Description: Two men, one fight. OH GOD THE KOALAS.
Well look what we have here for a nice rather balmy day in southern Australia. It appears that one of the zoos has decided to raise money for animal awareness and protecting endangered species. It is a rather noble goal, but lets face it. Most people probably wouldn't have come if they knew it was just a boring old fund raiser. No, that is there was promise of entertainment featuring one of Australia's own. Yes Big Bear himself is here today to do his share to help out by being one of the fighters featured in a match today being held near the center of the park.
The big man wears his black and red fighting tights with mask pulled on already. He nurses himself a pint of beer to keep cool and his eyes shift about as he waits for his opponent to arrive. They didn't really give away who he was supposed to fight, but he was promised it was a match he would never forget. He gets alot of promises like that, but this time he really hopes the people are telling the truth and he isn't being forced to crush some poor sap they caught off the plane or boat with promises of tastey foods or money. He looks focused and prepared....TO EAT THIS BURGER HE HOLDS IN HIS OTHER HAND. A snack while waiting never hurts.
And the other fighter is hanging out by the Tapirs, trying to interest them in his snicker's bar, clearly ignoring the sign right next to him that says 'DO NOT FEED THE TAPIRS' He calls out to them:
"Hey! Hey! You! TAPIR! HEY!!! HEYYYYYYYY! LOOK AT ME!! LOOK! You're going to be my good luck charm for a chocolate right? Ar Nom Nom nom nom. C'mon! Get....ahh forget you you smell like a camel anyways. Anyways, what are we doing here...."
He looks at the banners and then his jaw drops, "An...Animal awareness? What the hell this is ridiculous who isn't already aware that animals exist? Who's dumb idea was it to come to Australia to fight about animals. That's like holding a charity ball for water! God!"\
And then he notices his oppoent, "Ah well at least they let a bear out of a cage for me to tangle with. HEY, PEOPLE! Let me show you how a real fighter works his magic, against the INDEFATIGABLE FURY OF MOTHER NATURE. Y'SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
Tears stream down his cheeks from the beauty of his own words.
COMBATSYS: Dan has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Dan 0/-------/-------|
The last bits of burger are being shoved into Big Bear's mouth when Dan starts to carry on and make his presence known. Then again it is hard to miss a guy in a friggin pink gi wandering about and shouting right at him. Setting his jaw forward the larger fighter looks over Dan before upending the rest of his bottle of beer and then busts said bottle over his head before puffing up. "It's time...IT'S TIME! OH IT'S GOT TO BE TIME!" he bellows as people start to cheer when it looks like festivities are about to start.
The fighter cracks his knuckles while stepping forward and he grins widely towards Snow Pink and nods to him. "Allo mate. Let me introduce myself." he says in a cheerful tone before introducing himself to Dan by planting a big meaty fist right into the mush the other man. BATTLE INITIATED.
COMBATSYS: Raiden has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dan 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Raiden
COMBATSYS: Dan dodges Raiden's Quick Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Dan 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Raiden
Dan slides to the side of the meat attack as he widens his eyes, "Talking bears?!?"
So the punch whistles over his head, and up close and personally he finally realizes what he's up against, "Hey, you're not a bear at all. You're just a fat guy! Man, this is going to be over too quick. Look at this."\
He raises his left hand and says, "See this hand? Watch it, now!"
And then he launches out his right hand in a strong left hook that looks like it was ripped-off of someone with a better left hook. Honestly it might just be the wimpiest left hook ever to leave Dan's body. It's like, well it's like he's not even trying. Raiden isn't a bear. Dan's heart is left in San Francisco. That Koala just fell out of its tree. What's going on here?
COMBATSYS: Raiden interrupts Strong Punch from Dan with Combination Bodyblow.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0 Raiden
[OOC] Heidern says, "Oh ow."
[OOC] Dan says, "It was just a scratch."
The guy is pretty loopy if he was truely thinking Raiden was a true bear. It probably isn't a good thing to go shouting that he is fat either the way things are looking. His first strike is a bit on the slow side and it is quite obvious that the pink clad warrior is going to be the more agile of the two. A good thing usually, right? Who needs agility though when you just grab people right out of the air to give a greeting properly. He watches Dan with a slightly furrowed brow and he just lets the other fighter slug him with that hook and then reaches out to snatch him by that arm when he does so. "I don't see much at all, mate." he says and then shows Dan what a real right hook can do by slamming it right into Dan's kidney before he slings the other fighter away and dusting his hands off on his belly.
