Metro City. A place that has lately felt the influence of Geese Howard for the past few months. Everywhere has certainly been feeling a bit of Howard Enterprises coming in here and there. Even the poor arcade isn't safe. Those poor damn kids just don't know what might be going on. Was Geese really interested in getting the money from this place? He just might be given who is hanging out here tonight. Big Bear himself has been wandering the arcade and getting alot of odd looks. You tend to get those when you are a near quarter ton in weight and dressed in civilian clothes along with a luchador mask.
Yet here is that large man on the DDR machine at the moment doing rather horribly overall, but given who we are talking about it could be alot worse. He is hitting some spots just because his feet are so damn big that he couldn't miss em unless he stood off of the damn machine. Mostly he was waiting for his promotional fight for the place that was involving someone. Who would his opponent be!? Fuck if he knows. All he knows is he isn't allowed in the ballpit so he is breaking the DDR machine. Those jerks.
"Must be easy to hit the right buttons with those huge feet of yours big guy. Doesn't look much like dancing though. From the door it looks like you're trying to destroy Tokyo." The man heckling Raiden from behind is none other than the challenger for this evening, Joe Higashi. He too is dressed in street clothes, but at least he forgot the luchidore mask tonight. He jerks a thumb at the line forming next to the machine, "How long you gonna be Godzilla, the goth kids are starting to froth."
Like poking a beehive, Joe just continues his string of insults until Raiden's game either ends, or the large man just gets tired of it and gives up. Either way, the fight will begin. Joe was never much of an arcade guy, and all these lights and sounds are giving him a headache. It's a lot like hanging around Terry on those 'really really drunk' days.
A few more steps and then the words from someone reach his ear that cause the big man to stop and slowly turn about. The voice sounds rather familiar and the face only seals the deal on who he was thinking was. "Joe? I thought you were dead, mate." he says as a rather large grin plasters the masked Aussie's features. He gives one final stomp that finally makes the poor pad give out and the machine starts to glitch much to the kids ire. It will be fixed soon enough, but for now there is more important matters.
Stepping off the big man comes around and rolls his shoulders about slowly to loosen up those muscles and he pulls off his leather jacket and tosses it off to hand on some poor sap's head while punching his fist against the open palm of his other gloved hand. "I shoulda guessed they would get a joker like you to fight with me. Try not to scar the chidren with that ass of yours, mate." he mumbles and takes a deep breath before crouching low and raising his arms. IT'S TIME! IT'S TIME! OH IT'S GOT TO BE TIME!
COMBATSYS: Raiden has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Raiden 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Raiden focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Raiden 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Joe has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Joe 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Raiden
Looks like the two men are getting a mysterious spectator. Currently trying to do some investigation is none other than a trenchcoated young man, the Stray Dog. Jiro immediately fixes his gaze at the two fighters that are currently preparing to fight.
Watching the bigger guy glitch the machine, Jiro stares with disbelief. "Well, that's just lovely." The Stray Dog is, however, looking for someone in particular. But who is it that he's looking for?
Well, the fight that's catching his attention are between what would be some familiar faces.
"Heh! Looks like a fight is about to go on."
Joe smirks in response as he moves towards the more cleared out central area of the arcade, the section right next to the Skeeball machines. "Me? Dead? I didn't drink /that/ much last time." He tightens the wrappings around his fists after discarding his jacket carelessly over an air hockey table with a game in progress. "Well, I guess I'd better end this one quickly. Intertia is not working in my favor." Joe grins, his pearly whites reflecting the bright light of the nearest annoying ticket game.
Joe raises an eyebrow at the large man, as if expecting him to make the first move. When it doesn't happen, Joe reaches into his pocket and whips his hand back out, tossing some tokens rather forcefully at the large man, "Here, why don't you go back to your dancing and we can call this a draw big guy. You looked like you were having so much fun!"
[OOC] Joe says, "Tokens... of doom! O_O"
[OOC] Raiden says, "W....bu..."
COMBATSYS: Raiden interrupts Random Weapon from Joe with Giant Bomb.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Raiden
Of course Big Bear isn't going to run in swinging. He wasn't even sure if the scrawny man was ready to thrown down just yet. Who knows? He might have needed more drinks or the like to get in and actually fight with Raiden. That train of thought goes right down the toilet when Joe actually decides to throw something at the larger fighter and just a bunch of tokens that he had saved up or robbed a granny for. Furrowing his brow those tokens hit the big man's forehead and hit the ground. The kids start swarming where the tokens are once the big man has moved forward to give Joe a nice greeting of his own.
Forward goes the wrestler with surprising speed to hurtle right into Joe with a big fist aimed right at the cocky fighter's mush before following it up with a hard shoulder to knock him away. "Hope you got more fight in ya than that, mate. Don't want to disappoint the crowd." he barks and straightens up while cracking his knuckles. Now that was a damn good warmup if he does say so himself.
