Description: After his loss at the World Warrior tournament, Alma wanted a meeting with Feilong, the creator of his chosen Martial Art form. The meeting produces an exciting sparring match.
Hong Kong, China. In this bustling commercial center there are many sites of interest to the casual visitor. But today we focus in on one particular place of note in this busy metropolis: the first dojo and headquarters of the official International Hiten-Ryu Association, founded and sponsored by the famed martial arts action star Fei Long. He's not always around, of course; his film work takes him all over the world, and he's forced to leave the administration of the organization devoted to spreading his famed fighting style to others. But one of his students -- a rather unusual student at that -- has left him a message in hopes of meeting him here...
Alma Towazu wasn't ready to go home just yet, you see. He took his time in San Francisco after his loss to Robert Garcia, as it's not every day he goes to the United States and that's as good a spring break as ever, but an odd intuition has driven him here. Psycho Power compels one to trust one's own instincts, and his instincts tell him it's not time to return to Southtown just yet. It's a strange feeling; something like an odd sense of duty. Guilt, maybe, but not quite, because he's not actually ashamed of how things turned out. Kyokugen-ryu is even more famous than Hiten-ryu, and Robert Garcia is a well-known name in the fighting world; to even have the chance to fight such a person is a great honor for a mere student of Hiten-ryu, a young man only barely an adult. Still... still.
~ How are some people just so strong? ~
Having overcome so much in his life, and despite the intensity of his passion for individual fights having always had a kind of casual attitude toward tournament fighting in general, inadequacy is a rare sensation for Alma. But as he trudges up the clean stone steps to the well-constructed and attractive Hiten-ryu headquarters and enters in through the main doors to the outer courtyard, nodding politely to the workers and other students there, he realizes that this is precisely what he is feeling.
He doesn't really know Fei Long /that/ well, of course, but... still...
~ I call him 'sensei', but... we've only met twice... ~
Maybe it's time for that to change a little.
Alma pauses in the center of the courtyard, glances up to the sky, and waits.
Feilong gets mail all the time. Whether it is endorsement offers, requests to appear at a charity event, or more often than not, Fan Mail. Feilong also has people to address certain bits of mail. The majority of mail sent to Feilong isn't even seen by the Chinese Action Star. However fate seemed to deem that Feilong needed to get that messege from Alma. The Action Star dealt with his mail personally the day that letter came in. So one thing led to another and Feilong found himself at his Hiten-Ryu Embassy. The Action Star brought about a lot of hustle and bustle upon his arrival, but most of the excitement has died down in the hours since his arrival. Feilong ended up in the Courtyard as well, but only after walking with a group of students and discussing with them certain points on his- their art. Feilong dismisses then with a wave of his hand and a confirmation that he will speak with them again soon. Feilong notes Alma's presence and a smile forms upon his visage. The smile is a perfect one, someone used to being in the spotlight, on TV or the red carpet seems inately able to pull off.
Movie stars and models have a somewhat similar skill-set, then. When Alma sees the smiling Feilong he smiles back, equally bright and warm-- but with a little extra unusual emotion added in. Specifically: relief. Alma seems strangely relieved to see Feilong. Not because he was uncertain that Feilong would actually be there, but because simply seeing the founder of the fighting style he has adapted to his own use somehow takes a burden off his shoulders. Like how talking to a friend about a problem can make it feel easier to deal with even if nothing constructive has actually occured, so too does Alma feel as though something has been shared simply by being able to look his master in the eye.
He bows low, red-tinged blond hair shrouding lowered lashes.
When he rises, his smile is stronger than ever.
"It is good to see you again. It has been too long..."
A pause. He looks uneasy, but graciously so, before continuing.
"I don't know if you were aware, but-- I, uh, was admitted to the World Warrior tournament. But I lost in the first round..."
He lowers his head again, visage calm and composed. When he speaks again, his voice is clear and even, though he does not meet his master's eyes.
"I wanted to apologize for failing to represent Hiten-ryu well."
The Action Star raises a brow at the student of his art at what he says to him. The Action Star will shake his head and offer a reassuring smile, "Why apologize? You represented it well enough." The Hiten-Ryu Master will cross his arms over his chest, "You got into the World Warrior tournament. The World Warrior tournament. One of the big ones. Numerous people were exposed to our art. As long as you put on an exciting show, and you did, you have nothing to be ashamed of." Fei Long then pauses and tilts his head, "And yes, it has been too long. You really do not need to wait so long to summon me."
