Description: Rolento attempts to kidnap Clark for interrogation, but makes a single, fatal error. What is that error?!!? READ THE LOG TO FIND OUT, JERKS.
Spring brings with it refreshing weather, and a stark change from the brutal cold of winter. The seas over this portion of the broad width of the Pacific are largely calm; the winds are soothing and brisk, offsetting the intense warmth that beats down from the bright sun above. This close to the equator, things are a bit hotter than normal -- the heat that assaults this particular chain of islands out in the middle of the ocean would be relentless were it not for the crisp breeze that comes off from the shore. These islands are quiet, and to the untrained eye they would look uninhabited...
... At least, save for one.
It wouldn't be exactly /visible/ at first unless someone were to get a birds' eye view of the last island of the chain; a small base that seems largely out of place amongst the dense forests of the island. The people who filter in and out seem scant at best, but enough to maintain this place. It's one of several scattered throughout the world, an outpost secreted away from the rest of the world, for one of the greatest known mercenary organizations alive -- the Ikari.
Work here goes on as planned, with soldiers training and preparing for various missions. But even though the heat is relentless, sometimes it's nice simply to get away from all of it -- to just take a break. And when you happen to be the highest ranking Ikari in the entire island, you can afford to do such things without much griping. Clark Steel isn't prone to taking many breaks, but sometimes... they're just absolutely necessary. Which is exactly why, instead of being at the outpost itself with his men, Clark is now relaxing comfortably on one of several boats docked here. Seated on the edge of the boat, those sunglass-covered eyes peer out to the ocean beyond as Steel takes a sip of a nice, cold beer. His lips open. "Aaaah." It's a sound of satisfaction. Clark smiles, pulling his hat off to wipe at his brow. This... this is a good break. Peaceful, relaxing, and best of all...
... with no chance for interruptions. At all.
He could hope.
It was difficult indeed for Rolento to track down the likes of Ikari; The organization is anything if not astutely practiced in operation within the shadows, regardless of somewhat dubious legality. Upon hearing word that Heidern had encroached upon Geese Howard's territory, looking into his present operations is merely a bonus. For soon the world itself will turn upside-down, and whether his long time rival is even on the trail might be the most important piece of information he can possibly assess. Weeks, months, all for this sliver of opening and chance that is far from guaranteed – he knows Clark is the CO here, and that he is effectively alone. Taking chances has never been the commando's creedo... But there's few alternatives at the present. A shame he was unable to contact one of his associates for backup to ensure his interrogation.
And Rolento himself has opted for a solo mission. Having dived into the water at the horizon, with little more then raw persistence and endurance the U.S.P.L. leader swam to the island itself, coming upon a rocky crag at an effective blind side. He was unable to check the location via satellite or helicopter; So an alternative to find the man has to be pursued. A short journey later, and Rolento sneaks towards the main compound.
There would be no warning as one of the wandering Ikari guards, not far from the perimeter of the enshrouded base, is snatched by a gloved hand and dragged out of sight. One vicious blow to the solar plexus knocks every ounce of wind from his body, before the soldier is shoved to the ground after his radio confiscated and attached to the straps about Rolento's chest.
"Where is Clark Steel?"
The man can't yell in his state, so manages to mouth out something vulgar, likely just now recognizing who attacked him..
There's a flash of metal, long bowie knife snapping out and sinking into a nerve cluster in the man's shoulder. A gurgle and gasp is all that can be made in protest, his hands feebly gripping Rolento's wrist and trying to pull it out.
"Where is Clark Steel?" Punctuated by a twist. Within pain of this magnitude, where the world itself shatters and one's mind is on the verge of breaking, he desperately mouths out the one thing he believes will stop the agony. 'Docks! Docks!' This interrogation was forced out via surprise and agony. A useful tactic; Had he attempted a slower torture, this might of taken longer then his window allowed.
Another snap of gleaming edge, and the now dead Ikari slumps to the ground, bowie knife thereafter sheathed.