Between the tokens flying out and then the wrestling jumping in at the fighter, that earns a wince from the Stray Dog with narrowed eyes. "Da...damn." His eyes focus towards the rest of the arcade, watching the children getting into the tokens.
Meanwhile, one suspicious older looking guy is looking at the crowd of kids leaving for his cover, immediately going behind the arcades before Jiro could notice. But even he is curious on the fight.
Jiro, at this point, decides to shout, "Come on! Show the big guy what you can do!" May as well egg on the fight and cheer for someone.
Joe realized too late that the roll of tokens had broken open, which made it so that all his opponent received was a face full of annoyance. The mighty ham hock slams into the side of Joe's head, sending him staggering sideways just as the shoulder drives into his chest. When Joe finally hits the ground, he's laying in the middle of a broken basketball machine with two kids standing in front of it, looking very confused... although one of them keeps shooting.
The wild-haired Higashi crawls out of the bastketball game and brushes off his shirt, "Ah damn big guy, I didn't know you still had it in you. You almost ruined my new shirt!" Okay, so maybe he should really try to do something before he gets twisted into a pretzel. A little more serious now, Joe dashes forward a step while ducking downward slightly. He delivers an impressive uppercut... about ten feet away from where Raiden is actually standing. Thankfully, the force of the blow stirs up a whirlwind that quickly closes the distance between it and Godzilla, tokens and small children being tossed aside in its wake.
COMBATSYS: Raiden Toughs Out Joe's Hurricane Upper!!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Raiden
There is a rather jolly chuckle from the bigger of the two fighters and he nods his head slowly. "Of course I do. Ya think I would stop if I was getting slow?" he asks. Perhaps he meant slower than normal. It is known that Raiden is hardly the most agile of creatures on this world and that is probably why he ends up just continuing forward even when the whirlwind comes right at him. He grits his teeth and he grunts while pushing against the force that is resisting him and eventually he gets annoyed enough he stays where he is and weathers the storm.
He is huffing slightly after that, but looking none too worse the wear overall. Even so he seems to be huffing for a reason other than catching his breath. Slowly he takes a deep breath and he then leans forward while exhaling sharply and releasing a large purple cloud of gas right back towards the other fighter. "Have a taste of your own medicine, mate."
COMBATSYS: Joe endures Raiden's Poison Breath.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Raiden
Watching the ongoing match, the Stray Dog grunts at the sight of the whirlwind forming. Immediately distancing himself, the Stray Dog leaps to a distance then he keeps the match in his mind. Keeping in mind how the Big Bear braves against the storm, Jiro gives a sharp glance, "Tough cookie for me to crack if I tried fighting him." He thinks to himself. He is wondering if his strength is even a match for the girthy man.
"Oh god!" Joe staggers back a step as the purple cloud engulfs him, making every breath he takes a horribly disgusting one. "What the hell did you eat?!" Unfortunately, Joe wasn't the only person affected by the gas. A small crowd of goth mallrats gathered around the House of the Dead machine get a small taste of Raiden's dinner gas and run out of the arcade, alternating between coughing, screaming, and bemoaning their horrible existence. Joe just steps forward, looking a little shocked, somewhat ill, but not out of the fight just yet.
"Smells like that should not come out that end." Joe just shakes his head and twists his body about as he launches forward, his right leg extending in a kick aimed for Raiden's stomach. Joe has a brief vision of bouncing off it like a trampoline, which puts a strange look of horror and amusement on his face as he exclaims, "SLASH KICK!"
COMBATSYS: Raiden fails to interrupt Slash Kick from Joe with Super Dropkick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Raiden
It was just Joe and goth kids that were caught. In the end no real damage was done and the arcade was made a better place. Would Raiden get thanks for such a good deed? Of course not. Instead Joe just decides to mock that dangerous breath and continues his assault that has been rather short of stellar against Raiden. That seems to turn around though in a few brief moments. Inward comes Joe with that kick and the wrestler thinks he has his timing down as he hunches and launches himself forward in a dropkick only to miss and brush the shorties of Joe with the toes of his feet while the Muay Thai fighter's strike hits his stomach and almost makes the big man actually lose his dinner. He lands on his feet a few moments later and grumps some in annoyance as he straightes up and shakes his head at Joe. "Lucky shot, shorty."
After that last gas attack, the circle around the two fighters widens just a tad as the audiences realizes that it would rather avoid experiencing Raiden's dinner as well. The arcade manager stomps out of his office, but upon seeing the two fighters, turns around and walks back in, locking the door behind him. Just another night at the arcade.
