Description: Sagat's Muay Thai vs Joe's Muay Thai. Guess who comes out on top?
Wonderful Thailand! That is where we find ourselves today. More specifically one will find themselves within a large clearing within the jungles of Thailand. In the middle of the clearing is a small shack, some booths set up for vendors and a rather crude looking fighting arena. There are dozens of people surrounding the ring while there are only two within it. One man inside the ring is the former Muay Thai Emperor himself, Sagat. Opposite the mountain of a man is a youthful looking fighter... or rather was youthful looking. It looks as if the Emperor has just finished up the latest challenger to his might. Sagat stands there tightening the wraps around his forearms while people come to drag the fallen fighter away.
Nervous eyes watch the fallen fighter as he his dragged from the ring, his injuries obscured by his own blood. The fight had barely taken a minute before the fighter had hit the ground for the first time, and it took even less time for him to hit the ground the final time. Joe Higashi takes in a deep breath as he stands up, his eyes turning from the injured man to the victor in the previous battle. Sagat. Joe had heard stories about the Muay Thai Emperor for years, but he had never had the chance to face the man in the ring. He always joked with Terry and Andy that Sagat was just too chicken to face him, but deep down he knew better. Sagat was a monster, there was no better way to describe him in Joe's mind, but when the invitation came to show up at this exhibition match, Joe could not pass it up. Joe's confidence was always one of his main strengths, but even now he knew how this fight was going to end, but he wasn't going to make it easy on the one-eyed man. He was going to do everything in his power to make sure Sagat remembers his name once this day is over. With that, Joe Higashi steps into the ring.
Since Joe's fangirls are left behind in Japan, he'll just have to settle for someone else's. Mai's sure Andy won't mind if she flies off to Thailand to support her favorite Muay Thai warrior. Besides, Thailand is MUCH nicer this time of year than Tokyo, giving her added incentive to do a little traveling. There's something that's been on her mind lately too...and being around Joe helps her to easily forget, with his cheerful and upbeat personality. Around Joe, Mai can relax and just be herself.
"GO JOE!" she cheers exuberantly near one of the vendors, waving a tiny Japan flag. Japan. Maybe if he's feeling well enough after the fight, they can do a little hiking. The surrounding country is supposed to be gorgeous, and she's got her favorite hiking shoes on to match a pair of khaki shorts and a white tanktop. A baseball cap is snugged over her head, the ponytail hanging through the loop swinging as she vigorously swishes her flag.
The tightening of his wrist straps pauses when Sagat's one-eyed gaze moves from his wraps to the new fighter entering the ring. His eye narrows and he pulls at the last strap in the wrappings. His arms drop to the side now and Sagat intones deeply to Joe, "Welcome. I hope you've prepared yourself and I hope you've brought what I have been looking for in a match." Sagat will raise himself up onto the balls of his feet and bend his legs at his knees as he gets into his stance. He raises a hand and gestures for Joe to come, "Whenever you are ready."
COMBATSYS: Sagat has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sagat 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Joe has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Joe 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sagat
Hearing the cheers of his single fan momentarily break Joe from his concentration. He turns his head towards the cheers and gives Mai a thumbs up along with that patented Joe Higashi smile. Get a good look at that sparkling smile while it's still intact! In the center of the ring, Joe faces Sagat, a sly grin appearing on his face as the larger man greets him. Joe only nods in response, his arm raising to his forehead to wipe the sweat from his brow. Why did jungles have to be so damned humid? His fingers curl tightly into fists as Joe drops into his stance, his weight moving from foot to foot as he bounces back and forth between the two. Well, no sense beating around the bush. Let's see what this beast can do shall we? Joe leaps forward, closing the distance between him and the imposing man in no time at all, his body twisting around as he brings his leg upward in the highest roundhouse he can manage.
COMBATSYS: Sagat endures Joe's Heavy Kick.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Sagat
And the highest roundhouse manages to get pretty high up Sagat's massive form. No guard is raised to deflect the blow. No attempt at evading is made. Sagat simply steps forward, accepting and stepping into the blow. Sagat advances to fill the void between him and Joe and to initiate his counter assault. Sagat's counter assault comes fierce and fast. It'll probably come just as Joe's leg is recoiling and returning to the ground. The Mighty Thai Tiger will bend a little at the waist to lower his height. Sagat will then arc back up, and swing an arm in an upward motion. The Thai Fighter aims to slam his elbow into Joe's face via the upward strike!
