Description: Dante vs. Leilani -- Dante whacks a few of Big's goons, then ends up nearly whacking one of his girls. What a meanie. (Winner: Dante)
Dante has been notably chagrined after his conflict with Mimiru; He left back for the city proper immediately thereafter, attempting to better gain control of his emotions. Although his sensei was not present physically, he knew Kain was in the area; Enough to sense the laughable flaring of his chi beyond his control, if only for a span of fifteen seconds before the tall figure regained his composure. But that places the number of strikes upon him at two, and he had intended his streak to be zero. Before he goes back to speak to Heinlein, Dante had hoped to clear his head. No longer sporting the contrasting facsimile of Kain's garb so brazenly -- doing so at first was mostly a careful ploy to stir the hive of bees known as Jiro -- he's instead in a more subtle black trenchcoat, three serpentine buckles upon the front concealing the garb within. Things became somewhat more bothersome when his attempt to cut through an alley adjacent to a rather famous nightclub of none other then Mr. Big was improperly timed; Three men were in the middle of a delicate drug transaction with quite an illegal substance, and his sudden arrival instigated a rather violent digression, pistols waving.
There was some level of attempt to merely extricate peacefully, having no interest in fighting them. But then he recognized them as Southside Syndicate members, and his demeanor swiftly changed. Within this seclusion, there's little harm in exercising his strength.
The result is brutal and incredibly short. Only one man allows a cry, and a single gunshot goes off sharply into the air before a sickening thud. That is the extent of resistance. A shimmer of purple fires fades from Dantes' fingers, mild rattle lost in the ambience of the night.
One man is slumped limply against a wall, shirt scorched upon the front and revealing an obviously fatally sunken chest with an odd red handprint in the midst. The other looks to have had his arm dislocated before his neck snapped, sprawled on the open ground. The final man hit a dumpster hard enough to dent it, with a pair of scorching imprints upon either shoulder that burned through to the skin; This was the shooter, gun still held in a now permanently slack grip, and given the thug's body was not conditioned to survive such impacts against solid metal is certainly the worst off.
Dante believes that to be the end. Fifteen seconds. Now that he no longer stands out, he should be able to slip back down the alley towards the darkness before anyone comes to investigate, and vanish within it. The violence did him well, and even the smallest chink to the Syndicate might appease Kain just a little... Of course, there's a one-way door he must pass leading into the club. That someone within earshot might rapidly leave to take a look might be the one crimper in his plan...
...and, inconveniently, the crimp in his plan arrives. A thin woman of exotic origin, dressed in casual clothing, opens the back door, a small gym bag over one shoulder, within moments of the last body hitting the alley's pavement. Her beauty and frame would mark her as one of the dancers, and so it would seem that she isn't coming to investigate so much as just leave the establishment for the day. For a long moment as she exits the door, there rests a smile on her face, until, that is, she gets a glimpse of the destruction all around her.
A sharp inhale of breath, and the bag unceremoniously falls to the ground as she lifts her hands to cover her mouth. Blue eyes wide, her face displaying shock, she quickly glances at the bodies around before fixing her eyes on Dante. "Oh my god," she says quietly, strangely stepping closer to the black-clad man. "Did... Did YOU kill them?" she asks, apparently trembling, eyes apparently scanning him for a good description to give to the police. Like a moth to the flame, she still continues stepping gently towards the man, drawn forward by some unknown force. "Why?"
Ah. A civilian. In a street fight conflict, there's no harm in witnesses; When one wishes to spread legend and whispers in the streets, that's entirely a conducive factor. Safiullah was indeed a terrible mistake, in that his foolish tongue incited that step which breeched the honor of single combat into attempted murder. Dante is no longer clouted of mind, and has little intention of perpetuating his string of failures in that regard. Although as the girl came out, not one did the disturbingly loping steps pause, shifting past the door as it opens and giving only a view of his back when she seeks to observe him. Given that beyond the fact he's rather tall and with brown hair would be figured from that position nothing concrete could be garnered, but still -- another corpse wouldn't hurt. One hand had slipped free, fingers curling in what seems to be preparation. Further violence might give further time for other gawkers, but he has time for a single blow. That gunshot will draw the attention of every fool within the club if he allows more then ten seconds, yet it shouldn't take that time for a civilian.
