Description: Kasumi tries to go home when a certain Muay Thai fighter decides to show the schoolgirl and her friends that there is a full moon out tonight. Much beatings come afterwards.
A stream of pots, pans, utensils, and plates fly out of the restaurant as a staggering Joe Higashi lumbers into the street. A female voice screams from inside the aggressive establishment, "That's for my sister!" A large soup spoon pegs Joe right between the eyes as he turns to appologize once more, "And that's for me!" The door slams behind him, leaving a very confused Joe standing there, swaying from side to side. As good as the booze had been, he didn't really like how the evening had turned out so far. How was he supposed to know they were mother and daughter? The dark-haired man grunts and scuffs his foot against the sidewalk before turning around and setting off down the street. There would be a nother bar nearby, another place for him to spend the evening.
But wait... what was this coming the other direction towards him? Ooooh, a pretty lady for sure, especially in Joe's clouded mind. He staggers up to the poor woman, "Why hello there miss. Nice dress, it'd look great on my bedroom floor." After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, Joe's mouth turns upwards into a wide grin, "Oh I know! You don't recognize me!" He turns around and drops his pants, waving his white, pasty cheeks at the poor girl, "Joe Higashi! Remember me know? I'm famous!"
Even though it is late on a school night you would be rather surprised the amount of students still about at this time of night looking to get into trouble and the sort. Of course for someone like Kasumi Todoh her reasons for being out are nothing of the sort. She had just finished teaching some younger students from Seijyun the ways of archery and had a rather enjoyable evening as she was heading back towards the school grounds with her friends. They had just finished eating at one of the local places when they small group of herself and three others come across the rather drunken Higashi.
The one in question that gets hit on looks rather confused at first when the drunkard hits on her and she turns flush in the face while the others kind of giggle. Kasumi herself seems rather displeased and her mouth opens as if she is about to say something. It ends up becoming a full moon tonight that sends the already embarssed friend of Kasumi running off screaming and the other girls backing away. " pervert!" Kasumi exclaims finally after regaining her composure somewhat despite still being red in the face as well.
Instead of moving away like the other girls, Kasumi moves forward towards Joe looking rather annoyed by him while swinging her leg back and then aiming to boot the man right in his ass while he is still hunched forward like that. "Unforgiveable. We are underaged!" she says rather loudly to catch the attention of passerbys that already weren't staring at Joe's ass in horror.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kasumi 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Joe has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Joe 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kasumi
COMBATSYS: Kasumi successfully hits Joe with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Joe 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Kasumi
The kick lands square in the exposed ass, sending Joe hopping forward a few steps in shock and pain, scrambling quickly to pull his pants back up as he swings around to face his attacker. He drops into a ready stance, which doesn't look half bad considering how much he was staggering moments ago. That's training for you. It takes a few moments for it to register that his opponent isn't some big bouncer type, or an angry boyfriend, but some little girl with a pretty strong kick! "Hey! What was that for? I was just sayin' hi. You didn't have to go and put your foot imprint on my pearly whites!" Joe sighs, rubbing his sore rear as he gives Kasumi the evil eye. "I think I'm mad now!"
But he wasn't mad, just stupidly drunk. Had he been a bit more sober, Joe probably wouldn't have been so quick to jump into a fight with a young girl, but booze speaks louder than common sense. "Besides, that wasn't a kick!" Joe lunges forward and brings his leg up quickly towards the girl's side, "This is!"
COMBATSYS: Joe successfully hits Kasumi with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Kasumi
If Joe was sober this little exchange might have not happened. Of course this is Joe that is being mentioned. It would have happened no matter what since he knows no other way of greeting people. "That is indecent exposure, not saying hi." the young woman protests while pointing at him. Where were the cops when you needed them, honestly. It looks like this arguement is only going to get worse too as Joe decides to lash back out and Kasumi does her best to move to the side to avoid it only to still get hit in the side and send her staggering a step or two.
"I was being nice and giving you a warning, but now I am going to have to subdue you myself." she says furrowing her brow and moving into her fighting stance briefly. Stepping forward she comes towards the other fighter and attempts to drill her elbow right into his ribs before bringing a hand upwards to slap the palm against his chin to knock him back and off balance.
