Zero - Grant Has Ugly Pecs

Description: On a business trip to one Kain Heinlein's mansion, Zero notices the peculiar presence of the Martyr of Might. Deeming the large man an interesting subject in pervasive, corrupt strength, Zero decides to test the boundaries of the Martyr's strength. Also, Grant has ugly pectoral muscles.

If one were sensitive to levels of chi and within the area near Kain's abode, they might notice there was an incredibly powerful signature not far away; Housed in the mountains nearby, someone who might very well wield greater levels of raw Ankoku power -- which merely shows that technique is superior to amount, although the vessel of that might is by no means a pauper. A decrepit mansion, mayhaps once glorious, is now only used by Grant for his chi training. There are a myriad spots for his physical exertions, but it has always been here he nurtured the darkness of his soul, bargained with what demons it whispered through, and did practices that even Kain might find disturbing to perpetuate his fading existence. The large building shows incredible stress damage, much of the stone filled with cracks from hairline to crumpled sections, but all of such is due to the years of resonation as Grant conduits his power. Every window is broken, and there is no furniture within, only empty halls filled with an ominous rumbling. And within the main ballroom itself is where Grant resides, darkness beyond braziers filled with flickering fire, cracked columns surrounding him. A large skull of chiseled stone looms ominously in the back. He is within an inverted pentagram, black candles settled upon each corner. The room is fluttering with a heavy wind and occasional shudder of force, but none of the tiny flames flicker at all. Grant's stance is spread, blue cape billowing around his form as he concentrates on the spark deep within. This highway Kain likely never meddled; That the darkness can lead to Hell itself. But it is the only path remaining for the grim figure. A mild haze of purple surrounds Grant, but beyond that much of the chi effect is not visible... even if very much able to be felt.

"It would seem that Mr. Heinlein is not the only person who resides here capable of manipulating that strange chi."
The voice comes musingly from behind Grant, though for all his training he likely would have sensed the approach of another before that smooth, deep voice actually spoke out amongst the heavy winds and the veil of power that drapes over the ruins of what once must have been a glorious estate. The origin comes from a man of tall stature -- though not quite as great in height as the Martyr of Might himself. Dressed in a set of elegant business-attire, composed of gloves, a black, three-piece suit and a snugly fit coat. His appearance alone is not very indicative to who he is, unless Grant has been informed of Kain's dealings with NESTS. There are not many who know the true face of the man named Zero, after all.
His gaze one of almost deadpan curiosity, Zero tilts his head in some semblence of a greeting. He had initially come here to speak with Kain on business-related matters. However, the sudden swell of chi, the sheer POWER that permeates throughout the entirety of this mansion was enough to draw in the white-haired executive like a moth to the flames. And now, here he stands, crossing his arms behind his back as a brow lifts to consider the other man. "'Ankoku,' correct? If Kain and your own presence is any indication, it is a power that brings with it tremendous strength." He speaks almost entirely to himself, almost thoughtful; they are observations to be retained for later. He says little more than this though, opting instead to observe both in sight and in other, less noticeable senses. This is a peculiarly strong man, after all.

There's not so much as a flicker of change from Grant as those words are spoken. The power continues to flow; Then again, with the channel open, attempting to close it abruptly might end in fatal consequences. He has long learned not to be surprised, even within the throes of distraction. In truth, he might not of known Akuma himself were behind him, seething with Satsu no Hadou, until he felt to breath on his neck. Slowly though he turns his head, eyes glowing bright green through the demonic visage of his crimson mask. "Zero..." is offered, voice gruff and seeming to resonate in tune with his chi. Yes, Kain keeps no secrets from Grant, and he had researched that name. Igniz as well he knows by sight, due to his participation in World Warrior. Grant is the sole exception in that regard. Hiding both the depths of his dying form and from where he keeps his drive. Although it's doubtless his old friend has at the very least a good idea. "If you and your cartel has business with Heinlein... Leave! I do not care to speak with your kind." There's almost an insinuation in the latter word, 'kind', as Grant turns his back once more. To brazenly speak of Ankoku as if it were a science is enough to get his blood boiling, but he's never had a hot head despite what some might assume. But he is blunt, and has no care for etiquette at this point. The room continues to flicker with bursts of wind and force, but are likely not annoying or hampersome to someone of Zero's capabilities.