But then the serpent pauses, sensing something odd and more transient once the semantics of his decision no longer fill his mind. His head turns just enough to catch sight of a green eye. This girl is not normal; The instinct in the back of his mind, long honed on the street mayhaps. Or that keen sense still being developed, allowing him just the tracest ability to sense the potential in others.
"Some things are best left unknown." Dante's voice has a rasp, almost a cough. That of someone sickly and with weak lungs. What little visible skin he has is pale however, the unnatural sort undaunted by tan; And given his thin frame, sickly so, hardly someone capable of rampant murder with /this/ ease. "...Adieu." With that, Dante actually bursts into a rather remarkable run, vanishing around the edge of the alley. Shifting another direction just as swiftly, a broad mesh fence is kipped over via a bolstered leap from a side wall. Continuing this flickering a few moments longer, a last leap takes him to a raised fire escape. Languidly yanking himself up, he flitters the two stories before finding himself skidding to a stop on an open roof.
Well. Nobody mundane could have followed him...
A long moment passes before soft footfalls pad the roof behind Dante. Her route chase route had been similar, but just different enough to, perhaps, make it seem like he'd been chased there. She smiles to herself, eyeing the man's back for a moment as she sets her gym bag down. "Gotcha."
When the man had sprinted off, Leilani had immediately made chase, pausing only to snag the gym bag off the alley's pavement before following her quarry's movements. Despite a valid reason for being in the alley, she knew well enough to leave as little evidence of her existence behind as possible. Slightly more encumbered than the gaunt, apparently ill man, she continued her pursuit, pausing only momentarily at each turn to hear the footsteps. She had vaulted almost effortlessly over the fence after leaping against another wall, before finally seeing the last of Dante's skittering up the fire escape. There had been a thin alley, no more than three feet across, that she had determined would be a quieter means of chase than that fire escape. Skittering up the walls, she had pulled herself onto the roof, and was almost surprised to see him there.
"You chose the wrong place t' try go kill, broddah," she said, her voice slipping partially into pidgin English. "Y'should try kine be more careful. This is Syndicate territory." Stepping forward, she cracks her knuckles as she gently whips her hair out of her face with a turn of her head.
"You really make ass, broddah," she mutters, scrunching her nose up as she speaks. "Guess i'ss time t' make you makay."
COMBATSYS: Leilani has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Leilani 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Dante has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dante 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Leilani
"Ah." Dante states, seeming to have almost been waiting upon the approach of the peculiar girl. "So you were not a civilian. Good; Had I incited the fight earlier, there would of been excessive witnesses." Which seems to hint that being 'trapped' was a purposeful thing, as opposed to an intended escape. His broad shoulders shrug in an almost lazy gesture, shifting around to face the girl opposite. Pretty she might be, and to a breathtaking level, but the pale young man appears to care naught. The long arms of his black jacket droop a few inches past the tips of his fingers, both limbs limp. "...I know what territory this is. That is why I killed them." Someone with a vendetta against the Syndicate? Well, not particularly, but it's in the cards. Kain has his hatred, even if it does not control his life. Much as Dante has Gedo; Ankoku fire must be nursed from darkness after all, and a perquisite pit properly nursed and manipulated can stoke such fire rather well.
"Well. I intend to kill you here. ... Even if you are significantly beneath me. A shame. ... Put on a good show. It shall be your last..." Suddenly both hands erupt in purple fire. It flows up his forearms, incinerating the sleeves and cutting off at the elbows with a sound like burning oil, sizzling in the air; The singed ashes flow away in a gust of wind that billows his trenchcoat, showing detailed and colored tattoos of serpents flowing down near his hands. He then slowly squats down, loafered feet skidding across the rooftop. The squat might look amusing to some, legs splayed so far, but it happens to be a significantly potent wushu. Not one that Leilana is likely to recognize, but that matters little. Slowly a breath is taken in, shifting forward one hand, and then let out again as the other fist pulls into his chest. Green eyes were closed a moment, but now remain open.
Waiting, although his body is tensed and almost coiled, much like the snake he resembles. What harm could the thin man do, pretty Ankoku fire or not? If the girl could sense chi, he doesn't have much, even if the flavor is unique...
