Description: SOCIAL SCENE: Just an important one. The Stray Dog thought about Gabriel's whole holy crusade and to test his sanity, see what a church is like. While surprised that he did not burst into flames, he was even more surprised to see Hotaru, who was likewise surprised. Seeing her injured, he learns that Dante's the culprit and put in the position of having to fight him. But then, there is peace to help calm him and enjoy the peace just for a while longer.
It was supposed to be a normal fight. A simple tournament. When her name came up in Naerose's World Warrior Mini lists, Hotaru had intentionally avoided thinking about the 'mark' she had been given: Dante. It took some time for her to consider that if she was to ever earn the respect of her brother or father she couldn't be shirking from challenges, no matter how scared she might be.
It was only after the fight had lasted some time that he told her that he would kill her to get Jiro to fight him - the Stray Dog having decided to NOT engage in their fated match. Even with the panic of having to fight for her life instead of some tournament match, Hotaru managed to wear him down before she succumbed to exhaustion. It's now that she drags herself back to a place where she can hole up for a bit and tend to her own injuries.
Deciding to retreat a place she thinks no one else knows to find her, she goes back to an old church building deep in town. She pauses at the gate at the street before limping on in, putting her out of sight from the outside world. From a distance, it would be hard to tell what's wrong with her, besides maybe noticing her not to be moving at her normal gait. Any other details would require a closer inspection.
It's an interesting way how fate works, doesn't it? It can bring folks that have no actual intention of seeing each other to actually find themselves pushed out to meet the other person, whether they know it or not. So, perhaps it's fate, or destiny that brings Jiro and Hotaru crossing the same path once more.
It's a wonder what would even -BRING- Jiro to visit a church. After all, the whole fight with Gabriel was annoying. Perhaps it's to see what is with the church, or just wandering. Maybe the view is nice, or maybe Jiro is going to take an advice from Gabriel and actually visit a church.
Slowly approaching the old building, the trenchcoat kicks off by the wind's breeze, forcing Jiro to pocket his hands and look around.
"Step one is cleared. I didn't burst into flames upon entering the building."
His eyes shift over to see a blue haired girl, "Huh. Quite fami--..." There is a pause, then his eyes narrow while the boy is actually starting to walk forward to meet with Hotaru, "Hey Hot---..." As he gets a bit closer, he can actually see her limping. "Shit!" He sprints towards the girl, "Hotaru!" He skids to a halt, "...What happened?"
She was headed toward a side door of the church - it leads up to the bellfry, a place she sometimes goes to train. But upon hearing the voice of someone she would NEVER have expected to hear within these walls, she freezes mid-step, turning to face Jiro, the surprise that appears on her face making its way past the pain she feels. "J-Jiro..."
Now that he's up close and the girl is facing him, it's easy to take in her current condition with a glance. Her hair has a few leaves hanging from it - left over from when she got slammed into the forest floor by Dante's hands. Her forearms are red and singed, blocking his chi-enforced blows caused that. The blue Chinese styled vest she always wears when fighting is burned near her chest and at her ribs, evidence of Dante's deadly Copperhead strikes that nearly sapped her strength away completely, though the white shirt she always has on underneath it seems intact.
Given what she just survived, she could look a lot worse than she does. But part of that is because part of the injuries from enduring Dante's style are internal, lingering poison from his dark chi that she has yet to overcome yet. That probably explains the choking cough she makes next, resting one palm near the bast of her neck while her other hand reaches to press against the wall for support. After the cough passes, she looks at the Stray Dog, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand before smiling nervously, "You weren't supposed to see me like this," she replies. She had planned on going to him on the morrow, after a nights rest and a change of clothes would go a long way of hiding the trauma of her latest fight.
"..." The Stray Dog actually looks at Hotaru with a shocked gaze, the eyes almost having its feral touch as they become slits as he inspects her entire form. Rangingf rom the forearms, her vest and the overall shape. There is something else that could be odd too, but Jiro is not able to make up what it is. Ramnents of an aura, perhaps. The boy starts to frown towards her, looking at her form before he is noticing her health. Her coughing that seems to have left her drained, the person who strikes internally. It has Jiro looking at her with an expression that's /trying/ to remain calm despite of her state.
