Description: Old man fights with a Pink Ranger against a Bear Wizard and a Ninja Boxer. WHAT WILL HAPPEN!? (Winners: Puddle named Elle, Takuma)
"Good evening, fight fans! I'm Johnny Diamond!"
"And I'm Nick Gomez!"
"And welcome to another amazing event in fighter history!"
Dspite it being an exhibition match, the appearance of the fan favorites of Takuma and Raiden in the ring has been billed as a CLASH OF THE TITANS as an old fighter who still has the juice in him squares off with one of the most infamous wrestling heels in SNF history. The crowd roars with anticipation, and the stadium practically rumbles with unheard of excitement. You with think Ryu and Kyo were here tonight. But no... Ryu doesn't have a throng of HARDCORE WRESTLING FANS with painted faces and masks on, nor do they have EVERY JAPANESE MAN OVER 35 who remebers Takuma's mighty awesomeness from days gone by.
"In the midst of greatness, eh Nick?"
"No kidding, Johnny! But let's not forget the newer faces in the ring tonight! That elegant and erudite master of the sweet science, Dudley is here tonight! I haven't seen such a graceful boxer in the ring since Vanessa got drunk and puked in the stands before her cage match!"
"Ha ha! So true, Nick. And we've also got... uh. Who is this? I can't read this sheet here. Someone named Elle."
"Don't you remember her from that SNF highlight reel from two weeks ago? She beat that bodacious babe Elisabeth with that youngster Ingrid. Well, maybe not so much 'beat' as 'strategically hugged'. But there she is tonight!"
nevertheless, it's a sight to behold as Elle makes a face. Moonlighting as the Pink Ranger's stunt double in the latest Power Rangers remake is the worst job ever... and doing this for a few extra bucks is a way to blow off some steam. Besides, even she's heard of Raiden and Takuma, and she's been wanting to meet the Kyokugen master for some tips. nevertheless, explaining away the pink spandex costume is going to be a bit of a feat as she tugs at the stupidly short miniskirt supplied to the costume. "My life sucks," she grouses as she waits for Takuma to arrive.
The old man responsible for modern Kyokugen karate makes his appearance shortly after Elle muses. It's something one might -hear- before they -see-... there's a definite change in the way the crowd is acting. One side of the arena - the side Elle is on - emits one brief, supportive cheer and essentially shuts up. It's amazing, really. There are some muttered conversations amongst the middle-aged folk sitting in the stands, and as Sakazaki strolls down the contender's aisle, looking every lick the same as usual, one particularly boisterous man speaks up in a loud voice:
"Hey, Takuma! You still got it in you?"
Takuma regards him with a wry but nonetheless broad smile. "The fight against hat little girl was a fluke! I've seen you watch my fights before, you know I'll turn these runts inside-out!"
Somebody pipes up from behind Takuma's entryway, "His name's Iori. He's one of the -strongest fighters in the world-, and a BOY." Takuma does not hear them and instead smiles in a particularly vacant, too-happy-too-be-sane sort of way. The rest of his walk up to the arena is filled with silence.
Once he's hopped up the steps and taken a standing position some five feet away from Elle, he regards the girl with a concerned expression, "So you're Evelyn, huh? Nice to meet you, kid! Let's hope you're as good as I figure an outfit like that means you'd have to be."
Elle may be doing a part time job dealing with a spandex costume, but someone like Raiden has made a living doing such a thing. Then again when things look much better on someone of Elle's build who is going to tell someone the size of the large Aussie that he should make a wardrobe change? It looks like tonight once again he will be taking on the persona of Big Bear to please his fans and to smash some heads. He waits off from one of the entrace tunnels as the fighters are introduced and then there is a pause before something comes over the speakers.
That sound is the beginning of 'Walking in the Great Shining Path of Monster Trucks' starts to play as the crowd starts to go wild. When you are one of Geese's hired men you get to make your own entrance especially when it is in Mr. Howard's arena. Slowly the big man emerges from the tunnel wearing silver and red wrestling gear and on his head is a giant helmet made to look like the head of the bear with its mouth wide open. Stepping forward the big man stops before leaning back and throwing his arms in the air as fire erupts out of the mouth.
The Aussie then reaches up to remove the helmet to show he has his trademark lucha mask on under it as he leans down to put the helmet aside in a safe place. That thing is damn expensive afterall. Grinning widely he moves forward while rubbing his hands together. Takuma is someone he is pretty familiar with, but both partners for he and the Kyokugen master are a bit unfamiliar. He glances towards Dudley with a nod before looking over to the elder Sakazaki and the Pink Ranger. Slowly he lifts a hand and points to Takuma then to Elle. For the latter he gives an odd glance before laughing some. "Might want to invest in a better outfit if you are getting into ring work, sheila."
Not even a mention for Dudley! That's a shame and two halves. So I guess that makes it a double shame, since there's already one shame there. Dudley's been doing alright in SNF, and though he washed out of World Warrior quick enough... there's still plenty of fight in this boxer. He -- well. He doesn't do exhibitions like this much. Or he didn't. But he was handed an opportunity to go up against Takuma Sakazaki and he had to find out...
That is, he had to find out if Takuma was as crazy as the rumors said--and as good. All the same he's happy enough to not be taking the big man alone--he's got another big man at his side, one who is equally famous in his venue. Raiden makes a hell of an entrance; it'd be hard to top belching fire and all that... so Dudley doesn't even try. He just rolls on up to the stage, figuratively speaking, his gloves already laced up. Elle gets a bit of a stare... but Dudley shrugs. It takes all types, hmm...
'He looks a lot taller on television.'
A lot of people have that impression when dealing with celebrities. Elle's not much different. Takuma looks big and beefy on the screen, but in person he's like meeting Sylvester Stallone. Or maybe Elle's just too tall, since in her Pink Ranger attire the heels on her boots give her an additional two inches that pushes her to just tall enough to be annoying to Takuma's less imposing height.
