Description: Eiji finally decides to test Kasumi by subjecting her to his dangerous style. Battered and bloodied the young Todoh heiress manages to show the ninja she is stronger than she looks.
The weekend means quite a few of the students are off doing things with one another or perhaps at home visiting family. There are a few that remain behind to continue with their studies or just being lazy and enjoying the weekend by sleeping in their dorm all day and night. For Kasumi Todoh it is just another day to keep herself disciplined and focused. A day off may sound good, but at least some form of training should occur. If she doesn't continue to improve on her style and strengthen her body she will never be able to beat her enemy, Ryo Sakazaki.
She is off on one of the more quiet parts of the campus of the all girls school. Dressed in her usual battle garb she is focused on several punching motions. A soft 'HAA' coming from her each time she thrusts a fist forward to punch at the wooden panel that hangs from the tree's branches. A few broken ones rest not too far off. For now she is doing her best to hit it with enough force to knock it back, but not to bust the panel as well.
Seijyun is a place that often prides itself on security and the like in not letting rather dubious people in on the grounds. Of course the people you would really have to worry about are the ones that can easily get in without even letting security know that something might be wrong. For someone with Eiji's skills it is just as simple as sneaking over the fence without so much of leaving a fingerprint on it. He had business to attend to and he is not going to allow inept guards and some low grade security precautions keep him from talking with his unlikely partner.
Even if he usually has little respect for women he can appreciate someone that shows the determination that Kasumi does. Maybe that is why he entertains the thoughts of helping her out even though she is much weaker than he is. "You have a long way to go, Ms. Todoh." comes the rather soft voice of the assassin as he finally makes his presence known as he emerges in street clothes. The coat he wears has a high collar that hides most of his face and a pair of shades rest over his eyes concealing the cold eyes of a killer. "There are better ways to train."
The voice speaking up doesn't shock Kasumi to jump in reaction, but her punch does end up hitting a bit too forcefully to break the board she was practicing with and she furrows her brow some. "You shouldn't come here. I did say I would meet you in other places." she says calmly while turning about to regard the ninja. It always was weird to see him actually dressed as a normal person. Curiousity always does strike her in wondering if she might catch a better glimpse of his face like this, but yet somehow he always does well at remaining concealed despite looking more like a normal everyday person.
"What do you suggest?" she asks with a slight arch of her brow as she folds her arms over her chest. He did promise to make her stronger, but yet nothing has come of it. Mostly just idle talking and planning of what might happen next. She really has started to wonder if he is all talk and nothing much. If not for the fact he apparently has been hanging in the World Warrior tournament her doubts would linger about a bit longer.
Eiji remains silent for a moment as if being thoughtful and then takes a deep breath. "Well I suppose I could do something about it." he murmurs and takes a step back. She has shown patience and unlike most women she doesn't whine when she doesn't get what she wants. Instead she waits and continues to try to improve on her own. Perhaps it is time he finally teaches the young woman what true power really is. "Prepare yourself. I shall not take it easy on you." he tells her and then smoke curls about him while engulfing his body entirely.
There are quick movements among the smoke, but nothing is left when the smoke dissipates, the ninja gone from where he stood until Kasumi might notice a shadow coming in from her left as the ninja moves in to strike at her with a strike of reddish chi that licks at her clothes to cut at both it and skin.
COMBATSYS: Eiji has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Eiji 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kasumi has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Eiji 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kasumi
COMBATSYS: Eiji successfully hits Kasumi with Bone Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Kasumi
He really was read to train? The Todoh woman manages to contain the excitement that she wants to show knowing the ninja doesn't react to that sort of thing very well. For all she knows he might take it back if she allowed herself more of a slight grin in response. "Arigato, Kisiragi-sensei." she says while bowing her head and then taking up her fighting stance as he starts to summon forth the smoke to surround him. Squinting she tries to keep an eye on where he might come from when she realizes he has moved from his spot.
