Description: With Kensou's help, Momoko finally meets her idol, Athena! A friendly sparring match follows, and Athena reminds everyone why she's the Psycho Soldiers' team captain.
It's a sunny afternoon in Southtown's Chinatown, and the unseasonable warmth has drawn out numerous shoppers. Among them is a sizable young adult population, seeing as school's just let out; not eager to go straight home, the majority of them have swarmed straight here, favoring the trendy little tea shops and arcades that have sprung up here.
Seated at one of the open-air tables of a small tea shop, modestly trying to stay under the radar with a paperboy hat pulled low, Athena Asamiya works through a bit of reading for school, wielding a pencil and an intent expression. A half-full cup of bubble tea and an as-of-yet untouched dish of sweet bean cakes keeps her company: evidence that she's not been here all that long.
A diguise like that might work against most people, but not against the likes of Sie Kensou - he's psychic, after all! Possessed of strange and mysterious powers! And apparently he's also possessed of the ability to be followed everywhere by children, as he's aquired a new, diminutive companion as he makes his way through Chinatown. Is it Bao 2.0?? Is It Kensou's apprentice?! No it's... Some weird Capoeira girl! The two of them have just been to Kensou's favourite bakery, for to get meatbuns. Of course, he makes Momoko carry the bag.
"...An' that's how me'n Athena foiled his schemes an' sent the Masked Mandarin back to jail," Kensou tells the tiny psion, having just finished relating a tale of derring-do and heroism about a possibly factual exploit of the Psycho Soldiers. Of course, /his/ version involves him saving the day and Athena, despite all her power and bravery, ending up having to be dramatically rescued. Walking as he talks, the duo's path naturally brings them by the tea shop, and he just happens to look over, guided by some mysterious force...
To look right at Athena and her terrible disguise. "Aaaah!!" Kensou exclaims, pointing right at her. Subtlety is not his forte, you see.
Momoko, being that aforementioned Capoeira girl (as if anyone can be considered 'weird' following in Kensou's footsteps), nods dutifully. She carries a meatbun of her own, cradling it with both her hands as she lovingly nibbles upon the insides -- daintily and politely, as opposed to Kensou!
She actually looks like she's buying the story, too. "Really?" she asks when she gets a moment. "That's so cool! But... but... why didn't you ever take the mask off? They need to take the mask off for the mug shot, right? They do, right? Didn't they?" Her self-repeating habit sees no bounds, after all...
At the sudden exclamation, Momoko stops just short of colliding into Kensou's backside -- which would be quite embarassing! But he's in the way, so the short little dynamo peeks around the Chinese youth, squinting her reddish-brown eyes at the disguised Athena. Her eyes go wide with realization after a moment -- Kensou wouldn't stop for just anyone, and it looks like her, doesn't it? She starts hopping from one foot to the other in excitement! Momoko figures she can be a =little= less restrained with Kensou making a show of it -- but still manages to whisper -- rather =loudly= so -- "Is that her? It is, right, it's her, right?"
It's not really all that thorough a disguise, anyway, and nor is she trying -that- hard to hide. Athena's wearing perfectly normal clothes, after all-- a pink top under a beige jacket, and a tiered white peasant skirt-- and is, well, out in the public in the -first place-. It's just that floppy hat, pulled down deliberately that extra couple of inches, that tries to dissemble away her all-too-recognizable face: and the thing looks about ready to slip right off the front of her head anyway, from how low she's wearing it.
It's really just a means by which she can filter interaction. Athena's the last person to mind talking to fans, but all the same it's nice sometimes to be able to sit somewhere without drawing the inevitable stares of every random passerby, ever.
But of course, someone like Kensou wouldn't be fooled for an instant.
"K-Kensou!" Startled right out of her work, the paperboy hat in question promptly slips the last few inches off her head, landing forlornly on the ground. She stoops to pick it up hurriedly, brushing the thing off against her chair as she lays the book face-down on the table. "I didn't expect to see you here! --And who's this?" Athena's gaze slips past Kensou curiously to his... hopping companion, a warm smile lighting her face.
Didn't expect to see him here, it's Chinatown! He lives here! Of course, Kensou grins brightly at Athena, because why wouldn't he? It's not like he really realised that she was trying to lay low or anything. "This is Momoko," he explains, indicating the energetic girl. She's kind of scary like that, isn't she? "Momoko, this is Athena," with something of a grand and sweeping gesture, the Chinese psychic indicates the 'incognito' idol singer, and hopefully there isn't a ton of other Athena fans around or anything. That could get awkward!
"Momoko here's a big fan of yours, Athena. An' she's a fighter who uses Psycho Power, like us." Of course, no doubt the tiny psion is going to have her own introductions to make. "I've been tryin' t' figure out how to introduce her to Sifu, but he's been pretty, uh, you know," helpfully, he pantomimes the universal 'drinky drinky' gesture, "lately."
Momoko is Kensou's new girlfriend! ... Er, wait, no, that's not right, hold on...
Ah, there's the script. Momoko looks absolutely =ecstatic= at the warm smile beamed her way. She scurries up closer to the teen idol, announcing, "I'm so happy to meet you, Miss Asamiya!" all but squeals the little Momoko -- though it looks like she's trying to curtsy and perform a Japanese-style bow all at once.
At which point she stands up abruptly, flustered. Her cheeks, now a dark red, puff out in her frustration, but she bows properly, and then cursties. Cheeks still pink, she puts on her best smile, announcing, "It's such an honor!" She bows once more to Kensou, nodding, "Thank you, Mr. Kensou!"
But she can't stop =talking= now. "I've been a big fan of yours! I always wanted to be just like you, you're an inspiration to us all! I just love how you can touch so many hearts through your music, it's just so =cool!=" Grinning cheerily, she... well, she doesn't know how to follow up Kensou's mention of Psycho Power. Maybe she won't have to!
