Description: Gabriel stalks and opens a can on Shermie for kissing her man, unfortunately Shermie has a much bigger can to unload.
Shop, shop, shop!
Shermie has spent a large portion of the day spending her last fight's winnings at the Southtown Village Mall. She's moved from store to store, the list of bags, boxes and baubles she now owns growing ever larger, a veritable monolith of fashion that will be a mystery to generations to come. She's French, she can get away with wearing something silly by saying 'Next year, it will be all the rage, just you see!'. And by the time next year comes around, people will hopefully have forgotten the giant hat with the ostrich feather in it.
She's not wearing that kind of hat, no. She's wearing a outfit remarkably similar to her fighting outfit, though the colors are darker - a wine red jacket and skirt combo, with a black blouse beneath. She's gotten a nice gentleman to stack the boxes near the bench she's sitting on, and she's simply awaiting her cab back to her hotel, from there to the airport, and from there to home. Wherever 'home' may be this week.
Gabriel needed more outfits, she needed someone to teach her how to shop. The fact was she had two styles mostly. Her school uniforms, and everything else. Today she was in everything else, which included the black silk jacket and dragon embroideries, clasping over her collarbone in a Chinese style, and the white silken blouse under it. Baggy pants, also black and probably silk or some other expensive fabric covered her legs complete with nice white shoes. All and all she looked a little out of fashion. Still this didn't matter to her, nor did the concept of shopping ever occur to her except when someone convinced her to do it with them. This was not one of those times.
Instead the self proclaimed avenging angel was following Shermie. Why? Well that wasn't something you'd gather from her rigid posture and stoic look, only that she probably was more a stalker than a fan. She might do a pretty decent job of stalking too, if not for her failure to do any window shopping and at coughing when ever approached by a salesperson with a perfume sample to spray in her face...
".. You look pretty nice in that. Give it about three years to come back, though."
Shermie's noticed that she's being 'stalked', and isn't particularlry worried about it. After all, she's supposed perfectly good at protecting herself, yes? A fighter of at least some repute. She stares at the person nearby through her bangs, attention focused on her as she folds her arms across her chest, unconciously radiating waves of 'You are creepy, go away or I shall punch you' towards Gabriel.
Someone hasn't had their afternoon coffee yet, and may be a little agitated, yes? Or it could just be the imple fact that she wasn't doing a good /enough/ job stalking!
Someone should of taught her how to stalk better, being part of an evil organization, but that's hush hush secret. Another important prop Gabriel has, her secret weapon, a violin case. If you're lucky it won't have a violin in it. She can't play. But that of course is probably something no one realizes! It is hard to tell what is more incredible, that Gabriel returns Shermie's look, or that she doesn't seem to realize her cover is blown and seems content to continue to stalk in the same anti social, creepy and miserable failure manner.
Author's note, How did Roberto not ever notice this?!
... Riight.
Shermie's not given an answer, just a stare back and then more 'stalking'. Shermie shifts her head and shrugs her shoulders in a 'What can you do?' sort of way, and then pulls out a nail file. If this person is going to ignore her, well - Shermie can ignore them right back. Right now, the choice is to ignore and wait, or to call the mall security. Either way, it'd take time, and she's starting to feel a little irritable as well.
The game of chicken is lost. The loser? Gabriel. She approaches, moves to just in front of Shermie and stares at her. It's even more creepy when someone actually employs the sort of assertive goth form of attack. Get angry at someone and just stare at them. Gabriel does it rather well. But she has to speak and so she does, she asks,
"Your name is Shermie, correct?" Her voice holding the tone as if this in itself were an accusation.
"Mn-hmn. Do you want a autograph or something?"
Give it up - Shermie's not wierded out too much, and that steady rasp of file on nail continues over and over, a bored look on her lips. Her eyes, well - that's anyone's guess. She forces herself to relax, the subtle tension at having someone so close making her edgy, setting that slight taint in her blood to humming, eager for a chance to be let loose.
"No. Is it also true you kissed Roberto Miura, on the lips? And then accompanied him to a hotel designed for impurity and then proceeded to know him?" Gabriel asks with a brow up lifted her green eyes accusing as though the entirety of her statement were surely true. A hand on her lip, her posture still straight as an arrow though as if relaxing didn't come easy for her, or at all.
"Oh, god. You're a tabloid reporter, aren't you?"
