Yurika - Love Love Shenannigans

Description: Roberto comes to Seijyun to try and clear up matters about the valentine recieved from 'Zaki'. He ends up getting peeved off by Yurika instead, making a prime candidate for further myschief. Poor Roberto.

There isn't anything particularly special about today, the only thing really important is that it isn't freezing cold over here anymore. Which means it's time for outdoor activities again for Seijyun high students.
It's last period at first, a small group of students gathered at the parks entrance just across the street it'd seem from school grounds. Their uniforms make it clear that they are students, of course, and canvases are set up about one particular tree that's starting to bloom due to spring weather.
One of those students appears to be Yurika Kirishima, whom actually isn't very excited about this- She's not a very good painter. About 45 minutes later the bell chimes have long since rang, but herself as well as three other students have barely made progress, much to the prissy girls dismay. Yes, Yurika would about kill for a distraction about now.

If anything's out of place here it's Roberto. For one reason he's quite possibly the only male around and the fact that he's wearing a Taiyo school uniform. Of course logically he should be at Taiyo's soccer practice however the team was given a day off from practice since they won their game.
Anyway Roberto is here on a mission. With his current situation he needs to get in contact with the person who sent him his Valentine. He couldn't address it then because he had to deal with other matters however it's better late than never, plus he needs to get the warning out since the person who has called herself 'his fiance' has gone berserk any woman could be endanger that includes this Zaki. Does he even know a Zaki? Whatever... Anyway he's been going from Seijyun girl to Seijyun girl asking about her. Eventually this brings him to Yurika. "H-hello, could you help me find Zaki?"

Paint paint. If Roberto were to look at Yurika's painting of the tree, he'd see that it's not very good. It's not much better than the other two girls whom are painting either. However those students whom catch sight of Roberto giggle in recognition, then go dead quiet to the mention of Zaki's name. Uh oh, what in heavens does he want to see that girl for?
As for Yurika herself, though, she smiles to the Brazillian, quite happy to be pulled from her work, "Good afternoon to you," she greets, "You are Roberto Miura, are you not? I'm a bit of a fan of your style, it's very impressive."
Yes, she remembers him all right, at least enough to know that he was a good target to be set up.

"Yeah. That would be me." He raises an eyebrow at her not quite expecting for her to be able to identify him so easily. Of course fight fans do come from all walks of life so he shrugs it off. "Oh thanks. I don't believe I caught your name." His eyes then turn towards the painting and then his sight moves from the painting to look around at the rest of the area looking extremely nervous as he does so. Paranoia thy name is Miura.

Poor Roberto, of course he should be nervous though considering the situation. Actually wait a moment, why was Roberto nervous, he actually didn't seem to know whom Zaki was, otherwise he wouldn't be looking for her. Well at least that's her theory, "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself.. I'm Yurika Kirishima, a student here of course," she gives the young man a curtsie along with the introduction, "Are you in some sort of trouble?" she asks curiously, "If you're looking for protection, perhaps you should seek someone from Gedo, Mister Miura." she offers in mild amusement.

Roberto frowns as he looks at the Seijyun student with a bit of a dark look on his face. Making light of the situation doesn't seem to go over well with him. "I'm not here for protection. I am /quite/ capable of protecting myself." Roberto reaches into his duffle bag and pulls out an opened Valentines Day card. His tone takes on a sound of annoyance and impatience with Yurika as he continues, "I need to give her a heads up about something. So are you gonna tell me where she is or should I just keep moving to the next student." It's entirely possible the soccer star might've been a bit more forth coming with what he needed to pass along.

"Well, I wouldn't know from the way you're acting," Yurika says, "Or maybe I was wrong and you're in fact nervous that you're so close to Eden? Of course, I doubt you'd confess to that either.." the student sets her paintbrush down, her dark eyes glancing a moment to the Valentine and her eyes widen just a bit. Well, that would explain why Zaki hadn't yelled at her yet, "My goodness, Mister Miura, you're a rather aggressive one, aren't you? I was under the impression you'd be a bit more gentlemanly. You can ask about all you'd like though, but I doubt you'll find the information that you're looking for. Are you certain she is a student here?"