COMBATSYS: Joe endures Kasumi's Hakuzan Tou.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Kasumi
Bah! How much damage could a girl do anyway? Joe just stands there, striking his most cool pose while Kasumi jams her elbow into his ribs, followed by a good solid smack to his chin. While he does stand there and take it pretty well, the hit was hard enough that it did cause Higashi to flinch a bit. He takes a step back along with a nice, deep breath as he tries to shake the alcohol's grip from his mind. It's no good, but he's got nothing to worry about right?
"Subdue me? On our first date? And I didn't even have to buy you dinner first! Woohoo!" Joe hoots and hollers loudly, getting the attention of more and more passersby as the fight continues. He steps forward, swaying slightly as he prepares for his next attack, "You hit pretty hard for a girl, but I hit a little harder!" The drunken Higashi lunges forward then, his fists punching over and over and over. Sadly, he couldn't be sure if his target was standing where he lunged, but hopefully his fists hit something!
COMBATSYS: Kasumi counters Bakuretsu Ken from Joe with Sasshou Inshuu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Kasumi
"This isn't a date!" the Todoh girl is quick to sputter out just to make sure that the crowd understands this isn't some sort of spat between lovebirds or the like. As if she would find this brash brushhead anything other than a giant annoyance that was trying to ruin her night. It doesn't help that he is drunk because it looks like that last strike didn't do as much as she had hoped to. Her lips pull tight in a grimace as she steps back unsure what to expect and is soon greeted with flying fists.
Flying fists that go over the short woman's head which probably is a good thing given the force behind those punches. Yet he continues so Kasumi is left with only the option of stepping forward to slam her elbow in his gut and knock him forward so she could heft him upwards and flip him over her shoulders and deposit him on the ground. "I would suggest going home and sleeping this off before I have to really hurt you." she huffs some looking a bit flustered by all the attention that is gathering around her and the drunk.
He wasn't about to let his own hands get the better of him, so Joe decides to do what Joe does best. Kick stuff. With the grace of a dead elephant, Joe spins in place, his right leg coming up as he thrusts himself towards Kasumi, his leg extended in a kick aimed for her mid-section. If anything, his aim was getting better.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi dodges Joe's Slash Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Kasumi
So much for ending this quickly. Instead of grounding him for good she only finds Joe attacking her with renewed vit and vigor. More than that he is attacking with a bit more intent of actually hitting his target. Thankfully being sober is helping her in this case as she steps back quickly to avoid the kick aimed at her. She glances about at the people watching which includes the three girls she was with when this whole damn encounter happened and lets out a sigh. "If only you would be a bit more sensible." she murmurs and then takes a deep breath.
"But I guess someone with hair like that wouldn't be too bright." she says and tries not to act like she just a really lame insult. She actually wants to groan at that one herself. Coming forward she reaches to grasp for Joe and then heft him up and turn about on a foot to swing him around and plant him on the ground again. "Now please stay down!"
COMBATSYS: Kasumi successfully hits Joe with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Kasumi
Even when sober, Joe wasn't the most sensible person in the world, especially when it came to the females of the species. He doesn't immediately realize what's happening when Kasumi lifts him up over her head, especially since he's focussing on where her hands happen to be, "Hey! So you're one of those types of gi...." His sentences trails off as his body slams into the ground, knocking the wind out of him briefly. Once again, he doesn't stay down, but instead sits up and looks at Kasumi. "You're a feisty one. Say, what's your phone number?" Joe asks as he stands back up again, ignoring the crowd's pleas to 'just stay down.'
Joe had other ideas though, and one of them involved taking a moment to gather his strenght so he could finish this fight once and for all. With that, Joe squints harshly while staring at Kasumi, his mouth twisting as his teeth clench together. It looks less like a way to focus one's energies, and more like a way to pass a kidney stone.