"Aren't you a little... I dunno. Short to a a Kyokugen master?" She asks, face getting an altogether unimpressed expression. She pats herself down out of habit for a cigarette, and then remembers that she's not allowed to smoke on the set and therefore has no cigarettes. Why? Well, they were working with flashbangs today, and the last time she smoked around them...
Let's just say the Green Ranger 'lost his powers'.
Despite her work woes, even she has to put out her hand to the fighting legend and show some amount of respect. "Name's Elle. Nice to meet someone that knows what they're doing, finally." Takuma might be crazy, but he's also capable of punching apart a tank or crashing a building with his forehead, so it's not like she wants to be on his bad side.
The pleasantries are cut short as Raiden starts blowing fire and making a general spectacle of himself, which causes the woman to start. "Sweet Jesus H. Christ. It's Syndnyzilla," she mutters under her breath and turns to face Raiden. "Yeah, no kidding," she replies. "But Target was all out of 'Giant Ass Metal Bear Hats." The smirk on her face shows that despite the jibe, she means no real damage. Maybe it's the Aussie accent.
After introducing himself to Elle, Takuma places his hands on his hips and sets to rolling his neck, going through his initial pre-fight routine. Of course, during the stretches he's forced to bear witness to Raiden's over-the-top, fiery, LOUD entrance, the screaming fans, the ornate outfit. It gives him reason to pause in the middle of working out his arms - Raiden's delivered a wide-eyed, concerned look, but the wrestler's introduction hasn't intimidated Takuma in the least. Takuma goes on to crack his shoulder with a series of impressive crackling noises, and he settles into a relaxed fighting position.
Elle's crack about him being short has Takuma staring at her balefully, and he replies with a rather tart, "I think the problem might be that you're just too tall to-" He's cut off by Raiden's firebreathing, and whips his head back towards the wrestler, eyes wide with some mixture of fright and alarm. Dudley's sudden appearance in the ring has Takuma double-taking... could Raiden not only BREATHE FIRE but create other combatants as well?!
Takuma says nothing to his foes for now, as he's fairly certain they might just be warlocks. Like that Heidern fellow. He tilts his head to the side, and inclines it towards Raiden. "Well, Elle, I'm going to be honest with you. I might know what I'm doing with humans, but I've never had to fight against a bear wizard before." He inclines his head towards Dudley. "Or a ninja boxer. I thought they were opposites, frankly."
Over the top? Hell yes it is and the wrassler loves it to no end. He tilts his head to the side some at Elle's retort and he nods a bit seeming to take no real offense from what was said. It looks like he would have to take everything with a grain of salt when coming from someone dressed as a Pink Ranger. He mimics Takuma's movements somewhat by loosening up his joints and getting prepared for the fight. "They do cost a pretty penny." he finally says in response to Elle.
Taking a deep breath the Aussie cracks his knuckles before crossing his arms over his massive chest as he looks about at the others wondering if everyone is ready. His brows do raise at the comment about a bear wizard and he shrugs it off once again remembering that Mr. Big told him that Takuma is a few fries short of a Happy Meal at his old age.
"I think it is time to get started, mates." he says while unfolding his arms and then crouching down and letting his knees bend while raising his arms as he gets in a grappler stance. "Lets see what you all can do. That goes for you too." he says while sparing Dudley another glance. He has heard of the guy, but has yet to see the boxer wreck faces just yet. It does look as if he is trying to size up both Takuma and Elle wondering who he may go after first.
COMBATSYS: Elle has started a fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Elle 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Takuma has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Takuma 0/-------/-------|
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Elle 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Dudley has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Dudley
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Elle 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Raiden has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Raiden
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Elle 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Dudley
Ninja boxer. Naw. Takuma's probably just half-blind with age--and the other half is blind from too much-- ... well, this is a family site, so we can't mention that. Dudley's information is at least half-true, though... Takuma is clearly freaking insane. But that probably just makes him more unpredictable, and that makes matches more exciting. Elle... well, the Pink Ranger must have some sort of skills, they wouldn't let someone who'd get crushed into the ring, would they?
Raiden seems to want to get things started, and that's just fine with Dudley, however... well, he stretches his arms out a little, and grins over at Takuma and Elle. If he were named M. Bison, well, he'd probably rushing full out at Takuma, roaring and spitting and all that... but he isn't, so he just watches his opponents. Conceding the first move to them, perhaps.
COMBATSYS: Dudley focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Raiden
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Elle 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Dudley
Well, far be it for Elle to disappoint with her garish Pink Ranger suit. She still has all her accessories and props with her... because really. How much could those things cost? The cheap plastic swords, guns, and knives are easily replaceable by their toy copies at convenience stores all across Japan. It's all for effect, really as she gives Takuma an odd look. Bear wizard? Holy crap. Apparently, this guy didn't just lose his marbles. He's lost his jacks, ball, and perhaps an entire swing set.
"Uh, right. Sure. Ninja boxers."
This was a Kyokugen master? It only goes to prove Elle's point: the more awesome your kung-fu, the less coherent you become.
In the interest of starting the fight and not dragging out an intro any longer, however, Elle draws the plastic gun from the holster at her side. "Right!" She says, nodding her head curtly... and then slaps herself in the face with a groan. "I have got to stop doing that." As she pulls the trigger, she channels her chi through the cheap plastic prop, and it belches a bolt of lightning out at Dudley. Cool, huh?
Well, except for the fact that the barrel immediately melts into goop. That's going to come out of her pay.
Silent. Methodical. Analytical. Dudley's fitting all of the characteristics Takuma's slated under the 'ninja' category, but his physique is just entirely contrary to what he would have ordinarily expected of a ninja! As though he feels that Elle requires additional advice(Takuma is a wellspring of knowledge, you see), he leans towards the costume-clad girl, and nods in Dudley's direction. "Even though the bear knows magic, watch out for the quiet guy. He's probably carrying..." Takuma's eyes narrow, and memories of Eiji Kisaragi using weird chi-blades against him come to mind. "Well, I don't know, but he could have anything inside of those gloves! That's how those ninjas work! You watch yourself!"
