Description: Attempting to flood Taiyo to cleanse it of sin, the crusader of light meets up with Hotaru whom doesn't seem to think that is such a good idea. What begins as a fight ends with the ultimate sacrifice and someone breaks rating!
"Itokatsu...! Itokatsu...!" Hotaru makes her way down the sidewalk, calling for her furry companion. Looking up at the trees that line the sidewalk, she seems to expect that the critter has scrambled up high somewhere. Eventually she comes up to the gates of Taiyo High. Being a weekend it doesn't seem to have a lot of people going in and out, so the quiet gates just sit open, revealing the campus behind them. As Hotaru draws near the gate, her pace slows however, and she stops short of it, as if almost reluctant to go any further.
Taiyo high. A rival school. How cliche it was for Gabriel to dislike this place, but she did dislike it. It was at least for a different reason as the Justice high student, regaled in all glory and nice uniform stood at the gate, straight backed, rigid with elitism and full of arrogance and a bottle of aquafina in her hand, a wrench in the other. There was a fire hydrant nearby and if the black car parked nearby with a trunk opened full of newspapers, some of which had been stuffed into nearby storm sewers were any indicator.. well she was up to something? Someone really perceptive might know just what she was up to, given how Gabriel was often prone to doing more or less the same sort of schemes often including purification with lots and lots of water. Here she stood, glancing only briefly at the call of Hotaru to her ferret. But she's too driven to really take notice of the approaching person.
Frozen at the edge of the gate opening for a long moment, Hotaru eventually leans forward and peeks through it at the campus beyond, as if scoping the place out to see if anyone would notice her. "Itokatsu..." she calls out while looking around, though her voice that time is so quiet it's more like she has no intention of being heard. "Yesh, he wouldn't go in there..." she murmurs to herself, withdrawing from the opening to glance around some more, eyes coming to rest on Gabriel. Her expression twists into a bit of an uneasy smile. Getting back, this is the first person she comes across? Still, a familiar face is welcome. Breathing in deeply, as if steeling her courage to the point of being able to approach, Hotaru steps toward the other girl. She notices the wrench first, other details not so quickly. "Gabriel...?"
A glance. A once over. Cold green eyes with a perpetual air of disapproval. Though in comparison, Gabriel didn't disapprove of Hotaru as much as she disapproved of other people, most other people. This was a mild, very mild disapproval, but none the less. So staring for a moment she dips a small nod before proceeding with the next step of her plan, moving to the fire hydrant and starting to loosen it.
"Greetings Hotaru-san, I have come to flood Taiyo high, what business has brought you here?" She asks in a relatively polite though not terribly emotive voice.
The brief stare freezes Hotaru in her tracks as she lifts a one hand to scratch her cheek with her finger. Once Gabriel moves over to the fire hydrant though, Hotaru continues to move forward, finally noticing the newspapers and hearing the strange girl's plan. "Oh. So not trying your hand at fixing things..." she replies just slightly wryly, glancing from the hydrant, to the car, then back to the girl. "I am going to work. Well, was. I mean...until Itokatsu..." Wait. "Flood the school? What for? Is that a good idea?" Eyebrows raise with a hint of concern.
"Yes, it is a fantastic idea, you see this school in particular houses a great deal of cultural degradation and sin, in order to purify it, since it has already far surpassing epidemic proportions, I will have to flood it, with holy water, which I will attempt to bless.. and anyone inside of it, so that their souls can be cleansed." She replies, and looks thoughtful, "I only hope they are more pious in the days to follow."
Yeah. Still weird. "Gabriel is always very thoughtful about other people's souls." Hotaru replies, glancing back toward the High School. Then she glances up and down the street, looking a bit nervous that someone might notice this girl's antics, but so far she can't see anyone paying any attention. Nor is the foot traffic particularly busy. She looks just about ready to rush on her way to wherever this 'work' might be, since that would be far away from what is probably going to turn into quite the scene, but something keeps her from leaving all the same. "Do you need any help?" she offers, appearing to be on-board with the scheme.