COMBATSYS: Dante focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dante 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Leilani
With a dismissive shrug, Leilani watches the man's posturing and prefight preparations with a growing smile. She's never fought anyone whom could do the things she's seen on television. Even in those rare instances when she and Mr. Big would get into it, the fights weren't at full strength and the injuries, if any, were minor enough to not be really noticible. This will be different... Blood will be lost by both. The prospect is exciting.
Lidding her eyes almost closed, she slaps her hands together, pushing one forward with the palm out and stepping forward with the same foot, the other hand making a slow arc over her head. Swiftly, she brings both hands and feet back together, repeating the action with the opposite foot and hand...
Turning to the side, her feet slide together as she bends her knees and leans towards her opponent, gently touching the roof with her fingertips, her palm facing forward. In a flash of motion, utterly contrary to the smooth and gentle movements she's been using, she slides forward, twisting her hand up like she was pimpslapping the air as she raised her arm straight up. From where her fingertips touched the ground erupts a spinning torrent of saltwater, which makes a beeline towards Dante.
"Surf's up, motherfucker," she hisses as the oceanic column careens at Dante.
COMBATSYS: Dante endures Leilani's Waterspout.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Dante 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Leilani
Although the other girl might have a peculiar technique, it truly matters little to Dante. He merely seems to flicker, noticing she is preparing some manner of onslaught via the smooth and likely distracting to most shifts. One toe twists, pointing towards Leilani as the other braces behind and the lithe figure literally coils. Although she seems to have the advantage of distance, he merely rushes forward with a snarl. Impacting the splash of water, it parts around his form, spraying in all directions in a heavy mist. Skidding the final distance, right hand rearing backwards, it suddenly ignites with a flare of Ankoku fire. Before the woman would be capable of fully recovering, he attempts to capitalize on the stall by striking out suddenly with that right hand. Were it to strike into Leilani, she'd likely double over uncomfortably, before a second eruption would attempt to send her flying, the spray of fire easily a meter round. "HIYAH!" is punctuated; From start to finish, Dante breached the space between the pair in the blink of an eye. The remnants of her water gout splash upon the ground thereafter, somewhat anticlimactic...
COMBATSYS: Leilani fails to counter Fierce Punch from Dante with Counter Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Dante 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Leilani
First blood has been drawn... and it's hers. She tried to slap the fist away, but instead, seemingly directed it into her ribs. As the fist connects with her midsection, she immediately feels her floating ribs give way, cracking under the pressure of the blow. The secondary explosion of Ankoku flame flings her high into the air, over the small alleyway and onto the roof of the adjoining building. Landing unceremoniouslyin a heap, the young woman coughs a small gout of blood as she rolls around. Clenching her teeth, she refuses to allow herself to cry out, despite the pain. Coughing up a little more before slowly crawling back to her feet, the woman briefly considers making a run for it before deciding to stay and see how things will go.
Besides, what would daddy say if she ran?
Obviously for Dante, that's hardly a surprising result. He again shifts, bracing himself into his peculiar sideways stance before rushing forward, leaping the breadth of the adjoining building effortlessly. His approach might not be quite as insanely paced as prior, but it's significantly more fluid; His right hand once more bursts into flame, this time hissing like a snake. Whipping in a zig-zag that's almost beautifully fluid, the Kain student then ducks down low before rushing forward, sweeping up a broad uppercut that attempts to tear a savage trail of chi from Leilani's hip to shoulder; The afterimage of the swipe, trailing from the fist, seems to be almost a serpent's body of purple flame, whirling about before dissipating into a few motes. This strike would have little impact force, yet the feeling might be peculiar. For those tainted flames are quite poisonous to most, surging and burning with an agony difficult to describe. "...Tch. Southside truly does employ weaklings..." is mulled beneath his breath during the attempt, almost lazily.
COMBATSYS: Dante successfully hits Leilani with Sidewinder.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Dante 0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1 Leilani
Slipping into a modified boxing stance, the woman attempts to cover up as the attack comes trailing in, but is ultimately unsuccessful in avoiding the blow. The uppercut itself merely forces her back a few steps, but it is that secondary effect that truly wreaks havoc with her system. Sharply inhaling, the woman's features contort from the pain as she turns towards the viper of a man, taking slow, deliberate steps backwards from him. Blue eyes almost catch fire simply by the anger and pain in her body, yet she seems to show, as of yet, no fear of what could only be described as her emminent demise.