Come now! 'Didn't expect to see you here' is the automatic response that'll kick out of anyone when they're startled and taken by surprise: actual logic of the thing notwithstanding. In this day and age, full of rote phrases spoken in reflex without thought as to the actual meaning behind them, it's practically the same thing as 'hello.'
Still seated, Athena flicks a gaze left and right without turning her head as Kensou introduces her quite loudly-- an instinctive motion, the quick and practiced surveyance of a girl that grew up famous, and knows by now just how lethal things can get when vast numbers of fans are alerted to one's presence. Fortunately there aren't storms of fans around at the moment, and so the singer goes unmolested for the time being. Her attention can be saved -entirely- for lucky little Momoko: towards whom she leans with a welcoming air, her elbows coming to rest on her knees.
"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Momoko," she replies with a note of laughter in her voice, a slight dip and angling of her head acknowledging Momoko's bows and curtsies. "And I'm happy to hear you enjoy my music. It's my goal to reach out to people's hearts through my songs, to inspire them; I'm glad that it's being met!"
Kensou's mention of Psycho Power, however, draws Athena's attention on a more serious level. Sitting back up, she skates a glance up at Kensou. "Yes, we'll definitely have to introduce her to him, once he's--" Athena has the delicacy not to finish her sentence, instead making a vague sort of 'well, you know' gesture in the air. She turns back to Momoko then, and -beams-: the look of someone welcoming another of her kind. "That's a very special ability to have, Momoko. Have you trained it much?"
Hey, don't call him 'Mister', he'll feel old! Kensou looks a bit embarassed at Momoko's thanks, rubbing the back of his head with one hand. "Nah, it was nothin'. An' just Kensou is fine," he adds. Ugh, calling him 'mister'! That done, he gets back to his meatbun from earlier, downing the pastry in a single mighty gulp, and letting Athena do all the talking FOR THE MOMENT. He's actually had some first hand experience with Momoko's Psycho Power, and he can tell she's no slouch! But other than that he has nothing to add, currently. Ha ha ha!
With Athena looking from her left to right, Momoko instinctively does the same. It's a habit, after all -- she hasn't been stalked like Athena has, so it confuses her at first! ... But she figures it out after a moment or two.
Curling her hands before her face in her excitement, she realizes she's still holding that half-eaten meatbun. She hesitates for a moment, glancing around in a bit of her own nervousness, before Athena's question catches her ear. Looking up attentively, she nods cheerily! "Right! I... I found out I could during one of my performances..." Capoeira performances, but she hasn't thought to mention that yet. She closes one of her tiny hands into a fist, miming a bonk to the side of her head. "But it takes all of my concentration... I'm still not that good at it..." She frowns for the faintest of moments, before her expression brightens: "Do you have any suggestions, Miss Asamiya?" Apparently Kensou's request applies only to Kensou.
The little pink one realizes she still has that meatbun. She peers down at it, considering tossing it aside... but then she glances over to the eerily-quiet Kensou.
She devours what's left of the meatbun without a second thought, keeping her eye on the boy through the duration before turning back to Athena.
"Just call me Athena," she prompts gently when the 'Miss' persists. "And don't stand! Sit down, sit down." An expansive gesture indicates the empty chairs arranged around her table. "Unless you two were heading somewhere...?" An inquisitive brow lifts. "I won't keep you long if you are..."
Her gaze turns to Momoko then, regardless of whether they -do- have somewhere to rush off to: it's important to reply Momoko's request for suggestions. There's few better people to guide Momoko in these matters, after all, than Kensou and Athena. "Well... it's important to learn how to control your power, so you can use it wisely: and so there's no chance of it hurting you, or others. But there aren't many people who are familiar enough with Psycho Power to teach those who have it. One of them is the Sifu of Kensou and I, Chin Gentsai-- maybe we could introduce you to him, if you're interested in learning to refine your ability." Athena cracks a smile. "But more than that... it's always nice to find others."
And then, it occurs to her to inquire: "If I may ask, what kind of performance was it? --and how did you two meet?" she adds, her gaze swinging back over to Kensou.
"Nah, we weren't goin' anywhere in particular," Kensou says, shrugging. And even if they were, where's more important to be than with Athena? Nowhere, if you were to ask his opinion. Nowhere at all. Anyway, he does actually let Momoko choose her seat first before joining the girls at the table, turning his chair around to sit backwards on it, arms resting over the back and then his chin resting on his arms. Ahhh, relaxing casual postures. He's too lazy to even SIT properly!
Of course, he's quite happy to listen to Athena give Momoko sage and encouraging advice, because... Well, the reason why should be obvious to pretty much anyone that isn't Athena. "Yeah, yeah. I told you a little 'bout Chin Sifu," he reminds Momoko. "He's the crazy ol' drunk who raised me back in China. Terrified of pandas for some reason, can't even take the guy to the zoo." Wait, what does that have to do with anything? Nothing, that's what! "Oh... Well, uh, she challenged me to a fight. Over meatbuns." Of course he accepted, but he never had any intention of holding her to the bet if he won! ...Which he didn't.
"Okay!" Momoko seemed like she wanted to say 'okay, miss athena', but caught herself by clapping her free hand over her mouth. Plus, she kinda had her mouth full of meatbun at the time. Oops!
The offer of a seat is taken quite amicably! "No, we were just passing through! Kensou was telling me about how he defeated the Masked Marauder to save you... " The girl climbs up into the nearest chair, kneeling upon it and resting her elbows on the table. It's not so much rude... as the fact that she's tiny and trying to be as close to her idol as possible!