Ouch, guess now wasn't really the time for Dan to practice his three stooges routine. But, after crashing to ground, he springs back up onto his feet, holding his kidney for a moment or two before pointing, "Hey! Nice! Maybe this will be a good fight after all! I like it. Come at me again with that ferocity. You're stoking the flames of a SAIKYO FIRE that'll fry you like bacon. Fella like you must sweat the stuff!"
And Dan sets his feet, flexing his muscles and his smile. Ready for his foe to barrel into action. He really shouldn't be saying things though because it'll inevitably make his beating that much worse.
COMBATSYS: Dan gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Dan 1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0 Raiden
He certainly has spunk at least. Finding out that Dan was holding back makes Big Bear that much more happy as that grin returns to plaster his features. "Good! I was hoping you weren't some phoney in a gi." he says in response to the other fighter and not looking too bothered by the words that are said. Afterall insulting is just part of the fight and it does stir the fans into a nice frenzy. He is ready to hurtle into motion and then there is a moment where he pauses and actually gets a horrified look on his face as he looks down. "WHO LET ONE OF THOSE OUT!?"
The thing in question is a koala. Possibly the one that feel out of the tree that Dan saw. He never mentioned that koala fell out over the fence and was now near the leg of the large fighter. Quickly Raiden reaches down to palm the koala by the face and much to the zoo keeper's horror he fastball specials the animal right at Dan aiming to let that fangy and evil creation of satan loose to maul Dan's face or something. As long as it is way the hell away from him.
[OOC] Leona says, "....."
[OOC] Leona says, "So much for animal awareness"
[OOC] Rolento says, "Raiden is very aware of what he's doing."
COMBATSYS: Dan fails to slow Thrown Object from Raiden with Premium Sign.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Dan 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Raiden
Dan blinks and suddenly has a koala HURTLING THROUGH SPACE toward him. Thinking quickly he grabs the only thing he knows of that could stop such a threat. And it totally doesn't. He is knocked right the hell flat on his ass by the combination of a Koala, and an 8x10 glossy of himself. In an odd twist of fate, the Koala's face is covered by the photograph, and the photographs lips are pressed to Dan's.
Oh.. Self-love on animal awarness day. What a terrible error in judgement. For now, Dan is dazed, confused, and hugging an animal. Raiden's showing quite the fight in this round.
The big man is huffing and puffing after that predicament. He could have lost a leg or something to such a threat. The zookeepers all look angry, but damned if he is going to let such a dangerous animal near him without reacting. What is next? Them wanting him to pet a lemur or something!? He takes a few deep breathes to calm himself and he just stares at the position that Dan is in with the koala at the moment. "Holy Christ, mate!" he calls out worrying about the other fighter's safety now after realizing he put that man in danger. "GET THE HELL AWAY BEFORE IT EATS YOUR MANHOOD OR SOMETHING!" If anything at least that means the man isn't going to press his attack as long as Dan is covered in koala. Instead he is going to hang back where it is safe.
COMBATSYS: Raiden gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Dan 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
Dan finally pushes the clingy marsupial off of him and narrows his eyes, "Agh.. This isn't going quite as I had planned. It looks like I'll have to implement strategy YES!"
Pushing himself into a roll, he begins to move towards Raiden like a pink tire.
As he nears his opponent, he springs out of the insane wheel into a quick and violent uppercut that would make his sensei proud, and since he is his own Sensei, he is very proud. Very proud indeed. The chatter of the public and the surrounding wildlife is dulled by the raging battle cry...
COMBATSYS: Raiden fails to interrupt Kouryuken from Dan with Super Dropkick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Dan 1/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Raiden
There is a sigh of relief that comes from Raiden once Dan gets rid of the koala and one of the zookeepers take the demonspawn away from the fight. Now they can get back to the serious business at hand. Forward Dan comes towards the bigger fighter and in return Big Bear hurtles forward at a less than stellar pace as he comes forward in an attempt to jump forward and meet the other fighter by planting his boots right into the side of Dan. He jumps a little too soon though and that fist comes upwards and nails the big man right in his tummy tum-tum which elicits a loud belch to come forth from the force of the blow. Down comes the big man on his feet holding his stomach and grumping lightly after that one. At least Dan didn't suffer from the same fate as Kensou when he struck the big man in the stomach.
[OOC] Dan says, "Oh snap, another attack!"
Dan, unlike the other man, is fighting for his life, or at least his pride, and doesn't stop to consider taking a break from his unbroken string of fighting. He reaches out for Big Bear's ankles. Pulls on them once with a strained expression, "Nnnnnnnnn!!! Jeeze!"
Once again with a newer, more painful expression, "Huge guys, can still be.....thrown."
And Finally, with all of his might, he pulls a third time, trying to get the man off the ground and into the air. It's a risky maneuver. The Hernia Special. The only thing that can say if it's a success or not is Dan's fighting spirit, time, and Bayer Extra Strength.