Elle's initial action is pretty impressive though. Takuma's more worried about sizing up Raiden(Elle deserves a chance to show him what she can do, see), and only catches Elle's impromptu chi-gun out of the corner of his eyes. "Keep at it, girl! I'll deal with the bear." And with that, Takuma is running off towards Raiden, screaming. The fans know what's coming - a few of them are already standing up in their seats, buttcheeks no doubt clenched with anticipation. You see... Takuma's got his left arm raised high in the air, hand curled into a fist -- and it's not in the clothesline position. Provided Raiden doesn't do something ridiculous, Sakazaki runs STRAIGHT TOWARDS HIM.
"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Takuma pauses a half-foot before Raiden, and keeps his hand held high above his head. It's a very Van-Damme pose. He stomps on the ground, and a burst of chi lurches from the ground to suffuse his form. Surrounded by the energy, Sakazaki regards his foe, only six inches away, and states: "NOW COME ON! I CAN'T RIGHTLY HURT A MAN WHO HASN'T EVEN THROWN A PUNCH!"
COMBATSYS: Takuma gathers his will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Raiden
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Elle 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Dudley
Now this is more like it! Big Bear seems to be enjoying the chaos as the fights start to break out and he waggles his fingers in anticipation as it seems that the Kyokugen master is coming this way to delivery the pain train. Raiden is ready to step right into the charging fighter and then Takuma just stops and stands there. Raiden raises a brow somewhat in confusion when no punches get thrown and he glances about to see the fans looking somewhat equally confused.
"Right, how silly of me, mate." he says while letting his glance settle back down on Takuma. He looks thoughtful for a moment and then he takes a step back while reaching an arm back. With a loud roar he brings the first forward for an incredibly fast strike before just stopping with his hand a few inches away from Takuma and he just stares at him a few moments before opening his mouth and releasing a purplish cloud of smoke right at the face of the other fighter. So much for throwing a punch at the old fart.
COMBATSYS: Dudley dodges Elle's Pure Energy.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Raiden
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Elle 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Dudley
Well! He may not be silent for much longer, really. Dudley's eyes widen and he comments, "Hey, that's a neat trick, I--whoa!" He can't do shiznit like that, not that he's ever really -tried-. Of course, if Dudley ever developed a chi projectile it'd just be a ripoff of Deejay's Air Slasher or Sonic Boom. So he's just not been interested. Still--a neat trick.
Dudley sidesteps the flashing bolt of energy, watching it slide past where he was with a raised eyebrow. "Might want to work on your aim, though," he comments. Then he lunges forward... not for Elle, though. It's hard to want to punch a girl lookin' like Elle; of course, if she gets too feisty... Instead, Dudley lunges for Takuma... in deference to that poisonous cloud, Dudley ducks low as he fires a straight punch for Takuma's midsection.
The gun melts, and Elle chucks it away. How lame. So much for having a cool introductory attack and being able to say that she landed something substantial in this go around. Honestly, things aren't always the best for Elle when it comes to things like... fighting... and... winning. Whatever. Exhibition. Getting paid whether she wins or not. That in mind, she really shouldn't be putting very much effort into the fight. Just like the battle with Elisabeth, it might be a great idea to just let Takuma get what little sense the man has left pummeled out of him.
But how lame would that be? Odds are, she'd never get a gig again if she just let her allies go marching off cheerfully to their doom. Unfortunately for her, she's not waht you call high on any actual real fighting skills. It's more like she's been carried thus far on raw, unadulterated cussedness. So it's that kind of general pissyness that has her hurling across the ring towards the mass of bodies.
Raiden being the fat, slow, and let's face it, kinda scary looking target that he is, she hedges her bets and leaps up into the air. Onto the man's face. Or at least, she tries to. Hopefully, the poison gas will have dissapated by then and allow her a good clean head grapple. If she connects, she'll try to twist his head off like the seal on a beer bottle.
COMBATSYS: Takuma blocks Dudley's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Raiden
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Elle 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Dudley
COMBATSYS: Takuma overcomes Poison Breath from Raiden with Ko'ou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Raiden
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Elle 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Dudley
Takuma doesn't move. He just sits there in his little nimbus of chi, presumably watching Raiden rear back, and then lash out with that first fist. "HA-!" Takuma's hand flies up to capture Raiden's, but Dudley's attack from the side has Takuma caught in quite a pickle! He can't very well capture BOTH punches - so he brings that arm out to intercept the other man's fist, and Raiden's craftiness leaves him with an opening not taken. This is irrelevant, because poison breath is way cooler. Not one to look stupid in public(he is), Takuma quickly follows his first HA up with another, more defiant "HA!" His upraised hand - the one in front of Raiden's face - explodes in a burst of yellow chi, and completely overtakes the wrestler's cloud of poison breath.
Which, by the way, leaves Takuma's eyes wide. He mouths 'wizard' to himself even as he's hurriedly stepping back because Elle is launching herself at the big man(Takuma is watching her out of the corner of his eyes, so she better not make mistakes!). AND, while Elle presumably tangoes with Raiden, Sakazaki leans forward to tap Dudley on the shoulder and bring his hands out in a fighting stance. "C'mon, muscles! Let's see you dodge MY lasers!"
COMBATSYS: Takuma successfully hits Raiden with Ko'ou Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Raiden
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Elle 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Dudley
COMBATSYS: Raiden interrupts Medium Throw from Elle with Destruction Drop.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Raiden
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Elle 1/---====/=======|-------\-------\0 Dudley
Dodge really isn't something that is in Raiden's vocabulary, especially when something is being released at point blank range. There is only one thing to do when faced with that sort of situation. Raiden grunts and steps forward to try to just move right forward through the blast. It doesn't quite go as planned though since the blast nails him and causes the large wrassler to stumble backwards right towards Elle. He soon feels the other fighter trying to get in the old double team, but it looks like the Aussie will have none of it as he brings an elbow back to slam into Elle.