Turning about she tries to avoid the incoming strike only to realize that he was not joking when he said he would not go easy. She bites back a cry of pain and she staggers back some with her top already turning red from where she was cut open. With a deep breath she comes forward to strike back at him by thrusting her arms forward to strike at his chest with quite a bit of force behind the blow. "HAAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Eiji fails to interrupt Senkou Nagashi from Kasumi with Stallion Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Kasumi
"Fearless, but foolish as well." he says while observing the girl's reaction to the attack. He knows she is more hurt than she is letting on, but yet she remains stoic as she can while striking back. Her movements are slow, more than likely from the pain in her side. That is why the ninja is smiling some as he starts to get ready to jump upwards when the woman rushes at him. "Too slo-hrk!" She caught him!? He isn't sure how he could have mistimed things so badly. To the point that the woman slams hard against his chest before he ever gets upwards into the air and gets knocked backwards.
He falls backwards into a roll to seperate himself from the Todoh heiress and he tchs lightly while eyes narrow. "It shall take more than that to defeat people like me and Ryo Sakazaki. I hope you have more to show off." For now he hangs back though and awaits for the younger fighter to come at him, his hand raising motioning her to come at him.
Hitting the ninja may have surprised Kasumi more than it did Eiji if that is possible. She was half expecting to hit a log or something when her hands actually connected with the torso. She straightens back up and nods slowly listening to the ninja's words. "I know this. Don't think me that foolish." Even if she is out of her league she hates being underestimated by people. Getting riled by such things might just be why the girl can never quite get over the hump she has encountered and beat Ryo or one of the other Sakazaki clan other than that brat Yuri.
Even as she is taunted into it she moves forward to attack once again, her body moving fluidly as she moves to strike at Eiji with two reverse chops that is followed up by a palm thrust upwards to slam into his chin. With one big deep breath she shouts out once again as she brings a leg up to kick him right in the gut.
COMBATSYS: Eiji interrupts Tatsumaki Souda from Kasumi with Mist Slash.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Kasumi
Eiji only finds his observation of the Todoh heiress being foolish even more right when she actually bites at his little taunt. He was wanting to see if she would press or stay back to be more tactically minded. He says nothing for now. He will let his actions this time around teach their lesson. Stepping forward he allows that first chop slam down on his shoulder and then there is a dangerous glint in the ninja's eyes before his hands move quickly to slash at a forward arch to slash across Kasumi's frontside with one of those dangerous strikes with his chi that holds the sharpness of a fine blade.
"Are you seeing the error of your ways yet?" he asks in that same calm manner as he remains standing in that same place and bringing his arms back up ready to strike again or await for another possible assault from the young woman. It is time to see if she truely will learn something or continue to fail at realizing what he is trying to show her.
That look of confidence quickly drains away from Kasumi when she sees the ninja intentionally let himself get struck by such an attack. The result is the searing pain of another wound opened and the younger fighter staggers back holding the newest wound while panting lightly and glaring towards the ninja. She says nothing to him in response to his words. Instead she straightens back up again and steadies her footing while letting herself reassess the sitation and see if she can figure out a better way to take out the ninja. It appears you can teach a dog new tricks in this case. Lesson learned.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Kasumi
Is he smiling? Yes, but perhaps for a different reason than the adrenaline pumping from feeling blood touch his skin and seeing it stain his opponent. No, this is one of him realizing that perhaps this Todoh girl really can learn something from his training if he continues to tutor her. He may not teach her the ways of his ninjitsu style, but he would be more than willing to help the girl grow in strength to defeat that cocky Ryo Sakazaki. Then finally he can kill that little annoyance and move on to finish off the rest of the family.
His body almost seems to flicker out of existence as he decides it is time to strike now. He wants to see how well this woman can react to a much speedier fighter when on the defensive. Coming about he appears once again to the right of Kasumi and he lashes a leg out to kick her right in the spot of where he wounded her earlier.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi counters Heavy Kick from Eiji with Messhin Mutou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Eiji 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Kasumi
[OOC] Eiji says, "Of course you realize I have to kill you."
The ninja is much too fast to keep an exact eye on. Instead of focusing on where he is moving she concentrates more on the area around here and where he might appear. It ends up paying off in the long run as she catches movement out of the corner of her line of sight. Twisting about her arms reach out to grasp for the ninja's foot and holds it steady while twisting back around to pull him off balance and tug him off the ground to swing him about and fling him away with a strained grunt as it only aggravates the wound in her side.
