Yurika - Tragic Serenade

Description: When a music teacher nearly has a nervous breakdown, Yurika is called to fix the situation immedietly. Her mission: Stop Ingrid and Gabriel (mostly Gabriel) from killing students with their music. And when Shinobu joins in, Yurika may not be able to survive either. (Winner: Gabriel's music)

Seijyun High is well known for being a high class school for young ladies, and for actively encouraging their students in the arts, because an educated and refined young lady should have at least some knowledge of culture. Because of this students practicing singing and playing music is likely to be easily accepted and put up with. Beautiful music has a way of enhancing everything around it, and would be perfectly in place for the largest flower garden in Seijyun.
The single problem with this that sometimes the music is not quite so beautiful, and music that isn't beautiful has a way of shattering the tranquility in such a place. And what are the teachers to do, tell the girls they're not allowed to practice? That would be denying them culture, and clearly the wrong thing to do. But still...
Gabriel and Ingrid are sitting together on a bench in the garden playing a duet of scales, Gabriel with her violin and Ingrid with a Norwegian version of a fiddle, the hardingfele.
The music of the combined instruments can be described as nothing short of terrifying, the playing sub par and the hardingfele actually having a much different tune. This might be nice if a real song were to be played, but a pair of scales that are out of tune from people who aren't the best players... well, the garden is fairly empty, despite the lovely warm sunshine.

One thing which might of clued a teacher to the possible excuse of throwing at least one of them out, Gabriel, for instance, is she has the wrong school's uniform on. Gabriel is dressed as a Justice high student, and playing terrible violin, so much so that were Hyo here he might tell her to stop at once and practice in a sound proof room. That is because Justice high had this thing called image.
The violin is expensive, her eyes closed as though she were playing something beautiful. Wht is more impressed then the terribleness of the music, or rather sound, or rather noise, is that the person, or at least one of them, playing it is completely unaware of how bad it is. This person was Kai Gabriel, the Crusader of light, the avenging angel and one really awful musician.

One student in particular is accustomed to doing her reading and studying, not in the Flower garden, but out in the front of the schools vacinity. She was actually just on her way back inside when she was intercepted by one of the classes music teachers, the poor woman in near tears as she explains the situation.
Apparently today, then, she's being hired as a miracle worker, and the situation must be bad because she's even being offered extra school credit to do something about this. Well! A few minutes down the line, the silver haired, dark eyed student ends up stepping out into the open, dressed in her school uniform of course with a folder in hand and violin case in the other. A fangirl is carrying a music stand, which is set before the two girls. At this point, if they haven't stopped playing, The folder is set on the stand, which is rapped upon by her slender, silver baton.
Though by her expression, you'd never actually know how horrified she actually was.

Ingrid is perhaps not quite so bad as Gabriel is. She is aware that the music is likely to offend those with sophisticated taste, and in fact her own ears, but for her it's more the joy of playing music than the music that is actually produced. She realizes that playing the violin is something that Gabriel truly enjoys, and from her experience there are very few things that can claim such a thing. And enjoying being around people who are enjoying themselves due to her ability to feel the emotions of others, she's able to ignore how bad the music is in order to enjoy how much Gabriel enjoys the music.
And then Yurika shows up, who very clearly this music playing has a vastly opposite effect on. She looks up from her playing, giving Yurika a smile but not stopping right away. Instead she waits until the set of scales they're playing is over, and then lifts her bow from her instrument, looking up again and feigning seeing Yurika for the first time. "Oh, hello there."

In contrast, Gabriel ignores Ingrid and Yurika and student A all together. She just keeps playing and it is clear that if music is from the heart, or from the soul, then Gabriel had a twisted one indeed, what she thought of was good music. . Then again maybe she just sucked that bad at playing it. The bow moving back and fourth on the strings, it's hairs wishing they were doing something else, like burning in a fire, for instance. But when Ingrid speaks, Gabriel can not ignore that there is someone else here. She eyes Yurika. A moment or two later she fails to find anything to disapprove of and gives her a nod, then eyes daggers into her fan girl who probably would die if looks could kill.

