Azrael and Lykaio head into the main airport terminal, where they're ushered into a somewhat private room, away from the hustle and bustle of the public. They're both treated by expert league medics, and then left to do what they will, though Azrael decides this is probably the perfect place to talk. They're alone, so whatever they say can be in confidence. Well, unless the place is bugged. That's not too likely though.
Azrael sits down in a chair in the room and stretches out comfortably, happy to be able to relax and let the pain melt away from him. No, not through drugs. "May I ask you something, Lykaio? Your claim of being a god... do you believe it as such? Or do you mean a god in a different sense? I'd like to get to know you and your ideas better."
Lykaio leans back against his chair, and gestures a bit at the airport. "We're more powerful than humans. Many of us have more powerful personalities. We seek worship... we obviously are somehow beyond human." He raises one hand and clenches it into a fist, seemingly more as a gesture than any actual feeling. "Now... if you read the stories of people before monotheism... many of the gods were much like we are today. There were weak gods, powerful goods, wise gods, foolish gods... they could fail, be tricked, die... but they were all something more than mortal."
He pauses for a long moment, looking down at his clenched fist, then turns it towards the ceiling and spreads his fingers gently, as if releasing something towards the sky. "And that is why I call us gods."
A slight nod comes from Azrael, "Yes... I can see that. I see what you mean. Beings powerful enough to easily influence the lives of those without such powers, but are usually mostly indifferent to their plight." He tilts his head for a moment, "So when you say gods, you don't mean immortal, indestructible beings of ultimate power. No omnipotence." Really, that's what most people think of when they think of a 'god' right? Well, at least American people, and despite living in Southtown he is American, born and raised in Metro City.
"And you propose that we fighters, or gods as you say, take over and dictate how the world should be run, because in our wisdom we could give them everything they need to survive? Stamp out hunger, and all that?" It's an honest question.
"We wouldn't need to raise armies to oppress people to make our will known. Lesser gods can band against greater gods and be quite deadly, however... a truely cruel tyrant would not last. Wars would be between gods, as mortal armies would be near useless...." Lykaio pauses for a moment, and smiles a bit. "...It wouldn't be a perfect world, no. But it would be a much better one. Also... very few of us who would seek control over people would be truely cruel to them merely for that end, that I know. They do not need to torture mortals to make themselves secure in their power."
Azrael has reconnected.
"Hmm, interesting. How would we overcome the strength of numbers, though? There are many of us, yes, but not terribly so. I know there are countries with standing armies of millions of people." Pretty much China, "I don't know that even the best of us could fight against that. And even if we could, we couldn't be everywhere at once. 'Mortals', as you call them, or simply normal people, like to think that they're important. If you stripped their ability to really matter from them, they may revolt purely because they feel oppressed, whether they are or not. How would you overcome this issue?" Almost like a journalist, this Azrael.
"In a face on fight, yes... an army of millions could beat a hundred of us, eventually, given enough time. In face to face combat on an open plain. But they can not move as fast as a hundred people can. They can not focus their power in one place like we can. We could devestate with guerilla tactics, taking out small armies they post here and there, cutting off supply trains to the big armies... and in all likelihood, taking no or minimal losses in the process." Lykaio nods slightly, and lowers his voice, smiling. "This is the other reason I call us gods. Because... when a god rules over you... is it not wrong to rebel against them? Part of this battle would be winning the idealogical war. I am not claiming any of this would be easy... but it is possible. And we could make our way to a better world."
Azrael has dropped a connection.
[OOC] Azrael says, "...I think we need to pause >_>/"
[OOC] Azrael says, "I can do one scene and convo, but not 2."
[OOC] Lykaio says, "Sure."
[OOC] Azrael did log, so!
Azrael nods quietly as Lykaio makes his next few points, "Yes, I see. I suppose that would be possible, and if you're right they might be far more reluctant to fight and simply accept the new order. But let me ask you this, what is your ideological world? You say you want to make everything better by having us in charge, but what would you change?" In a way he's simply asking what is wrong with the world as it is today, since something is generally broken if you're going to fix it, to reverse a popular phrase. He has more questions, but he wants to hear the answer to this one first.
Lykaio rolls his shoulder a bit, just a hint of a shrug. "I wouldn't be in the position to change anything. Horrible things would still happen everyday... but, the very structure of it would make it less likely. I don't believe a perfect world is truly possible... but if it takes disrupting this world to make it a *better* one? That... doesn't seem like a bad thing."
Azrael considers this for a moment, "Yes, I understand, but do you have anything specific in mind? I know there are things wrong with this world but what do you think it is that we could do better than the people that are in power now?" He gives a slight smile, "I'm not trying to dissuade you or anything I simply want to know. I'd never really given much thought to an idea like that myself, but then I don't see myself as a great leader as you seem to."
"I don't see myself as a great leader. I have a great idea, yes. I'm hoping people will join that idea. But being in charge doesn't make much difference to me. It might be nice to be in the spotlight, but the goal is more important." Lykaio raises one hand slightly, then lowers it. "If I didn't believe in this idea so much, I would rather just pursue the good life. But I don't think letting the world sit by when it could be so much better seems horribly wrong."
[OOC] Lykaio says, "But I think that - even."
"How are you so sure that we would be able to better rule over the people than anyone else, and how would you stop those with intentions less pure than your own from seizing power once the final switch is made. You've said that there are 'evil gods' around, and I would agree with that. I don't see how they could resist such a temptation." Azrael looks to Lykaio intently, leaning forward and extremely curious as to the answer to these two questions in particular.
Lykaio smiles easily, seeming to enjoy this positive attention to his ideas for once. "Because evil gods are less dangerous than an evil man without absolute power over mortals. Armies are usually not a viable threat to gods, so would not be worth the time and resources put into it. They may have everyone working, but they are unlikely to make people's lives miserable, because even a god can only consume so much. Additionally, their non-god enemies are laughably beneath them... how many times have you seen a god or demi-god crush a mortal's skull? Gods would naturally splinter and form their various groups here and there, they are highly individualistic. A few powerful individuals might gather some close to them, but upsetting their neighbor gods would be... unwise. Small numbers of people who don't fear their positions from those they rule over will make better decisions than those brought up by the power of people and industry."
[OOC] Azrael says, "Sorry about that, had to do research for AL >_>/"
[OOC] Lykaio says, "nOT A PROBLEM."
[OOC] Lykaio says, "Ooh, capslock."
Azrael thinks it all over for a few moments and then nods with a smile. "I see. Even if they were more powerful it wouldn't be too hard for others to simply rise up against them and stop them. I suppose I had thought that you meant that the 'gods' would rule the world under a single governing body. What would you propose, then, a god for every nation?" He lifts his hand and brushes some of his hair out of his face. "I can see the potential with your idea. I think that perhaps you should plan it out a little further, but it does have potential."
