Description: Taco Hut is having a promotional fight to get business which means two of the hungriest fighters in all of Southtown duke it out to a surprisingly close finish. (RAIDEN)
Food for thought? Screw that in the pooch. Why not make it food for fight instead? That was certainly seeming to be the idea by the owner of The Taco Barn in its early weeks of being a business. But who to grab? That would be quite a problem. It just so happens that one of the waitresses has worked through the various restaruants in town to know who just to ask for help. Could the young psycho soldier like Kensou reject the offerings of a young cutie that is promising him delicious foods if he competes? Here is hoping that he doesn't otherwise this might be rather awkward for the other man they got to show up.
That other man is none other than Big Bear himself. Of course it is Raiden under that mask, but he tells the people to just call him by the other name when he was to show up today. The big man is dressed in jeans and a t-shirt with a big leather jacket pulled on as well. Oh, and there is the mask. A blue and yellow one that covers most of the big man's face as he sits at one of the tables with a few glasses of beer atop of it as he waits for whoever the other poor schmuck is that they are bringing over for this little event.
Of course not! Food and cute girls are the two things Kensou is weakest against, especially when it's to help somebody out. Promotional fights seem to be a pretty good way to drum up business in the fighting mecca of Southtown after all, so, while Raiden is already sitting down and waiting, the other fighter is making his way into the Taco Barn!
Indeed, it seems like a simple thing like making an appearance couldn't get screwed up, but he apparently gets confused as to whether the door is 'push' or 'pull', so there's the abrupt sound of someone crashing into the door, and then he falls flat on his ass outside. For a few seconds, the Psycho Soldier lays there, before he suddenly stands up. He's okay! And very carefully, he opens the door properly.
"All right!" declares Kensou, pointing at nobody in particular. "Who's the poor sap who's gotta face the great Sie Kensou?!" No, he doesn't immediately conclude it's the huge masked wrestler. Go figure.
The thumping of a body against the front door before the tell tale jingle of the opening bell catches the attention of the big man right when he is upending a pint in each hand and drinking from them. Lazily he watches the boy enter and a brow raises as Kensou apparently ends up being the person he was waiting for the past hour or so. Taking his time to finish off the pints he sets the glasses down and wipes his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket. "IT'S TIME!" he declares as he slaps both meaty hands on the table he sits at and pushes his chair out so he can stand up.
The wrestler glances towards Kensou again while pulling off his leather jacket and he pulls out a pair of fingerless gloves to pull on as he mulls over what to do about the other fighter. "Sie Kensou?" he asks with an echo and then grins some as he claps his hands together and rubs his palms together and rolling his shoulders to get loose. "Name's Big Bear, mate. How about a nice old fight and a good dinner afterwards?" he asks and then looks towards the proprieter to see when it is all right to start up.
COMBATSYS: Raiden has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Raiden 0/-------/-------|
"What the..." Kensou says at the loud declaration, looking over at... HOLY CRAP. For a long moment, Kensou just stares at 'Big Bear', slackjawed. That is one big dude. "Er..." Damn man! What's he supposed to do?! Coughing into a fist, the Chinese fighter straightens up, facing off with the Aussie. "Y-yeah, that's why we're here, right?! Uh..."
As casually as he can, Kensou slips into his usual kung fu stance, eyeing the wrestler carefully. "Just don't feel too bad when you lose, huh?" That's right, if you sound confident, people will think you really are! This might actually be worse than the time he had to fight that sumo wrestler. "Show me what'cha got!" Kensou, of course, has the common sense to study his opponent for once, in the hopes of not, you know, being crushed and dying horribly.
COMBATSYS: Kensou has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Raiden 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
COMBATSYS: Kensou focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Raiden 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Kensou
The look is something the Aussie is used to quite a bit. Kensou wasn't the only person that really gave Big Bear that sort of look when first walking in. Southtown plays host to alot of weirdness, but a pastey Aussie that is rather on the large side and wearing a luchador mask will still get quite a few looks. He at least seems to be a jolly man and he nods to Kensou's comment while chuckling lightly at him. "Of course not, mate. All in good fun!" he proclaims then takes on a more serious look.
Slapping his face a few time the wrestler psychs himself up and he then holds his arms up and looks about. "Let's get this started!" he bellows and given the owner nods some while backing away some the big man assumes it is go time. That is why he barrels forward towards the smaller fighter before jumping upwards and a hand grabs for him. It is intent on pulling Kensou into a reverse headlock as he comes down towards the ground to plant Kensou with a DDT.
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Kensou with Jumping Lariat Drop.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Raiden 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Kensou
OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Kensou looks a little frantic when the Australian wrestler moves with, well, surprising speed for a guy that big, catching the Chinese youth with a mighty headlock and DDT, through he tries to get his arms up at the end, to no avail. Yeaaaah, that hurt a little bit. Tiny, tiny bit. "Dhh..." mutters Kensou, pushing himself up. You tell 'em, slugger.
"That... That wasn't bad," the psion advises Raiden, before he suddenly jumps upwards in turn, bringing himself level with the larger fighter's head, and swings around to bring his leg at Big Bear's, but his foot glows with blue-tinged white, a streak of Psycho Power following the arc through which his leg moves as he tries to boot the other guy in the face. "Uryaa-!!"