As the burning of the tainted flame starts to disperse, only the pain of the broken ribs comes through. The feeling is familiar; her art is a bonebreaking art, and she's experienced it many a time. Taking a deep breath, she starts up a Hawai'ian war chant very quietly, trying to read the actions of her opponent better this time around...
COMBATSYS: Leilani focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Dante 0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1 Leilani
"You have an interesting ability." Dante admits, somewhat lazily. "However, interesting abilities tend to be irrelevant against true styles. And being unpredictable will not pierce my eyes." He betrays no emotions of his own. There doesn't appear to even be sadism within the young man, only a sort of ruthless persistence, backing the other girl into a corner and refusing to back down. When she continues to relent the offensive, Dante has no compunctions about sustaining it. Shooting forward, one hand reaches down, palms bracing before he sweeps outward; And another Ankoku-induced foot arcs through the air, attempting to impact Leilani upon the side of the face this time around and send her spiraling away with the detonation. He'd land in a crouch thereafter, assuming the motion passes, finally allowing something of a smile to crease his features.
COMBATSYS: Leilani blocks Dante's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Dante 0/-------/----===|=======\===----\1 Leilani
"Mahalo," she says, her tone strangely warm despite the life or death struggle she's currently involved in. Continuing to back up cautiously, she soon finds herself in the corner, and her demeanor suddenly becomes icy. Like a cornered animal, she bares her teeth, but in an almost insane smile, waiting for the next attack. As the kick comes in, she reaches up and slaps it away, a splash of water countering the fire blazing on Dante's foot. "Not this time," she says quietly, her smile disappearing as her hands shoot forward, attempting to grab him by the ears. If she were to manage to get her fingers around them, her nails would dig in as a way to gain leverage for the rather vicious headbutt she'd be delivering to Dante's nose.
COMBATSYS: Leilani successfully hits Dante with Diamondhead.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Dante 0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1 Leilani
This is definitely a peculiar technique, but it does manage to work; Gripped by the ears, the defense instead focused upon his upper body, the violent impact sends Dante's upper body reeling backwards. Before he simply spits a small amount of blood to the side, apparently only jarred for the effort as opposed to anything else. "Come now... This is becoming almost laughable." He allows something of a snort, taking a couple steps backwards before squatting down low to the ground, positioning himself in such a manner that Leilani would have to enjoy a leg-breaking fall off the building corner, or attempt to shoot by those quick hands. Both fists dutifully raise, one forearm defensively and the other drawing backwards, narrowing his eyes while once more inducing that smooth, slow breathing. "It is time for me to finish this in a final stroke... Are you prepared?"
COMBATSYS: Dante focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Dante 0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1 Leilani
The slight sting of impacting her forehead against Dante's face is a welcome change of pain, rather than the burn of strange flame or the sharp ache of broken ribs. The taunting nature of this fight, and the fact that things aren't going in a way that she's used to (except when tussling with Big) is starting to get to her. If she hadn't been able to block the previous kick, and make a good shot at breaking her opponent's nose, she'd consider taking that fall off the ledge to the street below. However, she's less than enthused by that concept... So she's hoping that she might be able to pull this last bit off and escape on her own terms.
Snapping her hands toward the outstretched forearm Dante has put forth, hoping to snag it. If she does, there's a torrent of pain that will come forth...
COMBATSYS: Dante interrupts Kapu Ku'i A Lua from Leilani with Taipan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Dante 0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0 Leilani
Score. Seizing Dante's arm, Leilani twists it, locks it out, then strikes upward at the armpit with an open palm, forcing the joint out of socket. She then twists the arm around again, snapping the arm up and down like she was putting sheets on a bed. Having thus force the joint to slip back into place, she whips the man around, violently yanking in the opposite direction to popping the shoulder out of joint again. But, when attempting to twist the arm again, something unexpected happens... The victim strikes back.