The enraged Aussie then lifts up Elle and proceeds to do things just like what got him banned from the federations. Raiden lifts up the smaller fighter and he hefts her high in the air before dropping her down across his knees and he then hefts her back up as he goes running off across the arena before jumping upwards and then slamming her down onto the ground with him on top. He then gets to his feet while looking down at the other fighter. "That is how you wrestle, sheila. Don't forget it."
Dudley quirks an eyebrow; -his- lasers? Takuma doesn't have -lasers-. The boxer makes a big ol' grin at Takuma, after a quick glance back to see Elle Dropp'd, Destruction-style. Man. That just looked terribly painful. Dudley turns back to Takuma and inclines his head.
"Didn't know karate training included lasers, seems like a weird thing to me. Me? I use boxing." As if it weren't, like, totally obvious by the boxing gloves.
"I don't care about lasers! I just want to test my fists against a karate legend!" Or... Karate goblin. Take your pick. Nothing is said about Takuma being a few beans short of a burrito, at least, not just yet.
"HUNH!" is Dudley's next expression, as he tries to sling an arm around Takuma and then twist--if successful, tossing the Karate Goblin right at Raiden.
Oh yeah. Sure. Give advice as blood rushes out of Elle's ears. "I'll be lucky if I remember my own name," Elle croaks as she rolls away from the fight with a wince. There's probably a concussion in that. Hell, there's probably two. Raiden has given Elle two whole concussions in a single hit. Congratulations. There's a medical history first.
In the end, though, Elle isn't completely defeated. There's still a load more power left in her, and the brutal smashing that Raiden gave her seems to have broken something in Elle's brain, because she's obviously no longer listening to any kind of common sense. An electrical aura spikes around her body, dancing and crackling as she jolts forward towards Raiden yet again.
"Pink Ranger... Magic Dragon Spirit Capture Technique...!"
Definitely something broken in her brain.
She darts by Raiden once, twice, three times, leaving behind crackling lightning spheres. Upon leaving the last one, she leaps at Raiden. "SPOON!"
If she lands on his shoulders like she plans, she'll cause the electric globes to discharge, sending arcs of power towards Raiden's bulky body.
COMBATSYS: Takuma endures Dudley's Dynamite Throw!!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Takuma 1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Raiden
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Dudley
Takuma's original plan was to just ACCEPT the throw. Like, he knows where he's going to wind up being THROWN -- obviously, Raiden. And Dudley's certainly a /quick/ bugger, so Takuma's not exactly going to attempt to make any sort of drastic reactions to the attempt... just go with the flow, that's his plan. Well, was. Things change radically as Takuma realizes that his teammate has been mortally wounded by the Aussie and is veritably insane(he's not one to judge). This fills him with a sort of indescribable, good-natured father-to-all rage. Secondly, Elle is launching some kind of crazy-ass electricity AT Raiden - so Takuma doesn't want to be involved.
What winds up happening, then, is that Takuma is thrown. That much is clear. But halfway through his trip to Raiden, he deliberately sticks a hand out, strikes the cement, and LITERALLY PUNCHES A HOLE INTO IT, stopping himself. The momentum brings him to an immediate stop, halfway between Dudley and Raiden, and the Kyokugen karateman flips around onto his feet facing Dudley.
Not only are his eyes flared with irritation, and his HAIR MUSSED, but horrific crackling arcs of yellow chi course up and down those meaty arms. "YOU'RE LUCKY, WIZARD BEAR, THAT I THINK THE LITTLE LADY CAN DEAL WITH YOU JUST FINE! BUT HEAR ME, EVERYTHING THAT'S ABOUT TO HAPPEN TO THIS BOXER NINJA WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN TO YOU!" While he brings his hands forward, he adds, as an afterthought - "I just hate being a hypocrite, see?" So much is wrong, there. But that's not important... what's IMPORTANT is the sudden explosion of chi from his spread hands - three of them, in fact. Three horrifically large Haoh Sho Ko Kens. Aimed directly at his current sparring partner - Dudley.
COMBATSYS: Elle successfully hits Raiden with Dire Straits.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Raiden
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Dudley
Much like he did with Dan it looks like the Aussie went and broke his opponent's brain for the night. If anything at least Elle isn't singing like the pink gi'd one did when they threw down. And for the love of god no damn koalas are involved tonight either. He isn't quite sure if the woman really has up and lost it or if she was just trying to get in character to distract the wrestler. It looks like it worked if it is the latter because soon he finds the lady resting on his broad shoulders giving him shock therapy.
"I think you got a kink I was feeling in my back." the big man says after the sizzling ends. Good thing he doesn't have long hair or his mask might be fighting afro fluff after that one. Since she is up on his shoulders it seems best to just heft her upwards if he can get ahold of her and then while high in the air he will drop her right back down on her head to see if he can knock sense back into Elle."
COMBATSYS: Dudley Toughs Out Takuma's Triple Haohshokoken!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Raiden
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0 Dudley
Whoa. Those ain't lasers. Dudley's eyes get wide--real wide--and he actually jumps back just a bit before Takuma's Haohshokokens come spewing out. But it isn't to dodge; he's just building up steam. Sure, Dudley's a technical boxer, but he's got his Hulk-out moments--like right NOW. Dudley roars, powerfully, as he puts his shoulder down and just RAMs right through the three Haohshokokens--cumulatively they have an effect of slowing his momentum, but the pain of blasting through those walls of chi is converted into effort and potential power--and now Dudley intends to return that pain as best as he can.
He turns side-on as he approaches Takuma, presenting his right side in-profile to the Karate Goblin, planting his feet, momentum shifting as his right fist pistons upwards at Takuma--intending to hit him in a powerful uppercut to the gut that could, if it hits, continue on up towards the chin!
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Elle with Powerbomb.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0 Raiden
[ \\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Elle 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Dudley
Elle hits the ground hard, and makes a sick crunching noise. That can't be good. It's probably all for the best that she got knocked out before she could do any /real/ damage.
