The Red Arena of Ken Master's massive, excessively expensive stadium in the United States is, perhaps, one of the most elaborate and overbudgeted fighting grounds in the whole of the world. The sheer variety of environments it encompasses makes for a rather diverse set up, making it a fan favorite for matches of epic proportions. Not even a few days ago did it play host to a throwdown between Geese Howard and the master of the Kyokugen style himself, Takuma Sakazaki. And it seems today there is another match to be held within the almost ridiculous splendor of the Red Arena.
To Iori Yagami, it's all just as absurd and idiotic as the people watching from the stands above.
Warm air flows through the arena today from the skies above, the dome retracted in order for people to bask in the warmth of pleasant spring weather. The sun glares brightly down on the arena as the last of the Yagami clan stares upward towards the heavens, his single visible eye squinted and his lips twisted into a mild sense of disdain. He arrived here right on time, entering the arena with a mixture of cheers and boos -- infamy has a way of doing that and, as unbelievably vicious as his methods of fighting may be, people, he's come to understand, are so idiotic that they've come to find it 'cool' or 'awesome.' He's become something of a fan favorite despite his best intentions. And though he really doesn't want to be here... it's the best and easiest way of paying the bills. All he has to do is put up with some chump -- or chumps -- or an hour or so. And not kill them.
The 'not kill' them part is typically the hardest to follow.
Currently the red-headed Yagami heir leans comfortably against a tree at the edge of the man-made forest, arms crossed over his broad chest and head tilted down. He doesn't seem to be paying much attention to anything -- not whoever his opponents may be, and certainly not the audience that surrounds them. Instead, he just shuts crimson eyes, frowns, and... waits. The sooner he can get this over with, the better.
After all, lord knows what his cat is doing to his furniture.

Echos clap off the steps of sharp boots, and, distantly, the sunlight hits a figure as it steps into the arena. The first contender has arrived. And, without warning, it gets heralded by sudden agitation in the crowd, chants, hoots, and whoops that--

--sort've choke up when everyone gets a better look. Then, silence as heavy as a hanged man. When someone starts to clap, warily, followed by others, the arena's confusion intersparsed with quiet, unsure applause, it's only obvious that she's a new face.

And kinda small.

Wearing her usual straight-edged olive-greens, her gloved hands fisted at her side, her stride composed, and her head held high, Whip doesn't take much notice. Of course, most of this facade is only skin-deep. She's not used to fighting before an audience, and she can feel their eyes on her back more than the heat of the sun. It's a new, disconcerting weight on the young woman's shoulders... who shrugs it off, treating this as any mission she had received in the past. This is going to be an important fight, if not just for showing off her own ability, but to represent Ikari.

There will be no time for uncertainty.

Crisply, the woman stops at a short, respectful distance from Iori, her dark eyes cut over at him. She clasps her hands behind her back. What she's been told about him is her last debriefing is nothing compared to the real thing. Her lips crook faintly. His body language tells volumes.

Yes, she is small. But perhaps no smaller than the last person to enter the arena at this point, the girl wit the tiny stature and the side-set ponytail wearing the colors of Japan's own Seijyun High. Booking the match was a little bit of a hassle for Miu Kurosaki, but she's maanged well enough.

Wearing her own modified colors of the school still, the student strides ahead with a flat expression-- flat, and yet still a little nervous. She's seen Iori's power firsthand, and in a much less controlled environment than someplace like a professional arena-- and man, was it awkward trying to explain to the owner of the car why there was a girl-shaped dent in the hood. Her stride shows no lack of confidence, however-- but this girl is quite good at masking her feelings and emotions. It's something that's kept her centered and sane, it keeps her able to discern who is a moron or who isn't. Kasumi and Nanako have seen her express other emotions, and Iori's seen her get angry-- for all the intimidation that's worth.

Stopping a few feet to Whip's right, her gaze remains locked straight ahead-- straight on the Yagami scion. Arms hanging at her sides, her hands shake back and forth to shake out and loosen up, focusing on pulling her latent powers back up to the surface. "No cars to get in the way this time, Yagami."