"I don't have much time to pass this information along to her." He glances around again before staring into Yurika's eyes a sense of urgency in his voice, "I need to tell her something so she isn't taken unawares and I probably took too long in passing this info. This is why I might be a little 'aggressive.'"
He then looks at Yurika when she asks if Roberto is sure that Zaki goes to the school and then he gets fed up, but he doesn't allow for his voice to give way to more than a tinge of annoyance, "I may not get the best grades at school but please don't insult my intelligence. Do you think me so dense that I didn't notice how some of the other students' demeanor changed when I mentioned her name. You know what? I give up. I'll let whatever happens to her happen. I wash my hands of it."
With that Roberto balls up the card and punts the card sending it flying it into a nearby trash can. He then looks at her and begins to start walking away. Yurika might be able to stop him if she calls out to him but the normally calm goalie is fairly unhappy and it's questionable if he'll stop.

Yurika's silver brows quirk slightly, but her mysterious little smile never leaves her lips, even taking his frustration with little more than a grain of salt. She taps her chin lightly as she nods her head in agreement to the boy, "Oh goodness no, it has nothing to do with you being dense," she replies, and.. Well there he goes, likely about to give up on the mission. Part of her tells her to stop the goalie, and let him know the truth of the situation, but the other part tells her to just let that little chapter end in this way. But.. She's really curious about what the warning may be, perhaps she should fess up, "Sir!" she calls, "I'm quite impressed that a quitter makes such a good goalie." pause, "And lacking in chivalry, you must be very popular in Taiyo. Well then, have yourself a good day, I will wait for the real Roberto Miura to come my way."

Well those definitely /aren't/ the magic words to keep him there and so Roberto turns look over his shoulder as he walks away to give her a few parting words, "I don't quit on the things and people I care about. Since you've done nothing but insult me since I approached you... Well let's just say you've made it easy to not care."
Roberto takes a few more steps before continuing not even bothering to look over his shoulder to say this, "Popularity means I'm just being surrounded by fair weather friends quick to abandon you when things go south. When it comes to friendships, I value quality over quantity." He stops for a moment and turns again as seems as though he might reconsider his stance. "I may still be willing to give her the message but she's going to have to come to me because you certainly haven't been helpful at all." He leaves it at that not willing to dignify the 'real Roberto Miura' remark with response.

Yurika has reconnected.

Yurika has dropped a connection.

Yurika's expression doesn't shift in the slightest, she reaching to pick up her brush again and dip it lightly within a small cup of water, eyeing the tree a moment. However she does on occassion return her glance to Roberto, and nods her head, "Well of course I did," she replies with her smile still, "If you thought it were going to be easy to get into Seijyun, then I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken, Sir. And I don't negotiate with people who run away just because things get difficult." her eyes narrow slightly, gesturing to the goalie with her free, gloved hand, "However I do appreciate your philosophy on popularity and friendship, so I will gladly pass along your message to her. What is your real name?"

"Roberto Miura... And for the record I didn't expect to get on the premises and had you simply said she was there or the dorms or anywhere else, I would've just said my peace and left on much better terms. Instead you decided to play silly games with me when you decided to ask if I was sure if she goes to school here. Heck... I would've preferred the silence the other students gave me to what you did to me." After that he makes a broad sweeping motion indicating the other students. After that he continues walking away and he's not stopping this time.

"I think I've heard about enough from you now," Yurika replies, smile never leaving her features, "If I wanted to listen to a whining child, then I could simply go to our nursery. I'm sorry that things did not go the way you would have liked, but that is a reality of life, Mister Miura."
The two students motioned toward, well.. The moment they are, they go back to pretending to paint to make there eavesdropping a little less obvious. It doesn't help much though.
"Have a pleasent day." Yurika then adds.

Log created by Yurika, and last modified on 18:34:43 04/26/2007.