Continuing onward, Rolento manages to ascertain via climbing upon a mountain slope which ship Clark is settled on, peering through high-magnified binoculars. The radio is hissing for a status report on the man he just killed; He's missed his check-in by 2 minutes. Slithering down and slipping back into the ocean proper in a deft run, the waterlogged commando manages to hurl up a wire and catch the end of the railing high above. Effectively invisible, it has more then enough tensile s
Effectively invisible, it has more then enough tensile strength for Rolento to skitter on board.
Two minutes more can be spared to sweep the ship. If any other Ikari are upon it, they are executed with such speed they are dead before they can register a look of surprise.
Clark is about to have a very bad day.
A very bad day doesn't even begin to describe it.
Really, why can't Clark ever just enjoy his beers? For a long time now, likely due to just an inborn sense of paranoia, Clark has had a feeling of when something is amiss. It isn't irrational paranoia, however; for example, right now? The Lt. Commander is simply enjoying his alcohol, leaning back against the rail as he tucks his free hand under his right armpit. There's a small sheen of sweat on his face, but other than that, Steel looks content. Happy, even. There's not many opportunities like this where he can simply relax and enjoy the sight of an endless stretch of ocean in a way that isn't despairing. So he enjoys it, for as long as possible.
Which isn't too much longer. Because it's just about when his uncovered hand lifts to wipe perspiration from his brow that something pipes up over the radio. Reports of someone missing their check-ins. Usually it might have just been that the man was off doing something else; slacking. It happens every now and then. Yet for some reason, in the pit of his gut, Steel feels something is wrong. Polishing off the remains of his beer, that smile on the tall, silent man's lips has quickly shifted too a frown. Pushing himself from the rail, he takes a slow look around him, his gaze moving back towards the island. Something is wrong. And Clark's good day is quickly taking a sudden turn.
"Jameson?" Clark speaks the name of one of the people still on the ship, but receives nothing but silence. "Matthews?" Still nothing. And slowly Clark's fingers clench into fists, his eyes scanning around him as he prepares. For what? He doesn't know. Anything. He remains silent for now. Whoever is here... they'll be coming for him. That much he's sure of.
The ship is deathly quiet. Although the others were likely never visible from the deck, this has that heavy, almost foreboding feeling that those within the business of war learn to never ignore. Rolento is presently not visible, crouched atop the roof of one cabin on the ship. He can hear just fine, and pinpoint exactly where his opponent lies, every rasp and shuffle and word pinging like radar despite the tapestry of ocean sounds and conflicting sources. This manner of superhuman perception is just one of Rolento's strengths; He does not need only his eyes. Slowly the knife used for this entire engagement, grown slick with blood, is shifted in his hand. Rolento adjusts himself into a crouch, bracing for a leap, scarred visage narrowing in concentration. He will strike rapidly, even if no longer by complete ambush. Extraction will commence via helicopter once Clark is incapacitated. Everything is going according to plan -- although whether the brutal beating of the only other person of potentially comparable intelligence will proceed in a similar manner or not will be determined shortly. Every heartbeat seems both fast to Rolento, but infinitely slow. The final countdown to this engagement...!!
COMBATSYS: Rolento has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rolento 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Clark has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Clark 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
COMBATSYS: Rolento focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Clark 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
Something is wrong. The what of it is what Clark Steel is trying to figure out. Whatever it is, the lack of responses to his calls likely means that those still on the ship are either knocked out or dead. The optimist in him would like to think it is the former; the logical side of him says it is more likely the latter. Steel sighs, rubbing the back of his neck as he stares at the entrance below deck. They were there, which means that whoever has infiltrated this location is likely there, too. Clark is not a stupid man, however; and though he might be confident, he's not so foolish as to not radio in for backup as he slowly approaches the stairs leading down below. Backup will take some time to mobilize, though, and Clark does not press any need on the matter. Whoever is here... he wants a shot at them personally. His right hand slipping into his pocket, his left remains out and clenched into a fist as he descends below, taking a slow, thoughtful look around him as he walks past the cabins. "Whoever is here... you can come out now." He says almost matter-of-factly, tugging his cap a bit lower over his face. "You're not surprising anyone anymore. Try fighting like a man."