She listens intently, her hair bobbing daintily with each nod. "Mm-hmm? Mm-hmm? Oh... I met two so far! One, her name is Nanako..." She glances over to Kensou, grinning, "She used Psycho Power too, right? She did, right?" And then she turns back to Athena, still grinning eagerly, "And Miss Ingrid, also, she dresses fancy. She can do a lot too! But neither of them is the same, really... they don't focus on performance, or making people smile! It's not =love= from them..."
The girl trails off for a moment, until Kensou gives his answer. "Right, right, meatbuns! I think Kensou-nii-chan let me win though, he's such a nice guy!" ... Suddenly she's switched from 'Mr. Kensou' to 'Big Brother Kenny?' Careful what you wish for.
"Oh... but my first performance, ne... I was performing capoeira with someone else on stage! It was scary at first, but Riki-sempai told me to just play it off, and we'd figure it out later, and I realized it was like the same power you had and..." She grins so widely she has to close her eyes, shrugging! "And that's when I decided to come look for you two!"
Opening her eyes, she glances back over to Kensou, then back to Athena. "So this... Chin-sifu... he drinks a lot? Does he share beer with you two a lot?" Maybe she can read sign language, too?
Defeated the Masked Marauder to save-- oh, really? Athena arches an amused brow at Kensou, but doesn't bother to say anything. That's just the way Kensou has always been-- no surprise he'd embellish there.
She listens carefully through Momoko's words, nodding thoughtfully. "It was smart of you to want to investigate your power more. These aren't things that can just be passed off! We'll all be quite willing to help answer your questions." Her, and Kensou, and-- she's sure Chin would also be willing to provide guidance. "But it seems like your heart is in the right place. That's a good start."
The news that Momoko won their engagement, however, is surprising. Either someone hasn't been practicing, Momoko is stronger than appearance would suggest-- or he -did- let her win. Either way, she gives Kensou a bit of surprised glance, and then nods slowly. "So you did well against Kensou! Maybe you're further along than we thought."
That last question, though... Athena blinks-- and then laughs. "No, we're a bit too young for that!"
Opening his mouth to protest - just what isn't clear, because he doesn't get to, but maybe it's sort of a general protest - Kensou wisely ends up keeping his further thoughts to himself and instead look sheepish. He was just trying to make the stories... More entertaining, yeah. Yeah. Something like that anyway. "She's pretty strong when she puts her mind to it," Kensou says sagely, as if he were some kind of expert... Which, one supposes, he /is/, because that sort of describes him, too. Of course Athena's right, and he wasn't practicing.
But shhh. Shhh.
Kensou scoffs a little though at that last question, while Athena laughs. "Naw, the ol' man doesn't drink /beer/, it's always rice wine for him. He's usually too stingy with it t' share, but he's always been slippin' me some since I was younger'n you are." And so we see here who the real role model of the Psycho Soldiers is... And it ain't Sie Kensou, that's for sure.
Yeah, that Masked Marauder story was bound to get the boy in trouble, hmm? Momoko glances over at Kensou, a bit confused by the look... but she soon realizes, covering her mouth to stifle a giggle. She'd =thought= that was a little too convenient. If she were more impish she might offer to save Kensou the next time... but no, she's a good girl.
Besides, Athena's praising her. "Thank you!" She bobs her head cheerily, cradling her chin in her palms. ~ Such a happy day ~
Momoko glances over to Kensou once more with a look. "Oh... rice wine? I've had sips of that... it... it tastes like watered-down soy sauce!" She giggles. "Makes my head all swimmy though. I just can't wait till I get bigger so I can try more though. Adults look like they have so much fun when they drink!"
Maybe she'll be taking more inspiration from Chin than expected...
Kensou is, for the time being, let off the hook with little more than a knowing look and a crooked little smile. "Maybe we ought to have a little spar later on, Kensou," she suggests craftily. "I'm sure there's a lot we both could learn from it." No, Athena isn't always sweetness and light. She's a girl, it's programmed into her double-X chromosomes to occasionally be a conniving, teasing little thing.
Besides, what Kensou says next makes him totally deserve it. "--Kensou!" Don't put it into the minds of young girls that it's okay to drink! --for that matter, she'll have to take Chin to task, too, if he can stay sober and coherent long enough to hear her out. Slipping children alcohol! Honestly. She glances back at Momoko then, looking a little sheepish. "I'm sure you can try some when you're older, and that it could be fun-- in small amounts. But these things-- like your powers-- have to be carefully moderated!"
Unfortunately, Athena, this little crusade of yours will inevitably end up a lost cause. You're the student of Chin Gentsai, after all, and Sie Kensou's your best friend. They'll have -you- drinking by the time all is said and done.
What's wrong with a little alcohol now and again? It never hurt anyone, and in fact it's helped Chin be quite spry and strong despite his advanced age, now hasn't it? Sure, he's rip roaring drunk half the time, but that's part of the fun. He laughs sheepishly at the offer, before coughing into a fist. "Ah, well, maybe we should. Could show Momoko-chan here a thing or two!" He is after all a master of kung fu /and/ a psychic prodigy! He has nothing to fear from sparring with Athena! Nothing!
The chiding tone from Athena does make him look a little chastened though, so there's that? "Aw, your parents never let you try any when you were a kid, Athena?" he wonders, clearly trying to turn the subject around entirely. After all, she was lucky enough to HAVE parents. He had nothing! And then a crazy old drunk. "'sides, it ain't like I ever got as blasted as the old man..."
"Ooh, sparring? That'd be fun!" Momoko seems a bit excited about those prospects! "I'd love to fight you two, sure! Maybe not at =once=, but... it'd be good to practice! I just can't seem to focus outside of a fight, like... my heartbeat has to be pounding from the thrill of it all!"
But Kensou didn't put the thought of drinking into her mind, she already thought it. Like =anything= adult-like, little Momoko wants to be a part of it. Just hope she doesn't run into something really disgusting like smoking. Blegh!