This pause is so that you can laugh a little. Go on. It's OK. We'll be here when you come back.
Elle never quite regains conciousness. Instead, as she slams into the ground, she involuntarily sends out a crackle of electrical power, hopefully shocking the giant Aussie in reflexive retaliation. All in all, Elle did fulfill the dreams of enough people, however. A lot of people have probably wanted to see a Power Ranger get their ass kicked once in their lives. How's that for a stunning success?
COMBATSYS: Elle can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0 Raiden
> //////////////////////// ]
|=====--\-------\0 Dudley
COMBATSYS: Takuma counters Uppercut Punch from Dudley with Mouko Burai Gan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Raiden
> //////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Dudley
"I CAN'T BELIEVE ANY OF THIS!" Takuma, even as Dudley /batters through his best move/ jabs a finger at Raiden while he's powerbombing Elle. "DID YOU JUST DO THE /SAME THING AGAIN/ TO THAT LITTLE PINK GIRL? IT'S THINGS LIKE THIS THAT MAKE ME LOSE FAITH IN BEARS, WIZARD, AND IF I H-" Takuma's stopped short by Dudley no-selling his move... in a /very/ impressive way.
And, of course, like begets like. Momentarily forgoing helping Elle out, assuming that she will be able to deal with the pain on her own, Takuma flings one forearm up to stop Dudley from punching him in the face, and -instead- punches DUDLEY in the face. He's beyond words right now. Such brutality in these muscular fighters! Such horrific brutality!
He's also a little depressed about his Haohshokoken, but oh well.
COMBATSYS: Raiden endures Elle's Pure Energy.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Raiden
> //////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Dudley
Throwing people about is what often happens when Raiden is involved. If you get in his range then you are gonna get thrown more often than not. Elle has found this out and while Takuma is verbally accussing him of being a one move wonder the wrestler is more focused on making sure the woman stays down this time. He gets another electrical shock out of it, but at least that seems to be the end of the Pink Ranger. This probably just improves his heel image given all the crying six year olds in the crowd at the time. Most of the other people love it.
"Al right, mate. Lemme change it up a bit." says the Aussie as he turns about to face Takuma. Somehow he was supposed to be fighting the man from the get go. At least that was his plan. Instead he finds himself fighting girls in pink. Enough of that, though. Now is the time to give Takuma a proper gretting. Aww look, he is saying hello as he barrels forward by intending to plant his giant fist into Takuma's face. Boooooooya.
All for naught! The punch is kinda hard, but Dudley's taken worse for sure; still, a good clean punch and it stopped Dudley's attack cold. He'll remember that for the future, certainly; he'll -definitely- remember that.
Dudley steps back as Raiden comes lunging in; he has absolutely no desire to get between that large mountain of flesh and his target--namely, Takuma. Besides, this represents a great opportunity to regain his senses and figure out a plan of attack--a certain necessity when it comes to fighting old Karate Goblins. Elle? She's down and out -and- Dudley didn't have to punch her. Good times, good times.
COMBATSYS: Dudley focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Raiden
> //////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Dudley
COMBATSYS: Takuma dodges Raiden's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Raiden
> //////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Dudley
Takuma is wily. And, given how /frustrated/ he is at the moment - he really doesn't like seeing people who think they can fight get into the ring and subsequently die - he's gotten a lot less /verbal/. The fans have slid forward on their seats, as this is a side of Takuma Sakazaki they rarely get to see. He's not the type to get righteously, wordlessly mad very often.
Anyway, this wiliness comes into play mere instants after Raiden's rushed forward to toss his punch at Sakazaki's face - Takuma pivots to the side, a half spin, and bends the leg nearest Raiden up a slight bit. He makes an attempt to capture the Aussie's meaty arm over his shoulder, and, if he successfully grabs the thing, will heave Raiden up and over his shoulder to go tumbling to the ground opposite the side of Takuma he'd started on. Throughout this episode - provided it goes as planned - Takuma's got his eye on Dudley. Dudley, you see, is next.
COMBATSYS: Raiden interrupts Medium Throw from Takuma with Bearhug.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Raiden
> //////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Dudley
Swing and a miss! The force behind that punch does send the big man off balance a bit. Quite easily allow Takuma a chance to catch the meaty arm in his grasp. He then tugs....and tugs and for a moment there Raiden looks a bit confused as the much smaller fighter tries to pull him off his feet. He does maybe pull his arm of of socket, but beyond that Takuma finds that arm slipping about to grip around him along with the other arm of Big Bear. "More like this." grunts the fat man and he squeezes he hell out of Takuma while shaking the man violently. There goes his little old man hip.
With one final roar Raiden eases up and glances towards Dudley. "Just don't stand there, mate. Have at im." He then takes Takuma by the gi and tosses him upwards and forwards towards Dudley. There isn't much force in the motion since it seems like the throw itself kinda torqued his arm and he takes a few moments to windmill it about and settle things back in place.
Dudley is next? What is this, some sort of Bolo Yeung-off? Dudley is ready, see; he may win, he may lose, but he is ready either way. Takuma has decades more experience at this than Dudley has; he recognizes that, so seeing it in action is hardly shocking. But Dudley, he's no slouch, and he wants to make Takuma realize that. It isn't an ego thing, exactly, though that's part of it too.
"Alright old man, I know you're ready for this!" cries the boxer as he lunges forward, timing his attack with Raiden's counter-grab--intent on swinging his left fist around in a tight hook punch aimed for Takuma's temple, assuming the Karate Goblin is flying head-first.
COMBATSYS: Takuma blocks Dudley's Hook Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Raiden
> //////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Dudley
Raiden's right. Takuma FORGOT that the other man was over a half-foot taller than him and most certainly some dozens of pounds heavier. The results are clear... and Takuma has had better days. Wrangled by the gi and thoroughly shooken up by the time he's -whipped- at Dudley, it's a wonder Sakazaki's even able to recover his senses in time to bring both arms up and in front of his face - to be SLAMMED into by Dudley's fists. He tumbles to the ground, but manages to land on his feet, and even though Takuma's looking to be in good shape, it's clear his arms are aching a bit.