Lykaio nods slightly, smiling. "I will of course endeavor to make it happen the best it can. But that these tendencies will *naturally* lead to better government is the basis of my reason. In a thousand years, specific rulers are only a memory... but the basis of the system of ruling lives on. Thus, making the best system of ruling is better than making the best individual government."
[OOC] Lykaio says, "- the 'thus'. Ow."
s"Interesting. Once the natural order is established, you believe that things will work themselves out? I imagine the early years of such a revolution would be chaotic, and perhaps bloody, but I suppose that that is the nature of revolution in general." A short pause, "Are you worried that 'mortals' will have you assassinated before you're able to spread these ideas around more effectively than you already had?" Azrael's eyebrows raise.
"It will. And it is." Lykaio stares at Azrael for a long moment. "...Most people don't even take me seriously. Besides. They can tell that I'm not a cruel person. I really do mean to make the world best for everyone it can be, for gods, demi-gods, and mortals. People can tell what kind of a person a god is at a glance, usually."
Azrael nods, "Yes, but I'm thinking mostly of those that are currently in power. They won't like having their power stripped from them, even if it's only in name. I'm sure there are those gods that work as mercenaries, and though I wasn't able to best you myself, I am certainly near the bottom of the food chain." He then lets out a small laugh, "Forgive me, I don't mean to upset you. But as you said, I tend towards the serious side of things."
"It is possible. No one has tried yet. I am hoping by the time that someone makes that attempt, I already have a sizeable following. There are few things more compelling than a matyr... although that won't have much pull on gods, it may on people." Lykaio smiles, then shakes his head. "Don't get me wrong. I'm not looking for death. But... this is a risky business, it is true."
A smile and a nod is given, "So you are devoted to your cause, that is good to know. There are many philosophers that feel free to talk as much as the like without being willing to risk a single hair on their head for their beliefs." Azrael makes a small gesture, "If you wish, I can answer questions you might have for me now, since you've been so patient with me and my own."
Lykaio nods slightly. "Of course." He leans forwards just the slightest amount, fixing his eyes on Azrael's. "You said the afterlife was peaceful, or words to that extent. And that you would not mind being there. But I do not think you talked in much detail what it was like. Slipping into a vast darkness? Joining with all of creation? Rebirth? Another world...?"
Azrael nods his head for a moment, "Yes, it was peaceful. It was like..." He shakes his head a little, "It wasn't like this world at all. Dying itself... that was not pleasant. Actual death is something like slipping into darkness. And it's cold, very cold." He shivers slightly from the memory, but then speaks up, "Heaven itself, though, was more than I had ever imagined it could be. There was an overwhelming sense of acceptance and joy, a feeling that everything was as it should be. No suffering, no pain. Only love and harmony. Of what it actually 'looked' like, I only remember that it was very beautiful, and blue. Nothing seemed to have a very substantial form. I seemed to more feel others, than see them. It was... perfect, really."
[OOC] Azrael says, "Oh snaps."
[OOC] Lykaio hmms?
[OOC] Azrael says, "Started."
FINE: Lykaio will freaking pose. But it'll be shitty.
[OOC] Azrael says, "I have to edit that out now :|"
[OOC] Lykaio says, "Sorry. ^^;"
[OOC] Azrael is going to leave it in so everyone will see your shame >_>_
Lykaio smiles slightly and closes his eyes, leaning back in his chair. "I'm glad to hear that. Given what the future holds for all of us." He shakes his head a little, and opens them again, looking directly into the artist's eyes once again. Raising one hand smoothly, then letting it fall. "So, Azrael... will you join me? I know you have no fear of death, and this is a goal worth accomplishing...."
"Mr. Sakazaki, it's a pleasure to have you flying our airlines! The last time we've played host to such a famous fighter is... well, now, I don't even remember. I believe it was a Mr. Shenwoo." Two men walk down a rather nice-looking hallway in Southtown International, though one is very clearly identifiable as the enigmatic Takuma Sakazaki. The other... well, not so important. As they near a door to a private meeting room, Takuma offers the service personnel a broad smile. He runs a hand through his hair, and cracks his neck.
"Don't worry about it, Mr. Hikari. I-"
"Mr. Akari."
"Right, Mr. Akira. It's important to me to spend time with other people, regardless of the life I lead. It's important to show everybody how Kyokugen can improve their lives." The two men pause by the door: Akari opens it with a rather quick twist of his wrist(there's probably a key involved.)
"Mr. Sakazaki, if you'll be so kind as to wait here for your plane to land, we'll call you when it's ready to be boarde- Mr. Sakazaki?" Takuma seems to have noticed somebody inside of the room. Upon seeing Lykaio, there's a narrowing of the old man's eyes, a sort of... intense FROWN that overtakes his features, and then he vanishes. All that indicates where he went is the sound of bare feet slapping on polished tile in the distance. Akari looks back at Lykaio and Azrael, confused.
"You boys will need to be out of this room by the time Mr. Sakazaki returns. He needs to relax before his tournament later today. I'll expect you out of here by the time he's back: If he complains, I'll have you both punished properly." Akari shuts the door, and leaves the boys to themselves.
[OOC] Takuma poses big for his openers, it will not be so bad in the future
[OOC] Takuma says, "Especially since it is LATE NIGHT"
Takuma has dropped a connection.
Azrael considers Lykaio for a few moments, "I think I'll have to think about it further, Lykaio, though I'll certainly give it a great deal of thought." He pauses for a moment before saying something else, and about then the door opens. The young red headed man's face flashes with recognition, seemingly knowing who Takuma is on sight. There's a frown, and then the man is gone... And then the two are told to promptly leave. "..." Azrael looks over to Lykaio and quirks an eyebrow after Akari leaves, "I wonder what that's all about. I know we probably weren't expected to stay this long after we recovered, but I must admit I wasn't expecting to be forced to leave so rudely. It seems this airport has a limit to their hospitality..."
Lykaio has dropped a connection.
Lykaio blinks at Takuma's frown, and answers it with a confident, easy smile. Hearing Azrael's words, he laughs, then waves his hand slightly, a dismissive gesture. "We'll simply talk it over with Sakazaki when he returns. It would be rude to just walk out. The mortals must've made a minor scheduling slip, he'll understand for sure."
Having said this, he pauses for a moment, smile fading for a moment, then returning in full force. "...He didn't seem to like me much, but I'm sure meeting me in person will be more than enough to wipe away any bad rumors he's heard."
Over the course of the next few minutes, a sort of rhythmic thumping grows more and more audible. It appears to be coming from the west, and is located somewhere in the ceiling.
Azrael nods his head, "I imagine so. I'm not sure why he'd be hostile to you if you haven't met him before, but I suppose he may enjoy the current system of governments." He gives a little dismissive motion, "But I believe you're correct, he'll likely be willing to speak with us about this, since the error wasn't ours." Of course, there are suddenly thumping noises coming along the ceiling, which is certainly a bit of an oddity. "...interesting. I wonder if that man is trying to get us to leave through intimidation? I'd have thought the airport officials would know better than that."