"Good afternoon, ladies," Yurika greets after things have died down a bit, and takes another moment to access the situation. She actually had plenty of time to do so while Gabriel was still playing, and had completely been ignoring the constant rapping of the baton. Thankfully a gong isn't necessary and things have quieted down a bit. Having come up with her general opinion of hopes of the two students rather quickly, she then notes, "I am Yurika Kirishima, and I couldn't help but notice your.. Ah.. Unique instrumental abilities. As you must already know, music is indeed a universal language. However much like spoken language, if it's not presented in it's proper manner, others will be unable to understand what you're trying to convey."
Her silver brows knit slightly, "I just so happen to play violin at a professional level, and am quite willing to help you both refine your techniques. That is, if you would allow me."
The fangirl? Well her will isn't all that strong, so Gabriels non-verbal message goes through quite well. It seems she'll just go ahead and dismiss herself rather than fawn over her upperclassman, so with a curtsey and a nervous giggle, she goes and excuses herself.

Now this is a rather interesting situation, isn't it? Ingrid had figured that people would just clear out, as the had, but never had she thought that the school would send one of their top students to try and help sort the mess out in a way other than 'get out, you're disturbing everyone else', and even that was a long shot in her mind. The blonde girl replies easily, "Pleased to meet you, Miss Kirishima, I'm Ingrid Holmann, pleased to meet you." She'll let Gabriel introduce herself, just in case she doesn't wish to be introduced at all.
Ingrid considers this for a few moments, "I suppose I see what you mean, but sometimes the purpose isn't to communicate with others, but more to communicate with ones self. Ands when you conform to the standards of another that message to yourself can sometimes become distorted." A little wave of the hand dismisses her own philosophical musings for the moment, "But I believe I wouldn't mind a little private tutoring from someone at your level if my friend wouldn't." A small pause and she lifts the instrument to face Yurika, "I'm sure that whatever refinement you could teach would work equally well, but this isn't a violin, it's a hardingfele." She lifts her bow and plays a single note that would be terribly off key on a violin. The note itself isn't too bad however, so at least Ingrid has /some/ idea of how to play the instrument.

"It is nice to meet you Miss Kirishima-san," Gabriel says and stops for a moment, considering carefully what it was that she just said, "May I ask.." She starts then pauses then begins again, "You are related to Kurow Kirishima-sama.. San.. I mean.. yes?"
Gabriel knew the name but never had a face to go with it, so when this girl comes to give them a lesson, sits with them, so on and so fourth the name actually catches her a little off guard. She lowers her violin and then frowns a touch.
"What is it you wish to teach us, exactly?" She didn't think her violin playing required a lesson, furthermore she wasn't sure if this was appropriate since well, this was the sister of Kurow who was kind of out of his mind. She couldn't help but look for knife claws on Yurika's fingers.
Her bow is set at her side and her lips pressed together now, clearly distracted from the music playing.

Yurika's dark eyes focus a moment on Ingrid.. She seems to be studying the girls face, but actually does respond to the instrument in question, "Oh? I haven't seen one of those in some time, actually.." she replies, seeming impressed with the girls choice of instrument. "You do make a truthful point, but I think you may understand what it is I'm trying to get at." a mysterious little smile follows, giving a nod of her head as she then steps over and offers a gloved hand, "How long have you played? Your playing actually isn't too bad, would you mind? For just a moment."
Yurika then glances to Gabriel, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, though I confess I find it a little odd for a Justice student to be settling here. But music, of course, shows no prejudice, "No, I don't like crows," she replies, hiding her suprise suprisingly well. She'll have to keep an eye on that one, she thinks. "Well, I believe a good place to start would be a review of the basics. You two appear to by trying to play complex pieces. Perhaps we should start by playing the same music rather than two different. And how long have you played?"

Ingrid raises her eyebrows at Yurika, "Well to be honest with you I've only played for six months, but that was many, many years ago. I recently moved here and decided to try picking it back up once I met my friend here in order to be able to play duets with her." About the only thing she left out is that she actually had to send home for the instrument; her parents didn't move with her. She also fails to mention that she isn't a Seijyun student at all; in fact she isn't a student of any of the schools around here.
The young woman shakes her head a little, "Oh, no, not at all," and holds it and the bow out towards Yurika. "I'm surprised you'd have seen one before; they're fairly exclusive to Norway, though I somewhat wish that weren't the case. They're lovely instruments." She looks over to Gabriel and looks contemplative. Is she related to Kurow? She remembered talking with Gabriel about some of Kurow's favorite pastimes; namely brainwashing.