A thought occurs to her though. "Were you two wanting to spar first though? Momoko can watch and learn if you'd rather...?" And Kensou needs the practice!
"Well... a little. But they always made it clear that these things have to be taken in moderation! --And when it's legal." Which, in Japan, isn't until the age of twenty! Moreover, Athena somehow doubts that Chin's extraordinary health is due to the alcohol-- in her mind, it's more like 'in spite of' the alcohol. And the thought of Kensou getting as wasted as Chin? "You'd better not!" is Athena's opinion on the matter. "I like your liver the way it is." Athena fully realizes Kensou never had parents-- and that's actually why she chides so much. She considers him like a brother-- much as he'd rather things be a little more than that-- and worries over him accordingly.
But no sense fixating on that topic-- Chin will be Chin, and Kensou Kensou. There's not much one can do to change those habits, and things seem to be just fine as is anyway. And there's a little one to be thought of now, as well: Athena nods at both Kensou and Momoko's acquiescence to the suggestion of a spar. She quickly wraps up her unfinished cakes and empties the remainder of her tea into a thermos: she's on the move often, so she keeps the thing handy in case she's interrupted. Both are stashed in her sidebag, which she slings across a shoulder as she stands up.
"Why don't the three of us have a spar?" Her gaze moves from Kensou, to Momoko, a warm and encouraging smile given especially to the little girl. "The best way to learn is by doing, and I'd like to see what you can do."
Pssh, legality! That's for bars and liquor stores! Besides, where Kensou grew up, there wasn't really any sort of laws in the /first/ place, so deep in the boonies of China it was... So he doesn't see anything wrong with it at all. "Ohh, pfft, my liver's fine!" For now. Besides, Chin's never had any problems with his, right? So what could possibly go wrong? They're Psycho Soldiers, they're made of sterner stuff! He's a bit surprised, though, as Athena stands up, and makes the suggestion she does. Uh oh.
"Uh... Yeah, that sounds like a great idea, Athena," Kensou agrees, standing up as well. Yes, there's no way that could possibly not work out in his favour! ...Ahahahaha. Well, hopefully he's been keeping up his practice enough lately that he won't completely embarass himself. Hopefully. Of course, ultimately, it's all up to Momoko... But somehow, he doubts the tiny Psion will turn down the opportunity.
Well, Momoko already said it'd be fun! She just didn't know if Athena would want to fight so soon after eating! ... Kensou, of course, she has no doubts about.
"Yaaaaay! That's a great idea!" Momoko leaps to her feet, tossing her hands high into the air! Apparently fans are no longer an issue! ... Since any of the three could easily blast their way out of a crowd should the need arise!
The capoeirista jogs herself over to the nearest open space, waving back at the two Psycho Soldiers. "Hey, c'mon! We can spar right here, can't we? Can't we?"
COMBATSYS: Momoko has started a fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Momoko 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kensou has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Momoko 0/-------/-------|
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Athena has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Momoko 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Athena
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-------|
tNo worries in that regard-- what Athena was having was quite light, and she didn't get far through it in the first place. A quick spar won't do any harm.
She follows along after the little capoeirista as she trots off through the thinning crowd; it's a walk of about two or three minutes before they stop. Yes, this will do-- it's far enough from the heart of things that they won't attract too much attention-- that is, unless any of them break out the fireworks. "This should be fine," she agrees.
A slight shift of psychic power knits across her clothes as she sets her bag down: a fine show of control that shifts her outfit to something more suited to a fight. Pulling her hair back neatly, she steps into the center of the open space then, and waits for the others to be ready.
COMBATSYS: Athena takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Momoko 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Athena
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-------|
So clearly no, Kensou was not wrong about Momoko's enthusiasm! He watches her jog out to the nearest open space, and he follows along at a more leisurely pace, because he's not the sort of person to run when he doesn't have to... Especially when he can walk alongside Athena the whole way there! Still, when they find a good place, they find a good place, and Athena uses her crazy powers to change clothes suddenly. Kensou's never been able to get the hang of that sort of thing.
Or teleporting, either.
"All right, let's get this started then!" Kensou exclaims, punching fist into open palm. Hell yeah, he's ready to spar. He's stoked! He can do this! "Bet you an' me can take Athena down, eh Momoko?" What's this, a teamup?! But as soon as he says this, Kensou takes off like a shot, directly at Athena, and as he gets close he lunges forward with the heel of his palm for the idol singer's sternum. "Huaa-!!"
Momoko seems to have no problem jogging on ahead! She almost wouldn't mind a fight where they =were=, but Athena's got her fans to look out for!
"Awww... if only Momoko could change clothes like that..." With as much as she has to concentrate, it might a good idea Momoko sticks to teleporting small and non-complex things. Like meatbuns! ... But she can still dream, can't she?
"Okay!" she announces, clapping her hands together once she sees Kensou at the ready. And then he leaps at Athena! "H-hey, is that okay?" she asks -- but shrugs! Kensou's still older and wiser than her.
No, seriously. She can use that as her excuse! "Ready or not, here I come!!"
Momoko breaks into a running leap, her bare feet somehow making, er, squeaking noises -- just before she leaps into the air, swinging her legs overhead and bringing them crashing down onto Athena! If she's lucky, that is! "Haaaaah!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Athena with Jab Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Athena
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Momoko successfully hits Athena with Medium Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Athena
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/-------|
If Athena notices Kensou's motive for walking so sedately by her side-- well no, she doesn't notice. At all. Sorry, Kensou.
But he'll get his revenge for that soon enough. Athena had been half-expecting a teamup sort of situation-- after all, the only other viable option is a three-way free-for-all, and that's a little bit too chaotic to be terribly instructive-- but she's still caught a little off guard by Kensou and Momoko's enthusiasm. Kensou's hand drives into her sternum (good thing he didn't miss to either the right or the left, eh), and Momoko's kick connects with her left shoulder, clipping it: she skids backwards from the forward momentum of Kensou's strike, and then hops a few additional paces back to open up some room.