The blunt, perhaps irritable reaction of the Martyr of Might is dealt with nought but a deadened stare, the vibrancy of Grant's glowing emerald gaze met with the near lifeless stare of Zero's own gray eyes. The large man seems embroiled in whatever it is he is doing. Some form of ritual, it would seem, or perhaps training; the distinct, unavoidable sense of foreboding chi that crashes into this place is indicative of such. It intrigues Zero. And as such, Grant's initial request is largely ignored, following through with a second statement. "You would be 'Grant,' yes? I witnessed your fight against the former Muay Thai Emperor Sagat." On TV, of course, which left much to be desired -- but sufficed for a base analysis, at the least. "You possess a tremendous amount of physical strength. I wonder if that is because of your practice of this 'Ankoku'?" Zero wonders aloud as he takes a slow, sweeping stare around him, considering both the ritual and the destruction that has been wrought here over time -- likely due to Grant's own terrible power. "Interesting."
But Zero does not leave. Unburdened by the wind that sweeps through, rustling his black clothes, he instead stands almost as still as a veritable statue -- the only indication of his /not/ being one, being the brief blink of his eyes. "You think ill of the NESTS Cartel, then, I would assume. I wonder would reasons you could possibly have to harbor such ill-will towards us, seeing what you practice here." A pause.
"Perhaps you could enlighten me."

There's no response from Grant for some time. Instead he begins to slowly draw closed the threads he opened, although the effect would be hard to tell. He's doing /something/ for sure, as the virulent reaction of his chi in the adjacent area events out to more a dull roar. Wind whips up, before Grant crosses his arms and with a grunt dismisses it. The five candles blow out in tandem, leaving a disturbing quiet to settle over the surrounding. The braziers quit dancing, although the room still appears disturbingly orange. "What care do I have... for those who do not forge their own strength. But create it. Sacrificing body, mind, and soul for the pursuit of such might... that is what I respect." Slowly, Grant twists now to face Zero, tone sounding as gruff as prior. Not exactly annoyed, but by no means friendly or cordial. "What would you be without your augmentations? I can sense the talent and power within you, regardless. And you have wasted it. Twisted it. Crippled what you truly could be... for the easier path. Why should I respect that?"
Grant's presence becomes somewhat more ominous, slowly flexing and releasing a hand. "Marvel as you will on the Ankoku I discovered. For it is something you and your Cartel shall never hold nor duplicate... For it is not within the blood or genes that the power is drawn...!" Although the latter is more questionable, in a private section of his mind. There's *something* in Zero. Deep within. Certainly not a wholesome source, but his scientific endeavor is hardly comparable to Grant's chosen path.

There is an imperceptible shift in stance on Zero's part as Grant turns to face him. It is not out of fear or a feeling of being threatened; logic dictates that Grant would not severely injure or kill one of Kain's business associates, especially one related to an agency as resourceful as NESTS. No, the shift is merely one of preparation; the slight slide of his feet outward, while his right arm detaches from behind his back to hang easily at his side. "An interesting conclusion. So you believe we are less than you because we take the path of knowledge over..." Hm. "... spirit? Mysticism? In the end they are all related. They are all alternative paths to the same ends, and each one holds within it's own risks. Just as I imagine your beloved Ankoku does. NESTS, however, has no interest in meeting personal ends. We seek only the betterment of the world through our efforts and sacrifices." It's a blatant lie, to be sure; but it's a lie that is believed by anyone who works for NESTS, and a truth that only three people know of. As such, Zero has no qualms speaking the lie aloud, moving fluidly into his next words, "Just as much as you find no use through augmentation through science, there are those who would find your self-sacrifice to hold little use to them. Would you disagree?"
There is silence that settles over them, before Grant makes his proud display. Zero watches onward, listening to the words. Something that can't be duplicated? Zero's brow twists upward, thoughtfully silent, until.... "Hm. Then show me the extent of your 'Ankoku.' I am quite curious to see the power of the man called the Martyr of Might... firsthand."