She'll just have to accept that Yurika doesn't like Crows, even though it wasn't at all what she had asked.
"I came here because it is what Ingrid-san had wished to do, my name is Gabriel..Gabriel Kai." She actually never asked Ingrid, or at least if she had she forgot, so she just assumed this was her school, even though was it? Maybe maybe not, who knew? Gabriel didn't know.
"We may begin where ever you wish to begin, if you want to start with the basics I find that acceptable, but either way I enjoy the playing however you wish to do it."
Meanwhile Gabriel thinks to herself that yes she needs to keep an eye on Yurika too, or just report to Kurow and probably get told something vague, slightly insulting before telling her to do something she doesn't want to like try to recruit or kidnap people for brainwashing.

"I greatly appreciate your cooperation, Miss Kai. I will do my best to make it worth your while." Yurika replies, trying not to seem too suprised. Observing the look Gabriel had given her underclassman earlier, Yurika was actually worried that the Justice student would be more snobby. Perhaps her own perception needs a little work.
Accepting Ingrids instrument, she's careful in setting it on her own shoulder, bow raised to the strings and manages to squeak out a couple of off-tune notes, "Oh that's interesting, well is a very fine and, as you said, unique instrument. It'd be wonderful if you two ended up being able to perform concerts togeather." In fact, she may be interested in such a thing herself, but.. That was getting ahead of herself, "I haven't seen one in japan.. Ah, there," she seems to be getting the hang of it, because suddenly she's playing Pachelbels canon in D. But after a couple of bars she halts, and hands the instrument back, "All right, I can assist you. Now as for you, Miss Kai, you're simply applying too much pressure on your instruments strings. But if you don't mind, I am curious about your plans for the future. Do you plan to go professional or is it just a hobby?"

There wasn't much for Gabriel to say, she simple nods politely, not trying to be too rude, first off because she didn't are momuch for the rival schools thing and second because there was just no great school pride for her at the moment since she spent most of her time on her personal things anyway. Lastly she didn't wanna pmake Kurow mad at her and therefore do something really unpleasant to her, this happened far far to often.
A glance is spared then careful attention as she takes Ingrid's instrument. She tries to follow but maybe she doesn't really care a whole lot, it's not a violin and even if it was, she likes the way she plays, which is too bad for everyone who doesn't.

Shinobu has arrived.

Ingrid seems to be fairly impressed with the ease with which Yurika is able to pick up the subtleties of her instrument so easily. But then she did claim to be professional level with the Violin, and the basics of the two instruments are essentially the same. She accepts it back once it's offers it to her and sets it carefully in her lap, keeping a hand on it at all times. It's a bit of a family heirloom. "I'm glad you're able to appreciate it, Miss Kirishima."
She turns her head over towards Gabriel, who seems to nod and then sit in stony silence to Yurika's small hint, which if true could probably take how other's see Gabriel's music from 'abomination' to 'tolerable'. The problem is how it would affect Gabriel's view of her music. "Well, personally I am only interested in playing as a hobby." She's somewhat trying to cover for Gabriel's silence, since the questions were directed towards her. "I don't know that I have the spare time to be training myself up to a professional level like you; that must have taken some effort."

Yes Gabriel's silence is a problem, if Yurika doesn't pick up on the girls general mannerisms, she'll be left unsure exactly how willing the Justice student is to break from her current playing manner. Though really it was slightly more important to keep her from playing at all until she gains that understanding, and stalling just so happens to be her forte. But another small smile is given to Ingrid, "Well that's perfectly fine, of course. Music is my hobby as well, I had considered a professional career, but it's unlikely I could persue something like that. The ability to play at all is often reward enough for taking the chance to try. Which is odd to say, considering I have been playing since I was very youn- Ah wait a moment."
Seeming a little suprised, she then says, "I remember you now, I saw you at the World Warrior try out. I was quite impressed with what little I saw. Considering you two are friends.. Is it safe to assume that you as well have some combat ability, Miss Kai?"

Here is the problem, as Yurika is compelled to teach and Ingrid is compelled to hand her instrument over, Gabriel is compelled to try. She lifts her violin, the world stops, babies that weren't crying are frozen in time with a look of horror, hundreds of miles away, afterall there are no babies at this school, but if there were, they would sense danger. Now then, Gabriel has an instrument and she lifts it and is ready to play along with the teaching, actually she wasn't even sure if Yurika was listening because the thing is, she wasn't actually listening to the lesson, but as the violin comes up flowers wilt. Here is what those just joining us must know, previously while Gabriel was playing it murdered all the animal life around them. Okay, maybe not that bad, but it was terrible, awful. Really.