She puffs some while a hand rests on her side, her vision a bit fuzzy while trying to keep focused on where Eiji lands and keeps her ground. "I thought you ninja were supposed to be impossible to hit. Don't hold out on me if you really are." she says while not realizing that aggravating the ninja might not be a good thing at this point.
Even as his foot is caught and the subsequent throw does hurt him more than he expected Eiji remains calm about the whole ordeal as he rises back to his feet. "Do not get cocky." he says while adjusting his shades for a moment and then brushes the dirt and grass from his jeans. If she is going to get like that then he will just have to show her how bad of an idea that may be. With a deep breath he blazes forward, his gaze focused on the girl in his path as he seeks to thrust his hands forward once again while aiming to just open her up on the opposite side of the first wound. "Insolence will only bring pain!"
COMBATSYS: Kasumi interrupts Bone Cutter from Eiji with Kasane Ate.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Eiji 1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1 Kasumi
Who is teaching who a lesson now? It might just be Kasumi since it was her turn to egg the ninja into striking at her while she was ready. Wasn't he supposed to be the trained warrior? She smiles a bit as he comes straight at her and her hands raise up and she steps forward while throwing her arms down, shouting loudly right as the ninja impacts and opens up another wound. This time though she will not take the hit without causing some punishment of her own. Waves of chi rise from the ground as she knocks him back away with the blast. She staggers some before regaining her footing and she looks at the ninja in a smug manner while mocking him with the same gesture to motion him to come at her again like he did earlier.
There might be a difference between cockiness and uncaring of suffering pain as long as he can inflict pain of his own in return. His head tilts down some to where the shades slide down enough to let his cold gaze stare down the woman even as she brings up the chi to strike at him. All that matters is the fact his hand slams hard into her again leaving yet another wound. She will probably not be doing much training after this event for awhile, but to him she has learned more than she could by punching boards or swinging a shinai all day long.
Flipping about in the air he lands in a crouch while letting out a low chuckle. "You think you are doing so well?" he asks while reaching up to push the shades back up. His body then starts to glow while he stands back up fully. "It is time to end this." he murmurs and then flips forward, while his arms makes slashing motions that send two waves of chi to blast away from him and aim to slam into Kasumi and put her down once and for all.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi interrupts Steel Wave Slasher from Eiji with Shiranui.
[ \\\\ <
Eiji 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Kasumi can no longer fight.
[ \\\\ <
Eiji 0/-------/--=====|
So he wants to end this now? Kasumi couldn't agree more that this has become a bit drawn out. It hurts to breath at this point and her top is rather soaked in blood at this point. She feels like she is about to pass out from blood loss and trying to focus on the fast movements of the ninja is hard to do. Staggering forward she rushes towards him even as those two waves of chi come her way. They only do enough to stagger her forward progress for a moment before making it through and grasping for the ninja.
With the last of her strength she lifts him up to sling him around and focuses all her energy to explode from her hands to help with send the ninja the hell away. After releasing she staggers a step and then slumps forward to land flat on her face and out cold. If anything the lesson she has learned was not to be so eager for more training from Eiji if all fights will be like this.
So the student does something the master had not expected. She actually decided to risk injury to herself to make sure she could get to him and hit him. It was a lesson he inadvertantly must have bestowed upon the Todoh woman. It was a tactic he often uses, but never expected this little girl to actually do it just to make a point. That is probably why it surprises him enough that he gets caught by the smaller fighter's strike and he pays for it in spades.
He lands quite a bit of ways from the other fighter and lays there for a moment realizing that she managed to hurt him pretty well at that point. Maybe she will be more useful than he expected. Slowly he rises and wanders over to the unconcious Kasumi and nods his head. "Satisfactory....I shall return again when you are healed." he tells her and then turns about to head back towards the fence that keeps Seijyun seperated from the rest of Southtown. It is time for him to mull over what he shall do with the girl next.
COMBATSYS: Eiji takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Eiji can no longer fight.
Log created by Kasumi, and last modified on 21:13:23 03/24/2007.