COMBATSYS: Kensou successfully hits Raiden with Ryuu Sougeki.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Raiden 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Kensou
The wrestler rises to his feet as well around the same time as Kensou, a rather big grin still plastered across his face. "Good, not broken yet. This will be fun then, mate." he says to the other fighter as he rises back to his full height ready to take Kensou's attack head on. He steps forward to take the hit head on, but perhaps it actually hits him a bit harder than he was to expect. The youngster's foot hits his face and stops his forward momentum at least for a shot moment as he slowly blinks and regains his wits.
"Nice." he simply states and then two hands reach out to grasp for Kensou's shirt and yank the guy upwards and towards the mush that he just slammed. With a grunt the big man attempts to slam his mask covered noggin right back into the face of the smaller fighter before letting him go. Hey, an eye for an eye, right?
COMBATSYS: Kensou interrupts Medium Throw from Raiden with Choukyuu Dan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Raiden 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Kensou
If there's anything Kensou has learned about Big Bear in the brief time he's known the wrestler, it's this: He hurts a lot! So when the bigger fighter grabs him by the shirt, the Psycho Soldier grits his teeth, and starts forcing Psycho Power together as quickly as he possibly can, energy gathering at an alarming rate - but equally alarming is the rate at which the big man's head comes towards his face. They impact, and oh goodness does it hurt, but the hurt Kensou is inflicted with is reduced somewhat by the sudden eruption of blue-tinged white, as he blasts Big Bear at point blank range, the two fighters getting tossed apart.
"Fuwaah!!" exclaims Kensou, as he gets back to his feet shakily. "I... I thought I was gonna /die/..."
It seems that Big Bear is learning a few lessons himself. Kids with weird blue white auras kinda sting. Even as he headbutts the boy he finds himself being hit with alot of hurt that actually causes him to drop Kensou early and stagger back several steps till be catches himself on a table. The floor is letting out a sigh of relief or then again it could just be creaking under the Aussie's weight. "Not too bad at all." he says while reaching back for one of the mugs of beer that still rests on the table. The owner of said mug gives no protest as the big man upends it and downs it in a few gulps.
Feeling refreshed at least somewhat the big man slams the mug down and straightens up again as he brings up his hands and motions for Kensou to come at him. "All right, mate. I'm ready now." he says while taking this time to also get his head back in order and get some of those cobwebs to go away. Time to stratemagize against this kid it would seem.
COMBATSYS: Raiden gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Raiden 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Kensou
The fact that Raiden's still up after that is.. Kind of scary all on its own, really. But it seems like beer gives the Australian the power to fight on, so there's no time for Kensou to take a rest just yet! "All right then... Here I come!!" Again! He rushes directly at the other fighter, and as he gets close he pulls his right fist back, ready for what is sure to be an incredibly awesome punch... He lashes out once he's within arm's reach of the wrestler, his fist aimed directly for Big Bear's midsection. "DORYAA-!!"
COMBATSYS: Raiden fails to interrupt Fierce Punch from Kensou with Super Dropkick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Raiden 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Kensou
A plan....yes he has a plan. A miraculous plan that involves two meaty feet slamming into the chest of the other fighter. It was a pretty good one of Raiden does say so himself. So much to the point Big Bear is getting ready to leap upwards right when Kensou comes in and punches the Aussie right in the stomach which causes him to belch and spit up some beer on the other fighter in the process as he staggers back and has to catch himself once again lest he wants to make the ground cry.
With a grump he straightens up again and he gives his head a mighty shake as he slaps his cheeks a few times. "Time to get serious I think." he mumbles to himself before rubbing his forearm against his brow and then crouching as he motions for Kensou again. "I'm ready this time."
A.. Aw nasty. Kensou gets beer spit up on him, which is absolutely disgusting, even if he pretty awesomely stopped the other fighter from doing something really bad to him. "Bleh!" exclaims Kensou, wiping beer out of his face. "Sick! Swallow things properly, geez!" But no, Kensou, you need to get your head back in the game! Giving said head a shake, he runs right at Raiden again.
Getting close, he aims to spring /over/ Big Bear's head, reaching out to catch the wrestler by the neck as he does so, and then he'll (hopefully) use his momentum to crash the other fighter onto the floor! The bigger they are, the harder they fall... Right? Right?
COMBATSYS: Raiden endures Kensou's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Raiden 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Kensou
"Ya don't hit a man after he just took a drink, mate!" he retorts as if it was just as much the other fighter's fault as it was his. He should have just took the hit like a man and everything would have been fine, but noooooo. This is no time to whine though. Big Bear is ready for when Kensou comes running in and he bellows loudly as he comes forward to find Kensou leaping about to get ahold of him some other way and try to drag him to the ground.
The only problem is Kensou finds himself hanging from the thick neck of the wrestler as he stands there slightly confused. Why do these crazy kids always think choking him is a good idea. With a harumph he reaches back with both hands to take Kensou by the back of his clothes and brings him about to pry him loose and then set him back down in front of him. Giving his head a pat the big man then growls and barrels forward to ram his shoulder into Kensou and then slam a giant fist right into his face.