Ingrid nods her head slightly, "Yes. I felt a little bad when I stopped taking lessons, and now even more so that being able to play well would be a benefit to me." She's actually rather amused at the entire situation, especially as Gabriel begins lifting her instrument to play. Here Yurika is here trying to prevent just that, or at least make it a pleasant experience when she does, and all her efforts seem to be of no help at all. But at least she's making a new friend, right?
"Oh yes, I'm afraid that ended up being little more than a sham, but I did end up in the World Warrior tournament, though I was knocked out of it early." She laughs a little at the thought, "And I do believe my friend has told me she can fight, though I've never actually seen her, and it would be presumptuous of me to say how much ability she has without having witnessed it first hand."

Oh god. Gabriel is preparing to play. Well then Yurika has no choice, she takes out her own Violin, 'Charlotte', and proceeds to tune it on her shoulder as she again seems to agree with Ingrid, "I think I can understand the feeling. But it sounds pretty far in the past enough to not be worth worrying about at this point. And I'm sorry, it seems I hadn't seen your match." and she would continue on that subject, but, "Well, it seems Miss Kai is ready to start, so let's review and play the basic notes, 'do' 'rei' 'mi' to 'do' again."
Attention shifting to Gabriel, she motions how the bow should be held to apply the appropriate amount of pressure, and then proceeds to demonstrate the process slowly. Attention is the key word. She feels Ingrid is already capable of playing that much. "Now you two go ahead. Try to keep the same rythem."

It was the calm before the storm, the glasses had not been shattered yet, but at this point it was getting worse and worse. The anticipation was what made it so bad, you can't deny that! Then she places bow to string and then applies pressure and then comes sound. This was the part everyone was dreading. Everyone. The sound was well, it was almost as if she couldn't make it much worse. How with Yurika right there? Gabriel tried to do her own thing, show off a little, she had apparently gotten it in her head that she knew how to play and thus tried to demonstrate. Yurika, eat your heart out, Gabriel should be the one playing music in order to attack people. The only thing that really amazes her is that Ingrid wants to play with her.
It should be noted she actually does calm down a little after a moment or two and start to follow directions. And it wasn't the violin's fault, it was a nice violin.

Tired and worn out from her evening run, Shinobu walks at a steady pace through the gardens. Then, she hears a noise. Was that... a death rattle? A monster's cry? The deadly attack of an evil fighter? Whatever it is, she quickens her pace across the schoolyard and into the flower garden, balling her fists as she does so. Coming upon the sight of the practice, she skids to a halt, looking ready for a fight. But her eyes widen and her stance relaxes as she sees the sight before her, looking a bit dumbfounded. Not that unusual for Shinobu, but her look is particularly quizzical for once.
Falling quiet, she opts not to interrupt... presuming she hasn't already.

A humorous look passes over Ingrid's face. "I'll do my best." A common violin is tuned to G-D-A-E, but her hardingfele is tuned to A-D-A-E, and above that it's actually pitched a fair bit higher than a violin would normally be tuned. This, when accompanied with Gabriel's terrible playing combines to form a uniquely horrible sounding music. It's not that the Ingrid's playing is bad, and the hardingfele actually sounds very nice, but alongside screeching the higher pitches, as well as not being tuned to the violin it's accompanying, is simply horrifying. She smiles up at Yurika, in truth doing nothing more than exactly what she should, and then looks over to Shinobu, giving her a smile as well but doing nothing more; that might interrupt the 'music' being played.

Yurika's lips draw to a frown, her deadpan broken. The sad part is, Gabriel actually *did* improve from what was being played earlier, but it's completely baffling to how it can still be so poor! She sighs lightly, and plays along with the two other students, and much to her own horror, actually seems to have her ability to play greatly stunted. This suprise is what forces her to actually play until she gets it correct, which in turn doesn't happen, so it just becomes a few rounds of some sort of musical nightmare. She was watching Ingrid, and in her eyes the girl was doing exactly as told.
And then Yurika just stops playing, her bow lowered, and her already pale features slightly more pale. The girl is completely stunned, staring out at seemingly nothing, "...." However after a moment she does come to, in which she asks, truely and honestly, "What just happened?"

