Yurika - Zomg! BFF rite??

Description: Yurika invites Akira out for a little tea and culture. As usual, she thinks nothing but adorable thoughts and placing hits on loudmouthed schoolgirls. Friendship is truely and odd thing.

They say Downtown is the 'heart and soul' of Southtown. It's a busy area, that much is for certain, even on the weekends! So many tall buildings, expensive stores, zooming busses, and most importantly, cafe's left and right.
Today, on a slightly chilly afternoon, Yurika has invited Akira to be a part of her own culture.
Not the gothic lolita culture, which she is actually still studying, but rather the lifestyle of elegance and proper, at Cafe al Beut. Only spelled correctly. It's an cafe with an outdoor area, and with the sun out it's not *too* chilly, the umbrella'd tables and chairs set up in an area with a small fence to cut off the general population. Yurika is already there, she hasn't ordered yet, and is in fact sitting at one of the outdoor tables with a large magazine in hand, 'Gothic Lolita Bible'. Obviously she's taking a break from heavy test-studying. The invitation was over the phone, and if anything, Yurika actualy sounded a little more chipper than usual. Though there is a little circular bandage on her cheek. Probably not hiding an unsightly pimple.

Goth lolis--look like you want to be dead while you're still very young!

It's probably not the kind of culture Akira typically finds herself embroiled in but, at least, certain tastes don't mean you can't experience other people's tastes. You might not like it itself but the company helps! Akira rolls up to the cafe on her motorcycle, parks it, braces it, chains it up, and then steps off. She removes her helmet, shakes out her hair, and then brushes a hand up--pushing hair away from her eyes. She shifts the helmet underneth her arm and scans the table for Yurika. Once she spots her, she smiles, waves briefly, and then heads towards her at a leisurely pace.

Yurika turns a page, a rather thoughtful look on her face.. It's probably good that she isn't at the mall or she might be spending a lot of money right now! The distinct roar of Akira's moteorcycle is what causes her to look up from it, and as usual, a small smile forms at the sight of Akira and a hand is freed to cup her own cheek. Some might think she's simple to swoon but that's hardly the truth! She wriggles her gloved fingers as a return greeting, "Good afternoon to you, Akira, I'm glad that you could make it." she sets her book on the table, and wonders what Akira's next action will be. To get to where she is, Akira would have to walk inside the cafe and then u-turn to get to the outside area. Or.. She could hop over the railed gate.

Akira doesn't think Yurika is simple to swoon! It might be a little WEIRD sometimes, but Akira has already told herself to be nicer about that. Return hugs and the like. Of course, Yurika doesn't throw one out yet--but out of those two options? Akira just hops over the railed gate. It doesn't seem too particularly offensive, and it's a lot easier, and it checks her reflexes and form, in a small way--but in a way. "Oof!" She comments, "not a problem, I didn't have anything t'do--Are you alright?"

Offensive? No, perhaps not in the eyes of Yurika. On the other hand once Akira is back on her feet and looks to the prissy student, she's just.. Staring. And it's a long stare to well warrent the question of whether she's all right or not.
Her eyelashes fluttering, the girl quickly shakes her head and smile returns to her lips, "Oh I'm sorry, I was just thinking about something," she fibs, gesturing with her gloved hand to the chair opposite her of the rounded table, "Please have a seat, I just thought it had been some time since we've mingled togeather off-campus.. It really is a pleasent day out today, isn't it?" she pushes the small menu over as well, listed mostly of cakes, breads, coffees and teas.

Akira looks back into Yurika's eyes. She is about to open her mouth and say 'hello?' but Yurika comments and she just shuts herself again. "Ah, alright." She comments, pulling the seat out a bit and plunks down on it. "It is going pretty well, today. The day, I mean." She brushes hair back again--it's really floofy after removing the helmet--and wrinkles her nose for a moment. She takes the menu with a 'thank you' and looks over it.