Alma's lips part to offer any number of excuses. A young man's busy life; a still-vibrant modeling career; a flourishing student life despite all other pressures; his general bad habit of not making extra effort to communicate; being too used to being alone. All these are reasons why it hasn't occured to him to bother Fei Long with idle chatter.
He raises his eyes.
"Thank you, sensei."
~ I really have come far, haven't I? ~
Just a year ago, who would ever have thought that martial arts would become so important to him? Who would think that Alma Towazu would be a name known by anyone at all? And yet, and yet, here he is.
Alma smiles, and his gaze sweeps the courtyard, where students watch on, recognition dawning in their eyes: Fei Long is talking to one student in particular-- hey, it's the guy who was in World Warrior! They recognize him. He's standing here next to Fei Long, and they recognize him.
He's content either way; he never wanted or needed to be known. Still, what a sense of satisfaction, even if superficial; what a wonderful knowledge, to know that others know you! That they know the name Towazu!
"Sensei," the clear-eyed wide-smiling young man says, "how about a match?"
All begin to eagerly whisper amongst each other. Alma stands there grinning.
~ Whatever happens-- this is a testament to who I have become! ~
The Movie Star will smirk at Alma, "Sure." will be said in response to the student. Feilong will shift his gaze off of Alma and sweep it across the courtyard, "Here is as good as any place, I suppose." He then turns to look at Alma, "However, seriously. The next time we meet, we're going to have to go get a coffee or something. Seems we keep sparring." Feilong will stretch his arms up into the air a bit to work his joints, "Would like to know the individual I occasionally spar against."
COMBATSYS: Alma has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Alma 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Feilong has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Alma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Feilong
Alma is deeply honored-- and it shows.
Even as the others in the courtyard move away to give them room, Alma's bow is again one of deep and heartfelt respect. He's always thought of fighting as a great way to get to know another, and indeed his matches against Feilong have always been profoundly exciting and fulfilling, but-- to think that his sensei would be interested in him for more than casual matches-- it's honor enough that Fei Long would take the time, and be willing to do so in front of so many others.
~ He wants to get to know me. ~
"I... I would like that very much, Feilong-sensei," Alma manages, and with renewed purpose, and sparkling eyes that reveal how much, in spite of his cultivated poise and composure, he really is just a young man and like all young men is in search of approval and affirmation. He slips into his adaptation of the Hiten-Ryu stance; it is less overt, stilled movement, but a trained eye can see the telltale similarities, and there are many trained eyes here.
"Sensei... let us begin!"
Alma lunges, hands sweeping gracefully through the air as they blur into a series of feinting jabs. He steps and thrusts out powerfully with his right foot in an attempt to stomp at Feilong's shin, and then lashes out with a powerful uppercut.
Already, he burns with fighting spirit!
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Feilong with Strong Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Feilong
As Alma is slipping into his stance, Feilong is taking his own stance. His feet shift so that his legs are spread far apart. One foot is ahead of the other. He begins hopping back and forth from one foot to the other. His hands raise ahead of him, one hand formed intoa fist, the other almost lazily open. Feilong keeps the grin on his face as he seems to have fully prepared himself for the spar. As Alma comes at him, the grin drops to a more serious expression. The strikes come fast and precise. The one-two blow forces Feilong to take a step back, but only a step. Because after that step, Feilong leaps backwards. As soon as he hits the ground, his legs tense and he springs up and forward once again. As he careens through the air he aims to slam the side of one foot against Alma's head or shoulders. Were that to strike, Feilong will twist his lower body very quickly and perform an aerial roundhouse kick to follow up the initial kick. This is all done before touching the ground!
COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Alma with Rekku Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0 Feilong
Alma attempts to close in after his strikes hit home, but Feilong's recovery is tremendously fast and unexpected. The Hiten-ryu student tries to reverse his momentum too late and ends up basically running into the double-kick-- but Alma, too, can recover quickly. The blows send him reeling back, but instead of allowing himself to stumble he just falls back and rolls away into a crouch. With a gleam of his eye and a clenching of his fists he rises with a roar.