And with this Gabriel lowers her instrument. It was a job well done, a song well played. Everything was perfect. Yes, Gabriel was happy with her playing.
"Someday I hope to do this professionally. perhaps." Gabriel says, and one has to wonder, if they know her goals would they think that Gabriel were doing this entirely on purpose? Who could know. But she does notice Shinobu, looks at her, stares at her, but doesn't do anything more. Instead she just seems to favor her violin with a small cuddle.
" We should do this again soon.

"....." Shinobu just ellipses as she stares at the scene, gaping, and then looks over to Yurika. Her jaw finally closes, and she speaks up, "I don't think that's how you're supposed to play it.", she says to Gabriel. "I haven't done it before, but I think I have a pretty good idea of how it works." Her words don't have an accusing tone and her look is largely shocked and blank. No offense intended, most likely. She thinks for a moment and then nods to herself, miming the position of holding a violin as she ponders it, shifting her hand slightly as if holding a bow. Then, she loosens, nodding to herself once more, and smiles.

Ingrid plays along until the 'song' is at it's end, and then removes her bow lightly and smiles. Sure, Yurika thought it was terrible, Shinobu thought it was terrible, and Ingrid's ears told her never to do it again, but the enjoyment pouring from Gabriel over it is enough that the ears are overridden and the young blonde girl is easily able to decide that it was a good idea. Though... she can't help but laugh softly. If they can have such an affect on Yurika, she imagines what would happen if Gabriel was suddenly set down inside of an orchestra. That would be a sight to behold, and then to run away from very quickly.
"I believe we just played scales together, though I'm not entirely sure we harmonized very well. Perhaps if we tuned our instruments to match we could have better success?" Yurika, having heard of a hardingfele before, might also know that they can take a ridiculously long time to tune, having nine strings. "I agree, Gabriel, we should." Another smile is given to Shinobu to acknowledge her advice.

Yurika is still stunned, herself. She cannot for the life of her even begin to fathom why she had ended up creating that... That.. *Noise*. Her eyes close for a moment, hinting that she may actually be on the verge of tears. But when they open, it's hardly the case, and more of a determined look. Perhaps she's a masochist, but she is suddenly a woman on a mission, determined to make an improvement. Not today, however, she'll probably need to get into some sort of deep zen before tackling this challenge, "Y- Yes, I believe that will be all for today; Miss Holmann, this case may go beyond simple tuning.." a pause, "Well, not so simple for your instrument of course, are you familiar with it's tuning procedure?"
She didn't really know how to ask that without it sounding insulting. The appearance of Shinobu is a bit of a suprise though, Yurika suddenly worried how things are going to turn from this point. In fact, she's too scared to ask of the student plays an instrument, "L- Let's break for tea then, shall we?" she offers with a nervous laugh.

"Yes, I find that suggestion to my liking, " Gabriel replies and puts her violin away. Now it would be now obvious to any who look that she keeps a sword in her violin case along with her violin. It's an epee, the sort of sword someone might keep if they've watched too much Utena, of course Gabriel has never seen Utena, but her player has. Back to reality, the only person unaware of how bad her playing is is Gabriel, it seems, but she knows an insult when she sees one, even if not intended. Her eyes blaze for Shinobu a moment before she replies,
"That is the most pathetic attempt at dancing I have ever seen."

Nodding, Shinobu says, "Uh-huh! That, and hard practice! You can do it!..." Holding up her fist in an encouraging gesture to Gabriel, she then qualifies it with a, "... whoever you are!" She beams, and then looks over her shoulder. "Eh? Who's dancing?", she says, looking over her other shoulder, and one might even see a question mark above her head if one concentrates hard enough. "Well, whatever!"
She starts to follow Yurika, apparently taking the invitation to include her as well. "Hi, Yurika, and... um..." She focuses on Ingrid for a moment, biting her lip, and then finishes. "... sun... girl?"

Ingrid has a case for her hardingfele, but it hardly contains a weapon inside of it. She puts the instrument inside and closes the case, making sure the latches are securely fastened. "Tea sounds like an absolutely excellent idea." She smiles to the three other girls and stands up, now replying to Yurika's question. "Oh yes, I certainly know how to tune it. It can take a while, but it's usually worth the effort it takes." She smiles at Shinobu, "Ingrid Holmann, pleased... well, I do believe we met once before, but only very briefly out in the forest north of the city. I don't think I ever got your name, however?"

