Description: Dante passes Kain's final combat test; And is given his target to prove himself as a worthy student: To kill Jiro Kasagi...
From the outside, the Heinlein estate looks much like one would expect the property of an extremely wealthy man. Large mansion, well kept grounds, gardens and sports facilities... There's much hidden in the woods that people don't see, but even less known are the facilities built beneath the mansion. Kain does have quite a bit of wealth, and contacts with people who are able to create some impressive things, as well as keep silent about just what they were working on.
A fairly impressive depth beneath the surface, Kain stands in a small room which is a very good approximation of a Japanese dojo. The screens and artwork serve to obscure the many, many sensors and recording devices placed throughout the room. Dressed in a pair of loose white pants cinched with a white cloth belt, Kain stands across from his current student. He's been training him in secrecy for some time, keeping him away from others and nurturing his 'development', in more ways than just his fighting technique. And now it's time to see if his work has paid off.
Heinlein gestures toward Dante with one hand. "Attack me." He certainly doesn't expect the student to have even come close to surpassing the master... But if his skills are acceptable, then it's time for him to start getting some /real/ fighting experience. Taking thrashings from Kain and Grant is certainly instructive, but more experiences are needed to develop flexibility in combat.
COMBATSYS: Kain has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kain 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Kain takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Kain 0/-------/-------|
The progress made on Dante in such a short amount of time might be startling. He would of been considerably weaker then Jiro at the onset; Long before the latter had been given up as a helpless case. It was likely those eyes when they first met, dull echoes of Kain years ago. A man thirsting for strength, and despising weakness -- and ever dying as a dog. Who may not have the means, but has the will and capacity, to reach a level to manage such ambition. Every aspect of training was absorbed. There have been no qualms about morality, no questioning. The beatings and vicious attacks were met with good humor. And the very scorching flames of Ankoku were summoned in a startling time.
Already he might be double what he had started. There are flaws; The foremost being that Dante has shown to become so able to well up the dark chi that his body cannot keep up. The once large and powerfully built man has descended to a thin and meeker facsimile, although it has not curbed his ability. Believing him to be less then durable is a fatal weakness. He has cunning and patience. He has incredible skill, one that might double again and again with a couple years training. It's his emotions, that rage and anger, that vengeance, that has no place. Mayhaps more then Kain or Grant, he would prefer kill all those lesser, and if he would embrace a perfect civilisation is questionable. But he can't be /completely/ perfect....
Standing opposite, Kain was probably amused that Dante chose a similar style of dress to his mentor. His jacket and pants are almost the same style and make, ergo black instead of white, retaining the blue borders. The sleeves are inordinately long upon his arms, drooping a foot past his hands, completely unbuttoned and showing a dark grey rather then black undershirt. This opportunity has been worked for, desired and thirsted for... Ah. It cannot be wasted.
"...As you wish." Dante has a rasp to his voice. Some undertone, almost a cough -- or a hiss. Slowly he draws up one sleeve to the elbow, and then the other. The forearms are intricately covered in snake tattoos, his motif from long ago and symbol of his new life. Both hands are covered in black gloves. His stance spreads broadly, squatting down while bringing up his hands. Only he's not rushing into things just yet; He's taking the time to focus, to prepare. Whether Kain intended to give him such is irrelevant; Dante is far from stupid enough to think anything but raw chance will allow a single hand to touch the other man... unless he can manipulate circumstances to ensure such a blow.
COMBATSYS: Dante has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dante 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kain
COMBATSYS: Dante focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dante 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kain
Kain cracks his neck for a moment as he looks at Dante. He frowns slightly, but doesn't appear particularly upset. But then, Kain rarely appears particularly /anything/. "That was an invitation for you to attack, not think about your options. You should have been considering the best possible avenue of attack from the moment you entered this room."
Heinlein lets his hands hang to his side, purple flame engulfing his bare hands. Those flames trail a short distance up his arms, occasionally flickering up as high as his elbows. And yet he doesn't advance, just standing there watching his student. "And so I repeat. /Attack me/." Kain doesn't even need to mention that he won't offer another chance. The fact that he's even repeating himself shows an incredible amount of patience.