"Lucky my ass!" Joe exclaims as he lands from his well-placed kick. Not wanting to give Raiden a chance to recover, Joe immediately twists around and launches into his next move against the large man. His powerful legs thrust him upwards into the air, his knee coming up in an attempt to smash into Raiden's thick jaw, "Tiger kick!"
COMBATSYS: Raiden endures Joe's Tiger Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Raiden
Watching the display, Jiro snorts, "Meh, just go for the head." He states to himself, then he immediately calls out, "Aim for the head, damnit!" The boy tightens his fist, then he grins. Watching the result of the wrestler being knocked back, the Stray Dog grins, "Always got to cheer for the under do----"
From this point, that sneaky looking man who had been watching the fight finally notices that Jiro is looking directly at him, "Oh shit!" In turn, the Stray Dog tightens his fist and runs to the side of the fight to pursuit the sneaky thug. The sneaky man runs around in a full circle, then he starts off the door, with Jiro storming after him.
Noooo, no ass Joe. There will not be a full moon tonight if Raiden can help it. He rather not lose his lunch and there just aren't enough mothers around to cover the eyes of the children when the shorties drop. Deciding it is best to down Joe before he gets any bright ideas Raiden comes forward once again not looking to fear the kick coming his way. He moves quick enough that the knee never quite rises high enough to meet with his jaw. Instead it hits against the thick chest of the wrestler and he shakes his head as he grasps for Joe with his big arms and he goes to heft the smaller fighter up over his head as he runs towards the ticket trade in area where he tosses Joe like a rainbow intent on letting him land behind the counter with a thump. "Go have some fun with the other kids, mate."
Hugo heads outside.
Jiro heads outside.
COMBATSYS: Joe endures Raiden's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Joe 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1 Raiden
Joe tries to twist out of Raiden's grasp, but once the big guy gets his hands on you, it's hard to get away. Sadly, the flailing doesn't help Joe, and in short order he is sailing through the air towards a bank of those annoying sports simulators. "Not skiing!" Joe cries out before slamming into Alpine Racer, knocking the poor old woman off the machine mid-slalom. After a few quiet moments of reflection, Joe stands up unsteadily and locks his eyes on Raiden as small pieces of debris begins to swirl around. If this fight lasted much longer, Joe was going to end up inside every machine in the place, and he didn't even like most of these games!
COMBATSYS: Joe gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Joe 1/=======/=======|=======\-------\1 Raiden
Off he goes and if anything Joe does sail through the air rather well if Big Bear does say so himself. Shaking his head he lurches forward over towards where Joe is and rubs at his chin and looking like a man possibly going in for the kill. "Still standing?" he asks sounding actually surprised that Joe has been able to handle such a large amount of punishment. Reaching forward hands start to grasp towards the Muay Thai fighter and the following actions more than likely involve more hefting and tossing. He pretty much bench presses Joe over his head and he shows off as he pumps his arms up and down a few times if he can get the fighter grasped and then he turns about to bounce him off a wall then catch him and flip back wards to drop him on the ground while landing on top. Oooooh god noooooo!
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Joe with Rebound Throw.
[ < > //////////////////// ]
Joe 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\==-----\1 Raiden
Someone was too busy concentrating on kicking ass instead of actually kicking ass, so someone was easily grabbed and hefted above the giant man's head. Poor Joe... as if bouncing off the wall of the arcade hadn't been bad enough, Raiden went ahead and grabbed him out of the air and then slammed him to the ground. Ah, sweet relief poured over him as he lay there comfortably upon the astroturf-like carpet, staring at the... oh god, what is that shadow? Joe screams for only a split second before his muffled cries are buried beneath Raiden's huge girth, his cries for help unheard. This is going to require years of therapy and drugs to get over folks.
COMBATSYS: Joe takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Raiden 1/-----==/=======|
COMBATSYS: Joe can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Raiden 1/-----==/=======|
Smoosh goes the fighter and Raiden kinda lays there for a moment wondering if perhaps he did a too much. Sitting up he looks down at the other fighter as he kneels beside him. "Well hell...." he says while kids and parents alike look horrified thinking they just saw that strapping young lad getting murdered by a killer whale. Leaning down the wrestler makes sure Joe is breathing and he grins when hears the man still breathing. He chuckles and he slaps Joe on the chest a few times. "Knew it would take more than that to seriously hurt you." He hefts Joe up when he stands and he hefts him onto a shoulder. "Come on, mate. I know a place that will make you feel better." he says snatching his own coat and Joe's as well to exit the arcade. Not too far down the road afterall is one of the wonders of Metro. The White Swallow awaits and there is no Lilly or Billy around to spoil the fun.
COMBATSYS: Raiden has ended the fight here.
Log created by Raiden, and last modified on 22:12:35 03/17/2007.