COMBATSYS: Joe endures Sagat's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Sagat
Oh crap. He just stood there and took it without even flinching didn't he? That kick had at one time sent Andy skittering across a field from the impact, and Sagat just shrugged it off like Joe was brushing some dandruff from his shoulder. As his body twisted back around to face Sagat, Joe could see the counter-attack coming, but he didn't have time to put up a block or get out of the way. Gritting his teeth and tightening up his entire body, the smaller fighter braced himself for the impact. After a few seconds and a few feet further away from Sagat than before, Joe returned to consciousness, his head shaking from side to side as a fresh cut above his eye oozed vision-obscuring blood. He shakes his head from side to side to clear the cobwebs. His stance his shakey, but he quickly straightens himself out and punches his fists together in front of him as he looked Sagat in the eye, "Alright, now I'm serious." Without advancing, Joe ducks low, his right hand rising in an uppercut quickly, stopping only as he ducks down against to do the same with his left hand, the two hands moving so quickly that small vortexes are stirred up beneath them. A mumbled 'Double Hurricane Upper' can be heard from the usually more boisterous Higashi as the small vortexes advance upon the larger man.
COMBATSYS: Joe successfully hits Sagat with Double Hurricane Upper.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Joe 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Sagat
That feeling, you know what it is. That squishy satisfying feeling when your elbow crushes against someone's defenseless face. Yea... isn't that nice? It's at least reassuring to Sagat. The Thai Tiger will lower his arm and return to his fighting stance. The Thai Fighter will advance on Joe, but hesitate when Joe seems to reorient himself. The Double Hurricane Upper technique sends a number of vortexs at the massive Thai man. They impact the big man and shove him backwards with each strike. When the last one collides with him, Sagat will grit his teeth and glare at Joe. Sagat rushes for Joe, "That was not serious." He will say as he advances. The Mighty Thai will leap into the air and shout, "TIGER CRUSH!" His legs tuck underneath his flying body. One of his powerful knees are thrust forward, a flying knee strike aimed for Joe's face again.
COMBATSYS: Joe endures Sagat's Tiger Crush.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Joe 1/-======/=======|=====--\-------\0 Sagat
A small glint of satisfaction dares to enter Joe's unobscured eye, his mouth grinning slightly as both vortexes slam into the large man, knocking him back a few steps. It's a small victory for the horribly out-classed Higashi, but he'll take anything he can get. Chances like these don't come along often, and Joe is going to learn something from this fight no matter what the outcome may be. As he prepares for his next move in the assault, Joe realizes that Sagat is no longer standing in front of him. In fact, the larger man is now in the air and his head is about to meet Sagat's knee. Gritting his teeth once more, Joe tries to hold his ground, but the strike knocks him backwards, off his balance. He staggers backwards many steps before finally righting himself, he gaze immediately finding Sagat as he lunges forward, crouching downard just as before, each arm coming upwards in an uppercut. This time though, the speed is much faster and the vortexes produced are much larger than before. It was a longshot, but Joe wasn't going down without a fight.
COMBATSYS: Sagat endures Joe's Double Cyclone.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Sagat
These Cyclones. These Vortexes that Joe is producing with his techniques are interesting... but also annoying to the Muay Thai Legend. As these faster and bigger cyclones erupt towards Sagat, Sagat decides to meet them! Sagat does not have much time to enjoy delivering the powerful Tiger Crush to his opponent. Instead he simply races towards the Cyclones. He attempts to crash through them, simply forcing his body through the gailwinds in an effort to overcome. The result? Mild success. The cyclones batter the mountain of a man, but they do not halt or slow him down. Sagat specializes in overwhelming offense, so after plowing through the Cyclones Sagat will be within striking distance of Joe. He pushes the pain of enduring the cyclones to the back of his mind as he lifts up one leg and performs a swift and powerful roundhouse kick. The kick is aimed for Joe's head. Sure hope he doesn't know it off!
COMBATSYS: Joe fails to interrupt Light Kick from Sagat with Double Hurricane Upper.