Rose has arrived.
[OOC] Kensou says, "Man, sweet candy crap that's not good."
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Kensou with Giant Bomb.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Raiden 1/----===/=======|=======\====---\1 Kensou
Uh oh, incoming pain! Kensou's eyes widen again as Big Bear sets him back down like that and pats him on the head, shocked to the point that he doesn't even /move/ when the wrestler's own attack comes in. He gets shouldered and then punched in the face, crashing into a nearby table a bit harder than he'd really prefer, and for a long, tense moment, he doesn't get back up. That /hurt/.
"Ghh.." mutters Kensou, pushing back up to his feet. "OKAY! Now you did it!!" he exclaims, pointing dramatically at Raiden. "Now I'm gonna show you somethin' REALLY AWESOME!" The youth tugs his gloves tighter, and then once again, he runs right at Raiden, dropping into a slide on one knee as he gets close, extending his right arm, palm open, while his left arm braces his right at the shoulder... And then, when he gets close enough? He unleashes a HUGE spherical blast of pure white Psycho Power, centered, ideally, right on the Aussie. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-!!"
COMBATSYS: Raiden endures Kensou's Senki Hakkei.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Raiden 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0 Kensou
[OOC] Kensou holds up a Wil E. Coyote 'Help!' sign.
Now that is more like it. The Aussie starts to feel much better now that his fist has made a nice hit against the other fighter. He kisses the gloved fist after planting Kensou right in the kisser with it. "Now that's magical." he says to himself and almost starts to turn around thinking the kid is down. That so much isn't the case though as Kensou gets back to his feet. Raising his brows Big Bear turns back about and cocks his head some. "Oh really?" he asks and he smiles. This kid is a good fighter afterall to get up after that. "Then show me!" he roars and he steps forward right into that blast.
He wanted to move forward through it, but truth be told there is more force behind it than he expected and he is left getting pushed back by it as he holds his arms up in front of him and his boots squeak across the floor as he is pushed back. It isn't long though and when the energy dies down forward the wrestler goes to grab for Kensou and aiming to punch him right in the gut. With a heft he will use his fist to push Kensou upwards and catch him in a grapple while he charges towards the door. Right at that time a customer opens it trying to get in and screams while diving out of the way as Big Bear jumps upwards to slam Kensou between the ground and himself. WHAM
COMBATSYS: Raiden successfully hits Kensou with Destruction Drop.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > // ]
Raiden 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Kensou
Uh oh. Kensou's simply not prepared for Raiden's followup; there's no way he COULD be, really. He gets grabbed, punched, and oh sweet merciful Buddha does he get squished by the gigantic Aussie. That... That hurt. A little bit. "O... Owww..." mutters Kensou, crushed beneath Big Bear. Yeah, he's pretty much done here, but he does have enough left in him for one last hurrah. Hopefully before the larger fighter can get out of range, the fallen Psycho Soldier unleashes a SECOND blast of Psycho Power, this one somewhat less powerful than the one before it, more blue mixed in with the white sphere that threatens to... Hopefully hurt Raiden an awful lot.
COMBATSYS: Kensou can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\ <
Raiden 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Raiden blocks Kensou's Senki Hakkei.
[ \\\\\\ <
Raiden 0/-------/--=====|
Looks like the sidewalk might have to be fixed outside of the place sometime soon. The impact left it a bit cracked and poor kensou left a slight indention in the concrete when he gets smooshed. Huffing and puffing the big man slowly gets up and he reaches down to heft Kensou up thinking the boy is down and out. He is greeted with another blast though and he throws up his arms to let them take the brunt of the blast as he staggers back a step. "I think ya can rest, mate." he says finally making sure he isn't going to get energy pasted again.
Kensou gets yanked to his feet and then hefted over the shoulder of the Aussie who walks back into the Taco Hut. People look on stunned as Big Bear puts Kensou down in a chair and he waves to one of the waitresses. "Bring on the tacos and beer!" he declares. And well that problem about Kensou probably not being allowed to drink? That gets waved because what sort of normal person would argue with a man that just dented pavement with another person?
[OOC] Shingo says, "Very."
[OOC] Shingo says, "And a happy ending!"
[OOC] Raiden says, "All my fights are like that. I take damage every round no matter what."
Aislinn goes somewhere else.
[OOC] Elisabeth says, "ROUND TWO: Shingo v. Raiden."
[OOC] Elisabeth says, "GO"
[OOC] Shingo says, "OH LOOK AT THE TIME"
COMBATSYS: Raiden has ended the fight here.
"Murrgle," replies Kensou, because let's face it, he's not doing too good right now. He is, however, glad not to be jumped on by a huge Australian man anymore. Very glad! He barely even notices as he's carried back into the Taco Hut and set down on a chair, sitting a bit lifelessly. Indeed, he's in less position to argue with Raiden than anyone else! He'll totally eat the tacos, though.
Log created by Raiden, and last modified on 21:43:17 03/13/2007.