Description: Feilong is jogging in Metro City Park. He gets bothered by Katana and Mad Gear.
It's Mad Gear's picnic in the park day. A bunch of members have decided to go out, have lunch, frolici in the grass and play a rousing game of frisbee golf. But that's not what they're /really/ going to be doing. Instead they'll all hang around, harass passerby, smoke, and generally be obnoxious. It's a good time to unwind from the daily ventures in carjacking and selling pot. Their leader, Katana, stands atop a hill. He stoops to drink from a fountain, which he doesn't seem to have a problem with while wearing the mask. "...So it will be up to you to take care of things while I am with Rolento," the huge samurai-imitation says to a weird looking guy in kabuki makeup. "<Letting the protective winds be flowing you over.>"
It is a lovely day in the park! And it's a lovely day to be in America to boot. Feilong often visits the likes of Los Angeles, New York and even Las Vegas. But Metro City? He hasn't been here in ages. The Chinese Action Star has some time off from some local radio interviews and has decided to take a quick jog around Metro Park before catching some of the sites and sounds of the city. So, Feilong jogs around the paths of the park. He's wearing a tank top, some sneakers and some jogging pants. As for his proximity to the Mad Gear Party? Oh he's approaching their perch quickly.
Feilong's presence is noted by the Mad Gear thugs. One is named Bred, who's basically the biggest loser to ever consider himself a fighter; fighters like to smash his car up inadvertently. Another is Wong Who, one of the three obese fellows of the gang. The rest, three of them, are just random thugs.
"Hey guys, check out the Chinaman," says one. "Shut your mouth, /I'm/ Chinese. Don't ever use that slang word around me!" huffs Wong. "I think I know that guy. He's a big movie star, Fei Long or something," remarks another thug. "Oh REALLY," sneers Bred. "Let's ask for his autograph, boys." They all laugh, and wait until Feilong approaches. They're all on benches, and one sticks his foot out to try and trip Feilong.
Fei Long continues his jog. His pace is brisk and it takes no time for him to be within the vacinity of the Mad Gear thugs. He's also keenly aware of his surroundings and his footing, so as the leg lances out to trip him up, Fei Long deftly avoids the embarassment. He stops and turns around to look at the owner of the offending leg. His brow raises and he lowers his sunglasses to glance at the man, "Excuse me." He says with a bit of sarcasm.
The thugs snicker at Feilong, but the one who tried to trip him looks glum, and a bit annoyed. "Hey man, I was stretchin' here!" he complains. Bred stands up. "'Ey, 'ey 'ey 'ey, Mr. Feilong. I'm a long time fan of yer movies and stuff. How about an autograph?"
The Movie Star looks at the complaining man for a moment before pushing his shades back over his eyes. His head turns to regard Bred, "Glad to hear it..." Feilong will say with a little apprehension. He reaches into the pocket of his jogging pants and produces a business-card sized card. He holds it out to Bred between his middle and index finger. One can see a signature on it, "There you go." Were Bred to take it, it would look as if the signature were printed on rather than actually being scribbled on.
Bred stares at the card. "Hey man, this ain't a real signature." The others laugh at Bred. "Hmmph," says Wong Who, and he gets up. "Say Feilong, how about showing us some of those moves you do in the movies?" The rest of the thugs get up. "Yeahhhh, a lot of us have been practicing those sweet kicks and stuff, how about we show you how we've been doin'?" Bred starts to smile, since they aren't mocking him anymore. "Yeah man, and how's about signing like my forehead or something?"
Feilong places his hands upon his hips and shakes his head as he regards the thugs. His demeanor is calm and casual as he answers, "Eh, I do not have a pen. Sorry, my friend. As for the rest of you, I really do not have time for a workout. How about a raincheck?" He flashes a smile at the group as he takes a step backwards... a gesture indiciating his desire to return to his jog.
All the goons step forward as Fei steps back, Bred in the center. "Aw come onnnn.." says the third nameless thug. "We're out to have a little fun, man. So how about...just..." suddenly the thug lunges with a punch. "...HUMORING US!"
