See you later, okay?"
Slightly amused, the prissy student nods back in approval, taking the moment to take up her handbag again as Shinobu proceeds to close up shop and prepare to wherever she was headed. Yurika had things to do herself, of course, "Of course. Have a pleasent day, Shinobu. Take care of yourself." her other hand is raised to give a small wave. It should be interesting, she thinks. Though where does all that energy come from, anyway?
Log created by Yurika, and last modified on 19:00:09 04/26/2007.