"Mmf, I see what you did there, sonny... you're not as dumb as that -OTHER- boxer was. Maybe it's your ninja training..." Takuma doesn't take time to think about it. Still on his knees and a few feet in front of Dudley, his position is a poor one; he rolls to the side once or twice, putting distance between him and his enemy. He comes back to his feet between Dudley and Raiden, now, hefting what would seem to be a rather large ROCK in his hands. Presumably it's something that remains from his little fist-into-ground experiment from earlier. Takuma brings his hand forward, whipping that rock directly at Raiden's head. Tired old man? Something like that.
COMBATSYS: Raiden overcomes Thrown Object from Takuma with Flame Breath.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Takuma 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
> //////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Dudley
The wrestler lumbers forward even after he tosses Takuma away. There is no way he should be letting this man stay on his feet any longer than he has. If anything he is a good distraction for Dudley since he seems to have the Kyokugen master's ire at the moment. The way he is acting one might think Raiden had whipped up on Yuri instead or something. "NOT GOOD ENOUGH." bellows Big Bear and he continues forward even as that rock is tossed.
He inhales taking a deep breath as he watches the rock sail in and he once again uses his wizardry in the form of flames being belched out once again. The gout of fire engulfs that rock and it never reaches the head of the wrestler. The flame on the otherhand are big enough that they continue forward on their path right towards the disgruntled old man that didn't have enough bran today.
Hmm. Not the desired result--and yet Dudley doesn't seem to be concerned by it... of course Takuma is still looking quite healthy while the other two are far more beat up, but nothing's decided yet! Dudley withdraws his fist from the extension of the punch and--
Well then Raiden's breathing flame at Takuma and again, Dudley wants none of that. However, with Dudley being where he is, he can try and force Takuma into the path of that flame breath--he lunges forward again, unheeding of any danger, pestering Takuma, if that, with a one-two combination, Dudley unloading a left jab-right straight series, the classic tool of a boxer.
He calls Raiden, "That's it, keep on him!"
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Takuma with Flame Breath.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
> //////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Dudley
COMBATSYS: Takuma blocks Dudley's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Takuma 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
> //////////////////// ]
|=======\=------\1 Dudley
Nothing's decided yet! It /shows/. Regardless, Takuma's standing at the tail end of a giant gout of flame, as well as a rather fast boxer's straight-punch combo. It's another show of that forearm, and Dudley's fists collide moderately painfully with Takuma's forearm while he attempts - lamely - to angle himself away from that FIRE BREATH. It doesn't work, and Takuma is half on fire by the time he's able to let his guard down from Dudley's attacks. Regardless, it's a good show of endurance - Takuma doesn't yelp or cry or anything.
One might assume he's been lit on fire several times before.
Anyway, the old man turns around, ignoring Dudley for the moment, and RUSHES Raiden, shaking his head despite the fire decorating portions of his outfit. "JUST... GOD! JUST GO DOWN ALREADY!" Takuma leaps into the air halfway down the mats from Raiden, and attempts to literally clutch the wrestler's head in one hand while he plants his foot squarely between the silvery jaws of the ornamental bearmask on his face. He'd push off after that, and send Raiden tumbling groundward with that push-off kick. Ideally. Maybe he'll get bearhugged again!
COMBATSYS: Raiden fails to interrupt Quick Throw from Takuma with Super Dropkick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1 Dudley
COMBATSYS: Raiden can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1 Dudley
Just keep pressiing forward and eventually the old man will go down. That is what Raiden keeps telling himself even as the fire dies down. Of course it doesn't help that Takuma is old and durable. What the hell will it take to kill this guy once and for all? Well obviously not kill, but Big Bear would like to take the man down a few more pegs if he could help it. Even as Takuma comes towards him the wrestler hunches down some, ready to launch himself forward to meet the other fighter in midair to slam his big feets into the chest of the smaller fighter
It never quite happens like that. In reality he never gets off the ground as Takuma collides with him and there is a moment where Raiden stands there even after Takuma pushes away and he slowly starts to tilt backrwards and then like some large tree the man falls flat on his back and kinda lays there staring up at the ceiling while still being somewhat concious. "Oww....."
Mmm. Takuma just took out Raiden. Not a good sign... it has definitely been an epic fight in many ways -except-... except that Dudley has yet to really lay a good hit on Takuma in any way. Dudley... wants to correct that. He lunges forward, after Takuma successfully downs the big Aussie luchadore.
And as he lunges (boxers don't step, they either lunge or shuffle), he's cocking his left fist back--and then, as he closes, he's firing a series of left jabs at Takuma's chest and head--jabs with a silvery edge of wind chi surrounding them. These are only setup for the right uppercut to Takuma's chin. And in his head, Dudley is going 'c'mon, c'mon...' well not really. But he might be!
COMBATSYS: Takuma endures Dudley's Machinegun Blow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1 Dudley
Takuma, over the course of this fight, has kind of gotten used to the notion that his opponents are not exactly masters of chi. That said, even as Raiden topples over like some kind of redwood behind him, Takuma's getting back to his feet and dusting his gi off. He seems... /satisfied/, at least. And a good deal more in the mood to fight. Which is why he brings himself up with a smile, and... well... Dudley's flinging glowy fists at him. This is where the conception of his opponents as having wussball chi comes to a HORRIBLE END.
Namely, Takuma is sent flying directly backwards at that last uppercut, though, to his credit, he doesn't go flailing or anything. He's already got ideas on precisely how he's going to pull himself out of this mess. The first step is an easy one since Takuma's already coming to a landing next to Raiden. The second step is also easy - Takuma, being a KARATE MASTER, is easily able to heft the man up over his head despite being in pretty bad shape himself. The third step is the chancy one, but Takuma does it anyway... he just tosses Raiden at Dudley.