This was indeed unexpected. Her desperation assault, and for all of the somewhat derisive commentary it's nothing to sneeze at. Ergo Dante still smiles as his arm is gripped, struggling a moment before it's wrenched as desired. "...You can feel the poison in your veins, can't you..." In the midst the shoulder leaves the socket and enters, causing eyes to narrow sharply and his body to stiffen, twisted around as she prepares to further modify the position of his joints. But she did not see the flare of purple in his unmolested hand, rattling like an aggravated viper. And then what seems to be a snake composed of Ankoku fire shoots out, and sinks those wispy fangs directly into Leilani's neck. After contact is made, and she's likely quite startled to find the surge of venomous chi again, he wrenches the offended limb free as the snake dissipates, harmlessly. But the two reddened points on her jugular would remain. "...You are like a kitten now. I bet you lack the strength to even run. I apologize, however. I said I would finish you, but your assault was more dangerous then predicted." His other limb dangles, before being gripped and in a terrible wrench popped back into place, causing another flare of pain that shows the masochism in Dante. "...Ahhh. I apologize. Pain affects me little. That burn within you... Is perpetually within me. I am merely sharing my weakness." Well, that would explain his almost shriveled and pale form. Being constantly 'poisoned' is hardly a good thing, even if it's obviously not affected his fighting capability too much.
The surprise of having the kapu technique interrupted is only overcome by the surprise of having the fangs of an etherial viper sink into her throat. Coughing, she drops to one knee, one hand clasped around her throat as she fights the urge to let her eyes roll into the back of her head. Peace lies in slep, but it's not a peace she wants to enjoy.
After a long moment, listening to the man speak, she forces herself to stand again, blue eyes burning with the hheat of the sun. "My condolences on your affliction," she says hoarsely, following her words with a short cough, punctuated with a hint of blood on her lips. He said he would end her. She is still expecting it. But she will be standing when that blow comes. Muscles twitch uncontrollably as the poisonous flame courses through her body, her hands twisting into fists, even if she seems unable to bring them up to defend herself.
COMBATSYS: Leilani gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Dante 0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0 Leilani
"There is no malice to this." Dante states, assuming his stance once more and closing his eyes. "The fault for this encounter... is the inept fools who refused to let me leave. And that you were close enough to witness it. Fate... can be so cruel, can it not?" And then he suddenly rushes forward, with far more speed then demonstrated prior. In a ripple, his right hand flares with purple fire, before shooting out and attempting to strike Leilani right in the heart. The blow would be incredibly powerful regardless of the surge of energy, attempting to overwhelm that particular organ and stun the girl. This, it would seem, is the final strike that was prior promised; And if it lands true, the battle will assuredly conclude... "But you can also blame your weakness..!!"
COMBATSYS: Leilani fails to counter Black Mamba from Dante with Counter Strike.
- Power fail! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Dante 0/-------/-----==|
COMBATSYS: Leilani can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Dante 0/-------/-----==|
Of course, being unable to mount a defense is not surprising. Dante suddenly flares both fists with bolstered energy, and unleashes a brutal onslaught of seven strikes, each towards key points meant to siphon the flow of blood, and literally saturate the girl with that seething energy. All of this would do little physical damage, but the attack on the system would be nigh shocking at her state. "...Die." is his final word, as one blazing palm flashes out to hit her in the chest. With more then enough force to knock her from the building, to fall to the street below. Three stories is likely significant with the condition Leilani is. And, with any luck, will end with the mysterious death of yet another of Mr. Big's hos. "Hrrmph." Brushing off his trenchcoat, Dante would then turn to leave, shifting into the darkness like a specter.
COMBATSYS: Dante has ended the fight here.
Leilani attempted to move, but found herself unable to do more than shift into the attack once again. Crashing into a parked car below, both the sound of the crash and the alarm suddenly going off in the night prompts a passing black and white to turn around. The officers step out of their squad to see the fallen woman, and immediately radio in for the EMTs. Perhaps they can save her...
One of the officers pulls out a cellphone and makes a call whilst the other provides CPR to the woman. On the payroll of the Syndicate, he recognizes the woman, immediately calling to alert those he gets his graft from about the incident. The sounds of sirens pierce the night as the woman's condition seems to stabilize slightly.
Log created on 15:39:00 03/22/2007 by Leilani, and last modified on 16:42:30 07/08/2007.