"Good day, Shinobu," Yurika replies, faint smile given in turn, but she in fact doesn't have to travel very far.. If not at all! Because she has the power of 'fangirl following', some of the students are well aware that Yurika likes tea after practice and are right on cue in bringing out a tray and a miniature stand to gain good favor of their upperclassman.
'We brought you tea, Miss Kirishima!'
'Your music was.. was.. Interesting, Miss Kirishima!'
And things like that. But she gives a patient smile in return, cheeks slightly red, "Well, there was room for some improvement.. But thank you very much." so there you have it, four cups set up with two tea bags each, one steaming kettle which Yurika takes to pour each cup. Her hands are actually still a little shaky, but nothing is spilled at least, "Miss Hollman, I'm actually a little suprised that I haven't noticed you sooner about these grounds. Not many girls here are at your level of manner. You don't *appear* to be a freshman. Are you?"

This was starting to get to Gabriel, she was used to underclassmen showing her respect at Justice, mainly due to her proximity to the congress, it's members had a way of intimindating people even if no one really knew about her affiliation. Here they were respecting Yurika. She could see it playing out in her head.

Gabriel: Itai Yo...!!! Tsch!
Random Underclassmen: *Dead*

Perhaps one with a psychic energy could sense her jealousy in her mind, but her face barely shows it, only a waver of annoyance which passes quickly, except she does under her breath actually say the 'itai yo' part. Flushing soon after.

"Shinobu Ootsuka!", Shinobu replies to Ingrid. "Good to meet you!" She steps forward eagerly to take the cup with a "Thank you!", before taking a long sip. There's a pause as she seems to realize just what internal scalding is, reddens, and slowly lowers the cup in a remarkable display of self-control. Then, she covers her mouth, beet red, and slowly breathes as she recovers. Then, she gives a wide, nervous grin about, giggling slightly at her own mistake.

Ingrid moves to take her place at the little table that's brought out, looking back towards Gabriel as the jealousy wells up within her. She can't be entirely sure of the cause, but she can presume some simply by who she's looking at and the what's happening around them. She smiles brightly at Gabriel, "Isn't it nice of them to think that we'd like some tea? I don't think I've ever had anyone want to wait on me like this before. Have you, Gabriel?" A simple attempt to try and convince the older teenager that the service is meant for all of them, and not just Yurika. That done, she turns her attention to Yurika and that very tea. The question produces a soft laugh from her, "Oh no, quite the opposite. I'm afraid I'm not a student of Seijyun at all. I must really thank you for the compliment on my manners, however. My tutor will be very pleased to hear someone of your elegance said as much."

Yurika needs a moment to stare at Shinobu in disbelief. What did that girl *think* she was drinking, hot cocoa? And it is thankful that Ingrid is doing.. Well, whatever it is she's doing for Gabriel. Perceptive as the musician is, she can't really make any comment toward the Justice student. She takes a sip of her cup anyway, and one of the students whispers into her ear.
Her dark eyes widen slightly, and she gives a nod of her head, "Well I apologize, I don't mean to run so soon, but I do need to take care of an urgent matt-" A double-take. Ingrid isn't a student? Then who let the both of them in here? Well so long as they aren't causing trouble, Yurika won't make an issue of it, and she does something she she's somewhat likely to regret, "Shinobu, you're in charge." Hooboy. That said, her cup is set down, and she makes a somewhat rushed retreat back inside the school building.

"I have need to depart also, thank you for this excellent day Ingrid-san, I had very much fun, and it was a pleasure to meet you Yurika-san." Gabriel bows politely then looks at Shinobu and draws a breath, considering the girl before saying,
"It was .. nice to meet you, Shinobu-chan." And with that Gabriel makes her way out, pcicknig up her violin case and moving toward the door, through the worshipers and out of the building. Very direct route.

"Huh? Okay!", Shinobu replies cheerfully, before giving a wave and looking to Ingrid with a smile. "Ah, I guess I'm in charge, then." She touches her lip, musing as she looks upwards. "I wonder what that means." A broader grin, and then. "Oh well, I'm sure it'll be okay!" She sips her tea a bit more carefully, and adds to the fanstudents. "Ah, thank you!"

Ingrid smiles to Yurika and Gabriel as they go, "And thank you, I enjoyed playing with you both." And then they're gone, leaving only herself Shinobu and some fangirls of someone who's no longer here. "Hmm, I wonder? Perhaps you're in charge of the tea, now?" She blows on it herself and then takes a small sip. "You must be very lucky, this is good tea." She smiles at Shinobu, "But perhaps there's something more to it than that, I wonder? I don't know what else she could have meant."