COMBATSYS: Kain takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dante 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kain
There's a mild grin given by Dante, who simply shrugs his shoulders. It's not insubordination, but rather his own take. Kain probably would not want a simpering yes-man dog as his potential disciple, anyway. "The fight has already begun... I merely chose not to let you dictate the pace of it." And then, quite obediently, Dante moves. Although it's rather surprisingly quick, Kain might find. His rush forward is almost a blur, and both of his gloves suddenly incinerate. His hands sheath with purple flames, hissing and crackling in the air like a rattlesnake with a disturbingly loud volume. He's probably as quick now as someone twice his capability... which is still less then Kain by some margin.
The attempt is actually to hop up a short distance, and twist through the air -- both legs trying to catch Kain by the throat, in order to twist around behind. If such a stranglehold is managed, Dante's enshrouded hands will press against his head, to surge those devilish flames in a direct conduit.
COMBATSYS: Kain blocks Dante's Burmese Python.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Dante 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Kain
Fast Dante may be, but Kain has had many opportunities to observe the way the young man fights. Another lesson that hopefully he's picked up for himself. When Dante leaps up, it's a simple matter for Kain to duck down and slide beneath him. Dante's foot manages to clip his back, but it's hardly even to be noticed.
As such, this prevents Dante from having the opportunity to spin himself around while in the air, and Kain doesn't hesitate to take advantage of that. He spins himself around, foot coming in toward Dante's jaw in an upward sweeping arc with a trail of purple fire behind it.
COMBATSYS: Dante endures Kain's Schwarze Lanze.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Dante 1/---====/=======|==-----\-------\0 Kain
Ah; It seems that Dante has absolutely no qualms about personal injury. Although he was exceptionally vulnerable, such liability was turned into opportunity. The issue here is not about winning, but proving how resourceful he can be in such a fight. Twisting, the blow hits Dante directly in the shoulder with incredible force, spinning him around. But despite a likely location, and scorching away his uniform down to the pallid skin -- and showing that his serpent tattoos stretch even that far -- he manages from his solid stance to rush forward yet anew, letting out a loud "KIYAH!" while snapping out his right hand, twisting his entire body in a fluid and masterful Nanquan motion to strike Kain in the stomach with one blazing fist, mayhaps enough to even singe away Kain's own clothing. The rattling of his chi has grown manic, a den of snakes all hissing in unison... Whether he can stun his mentor for that split second or not will define what comes next.
COMBATSYS: Dante successfully hits Kain with Black Mamba.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Dante 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Kain
...And it would seem purchase was made. Dante immediately explodes into a brutal kata, at least by the standards of anyone vaguely within his own realm of ability. Six more strikes are done, each amplified by the twisting of his body in each direction and loud cry of focus. The advances forward are rigid, but every nuance of his body is to increase his force. Of course, this might be the first time Kain realized the adaption of Dante's chi; It would burn, seeth, like venom coursing from where it made contact. The last hit would be with an open palm, and to most leave a large, red handprint in it's wake. The Ankoku flames wisp away thereafter, Dante remaining in his nigh-squatting position with the leading limb still forward and other draw in, defensively.
If Kain weren't who he is, he might well have to worry about this attack. True, it does leave a red mark on his abdomen, but even Dante's novel usage of chi can only survive so long in contact with Kain's mastery. A deep breath and an effort of will is all it takes to dispel the 'poison' before it is able to do more than cause a little pain. But while it lasts, that pain is a good sign. Not many people will have Kain's ability to resist, after all.
When Dante draws back, Kain surges forward, attempting to slip past his student's leading arm. Purple fire swirls up around his right arm as he lashes out with a palm strike toward Dante's chest, but he stops just shy of actually connecting. The flame, however, does not, rapidly expanind outward in a compact explosion.
COMBATSYS: Kain successfully hits Dante with Schwarz Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Dante 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Kain
There's still a fair amount of satisfaction from Dante that contact was made, brief though it may be. He attempted to bring up his forearms, sheathing them in his own lesser flame; But Kain strikes through rather viciously, blowing Dante off his feet and causing him to land upon his back, wincing painfully. Yet he rolls back up, one hand bracing him on the ground. "Hah... So those kind of flames are what I might someday wield...?" The look of pure delight on Dante, despite his ravaged body, is hard to miss. He manages to rise, before suddenly swooping forward, once more blurring before ducking down low... And attempting to enshroud his limb in chi, while unleashing a vicious uppercut to carve a furrow of Ankoku flame from Kain's hip up across his shoulder. "HAAAAH!"