Lykaio shrugs a little bit. "Pay no mind to it. We don't want to have to blow up a ceiling just to prove a point. Besides, I'm sure once he finds out, he'll apologize as well." He leans back in his chair, and looks back to Azrael. "Where did you learn how to fight? Did that knowledge come with death too...?"
The thumping gets louder, as a matter of course. Eventually it's a very loud, present thing -- the -ROOM- is shaking, at least a little bit. This all pauses just as it gets to its absolute loudest, and... nothing. Suspiciously enough, it's paused immediately after Lykaio asks Azrael about where he had learned to fight.
If either of the two young fighters were to look towards the air duct in the ceiling, they might detect an enormous red nose poking through the vents of the duct. WHAT COULD THIS BE.
[OOC] Azrael loves you Takuma <3
[OOC] Takuma says, "It's ALMOST TIME"
A moment of consideration is given. "That's a hard question to answer. I suppose, in truth, the answer is yes. Before I had died, I had no strength in fighting at all. But once I came back..." His eyes un focus for a moment as he remembers, "I was suddenly able to harness the energy of death. Yes... it was because I died and came back, but though I had the power, I couldn't use it properly. That I had to train myself. My style is a mix of many, though no actual moves are copied. Instead I've studied the disciplines of a very large number of powerful fighters." He smiles, "Even that of the Kyokugen Karate that Mr. Sakazaki masters." He was about to look up, but then the noises stopped. "Well, it seems that's over."
Azrael looks pleased by that.
[OOC] Azrael shoves that on to claim the pose :V
[OOC] Takuma says, "Ho ho ho."
"That's amazing... I could tell by your style that you had studied carefully. That's probably the reason you couldn't beat me, even though you're the better fighter of us. I have no style, I'm completely untrained in fighting. You studied how to face those who had studied long and hard, and they have a rhythm that my movements do not." Lykaio smiles a bit, and pauses for a moment, then nods at Azrael's assertion. "Still, I almost wonder if Sakazaki is going to show up... maybe he already straightened everything out."
"KYOKU-GLMFH" It's all a deeper-voiced Takuma manages to get out before his sheer indignition at Azrael's SIMPLE INTEGRATION OF THE KARATE causes the air-duct he's hidden himself in falls out from beneath him. Above the two boys, the ceiling literally spiderwebs, shudders, spiderwebs again, and explodes outward in shards of hard tile and plaster. Among this wreckage is one Mr. Karate, tengu-mask and all, flailing in the air helplessly. He shrieks ineffectually in his flailing -- nobody likes to fall!
In his flailing, however, he manages to recover his balance(because he is the essence of karate you see), and snap out one quick punch towards Azrael on his way towards the ground. His effort to punch the young man detracts from his effort to recover fully... and Karate slams stomach-first into the ornate table between the two fighters, causing the legs to kick out from beneath it with several loud snaps and one pained "HOORF."
"I hear..." Karate groans, while attempting to get to his feet. "That Kyokugen style..." He's shaking his head now, but still down. "Is best when undiluted, young fool!"
COMBATSYS: Takuma has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Takuma 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Azrael has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Azrael
COMBATSYS: Lykaio has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Lykaio
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Azrael
[OOC] Azrael just rolls at these odds.
[OOC] Takuma says, "hahahaha"
[OOC] Takuma says, "let me tell you a secret"
[OOC] Takuma says, "spd 102, do not feel bad"
[OOC] Lykaio._.
COMBATSYS: Takuma successfully hits Azrael with Jab Punch.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Lykaio
> ////////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Azrael
[OOC] Lykaio._o
[OOC] Takuma :o
[OOC] Lykaio says, "...We shoulda brought Vega."
[OOC] Azrael says, "We're R1's Takuma :D"
[OOC] Takuma says, "i-"
[OOC] Takuma takes note. Things will be fair, promise~
Azrael shakes his head a little, "Not really. In fact, your lack of rhythm should have made you even more predictable. Rhythm can be used to throw an opponent off." He has no more time to talk, however, as the ceiling suddenly lets go, and a Tengu masked man suddenly falls down in their midst. His eyes go wide as the fist comes towards him, and he scrambles to get out of the way, failing horribly since he's stuck in a chair. He doesn't even make it to his feet, and gets smashed backwards, falling down backwards and slamming against the ground. For such a simple punch, that packed a ridiculous wallop. He winces as he picks himself up, and faces the man. "I don't integrate Kyoukugen maneuvers into my style, only pieces of the philosophy." He reaches back behind himself and releases his razorlance from it's holster. "Mainly because I use a weapon." He twirls it around a few times. "I'll show you the power of a varied style!" He holds out his hand and fires a small black ball of energy towards the man; after he gets up, aiming to smack him straight in the chest with it before rushing forward and spinning his weapon around quickly, aiming to send five slashes across Mr. Karate's chest. As he does he calls out, "Lykaio! I believe I'll be needing your help, with this."
Lykaio blinks, finally glancing upwards as the ceiling explodes above him, but remains seated, not seeing any immediate danger from the falling man. Or possibly just being shocked. Not something you really see every day.
"Be with you in one moment, God of Death... fighting unprepared really isn't my style." Lykaio frowns slightly, perhaps realizing announcing this before someone who is quite intent on crushing them might not be the best idea, then stands up, digging his fingers into the fabric of his suit with a grimace, then pulling three orbs of energy out of himself.
They begin to float around him, and he looks back to Mr. Karate, studying his Tengu mask. "...I didn't know Sakazaki had a servant this strong... or would send him out on such an odd errand."
COMBATSYS: Lykaio focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Lykaio
> ///////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Azrael
COMBATSYS: Takuma dodges Azrael's Necrotic Slash.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Lykaio
> ///////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Azrael
Mr. Karate's fist certainly is a whopper. It's the essence of karate that flows within him, you see. Like purified tree-sap, laced with delicious sugar. Maple syrup, you could say. Delicious maple syrup. Regardless, by the time -he's- gotten up, it'd seem Azrael's shrugged off the punch. Which, of course, means Mr. Karate's faced with an odd-looking black ball. He's dealt with these before! And they have never, not once, been fun. He dives to the left in an awkward, slapdash sort of way, and it leaves that ball to fly on into a chair or something. But not Mr. Karate flesh. And that's what's important.
The masked vigilante gets up, dusting his gi off and tightening his belt before regarding the two young fighters with a righteous sort of fury burning in his eyes. "Who /IS/ this Sakazaki! I'm tired of people mentioning him like I know the guy!" Mr. Karate assumes a very, very, very Takuma-like fighting stance, and nods in Lykaio's direction. "Take your time, boy, but don't think the reaper's not coming for you!" And so far as Azrael goes... Mr. Karate narrows his eyes once more. "I think you'll find that that little stick of yours pales in comparison to the fist! And you can't dissect philosophies into an optimal one! You /make/ it yours! Karate is about freedom and choice, not SCIENCE! You youngsters get so caught up in your gain, gain, gain philosophies that you can't even realize that!" Mr. Karate doesn't move, for now. But that doesn't mean he's not preparing. He's /watching/, for now.