"There's some really nice stuff on here..."

Yurika hands settle on her lap for a moment, having the overwhelming urge to fuss over Akira's hair but.. Akira's a big girl now, she can take care of her hair herself, right? Yes, so she'll direct her attention to someting else, like.. The cafe menu. Browsing it over, she gives a small nod of agreement, "It is, I've actually come here before, I was very impressed with their Chinese Green and White blend.. You should try it, don't worry it's on me." and it seems to be what she's going to get! "I'm glad things have been going well for you, Akira, I'm still so embarassed about falling onto that cake.. That.. That incident is just between us, right?" she asks a little nervously.

Akira continues to mess with her hair, now and then. Like some sort of One Ring calling out to Sauron. Haaaaair. Haaaaair. Luckily for her it's medium length--even if she considers growing it out every now and then. "Ah--alright. I'll... I'll get that then. And maybe some banana bread.?" She looks up and blinks at Yurika--as if she hadn't remembered until Yurika brought it up--and then her eyes widen with recognition and she smiles, "Sure, Yurika, don't worry about it. I won't bring it up t'anybody. Um. Everything -is- alright, right?" She doesn't want to jump too hard on Yurika, even with what she heard from Kurow.

Well let's face it, if it's anyone, Akira isn't going to scare away Yurika. They're close friends, and they tell each other everything, right? Well. Maybe that would be the case if they talked more than they normally do, "Splended idea," Yurika says in agreement, and at that very moment the waiter does arrive to take both of their orders. With that then settled, Yurika looks curious as a result of Akira's question, and she nods her head, "Thank you. And actually I'm quite well, now. I was training with my teacher last night it... It was absolutly wonderful." Because brother/sister time really is just so difficult to come by these days when you're a Kirishima, "I was troubled. About my fighting skills, learning about the circuit in the outside world. It's really unusual to me." Which is mostly the truth, really. She doesn't *want* Akira to know she knows Kurow beat the heck out of her.

They tell each other everything! Except, of course, what they do not tell each other. "Ah, for fighting?" Akira asks "Hope you weren't too hurt from it--usually they try to avoid it... Have you been improving?" She tilts her head at Yurika--perhaps wondering if Kurow is her teacher, though she still doesn't say anything about it. It's obviously a sensitive topic!

Well that was quick, in little time the tea is already set on the table as well as a delicious looking half-loaf of banana bread. It doesn't look home-made, but it *does* look rather high in quality. It's still warm too, steam raising into the cool air.
Lifting the tea and saucer, Yurika nods her head, "Yes. And it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, really. I feel like I've really learned, it's.. Different from my league fights. Speaking of, I believe I missed your Saturday Night Fight.. Apparently you we in a two on two match?"

Akira says, "Ah, yeah. I got knocked out, but I took the guy who beat me with me." She sticks her tongue out, "They ganged up on me a couple times. Couldn't really defend against that, y'know? Shermie--ah, Shermie was my partner--she finished the fight off. Then," Akira allows -some- humor enter her voice here, "We made them buy us dinner." He laughs a touch and works on cutting the bread with a knife. "Well, don't push yourself too hard."

Yurika won't pretend to know whom any of her opponents or allies were, what is more important to her is seeing Akira in such a light-hearted mood... Apparently because of the result? She sips lightly, nodding her head in understanding, "That sounds difficult," she murmurs. Until the mention of buying dinner.
At that moment her smile becomes slightly more... Creepy? The dead of her eyes more apparent, "You don't say.. And who are these two gentlemen?" she asks. Spooky!


Akira blinks a couple times at Yurika--getting a little nervous. "Ah..." She brings up her menu and hides behind it. "They're not really people I'd call 'gentlemen'. I didn't really like that Shingo guy very much, t'be honest." She coughs a little and then realizes she has to set the menu aside--which she does, and she sticks a piece of banana nut bread in her mouth. "Um."