We Believe in you, Dan!
COMBATSYS: Raiden endures Dan's Otoko Nage.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Dan 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Raiden
Wait a minute? Dan is trying to throw him!? Seeing Dan grunt and strain just makes Raiden look very confused as he barely budges the first few tugs and shakes his head. "I don't think you can do much with that ma-AAAAH!" somehow Dan finally gets to heft up Raiden though it is more of a pulling his legs out from under him than a throw of any sort. Either way it does look like it might have hurt Dan more than it hurt Raiden at this juncture. With a grunt Big Bear rises to his feet and he comes forward towards Dan, hands reaching out to grab for him and give him something he probably needs badly. A nice hug to make himself feel better by being smooshed up against the soft belly of Raiden. FRIEND TO ALL CHILDREN AND ANIMALS MINUS KOALAS.
COMBATSYS: Dan fails to interrupt Bearhug from Raiden with Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Dan 1/--=====/=======|====---\-------\0 Raiden
Dan is a bit on the terrible end of a red-assed beat-down as he sees the huge man trying to give him what the kids these days call true wub. Thinking as quickly as he can, he throws his fist out against the man's big, round food-factory.
Like a raindrop hitting a timpani, it makes a weak sound before Dan finds himself snatched in the crushing grip of a spandex clad man. There are few situations that Dan would find worse, the most prevalent of all of course being little papercuts on his fingers while he's trying to peel a lemon. This is ranked only two below that, right underneath a tax audit.
Up until today, he didn't even know it was ranked. Time makes fools of us all.
It isn't too long before Dan is allowed to feel what it is like to breath again mostly when he the iron grip of Big Bear eases up and keeps the smaller fighter in his arms. "You aren't giving out on me now are ya?" he asks while tilting his head and tries to see how concious the other fighter is. He grips Dan by the gi to keep him held up that way and he waves a hand to fan the man and see if he is still awake. "We gotta make sure the people get what they paid for." Shrugging some afterwards he looks about and then hefts up over his head and then tosses him off to the other side of the fighting area. "Get some breathes and lets continue, mate."
COMBATSYS: Dan blocks Raiden's Fast Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Dan 1/-======/=======|=====--\-------\0 Raiden
As Dan is flung towards the opposite side of the fighting area, he flips in the air so that he lands on his feet, looking more beat up than an old-man's Monte Carlo. You know the one, the one that doesn't have a floorboard so much as it has a rustboard. The one that had several mortal fights with deer, but one every single one of them. Yeah, that's what Dan looks like right now.
He looks to Raiden, raising his eyebrows high before clutching his gut and nodding. Taking a cue from the other fighter so to speak. For once in his life, Dan Hibiki actually hangs back and doesn't rush in like an idiot with his arms flailing and his voice bellowing.
Take a break, Dan.
COMBATSYS: Dan gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Dan 1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0 Raiden
So it seems the pink gi'd warrior does have some common sense. He takes Raiden's advice and gets a nice breather and the bigger fighter even takes a few moments before attacking again. He did tell the guy to catch his breath so he isn't going to up and attack him right after doing so. He isn't being a heel in today's fight dammit. When he thinks Dan has a sufficient amount of healthy Aussie air Raiden decides it is time to resume his attack by barreling forward once again with that big grin on his face. "Here we go!" He bellows and comes forward to swing a fist around to knock Dan's head clear off his shoulders. Of course it won't, but it looks like it might given the force that he puts behind that swing.
COMBATSYS: Dan fails to interrupt Fierce Punch from Raiden with Kouryuu Rekka.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Raiden
COMBATSYS: Dan has reached umpteenth wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Dan 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Raiden
And quite a rest he gets. Such a good rest that he decides it's time to turn the tables on Raiden's barelling assault. Sadly though, he underestimates the huge fighter's actual momentum and before he can even get down in a spring of awesomeness, he's punched solidly in the face, his head hitting the sidewalk with an odd thump.
Surprisingly enough Dan blinks a couple times and smiles, "Huh. I get it now! Yeah! Alright!" He nods and taps his temple, looking up at Raiden, "I've got your number big fella. You're not going to be as lucky now. I suddenly know... everything! Not that I didn't before, I always know everything. Now I just know ~more~ everything. HA HA... AH HA HA HA HA HA."
Great, Raiden. You broke him. :|
There is a look of confusion of Raiden, there is no doubt. He thought the man was down and out and yet he gets back up and is proclaiming he is ready for even more punishment? He is a bit unsure if he should even attack at this point. The guy has just been knocked fruity loops with that last hit and who knows what he might do if he hits again. Would Dan become Beef Chizzlejaw, butcher and world famous singer? Lets find out! In the end another blow to the head might knock Dan right or at least as right as Dan can get so those big hands seek to heft Dan up again and he leaps upwards to throw Dan straight back down onto the ground. "Nighty night, mate."