"What I have I earned through a lifetime of blood and sweet. It is people with great strength who will never understand the path, who use it like a toy, those who think of it as some resource to merely increase... Those are who I have no respect for. You are like a child with a gun. Certainly you have power..." Once more Grant resonates, spreading his arms as an arc of purple flickers over his grand body. "...But who is the better for having reached such pinnacles?" Few people alive can match Grant in sheer experience at least, or the utter mastery of his chosen style. And given the loud snort from the Martyr of Might, he could care little for that 'lie' as well. "I believe ability such as ours must be earned, is all. ...And you did not earn it." That single line is the philosophical difference between Grant and NESTS, and likely why he's yet to come to any of the diplomatic encounters thus far.
But at the desire to show him? The large man lets out a snort, suddenly shifting forward his foot. "Then let us see which path has lead the other to better strength...!!" This is about all the warning that Zero is going to get, before Grant is shooting across the intervening distance like a bullet. The braziers nearby dance violently, as a simple impact of his body against the other is attempted, trying to crash into Zero and shatter any defenses to send him flying backwards into a nearby wall. Looks like he didn't even intend to give the apparent opponent time to prepare. "Tsuranuke!"

COMBATSYS: Grant has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Grant            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Zero has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Grant            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Zero

COMBATSYS: Zero blocks Grant's Gou Dangai.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Grant            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Zero

"We all have different ways of establishing our strengths. That you cannot bring yourself to accept that fact shows a clear fault in your character," It's almost analytical, how Zero says these words, and there can be no doubt that this is likely what the man is doing; considering Grant, judging him. Analyzing the basest parts of his personality from what he can grasp from these brief exchanges of words. All data is relevant, after all. "It leans to an inability to adapt. Is that your primary fault?" The question isn't to Grant so much as it is to Zero himself. Thoughtful, considerate. But then -- he doesn't have much time to consider anything else as the large form of the Martyr comes sweeping in with the flurry of sapphire cloth and the ripple of muscle. Most people would be caught unawares. Zero?
While the attack comes swiftly and with barely a warning, as soon as that body strike comes rushing in, the white-haired man's right hand stretches out, to catch Grant and stop the brunt of his impact through sheer physical force. THe ground cracks beneath him, the walls shaking for a brief moment as dust and small chunks of debris fall. But Zero seems to have avoided much of the potential harm of the assault, his gray stare unflinching as his arm snaps /back/ and he, in turn, leaps backwards. As he descends, the business attire he wears ripples like liquid, shifting and changing itself until, as his fall completes itself, he lands in his full battle attire, the metal claws of his cape jingling as he lands. He says nothing; the time for words is over. Instead, he waits, analyzing the full effectiveness and sheer physical strength behind that single blow in order to make a proper gauge.

COMBATSYS: Zero focuses on his next action.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Grant            0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Zero

"Tch. Do not mistake lack of respect for lack of realization. I know very well your strength. But enough words! A battle is a holy rite... show me your talent!" There's barely a moment's pause from Grant as he lands upon the ground after being halted, before shooting forward yet again. This time he snaps out a vicious snapkick towards one knee, attempting to impact it with incredible force from a position that many would find it difficult to defend against. This seems to be a probing assault, hardly at the onset of attacking with his full capabilities. But even from that mild show, it might be apparent that Grant is a man of significant prowess who shouldn't be taken lightly. He's trying to herd Zero into a corner, where he would be forced to linger in melee range. In such an occasion, Grant might very well have a significant advantage...