Red eyes lazily crack open. They observe Iori's opponent, silently. His frown becomes a bit more distinct.
"... I knew this was going to be a waste of my time."
A derisive snort follows as Iori Yagami pushes himself off the tree. Hands shove into his pockets as he twists his head to the side, giving Whip an intense stare. He doesn't bother looking at Miu yet; he knows who she is, and his distinct lack of interest in her is all too apparent. So he's fighting two little girls. Wonderful. His expression becomes a bit more venemous as he looks up towards the audience, right eyebrow twitching ever so slightly at the sound of Miu's voice.
Iori's gaze darts back towards Miu and Whip, an arrogant, lazy smile sprawling across his lips.
"Stop acting like you're anything special," He addresses Miu, "You're going to make me laugh."
Iori makes no move against the pair. In fact, his stance remains almost mockingly casual, hands remaining tucked neatly in his pockets. "Let's get this over with. I've got better things to be doing than fighting idiots like you." He's referring to Miu, of course.

COMBATSYS: Iori has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Iori             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Iori has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                 |-------\-------\0             Iori

COMBATSYS: Whip has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Whip             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Iori

COMBATSYS: Miu has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Miu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Iori
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/-------|

The young woman in the military deco remains something of an innocuous bystander between Yagami and Miu's exchange, her hands still clasped behind her back, the look on her face transparently interested.

At her own pace, she angles a quick, friendly glance over to her new teammate, no trace of displeasure in her face. If anything, the odd girl in the uniform seems rather confident against the odds of this fight. Amiably, she introduces herself with a short bow of her head, "Hi. Miu, is it?"

Whip passes a faint smile the girl's way, her dark eyes a little shy.

Then Iori speaks to them.

Whip's gaze turns. The fight initiates with the drastic change in Whip's bearing, her curt, if slightly awkward attempts at fraternization kicked off like a loose shoe. She switches into an air more befit of her no-nonsense clothes, her expression grim and her eyes dark.

Then, simply, placidely, but in a movement as quick as a snakebite, Whip unholsters the Desert Eagle off her back. Iori faces them boredly, insulting them as a wide target, and just as bored, she tries to shoot him point-blank.

"...Pleased to meet you, Miu."

Taking the time to stop and look to her teammate-- especially after being introduced-- the look on Miu's face is quizzical at best. 'Whip'? Who calls themself something that odd? Sure, a real name may not be the best choice, but why choose a alias that's so ... silly? Then again, she has yet to see what the Ikari hides under the broad flap of cloth on the tunic, what's hidden beneath and waiting to be used in battle.

Turning to the fighter still to extend her courtesies, she clasps her hands together and bows politely. "Pleased to meet you... Whip-san." ... ... ...

Head turning to glare at Iori, her hand lifts as she looks for the appropriate opening to start the battle. A black feather forms between her knuckles as she stands ready and-- and ... well, her teammate takes the initiative by


Jaw slack, the feather just drops from her hand.

Giant. God. Damn. G-Gun.


COMBATSYS: Miu takes no action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Miu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Iori
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Iori endures Whip's Desert Eagle.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Miu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Iori
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/-------|

[OOC] Whip LOL

A gun.
Who brings a gun to a martial arts fight?
There is a moment in which Iori is just surprised that someone actually pulled a weapon on him. Usually they punch him or hurl balls of chi at him while shouting 'HADOOOOOOOOOUKENNNNN' like an idiot. Instead here he finds himself staring down the barrel of a Desert Eagle with blinking eyes, fingers twitching.
"What is this, some kind of joke--"
The sound of the desert eagle firing is deafening at point-blank range. To many normal people, the use of guns in fights like these are considered taboo because they're so cheap. But to anyone who knows anything, the real reason no one typically uses a /gun/ in an exhibition match...
"... You seriously tried to shoot me with a gun?"
... is because they're terribly ineffective.
Iori saw the bullet coming. He probably would have even had enough time to move, even point blank, to get out of the way... or mount a defense. Instead? He stands perfectly still as he's shot RIGHT in the chest with the bite of hot metal. But when the smoke from the muzzle clears, Whip will see the full extent of her action: a simple trail of blood coming down the center of Iori's chest as the bullet falls harmlessly to the ground.
She's not even done speaking 'Pleased to meet you...' when Iori rears his hand back, and sends it swinging DOWN to backhand Whip right across the arena.

