Description: Aislinn's first day at the new school...
Seijyun High--the exclusive prepatory school, home away from home to hundreds of young women of promise and poise. The fine campus, built on European architecture, is designed to instill the Hellenistic ideals and the traits needed to create strong, cultured young women that will be poised to be the strength of their generation. Amongst its members are Kazama Akira, Kirishima Yurika, Shijou Hinako--young women of poise and breeding and strength.
Today that roster grows by one. The transfer was simple; Aislinn had, arguably, the best grades at Gedo and NESTS was able to easily manufacture extra-curricular credentials where needed. Though mid-school-year transfers are odd... somehow NESTS got it pushed through. And though the young women of Seijyun are cultured, they're still young women, so whispers about the odd girl who just showed up--most definitely NOT in a Seijyun uniform--have probably gotten around. Right now, she's just wandering the public grounds, however...
And all the while there was one student in particular who had been waiting very patiently. Perhaps she had started to share a bit her younger brothers overconfidence but there was no doubt in Yurika Kirishima's mind that eventually the Gedo student would be transferring here. But *when* that to exactly happen wasn't quite as readable.
The prissy student just so happened to be wrapping up in the culinary arts area practicing tea ceremony rituals when she heard the rumors buzzing around and there were all sorts of odd thoughts.
Some thought Aislinn was a new gang member of Zakis.
Others worried that some sort of Seijyun/Gedo fight was about to start.
Needless to say the girl just may not have been very popular on her first day. Anyway, Aislinn's wandering would eventually cause her to walk right past the white-kimono clad Yurika, her presence considerably lowered until she murmurs upon passing, a mysterious little smile on her lips, "I've been waiting for you, Miss Aislinn Doyle."
Seijyun High--the exclusive prepatory school, home away from home to hundreds of young women of promise and poise. The fine campus, built on European architecture, is designed to instill the Hellenistic ideals and the traits needed to create strong, cultured young women that will be poised to be the strength of their generation. Amongst its members are Kazama Akira, Kirishima Yurika, Shijou Hinako--young women of poise and breeding and strength.
Today that roster grows by one. The transfer was simple; Aislinn had, arguably, the best grades at Gedo and NESTS was able to easily manufacture extra-curricular credentials where needed. Though mid-school-year transfers are odd... somehow NESTS got it pushed through. And though the young women of Seijyun are cultured, they're still young women, so whispers about the odd girl who just showed up--most definitely NOT in a Seijyun uniform--have probably gotten around. Right now, she's just wandering the public grounds, however...
And all the while there was one student in particular who had been waiting very patiently. Perhaps she had started to share a bit her younger brothers overconfidence but there was no doubt in Yurika Kirishima's mind that eventually the Gedo student would be transferring here. But *when* that to exactly happen wasn't quite as readable.
The prissy student just so happened to be wrapping up in the culinary arts area practicing tea ceremony rituals when she heard the rumors buzzing around and there were all sorts of odd thoughts.
Some thought Aislinn was a new gang member of Zakis.
Others worried that some sort of Seijyun/Gedo fight was about to start.
Needless to say the girl just may not have been very popular on her first day. Anyway, Aislinn's wandering would eventually cause her to walk right past the white-kimono clad Yurika, her presence considerably lowered until she murmurs upon passing, a mysterious little smile on her lips, "I've been waiting for you, Miss Aislinn Doyle."
Aislinn is going to get a leather Seijyun outfit. Just like Zaki's. Well actually she doesn't know if Zaki's is leather but yeah, that's what she's getting. Leather is her friend. Cows are the enemy--wait. *rewind*
Aislinn glances at Yurika as she passes; the girl had suggested it after their leaguefight, but really, that wasn't one of the considerations... to her Aislinn tell it.
"Kirishima," she acknowledges, standing with her arms clasped behind her back. Ais is the subject of whispers and stares but she really doesn't care, as her deadpan expression shows.
"I'm not sure why you have been waiting," she replies. The implication that Yurika somehow knew is somewhat disturbing, though...
