Description: After Roberto's SNF against Rolento, Rolento begins to wonder about whether it was truly Roberto's luck or perhaps mind that allowed for him to grasp victory. The problem is, Rolento catches the soccer star just after he finished recovering from his Neo League fight with Akira, to deliver a Formal Assessment.
It had been a few hours since Roberto's NL with Akira and when he finally leaves the nurse's office, Roberto looks slightly beaten up but he seems able to move almost normally and the time had allowed for him to catch his breath.
Now Roberto is headed home while still looking around and still attempting to duck his stalker 'fiance.' Of course she would be fairly noticable if she were around. It would be a shame if someone who's actually adept at stealth were to cross his path.
However, it might not come as a surprise to Roberto that a certain commando has infiltrated the school; Foregoing the use of the helicopter this time around, it was mere navigation, shifting atop roofs and going through shadows as the evening sky begins to darken. There would be no rustle of sound to belie his presence, although that he is stalked might very well be the case. There's a sudden thud, as the figure in yellow lands opposite Roberto. His weapon is undrawn, but he should be familiar that this point. "Roberto Miura." is offered. He doesn't sound particularly angry or vengeful. "I have researched you after my second loss at your hands. Finding you to be a genius of the highest caliber was an intriguing prospect that I overlooked. I wish for one final solo assessment; To see if it was mere luck or transient planning that allowed your victories." Raising up fluidly, the cravet within his vest is adjusted with a gloved hand. "Do you accept, civilian?"
"To be honest, I'm curious if it was luck, myself." Roberto stops and kneels down to pull his soccer ball out of his duffle bag and clutches it in his hands testing it for a moment as he thinks about it. After a few moments he lets the soccer ball drop to the ground. He slides into a stance making sure that he's in a clear area away from anything easily destroyed. Roberto has made his decision but this is most obvious in the fact that he shifts into a goalie's ready stance. "I accept."
COMBATSYS: Roberto has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roberto 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Rolento has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Roberto 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
"Tch. You may have a mind for tactics you are not aware of. As a goalie, you are used to honing them in real-time situations. Do not underestimate your mental capabilities; That is the asset I have which has taken me to my caliber." Earnest advice, it would seem, but Rolento slowly unsheathes his baton then begins to twirl it, shifting one foot backwards before suddenly bolting forward. He twists overhead abruptly, flipping smoothly to unleash an overhead strike -- attempting to /slam/ the end of his baton upon the youth's shoulder with an incredible amount of force. "THEN LET THE ASSESSMENT BEGIN!!"
COMBATSYS: Roberto blocks Rolento's Mekong Delta.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Roberto 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
Roberto lets his breathing slow down as he watches Rolento move in and then the world seems to slow down for him and as the weapon comes down upon his shoulder he goes into a shuffling side step as his hands move in the way of the baton pushing it aside as he moves forward with a pair of fists directed to his stomach. He has no illusions that the move will be likely to land but his intent is to move Rolento on his own terms. Of course not everything goes as planned.
COMBATSYS: Rolento dodges Roberto's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Roberto 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
This time Rolento manages to lunge to the side in a fluid burst of motion, the fists hitting nothing; Landing upon an adjacent building, he then hurtles himself forward, sliding low on the ground and sweeping in an attempt to take out Roberto's legs beneath him and send him crashing into the floor with a snarl. It happened blindingly quick; Now that there's no interruptions, it might be a better chance to see just how capable the commando can be in practice as well... "HRRRAGH!"
COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Roberto with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Roberto 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Rolento
It happened blindingly quick to most eyes however the fight seems to be continuing to move slowly for him. He can see the commando moving in to shoot for Roberto's legs. Roberto makes a decision to try to jump over Rolento's shooting motion but in mid air he realizes that the correct tactical decision was probably to drop down into a sprall to cut off the motion. He gets clipped at high speed and so he's then also forced to watch himself go into a spin before hitting the ground hard. And that's when the world goes back into normal speed."Well... I know what to do next time on that."
While Rolento is still on the ground, Roberto is going to move towards him and go into a sliding tackle and taking advantage of the prone position. Hopefully it will allow for him to regain some sense of position back.
COMBATSYS: Rolento full-parries Roberto's Sliding Kick!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Roberto 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Rolento
Yet this time, Rolento merely shifts his head upwards, observing the incoming Roberto without any apparent concern. Time might be going at the speed of snail for the other genius, but that is still fast in the realm of this former Red Beret. He can not only calculate the trajectory, but the possibilities of a half-dozen scenarios in that split second. And the response is simple. Rolento rolls backwards, just enough so that Roberto goes overhead; And two legs thrust out, hitting the soccer star in the stomach and sending him flying into the air. Now hopefully with complete vulnerability, one grenade is yanked out of his bandolier, the pin flying before it's thrown with full force. "GO!" is called out, attempting to incite an explosion that flares shrapnel and smoke in the surroundings with no small amount of force.