"Mmm.." replies the self proclaimed Crusader of Light, whom considers Hotaru for a very long time before dipping a nod, apparently coming up with a way in which assistance can be provided,
"Yes, you see I will need to come up with an excuse for running the fire hydrant which will surely draw attention. I have calculated critical mass, the point in which I will have done enough flooding that my plan can not be stopped, but to reach that point I will need to ensure there are no interruptions, so if you would give me the honor of a exhibition match, at least in pretence, there would be no question as to why I ran the fire hydrant.. to cool off." Gabriel replies, giving Hotaru a polite bow.
At first Hotaru looks taken back at the idea. She never was the most eager fighter there was to begin with, but being gone for a spell might have made her even less interested. Still... She did offer to help. And she might even want to get back in touch with the team she was once part of. Doing what the girl asks might be the first step in that direction. Breathing in then exhaling quickly, Hotaru appears to have made her decision. "If that will help your plan, then yes." She returns the polite bow with a slight one in return. Itokatsu can wait, the ferret tends to take care of himself well enough anyway.
"Excellent," replies Gabriel and starts a brief stretch before giving Hotaru a small gesture. She appears to be ready rather quickly, having left the wrench right where it was on the fire hydrant still. The stance she takes after a moment of bringing her goddess pendant to her lips, a prop one can not forget as it is a huge part in her faith, is one that might mirror Hotaru's own, might. She has both hands opened, one guarding low and the other guarding high, her eyes slightly narrowed.
"Then.. When you are prepared to come, please begin."
COMBATSYS: Gabriel has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Hotaru has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Hotaru
Stretching her arms out to her sides, then in front of her, wrapping her fingers together and pressing her palms outward in a typical arm and hand stretch, Hotaru prepares quickly as well. There is a slight surge of exhilaration and it shows as a faint smile. It's been a while since she's faced anyone. Slipping into her own ready stance, near arm lower, her far arm raised, she nods once to indicate her readiness, her brief smile melts away as she adopts a more focused, serious expression. One last breath is taken in preparation, then she leaps, her opening attack coming from the air.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru successfully hits Gabriel with Koushuu Da.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Hotaru
There is a look, almost contempt as Gabriel watches the incoming attack and then raises her hand. She seems absolutely convinced she can catch it without any great deal of effort, but it slips right by her defenses easily like a game of pool where you were shooting for the one ball in the corner and instead sunk the eight ball in the side. Gabriel is drilled into the ground.
Dust, well a little, I mean, that was a seriously hard attack, the surprise is replaced by mild irritation as the girl gathers to her feet and tries to rush with a quick response of ,
A rush with a open palmed stick and a snap of purple energy is quick to follow, her movements curling her into a spin as though trying to prepare herself for Hotaru's next attack with her current.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru blocks Gabriel's Serpent Snap.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Hotaru
Perhaps glad to have been initially underestimated, Hotaru rests too much on the success of her first attack as Gabriel retaliates. The irritation from her opponent is returned with almost an apologetic smile. As if to suggest that 'Hey, I just got lucky is all.' Too caught up in worrying about how Gabriel might be feeling, the only thing Hotaru is able to do in reaction to the decisive instruction to confess is block, wincing a bit as some of the force behind the move still hits her. Exhaling a little as the force dissipates, Hotaru goes once again on the quick offensive.
This defensive choice buys her time to jump again. If one jump kick was good, one that strikes twice as hard can only be better after all!
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Hotaru's Rengeki Shuu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Hotaru
This one wasn't going to hurt as much, not if Gabriel could help it, instead she was going to try and take the move and turn it against Hotaru. How silly of her not to of used her posturing before to give her the advantage it afforded, but still, she didn't so much as care, at least not right off, instead she needed to go with what worked best and in this case it was an attempt to take Hotaru right out of the air and squeeze some life out of her or something. She aims to grab her soon after glancing the blow off her shoulder less harmfully by the neck and cast her aside.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru endures Gabriel's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Hotaru
Intending to hop back after Gabriel blocks her attack by using the girl's shoulder as a springboard, Hotaru's intial plan is shot when she finds herself pulled along with her momentum. Having a split second to think before being chucked aside with little chance of recovery, Hotaru quickly attempts to grab hold of Gabriel's arm. The hope is to pull her into a dropping throw using Hotaru's own momentum as the source of force.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel dodges Hotaru's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Hotaru
At this point Gabriel seems to feel her best bet is to try and escape, and by escape we mean, flip out of danger, which she would do if she weren't rather flat footed. So instead she just does a hop back and a narrowed green eyes. This was getting serious, in that well, Hotaru was tough! And needed to make this real after all to flood Taiyo.