COMBATSYS: Whip blocks Iori's Quick Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Miu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Iori
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/-----==|

[OOC] Miu says, "you're no daisy"

Whip brings a gun to a martial arts fight.

And much, much more.
Standing in the deafening roar of her smoking Desert Eagle, Whip catches the look on Miu's face out of the corner of the eye. And very quickly, almost imperceptively, she passes the girl a quick, amused wink.

But that never lasts long. Holstering her weapon just as quickly, Whip has the pride to look a little affronted when her bullet falls off the man like an old band-aid. Her eyebrows knitting, she only ever gets to frown--

--Beside Iori is racing at her, and she can already read his movement to see the attack coming, and there's only so much time. Just as quickly, moving with a fierce, undeniable speed, it's within the same speed of that gunshot that she has reached for her belt. And Whip finally reveals her namesake as a blue whip uncoils to the ground.

She snaps it quickly, no time to twist her attack into anything but a quick, defensive grapple, as she cracks its length and biting leather snaps around his swung fist. She can't stop the attack, but with a sudden, fierce tug on her whip, instead she works with what she's given.

Instead of being wise and trying to pull him away, she tries to brutally rein her enemy in. Whip manages to deflect his hand from her face (but he grazes her, and with a wince, she can still feel it,) and goes further, at the same instant trying to use his momentum to clip his stomach with her shoulder, and flip him off her back.

And she winks-- winks.

The look onMiu's face has gone byond utter dismay at this point, her dark eyes shifted to the bullet that falls from Iori's chest and the bit of blood that trickles from the point of impact. But bullets are-- And the-- He--

Closing her eyes tight and shaking her head, Miu snaps out of her stupor and resumes a serious front. The roar of the crowd doesn't help her mood, and still, that name-- that-- ... That whip.

GOD OKAY IT MAKES SENSE NOW OKAY? The student steps back with a small hop, angling herself for what would look like a clear shot. As Whip sets herself up for what seems to be a shoulder toss, the small girl simpy can't stand by and do nothing at all. Lithe and agile, Miu sprints beyond the Yagami heir and turns harshly, seeking to assist Whip's throw the best way she knows how-- by a hop into the air, her legs thrusting out to send a feather-laiden dropkick at Iori's back to help send him along. "Haa!!"

COMBATSYS: Whip successfully hits Iori with Quick Throw.
- Power hit! -

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Miu              0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0             Iori
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/-----==|


COMBATSYS: Iori interrupts Strong Kick from Miu with Oniyaki.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Miu              1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0             Iori
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/-----==|

There's no mercy in store for either of these two today. Instead, Yagami is just going to tear into them as quickly as possible, and probably get a hotdog to eat. A soda, too. That's really the only thing on the redhead's mind as Whip tugs him forward, and because of this underestimation of the pair's skills, it leads into the unfortunate mishap that happens next.
As Whip reins Iori in, it's obvious he isn't really paying attention. His intention is just to go with the flow of the attack and take it all with ease, but it seems that this isn't quite in the cards. Whip strikes out faster than anticipated, and harder, sending him flying through the air... and straight towards Miu. It's only in midflight that the psychic might realize how much of a bad thing this is...
... right before Iori lands, and leaps once more. The leap is short, his hands jutting out to either side of him as an EXPLOSION of fire erupts from the depths of his arms. The second that Miu's kick comes, he feels about, facing her so that it strikes his chest... just as clawed hands SLAM into her. He leaps, spinning in mid-air as a spiral of corrupt flames trail from his arms, the inferno of power burning as clawed hands scrape across flesh and muscle.

The lack of mercy is mutual. With a grunt, she puts all the strength she has into hurling the man over her back, a tug on her whip releasing his arm as he makes his full arc. Breathing out sharply, a little winded, she turns a look over her shoulder, those brown eyes of hers narrowed on the scene as it takes play.

Whip watches as Miu makes her attack without even missing a heartbeat. She likes the girl already.