COMBATSYS: Roberto endures Rolento's Grenadier EX!!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Roberto 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Rolento
Roberto charges through the the explosion in a way that may seem reckless to most however there was forsight and planning involved in it. Sure he could've blocked it the same way he did on SNF but he had a better idea he leaps between the grenade and Rolento letting the explosion carry him a glowing knee first into the soldier before twisting around into a chi engulfed back flip kick.
COMBATSYS: Roberto successfully hits Rolento with Blazing Juggle.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Roberto 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Rolento
Well, that maneuver was too fast to bother with any meaningful defense; Rolento merely attempts to shift away, having no true alternative but taking the backflip to the face. It lifts him a couple meters into the air, and he lands with a resounding thud; But it doesn't appear to have done much damage, making the trade questionable at best. "A waste. That maneuver barely stung." Slipping up and spreading his stance, Rolento then pulls out a knife, twirling it before leaping into the air. He flings it rather forcefully towards Roberto, flipping away defensively afterwards to hopefully put a small bit of distance. Not enough for a rushing assault; At least, for someone able to clear distances in a heartbeat.
COMBATSYS: Roberto fails to reflect Stinger from Rolento with Shining Clutch.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Roberto 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Rolento
Roberto's hand reaches up to snatch the dagger out of the air with a glowing hand however Roberto's timing is completely off. It's like his hands should be faster but it's not quite there. Instead, Roberto's hand gets pinned to his shoulder as it digs deep into his shoulder.
He looks to be on his final legs and he knows it. He makes no moves, he just stands there staring at soldier. "So it was all just luck after all. The outcome is clear... Should I play knowing that check mate is coming or should I tip my king?"
COMBATSYS: Roberto gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Roberto 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Rolento
"As I anticipated. Your physical ability is still insufficient. It is your mind, Roberto. That is your most powerful tool. Not your chi. If you focus your training to utilize this, you can ascend to tiers of my level, mayhaps decades earlier." But then he shifts his stance, twirling his baton in an almost ominous fashion. "But negative. This is an assessment. It will conclude when you are unable to fight...!" And then Rolento rushes forward, twirling his baton in a frantic manner. Three lunges, each unleashing a veritable barrage of blows, attempting to strike through any summoned defenses and finish off the other man with resolute finality.
COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Roberto with Patriot Circle.
- Power hit! -
[ \ < > ////////////////////// ]
Roberto 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Rolento
Roberto knew that he couldn't even afford to deflect the attacks with his hands and so he attempts to skip out of the way of the attack however even his most tactically sound choice was taken away from him and he got manuevered into each and every strike of the spinning batons and sent flying off his feet with the final series of strikes to go with the final lunge.
The soccer star then climbs back to his feet. It's obvious at this point he has only enough in the tank for one final charge. With a roar of determination rushes into the soldier with a hard kick which if successful will be followed by even more kicks as he attempts to use Rolento as a soccer ball darting to and fro as he works the give and go with himself.
COMBATSYS: Roberto can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rolento 1/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Rolento counters Pass and Shoot from Roberto with Mekong Delta.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rolento 0/-------/------=|
Yet it would seem this maneuver is not meant to be; The initial kick is met with nothing but air, as Rolento smoothly backflips past it. The second he lands he rushes forward, impacting the younger Taiyo student with bone-cracking force to send him flying backwards, the last of the fight knocked out. Rebounding into the air, he unfurls to land in a crouch, rising thereafter and sheathing his baton. "Judgement. Grade D+. Superior mental capabilities offset by utilizing a non-combative technique. Yet your potential is extraordinary. A shame you were born into a civilian life." Crouching into a leap, Rolento lands atop one of the adjacent buildings. "Assessment complete!" Before merely vanishing into the darkness. Leaving a battered and shrapnel-wounded Roberto to muse the outcome of his own accord...
COMBATSYS: Rolento has ended the fight here.
Roberto could make up all the excuses in the world. 'Lady luck wasn't with me.' 'I had just finished a Neo League fight.' There were numerous other excuses he could've used but really Roberto had to be honest with himself. He just didn't have the experience and he did have to admit that Rolento was right as far as a non-combative technique was concerned but he also had to acknowledge the source of said non-combative technique had taught him some things that not all fighters seem able to grasp such as teamwork and utilizing his allies' strengths to improve the results. His SNF record shows this. He hasn't lost a team match and the worst he's gotten a draw. Even as Roberto limps his way home from two fights in one day he's thinking about all of these things.
Log created by Roberto, and last modified on 14:11:33 03/21/2007.