The Kung-Fu Star will bend backwards at the waist and twist to the side slightly to avoid being struck by the lunging punch. Feilong will hop backwards and hold out his hands, palms facing the group, "Hey now. No. I don't want any trouble. I am just out here for a run, alright? I really have no desire to hurt you." He pleads.
The thugs collectively whoa. "Hurt us? You're gonna be the one hurtin' when I punch you in the chest," says Bred. He leaps. "Whoaaaaaaa!" he screams.
The Action Star deftly hops to the side and raises a stiff forearm to deflect the incoming blow. Feilong will then hop to the side again and start taking strides backwards to gain some distance between he and the thugs, "Let's not do this guys. I'm going to go back to running and you guys go back to... lounging or whatever it is you were doing."
However, before the thugs can do anything further, Katana catches notice of Feilong and the way he avoided the punch and Bred's lunge. His eyes widen...could this be a TRUE JAPANESE WARRIOR OF MUCH AGILITY? Without a second thought Katana leaps, summersaults, and lands between his men and Feilong. "Wait! Do not touch this Japanese warrior, brothers. He may prove an excellent addition to our gang!" Wong Who looks flabbergasted. "Uh, boss, that guy isn't Japa-"
But Katana whirls to face Feilong, jutte in hand. "Sir, however you are...I must see your skills! Not many can avoid such sudden strikes like that."
The backwards striding halts with the sudden appearance of the gaudy looking Samurai Warrior? Fei Long raises a finger to interrupt, "I'm Chinese..." But he doesn't say it loud enough to overcome the tone that Katana is utilizing. When Katana whirls around to regard and speak to Fei Long, the Chinese Super Star will shake his head, "Just like I told these gentlemen here, I am not up to it. I have a schedule to keep." He pauses, "And yes many fighters could avoid such slow and clumsy strikes."
Katana stares. "Wait. Wait wait are seriously Chinese. Seriously."
Feilong just stares back at Katana. His head eventually bobs up and down, "Seriously. I am Chinese. I am from Hong Kong. That is quite different from Japan. Quite different."
"Wh," starts Katana, then turns to Wong Who. "Wong, is this true?" Wong nods. Katana stares at Feilong more...and then laughs. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAH, ahahaha, hahahah, ah-ha, ahhhhhh. Many apologies, whoever you are. I was mistaken. Sometimes I forgot Wong here is Chinese also. Well, if you are not up to a fight...then so be it. My quest is for powerful /Japanese/ warriors. Do you know of any?"
The Chinese Superstar smirks at Katana's reaction and his statements after the laughter. His head bobs in response, "Picky individual are you not? I suppose with that rediculous costume..." He trails off and answers his question, "Ever try Japan? Not going to find many Japanese fighters in the middle of a park in Metro City. It's a unique that you managed to catch me here, as it is."
Katana folds his arms. "Of course! I am going to Southtown soon enough. But you'd be surprised who turns up in this city. I should know. Anyway, my warriors will leave you alone." Bred starts to whine. "Awwwww, bosssss..." Katana accidently smacks him in the face when he does a 'be still' gesture. "It is alright, Bred. You will have another chance, someday. What is your name, Chinese person?"
Feilong furrows his brow, "These are your 'warriors'?" The smirk returns on the Movie Star's face, "You actually call them warriors? Attacking joggers on the Park's paths do not make them warriors. I could have seriously hurt them." His tone is almost mocking as he talks down to Katana, "I am Fei Long. One of your 'warriors' recognized me."
"His name's Fei Long, boss, a movie star." Katana hmmphs. "Don't insult me with your tone. Anyone with the fighting spirit can be considered a warrior, even as insignificant as Bred here." Bred grumbles. Katana twirls his jutte. "Perhaps I will fight you here and now, to teach you a lesson!"
COMBATSYS: Katana has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Katana 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Feilong has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Katana 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Feilong
The Movie Star will widen his eyes a bit. He pushes his sunglasses down his nose and regards the thugs and their 'Boss'. Is this a mugging? Perhaps, but the Movie Star doesn't need to travel with bodyguards or an entourage for a reason. The Chinese Action Star will point to Katana and shake his head, "You are making a bad decision. Though..." He points at what Katana is dressed in, "You're obviously used to that..."