[ \\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Joe 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Sagat
Mai cups her hands over her mouth, wincing for Joe's sake. Ooooo, that looks painful! But he's fighting so bravely, and she's awfully proud of him. "C'mon, Joe! Keep it up, chin steady!" she shouts encouragingly, clapping her hands together. ~He's so doomed.~
Those two towering cyclones make Joe proud, especially since he knows he made contact. Surely that had to hurt the monster of a man on the other side of them. His pride is shortlived though, as he sees the towering man moving through the cyclones, heading straight for him. In all the fights he has had, no one has ever just walked right through that move. Joe's startled, and in that small moment of fear he makes a bit of a tactical mistake. Rather than prepare for the incoming kick, he instead tries to counter Sagat's approach with more tornados. However, as he is ducking down for the first uppercut, he takes the full force of Sagat's kick to the side of the head, causing him to stumble sideways, almost to the edge of the ring before he stops himself, shakily standing up. He wasn't done yet, but his head was hurting so much now that he wished he was.
The Thai Tiger will hop backwards and fall back into his fighting stance after delivering the kick to the other Muay Thai fighter. He stands there, glowering at the other fighter. He grumbles in disappointment, "I thought you were serious?" Sagat holds his fists to his sides and they erupt into flames. Sagat steps forward and braces himself as he thrusts his flaming hands forward. When his fists collide he shouts, "TIGER!" And a flaming crescent of energy erupts from Sagat's hands and careens through the air towards Joe!
COMBATSYS: Sagat successfully hits Joe with Tiger Shot.
[ < > /////////////// ]
Joe 1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1 Sagat
Joe briefly considered dodging out of the way, but with the way his vision was swimming, he could hardly tell if dodging left or right was the best choice, and by the time he figured out that he couldn't dodge, it was too late to block the firey projectile bearing down on him. So, mustering all the dignity he can, Joe Higashi stands up straight and looks Sagat right in the eye as he walks forward right into the blast as it slams into his chest. He grimaces against the pain, but still he ducks down and decides to let loose with another one of those annoying cyclones, a single one this time, but it's wide, and it's tall as Joe's uppercut completes the movement. "Screw... upper!" So appropriate those words... Regardless of whether his attack contacts, Joe's fight is done. He staggers back a step and is suddenly staring at the sky. He's done.
COMBATSYS: Joe can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sagat 1/----===/=======|
COMBATSYS: Sagat overcomes Screw Upper from Joe with Tiger Cannon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Sagat 0/-------/----===|
It is cold of Sagat to do what he does. It really is. Joe is clearly defeated and this Screw Upper is definately the last ditch effort to do something against Sagat. To dodge it would be fine. To block it would be great. But to destroy the incoming cyclone with his Tiger Cannon. Sagat pulled his arms back, spent a moment to gather his chi then allowed the fire crescent its freedom. It crashed into the Screw Upper and overcame it, leaving Sagat clear of any danger. Sagat did it because he was annoyed. He did it because he was disappointed. Sagat grumbles at Joe and waves his hand dismissively, "That's it. This exhibition has ended. Leave." Sagat will turn around and head for the side of the fighting ring.
COMBATSYS: Sagat has ended the fight here.
Into the ring Mai darts, having dropped her little flag. (O sacrilege!) "Joe!" Ignoring the dangers of stupidly running into a fight with SAGAT being right there, Mai skids to her knees next to the downed spiky-haired fighter. "Joe? You okay?" Well, obviously not, but it's tradition to ask anyway. She lightly taps her palm to his cheek, trying to rouse him. If he doesn't rise? She'll have to resort to...other tactics. "Joooooooe?"
Joe opens a single eye and looks up at Mai, "Is he gone yet?" He whispers. "I'm not standing up am I?" Joe still manages to smile, his pearly whites still intact after that horrible beating. With a lot of exertion, a bit of determination, and some help from Mai, Joe stands up and makes his way out of the ring. He's moving slow, and he's definitely not seeing so well, but he takes a moment to look back at the large man leaving the ring. Today wasn't the day, but someday, he'll be back, and next time Joe won't be the one on the ground at the end.
Log created by Sagat, and last modified on 08:27:11 04/06/2007.