Pause. The Stray Dog is slowly starting to twitch, looking not too happy. There is that rage boiling inside him. Between the fact that she is in this condition and she is hiding it from -him-, this is leading up to someone who Jiro is going to take a guess. That name coming up almost draw a bit of bile running down his stomach.
"...It was Dante, wasn't it?" His eyes soften in look, frowning a bit before he shuts his eyes, "...I'm sorry." He shuts his eyes, "Let's get you inside." Both eyes re-open.
She really didn't want Jiro to even know about the fight. If it wasn't for what happened - what Dante told her... the threats, she never would have told him. The look in her eyes answers his question for him. It was definitely Dante. "Now Jiro, I-" She was the one that approached /him/ after all. It was supposed to be a fighting match, nothing more. But that's not what it ended up as.
At the suggestion they go inside, she doesn't protest any further but instead opens the wooden door next to her. Inside is a narrow flight of stone steps, which Hotaru manages to get up just fine, though her hand continues to press against the wall as she ascends them, giving her a little bit of support. At the top of the stairs is a huge open area covered by the roof of the bellfry. From this height it is easy to see all around Southtown village through the large open spaces between the columns that hold up the roof. Massive bells hang here. Currently they rest silently, their hour is not now.
Hotaru moves against the side wall of the large room and slumps down to the floor, seated such that her back is resting against the wall, her legs out in front of her. She's been studying Jiro since the moment he found her, gauging his temper, his ire. She wishes it hadn't gone like this, but now she has no choice but to explain. "It was for the World Warrior Mini tournament," she begins. "I... drew Dante." And she didn't tell Jiro, the guilt that she feels for this indiscretion is written on her face. "I wasn't going to fight him, but..." But she had to face her fears, not hide like a coward, no matter the challenge. Just. Like. Jiro. The Stray has become a bit of an example for her, whether he realizes it or not. "Anyway, I went to fight him this afternoon."
Following Hotaru up the stairs, his priority has switched from Dante to Hotaru. He wants to make sure that she won't end up collapsing on him. Especially from Dante's poison, considering that Jiro had a tough time fighting it off himself. The Stray Dog starts thinking over that this /was/ his fault for backing out of the fight. He won't let anyone else suffer. No, not after this. He doesn't /want/ to think about if Hotaru did not survive.
The Stray Dog immediately watches Hotaru as she nearly slumps on the floor with her back to the wall. Jiro is now sitting right next to her, offering some support if so. With her at least still able to see him, there is the 'ire' returning in contempt towards Dante. His eyes narrow before his fist tightens. Almost like a pair of fangs of an angered animal raises from the boy as he looks away from Hotaru slightly.
But, as she explains, the boy is starting to listen, then he turns to face her as she explains that -she- drew him out. "...." Jiro is growling under his breath, trying to figure out what to say. Of course, it is reflected back at that Hotaru is the one who challenged him, but she wasn't going to long before.
Did she pick up a habit from him?
There is a pause from the young boy, who is slowly calming down, able to drive himself to think more clearly. At least, now that his rage hasn't gotten the best of him. "You've gotten stronger." He shuts his eyes, "Since the last time we saw each other." He looks at her a bit, "Probably stronger than me in a few more aspects."
He shuts his eyes, "I take it you won..." Otherwise, he imagines Dante would had done worse. And imagining that is slowly drawing that rage once more, which is bringing Jiro to ball a fist and it trembles.
It feels good to sit, Hotaru realizes, the polished marble that forms the wall feeling cool against her back. As Jiro sits next to her, she cracks a smile, tempered by how weary she is. She hears the growl as she recounts her story, but she continues anyway. She already hid too much as it was. As he comments how she has changed, the girl looks away, staring down at the concrete floor in front of her. "If I have become stronger, it is thanks to my friends."