The thugs all make a circle to watch and cheer on Katana, while the huge false-Japanese man gets into a ready stance to combat Feilong. "You should not have insulted Mad Gear like that. You could have easily continued on your jog!" He punches out with his right hand, still holding a jutte, to land it in Feilong's gut. "BANZAIII!"
COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Feilong with Medium Strike.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Feilong
The Movie Star takes the Jutte to the gut, just as the faux-Japanese Man wanted. Feilong staggers backwards after the blow but quickly recovers. It takes only a moment for Feilong to shift into his combat stance. His head shakes and sighs, "Fine." He hops forward and lashes out with his legs. He lashes out with one leg and will quickly perform a second kick with his other leg. It's a quick one-two meant to disorient and set up for his next technique!
COMBATSYS: Katana blocks Feilong's Engekishu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Feilong
Katana crouches and uses this arms, close together, to absorb the blow of the kicks. They still hurt but not as much as they would if he didn't react in time! "Hai! Your feet reverberate with force! Perhaps you might be a worthy addition to the gang despite your non-Japanese background. Standing back up, Katana reaches out to grab Feilong and simply fling him forward, as his arm strength is great.
COMBATSYS: Feilong blocks Katana's Shogun Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Feilong
Feilong is grasped by the Faux-Samurai and flung forward with great arm strength! However Feilong doesn't land in the way that Katana intended. He simply flips backwards and lands harmlessly. He points at Katana, "You can take a hit. Probably better than your 'Warriors' here. I'll give you that." Feilong then leaps into the air, his legs flailing under him. When he gets close to Katana, his legs will come together to perform a rather showey Dropkick, "WAAAHAAAAI!" Feilong will shout as he flies through the air!
COMBATSYS: Katana endures Feilong's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Feilong
Katana takes the medium kick in the chest, which causes him to be knocked to the ground. "Oof!" That was a pretty powerful hit, but Katana merely pushes both legs up and out, and gets right back up. He retaliates by sliding forward and slicing his jutte horizontally quite viciously. "I can do much more than take hits, as you will see. HYAAAA!"
COMBATSYS: Katana successfully hits Feilong with Jigoku Scrape.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Feilong
The Jutte catches Feilong in the chin not long after the Chinese Superstar has completed his dropkick. Feilong is hefted off the ground by the blow and returns to the ground on his back. Feilong will roll backwards and remain in a kneeling position as he looks at the Faux-Samurai, "Indeed." He will say back to Katana with a smile. Feilong will forcefully remove the sunglasses off his face and toss them to the side, "Let's see what else you have going for you." Feilong leaps off the ground and heads for Katana. He will reach out for an arm and attempt to twist the arm and trip the large man so that it ends up looking like Katana has been tossed over his shoulder.
COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Katana with Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Katana 1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0 Feilong
Katana is easily tripped, and the arm twist causes him to yell out something in broken Japanese, before he faceplants. "Guh!" he grunts, as his vision swims behind the helmet. He remains on his stomach, as if giving up...but then suddenly does a handstand with his jutte, turning around so he faces Feilong. "Secret technique!" he shouts, before walking on the jutte and attempting to stab Feilong repeatedly while doing this. All this while remaining in a handstand! KAtana does get to a standing position after, however.
COMBATSYS: Feilong dodges Katana's Tengu Walking.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Katana 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Feilong
The Chinese Action Star will backflip away from the offending object and the offending man. He will land there and shout, "WaaaaaAAAAIII!" His feet shift underneath him and he begins bouncing from foot to foot. He holds out his hands in front of him. He then starts to rush for Katana. A flurry of fists start to lance out from Feilong and towards the Faux-Samurai, "WAI! HAI! YAI! WAI!" He will shout as quick as he can.
COMBATSYS: Katana blocks Feilong's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Katana 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Feilong
Katana again uses his arms to block the fierce punches from the shrilly screaming Chinese man. "Nan ba sho to," he says, which means nice shot, at least his rather mangled version of it. He reaches out to grab Feilong again, but this time he'll lift him up by the head, then fling him over his shoulder. "You must do your own stunts, if you are this powerful!"