COMBATSYS: Kain endures Dante's Sidewinder!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Dante 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Kain
"The way in which chi is expressed is of relatively little consequence. All that matters is the power behind it. But if you have the capability, someday that power can be yours." And perhaps the ability to withstand that power, as well. Kain budges only slightly as Dante's fist drags across his body, chi attempting to tear at Kain's flesh as it passes. But it's like trying to melt a block of ice with a match. And just like that, Dante might even succeed, eventually, if Kain were to let him.
That is very far, however, from Kain's vision of fighting. As soon as Dante's arm has risen enough that it's no longer in his way, Kain lashes out with his right hand. Blue chi swirls around his fist as he attempts to drive a straight punch into the center of his student's face.
COMBATSYS: Dante blocks Kain's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Dante 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Kain
Although one of Dante's hands was still thrust up in the uppercut, his other snaps out, catching the fist. Relatively; It still sends him away, landing upon the ground in a crouch and skidding a few meters further. He wipes blood from his lip, but doesn't look intent on giving up his assault just yet. "Hah... So I've only taken the first step. I can make it... now how do I make it stronger?" Raising back to his feet, Dante once more takes the time to observe Kain carefully, cracking one shoulder and flexing his fingers. But this doesn't appear to be the action of someone giving up. He's got one last trick to show Kain -- a technique hidden even from him...
COMBATSYS: Dante focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Dante 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Kain
"The best way is to fight many different people, using many different styles. You will be forced to increase in power... But also in flexibility. Do not make the mistake of letting yourself get into a rut, or relying on unique abilities. Your particular affinity for chi is impressive, but that alone will not save you. And relying solely on that will eventually lead people to find your weaknesses. Thankfully, it seems you have responded well to training."
Kain lifts his right hand, a spark of purple light flaring there for a moment. "Keeping a few tricks up your sleeve is important. Being able to quickly come up with /new/ ones, however..." Kain might not be able to precisely duplicate Dante's poisonous chi, but it doesn't really matter. (Although even that he might be able to do, with time.) There are other ways to achieve the same effect, of slowing your opponent down. Kain thrusts his hand toward Dante and streams of fire shoot from his fingers. They weave and writh like serpents, striking out in an attempt to wrap around the joints of Dante's arms and limbs. Should they connect they then press in and /burn/, looking to seal the student's movements to some degree. Kain does actually hold back, which is unusual for him... But it would serve no purpose to cripple his student here.
COMBATSYS: Dante endures Kain's Schwarze Flame.
[ \\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Dante 1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\1 Kain
"You know where I came from. I'm a former street fighter. An ex-Boss of Gedo. I couldn't snap a spark in my fingers before I met you... All I need to do is get used to it..." Although at the mention of tricks, it incites a rather contented smirk on Dante's features, and he suddenly spreads his stance, and then literally gouts into Akoku fire. The flurry of purple chi swirls up, his entire outfit beginning to scorch and deteriorate, peeling away from chest and legs. As the swirl of Kain's own molded chi entwines him, it incites a hiss of pain, but no end of the battle just yet. And then rather abruptly Dante snarls, thrusting out both hands, trying to capitalize on Kain's own intent with a surprise attack of deceptive speed. The ground shudders below him a moment as a rather monumental amount of energy is condensed, and a huge serpent of fire blooms forward, peeling back the faux-head. It rushes out towards Kain, attempting to coil around him before sinking those nigh-intangible fangs into his neck. This is Dante's mightiest attack, and one that his master might never have known he had... Or was capable of. If anything will impress him... it's this.
COMBATSYS: Kain blocks Dante's Death Adder.
[ \\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Dante 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Kain
Kain watches calmly as the serpent leaps forth from Dante. He can sense the power there... And is satisfied by it. It's going to take more than that to instill fear in him, but it looks like Dante has what it takes to start taking more control over his own education. It would probably be a great first step for Dante if he were to get a serious hit in on his master... But Kain isn't one to just /give/ things to people.