Sparkling Psycho Power flames explode into existence around his legs and, with a renewed burst of spirit, Alma leaps into the air in an effort to catch Feilong again before his master can touch ground. Lashing out with a series of roundhouse kicks wreathed in soulfire, he attempts to impact repeatedly against Feilong's chest before the Hiten-ryu master has a chance to reorient himself again.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Feilong with Rising Fury.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Feilong
And the Hiten-Ryu Student's strategy seems to work. The Hiten-Ryu Master will not touch the ground without first absorbing the impact of the multiple, soulfire enveloped blows. The Movie Star will eventually hit the ground and hit it hard. He will skid for a foot or so, before he uses that momentum to roll backwards and back on his feet. He exhales briefly before springing back up onto his feet and rushing the student. He will shout, "WAAAAAHAAAAI!" As he leaps forward with a sidekick. Were that to strike, he will follow it up by twisting his lower torso and performing a swift roundhouse kick.
COMBATSYS: Alma interrupts Medium Kick from Feilong with Divine Intervention EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Feilong
Alma is on the ball.
Fighting spirit burning bright, Alma recovers from his rising attack and touches ground just as Feilong does-- and despite his master's great speed, the student's awareness is fully active. Somehow, he senses the violent aura, the coming attack, and lashes out with his hand to parry the kick even before he's fully turned to see what's going on.
He winces, of course -- it's not easy to block a kick with one's forearm, especially from one as skilled as Feilong -- but he is undismayed. Soulfire has already gathered in his right hand, and in the space of a moment he has lashed out. A lance of psychic energy explodes out, spearing Feilong through the chest and suffusing him in a glow of power, assaulting his mind and body simultaneously. It blows Alma's opponent back a ways, and with a deep breath, the young man reassumes his stance.
Serious, intent, he is still, waiting.
Now Feilong's attack didn't go as the Master had planned. But that's alright! Feilong felt that he impacted with something before being slammed by Alma's Divine Intervention. The Hiten-Ryu Master hits the ground hard once again, enduring the mental and physical assault of Alma's Soulfire. Feilong will eventually raise his legs and kicks, returning to his feet with that movement. He stands there, fists at his sides. He begins to shake, "WaaaaAAAAAAI!" as he draws forth from his inner well of energy and focuses on the student of Hiten-Ryu.
COMBATSYS: Feilong gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Alma 0/-------/-======|=======\====---\1 Feilong
Deep breaths, deep breaths. Alma draws upon his own energy, and he assumes a similar stance-- but he is silence, quiet, still. Calm and serious, lights begin to rise and glimmer in his eyes.
The audience watches on, in awe, equally silent.
A faint breeze blows across the courtyard as the two fighters stand poised.
COMBATSYS: Alma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Alma 1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1 Feilong
Then the Master of Hiten-Ryu is off. The shaking ends, the drawing up of one's Chi is done. Back to Action is seems! Feilong rushes Alma while shouting, "Waaaaaaaaaa-" The waaaaing ends when Feilong gets within striking range of Alma. The Movie Star will lunge forward and swing a fist towards Alma's midsection, "-WAI!" And then even more swiftly another lunging strike is performed, this time a hooking punch towards Alma's chest, "HAI!" And then finally before it seems the second strike ends, Feilong lunges out with a backhanded strike towards Alma's cheek, "WAAAAIEEEE!"
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Feilong's Rekkaken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Alma 1/--=====/=======|=======\====---\1 Feilong
"Hup-- hup-- hup!"
Hands arcing through the air like the rippling crests of river waves, Alma parries each of the three rushing punches, and each one pushes him back. Without losing his footing, the sheer force of the strikes send the tall half-Japanese youth skidding back a bit, his teeth grit against the force though his visage remains calm, even serene.
After the third strike, though, he breaks away, spinning back as his summoned power gathers around his fists. "Haaaaah--" His eyes flash with rising passion; and he thrusts his fist down at the ground, unleashing one of his own techniques. It's raw Psycho Power, but it's big and it's flashy and it's inspiring and it's action-packed-- it's everything that Hiten-ryu should demand from one of his abilities!
A geyser of white-purple flame arcs up from the ground where Alma has thrust his fist, and roars out in what may engulf the Hiten-ryu master entirely in psychic fire.
COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Feilong with Full Confession.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Alma 0/-------/---====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Feilong
The Master of Hiten-Ryu's Signature move gets blocked by one of Hiten-Ryu's proud students. That is good. That is definately good. A testament to the practioner's growing ability. Feilong's fists meet resistance and then the rest of Feilong's body meets Psycho Power. The Movie Star is hefted off the ground by the psychic fire produced by the student. Feilong will eventually hit the ground, several yards away from where he performed the final blow of his Rekkaken. The power is agonizing, but it's nothing the Master hadn't experienced in the past. The power takes a while to run its course. The mental and physical assault takes even longer to overcome. It takes several long moments before Feilong is even able to sit up. A while later his feet come up under him and he stands. Another moment or two and Feilong reorients himself in the here and now. He looks disheveled and tired when he casts his gaze towards Alma. Then the look melts away as Feilong flashes the student a bright and sincere smile. The Action star lurches forward and moves to close the distance between them that the last attack caused, "Waaaaa-" He will shout as he approaches, "WAAAAHAAAAAAAIIIIEEE!" Feilong will shout as he performs a roundhouse kick when he gets in range. After that initial roundhouse, Feilong will continue to rotate. The Hiten-Ryu Master's leg erupts into flame and Feilong ascends into the air. He hopes to catch Alma in the chin with the initial kick and then continue to make him ascend with each resulting kick.
COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Alma with Shien Renkyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Alma 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Feilong
Alma senses the powerful impact of his geyser attack and withdraws, reassuming his still version of the Hiten-ryu stance much as he did after his Divine Intervention technique, and takes a deep breath as the founder of his fighting style falls to the ground. He awaits quietly -- the silence of the watchers around them is shattering -- as his master recovers.
And Alma smiles back.
Feilong's lunge is blazing fast, and the student simply cannot react. The flaming kicks strike Alma under the chin and lift him into the air, the following attacks slamming into him repeatedly until he is finally launched up high, wreathed in chi fire--
--and twists in midair.
Despite all the pain he must be feeling, despite how disorientation that must have caused, Alma Towazu recovers immediately through sheer force of will. Hands and feet blazing in an aura of power, he roars in raw fury, in the purest of passions for the competition, and lashes out in an airborne kick that quickly becomes a full-blown aerial assault as he spins into action.
The audience must look up, as the two of them fight vigorously, framed by sky.
There's little room in Alma's mind for conscious thought, but still, he is fully convinced...
This is what it's all about.
COMBATSYS: Feilong dodges Alma's Destined Duel.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Alma 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Feilong
At the conclusion of the Rekka Shinken, Feilong will arc his back and hold his arms up over his head. His body continues to twist as a result of the spinning and flaming kicking technique. As a result of this arc and spinning, Feilong manages to aim himself so that he will arc and descend in a graceful dive. This has the added benefit of allowing him to dodge the Destined Duel from Alma. Feilong will descend to the ground, landing with a roll. The Master of Hiten-Ryu will hop back up to his feet, revert to his fighting stance and turn around to regard the student of Hiten-Ryu. By now Alma should be descending and almost to the ground. Feilong will step forward, pull back a leg, and then lunge forward. A roundhouse kick is performed, Feilong's foot igniting into flames. Feilong will ascend into the air while he rotates and his foot burns in chi-fire. This move looks familiar, "WAAAAAHHAAAAIIIEEEEE!"
COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Feilong's Shien Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Alma 0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0 Feilong
So much for an airborne spectacular-- his master escapes his reach, and Alma's burning effort is for naught. Gritting his teeth as his furious strikes whiff completely and preparing himself for his disadvantaged position to come, he tucks and flips once as he descends and draws his arms around him defensively. When the rising kicks come, Alma lashes out with a foot of his own and shudders as the chi flames impact against his natural defensive aura, and he bounces back and away, avoiding most of the damage.
And so the aerial combat continues! For as Alma bounces back and away, stretching out in a wide flip, he gracefully casts out one hand and unleashes a quick and sudden gout of soulfire, aiming to catch his master unawares with yet another original technique.
"Kuuu SEIHA!"
Will Alma's quick thinking be enough to save him!?
COMBATSYS: Feilong dodges Alma's Sacred Wave.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Feilong
Not yet it seems. Alma's Sacred Wave fails to impact the Chinese Action Star. Feilong will flip backwards after completing the Shien Kyaku. The Movie Star lands gracefully on the ground in his fighting stance. This time Feilong will wait. He waits and bides his time for the student to touch ground again. That is when Feilong springs into action. He will rush forward and leap forward in what appears to be a diving tackle. Accept if he manages to get his hands on Alma, whether it is his arm or any other part of him, Feilong will drop a leg to skid across the ground. He will then twist at the waist and attempt to just hip-toss Alma to the ground!