"I bet you both have those cell-phone things, too. Pfah! Waste of money!"
COMBATSYS: Takuma focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Lykaio
> ///////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Azrael
Lykaio has reconnected.
Lykaio has dropped a connection.
[OOC] Lykaio says, "Did I miss anything?"
[OOC] Takuma says, "My pose"
[OOC] Takuma can page it at you if you want
Lykaio has reconnected.
Lykaio has dropped a connection.
As might be predictable when fighting someone so much stronger than him, Azrael's attack is unable to connect, the slashes hitting nothing but air because of the necrotic energy missing it's mark. He moves into his normal fighting stance, weapon whirling slowly as he readies himself for whatever is to come next. But instead, nothing but words come forth. And this actually makes him smile. "But isn't that why Karate would be a perfect philosophical addition? It's about freedom, and I would find it discouraging that you would restrict that freedom by confining my thoughts only to Kyokugen." He raises his hand and runs it through his hair. "And of course I have a cell phone."
COMBATSYS: Azrael focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Lykaio
> ///////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Azrael
Lykaio rushes up to Mr. Karate, stepping in front of Azrael to take the heat of him for a moment. And smiles down at the tengu-masked Kyokugen master, perfect confidence on his face. After all, he may be able to beat up Azrael... but so did Lykaio. Hitting Azrael is not the hard thing in fighting him. "Servant or not, you're no Sakazaki. His moves are a thousand years beyond yours. And... moves like that, I can defeat."
He rushes towards the man who is not Takuma, and... moves his hand up to try to rest it on his opponent's shoulder. "I don't have a cellphone, though." He releases a torrent of electricity, which may arc through the air a little even if Mr. Karate gets out of the way. "It wouldn't be very safe, you see...."
COMBATSYS: Takuma blocks Lykaio's Release Omega.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Lykaio
> ///////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Azrael
"Ho ho ho!" Mr. Karate lowers his nose at Azrael, and uses his left hand to touch the side of it. "You weren't listening to a word I've said, boy! This discussion's over - I think I'll need to beat some sense into you, instead!" All this while Lykaio's speaking to him -- and if THAT isn't a way to piss Mr. Karate off! He turns towards the other fighter and stomps on the ground once, defiantly, eyes BLAZING.
"THIS SAKAZAKI IS NO MATCH FOR MY MOVES, SONNY-JIM! STEP -OFF-!" One incredibly meaty forearm intercepts Lykaio's hand, and that jolt of chi-electricity courses along the Karate God's body in a mildly-painful looking way. However, those fun-looking crackles of electricity eventually start turning to yellowish, arcing bolts of chi... and Karate tilts his head back in a frighteningly ferocious fashion. "And taste my unparalleled KO'OU KEN!" Since his hand's like, RIGHT THERE, Mr. Karate simply spreads his fingers wide and points his palm at Lykaio's face. A fireball happens.
[OOC] Takuma says, "oh ha ha ha"
COMBATSYS: Takuma successfully hits Lykaio with Ko'ou Ken.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Lykaio
> ///////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Azrael
[OOC] Azrael says, "My turn Lykaio >_<"
[OOC] Lykaio says, "Sorry!"
[OOC] Azrael says, "Don't forget order. x.x"
Well /this/ is interesting. Mr.Karate uses the same school as Takuma, and even has nearly the /exact/ same movements! If Azrael wasn't in the heat of battle, he'd probably be able to put two and to together, but as it is... not so much. He narrows his eyes as the Tengu masked man puts his hands forward and simply blast the hell out of Lykaio, and decides he's going to need to help draw fire. "What was that, you call that a Ko'ou ken? Tch." He shakes his head, "I've seen Yuri Sakazai throw better Ko'ou kens than that, and she's a high school girl." He smirks, "You think you're better than the master of Kyokugen Karate when his undisciplined daughter can outperform you? Pathetic. Let me show you true power." He holds his arm out in front of himself, weapon held still to the side, and black energy begins swirling around him, wispy and incorporeal, thin at first but quickly becoming a writhing mass of darkness that spins tightly to his form.
COMBATSYS: Azrael gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Lykaio
> ////////////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\0 Azrael
Billy has arrived.
[OOC] Billy flies in to save the civilians from Mr. Karate
A Ko'ou Ken in the face from the very hands of Mr. Karate.
Not something that a huge proportion of the world has experienced.
Not something most people even *want* to experience. Including Lykaio. However, he seems to have little choice in the matter, taking a step back and raising an orb to block as he sees the Karate God's movements. The ball of fire blasts his orb into his face, so he gets the unique experience of being electrocuted as he's hit by Mr. Karate's Ko'ou Ken, something even fewer people have fantasized about.
He is hurled, quite naturally, across the room, and lands the wrong end up on a chair, his back twisted over it in a painful looking manner. He slowly slides down into the chair, grimacing. He raises his fingers for a quick snap, and with a flick of his wrist, hurls a bit of light right behind Azrael, where it explodes into a bright flash, in hopes of partially blinding Mr. Karate for a moment as his new friend heads towards what he is beginning to think might be certain suicide.
COMBATSYS: Lykaio assists Azrael.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0 Lykaio
> ////////////////////////// ]
|=======\-------\0 Azrael
[OOC] Takuma :|
That Tengu mask is capable of expressing a lot of emotion. Somehow, it seems to capture the very essence of Mr. Karate's dynamic, ferocious spirit - it's no surprise that so many cannot fathom a man existing behind it. Mr. Karate simply is, you see. Azrael would be subjected to the full brunt of Karate's disappointment and clear perturbedness at being compared to Yuri; those blazing yellow eyes of his might as well be firing Ko'ou Kens of their own, punching holes straight into the younger fighter's skull.
"Comparing me to a little girl when you're flitting around with that silly black chi nonsense!? Hypocrisy isn't a part of the true karate-man's motto! Maybe you should stop hiding behind that teary-eyed emo-boy mask and show me your real face!" Mr. Karate rushes forward, seemingly untired from hurling fireballs mere seconds ago, and attempts to grab both of Azrael's shoulders while uttering "SHOURAN KYAK-uhh?!" -- this falls into one clumsy(but painful-looking!) punch as his direction is diverted by that flash of bright light, and his hands simply lunge for Azrael's pretty, delicate face.
COMBATSYS: Azrael blocks Takuma's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Lykaio
> /////////////////////// ]
|=======\==-----\1 Azrael
Azrael gives a light shrug to Mr. Karate as he berates him and calls him emo. "I hate to break it to you, but my style isn't entirely karate, so I can't claim to be a karate man." The fist comes forward towards his face, and he lifts the forearm of arm that was held forward, and catches the blow, sliding back a little on the ground from the force of it, the energy around him clearly having helped. And hey, that flash of Lykaio's couldn't have hurt. "You're going to have to do better than that, red nose. Actually, I think I'm more impressed with Muay Thai than I am Karate." The energy around him dies down, but surely it hadn't amounted to nothing. With his arm still held in the position he was blocking with he takes his weapon and swings it up hard with a single hand, not rotating it but instead attacking with the point of the blades, intending to stick the weapon in Mr. Karate's stomach. "And my weapon is far from useless!"