Instead of attacking though she just stares at Hotaru. At this point likely onlookers are starting to approach and stare too. Perhaps trying to get a look up the skirt of a girl in a school uniform. Which in this case, happens to be Gabriel. She'll have to make a mental note to drown them, just in case.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Hotaru
It would seem at the moment, the situation needed a little more elegance. And if one were to disagree? Then.. Well, it's being offered anyway. Yurika Kirishima didn't have any special purpose today, taking a quiet stroll up to the village's tea shop to buy a new brew that had come in today. It's probably a little sad that one could get so excited over such a thing, but that's just the way it is it would seem.
However as she was about to head home, the constant yell of 'Confess!' rang in the air, raising her curiosity as a result and what is she to find as she follows the trail? The all too familiar Gabriel. Actually she had never seen the girl fight before, so it would probably do her some good to observe for the time being. Oh, and the hydrant does go noticed, but she doesn't think too much of it.
Getting back to her feet after landing, Hotaru smiles a little, inwardly reproaching herself for underestimating Gabriel's ability to react to her own speed. She hesitates a moment, wondering why the girl has backed off. Sometimes it means there's a nasty trick afoot, and she isn't really sure about the schoolgirl's approach to fighting, even if their base styles are so similar. Still, she isn't about to give her opponent time to breath, as quick offense feels like the best choice to Hotaru now.
Rushing forward, Hotaru takes to the air again, attempting to stay in close quarters with Gabriel. Diving foot first at the girl, she decides to see if Gabriel can block the move as well as the first time.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel interrupts Rengeki Shuu from Hotaru with Soushou Shin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Hotaru
This time Gabriel was waiting, not moving, anticipating and what better way to open up a can, then to use someone else's own move to do it. That's right, she used the stolen twisting motion ending with a backhand like an unwinding spring toward Hotaru who should really recognize it well, considering well, it was a stolen move. Gabriel even goes on to say ,
"Shou-shou shin" while barreling through Hotaru's attack, taking the brunt of it on her body, but soldiering on to deliver her own attack.
Success! Or, no, not success! Hotaru realizes only after it is too late to react that Gabriel is attacking her right back with a movement she should know well. The final backhand strikes the girl in the shoulder, knocking her back off her feet. Ow, ow. The only solace being that since she's light, she won't land too hard. Scrambling back to her feet, Hotaru shakes her head quickly, squinting a bit in concentration. A habit of hers when she's trying to keep from losing confidence.
After taking a hit like that, Hotaru plays it a bit more cautiously, returning to attack Gabriel with a quick, safe attack. Running forward, she slides into a quick, low kick, just to keep pressure on Gabriel.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Hotaru's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Hotaru
This one Gabriel decides to take very carefully, using her leg and trying to glance the kick off her shin. She decides to go into the air with a leap, hoping Hotaru doesn't have any great anti air perhaps maybe just throwing caution to the wind. While sailing down she tries to do a head stomp on Hotaru before landing some bit away, if she misses she'll just land some bit near by. That would be unfortunate.
Also she gives a slight hiss of "Repent," while trying the headstomp, but if you're confused as to what you're supposed to repent or confess to, so it just about every other person who ever fought Gabriel, with the exception of a few who just expect they have evil deeds and just don't care to confess, or repent.
Yurika was a little torn.. She was actually very eager to head home and try this new tea while relaxing in her comforter and finishing the romance novel she had bought not too long ago.