"Oh you remembered, I'm flattered," Yurika replies, pausing in her steps to then face the newest student, hands held in front of her and her dark eyes can't help but wander, looking upward.. Downward.. Almost seeming to size her up.
She gives a small bow to Aislinn, and raises her left sleeve to her lips with an amused laugh, "Oh dear, I suppose that did come out in an awkward way, didn't it. I apologize, but I had been rather excited about it all since our match. You see the truth is, I have a vision of you that is a little different from the way you are now, outside of the fighting world, I mean." and her gaze averts, raising then to the structure of the school, which she then directs to with her hand, "You probably know a bit about this schools history. What it's prestige and reputation is famous for, don't you?"
Yurika's 'vision'... that had better not be a vision of gothic lolita culture and bows. Aislinn is not a Beart, Mignon or otherwise. The Silent Assassin listens to Yurika's little speech, interested despite herself. Aislinn doesn't really have much of a self-image; soldiers of her type aren't encouraged to build them, as such, though it is inevitable. And lately, Aislinn has begun to wonder what her purpose -is-...
Ignoring any improprieties regarding language, Aislinn focuses on what Yurika is saying.
"The school's history and its reputation are well-known; they are two of the reasons I have chosen to attend this academy."
Yurika isn't going to even hint at what her goal is, after all Aislinn just got here and it wouldn't do any good to have her running away now, would it? Of course not!
The silver-haired student looks to Aislinn once more, "Oh I see, so you truely are interested?" she asks, seeming mildly suprised, "Well that's wonderful, Miss Aislinn, as for myself then, I'll do what I can to help you fit in a bit more. Many new students give off a somewhat... Well, negative impression at first. But it's traditional in it's own little way, one might even say it's an essential learning experience. Would you like some tea, perhaps?"
Of course not. No good evil overlord gives their plans away until the very last minute. Aislinn knows this... but she has her own plans as well. Some may involve Yurika, even. And a needle or two. DNA extraction. That kind of thing. Aislinn's lavender bob-cut hair bounces as she shakes her head from side to side once, a quick, precise motion.
"No. I do not consume tea." That and she doesn't like caffeine--makes her implants go haywire. She's being awfully polite, despite the rough language... after all, her first day at Gedo involved nearly crushing some guy's throat.
"I do not care about 'fitting in' here; that is not one of my goals." Indeed, she probably is better-suited to Gedo...
"No?" Yurika repeats, almost as if to confirm. Though that in itself wasn't unusual, lots of students didn't drink tea. But in this case it was certainly disappointing, since it's her usual way of starting to know people. But she slowly nods her head, and directs toward the dormitory, her smile sweet as she then respond to the last comment, "I will not accept that, of course." she replies, "I've gone through the liberty of getting your room assigned down the hall from my own, and thought you'd may appreciate having a single bed room for the time being. Have you seen it already?"
... interesting. Yurika is as capable a manipulator at her level as anyone Aislinn has seen. She is careful not to betray surprise as she hears what Yurika has planned, though really since she doesn't care where her room is she just lets it go. That sweet smile... Aislinn doesn't trust it.
"I have a map of the campus showing me where my room is. I have not yet visited the facility." She pauses, then reflexing on Yurika's non-acceptance of Aislinn just not caring about getting along with Seijyun as a whole.
"My attitude towards this school... is not for you to accept or not accept. It simply is."
Yurika's dark eyes narrow just slightly, not in anger or anything, as far as most students know, Yurika is a very patient individual, perhaps hinting as such when she replies, "Of course it isn't.. You'll learn. Please follow me, then." and turning fully, the girl proceeds to head toward the dormitories, hands slipping within her kimono sleeves, "I'd be stating the obvious if I said that the way things work in Seijyun is quite different than in Gedo, Miss Aislinn. While I don't expect you to go out of your way to make friends, I cannot allow you to make many enemies, either. That isn't why I've been looking forward to meeting you, after all. Your lack of direction seems to be what curbs you so easily toward violence.." and the girl draws open the door, allowing Aislinn to step inside,
"I wish to help you find that direction, because I see the seeds of a beautiful flower, much as I'm sure you don't like the sound of it."