Lykaio swings himself up into an awkward sitting position, then shoves off the chair as Mr. Karate gives his little speech. He narrows his eyes slightly, rushing in towards the Kyokugen Master with a somewhat awkward gait as he tries to get the krinks in his back out, then sees Azrael stabbing at the Tengu-masked man after his little bit. The Greek aims a fist at the Tengu mask, more focused on knocking it off than anything. "Show me your true face, then, if you're so easy to share! What is this, a support group!?"
A short pause. "...Why are we fighting, for that matter?"
COMBATSYS: Lykaio successfully hits Takuma with Jab Punch.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Lykaio
> /////////////////////// ]
|=======\==-----\1 Azrael
[OOC] Takuma says, "oh my!"
COMBATSYS: Takuma interrupts Fierce Strike from Azrael with Zanretsu Ken.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Takuma 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Lykaio
> /////////// ]
|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Azrael
[OOC] Azrael says, "...that's two power hit rolls in a row."
[OOC] Lykaio._.
[OOC] Takuma says, "This is Ridiculous Fighting is what it is."
[OOC] Billy says, "I think Takuma's power hit hurt more"
Well, we'll first address Lykaio's very honest attempt at unmasking a legend. It would have, /SHOULD/ have worked, especially since comments made by Azrael(to be discussed later) have wholly taken Karate's attention for the moment. Lykaio's fist collides with the Tengu mask in perfect, bone-breaking fashion, but the Greek's plan comes to a grinding halt as sheer, dumb luck(or is it fate?!) comes into play. That is to say, Azrael stabs him in the stomach with his weapon, which has the unfortunate side effect of pushing Mr. Karate's face /into/ Azrael(it's the nose, the long nose) and thusly pressing it back onto Karate's face without it falling off. The damage is still done, though, and that mask is rather harshly dented in.
As for Azrael! After being stabbed in the stomach and punched in the face, Karate's indignant rage festers still. "Muay Thai, you say? That... kicking thing? Let me show you what fists are for!" If there's a lance in his stomach, he certainly doesn't seem to feel it. Perhaps it's his iron abdominals. Perhaps it's the extra bit of starch Yuri suggested he use when he'd washed his gi. Who knows? What's important right now is that Mr. Karate's stepped back and lanced his fist into Azrael's face not once... not /twice/... but /sixteen times/. There is a blur of flesh and punches... fast enough, hard enough to have the young man hovering in the air by the time he's done, and properly set up for a final intense uppercut that should send Azrael far, far away. As though to make a point, Mr. Karate emphasizes the uppercut with one: "HOORAY, KARATE! LEARN FROM THE MASTER, KIDS!"
Not pleasant; not pleasant at all. It wasn't enough that Mr. Karate had to go and punch Azrael in the face, no, he had to do it repeatedly. Like a /lot/ repeatedly. Blood begins to come from his mouth after the sixth hit, and by the time the sixteenth one comes around his face is almost as read as the tengu mask, the floor even getting a nice portion of his blood, and the fist doing the damage gets some as well. And then the finishing uppercut comes, and he launches up into the air... and slams right into the ceiling. More spiderweb cracks appear, and then Azrael falls back to the ground, slumped against the far wall.
He picks himself up slowly, wobbling a bit, and lets out a small laugh. "Th-that's it? I have to be honest, I expected more from you! And for your information, you poor, ignorant masked man, Muay Thai is far more than kicking; it's the art of striking with eight points: The fists, elbows, knees, and feet." That little intellectual display aside, Azrael steps forward once more with his weapon, seemingly not done yet. This time he seems to be moving in a manner that's much less likely to get the crap smacked out of him for his efforts, lashing out with the tip of his weapon towards the tengu masks face. Actually, he's trying to cut the nose off.
[OOC] Takuma says, "You boys keep hitting the mask :'("
[OOC] Azrael wants to cut off the nose :D
[OOC] Lykaio says, "It's only R2, and you're R6 or whatever."
[OOC] Takuma says, "nah, i'm not whining or anything"
[OOC] Azrael says, "He's probably R 4.9 ;)"
[OOC] Takuma does feel bad about no-selling the hits though
[OOC] Azrael says, "Well, you're in green XD"
[OOC] Billy says, "He glued it to his face."
[OOC] Takuma says, "In my head there is this law that the mask can never come off"
[OOC] Lykaio says, "Eh, mine was a pretty good sell for a no-sell, really."
[OOC] Billy says, "He will regret it later."
[OOC] Takuma says, "Yes. It is glued there."
[OOC] Lykaio says, "I mean, the response to my jab punch."
[OOC] Billy says, "So far attacking the nose got a power hit so keep it up"
[OOC] Billy says, "And hey takuma's not any stronger then I am and I'm a wuss"
[OOC] Takuma says, "Billy has limp wrists."
Lykaio blinks as he remains unmolested despite his termacity in trying to knock off the very face of Mr. Karate. His eyes widen as he sees Azrael sail across the room, but he doesn't step backwards... He raises one leg upwards, then smashes it down viciously at Mr. Karate's foot, electricity arcing downwards from his shoe as it tries to reach the ground. Trying to keep the Karate God in place for Azrael's attack, which he assumes at the time is actually dangerous or something. "Punching someone in the face... is this the true meaning of teaching...?"
No, kids, his voice isn't sarcastic. Maybe it's just the head trauma talking, but he's actually taking Mr. Karate's words seriously. Fear for the future of our world.
COMBATSYS: Takuma blocks Azrael's Weapon Jab.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Takuma 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Lykaio
> /////////// ]
|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Azrael
[OOC] Billy says, "uh oh he paused"
[OOC] Takuma shhhhh
COMBATSYS: Takuma counters Medium Kick from Lykaio with Mouko Burai Gan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Takuma 1/----===/=======|=======\=====--\1 Lykaio
> /////////// ]
|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Azrael
Why, Mr. Karate is a master of multitasking today! Azrael's laugh has Mr. Karate looking as though he's extremely confused, and the old man even goes so far as to begin asking, "I just punched your face in and you're STILL talking ab-!", but he is unfortunately cut off by an incoming Lykaio. Now, one may be wondering how Mr. Karate forearm-blocks a foot-stomp(I know I was), and the quick answer is: He really doesn't. That hefty forearm is instead shunted towards Lykaio in a manner meant to push the other fighter off-balance and thus negate his attack, whilst Karate's other arm wheels about in such a way so as to drive Azrael's weapon to the side, allow his fingers to curl into a menacing-looking fist, and come straight towards - you guessed it - Lykaio's face.