COMBATSYS: Feilong dodges Katana's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Katana 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Feilong
The Chinese Action Star is getting warmed up now, and it's easy for him to side-step and backflip backwards away from the larger False-Japanese man. He shifts his stance slightly so that he is leading with his other foot. He stares towards Katana and flashes a smile, "Yea, I do my own stunts. But this is nothing. Barely a workout." The Chinese Star will then race for Katana. He will leap into the air, meaning to literally hurtle over the Mad Gear Boss. As he hurdles over Katana, he will attempt to grab Katana by the head or helmet. He aims to land behind Katana, but using his momentum he attempts to offset Katana's balance and hurl him by the head over his shoulder and to the ground!
COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Katana with Aerial Flip.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Katana 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0 Feilong
"NOT THE HELMET!" Katana almost shrieks when Feilong grabs it. Luckily it's secured rather well, as Katana finds everything spinning...and then a teeth-rattling slam into the cemenet. He groans, getting to his knees and shaking his head. He's breathing hard, sweating, and he even spits some blood. But, he has seen plenty of fights and gotten his rear kicked, so he's a bit used to this. "Ha. You have not experienced anything yet. He stands, and races towards Feilong with his jutte extended. Should he manages to stab them into Feilong, he will drag the martial artist along the ground until he actually catches fire, before letting him go. "DAIKYOUUUU BURNING!" he screams.
COMBATSYS: Feilong dodges Katana's Daikyou Burning.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Katana 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Feilong
Feilong will smirk at Katana when he gets back up. As Katana speaks, Feilong's foot shifts underneath him. He will stare at the Faux-Samurai and observe his actions. As the Samurai charges, Feilong's weight shifts in a subtle way. At the very last moment, Feilong dives to the side and rolls. He will be back on his feet with his hands to his sides. His hands will be clenched into fists as he spins to face the 'Boss'. Feilong will focus on Katana and begin to shake, "WAAAAAAAAI!" A rather odd action, but it can also be intimidating to those who have faced Feilong before.
COMBATSYS: Feilong takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Katana 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Feilong
Katana skids to a stop when he runs into air...turning and staring at Feilong as he gives his trademark screech. Katana squats, crossing his arms with his jutte held up, to rest a bit. He continues to stare as if it could bore into Feilong, waiting to see his next move. The fight between him and the Chinese man reminds him of a very cool manga he picked up not too long ago...
COMBATSYS: Katana drops his guard to recover.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Katana 1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\0 Feilong
The shouting and the shaking stops as he slides back into his fighting stance. Katana did not take that opportunity to press for an advantage, that's good. Now it's Feilong's turn to press for an advantage. The Action Star will now rush for Katana. When within kicking distance he will attempt to lash out with a shift kick towards Katana's midsection. That will be immediately followed up with a roundhouse kick. As his foot swings through the air, it will erupt into flames, "WAAAAAHAI!" he will swing forward and when he's meant to connect with Katana, he will ascend into the air and continue the roundhouse. He will spin 720 degrees in the air with that flaming foot... hoping to catch Katana numerous times with the technique!
COMBATSYS: Feilong successfully hits Katana with Shien Kyaku.
[ \\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Katana 1/=======/=======|=======\-------\0 Feilong
Katana raises his jutte to block the attack...but to no avail, the kick slams into his stomach and he 'oof's. Before he can recover his breath after that wind-knocking kick, he's raised into the air by the flaming roundhouse, dropping his jutte to the ground as he's sent flying...right smack into the fountain, where he doesn't sink but just finds himself on his back with water spraying on him. "Guhhh...I...I fail it," he says.
Meanwhile the thugs stare at Feilong. Bred says, "Heheh, well, uh, hey guys, how about we go hang somewhere else?" he suggests. "Good idea," says Wong. They all hightail it away.
COMBATSYS: Katana has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Feilong 1/-------/=======|
Feilong will land, one leg held behind him ready for more strikes were he rushed by Katana's goons. He will break out into a grin and start to chuckle as everyone begins to high-tail it, "Man, I warned you. I tried." Feilong will slide his feet back up under him and lose his stance. He begins to straiten out his tanktop, "Shoot. I hope I am not late for my last interview..."
COMBATSYS: Feilong has ended the fight here.
Log created by Feilong, and last modified on 21:33:20 03/15/2007.