You two are quite enthusiastic! kicks out of her-- that short phrase all she has time to say-- before she skips forwards again, pushing off into a leap: twisting in the air for momentum, she drives a rapid spinkick at Kensou, her heel whipping downwards at his left shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Kensou fails to interrupt Medium Kick from Athena with Ryuu Gakusai.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/----===|
As if Kensou would be so imprecise! Whatever his flaws might be as a martial artist, that's actually not one of them... Usually. And he wouldn't try for a grab either, honest! Anyway, while Athena does get battered by their attacks, it's not like she'd just stand there and take it, no... Instead there's a kick headed for his shoulder, and he starts to fall back for some weird reason, but nobody will ever know just what he was going to do, because it doesn't work!
Instead, Kensou is kicked, and sent sprawling back, head over heels. That... Really kind of hurt a bit! A rough reminder of the gap in 'caliber' between himself and Athena, it would seem. "Jus' gettin'... Warmed up!" says Kensou, pushing himself to his feet. O... Ow.
Momoko leaps back as her kicks crash down onto Athena. She didn't think Athena would stick around for a double-team... maybe she's just going easy on the pair! At least that's the Athena fangirl's explanation. "Ah... yes! I just want to show you what I can do!" She flips backwards, tossing her light jacket to the side -- it flutters down a fair distance away, landing perfectly upon a street sign. But rather than keep her distance -- she immediately presses an offensive again, leaping into a forward cartwheel -- almost! It's just the tip of her toe that stretches forward at Athena while the capoeirista balances on her elbows, her opposite leg levering back for balance. "Hyaaa!"
COMBATSYS: Momoko successfully hits Athena with Au Batido.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/----===|
Athena has barely hit earth again after her landed hit on Kensou, when Momoko presses right back onto the offensive again. Still half-airborne, she has no real way to avoid the attack: it connects, causing Athena to stumble back a few paces.
"So far--" Athena replies, as she leaps backwards a fair distance, "--you're doing well!" Athena isn't familiar with capoeira, and the style is at once quite intriguing-- and quite unpredictable to the singer. The movements are almost dancelike, and if Athena had had more time to admire them-- she would have.
But time is a precious commodity Athena does not have when matched against two people. A quick glance is flicked to Kensou to check what he's doing, before she turns her attention back to Momoko. "Let's see how you do against some psi attacks." That said, Athena leaps forwards into the air, back towards Momoko: and a flare of psychic energy licks along her frame, encasing her as she arrows downwards in a kick at the girl.
"C'mon, Momoko!" Kensou calls out towards the capoeira girl. "You can do it!!" Er... Hopefully? Anyway, Kensou has other plans than just rushing in there and attacking Athena headlong again. Instead, he's going to stand his ground... For the moment at least. Dropping into his kung fu stance, he tenses, drawing on his inner reserves of Psycho Power, bringing the untapped energy to the surface. All around him, blue motes of light appear in the air, whirling about like a storm of light, the 'breeze' stirring his clothes and hair. "Haaaa...."
COMBATSYS: Kensou gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Athena successfully hits Momoko with Phoenix Arrow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Momoko 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
So FAR, she says. But in all fairness, Athena hadn't thrown her first attack at the pink dynamo yet. Momoko smiles back to Kensou -- who seems to be powering up in blue! "Momoko always tries her best!" She balls her little fists and adopts a faito-faito pose!
But ... Athena's anteing up now! Momoko nods, pleased to see that Athena's giving her her full attention, at least for a moment! "Okay!" She has plenty of experience throwing Psycho Power, but taking it is a bit different. The ever-dancing girl starts to cartwheel to the side, but the pink Psycho Power of her idol dazzles her a bit much -- she thinks she has more time than she really does! Consequently, Momoko takes the kick full in the stomach, flying back like a rocket! She collides with a trash-can a fair distance off!
But Momoko is nothing if not tenacious! She flips out of the bent-up trashcan, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. "I'm fine! Please don't stop just yet!" She grins cheerily, but with Kensou taking a moment... well, maybe she can take a moment to gather her wits too!
Plus, she's got a bit of a jog back to the others...
COMBATSYS: Momoko focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Momoko 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/=======|
Concern flashes briefly across Athena's face as Momoko goes zipping off-- she hadn't quite meant to send her flying SO far as that-- but when the girl pops right back up again, the singer's expression relaxes in relief. "Just let us know if you want to stop, or if it's too much," Athena replies across the distance between them.
Her attention switches back to Kensou, now that Momoko's a good ways out of range; seeing him charge his Psycho Power, she nods to herself. Her own red psychic energy flares again as she drops into a bracing stance. Time, it would seem, to test out how someone is at slinging psi energy against psi energy: Athena thrusts her hands forwards, a ball of energy zipping towards Kensou.
COMBATSYS: Kensou blocks Athena's Psycho Ball.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Momoko 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 1/-----==/=======|
Whoa, that looked like it HURT. Kensou winces sympathetically for poor Momoko, sent flying by Athena's powerful kick, but he's not going to sit around and do nothing, no way; as he finishes gathering up power, though, there's a sphere of power headed his way, which probably isn't a good thing. Kensou's arms come up to intercept the blast, Psycho Power splashing against his arms and still stinging quite painfully, but Kensou grits his teeth against it, and keeps going.
Rushing forward, Kensou closes with Athena as quickly as he can, skidding to a stop in front of the girl, rearing back on one foot. Lunging forward from that position, Kensou swings both his hands down in a simultaneous strike, hoping to blast through any guard Athena might put up against the attack, his foot stomping against the ground harmlessly. "Haa-!!"