But the dutiful side of her tells her that she should hang around, after all there's no excuse for her not to be *somewhat* familiar with her comrade's technique. And so the dutiful side of her wins, and with a gentle sigh, Yurika continues to hang back. Though.. Water gushing from the hydrant like that with no fire about does seem very wasteful.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru blocks Gabriel's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Hotaru
Hotaru simply blocks the head stomp, allowing Gabriel to leap off with moderate safety. Getting impatient at not being able to land any attacks against her quick foe, Hotaru throws to the wind and charges the school girl as she lands. Another throw attempt is made, the girl reaching for her opponent's arm in an attempt to pull her off balance before she can get completely steadied. This throw is a bit more practiced than the desperate grab she made earlier though, actually fitting into her style of fighting instead of being an impromptu reach.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Hotaru's Ten Ranku-Tou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Hotaru
And it works, to some degree, Gabriel has to struggle to keep from getting thrown harder than she'd like and instead rolls with it to regain her footing. Though it was getting terribly difficult to land anything, so when Gabriel does get up, looking a little sweaty, it's to do what could be classified as not even really an attack, a feint more like, as she throws a palm thrust, but it's not even close to it's mark, almost more at the air while swinging her hips to keep herself in motion.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru dodges Gabriel's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Hotaru
Seeming to get more into the flow of the fight, Hotaru easily avoids the misdirected attack by whirling around once, "Ha!" Having moved to the side, she continues the turn, providing momentum for a quick backhand as she comes out of the evasive motion. She's holding back a little, regaining some strength after her initial efforts were met with strong resistence.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru successfully hits Gabriel with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Gabriel 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Hotaru
This one hits Gabriel dead on, though she does make an effort at getting out of the way. She shakes her head a little from side to side as her opponent apparently gets into the fight a little more. She then smiles, almost politely, almost, but not for long because as she steps back and seems to draw a deep breath. Her next attack is.. To do nothing. She steps back and lingers there, watching Hotaru but hardly even making an effort to approach her again, not just yet anyway.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Hotaru
Perhaps feeling more confident after pushing Gabriel back a little, Hotaru follows through with the quick punch by turning into a second, this time slower double-palm press, aimed at knocking the wind from Gabriel before she can catch her breath for too long.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel dodges Hotaru's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Hotaru
Gabriel in turn moves right to her feet and rushes in again after the attack comes her way, trying to break in close through Hotaru's defense and aims a double palmed punch toward her chest, yes this could be considered inappropriate, but only if you were a freak, it would by most people's standards likely instead be considered VERY painful.
"Tsch." Gabriel grunts as she lunges into the attack and throws her weight into it. This was a more serious attack, a VERY serious attack
COMBATSYS: Hotaru dodges Gabriel's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Gabriel 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Hotaru
Speeding up even more than she had been on earlier attacks, Hotaru dodges again! This time she leans to the side to let the punch fly out at empty air. Taking one step in that direction as Gabriel misses, she leaves her other leg in place and tries to grab Gabriel's arm in order to help her continue with her momentum and trip over Hotaru's foot. It's nothing more than just a 'Buy some time' attack, as the damage in pride from taking the fall would probably be more than any injury caused by the trip.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru successfully hits Gabriel with Quick Punch.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Gabriel 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Hotaru
Gabriel takes it, a bit of a grunt escapes her lips but then her eyes just narrow and she starts to flare up her off hand with energy, looking ready to drive it home toward Hotaru's kisser.
"Atone for your sins!" exclaims Gabriel, as she gradually begins to get a little annoyed. Her body shifting suspiciously as she shifts her weight as though to carefully prepare for her next action.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru dodges Gabriel's Serpent Snap.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Gabriel 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Hotaru
A successful attack doesn't leave her slow this time, as Hotaru makes just the slightest motion to let the punch fly by her face. Months of not sparing against someone had left her slow to begin with, but now she's getting back into it, even grinning a little with confidence. Taking to the air again, her upward momentum changes abruptly as she dives at Gabriel with another kick, hoping to wear her opponent down a little more. Though through all this, she does seem to be holding back a little.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Hotaru's Rengeki Shuu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Gabriel 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Hotaru
Through narrowed eyes, Gabriel seems to accept her fate as having to sit this one back and hunkering down. She remains still, crosses her arms then lowers them. The style of fighting changing, she switches to just watching her opponent, rather then actually attacking her just now. Yurika is noticed at this time, as is her surroundings, but more to mind Hotaru whom she examines with a careful look
COMBATSYS: Gabriel focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Gabriel 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Hotaru
Again trying to keep Gabriel from gaining too much breathing room, Hotaru lands and immediately rushes forward to keep the pressure on her opponent. Using her sprint for speed more than force, she strikes out quickly at the girl, "It feels like you're holding back some," she comments neutrally as she makes a jabbing chop at the center of Gabriel's chest.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel interrupts Quick Punch from Hotaru with Soushou Shin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Gabriel 1/------=/=======|=======\====---\1 Hotaru
"Perhaps a little" replies Gabriel before unloading another spring like motion, spinning around with the back handed attack and mimicking a lot of what sort of movements she might she Hotaru do with a then call of
"Sou-shou shin"
Drawing in deep breaths as she leans forward slightly to catch her breath following that attack she says in a softer voice,
"But not any more.."