COMBATSYS: Alma fails to interrupt Quick Throw from Feilong with Divine Intervention.
[ \\\ < > ///// ]
Alma 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Feilong
Alma has been abusing his firepower. His head throbs with the effort of exerting so much control over his Psycho Power, but seeing his master close in he grunts and attempts to summon up his energies again-- but not quickly enough. As he thrusts out his palm Feilong already has gotten a grip, and Alma barely has time to break his own fall as he is tossed to the ground. Still, the young man hits the ground hard, and it's unclear-- is this it?
For a moment, it almost looks like it. But then, with a quiet grunt, Alma places his palms against the ground and rises to his knees, gritting his teeth with the effort, and wincing, gets to his feet...
...and, wearily, smiles again.
Feilong's Hiten-Ryu student just will not go down it seems. Feilong grasped Alma and performed the rather crude technique expertly. The other students that have gathered around the courtyard must definately be receiving quite the show. Two varied techniques of Hiten-Ryu on display and so prominant for everyone to observe. Feilong stands there ready to pounce as he watches the student slowly get up after the hiptoss. The smile is returned with one of Feilong's own smiles. The smile lasts but a moment before Feilong leaps into the air. He ascends and advances forward in the same leap. Feilong will descend down upon Alma, performing a swift axe-kick towards the now erect student.
COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Alma with Chokka Rakutei.
[ \ < > //// ]
Alma 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Feilong
Erect, but too weary to evade such a quick maneuver. Alma manages to shift at least enough so the kick doesn't hit him in the face, but his master's foot impacts heavily on his shoulder, and it drops him to his knees.
Gasping quietly as he feels the last of his strength leaves him, Alma slumps foward weakly, head hanging. His lips part as though to mouth a few words, but for now only a breath can escape him. He reaches up a hand, fingertips aloft, almost as in supplication--
--and one last burst of fire emerges to launch up at Feilong, even as Alma collapses silently onto his face, body resting on the stone floor of the courtyard.
COMBATSYS: Alma can no longer fight.
[ \\\\ <
Feilong 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Feilong blocks Alma's Sacred Wave.
[ \\\ <
Feilong 1/-------/=======|
Feilong is tired. It is the exhertion that Feilong has been providing that has become his undoing. He's been pushing himself really hard for far too long and Feilong finds himself with few options available in dealing with Alma's last Sacred Wave. Were he less fatigued, he would have attempted to dodge the wave. However all he can manage to do is raise his arms in front of him and take the Wave like a man. His defenses are struck... and shattered. Feilong will drop to his knees and slump backwards against the ground.
COMBATSYS: Feilong takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Feilong can no longer fight.
Chest heaving, Alma lies flat against the ground and just tries to catch his breath. Silence reigns again for a few long moments.
And then... applause.
It starts slow and quickly picks up momentum as all the students, officials, and lucky visitors begin to cheer loudly and vigorously, a sea of happy, pleased faces surrounding the two fallen fighters. An epic battle, full of shifting momentum and sudden change-- an intense and non-stop clash of wills and fighting spirits-- a dramatic fight with nothing held back.
Isn't that what Hiten-ryu is all about?
Placing his hands on the ground, Alma slowly manages to get to his knees; it's the most he can do, but it's enough. Weakly, he inclines his head in appreciation to the watching audience, and turns his weary gaze to his fallen master-- and, even now, is able to smile genuinely. Though he is exhausted, somehow, deep within his eyes, he looks refreshed.
He needed this.
"Thank you, Feilong-sensei. It was... an honor."
The handsome youth needs to pause to catch his breath again, but his eyes, shrouded by blonde locks damp with sweat, are warm with appreciation.
"The next time we meet... let's talk... for a while."
He has, he realizes, a lot to say.
Feilong just sits there, slumped over. He raises a hand and gives a thumbs up to Alma. He then twists his body and slumps to the side, only to roll over onto his back and sit up. A couple of of the building's assistants rush to help the two fighters. Feilong is helped to his feet and will be given some water. The Movie star will turn to look over his shoulder, "Don't wait so long to call me." He says with a wry grin as he's helped away from the courtyard.
Log created by Feilong, and last modified on 07:12:15 03/16/2007.