COMBATSYS: Zero fails to counter Light Kick from Grant with Mabukousou.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Grant            0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0             Zero

There is a plan that Zero has, in order to maneuver around the significantly larger Grant. But it seems that this plan does not quite adequately take into account Grant's extraordinairy speed. Just as the other man rushes in once more, there is a swell of something unnatural that seethes from around Zero. It is not anything related to the suit he wears, or even the genetic augmentations he's received; rather, it is something distinctly different. But /whatever/ it is, is not one that Grant is going to have the distinct pleasure of feeling first hand quite yet. As it stands, Zero's attempted counter assault is naught more than a few seconds delayed, and just as unnatural shadows lurch from his feet, that knee impacts /soundly/ against his gut, knocking the air from him and sending the NESTS executive staggering backwards from the force behind the blow. Not quite fast enough, it seems, to stop Grant. But this, too, provides an excellent show of the other man's physical abilities. Zero takes time to ponder this while he recovers from his failed gambit, pressing gloved fingers against his stomach only briefly.

Briefly, indeed. With a loud snarl Grant rushes forward once more, rearing back his right hand and unleashing a powerful punch towards his opponent's face, trying to smack Zero where the protection of his suit would bode him no help. It's enough to shatter stone with ease, and hopefully send him stumbling backwards into one of the nearby columns. He's not being herded quite as well as desired, but the pressure is not going to be eased for even a moment. He could gloat. He could mock that the suit and those powers failed him, against the endless onslaught of Grant. But he says nothing; Focusing instead on the silent brutality of the fight at hand, in the dancing shadows of his long neglected mansion's heart.

COMBATSYS: Zero blocks Grant's Medium Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Grant            0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0             Zero

The suit not yet utilized, it seems that Zero is relying mostly on his own genetically enhanced physical might and whatever that strange burst of power from earlier was. However, seeing as these things were not quite /swift/ enough to deal with Grant efficiently, Zero instead opts for something different. As the Martyr rushes forward once more, Zero's gloved hands lift, intercepting that single punch. Yet only one palm intercepts. The other, seeks to get a solid grasp upon Grant's arm, fluidly moving with the other man's momentum as that blow shakes Zero's body. A paragon of physical might, indeed. The white-haired man does not linger on this, though. Instead, he seeks to use Grant's own arm against him, using the momentum of that blow to flip the considerably larger man over and backfirst into the ground with a fluid toss.

COMBATSYS: Grant endures Zero's Quick Throw.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Grant            0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0             Zero

The flip maneuvers as desired, but Zero might find the heft to be disturbingly easy. He whirls around and lands with monumental force, cracking the ground beneath rather then upon his back. And he gripped Zero's wrist in the midst; One foot suddenly seethes with purple fire, before he unleashes a devastating fire-enshrouded kick forward with his other leg, trying to hit his opponent within the stomach with enough force to bring the strongest fighters to their knees. Yet a vicious shoulder-thrust follows, and then a vicious forward punch to hopefully send Zero finally flying across the intervening distance with some finality. "Haaaaaa!!" is all that leaves his lips in this pursuit, although how successful the gambit will be remains to be seen... One way or another, there is little intent for this fight to last long in the slightest. Were this blow to land, the end result might be more or less pre-ordained.

COMBATSYS: Zero counters Majin Gan-En from Grant with Forcefield.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Grant            0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0             Zero

Grant's plan is all well and good, but there is a distinct flaw in it; this time around, Zero is prepared for the other man's assault. The second that he feels that hand gripping onto his wrist, the second that he notices the extraordinairy amount of give that Grant allows him, he is preparing himself. This time, he does not even budge. This time, as that purple fire-laden kick swings down, the white-haired NESTS operative says but one thing: "Interesting." The observation is drowned out in the onset of Grant's initial blow, where he will find himself meeting not /Zero/, but an insurmountable wall of force that now enshrouds him. The flames lick against the barrier in an act of futility, as the forcefield does not even do so much as crack; a ripple of royal violet chi shudders throughout the once-invisible barrier, like a disturbance in a lake. And the moment that Grant's initial strike is negated, that chi shudders outward in the wake of a vicious shock of violet electricity, to stab into Grant decisively and send him staggering back and away from Zero.