So one can bet she takes it a little too close to heart when Iori turns on her new comrade. Hand tighting on Voodoo, she turns in time to see the fire burst from Yagami's arms. What the--?! One dark eye ticking when she plays witness to those claws sinking into her teammate. Whip's teeth grit.

Without thinking, she flexes her wrist, calling her whip back to life. Turning her arm a wide arc, Voodoo obediently follows, unfurling its full length before it suddenly strikes taut, cracking through the air and trying to split the clothes and flesh across Iori's turned back.

"Over here, Red!" she calls, her voice light and taunting, giving all its worth to turn Iori's attention back on her. She has to get him off Miu before it gets worse.

Whip moves only imperceptively, like an old snakecharmer, and looping her whip around one forearm, she's shot it straight back at Yagami like a boomerang. This time, it's both a strike and a grab, as she tries to catch up one of his legs, and with a vicious pull, smash him down to the ground.

She's seen this attack before. She's seen that flame up close, and boy howdy has she felt those stiff fingers self-gnarled into claw-like engines of destruction. The angle is awkward-- her legs to his chest, and her height making it so able for him to slam his fist into her body. Carried along the rotation and swing, the world goes white for Miu as the corrupt power meets her overspilling force. Spinning through the air, she can make no quick and easy recovery as she goes higher than any normal jump... and sails back down to the ground in a fierce crash.

Stunned and dizzy, Miu nonetheless has enough sense to her to move. Rolling onto her stomach and shifting her weight, she pulls up to her knees and slowly brings her hand up to her torn and singed uniform shirt, splatters of blood trailing along the torn uniform shirt and with visible tears and gashes through the abdomen of the turtleneck worn beneath. Shifting one leg up with a defiant thrust, she remains on one knee-- just to catch her breath. "Stop getting hit," she curses herself, eyes narrowed and holding back to catch her breath. At least Whip seems to be faring better than she...

COMBATSYS: Miu gains composure.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Miu              1/----===/=======|======-\-------\0             Iori
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Iori endures Whip's Boomerang Shot.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Miu              1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0             Iori
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/----===|

Whip wants his attention? Than she'll have it, for better or for worse. Iori drops down from his sudden ascension as flames cause the air to ripple around him in the wake of their intense heat. Miu goes flying, introduced to his claws and flames in a painful kind of deja vu. The flames slowly die down, snuffing themselves out as Yagami wills them away, the burning in his own blood coming to a halt. Landing in a slight crouch, Yagami is about to take his time to recover--
At least, until Whip shouts out at him.
That in itself is enough of a tip off that the Ikari mercenary is planning something. Turning to face her, the redhead sees that whip coming, low to the ground with aim for the man's strong legs. So, what does he do? It's simple. He stands there. He doesn't even bother moving. The whip snaps, wraps, and yanks, and Iori goes flying...
... just as he TUGS his leg forward. With the whip still wrapped securely around him, it should be enough to pull its owner towards /him/ instead of him having to come to her. A single hand catching the ground before he can fall completely, his other begins to burn with deadly violet fire. If Whip is pulled along for the ride, the first thing she's going to get to experience...
Is that single fist, slinging about to SMASH into the side of her head.
Pushing off the ground, Iori's body spins through the air, his right fist slamming down to impact against Whip's skull. If successful, flames will burn for a moment until they /explode/ into a plume of cursed fire, more than capable of knocking Whip right into the air. "HWOOOOGH!!"

COMBATSYS: Whip endures Iori's Tsumagushi.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Miu              1/----===/=======|=======\=------\1             Iori
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             1/----===/=======|

For a split second, Voodoo becomes a tug of war. Whip pulls in one direction. Iori's leg in the opposite. And in the end, Iori wins.

--Not good.

While a fast target and a hard hitter, Whip is still a small woman, and it doesn't take much brute strength to draw her in. Instead of cursing herself for being prepared for this, she keeps her eyes open, and sees that fist coming. With Voodoo still around his leg and her forearm, there's no way she can miss it. So Whip just grits down and takes it like a soldier.

And how it hurts.