COMBATSYS: Takuma successfully hits Dudley with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Takuma 1/-------/=======|=======\=====--\1 Dudley
Dodge... not made. Raiden comes flying and Dudley, despite his best efforts, still gets clipped by the mountain of his former partner. Oof. Well, he slipped some of that, and despite being rocked by it he's still very much in the fight.
"You're pretty strong for an old man!" Dudley shouts, cheerfully, dusting himself off, then throwing himself forward once more... a classic boxer's reaction. This time, he seeks a simple overhand punch, hoping to close the distance with Takuma and give him a little something to think about.
It's no knockout blow, but Dudley isn't too sure he could actually one-shot Takuma at this point; better to take attacks where he can and hopefully force Takuma to absorb damage further.
COMBATSYS: Dudley successfully hits Takuma with Light Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Takuma 1/------=/=======|=======\=====--\1 Dudley
[OOC] Elle says, "Light Punch rules."
Takuma is tired at this point, and really doesn't /care/ about being flashy... so he attempts to move to the side. Slowly, a bit, thanks to pain-dampened reactions, and the net result is a quick, boxing-speed jab to the face. He staggers back, clutching his face, but maintains his balance, and resumes a fighting stance. It's really one of those moments where the battle has come down to tired men punching the other - much like a REAL boxing match. Takuma opens his mouth to say something disparaging, but then IT happens.
With a horrified look, Sakazaki glances up and to the left, horrified. The Chinese Boy is there, smiling his radiant pure asian child smile, and it sends a visible quiver down Takuma's spine. How could one fan's love be so hard to deal with? Is the Chinese Boy a servant of Satan? Takuma elects to think about this later on, as right now there are more important things to do.
Namely... The thrusting of Takuma's hands /forward/, some two feet from Dudley, and the spontaneous creation of an enormous, yellow ball of destructive chi. "HAOH SHO KO KEN!"
COMBATSYS: Dudley blocks Takuma's Haoh Sho Ko Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|=======\=======\1 Dudley
Okay so last time there were three of these things and Dudley busted through them like they were drywall. This time... he's not so sure about that so he covers up; the blast sears into him, forcing his feet backwards, and when it's all said and done, Dudley's arms and head and shoulders are steaming with residual chi energy. And then...
Well, then Dudley cricks his neck and grins at the Kyokugen Master. "If you're done throwing big light shows, then maybe we can get this fight on the road!" Now, really, Dudley has no beef with projectiles... but he's a boxer, a hand to hand fighter. Throwing this stuff around...
... is WEAK.
COMBATSYS: Dudley gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|=======\======-\1 Dudley
Takuma is getting tired, at this point. He brings his hands together after the Haoh Sho Ko Ken does its thing, and assumes a proper bull stance. A smile comes to his face - tired, but respectful. "You're an intelligent opponent. I like that. Most boxers try to punch their way out of everything. But one thing I've noticed about you..."
Takuma simply stands there, and chi swirls up around his battered form, reinforcing him for the moment. He continues talking. "You've got no REFINEMENT. What was that one punching guy's name? HE uses chi! It's the mark of a real man! Where's yours?" Is he teasing? Of course. Does he do it on purpose? Very, very likely. There's more to Takuma Sakazaki than senile ramblings. Sometimes.
COMBATSYS: Takuma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|=======\======-\1 Dudley
He's got no refinement? Dudley? Dudley -is- refinement! Dudley shakes his head and chuckles, "You must be talking about Heavy D. I've fought him. He does use his chi. So do I. But I am more..." What's the word?
"I am more -restrained- in my usage of it!" As Takuma has felt, it still hurts when he does choose to use it.
Takuma isn't idly resting while he's doing this, though, and Dudley recognizes this; would have recognized it even if he hadn't seen the energy springing up.
"Ah-ah, trying to get fancy again?" Once again Dudley closes on Takuma; lunging forward with a short thrusting punch from the left, followed by another short punch, a right hook.
COMBATSYS: Takuma fails to interrupt Short Swing Blow from Dudley with Keima Uchi.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/------=|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Dudley
Takuma fixes Dudley with a stern glance while he speaks, and cants his head to the side. "I suppose you've got a point, sure. But why be so restrained! You're sitting on a whole hell of a lot of energy there, boy, don't let me beat you up so badly you can't use it!" Takuma takes a punch to the face before he's able to drive one fist into Dudley's face and /down/, which, ultimately, results in Takuma being pummeled back a bit further. "Or just... mgh... do it /now/, or /sometime/, I'm getting impatient!"
Fine then! Dudley narrows his eyes and smirks. "You want it, old man, you asked for it!" He lunges (that's all he does in fights, really) forward, setting up for a low right uppercut--and this time wind bursts around him, from his feet on up through his right glove! If he hits Takuma (or hell even if he doesn't) he'll go spinning upwards, land, and do it two more times, hopefully catching Takuma inside those power uppercuts. How's that for chi?
COMBATSYS: Takuma dodges Dudley's Rocket Upper EX.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Dudley
Takuma lets out a loud, genuine laugh(not of derision, mind you!) once Dudley agrees to go all-out on him. "There you go! LET'S SEE IT!" Takuma is rather quickly given what he asked for - and the Kyokugen warrior is forced, /literally/ to dive out of the way. It's through luck alone that he manages to avoid being absolutely devastated by the attack, and in fact Takuma's tossed further out onto the stone floor of the arena by Dudley's chi-burst. He doesn't move... which might give the audience the impression that he is, indeed KOed.
But in a few seconds he's rolled back onto his back, propped up on his elbows, and staring at Dudley for a moment, eyes wide. "There's the chi! Good man! Give me a second, here... think I pulled something getting away from that."
COMBATSYS: Takuma drops his guard to recover.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Dudley
He dodged. The freaky old man -dodged-. That earns a growl and Dudley pursues the hell out of Takuma, lunging forward. Normally he might let that pass... but this old man is just too damn wily. And it's late into the fight. So Dudley attempts to drop Takuma with yet another hook punch, exploding from his right. He's not going to make that mistake again, that's for sure... letting his opponent bait him like that.