The exchange seems to go down smoothly. Grant made a gambit, but didn't quite manage to follow through on the weakness. But it was a close thing for Zero; And there's few better tests of the strength of that barrier then against this man, whom can rend steel like butter. "Ah... Forced to rely upon your technology at last." Even if most eyes could not detect it, the Martyr of Might perceives the manner of the assault easily. It seems to only be commented as satisfaction. Would he of managed without the battle armor? Would he instead be a shattered wreck nearby? One can only wonder. But Grant spreads his stance, flickering with purple fire as he summons up a new reserve of Ankoku flame to begin a secondary assault instead, narrowing his newly shining green eyes towards the figure opposite. There was no doubt Zero would be a difficult opponent, of course, but that does not mean the battle is anywhere near concluded.

COMBATSYS: Grant gathers his will.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Grant            1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0             Zero

"Just as you seem to be manifesting those flames." Violet flames. Zero considers them for a moment in silence, before he settles back into his stance; his left hand pressing against his back, his right hand falling easily to his side. Those flames that appear much like the Orochi-tainted flames of the Yagami Clan. But anyone with half a brain could tell there were distinct differences that render them completely and utterly different. These were not mystical flames, and their source comes from something else. It's something that intrigues Zero, and perhaps something that merited further research.
Later, though. For now, a sweeping, invisible feeling of unease gusts through the ruined estate almost at the same time that Grant's amethyst fire re-erupts around him, gathering power to himself. This, too, is distinctly different, summoned up from the depths of Zero's being. And as Grant calls that power to himself, Zero's body lurches forward... and then /snaps/ outward, his right hand lancing forward, palm up towards Grant. What happens next cannot be seen; only felt in a single, devestating pulse. Invisible force rocks the space between Zero and his opponent, shattering rock and cracking the ruined floors beneath them further, crushing debris as it makes a single swath of destruction towards Grant.

COMBATSYS: Grant blocks Zero's Shikka Koujin.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Grant            1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0             Zero

There's a smirk on Grant's features, which cannot be seen through the crimson mask, and he actually spreads his stance with fists clenched as the palm lifts. The massive burst of force blows over his body, and although the scenery behind him is definitely affected, he repelled it with his own force; There was a similar crackle, which seems to have done the job of dampening it enough that the Martyr of Might barely moved an inch. Suddenly maneuvering forward, Grant snaps up his foot with significantly more energy behind it, aiming to strike into Zero's chest and send him skidding backwards with a loud snarl, to then fall into an aggressive stance with both arms crossing before his chest. Prepared for the retaliation, if one is indeed henceforth coming. It seems he's baiting Zero, to some degree. Assuredly no simple fighter, to say the least.

COMBATSYS: Zero blocks Grant's Medium Kick.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Grant            1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0             Zero

Preparing himself. Of course, this fight for Zero is not so much a true test as much as it is a unique opportunity to observe the Martyr in combat personally. As such, he's unphased when that large wall of force is otherwise dismissed by the other man's powerful strike of nearly equal force; not perfectly, as the NESTS executive can plainly see. However, it would appear that Grant is coming in for a follow up technique. And so Zero, without a moment's hesitation, snaps /in/ towards the snap of Grant's foot, blocking the sheer force behind it with both arms and, for all intents, seeming hardly phased for it. There is a peculiar numbness in his arms, but much of the force is absorbed by the battlesuit he wears, and his own might.
But just as that kick connects, Zero is using the added momentum to propel himself into the air, in such a way that he will literally leap overhead Grant in a swirl of black cloth and the chime of metallic 'claws.' And in one, simple motion, Zero slings his right foot outward at the apex of his jump, to strike the back of Grant's masked head with quick, but considerable, force behind it.

COMBATSYS: Zero successfully hits Grant with Light Kick.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Grant            1/-======/=======|====---\-------\0             Zero

The acrobatic display is certainly impressive, Grant attempting to duck down but failing to clear it, impacted rather viciously and forced into a crouch. But he spreads his stance and rushes forward once more, before suddenly flowing up his right hand and attempting an earth-shattering uppercut against Zero, trying to send him flying into the air with one palm open and a snarl leaving his lips. He's far from giving up, although it's apparent the spar is far from one-sided. His ascent is little more then a hop, Grant falling back to a crouch thereafter and bracing himself with an open hand. He can respect the NEST individual's fighting capabilities by all accounts; It's the source, of course, which continues to sour this particular man. "Kurae!"