Her free arm comes up to ward the initial fist off her face, the strike dulled. Hastily, she snaps Voodoo and the weapon loosens off his leg-- but her other arm is still too trapped to block the next. Her head whips to one side, her scalp split open under the strike, blood oozing down from her hairline-- and then cauterized in the next breath when that fire rips to life. She takes the hit and goes flying, her body skidding brutally along the ground. The woman plants a hand down to stop her roll, and flexing her fingers into a fist, coughs up blood.

She looks up, and within a split-second he's made her into a mess. Her uniform is scorched off in places, revealing flesh underneath, painfully scorched in places. His fire has dried the blood against one side of her face. And it's seemed to harden the frown on her mouth like a cast mold. Breathing heavily, still wheezing blood, Whip just stands back up. Ever defiant to the end, she looks back, her dark, unimpressed eyes turned on Iori, staring him down.

Then she just tells him, shortly: "That's more like it." She has a decision here, to hold back, to hope that Miu possibly has the strength back to cover her, or she could press an attack--

And already finding herself lunging back toward Iori, her scorched whip whirled back over her head, Whip finds her mind already made up. She can rest when she's dead. Moving against her pain and bleeding wounds, she rushes at her opponent, looking foolish enough to meet him head-on. Then Voodoo comes down. Ruthlessly, without missing a beat, she tries to storm him with countless, relentless turns and swings of her whip, sending it back again and again and again in a cloud of dust and debris.

She watches the temporary game of tug of war-- watching with fascination at the way that the young woman can handle the whip with such precision. The blast of flame, as well-- Miu looks worried, then a little bit angry. Which, to the small Kurosaki involves scrunching her eyebrows and pulling her mouth into a taut line.

Miu thrusts back her arm in a straight line, fingers fanned out and gathering her energy. It starts with a few feathers, gathering and gathering as she lifts into a sprinter's stance. The air stinks, and to her nose it's the fault of the Yagami scion. "Stop howling like a baboon." she mutters, charging toward the redheaded man. Even as Whip's weapon strikes violently and frequently, she still runs in right at him, her footsteps fast and frequent. A good ten feet shy of Iori, the small girl vaults into the air, feathers following after her as her energy surges and carries her higher than originally intended. Her body tucks and rolls, her right arm pulled back. The gathering feathers surge into a vaguely drill-like shape, swirling with the rush of what sounds like numerous wingbeats as she drops down like death from above. Her fist thrusts forward, aiming to plow right down on the wild Yagami scion from above-- and in a good and decent world, ruin his day.


COMBATSYS: Iori dodges Miu's Chou Yomosugara.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Miu              0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1             Iori
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Whip successfully hits Iori with Sonic Slaughter DP.
- Power hit! -

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Miu              0/-------/------=|=======\===----\1             Iori
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Whip             0/-------/------=|

Getting angry over someone hitting someone else in a pre-arranged fight? That's Iori's territory, not Miu's. Whirling through the air in the aftermath of his assault, Iori lands on his feet in a crouch, clawed fingers digging into the ground as he looks to both his opponents. There was too much give in his attack against Whip. And Miu seems to be preparing for /something./ Whatever it is, though, Iori is more worried about the incoming assault from Whip.
Fingers clenching together into fists as Iori pulls himself back onto his feet, cracking his neck with a slow roll. Both attacks come at once, both likely powerful for each respective fighter -- but the Yagami can see them coming from a mile away. There's only one problem though... that being, he underestimates Whip's annoying persistance at catching him off guard. First comes Miu, as Iori looks up to the descending psychic with a scowl. "Stop moving so /slowly/." Is his response, and in a most mocking way, he almost casually sidesteps as Kurosaki comes crashing down with that black surge of psycho power. The movement is swift, however; one second he is right in Miu's path and the next, her drill is tearing through grass and dirt instead of clothes and flesh. "... hmph. So pathetic--"
And then there's whip. Iori hadn't intended to move from the other's strike; he was going to rush THROUGH it and deliver one of his own assaults. But again Whip proves herself stronger than he originally thought; numerous lashes from that tendril of leather score along Iori's body, delivering multiple lacerations and welts that tinge his skin pink. While alone they do little more than annoy, together they're enough to make Iori lose his ground and go wheeling backwards from the assault. His lips peel back, exposing white teeth as blood oozes from multiple wounds. His eyes, filled with rage.
And that's about when the two might feel the area around them growing distinctly /hotter/.
In one instant, fire plumes around Iori's hands in a beautiful display, amethyst tongues of flames licking around the lengths of his arms. Heat swells, and as those fires burn bright, Iori SNAPS his hands forward, crossing them over each other as flames disperse into nothing. There is a brief second of silence...
... which is all the suspense needed to herald the sudden sprouting of a gigantic geyser of violet fire /directly/ beneath the feet of Iori's opponents. Reaching high into the air, seeking to engulf the two of them in an inferno of that mystical fire before simply spitting them out like unwanted garbage.

COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Whip with Yami Sugi.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Miu              0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0             Iori
[                             \  <
Whip             1/--=====/=======|

Moments before she descends upon Iori, her weapon readied, Whip's eyes turn up to see Miu unleashing her attack. Good timing, girl. Good timing.

And as quickly as that horrific attack began, and as viciously as it lived on, unleashing wave after wave of strikes and lacerations like a whip blitzkrieg, it ends in a snap, Whip catching the fall of Voodoo in one gloved hand. She loops it over her forearm, snuffing her weapon into silence. Breathing heavily, grinning despite all her blood and burnt edges, she looks down on where Yagami had fallen. She bends at the waist, and says very generously, "Had enough? Red, allow me to introduce you to Voodoo." Her head tilts as she inspects a bit of blood drooling from his brow. "Got a little something on your face--"

Meanwhile, she breathes hard and passes a simple glance to Miu, having found her center and still trying desperately to keep it. Don't forget the pain. Just work with it. Let it keep you sharp. Use it to-- to-- is it getting hot in here?

That fire again. Thinking herself prepared this time, Whip tugs on her weapon, and it unravels tamely off her arm, coiling onto the ground like a snake one instant from a strike. She tightens her arm, already considering to snare him, maybe bind that arm to keep it off-- hey, why did it just go out?

Whip can't help but look at Miu again. The look on her face, for an instant, says clearly: what the hell?

Then, when she's swallowed into searing, burning fire, that look distinctly amends itself with: AGHHHHH!

Spit out, Whip drops like a bag of potatoes. She hits the dirt soundly, smoking, licks of fire still burning off the edges of her tattered clothes. For the longest of time, she doesn't even move. Then one hand twitches, and tightens on the earth, and losing more blood in her wake, the young woman pushes her small body back up. Keep going. Keep moving. Whip is past thinking. All she knows is that if she can move, she has to.

She's not going to let it end here.

One hand raising, the glove half-burned away, she smears a handful of blood out of her eyes, the bright crimson streaked along charred flesh. Beneath all that mess, hidden away, there is still that determined look, stoic even now. And Whip replies Iori, her voice gravelly, "...Not yet."

Crying out in pain, she forces herself up with sudden, deliberate speed, lifting again her bloodsoaked whip. She snarls out as she hurls it around, repeating the same attack she had done on him before, only this time, if she succeeds, it will go on for much longer, those unstoppable lashes even seeking to grapple him should he get knocked back, to bring him back for a second helping.

COMBATSYS: Whip can no longer fight.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Miu              0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0             Iori

COMBATSYS: Iori successfully hits Miu with Yami Sugi.

[                            \\  < >  //////////////                ]
Miu              1/=======/=======|===----\-------\0             Iori

Iori is put in quite a tight spot, isn't he? Caught between the downward, rampaging thrust of Miu's attack and the woman with an excellent reach with the blue whip in her hand. Even if she missed, Miu still looks up to Iori with the faintest hints of a smirk on her face. "Odelay."

Hey, Nanako stole it too!!