COMBATSYS: Dan endures Raiden's Thunder Crush Bomb.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Dan 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0 Raiden
Dan keeps laughing merrily as Raiden grips up on him again, laughing all the while as they sail up into the air, and most of all laughing like a little kid as he's slammed back to the pavement.
Then the laughter stops, "Hey man, let me give you a little advice about fighting. You don't seem to know how to do it right. Are you trying to tickle me? I had a pet turtle that had more fight than you, fella. And you know what? You're about to get rocked, like a hurricane. Check out this little number! A ONE, A TWO, and a...."
Dan sails into the air, bleeding pretty badly from several parts of his body, but his vim and vigor keeps him propelled like a man on a mission. Three quick roundhouses snap out at Raiden through his determined haze. It's the classic we've all come to know and love. But now, in a terrible Karaoke warble instead of shouting, Dan is... singing?!?
o/~ Grown in the Dankuu
o/~ Dankuu in the Kyaku..
o/~ Kyaku in the head of Big Giant.
COMBATSYS: Dan successfully hits Raiden with Dankuu Kyaku.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Dan 1/--=====/=======|=======\==-----\1 Raiden
Raiden makes a big note to make sure to clobber Dan again to save not only his own ears, but the ears of all the people groaning at the awful singing that is happening at this damn monent. If anything the intended effect to throw Raiden off his game happens and Dan slams nicely into the larger fighter who goes staggering back several steps and falls back against a guardrail. He whews as he does go over and then looks over his shoulder before looking horrified again. KOALA CAGE!?! If a singing Dan is bad then people are quickly getting away to the now flailing Aussie as Big Bear is sent into panic and he charges forward possibly running Dan right the hell over in his wake. Oh lord keep them away.
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Dan with Crazy Train.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Dan 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|-------\-------\0 Raiden
Dan is indeed run right the hell over. He tries to get out of the way, he really does. But it doesn't really work. It's more of a half-hearted attempt to cringe away as quickly as possible as he lands. Unfortunately for him. Raiden is what people in the field of astronomy call 'A body with gravity.'
As he gets the number of the truck that hit him, his eyes blink again and he groans a little, "Ahhhhh... What the....."
Standing up and looking around he puts his pinky in his ear and twists it, "Ah.. Still fighting for animal awareness? I... hey, big fella! What do we get if we win this fight, I mean I never heard about a prize or a trophy so.. uh. I think these people might be pretty aware of animals by now. What do you think?"
Another breather for Dan as he tries to use linguistics to fight his battles.
COMBATSYS: Dan gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Dan 1/=======/=======|-------\-------\0 Raiden
Dan quickly brings up a valid point once the other fighter calms himself enough to catch those words. Straightening up Big Bear looks over to the guy that asked him to help only to find the guy is nowhere to be found. Looks like most people have fled the scene after that last rampage from the wrestler. "You know. He never told me. I thought you might know." he says in response trying to think if anyone really did mention what he was getting out of it. He even had to pay for his pre-match beer and burger.
Raiden decides to lower his defenses for now and he rubs at the back of his neck while furrowing his brow. "You know....only thing I like animals for is really to eat." he says and thumbs his way towards the exit. "Want to go to Spulmini's pub down the road for some hotwings and beer?" he asks almost as if this fight had never happened.
COMBATSYS: Raiden takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Dan 1/=======/=======|-------\-------\0 Raiden
Dan blinks for a few more moments. Wait. That worked? So it's a draw? Draws are all well and good, but that means. "So, nobody wins? That means nobody loses! Awesome. Yeah, let's go get ourselves some of those wings. We'll finish this with the battle of the iron gut. I know for a fact that my training means that I could put you under that table with basket after basket of wings. Nothing living or dead can penetrate my 'gastrointestinal shell' defense. YOU'RE ON!"
And so that's how the story goes, Dan and Raiden prove that even though people are different on the outside, on the inside they all like eating meat. Sweet, deliciously seasoned, slow cooked meat.
And so ends another tale in the legendary life of both Big Bear and Dan Hibiki. What would happen later would come to be known as the disasterous 'Fire Wings!? FIRE BREATH!' incident that left the poor pub in shambles. That shall be a story for another day. For now it is a big eating and happy ending with the large wrestler and his new miniature friend as they set off to fill their belly with delicious chickens.
Log created by Raiden, and last modified on 21:58:35 03/15/2007.