COMBATSYS: Zero fails to counter Kyou Chou-Jin from Grant with Mabukousou.
- Power fail! -

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Grant            1/=======/=======|=======\-------\1             Zero

And here is the decisive moment. It seems that Zero's plans of dealing with Grant's secondary assault are all for naught as he reaches out... and is instead brutalized by a strike more powerful than he anticipated. The blow of that sudden uppercut is more than enough to send Zero crashing backwards, falling quite a distance away in a tumble; the amount of time it takes him to recover is short at best, but it's more than enough to delay him in continuing his assault. Leaping back onto his feet, Zero heaves a breath, blood dribbling from his lips as his suit begins to attempt to compensate for the damage done. His bones ache, his muscles sore from those immensely powerful strikes. That miscalculation has cost Zero a good deal, this time around. It will be something to keep in mind for the next time they fight. For now? He simply works on getting up, and wiping the blood from his lips. Powerful, indeed.

There is no doubt that Zero is a similarly powerful individual, but Grant is not about to relent in any fashion. He is shooting forth anew across the intervening distance, one massive hand arcing out and attempting to grip his opponent by the face -- in order to heft him upwards, squeezing hard before snapping down in an attempt to deposit him upon the ground with a preferably savage impact. It is not quite derisive, but it's certainly far from the epitome of follow-ups that the large man could achieve. He's landed a potentially battle changing strike. Whether Zero can recover or not remains the question at hand...

COMBATSYS: Zero blocks Grant's Quick Throw.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Grant            2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\=------\1             Zero

Certainly not the anticipated strike that Zero perceived to be coming, the toss that Grant attempts can nonetheless be dangerous of Zero does not maneuver himself to deal with it in time. As such, when that snapping grab comes for Zero's face, it instead strikes his forearm, the brute force enough to cause momentary stinging before the NESTS executive swings backward and /away/ from Grant with only a slight grunt of effort. Likely, that could have finished him, but Zero is far more on his guard than Grant anticipated. Regardless, he lands solidly on his feet. And as soon as he does...
... a sickening pulse ruptures throughout the chambers.
It is a brief wave of oozing, inky black chi thtat rushes through the whole of this grandiose chamber in the destroyed estate. It is not painful, as much as it is chilling. Unnatural. As Grant has shown Zero one of his more prized techniques, so will Zero do for Grant. This is not one born from simple science. Instead, it meshes as that uneasy, wavering sensation throughout the room lifts up the very edges of Zero's cape, the metallic claws crackling with strange energy. The most important thing to note, however, is that the cape lifts of its own accord; Zero's hands do not touch it as it sweeps in, rushing towards Grant in a wave of dark fabric and gleaming metal. Each sharp edge of the cape seeks to tear into Grant's body, whether it be shoulder, stomach, chest. And as soon as they do, they'll hold, before crackling out a series of simultaneous, deafening explosions of black and blue chi, spheres of unnatural power rupturing in the wake of the blast to send Grant flying backwards.

COMBATSYS: Grant dodges Zero's Mokushiroku.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Grant            2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=------\-------\0             Zero

Grant realizes the permuting aura immediately, spreading his stance and narrowing his glowing green eyes. It's dark as well, if not Ankoku. But it is still something that science alone might not be capable of tapping. Or if it had... does the man even realize what he holds? It might be a distant cousin. The same vessel, but warped differently; The version of Kain and Grant and Dante, similar to that of Akuma, and Zero has grazed a distant cousin. Certainly interesting as well, but the fight's conclusion is drawing close. And he shows that he can move, with no small amount of speed if necessary. Grant leaps over the whirlwind onslaught, before suddenly rushing forward, right leg seething with purple fire.
And then he snarls, while unleashing a kick the likes of which few people can fathom. Were it to hit Zero cleanly, it might very well blow through many of the electronics, and break a few ribs to boot. An absolute geyser of purple fire is unleashed, billowing upwards and striking a hole in the very roof as rubble goes flying in all directions, for a moment glowing like a second sun of hellish dark-housed fire. It is his deciding maneuver. One that may make or break this fight in retaliation.