COMBATSYS: Joe gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Joe 1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0 Kasumi
At this point Kasumi really agrees with the crowd. This has gone further than she wanted it to and still seems to be going even further down the drain when he continues to try to hit on her in ways other than using his fists and feet. With face still red she sighs and rubs at her cheeks to try to chase the flush away. "Just shut up at least! You are making a fool of us!" she says in a rather huffy manner and then steps back when it looks like Joe is about to make his colonge explode.
Not quite sure of what he is doing she stays back for a moment and then wonders if this means he is just fighting to not fall asleep at this point. Yes, that must be it! He is on his last legs and he is just wanting to take anice long nap. Stepping forward Kasumi raises her arms and she then throws down causing small waves of chi, hardly imposing really, to come upwards and forward to Joe. "Stay down finally, jeeze!"
COMBATSYS: Kasumi successfully hits Joe with Kasane Ate.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Joe 1/-======/=======|=====--\-------\0 Kasumi
Joe saw the wave of chi coming towards him, and his brain even gave his body the signals to react with more than enough time to spare. Unfortunately, something got screwed up in transit, and instead of bringing his arms up to block the blash, Joe's arms are thrown above his head and he screams like a little girl as the wave slams into his chest, knocking him back a step. Overall, it's a humiliating way to have taken the blow, and even the drunken Joe knows that his masculinity has suffered a grievous blow.
The only way left to regain his lost manliness is to finish this fight like a man... with all the strength and power he has. So, using all of his strength and focus to stand up straight, Joe lunges forward a step, ducking downward to bring first his right hand upwards in an uppercut, and then the left hand follows suit with the same. The force and speed of the blows brings up a powerful tornado of wind in their wake, one that seems bent on Kasumi's destruction!
Unfortunately for Joe, it is in this instant that he forgets where he is and what he is doing. Instead of seeing his opponent about to be hit by his attack, Joe sees a woman... in danger. "Look out miss!" He exclaims, and without regard for his own safety, Joe dives into his own attack, attempting to... do something. He didn't really think this part out well did he?
COMBATSYS: Joe successfully hits Kasumi with Screw Upper.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1 Kasumi
COMBATSYS: Joe successfully hits Joe with Screw Upper.
[ \\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Kasumi
[OOC] Kasumi explodes. x.x
[OOC] J2 says, "Joe now has a penalty to hit Joe."
Once the dust settles, Joe is laying there where his vortex used to bed, eyes closed. He looks rather peaceful this way, even with the line of drool coming out of his mouth. He may not have stopped the attack from hitting the girl, but in his own mind... Joe is a hero!
Kasumi makes note to not use something so weak next time and just finish the guy off if she is ever faced with this situation again. Then again this is certainly not the kind of situation she ever wants to deal with again if she can help herself. She isn't sure what to really do about him now at this point especially since he is coming at her with the full intention of causing some hurt. What she didn't expect is the drunkard to then move to try to intercept his own attack and get caught up in it and just further embarass himself.
That reason alone probably confuses Kasumi enough to slow he reaction time to where she gets caught up in it as well instead of getting the hell away like she would. She holds her arms up to block her face and her clothes get all ruffled and mussed up along with her hair which is falling out of the ponytail at this point as she ends up on her ass puffing with her top sliding off one shoulder. She lets out a yelp when she notices and quickly adjusts it and sits there embarassed to all hell and hoping Joe is finally done. Letting out a sigh when he seems to be out she slowly gets up and looks about to all the people staring at her.
With face red she clears her throat and straightens up. "N...nothing to see here. Move along!" she yells loudly trying to scatter the people away while threatening with a motion of another Kasane Ate possibly heading their way. Finally the crowd thins and she lets out a long sigh and looks down at the sleeping Joe. "Idiot..." she mumbles and walks towards her friends while showing some restraint in striking a downed man. Afterall, maybe a stray will come by and pee on him.
COMBATSYS: Kasumi takes no action.
[ \\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Kasumi
COMBATSYS: Joe takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kasumi 1/------=/=======|
COMBATSYS: Joe can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kasumi 1/------=/=======|
COMBATSYS: Kasumi has ended the fight here.
Log created by Kasumi, and last modified on 23:01:25 03/20/2007.