Shermie throws her head back and laughs, getting up to her feet, so she's at the same height as the teenager. She leans in, nice and close, perfectly willing to invade Gabriel's space, as she decides on how to answer. Even before she does, she's readjusting her opinion. A /real/ reporter wouldn't have asked that without having a tape recorder out to get a confession or hasty denial. A photographer nearby, or something to snap a shot of the angry blush.. But this? No, this is an amateur, which means that it's something much more simple than a reporter.
It's a girlfriend. Or a wife. Or a stalker of the poor boy. Shermie's grin turns almost predatory as she starts to speak, enjoying twisting the knife a little bit? "Muira? Such a strong name for such a strong man - I didn't get it, myself - but I was too busy saying his first name /over and over/." She twists the knife a bit as she grins, shrugging her shoulders as she refuses to directly answer the question - after all, what's the worst that could happen? Cattyness abounds! "I can't say I'm one to kiss and tell - besides, what does it matter to you? I didn't see your apron strings tied around his..."
Well, she'll stop saying anything there.
The leaning has no affect on the teen, nor does any amount of expressions, or voice tone, she rather looks like a statue that is being spoken at, rather then a person, with feelings. However that is just the outside, inside there are gears turning, she can't decide what to be offended at first. There is after all, a lot on the table, and furthermore what should she even forgive? It was getting a little far until the last part. A sigh. Yes Gabriel sighs, her eyes move down for just a moment and then back at Shermie. She had a job to do, afterall.
"I see," Gabriel replies and then folds her arms over her chest, attempting to look proud, though it's impossible to hide that she is now a little shaken,
"I shall have to purify him and then destroy his body before he can further damage his soul. "
She whips out her appointment book, it has such thrilling entries as, find and destroy Nassir Mohommad, Purify Jiro and dispose of him, check on status of puppet number . . ect. She adds now under tuesday at four o'clock, 'Locate, purify and save Roberto from his depravity.'
Now she gets offended,
"I shall have you know that I am not to be bound by the trappings of a house wife, Shermie-san, my mission is far greater than that. " Then there is a look in her eyes, a calculating look, almost as if she were considering how to 'purify' Shermie.
"... You can try, I guess. He's pretty strong, though."
Shermie shrugs - what happens between one consenting partner and er, Roberto's probably not all that consenting in this freaky-deaky confusion, is he? Ohwell. She might call him and warn him. If she remembers between here and the hotel. She's actually still thinking more about a party that she's planning on going to tonight.
"You're just kind of creepy, aren't you? What, are you all upset because he might have given someone a kiss and you didn't get one? If you just watch him like you were watching me, I don't blame him for not wanting to see you, kid. You should maybe practice 'social graces'. Things like 'saying hello', and not 'staring creepily' at people." Shermie takes a half step back, and then starts to turn - she's pretty much done with this conversation - it's making her lose any sort of good mood that she had.
"Hello, Shermie-san," Gabriel says, apparently taking the advice to heart and starting right now. She considers a moment the woman's back before asking, toward said back,
"I am not quite certain why it is I should be seeking a kiss from you however, and furthermore I am fairly certain that the use of hotels for knowing people would be quite inappropriate. " She frowns a little while considering the advice and taking it entirely the wrong way.
There's a beeping sound.
Shermie holds up a hand /right/ in Gabriel's face as she tries to talk to her, her other hand reaching to her jacket pocket and coming up with a celphone. She starts to talk into it animatedly, pretty much completely ignoring Gabriel. There's occasionally something about 'crazy stalkers' and 'totally wrong idea'. As she chit-chats with her friend, she pauses, and grins. Her back to Gabriel, she finishes the call after her friend has hung up already with '... And I'll talk to you later, Roberto. Thanks for the call - that was a great time for me too.'
She flicks the phone shut, and gives Gabriel a nice innocent smile, dropping her hand back down out of Gabriel's face. "Now.. where were we?"
That was the last straw. Gabriel has got no other choice, she stands there, politely waiting for the conversation to end, after all, it would be rude to interrupt, and when the phone is away she is pulling a bottle of aquafina out of her pocket, the most pure bottled water there is. She opens it, you know, looking thirsty? Then attempts to empty it . . onto Shermie's head. Granted this is an attempt, but it is rather out of the blue, just how prepared can one be to have water poured on their head? She then reaches into her own pocket, dials a number, quiet possibly to Roberto's house. Whom is no doubt at practice.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Shermie has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Shermie 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Gabriel
Oh no she didn't! Shermie wasn't ready for that, oh no. In fact, she was kinda expecting something totally different, not a dousing from the water bottle. Her hair instantly flattens, and her ire instantly grows. She's not quite the same level as Iori Yagami when he gets upset, but she's got a fair amount of GUHWHOOOOOOU! inside her. And right now, it's all coming out in one big steaming mass of mean.