Mr. Karate steps back after this last lesson has been taught, and he extends his arms towards both young men. "Come on, now! Show me what you've learned! Emo kid! What's fighting all about? Making the ultimate philosophy or finding your own? And you, lightning guy!" Mr. Karate seems to take a moment and reflect on Lykaio's last words about face punches.
"...No, I think you've got it down, actually."
Azrael fails to cut the nose of the tengu mask. What a terrible shame he'll have to live with, now. He winces as Lykaio gets pounded, his attack completely nullified by Mr. Karate in a fairly brutal manner. But hey, at least the greek is still on his feet, right? And yes, Azrael is still acting in a somewhat cocky manner, though it's mostly for show. Something has him thinking that he can take hits way better than Lykaio, though that remains to be seen, really.
"Don't you understand what I was trying to say? I'm not simply thrusting philosophies together to try and come up with an ultimate, all encompassing technique. I'm taking pieces from many styles that work to my advantage. I /am/ finding my own. I'm simply trying to learn from others mistakes, instead of learning through my own." ...he still has plenty of his own mistakes to learn from though, that's for sure. He gives a small nod to himself, and holds his arm out and then cups his hand, actually beckoning Mr. Karate. "Come on, if you think you're so hot, show me what you've got."
COMBATSYS: Azrael focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Takuma 1/----===/=======|=======\=====--\1 Lykaio
> /////////// ]
|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Azrael
Lykaio's head snaps back from the force, stumbles backwards, swallowing a couple of times with wide eyes as he lurches this way. He grits his teeth, focusing entirely on staying standing... and falls forwards onto the ground.
He slowly stands up on shaking legs, and takes one of his orbs down from the air, holding it between his hands. "I... learned this a while ago, when a certain man knocked me down a stair of flights.... I never learned his name, but I did learn something else... even if it's not quite the same move that... I learned...." He pauses, and shakes his head a bit, trying to get his bearings. Head hits are not good for dramatic speeches. "But... I did learn that there are never some things... that fists can do..." The orb crackles viciously with pure white positive energy, and Lykaio manages a grimace of a smile, then hurls it towards Mr. Karate.
[OOC] Lykaio will need a little more posation if it hits by some chance. >.>/
[OOC] Takuma :)
COMBATSYS: Takuma endures Lykaio's Unrealized Potential.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Takuma 1/--=====/=======|=------\-------\0 Lykaio
> /////////// ]
|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Azrael
As the energy surrounds Mr. Karate, it does at first little - just a bit of electrical damage, nothing too nasty. However, a similar negative force begins to glow around Lykaio. He of the Tengu Mask is drawn inexorably through the air, sailing closer to the Greek, until at the last moment, he lashes out his hands, aiming it at the disguised Sakazaki's stomach. They just bounce off, but... maybe they did a little damage in the process.
And then the force of positive electricity runs up along Lykaio's arms, and the electrical burst sails up into the room, surrounding both Lykaio and Mr. Karate in a torrent of electricity. When the light from the electricity fades, Lykaio has fallen to the floor... perhaps this last burst of energy was too much for him.
COMBATSYS: Lykaio has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Takuma 1/--=====/=======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2 Azrael
[OOC] Lykaio *really* needs to get a bit of sleep in here. "Thanks for the RP, you two! Was awesome."
[OOC] Takuma says, "No problem, man. See you later!"
[OOC] Azrael says, "Nini!"
[OOC] Takuma faces Azrael. :|
[OOC] Azrael :o
Lykaio has disconnected.
Mr. Karate is READY for this. Azrael recieves a quip or two in return for his comments: "Well I swear, son, it sounds more and more to me like you're cobbling something together from everybody else's beliefs, and that's just not going to work well. And TEASING somebody like ME is the biggest mistake you can possibly mak-" This is around the time where Lykaio makes his stand. It's a respectable stand! Mr. Karate even goes so far as to face the other fighter, holding up one finger to Azrael in the classic "wait a minute" gesture. "Come on now, pup! Let's see it!" Mr. Karate, convinced that he is able to deal with whatever Lykaio has to give, accepts that ball of energy directly on the chest. This elicits a grunt, and then a surprised half-gasp as Mr. Karate's /pulled at Lykaio/, and has /more balls/ thrown at him. And then! He explodes in electricity! What wizardry is this? The result of the entire experience is that just as Lykaio falls to the ground, unconscious, Mr. Karate is hurtling through the air to land on the shattered table he'd initially fallen on, gi crackling with electrical energy and quite clearly looking worse for the wear. It's the worst he's looked all fight.
Mr. Karate stands, after a time, and with a small grunt. He regards Lykaio's prone form, and nods satisfactorily. "Little guy knows what he's about. You, on the other hand... Well I suppose I'll have to show you what you're misunderstanding! -I- can do THIS!" Mr. Karate's arms are pulsing with that fireball energy again... but this time there is a LOT of it. Like, /scads/. So much, in fact, that his arms are almost glowing by the time he brings them forward. "BEHOLD THE MIGHT OF MY PERFECT FORM! HAOHSHOKOKEN!" The massive chi-ball of legend erupts from the masked man's hands and streaks towards Azrael at ferocious speeds... and, quite unsettlingly, is followed by /two more/.
[OOC] Azrael :o
[OOC] Azrael says, "Good god."
[OOC] Takuma :o
COMBATSYS: Azrael stops Triple Haohshokoken from Takuma with Weapon Jab.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Azrael
[OOC] Azrael says, "Bite me."
[OOC] Takuma says, "o1o"
[OOC] Takuma says, "I ju-"
[OOC] Takuma says, "Azrael I'm so proud of you :')"
[OOC] Takuma says, "But now you have to die. :|"
[OOC] Azrael says, "Also: Another power hit :|a"
[OOC] Billy says, "dude"
[OOC] Billy says, "he just"
[OOC] Takuma says, "i know"
[OOC] Billy says, "weapon jabbed your hao shokokoen"
[OOC] Takuma says, "Don't worry"
[OOC] Takuma says, "TAKUMA LEVEL 2"
[OOC] Billy says, "that is the least plausible thing i have seen in my existance"
[OOC] Takuma says, "He's going to have fun posing it"
[OOC] Takuma says, "I don't even know"
[OOC] Takuma says, "How it'll work"
[OOC] Billy says, "i've seen az do a lot of stuff but that takes the cake"
[OOC] Azrael might steal Yuri's reflect.
[OOC] Takuma says, "That's what he did."
[OOC] Takuma says, "+dm/fate"
[OOC] Takuma says, "That CAD."
[OOC] Azrael has +dm/reserve.
[OOC] Azrael says, "Also, I'd have had to make the roll anyway >_>/"
[OOC] Azrael tosses that in his oocfinger.
[OOC] Takuma says, "I think the CSYS is still getting even with me for countering Ifrit Crisis."
[OOC] Billy says, "ass"
[OOC] Azrael says, "What color is that attack?"