It did hurt! But Momoko's never been one to let injuries get in the way of a good performance. And that's just what this is -- a performance to one very special idol singer! She may not be as talented singing, but Momoko's motions are certainly artistic in their own way!
The pink dynamo speeds up as she gets closer to Athena, perhaps emboldened by Kensou's own charge. She leaps into the air, backflipping to deliver one, two, three kicks at Athena -- and with any luck, she'd spiral backwards to land on her feet! She'd use that to spring forward, ramming Athena with her head (!!) before twisting into a high roundhouse kick, that's then the setup for a backwards flip kick. The girl attacks are all about momentum, that's for sure! "Ya! Ya! Haaaaa!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Athena with Kobokushu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Momoko 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 1/----===/=======|
COMBATSYS: Athena blocks Momoko's Momokonba.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Momoko 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 1/----===/=======|
Not quite the reaction she might have expected-- but still effective. Athena recovers back to a defensive position just as Kensou reaches her, trying to bring her arms up in a crossed guard: however, fact remains Kensou's physically stronger than she is... and attacked just a bit faster than she expected. He makes it right through her nascent defense, breaking it down before it can have a chance to strengthen, and she staggers backwards: temporarily left open.
Put off balance by Kensou, she's in no position to dodge any of Momoko's blows: but she can block them. With the help of a little Psycho Power to reinforce her strength, she brings her arms up to defend against the onslaught of attacks: inwardly quite impressed at the girl's agility and sense of momentum. Momoko never seems to stay put longer than a few moments, and every one of her attacks chains right into another. Definitely quite the graceful art she practices.
In the wake of their attacks, Athena realizes the both of them have come quite close to her. Reacting quickly, she lunges forwards, hands sweeping apart: thrumming psychic force is drawn out between them, the spinning energy thrusting towards the two aggressors.
COMBATSYS: Kensou fails to interrupt Shield Psycho Reflector from Athena with Sunda.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Momoko 1/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 1/---====/=======|
Oh crap! Kensou's eyes widen as Athena is about to turn the tables back on him - and Momoko too, as it happens - but he's got a plan, a perfect plan. A sublime, flawless plan. Rather than trying to get out of the way of the pop idol's attack, he instead pushes his hand /through/ it... Of that's the plan anyway, because he doesn't actually manage it, instead getting battered and knocked aside from the whirling Psycho Power attack. "Gwaaaah!!" he exclaims, rolling over on one shoulder and ending up back in a low crouch. Ow. That... Was a little uncomfortable.
COMBATSYS: Momoko blocks Athena's Shield Psycho Reflector.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Momoko 1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 1/---====/=======|
Momoko keeps moving, even after she notices that Athena's repelling her attacks! Follow-through is key, here! But when Athena brings out the spinning shield of energy, Momoko figures it may just be time to start using her own psycho power! Flipping back, she curls both forearms over her head, raising her knee as well, a faint, pink-white glow forming just a split-second before Athena's attack! It's ... enough to take some of the edge off, so that she doesn't get tossed back like Kensou. Or like she did a few moments ago.
One good turn deserves another though. As the spinning energy from Athena's attack dissipates, Momoko raises her hand and announces, "Okay, Athena... I've been practicing this just for you!" She may not be able to leap quite so high as the Psycho Soldier, but she certainly has some of the momentum! And, much like Athena's earlier attack, her legs are sheathed in similar pink energy as she hurls herself into a low tumble at Athena's feet, kicking away! If she connects with that, she'd finish with a full extension of her feet aimed at knocking Athena right on down! "Phoenix... Arrow!"
COMBATSYS: Athena blocks Momoko's Phoenix Arrow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Momoko 1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 1/---====/=======|
Athena swings a look over at Kensou, checking on him briefly half out of concern and half to make sure he's not coming back with an attack: she looks back forwards in time to see Momoko's. The girl pulled off a nice application of Psycho Power in a defensive capacity-- and now, an even more impressive one in an offensive capacity. Somewhat warned by Momoko's announcement-- though she's unsure exactly what it is that's coming-- Athena manages to get into a defensive position before the girl unleashes her attack. And once Athena realizes what it is, it's not difficult to block. Familiar things are the things most easily countered.
"I'm-- certainly impressed," Athena responds a bit breathlessly, even as she skids backwards in the wake of the blow's force. "That takes some control! How long did it take to learn?" she queries then, almost conversationally, even as she skips back forwards with a downwards axe kick at the crouched Momoko.
Don't worry though, Kensou's not done yet! No sir, he's just get--Okay well, he's not just getting started, but he does have a few more tricks up his sleeve than just that. "Okay," he mutters to himself, knocking himself lightly in the temple with one fist. "Keep it together, Kensou. Show 'er what'cha got." Yeah, this is his chance to impress Athena! To prove to her once and for all that he's totally awesome and deserves her attention! By... Trying to beat her up?
Eh, it makes sense somehow.
"Here I come!!" announces Kensou, rushing towards Athena at full tilt, regardless of what happens to poor Momoko. "The ultimate technique taught to me by Chin Gentsai! Unstoppable, overpowering, graceful, sublime!!" What the holy hell is he even talking about? As he gets close to Athena, he crouches, twists, and kicks UPWARDS, trying to knock the idol into the air... Before following her up to engage in a great many powerful kicks! "DRAGON GOD TERRIBLE GLEAMING RENDING KICK!!"
COMBATSYS: Momoko fails to interrupt Medium Kick from Athena with Ohashi Samaninacchae.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/------=|
Man, what a horrible name for an attack. At least Momoko has a better one than that to whip out! And she's just about to do it, too, before Athena swings her leg down like a scythe onto the perpetual motion machine Momoko. All she'd have to do is reach back up, grab Athena by the leg, and give her a good ol Psycho-Powered toss to the horizon!