As she says this, Hotaru lifts one hand to try and rest her hand on top of his clenched fist, her gaze once again returning to Jiro. She nods a little with regards to his comment about her victory, "I felt like I wasn't alone in that fight. Like maybe my mother-" She cuts herself off, looking away again, apparently emberassed to talk about something that sentimental with him. But her hand remains atop his fist. "He is very powerful..." she continues thoughtfully. She has no choice to tell him, even though she knows that will happen if she does. She can't keep from him Dante's message. If she did, others might get hurt and it would be her fault. "Jiro... I wish I wasn't the one that had to say this, but I must... You turned down your fight with him." She pauses, coughing into her other hand a little. "And he told me that he is going to hurt everyone close to you until you change your mind." She swallows before continuing, getting to the specifics. "He said you have three days to change your mind before he goes after Alma... Then Mimiru... then... then your mother." A look of anguish washes over her face as she explains this dreaded message to the Stray Dog, hating herself for having to be the one to leave him with so little choice as to what he must do.
As Hotaru makes the indication while her gentle hand rests atop of his raging fist, there is a pause and a huge change on the boy as he finds himself touched by her hand. His eyes focus at Hotaru with a shocked look, but then it settles down to a smile. This is perhaps the closest that he'll get with getting to hold onto Hotaru like this. Or at least, if he doesn't man up and actually say what's on his mind. There is that nervous look that he gets, almost wanting to say something. His other hand actually moves up to rest on top of her hand, gently keeping it close to him before he says, "Hotaru..."
He smiles, "...I'd love to hear more about your mother."
That feeling of peace is something that Jiro longed for, just a chance to get this close with Hotaru. Even in her state, it is some sort of peace. But, that peace lasts for a short bit as she brings him the bad news. More of the bad news is starting to force him to shut his eyes, "...I figured." The Stray Dog is starting to tremble once more, removing the hand as he can feel his fury burning.
He -really- wants to hit something once.
The Stray Dog extends his left hand out, the one that was on top of Hotaru's, away to the side as he releases the white blaze in his hand, allowing it to dance. This is his fury manifesting. Jiro has to control that rage, at least separate himself from it. A stress relief, an exhaustion of power.
The flames fade off, leaving Jiro with his eyes shut. He practically steel his emotions as he considers his answer.
"Then I'll give him an answer by day one."
The young man might have to hold off striking out with anger for a little bit. Because that sudden weight against his shoulder? That's Hotaru's beribboned head. The girl, exhausted from her fight and from fighting off the residual Serpent's poison, has fallen asleep, leaning against the Stray Dog. Her one hand remains calmly resting atop his while her other hand is in her lap, her blue eyes closed. The flame of his hand causes shadows to flicker across her face, revealing that her lips are curled into a peaceful smile beneath the smudges of dirt that remain as evidence of the fight she survived this day.
That is one thing that catches his attention to divert him from his rage. Even though those flames were enough to hold off the anger, what really calms him down is the fact of a young girls' head against his shoulder. The boy looks quite surprised once more as she rests against his body. The Stray Dog looks at the fallen girl, then he slowly slides his shoulder over enough to where he can keep her head settled on him while he removes his trenchcoat and he wraps it around himself and her form.
The Stray Dog looks at Hotaru while she she rests, looking at her as the essence of peace is drawn on his form. Wrapping the arm around her while the hand frees itself, the other hand grasps tot he hand and he smiles. "...Hotaru." He shuts his eyes, "I wasn't lying about you becoming stronger than me. You have been able to follow your inner courage of your..." As Alma called it, "Passion. I have just been fueled with rage."
Then there is the fact of him remembering that Natsu was showing him that she had some feelings for him, "...Natsu is even stronger than me." He smiles, sacrificing the fact that could have been something between the amazon and him for someone... who he deeply has feelings for that he's not sure if it will be reciporated.
"I'll be strong as well. I made a promise not to live with regret. You may not know, but... I'll tell you how I feel about you when the time is right." He leans over towards her, hugging her close before he brushes his lips towards her cheek, then he looks out the windowless gap to see the descension of the sunset.
This is what Jiro longed for.
This is his peace. Even if it's not possible or doubt.
Jiro can at least enjoy this moment with her.
Log created by Jiro, and last modified on 04:46:52 04/16/2007.