Jealous?? Most certainly not! And Yurika would never say otherwise, ever ever! A Kirishima is past such things, after all. That's her story, and she's sticking to it!
The really, any sort of animosity that was about to erupt from the mysterious girl is quelled because darnit, Akira is suddenly so cute she wants to reach out and pinch her cheek. But no, not in public, that's just plain embarassing and rude. Oh cruel life is! She takes in a long, silent breath, and finally seems to accept it. Somehow. For the moment. "Oh I see, well of course you wouldn't." But even still, she's going to have to hunt the boy down. That's just the way it is! "Well you know speaking of.. It has been some time since we had faced off against one another, hasn't it? I don't think I've told you before but, my goal is to surpass your skill, Akira. Your talent is simply nothing that I had ever seen before. It's quite inspiring."

Akira isn't pinched. "Ah..." Akira stammers, "Well, I'm not the best fighter out there, or anything." She shakes her head with a wiggle of a hand (that has, it seems at some point, obtained banana nut bread again). "But if you ever want to train together, I'd be happy to. I think you could beat me, don't sell yourself short! I haven't been training for long, and I'm definately not all that talented."

Akira thinks about this, and nods, "I'm sure you will, sometime." A beat, "But I won't make it -easy- if I can help it." She laughs a little. She is having trouble asking her about Kurow, she thinks, is it because of her close relationship with her own brother? Aiee. So hard.

Yurika smiles a bit more warmly, "You're so modest, Akira.. Too much so. But I would certainly appreciate that, thank you for agreeing to my request. And of course you won't make it easy, that'd be an insult to us both after all, wouldn't it? But enough about that, I wanted to mention future plans as well, I'd like for you look out for a Taiyo girl names Nanako. I have a bit of a.. Well, situation to handle with her. I'm not asking you to look for her, but if you happen to catch sight of her, could you let me know? You can't miss her she's quite... Loud. Energetic, but different than the way of our schools Shinobu."

Akira says, "No problem!" She doesn't know who Nanako is, she doesn't think, "I'll keep an eye out for her, is it something bad?" She finishes off her banana nut bread. "If she's loud, I'll probably notice her--but I might not realize she's Nanako!"

Yurika mmns, "Well.. Somewhat. She's a bit of a rude and uncouth little thing, and needs to be taught a bit about manners.. Though I will give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she didn't realize she did something wrong. In which case an apology will suffice. But it's between her and I, don't feel you have to get involved, Akira. As for herself well. She seems to have a thing for cats, toting a bag with a cat on it. Not nearly as cute as yours of course." and she seems to be finished with her cup of tea, reaching into her handbag to take out the payment. The skinny of it is, that was some rather expensive tea and cake.
The silver haired girl stands, and smiles, "I just want to make sure she really is a Taiyo student, that's all and I don't wander from teh school ground often. So if you could just keep an eye open I'd really appreciate it. That said, I think I'd better head back to the school."

Akira says, "Ah, alright. I'll try not to cause any problems..." Akira nods--and realizes she still hasn't talked to Yurika about Kurow. Sigh. It's so haarrdd. Maybe next time. "Thanks for inviting me over, it was really nice." She perks up a little at the cats--Akira likes cats, but she tries to disguise this by rubbing at the side of her face--being rude is another thing entirely. Grr.

Yurika knows Akira likes cats. Actually, it'd probably weird out Akira just how much Yurika has learned about the girl just looking around her room! Perception is key, when you're a Kirishima. Ahem, but that aside, the silver-haired student nods her head, "Problems? You two would probably get along if you met," she says, picking up her handbag, and gives alittle curtsey, "Well then, I'll see you later, Akira, and really it wasn't any trouble at all. Take care." and with that, she turns... To make the u-turn necessary to get out. That's just what she does!

Akira throws a wave after Yurika as she heads for her bike. "I'll catch you later! Have a good day!"

Log created by Yurika, and last modified on 16:50:39 04/26/2007.