'You'll Learn'... huh. Aislinn's own lavender eyes narrow in turn and she watches Yurika walk off for a moment--perhaps an act of subtle, subconscious defiance. But her booted feet start moving soon enough. "I do not make enemies," she replies, perhaps echoing a certain Jeet Kune Do master's thoughts on attacking. "I simply am, and when things obstruct me, I remove them." It is not necessarily a statement of confidence in herself, although Aislinn certainly is... it is more a statement of philosophy. "If there are those who wish to consider me an enemy I will not dissuade them."
"You do not intentionally," Yurika 'corrects' with another amused smile, "But that's enough about me pretending to be a psychiatrist. I'm just a student here just as you are, with my own goals and dreams. But I also care deeply for this school, and as such I feel.. Responsible for it." turning she then walks up the stairwell after walking inside.
As soon as they reach the second floor, surely enough is a door with Aislinns name slipped into the tag board, "Mmn, actually I'm uncertain where I was going with that.. I suppose I'm hoping you will find that same appreciation."
It is too early for Yurika to be correcting Aislinn like that. She frowns again, though the expression is minimalistic, as is to be expected. In a way she's more right than Yurika is; she doesn't make enemies. People are /already/ her enemies. That is the default, the reality when one considers the whole of Aislinn's existence, her birth, her entire reason for being. She is going to be the vanguard for NESTS; moreso than Kula, created as the Anti-K', moreso than Candy, dedicated to observance and analysis. Far more so than Foxy or Diana, dedicated scientists, and even more so than Krizalid, Igniz, or Zero. When the war comes, when the day of liberation arrives, it will arrive first wearing Aislinn's face.
"It is possible," says the NESTS assassin, neutrally. But it isn't likely. Aislinn reaches past Yurika, opening the door; inside are two small boxes holding her stuff from her Gedo room, and not much else. Sparse, as she likes it. Oh wait, there's one box she was hoping for; though it isn't clearly labeled except to say 'Fragile'. Aislinn steps inside the doorway and turns to face Yurika; the positioning and pose clearly say that whatever conversation may continue, it will happen at this threshold.
"I understand that many of the more prominent students here are capable warriors. I will test myself against them."
Yurika was starting to get a little full of herself, wasn't she? On the other hand, she notices that Aislinn isn't.. Really reacting to it, displaying an impressive amount of tolerance. She stands at the doorway for a moment, taking only a brief glance before returning her attention to Aislinn, "I see," she replies, "We do not really endorse fighting on school grounds, so the only advice I can give you is, 'don't get caught'.." the girl smiles again, and gives a curtsey, "Well, I believe it's time for me to get changed and return to my studies. If you have any questions do not hesitate to knock on my door. I'm always happy to help."
It's easy to be tolerant when you just don't care. Aislinn's gaze is level as she replies, "I've researched the students. Like I did with you, I will challenge them through... appropriate methods." Aislinn is a mystery--and if Zaki is any indication, the Seijyun girls -love- mystery. Of course she doesn't dress as weirdly as Zaki and she doesn't lead a gang, but...
In Zaki's case, Yurika thinks there's some charisma on the gangsters part as well. Really, the musician herself would be a better example.. And even in her case she has a very strange charisma, naturally since she has such a repuation as a lady the students would be a bit fond of her.
But it's true the girls love mystery about as much as they love to gossip. It's up to Aislinn to determine which direction it will go. Yurika touched the doorway a moment, her dark eyes locked right back with Aislinns, "Oh my.. I wonder how that will work out." she replies, with a mysterious little smile again, and then makes her exit. Things were already getting interesting at this school, but a little more certainly wouldn't hurt.
Log created on 17:46:09 03/26/2007 by Aislinn, and last modified on 23:25:21 05/22/2007.