"Wrong answer, girl!" Shermie slides her hand around in a wide arc, aiming for what some might think as a slap to Gabriel's cheek. She is, however, being rude and mean - and her fingers have rings on them, which are all turned inwards, so this slap is going to have something /serious/ behind it. "You just earned yourself a fun time!"
[OOC] Akira Slurps on soda
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Shermie's Fierce Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Shermie 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Gabriel
Gabriel, in contrast, is generally ready for getting hit. A lot of people react that way after their souls are purified. A side effect of the evil leaving their bodies. Or something. So Gabriel brings a hand up and slows the progress of the slap, still getting hit, but not nearly as hard. Her eyes seem to become somewhat narrowed as she regards Shermie now.
"Tsch. Repent!" Is her cry, her attack? A reach and grab for Shermie's front. Success would mean well, somewhat improper at this judo throw typo move, grab collar, pull, trip opponent over ankle. However to a female whom might not be expecting a hand suddenly reaching for their cleavage... you get the picture.
COMBATSYS: Shermie blocks Gabriel's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Shermie 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Gabriel
Luckily, Shermie is /quite/ used to people grabbing for her cleavage. It's pretty much the first thing on her people grab. Including Ro.. actually, no he didn't. Nevermind. She leans back just a bit so that the grab and trip half-works, catching herself on the way down. She stops there, half bent over backwards with one of her arms supporting herself. "You haven't ever watched me fight, have you? I do my best work from down here!"
She gives Gabriel a mocking smile, and then throws her legs upwards, balancing on the one hand she has as a support, her legs going for Gabriels' neck, to wrap her up and twist. After all, if she's going to try and throw Shermie, it just stands to reason that the woman should return the favor.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Shermie's Spiral.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Shermie 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
She does not find this sexy, but she lets herself get thrown anyway and rolls with it, back to her feet. She then whirls around and admits, "No, I have not observed your form in combat, however I am fairly certain that while monitoring the halls at school I witnessed two of the lower class students looking at a web sight featuring pictures of your 'form' in less then fighting apparel. You look far better dressed." Gabriel says, in an attempt at trash talking and then backs away more, taking this oppertunity to watch her opponent carefully.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Shermie 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Gabriel
"Was that an /insult/, kid? You'll have to do better."
Shermie blows off the mention of 'websites' and the like. That's not her thing, and certainly not something <s>that she'd admit to</s> she'd ever done. After all, she's out to make music first, fight second, and well - if dressing provocatively and taking photos ever comes up, she might just do it.
She doesn't attempt to give Gabriel anywhere to go, following in as Gabriel backs up. Her arms come up and around, and she ducks down low to try and go for the girl's foot, to grab and twist it around and to the side. Better to throw her off-balance than let her size Shermie up!
COMBATSYS: Gabriel fails to interrupt Fast Throw from Shermie with Serpent Snap.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Shermie 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Gabriel
A flair comes in Gabriels hand, illuminating her face, but more importantly her body rocks back a little, as though preparing for another action all together. Regardless of her first, losing the energy as she is tossed off balance a little, it seems as though Gabriel still had something up her sleeve as she continues to lean back, the attack giving her a minor grunt of notice. It wasn't terribly unpleasnt, right? It could be worse.
A small shake of her head and she's back in it.
Shermie could be nice - she could say 'This isn't worth my time, this is over.' But the beast has been roused, and she's not so easily sated as watching Gabriel go off-balance. Instead, she just takes a breath, and then starts to close again, wandering further from her bench, and the packages she went and paid for. Hopefully, none will walk off!
"You just don't get it, do you? You come in and insult someone, tell them that they're a problem, and expect them to just brush it off? This world doesn't work like that. 'Repent!'? I haven't done anything I'd want to get down on my knees in front of you for!" With that, she pirouettes towards Gabriel, her leg lashing out on the third spin, an attempt to knock her further back and away. It's almost like kicking a puppy now - but damn, it's /satisfying/.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel interrupts Axle Spin Kick from Shermie with Soushou Shin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Shermie 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Gabriel
"Shou Shou Shin." Is Gabriel's only reply as she spins like a spring from her spot, giving a spinning back hand, not really a fist, as she fights open palmed, but more of a swan punch, or something like that, Gabriel didn't know what they were called. She had to do it right through Shermie's attack, taking the kick as it comes, but delivering her blow seemed equally so satisfying.
"Do not speak as if this is over," Gabriel says with her green eyes narrowed and cold in her head.