...It might've been cooler if it actually worked, and Momoko didn't get clobbered in the shoulder while trying this gutsy move. Brought to her knees by the strike, she nonetheless rolls with the momentum, trying to keep the damage under control. Momoko's tough, she can take i-- ahahaha no.
The pink dynamo certainly plays it off well enough though, springing back to her feet, and assuming her simple sashaying dance a half-beat afterwards. She rubs her shoulder tenderly, admitting, "A few months or so... but I felt bad using it since people kept getting so sleepy after I hit them!" She laughs weakly, but keeps her eyes open so she can see what Kensou's got planned! ... She even starts clapping for him. It takes guts to say that attack name with a straight face, after all.
COMBATSYS: Athena dodges Kensou's Shinryuu Seiou Rekkyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/------=|
The sad thing is, being beat up by Kensou -would- raise him in Athena's estimation. This is the way of things between fighters! However, it would only raise him in her estimation in a platonic way. Sorry Kensou, but even if you do thrash her, she wouldn't quite start swooning over you. She thinks of you like a very good friend-- or worse, a brother! fact, thrashing her would probably be counterproductive; because as soon as she saw that Kensou was improving, she'd get all enthused and start stepping up a rigorous training regimen to hone those up-and-coming skills of his even more. Double the work! And that would just be terrible.
The first thing she might mention is the whole 'not announcing your charge' thing. While she's guilty of yelling her own attack names every once in a while, sure, she only does it once the Psycho Power and/or her heel is already heading for the other guy's face. It's just better that way! Warned by Kensou's speech, she dances back in an evasive step, watching him carefully-- and as soon as he tries the initial kick, she dodges quickly to one side.
"So you perfected it!" she exclaims, even as she aims a palmstrike right at him. "I guess you -have- been training!" ...... ha ha ha.
COMBATSYS: Athena successfully hits Kensou with Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/---====|
"...Huh?" says Kensou, looking rather suspicious that his foot has hit... Nothing at all. Well that's vexing. He pulls his leg back in, twisting to get back to a proper standing position, when Athena attacks him on two fronts: One, damning him with faint praise. And the second, hitting him with her palm. It's difficult to tell which strike hurts more, especially as he doesn't manage to get out of the way of the palm and instead ends up getting knocked back by it. Make no mistake - Athena knows how to hit.
No time for fancy talk know though, because Kensou twists around after getting hit and lunges across the distance between himself and Athena again, kicking out with one leg in a straight sidelong kick at the idol singer's gut. "O... of course I have!!" is his mighty battle cry. Poor Kensou.
"W-wow..." gasps Momoko upon seeing Athena's skillful evasion. She picked a good person to admire, that's for sure! And, having fought Kensou, she knows how much that =could= have hurt...
Lucky she's not the target, at least. Momoko dance-steps forward, keeping eye of Kensou and Athena, not wanting to get too close for fear of getting kicked in the face -- or worse! But when the moment's right, she'll leap forward, twisting herself into a kick to the shoulders -- and if that connects, she'll twist about in midair, swinging both legs overhead to bring them crashing down upon Athena! "Hi! Ha! Hyaaaa!"
COMBATSYS: Athena dodges Momoko's Strong Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Athena dodges Kensou's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Momoko 0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/---====|
The faint praise attack was probably the worse one. Or at least, the more debilitating. There's nothing worse than a completely oblivious guilt trip. Nothing! Bur really, Athena doesn't ever mean to hurt Kensou at all-- at least, not with anything she says. She'd be mortified if she knew-- and then she'd probably go back to chiding Kensou for not quite training as much as she currently thinks he is.
Scissored again by a pair of attacks from somewhat different fronts, Athena displays the agility for which she is so famed. Leaping clear over Kensou's sidelong blow, she lands and immediately drops low: weaving beneath Momoko's first strike without breaking stride. Once clear, she strings her evasion right into an attack: rising and leaping off the ground in a rapid spinkick at Momoko's side.
Well, this would be why Athena's considered to be a better fighter than the other two are, wouldn't it? Their attacks are deftly avoided, and Athena chooses to spread the pain around a little and go after Momoko again. Kensou grits his teeth again, mildly frustrated now, but... He knows he can't let himself get caught up in that. Nothing good will come of it, and things are already pretty bleak here on the 'impressing Athena' front as it is!
Instead, as Athena leaps to aim a speedy spinkick at the capoeira girl, Kensou waits just a moment for the psychic idol to be on her way back down before he rushes up, aiming to catch her around the waist from behind and then... Suplex her?! That's not kung fu! That's not kung fu AT ALL! "Yaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Athena successfully hits Momoko with Strong Kick.
[ \\ < > //////////////// ]
Momoko 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\=====--\1 Athena
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kensou 0/-------/---====|
So her first kick whiffed -- but without any form of contact she can't continue into the second part of it there. Oh well! Momoko will just roll with it, dash forward, and turn about in the midst of her escape to face Athena again. Simple enough!
Until Athena spinkicks the twelve-year-old in the face, twirling her into three complete pirouettes before gravity finally picks up the slack, slamming the girl to the ground. Even the bloody scrapes of road rash won't keep the pink dynamo down, though -- she stopped moving for a moment but she's quickly kipping back up to her feet before long!
There's one move in her bag of tricks she hasn't shared yet -- and it's very important to share! "I... I think I'm about at my limit, Athena... " she apologizes, stepping back to a safer distance, with her fingers and thumbs clutched in a diamond shape. "But..." she continues, her form sheathed in a gentle, pink glow, "I have to..." Well, she loses the words, but it's clear she's focusing her brown eyes upon the spot between her hands. And it's quite clear that spot is growing in intensity, a nearly white-hot light forming.
Her vision is a bit blurry and out-of-focus by this point, but she silently mouths the words, "show you this..." as she continues. But with one moment of clarity, she opens her eyes and shouts, "ESPEEEER!" And all of that psychic energy rushes towards Athena in a ginormous tidal wave.