"I don't really know about stuff like that...", Shinobu admits before finishing her tea. "But..." She looks to Ingrid's case. "I should try that now that I've learned it... it doesn't look too hard. But I'm always busy with training..." She reaches over, pouring herself another cup. "So... um..." Her gaze flits about a bit, and then she tries. "... how'd you get in here?"

"I believe all you really need to do is pour, since it's already made, so your job is in fact quite simple. After we're done I suppose..." A smile forms on her features, "Oh, now that really must be what she meant." She makes a motion to the fangirls that had suddenly appeared with the table and stools, "She must have put you in charge of all her... servants?" Ingrid then laughs lightly, "Oh, it was no trouble at all. Gabriel is a Seijyun student, you see."

"Oh! I didn't know..." Shinobu rubs her neck. "She's probably avoiding me or something. She thinks I'm evil. I really don't get that at all..." Pouting a bit, she sips her tea carefully this time, and looks up to the servants. "Um... I think I can put this back when we're done, it's okay." She looks back to Ingrid. "So, you're friends with her?", she asks a little more nervously.

A nod of Ingrid's head is given, "Yes, we're fairly good friends, I'd say. I rather enjoy her company, to be honest. I find her to be fairly unorthodox, but at the same time I don't believe I'm quite the normal type either." She hmms a bit, "I suggest you try to look past her... enthusiasm towards her religion. If you can do that, she's actually a fairly polite person." A shocking proclamation.

Shinobu's eyelids lower to half-mast. "I don't care about her religion, but if she thinks I'm evil..." She hangs her head a little, and then sips. "... it's really annoying." She shakes her head and looks up. "Maybe it's because she just didn't like my friends? I don't know. It's too confusing for me." She smiles weakly, and then takes a longer sip.

Ingrid looks contemplative for a moment, "I believe she thinks that everyone is evil, or very near everyone, Shinobu. To tell you the truth I think I've only just managed to escape that denotation myself. I'm not sure what it is that she decides makes people evil, but it's very likely something simple that nearly everyone does. Or perhaps it's simply doing something that she doesn't like." She laughs a little, "I wouldn't take it too personally."

Shinobu pouts a little more as she sips her tea. She doesn't say anything for a moment. "Well, whatever.", she finally concludes with a shrug, and starts to rise. Rubbing her neck with a nervous grin, she says, "I guess I should make sure you find your way out, huh? Now which was it?", she says, as if already lost in her own school.

Ingrid finishes off her cup of tea and then stands up out of the chair. "Yes, I suppose that'd be a good idea." She looks around for a moment, "I believe it was that way?" A small motion of her hand indicates the direction. "Thank you for having tea with me, I was almost sure you were going to leave when Yurika and Gabriel excused themselves."

"Oh yeah!", Shinobu replies, and then hurries the china with perhaps nerve-wracking speed to the greenhouse, hurrying back. "Eh? I'm not in any hurry, but dumb ol' curfew is soon, I think." She points up to the stars as she starts to walk. "You can tell when that one and that one come out.", she observes with perhaps surprising perception. Surprising for Shinobu, anyway.

For her part, Ingrid helps carry the stools with the fangirls in order to get everything put away so everyone can go about and do whatever it is they want to do. "Oh, I hadn't realized there was a curfew, but I suppose I've never been on this campus before." She looks up at the stars that Shinobu points out, "I'll have to keep that in mind, thank you." Is it interesting that a girl who doesn't realize the tea might burn her before drinking it would notice some specific stars in the sky? Ingrid doesn't know her well enough to know, just yet.

Coming to the entrance shortly, Shinobu bows a bit, and folds her hands behind her head. "If you wanna come by sometime, just ask for me, okay?" Her grin returns, and adds, "Though you might be better asking for Yurika.", more quietly. "Well, whatever! Good to seeya!" Loosening her arms, she waves with her wrist, making sure Ingrid gets out the gate before she makes her way back to her room.

"Thank you, I'll remember the offer. It was good seeing you again, Shinobu." Ingrid gives a small curtsy and then heads out of the gate, "I'm sure we'll be running into each other again sometime, hopefully soon." With that she heads out.

Log created by Yurika, and last modified on 17:23:28 04/26/2007.