COMBATSYS: Takuma blocks Dudley's Hook Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Dudley
Takuma's wide-eyed at this point, as Dudley's undergone a /massive/ change of psyche. From the refined boxer to a lunging flurry of punches! It's not good times, not at all! In fact, he's barely able to get his arms up in time for the blows to land on them, and even then it's a shoddy block, as he'd really been letting himself sit back to recover from all of the punchese he'd taken. But Takuma blocks nonetheless, and attempts to get up by lunging forward, grabbing Dudley's head on his way up, and /driving/ it into the ground.
COMBATSYS: Dudley interrupts Quick Throw from Takuma with Cross Counter.
[ \\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Dudley
Problem with that is, Dudley doesn't intend to let that happen. He should've connected solidly with Takuma's head and he didn't; he let his elbow fly out and the swing was wide. This time... Takuma gets that grip on his head but Dudley literally just -blasts- out of Takuma's grasp; the boxer sliding forward as he lands a clean strike right across Takuma's jaw, leaving Dudley untouched as he comes to a stop about five yards away from Takuma, turning to face the demonic Karate master again.
Takuma had enough time, at the very least, to get his head back in the game and resolve himself. However, and this -is- a problem, the old man just hadn't anticipated his opponent's DRIVE to see him go down. Takuma's literally torn away from, and the punch across his jaw leaves him a little dazed, a little confused. But all in all, he's still UP... which is the important thing. And as Dudley comes to a stop those five feet away, Takuma's turned on the boxer, reeling his right hand around and thrusting it forward to release a familiar, glowing ball of chi!
COMBATSYS: Dudley endures Takuma's Ko'ou Ken.
[ \\\\\ < > //////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Dudley
Dudley gets -rocked- by that flaming ball of chi. He is impacted and as expected he gets thrown backwards. But--perhaps he was planning for that... or he just had a little bit of luck, as he skids backwards; his boot finds a stray rock, probably shaken loose by some of the enormous impacts thrown around the arena, and even though he can't pick it up with his gloved hands (that would be silly) he can get a toe underneath it and fling it at Takuma's head. Though the aim is probably a bit off.
COMBATSYS: Takuma overcomes Thrown Object from Dudley with Ko'ou Ken.
[ \\\\ < > //////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-----==|=======\==-----\1 Dudley
Takuma blinks once or twice at Dudley's clever use of the momentum his Ko'ou Ken had given him, and it's clear that the man didn't expect a rock thrown at him. Wait, no. Not thrown. /Kicked/. "Mph! JUST GO DOWN! I'M NOT DOING IT FIRST, SON, YOU'RE GOING TO EAT THESE ROCKS BEFORE I'M CONTENT TO FALL OVER! HAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Another windmilling motion of his arm equals ANOTHER glob of radiant chi thrown towards Dudley.
COMBATSYS: Takuma successfully hits Dudley with Ko'ou Ken.
[ \\\\ < > //// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|=======\=====--\1 Dudley
Dudley gets plowed by that damn Ko'ou Ken... -again-! But he's not going down yet dammit! He lumbers forward, feeling mightily tired, and he's got one single-minded, cussed goal in place. It is Takuma's face and he wants to punch it, god. Just... just once. Just to make contact with that ugly beaked nose and that craggy Jack Palance-in-a-steamroller face.
COMBATSYS: Takuma counters Light Punch from Dudley with Mouko Burai Gan.
[ \\\\ < > / ]
Takuma 0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1 Dudley
Takuma is also mightily tired. And seeing Dudley just take -hit- after -hit- is making him MORE tired. People are actually already getting out of their seats and heading home to beat the traffic - one of these two men will win, and they don't really care who anymore. Anyway, to make a long story short, Takuma is threatened with a punch. He throws up a forearm - it's a slow thing - and mutters, "C'mon... we... we both just want to go home, don't we?" That said, his fist collides with Dudley's stomach, but not at all as robustly as it normally would have. Just a gut punch.
'course he wants to go home. Just--after he hits Takuma in the face! This is it, his last effort, his supreme... okay yeah, he's just aiming his fist for Takuma's face as he's going down. It's not really all that great a shot, but Dudley's got the fightin' spirit and he don't go down without a fight. It -was- pretty epic, for all that.
COMBATSYS: Dudley can no longer fight.
[ \\\\ <
Takuma 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Takuma fails to counter Short Swing Blow EX from Dudley with Mouko Burai Gan.
[ <
Takuma 0/-------/=======|
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd.... Everybody wins! Because Dudley, as has been stated several times, really just wants to punch Takuma in the face. And as the Kyokugen karate man brings up his forearm in a familiar, even -tired- reaction to that last punch... he misses. Dudley's fist connects beautifully, and Takuma takes that fist fully - BEAUTIFULLY - in the face. He stumbles back and staggers to a knee, head lowered and face very well bloodied - that last shot opened his nose up pretty damn well.
However, he does stand afterwards, and manages to remain on his feet for quite some time. Long enough, at least, for the announcer to declare, "WINNERS: TAKUMA SAKAZAKI, AND ELLE!" During the resultant applause and such, Takuma /does/ walk past Dudley on his way out. Well, he hobbles past, really. He's clearly going to the hot tub.
"Hey, son. If you ever have a moment, you swing by the Kyokugen Dojo, right? I'd like to spar with you on more even terms, maybe we can teach each other a few things. You're probably the most sturdy fighter I've seen in a -while-!" Insert hearty laugh here. "Except for, well. Me. Or Saishu. But we don't count! But you're welcome to swing by whenever, I don't think you're a hooligan like that other bear wizard might be." After he's done speaking, he continues to hobble out of the arena. Applause continues, he's given pats on the back - but really he just wants to go home and relax.
COMBATSYS: Takuma takes no action.
[ <
Takuma 0/-------/-======|
COMBATSYS: Takuma has ended the fight here.
Log created by Raiden, and last modified on 12:51:15 04/01/2007.