[OOC] Takuma says, "apparently suck"
[OOC] Takuma says, "(yellow)"
Azrael gives Lykaio a rather impressed look as he pulls off his attack, having seen it before only on Saturday Night Fights on television. Seeing it in person is far more impressive. It seems to have depleted his partners reserves of energy... but it may just have been worth it. Still, though, the fight for Azrael is far from over even if his partner is down, and he regards Mr. Karate as he begins pooling up his chi in preparation for a powerful strike. The energy builds in the mans arms, and Azrael begins spinning his weapon around in front of himself quickly, black energy tracing behind it as he infuses it with hsi energy.
The attack is thrown, the massive blast of chi that would almost assuredly end the fight sent towards him. When it's about to hit he intensifies the spinning of the weapon, and the Haohshokoken slams into it. But something is off, and very, very wrong about the strike. The spinning weapon collects the energy, seemingly completely absorbing it, and the glowing trails brighten slightly. The second one slams into the weapon and it too is absorbed, the energy going from a dull gray to a dull yellow, and then the final strike hits the weapon, the trail behind the energy now glowing a powerful yellow, and then slowly, so slowly, burning off and fading away, the energy of the attack spent and dissipated.
Azrael slows the speed of the weapon down to the twirling of his normal stance. "And I can do that."
It's a good thing Takuma is wearing a mask. Because behind that fearful visage, his face is the face of a man who would have crapped his pants or popped his monocle or some such. The face of a man who absolutely did not expect this /youngster/ to absorb his best attack! This was unprecedented! Uncalled for! Incredible! Takuma actually forgets about breathing for a moment, and just... stares.
Luckily for him, the Tengu mask doesn't reflect any of this - it just stares stonily at Azrael, looking sullen and angry and all of that. "It's..." He pants, clearly winded, and likely a little ashamed of himself. "It's a good thing..." More panting. "It's a good thing that was a /fake/ attack. I didn't want to give you the full force, see, because it might have been too much for you to handle, boy! But if you're so intent on proving to this old man that you've got some kind of spunk beneath that cocky little pretty-boy grin, I'll sit right here and let you prove it to me! Come on!" This is, in reality, a clever ruse to allow Takuma to gain his breath back. Mr. Karate just looks angry, as usual.
COMBATSYS: Takuma drops his guard to recover.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Azrael
[OOC] Azrael :(
[OOC] Azrael just wishes he had enough super for his MAX, but he used it all on a reflect :3
[OOC] Takuma says, "It was, ultimately, a reflect that saved your life."
[OOC] Takuma says, "I think it was worth it!"
[OOC] Azrael says, "Very true."
Azrael inwardly laughs. A moment a go he was emo, and now he's a prettyboy. Well, that's the way of life, isn't it? Outwardly he just smiles a little, letting Mr. Karate play the 'it was fake' game and save face. He knows how potent that energy was; if he'd had just the least bit less control of himself the attacks would have blown past his weapon and crushed him into or through the wall behind him.
No, he won't call him on it. Instead, he'll nod. "I'm grateful, then." And interesting, he's dropping his guard... Normally such a thing might be considered a trap, but he simply can't let him get away with such a thing. Looks like it's time for him to show off some more. He leans forward and breaks into a run, he's going to have to improvise here, and plants his weapon into the ground, throwing himself up and forward with it. When he's directly above Takuma he plants his feet into the ceiling and jumps straight down towards him, trying to impale him with his weapon and knock him down. And if that works? He'll begin slashing like crazy all over his entire body, his weapon becoming a frenzied whirlwind of gnashing blades.
COMBATSYS: Takuma blocks Azrael's Jubilant Inhumation.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Azrael
[OOC] Azrael says, "D:"
[OOC] Takuma :)
[OOC] Azrael should have just used deep strike then :(
There's a sort of clever cageyness to Takuma Sakazaki, and by extension, Mr. Karate. He's a ridiculous old man with ridiculous ideas and experience that very sadly loses quite a bit of its edge when faced with the stupefying power of Takuma's clear early-onset senility, a true fighter's curse. However, there are times when this unorthodox thinking comes into clear advantage. Like as Azrael leaps at the ceiling and attempts to psyche the "Karate God" out with awkward angles of attack. Once again, Takuma's arms find themselves more than up to the challenge.
Azrael is literally stopped cold as his weapon impales Mr. Karate's forearm with a deep gouge - this doesn't seem to elicit much reaction from Mr. Karate, however, as his other arm has already been reeled back so as to better get momentum going into this next attack. Which is, as it'd turn out, one /very/ forceful punch directed at the younger fighter's prone form, as he's caught on Karate's arm. "Don't patronize me, son! Just do your best and we'll see if I give you any respect when it's all done!"
COMBATSYS: Takuma successfully hits Azrael with Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Takuma 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0 Azrael
[OOC] Azrael :| at you for not giving him 50% super.
[OOC] Takuma >:|
[OOC] Takuma says, "perhaps fate will intervene"
[OOC] Azrael would have made his weapon jab interrupt!
[OOC] Takuma has heard the legends!
It... might be all done a lot sooner that Mr. Karate would think! Seeing no escape, Azrael simply takes the hit, slamming up into the ceiling and cracking it even more. Someone had better get some structural engineers into this place before it's all said and done, or it might just collapse. Azrael then falls to the ground in a heap, and begins picking himself back up, coughing up blood as he does so. He does his best to try and shake it off, though he's weak. He can't allow himself to simply give up now. Not after one of his most powerful attacks made almost no dents in Karate's armor, even when he had his guard down! So he goes in for one more assault, holding his weapon like a pole arm and coming forward quickly, trying to impale his opponent in the stomach, quickly releasing a large charge of energy through it to stun him before sending several very hard slashes at him, rather than the many weaker ones he normally does.
COMBATSYS: Azrael has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Takuma 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Azrael
[OOC] Azrael got that SW on reserve XD;
[OOC] Takuma says, "I'm sorry for what's about to happen :("
[OOC] Azrael should have used priority, yea.
COMBATSYS: Takuma fails to counter Morbid Massacre from Azrael with Mouko Burai Gan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Takuma 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1 Azrael
[OOC] Azrael says, "Oho"
[OOC] Billy says, "ahahaha"
[OOC] Takuma says, "fpfffffffththahahahahaa"
[OOC] Billy says, "owned"
[OOC] Takuma says, "what is it with us old men Billy :("
[OOC] Billy says, "You have the worst CSYS luck in this fight"
[OOC] Billy says, "Maybe Az will klil you"
[OOC] Takuma says, "That would be horrific."
[OOC] Azrael says, "That was my strongest special, too. :3"
[OOC] Azrael says, "How much did it do?"
[OOC] Takuma says, "24"
[OOC] Azrael laffo.
[OOC] Azrael says, "24 damage on an equivalent 9 power chi/phys"
[OOC] Billy says, "not bad"
[OOC] Billy says, "against an r5"
[OOC] Takuma says, "just let me get one good hit in"
[OOC] Azrael says, "This fight has had soooo many power/critical hits."