Getting hit so hard should teach her a lesson in smack talk timing. Hotaru is a noticeably slower to get up this time, that last attack leaving her reeling a bit. Gauging her distance from Gabriel, she takes a moment to focus this time. That attack really hurt, and she doesn't want to take much more like it. Yeah, that was definitely not holding back. Gritting her teeth in determination, Hotaru charges toward Gabriel as if intending to attack her carelessly again. But as she gets close, she feints, anticipating a likely counter, then ducks into a low stance, arms out at her sides. This only lasts a split second though as moving faster than she has the entire fight, the girl launches herself into a back-flip, blue chi adding strength to the kick.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru successfully hits Gabriel with Ten-shou Ranki EX.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Gabriel 1/-======/=======|-------\-------\0 Hotaru
But the kick was only the first part of the attack - serving to knock Gabriel off her feet backwards while Hotaru continues into the air, adjusting into a dive similar to her aerial attacks earlier in the fight, only this dive is to intercept Gabriel and drive her into the ground, with the intent of stunning her long enough for the real purpose of the move to be accomplished.
After the landing, Hotaru has Gabriel pinned, straddling her at the waist and pressing both of her palms against the center of the girl's breast-bone. The position serves to hold her opponent in place, while also acting as a conduit for the rapid build up of chi forming an alarmingly bright blue aura around Hotaru. The air crackles with energy, Hotaru's own hair and loose sleeves being blown around by forces not felt by those that are a safe distance off. The build up only lasts seconds though, before Hotaru releases the chi by channeling it directly into Gabriel. The attack is one that will wear its victim down substantially, though it leaves minimal physical damage. Hotaru herself seems to have spent all of her energy in it though, as she is slow to move afterward, hopping backwards to catch her breath. That stunt wasn't one her father taught her.
Woah.. Just Woah. . .. ... .
. . . . .Woah. ... . .
. . . . .. . . .. .
. . . . . . Woah..
At this time Gabriel considers smoking, but she doesn't smoke. She does however flush at the face, you know cause it hurt so much right? Not because they just totally violated theme here. No .. Still Gabriel takes a moment to push herself up and wipe a hand over her forehead, some of her hair got away over to her clamy face. Dotted with sweat. Okay, enough of going there. Even with Gabriel rather fast healing rate (which is easy enough to see,) She'll take a while to recover from that one.
"I .. think we should fight like that more," the crusader of light says, but no, get your head out of the gutter,
"It was.. good training, but that is enough, for now Hotaru-san." Gabriel says and bows to Hotaru.
There was just absolutely no way to top that.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel takes no action.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Gabriel 1/--=====/=======|-------\-------\0 Hotaru
Having not even really regained her ready stance, Hotaru was certainly not about to follow that up with any quick attacks. Exhaling slowly, she nods quickly in agreement, bowing slightly in return before taking a look around at the attention the fight garnered. "Maybe we'll have a chance to fight together more," she states softly, perhaps considering the experiences she had as being part of a team before. Then glancing at the flood in progress, she looks toward the other girl to see if everything has goned as planned with regards to the strange girl's weekend sabatoge on Taiyo High.
Luckily for Taiyo high, or Gabriel, she is done, totally done with her mischief, she just didn't have the heart for it anymore. While purifying people was very important, for some strange reason Gabriel felt as though the only person who needed to be purified was herself. She doesn't stop the fire hydrant from leaking, but she does give a polite bow, head to the car and have the driver take her back to her dorm room after a,
"Farewell for now, Hotaru-san."
COMBATSYS: Gabriel has left the fight here.
> //////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Hotaru
COMBATSYS: Hotaru has ended the fight here.
Log created by Gabriel, and last modified on 09:33:54 03/25/2007.