Miu takes a step back as he's caught up in the lashes of the Ikari's weapon, snapping back her open palms. They close slowly, a black glowing feather bursting out between each knuckle as she stands ready to attack again-- even as the redheaded man is staggered, her arms tense and her back starts to arch to prepare for a massive throw-- and then... the heat-- -that flame-. Looking to her partner, the expression on her face shifts from calm to nigh-horrified. "Run!!" she cries... perhaps a moment too late. Crossing her forearms in front of her face, the young student pushes off in an attempt to flee, only to be engulfed in the flames and wracked from all sides from the corrupted power. Belched out rather ungracefully, she hits the ground on her back and slides across the floor until sharp halt. Jaw slack and breathing deep and jagged, she jerks violently in a few spasms before rising to her feet. Staggering, stumbling, and blood trickling over one closed eye, Miu grabs her left arm and grits her teeth. "Not... not again..."

Acting as though she's on autopilot, running like she's on rails, the crow girl charges ahead like a scale model freight train. There's a degree of timing to it, her steps taking her in a bit of a wide arc that brings her around somewhat laterally to both Iori and Whip. her teammate's attack dodged, blocked, or successful-- she charges blindly ahead! Feathers continue to gather around her left forearm-- a -powerful- surge of energy, one that Iori too may still remember. The feathers burst from her tattered sleeve, from her skin, glowing a dark purple as she lunges in and strikes-- not with her left arm, but her right. A rapid series of slashes-- one, two, three, four, five, six-- and ending with a seventh, her feet plant and she stoops forward. Ragged, dizzy, but teeth still bared. Her left arm rears up as if she were holding a lance, the gathered feathers bursting out into a massive cone. The sound of flapping wings grows much louder than before, her left arm thrust ahead as if to impale Iori clear through the belly and blast him right off to Kingdom Come.


COMBATSYS: Miu can no longer fight.

                                  >  //////////////                ]
                                 |===----\-------\0             Iori

COMBATSYS: Miu successfully hits Iori with Psychic Secrets.

                                  >  ///////                       ]
                                 |====---\-------\0             Iori

COMBATSYS: Whip successfully hits Iori with Sonic Slaughter KW.

                                  >  //                            ]
                                 |======-\-------\0             Iori

What is it about people and trying to make a last stand when they've been clearly outclassed? Amidst the roar of flames Iori stands tall, slipping his hands into his pockets, Yagami pivots on a heel, turning his back to both the diminishing geyser and his flying opponents. "That's as long as the two of you lasted? This really /was/ a waste of my time." Muttering to himself, Iori slowly begins to walk off... except they're both getting up. Iori's taken about his fourth step towards the arena exit by the time that Miu and Whip start struggling back up to their feet. Slowly, he turns his head to regard them, cocking a brow.
"What do you think you're doing...?"
Apparently, they think they're going to smack him around in a most mighty fashion. In a supremely cocky move, though, Iori... just keeps walking. The two come rushing, and it's slow. He can see them coming from miles away, track their every movement with no problem whatsoever. Yet... despite how slowly they move, something happens. Perhaps Iori severely completely underestimates the speed at which they move. Perhaps he has a temporary brain seizure that just completely disables his ability to respond properly. But whatever the reason, Iori's slow walk is halted, and in a very painful way.
First is Miu, her lance of psychic energy thrusting into him to blast him away. The power burns away at his clothes, harms him more than any chi could ever hope to -- but though the intent is to blast him away, that doesn't quite happen. Instead of flying through the air, Iori is held fast by a whip, slapped and struck with the tip of the weapon innumerable amounts of times, adding more and more tiny lacerations to the man's body. Psychic power burning, whip making welts all along his body, Iori finally... FINALLY... collapses to his knees. Just barely. Just /barely/ enough to send him down and keep him from continuing the fight. Though he struck them down first, it's clear that he cannot continue any longer. But... far from losing consciousness, the last of the Yagami GRIPS onto a single branch from a nearby tree, slowly pulling himself up as a draw match is declared.
"... I need... something to eat."
And, that apathetic statement made, Iori slowly begins to limp off, disregarding the fact that he's bleeding from multiple wounds and has several bad burns that should likely be checked out. He's sure his opponents are in worse states.

COMBATSYS: Iori takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Iori can no longer fight.

Log created by Iori, and last modified on 15:47:23 04/11/2007.