She falls back into a ready position with her hands opened and one guarding low, the other up high, ready to attack.
Head rocking to the side, Shermie's bangs barely manage to stay where they are, concealing her eyes. Her braids shake and her grunt of pain is probably quite nice to hear indeed. Overconfidence, thy name is 'eating pain'. She spits at the ground, a pretty unladylike gesture, her hands curling into fists.
"It was over before you even picked up your water bottle this morning." Shermie's tone is cool, arrogant, and angry - she rubs at her chin where she was hit, taking her time at watching the girl. She's got to get a good angle on Gabriel, and that spinning move gives her a little bit of pause. After all, sheisn't the only one that moves around that crazily. She starts to circle the girl, a plan forming in her head.
COMBATSYS: Shermie focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Shermie 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Gabriel
Gabriel needed a plan too. She decides her first order of business was to attack, but be ready, yes, very ready. She leaps into the air, trying to come down on Shermie where she circles with her heel and continue to make a flip so as to land someplace out of reach. That should at least give her a chance to get her guard up and block whatever is next - Even if she should miss entirely, Gabriel seems intent on the flipping part and the blocking part. Her lips thin lines as she can't think of anything to say, even while attacking she is silent, only a 'ha' while leaping, but then you don't need much strength to do a head stomp.
We'll see how those bangs handle this!
COMBATSYS: Shermie endures Gabriel's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Shermie 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Gabriel
"HNNNH! Lose some weight!"
Shermie's knocked down to a knee as Gabriel comes flying in, landing on her head and shoulders and pushing her around. She's not quite used to people doing that to her, and the pain is pretty obvious in her face as she's sent all a-wobble. But still, she's trying to maneuver into a better position, one which will give her a good angle to try and smack the other girl around. She takes a breath as she spins, and then she moves, to try and catch Gabriel just as she lands.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Shermie's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Shermie 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Gabriel
She is caught! But she rolls with the throw a bit and finds herself confronted with well Shermie .. Again. Okay. Gabriel can deal with this. She gets to her feet and takes the lose some weight comment rather personally. A clear expression of offense.
"Do not speak non-sense, I probably weigh near the same as you!" Exclaims the 'avenging angel' Then again it does seem shockingly like well, they do have a lot in common weight wise. That was something she'd have to consider later, for now she had another matter at hand. Hitting Shermie, and hopefully so, in the face. Therefore Gabriel goes with her movements aims a palm thrust at her, a quick jab, though decides to go a little lower, and goes for the collar bone instead. Once again could be mistaken for what many men do to Shermie on purpose.
COMBATSYS: Shermie blocks Gabriel's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Shermie 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Gabriel
"It's just all in your feet. Slow!"
Shermie taunts Gabriel as the girl throws that punch towards her head. She intercepts with a hand, and deflects it out and away, trying to throw Gabriel off-balance. At the same time, she starts to reach for Gabriel, fingers like talons, that burning boiling blood bubbling away in her veins telling her that she really, really needs to make this end /now/. And she's holding off as best she can, because really - she wants to knock this girl into the ground for a week. Possibly two.
"You can't keep me from hurting you forever..!" she growls, her fingers intent on closing on Gabriel's body somewhere, well - anywhere, and then just tossing her down against the ground, where she can fall on top of Gabriel with an elbow or two. This isn't a simple spar anymore, Shermie is out for blood.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel blocks Shermie's Combo Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Shermie 1/----===/=======|=======\=------\1 Gabriel
This was unlike her, but seriously, Gabriel can surprise the best of them right? So for a moment she can't help but be rather close to where Shermie is, rolling with the blow and protecting herself from the worst of the elbow. She'll give a little reply here,
"You opperate under the assumption I wish to avoid being hurt by you." Massochist ? Either way she can't deny that gradually she's taking more and more damage but not giving quite as much in return. To try and stop this Gabriel makes a rash move, a glow in her hand as she tries to mimic a move of a previous opponent,
"Super Mimiru Punch!" cries Gabriel and throws said glowing fist toward Shermie.
COMBATSYS: Gabriel successfully hits Shermie with Mimic.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Shermie 1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1 Gabriel
Shermie hasn't ever seen the 'Super Mimiru Punch' in action before. She's never run into the irrepressible ball of energy that is Mimiru. She does, however, know that only the crazy people yell what they're going to do before they do it. Shermie is not one of those crazy people, oh no. Not at all. She, in fact, is quite the opposite. She's a /very crazy/ people.