Reaching out with one hand, Kain actually grabs the fiery seperent by the 'throat'. For most people this would be impossible, but the blue flare from Kain's hand shows the way. The flames writh, lashing over his arm, but then he flexes his fingers and the snake explodes into a shower of sparks. Lowering his hand, Kain looks Dante over for a moment. "Yes... I believe you are ready. Enough of this. We have matters to discuss relevant to your training."
COMBATSYS: Kain takes no action.
[ \\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Dante 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Kain
COMBATSYS: Kain has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\ <
Dante 0/-------/-------|
The effect of that attack on Dante looks to be rather extreme. He's breathing heavily, sweat pouring down his features. He's actually smoldering in some places, but manages to wipe his brow with the back of his hand. Slowly he draws up from his rigid Nanquan stance, and attempts to fastidiously smooth out his outfit as best he can. "Hah... Was hoping my trump card would of done more..." That he managed to hide and pull it out might speak more of his potential then anything, ergo. Although born and raised in Southtown, Dante knows no true etiquette beyond what the Heinlein might of offered. There is a nod, but no formal bow, as he attempts to control the spasms of his own body. Using that fire... Ah... But in a way, his masochistic upbringing could be what makes him best suited to pursuing this method of summoning it. "Finally going to let me strike down a few people...? You said it yourself. All I lack is firsthand experience."
COMBATSYS: Dante has ended the fight here.
Kain nods. "Correct. There's only so much you can learn from fighting the same opponents over and over again. There are a number of fighters in the world. Some of them strong, some of them weak... Some of them with fighting talents, but pitifully weak in other aspects." He wanders over toward a small table by the wall, opening up a drawer in it and withdrawing a photograph.
Turning back toward Dante, Kain whips the photo in his direction, sending it spinning skillfully through the air toward his student. "This is Jiro Kasagi. A misguided youth in whom I once saw some potential. Unfortunately, it turns out that my regard for him was too high. He really is hopeless case. He did, however, manage to learn a few tricks from me. Apt, as he likes to call himself the 'stray dog'. It shouldn't really be much of a /test/ for you... But I want you to kill him. He's a relatively minor threat, but he does know things that it would be better not to have spread. Not that I expect many to believe him... That's why I haven't dealt with the matter myself. It would be good, however, to know that I can rely on you to accomplish such tasks."
There's a few lazy stretches from Dante, loosening up his body as the burn begins to abate. His breath is more even, but the toll on his body nobody but Kain might know so astutely. Although the young man knows of many fighters, how many years has it been since he got in a true fight...? Too many. As expected, the photo is snatched, and glanced at. Instant recognition creases Dante's features, and he begins to laugh in an almost derisive way. "Jiro Kasagi... The Stray Dog from Gedo?! He was one of Taira's pet projects. Taught him chi. ...Hah, Taira was the only fool I could of considered a rival. Fitting." Seeming to have no need of the image, when it suddenly ignites and sizzles away in a last rattle of energy, the ashes are whisked away. "This will be far from difficult. But I want to do it in front of you. In these hallowed halls." It's not a demand, yet a genuine request. "...Until then, I shall train. See his capabilities. Find his weaknesses. I will break more then just his body before I kill him. Prove that I have what he did not. ...Would that satisfy you?"
Kain waves hand dismissively for a moment. "If that's what you want, I suppose it can be arranged. He's foolish enough that he might well come here. If he /has/ developed some intelligence, however, I expect you to take him down by whatever means necessary. There's no need to provide proof; the facts of the matter will reveal themselves soon enough."
Kain does actually grin for a moment, though. "If you wish to defeat him a few times prior to that, feel free. I would refrain from immediately letting him know your purpose, however. Simply... make sure that he knows his own weakness. The truth of the matter is best saved for when he's already starting to break."
"Hah. Fine." Dante comments wryly, before allowing the scorched sleeves to once more flit down and cover the former Gedo's hands. "I'll start with that stupid game. Saturday Night Fight. I think the mere presence of another using Ankoku in your outfit should stir the fool up. I can have some fun with this..." Pursed lips are licked, but with a final nod Dante would turn to approach the exit, already preparing the measures in his head. He had always been incredibly cunning... The patience is what has been learned. This will be the true test if he's advanced enough in the mind, rather then just the body.
Log created by Dante, and last modified on 20:22:31 03/16/2007.