COMBATSYS: Grant successfully hits Zero with Majin Haten-Dan.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Grant            0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0             Zero

There it is. While not the same technique that Zero had seen in Grant's confrontation with Sagat, it is close enough; the swirling inferno of violet fire that coils around Grant's leg like a serpent, the debilitating kick that comes next blends in both those powerful flames and pure, physical might. It hits with unbelievable strength; several of the systems that support the complex AI of Zero's suit are damaged, and the faint crack of ribs can be heard; not quite enough to break bone through the protective layers of his suit, but more than enough to make the crashing ride backwards an unpleasant experience.
One that is further enhanced by the sudden gout of chi that Grant summons forth in the aftermath of the strike. A decisive maneuver indeed; and since Zero's own has gone by the wayside, he has little alternative than to be flung backwards by the sheer force of Grant's technique, flesh burnt and in no small amount of pain. Yet, even as he does, the cape of his suit extends outwards in a swipe as he goes spinning -- fabric stretches to unbelievably lengths as the bladed edges of the skirt seek to tear through Grant's mighty flesh from hip to shoulder. It will not drop him, but it's a knee-jerk reaction at most. And a single, final test before Zero crashes into the ground, smoke billowing from his body as he slowly pulls himself up with a cough.
"... considerable might, indeed."

COMBATSYS: Zero can no longer fight.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Grant            0/-------/-======|

COMBATSYS: Grant endures Zero's Satsuma.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Grant            1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Grant has ended the fight here.

There's absolutely no reaction. Grant merely remains there, and allows the last vicious slash of the technological suit to be done. It carves a crimson line across his chest, but it does not bleed; As the dark cloak once more settles around his shoulders, Grant lets out a bit of a harumph. He still had a significant amount of energy, were the fight to proceed farther. How disappointing. "I am the master of might... as Kain is the master of flames. There are none in the world who surpass my raw strength." The broad figure then strides back towards the abandoned pentagram, settling himself back upon it. He has proven to the Cartel two things; That Kain's right hand is stronger then Igniz's, and that Ankoku is more malleable then might be thought. Able to be channeled into physical blows, as well as those beautiful flames. Total contrasts eternally bound. Even Geese has cause to fear the pair. "Your business with me is concluded. As I said at the onset... if you wish to speak of matters of importance... Then you speak to Kain." There's another flare, as the room begins to saturate with that incredible power again. All five candles re-ignite, and the sound of the wind begins to whistle, due to the new hole in the roof. His darkened visage seeming all the more ominous, and better suited to his alternative name... that of the Demon. "Now leave!" This is still not outright rude or irritated, but the spar is complete. And he had not finished his channeling for today. Any further words would at best be wasted, or at worst be reciprocated.

A few passing, significantly brutal errors made have brought about this end result. In the end, though, it doesn't matter. The data is collected in Zero's nigh-infallible mind, and it is information that will not be forgotten... and certainly information to be used for later. A man of great physical might, contrasting to Kain, who wields chi in a downright impressive display. And while Grant, too, can utilize those flames... they are clearly not his strong point, or even a shining attribute.
All this is information to be digested later. As it is, Zero has a number of damaged machinery to be taken care of, even as his suit shimmers and molds back into that unassuming business suit. At least /that/ function was not damaged. It would have been awkward otherwise. Still, Zero is not beyond the point of lifting himself up, and dusting off his arms and shoulders of debris. Thankfully, beyond a busted rib, his internal damage is negligible. But this proves only one thing to Zero; he still must continue to train and make his own sacrifices to become stronger. "... hm. None, is there? Interesting." But that is all that is offered as Zero turns to make his leave. None. Then perhaps he should see if he can surpass Grant's own physical might with his 'unnatural' science. Perhaps.

Log created by Zero, and last modified on 04:23:45 04/21/2007.