Taking the hit square in the center of her chest, right in that cutout of her blose. Skin to skin contact, energy blazing around the point of impact - Shermie tries to soak it in and just use it to feed that boilover that her blood has been yelling and screaming and clawing at her insides for since this 'fight' started.
"Okay. I've had fun, but playtime is /over/!" Shermie reaches out again, and goes for Gabriel's shirt, fingers more like talons this time than last time. Her movements are jerky, awkward as she tries to sneak this in - a heavy, off-balance lunge right at the girl.
COMBATSYS: Shermie successfully hits Gabriel with Lightning Leg Lariat.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Shermie 0/-------/------=|=======\======-\1 Gabriel
Surprise! That slow awkwardness - it was an act, faking to make her misjudge. And as Shermie's hands get around Gabriel's waist, she just chucks the woman upwards into the air. Don't worry, she'll help stop the fall - her rushing forwards and leaping into the air with her knee blaxzing blue-white lightning should stop /most/ of Gabriel's momentum. And, er.. hurt.
A lot.
The thing that is truly amazing here, as the energy sizzles Gabriel significanntly unpleasantly, is that after she skids to a halt, taking that impressive amount of hurt, is that she's actually still alive.. and able to get up afterward. But lets take a moment to appreciate fully the hurt bestowed on her. Gabriel lets out a scream as she is hit, the scream is followed by another when she hits the ground. Smoking, however, she manages to stand up.
The fact was.. Now Gabriel was desperate. Very Desperate. She could only get as far as her knees and even then, with deep breaths, she was barely holding on.
"Ee.. chs.." Gabriel manages, to her feet.
"You are.. quite .. impressive," She reaches for her charred violin case and pulls out a sword.
"I .. have.. to .. finish.. you.." She gasps
"With this divine assault. . Avenging angel!"
And with that Gabriel casts the sheath aside and darts at Shermie, slicing through the air without care if she accidentally murders someone, or purposefully.
COMBATSYS: Shermie blocks Gabriel's Avenging Angel.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Shermie 0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0 Gabriel
"I /don't/ think so."
Shermie isn't planning on being messed up like that - oh no, when that crazy chick pulls a blade, Shermie's whole plan shifts. From offense to defense, she's entirely focused on stopping that blade from doing any serious damage to her skin. After all, she's in a band, and has to be the hot eye-candy. Being cut up like a bad suicidal kid isn't hot. One foot comes up, the heavy sole of her boot knocking the blade down and away. It doesn't stop Gabriel herself from running into Shermie, and the thud of Shermie falling onto the ground is painful indeed.
"It's time for you to lie down!" she says, and swings her feet outwards and then tries to slam them in on eithe side of Gabriel's knees, to drop her down offbalance. She's not getting /anywhere/ close to that sword.
COMBATSYS: Shermie successfully hits Gabriel with Fast Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Shermie 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Gabriel
One thing to note about Gabriel as she is hit, before she is hit, the entire time, her skin is starting to glow. A slight gold hue at first, but then she starts to heat up with holy light. The fact is there is impending doom of a great degree forming around her and everyone who is watching could tell, the glowing is searing hot and forms slow. People with children start to flee as Gabriel literally begins to explode outward with yellow light.
" For the future I make this promise. Mirai e no Yakusoku..."
And flash. Everything in a relatively significant area around her meets with destruction.
COMBATSYS: Shermie dodges Gabriel's Mirai e no Yakusoku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Shermie 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Gabriel
Okay, the glowing, she is scary. Very scary. But it's a slow buildup, a big 'warning, get back and away from the crazy person', a message that Shermie can see quite easily. As soon as the light turns to an explosion, Shermie's out of there with a backflip which carries her past the bench she was at. She watches as half of her items get scorched - and fumes. She tries to see into the middle of what's left, but the light is still dying down - and she can't tell if Gabriel is in one piece or not.
"You're going to be paying for each and every little thing you burned.." she fumes, and she just walks away from the fight, waving her hands at the mall security. Fighting is one thing, but messing up her newly bought clothes?! Oh, that's criminal charges. Or at the least, Gabriel's going to be paying for them to get replaced.
COMBATSYS: Shermie has left the fight here.
[ \\\ <
Gabriel 0/-------/-------|
Mall security. Well Gabriel wasn't going to stick around. Luckily the massive glowing destruction was a great decoy for an escape. The fact was, she got beat. Beat bad, escape was her only chance. She was Lucky Shermie decided to leave, if she hadn't Gabriel would of lacked the strength to fight back, she hardly had enough to stand, let alone run for it. Still she does. . . Then mall security finds her. .
Log created by Gabriel, and last modified on 09:19:35 03/25/2007.