If =that= isn't a demonstration of the little girl's power... well. You'll have to wait for later, as she drops to the ground, her hands to her knees, panting weakly for breath. She's done!
COMBATSYS: Momoko can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Kensou 0/-------/---====|=======\=====--\1 Athena
COMBATSYS: Athena blocks Momoko's Esper.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Kensou 0/-------/---====|=======\======-\1 Athena
COMBATSYS: Athena dodges Kensou's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Kensou 0/-------/---====|=======\======-\1 Athena
W-- this really -isn't- kung-fu at all! Taken by surprise, Athena almost gets caught by the suplex; made skittish by the unexpectedness of such a move, she hops straight forward as soon as she touches ground, getting right out of range with a yelp. "W-what move was that?" she exclaims. "Is it something new Chin-sensei showed you?"
...cut her some slack. Sure she's been suplexed before, but remember: Kensou didn't finish the move, so now she's thinking that it's some as-of-yet-undisclosed SUPER TECHNIQUE. God knows what kind of Flowing Dragon Tearing Rend Punch nonsense could have come after he'd got ahold of her!
The problem with this, however, is that jumping forwards like that puts her a bit off-balance. She's tired herself: these two have really pushed her today. "It's all right if you are..." she starts to tell Momoko in response, before the girl's addendum quiets her. And, so beseeched, Athena watches as Momoko shows her what it is she can do.
She's surprised by the amount of potential Momoko has. It shows quite plainly in the power of this attack. Athena has only time to throw up her arms in a rapid block, psychic energy shimmering about her in a shield to try to cut the force of the blow. It works... after a fashion. But it still stings like hell, and sends Athena reeling back. "Impressive..." she says once she can muster the breath to speak, her arms dropping again. It's about then that she notices Momoko's cuts, and frowns. "I'll fix those scrapes right up for you once we finish! --if I still can!" She's pretty tired, but she'll do her utmost.
"Just you and I now, Kensou..." she pants then, turning back to him. For the moment she does nothing, however: taking a minute to catch her breath-- and her wits.
COMBATSYS: Athena gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Kensou 0/-------/---====|=======\====---\1 Athena
"Wha... Uh, sure," Kensou says, sheepishly. It was... Yeah, a move /Chin/ taught him. And not at all because he was watching wrestling on the TV or anything. But Momoko's out of action now, and it IS just him and Athena, which doesn't speak well for Kensou's chances... Still, he's not the sort of person to give up. Ever. Since the psychic idol is taking the opportunity to catch her breath though, so will Kensou, who settles into a more casual stance, leading with his left hand. "C'mon, don't go easy on me now, Athena," Kensou says, firmly. "I'll show you... I ain't done gettin' stronger yet!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Kensou 0/-------/-----==|=======\====---\1 Athena
Momoko breathes a sigh of relief. She'd wanted to do more! But she's just so =tiny= -- not as strong, not as fast, not as durable. Momoko just wants to be older, bigger, and stronger... so she can be just =like= Athena. It's not happening for a while, that's for sure... but she can dream!
But until now... well. She can at least make herself more comfortable. Smiling warmly, she wraps her arms about her knees and settles for the remainder of the fight -- now as a spectator. "Fai-to! Fai-tooooo!"
A slight frown cuts across Athena's face at Kensou's words-- though it isn't at Kensou, but rather at herself. She -is- going rather easy on him, isn't she? And it's... well. Not only is it insulting to her best friend-- something she's just realized-- but it's also not fair to him. If she doesn't challenge him, then how will he improve? How will the both of them ever improve?
"We'll get stronger together, Kensou," she replies with a crooked sort of smile. "No holding back along the way. I'll give my best! I'll expect you to give yours, as well..."
With that, she streaks right in, trying to get close to Kensou: a flare of red sparks off around her as a whirl of psychic energy whips chaotically around her slender frame.
COMBATSYS: Athena successfully hits Kensou with Shining Crystal Bit.
[ \\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Kensou 1/-----==/=======|=------\-------\0 Athena
Yeah, that's right! Kensou knows what's what! Uh, sometimes. ...And then Athena listens to him and comes at him with her best shot, which to be fair, he /did/ ask for. The older Psycho Soldier tries to dodge back out of the way of the whirling psychic force, but he doesn't make it - it's just plain too fast, and instead he gets absolutely /rocked/ by it. It hurts something /fierce/. "Gaaah!!"
But Kensou still has one last trick up his sleeve. Forcing himself to stay upright, he lunges forward, right arm extended, palm open; his left arm braces his right at the shoulder, channelling all his Psycho Power through both arms, and creating an enormous sphere of blue-tinged white energy in front of him, ideally right where Athena is! "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou can no longer fight.
> ///////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Athena
COMBATSYS: Athena blocks Kensou's Senki Hakkei.
> /////////////// ]
|==-----\-------\0 Athena
The force of the blow doesn't take Kensou off his feet-- and that in itself is an accomplishment, considering the directness of it. But it also means Athena-- not expecting such an immediate counter-- doesn't have quite enough time to get out of the way of that sphere of force. All she can do is throw up another of those psychic shields in an attempt to block: it soaks much of the force of the attack, but not all. Athena stumbles back a few paces, almost put off-balance.
She recovers quick enough, though she's pretty tired and sore by this point. Drawing an arm across her face and stopping to catch her breath, it's a few moments before she speaks. "Good job... both of you... quite a workout..." She'll get to fixing and mending minor cuts and bruises once her pulse has slowed down!
And that, at least, is one victory Kensou's scored today: getting tended by Athena. This is the true reason heroes get beat up-- it's so women can fawn over their wounds once it's all said and done.
Log created by Kensou, and last modified on 19:27:21 03/21/2007.