[OOC] Billy says, "the start to my rylee/haggar vs was great"
[OOC] Billy says, "I got power hit then power failed then power hit then power hit through a 99 block"
[OOC] Azrael says, "Daaaamn."
Oh, this is absurd. Mr. Karate does not expect Azrael to live through that punch, and in fact there is a great deal of satisfaction in the man's gut by the time the young upstart slams into the ceiling and almost, you know, breaks everything. This is all completely obliterated as Azrael GETS BACK UP, and is, in fact, even moreso baffling as Karate's age-old trick of throwing a forearm up and punching the other combatant is /defeated/. By, as it turns out, sheer luck.
The vent he'd originally been watching the two combatants through has been dangling above Karate for a long time now -- it picks this very moment to fall, and land directly on his head. It's enough of a lapse in concentration to give Azrael the /perfect/ opening... and by the time he's finished his brutal slashing combo, Karate's blown back to land on a couch SO HARD that it flips over. Karate, getting to his feet, mutters: "What /is/ it with my luck today? This is ridiculous! That vent was just too much."
Azrael lets out a breath after his attack succeeds, the vent having broken Mr. Karate's concentration enough to have allowed him to connect properly and dish out some serious punishment. He lifts his arm and wipes some sweat from his forehead onto the sleave of his jacket, accidently wiping some now dried blood onto it as well. He'd almost laugh, if it didn't hurt so damn much. He makes no mention of luck, thinking that a person needs to stay completely aware of the battlefield, even if he's no expert at it just yet himself.
With renewed vigor, he boldly moves up to Mr. Karate, standing just far enough that his weapon could just graze him after the older man gets back to his feet, and then slices out with his arm, a crescent of black chi slicing through the air as a blade that extends from the end of his arm. So far he's mainly stuck to using his weapon, and perhaps this will catch Karate off guard!
COMBATSYS: Takuma interrupts Grim Eradication from Azrael with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > / ]
Takuma 0/-------/----===|=======\=====--\1 Azrael
[OOC] Azrael says, "2%!"
[OOC] Takuma says, "?"
[OOC] Azrael says, "2% too much, damn you."
[OOC] Takuma :)
[OOC] Azrael says, "Also: Enjoy your sap :V"
[OOC] Azrael imagines that did all of 2 reserve damage.
[OOC] Takuma is above sap.
Perhaps Azrael has luck(or perception!) on his side, but when neither of these factors come into play, Mr. Karate is more than able to properly defend himself. The flip back over the couch, the small exclamation of sheer confusion at Azrael's incredible luck(perception!?)... it's all dashed aside as Mr. Karate is intimately aware of the younger combatant's advance. As Azrael finally DOES come rushing up to him, and attempts to hit him with some kind of crazy ARM BLADE... well, Mr. Karate does what he does best.
He swings one arm up to catch Azrael(sadly, on the blade, which does some minor superficial damage), ducks to the opposite side, and gives him a sound kick to the chest. One hard enough to lift him into the air... but he won't go crashing through walls or anything.
[OOC] Azrael says, " can't hold my arm by a chiblade >/"
[OOC] Azrael says, "Err. :/"
[OOC] Azrael says, "It's kinda not solid. :D"
[OOC] Takuma says, "Oh damn"
[OOC] Takuma says, "is it chi?"
[OOC] Takuma says, "stupid chi"
[OOC] Azrael says, "Yes. ^^"
[OOC] Takuma says, "I have a plan"
[OOC] Takuma says, "behold"
Editor's note: Mr. Karate is holding Azrael's chi-blade with a CHI-COVERED HAND. It's very cool, and one can imagine that sparks are flying all over the place.
[OOC] Azrael says, "x.x"
[OOC] Azrael says, "I'll let it slide here, but that really wouldn't work XD;"
[OOC] Takuma says, "Man, what do you want"
[OOC] Azrael says, "His energy is wispy, it'd be like grabbing air :D"
[OOC] Takuma says, "OK, OK, OK."
[OOC] Takuma says, "let me think again"
[OOC] Takuma says, "continuity is important."
[OOC] Azrael says, "It's not so much an actual 'blade' as just an area he's sending chi through."
[OOC] Azrael says, "It's just easiest to describe as a 'blade of energy' that slices through the air."
Editor's note: Mr. Karate just grabs Azrael's hand regardless of the chi-blade running through his own arm. There is no difference in the damage done except for perhaps in the way the damage is done: rather than along his hand, it's through his hand and very likely arm. Luckily for us, Mr. Karate is a man and can take it.
[OOC] Azrael says, "Now /that/ works :D"
[OOC] Azrael says, "Sorry to be picky"
[OOC] Takuma says, "No man, it's ok"
A look of surprise is on Azrael's face when Mr. Karate simply ignores the pain and snatches onto his hand in order to hold him in place, the kick smacking into him and causing even more blood to pass his lips as he lets out a cough, lifting off the ground and then falling back down to his hands and knees. His head is hung, and he's beginning to fade in and out of consciousness from the sheer amount of pain that's been dished out. His eyes close and he gathers himself up, and then they open, and he stands up and swings his weapon in a hard underhand motion all at once, trying to smash Mr.Karate into the ceiling...
COMBATSYS: Azrael can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Takuma 0/-------/----===|
[OOC] Azrael says, "More if :("
COMBATSYS: Takuma dodges Azrael's Death Wish.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Takuma 0/-------/----===|
[OOC] Azrael cry.
[OOC] Takuma says, "Oh psh"
[OOC] Takuma says, "Do you remember that one time you negated my triple haohshokoken"
[OOC] Azrael does! :D
It's a rather slow ending to an exciting fight, but this is how it always goes when the combatants are exhausted, tired of fighting. Mr. Karate holds Azrael up by the hand, and as the boy slashes upwards at him with that last, brutal attack... Mr. Karate steps aside, catching his other arm at the elbow this time. Azrael is then lowered to the ground, after which Mr. Karate comes back to a standing position, clearly tired, panting... and cackling in the fashion one might expect of an old man.
"Pffffffhoo hoo hoo... been a while since I've had to do that! Hopefully those boys learned a little bit about what it means to live and fight!" Mr. Karate heads for the door to the private room, running a hand through his grey, tousled hair on his way. "I think I'm going to go take a bath before that plane comes... body's /killing/ me."
COMBATSYS: Takuma has ended the fight here.
His final effort was avoided in what's really a very correct fashion, and Azrael is let slump to the ground. This is the second time today that this has happened to him, and he's now completely and utterly exhausted. All the pain from the fight suddenly wells up and overcomes him, and he allows consciousness to simply slip away from him. It's not just from the pain, either; he's hellaciously tired. Maybe when he wakes up, he'll have to inquire about Mr. Karate, but for now it's time to sleep.
[OOC] Azrael says, "Awesome fight, man. Thanks!"
[OOC] Takuma says, "No problem! That was ridiculous."
[OOC] Takuma says, "We need to tally up the critical hits sometime."
Log created by Azrael, and last modified on 09:54:56 03/16/2007.