COMBATSYS: Clark focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Clark 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
With languid ease, Rolento shifts and descends behind Clark after he passes. He lands in a crouch, completely ignoring the statements in order to twirl around his weapon, fingers splayed on the cold steel below. Before suddenly leaping upwards, a whisper of fabric the only thing to give him away. And out flies the weapon, which might be realized in the air answers the question of what fate has fallen on those who resided on the ship. The attempt is to peg Clark right in the knee, and hopefully slow him down for the duration of the fight. So forceful is the throw it stalls Rolento's descent, evasively rolling almost immediately thereafter. "Clark Steel!!" is stated, with rather obvious vehemence. So the culprit is found. And although Rolento's no Rugal, he's probably still pretty damn high on the 'annoying' list of Ikari enemies...
COMBATSYS: Clark overcomes Stinger from Rolento with Large Thrown Object.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Clark 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Rolento
This might have gone differently for Rolento, if he had been facing an opponent a bit less aware of his surroundings than Clark is. As it stands, the person he's facing IS Clark Steel, and the man is prized for his observance. Case in point; that weapon flies free in what might have struck Clark in a most debilitating way; however, Steel is far too fast. Noting movement in the corner of his eye, he is already turning -- and Rolento might note the fact that Steel is currently taking a rather strong grip on one of those nearby, huge metal doors. "/Schugerg!/" Exclaimed as that door deflects the knife, before it is literally RIPPED from its hinges and FLUNG right for Rolento. "I should have figured it was you." No one else works in quite such an underhanded and devious fashion, after all. Even Rugal has the courtesy of being more direct.
COMBATSYS: Rolento parries Clark's Large Thrown Object!
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Clark 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Rolento
Such brute force is really more predictable for someone like Ralf to do, but is surprising none the less. There's a widening of white eyes, but the response is rather decidedly simple. Bracing a foot upon the ground behind, Rolento /hurls/ himself forward in a tight ball. He's a literal blur, shifting pass the door as it careens past and impacts far off in the distance. And while Clark would stil be recovering, Rolento unfurls with the speed of a viper, striking out with his baton in an attempt to catch the other man in the stomach hard enough to knock the very wind from his lungs. "Affirmative!!" And if he manages, a string of grenades will be slapped on the other man's body, before twisting around to hurtle him away. Of course, the detonation that would proceed is what makes the throw significantly more dangerous...
COMBATSYS: Clark endures Rolento's Fatality Package EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Clark 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Rolento
Fast, yet again, but Clark is still anticipating the other man to come at him with everything he's got. Which is exactly why Steel is completely prepared for Rolento's charge forward. Yet, for all the other man might strike swiftly, he'll find there is NO resistance to his sudden strike. In fact... Clark seems to take it all like a man. The first baton strike follows through and true, knocking the wind from Steel's lungs as he takes a single staggering step backwards. But as those grenades are slapped on, Rolento might feel something -- Clark's hands, gripping tightly onto the man's shoulders. And unless Rolento can remove himself or defend himself from Clark's grip somehow, Steel is going to take the other man on that sudden flying ride through the air. JUST as the bombs explode, he'll launch Rolento into the air so that he smashes, quite painfully, into the ceiling, even as schrapnel goes flying every which way. It's painful, but Clark hopes to use the veil as cover to send Rolento DROPPING... right onto his waiting head. If successful, Rolento will be feeling some very painful experiences of thick-head-meeting-spine, before Clark chucks the man straight into the ground. If not, well... Clark's just going to be in a lot of burning pain. Grenades hurt a little.
COMBATSYS: Clark successfully hits Rolento with Super Argentine Backbreaker.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Clark 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Rolento
Well, Clark isn't able to be hurled through the air; And although he's hefted into the air, the detonation assuredly makes the end result significantly more painful. Whirling downwards after a vicious crack upon the head, consumed by his own explosions for the 128th time -- although not intentional in this case -- he's slammed resolutely on the deck of the ship likely hard enough to slosh the ocean water beneath. It hit hard, but the old man is a pliable thing, and he actually responds immediately. Snapping up his free hand, they quest to find Clark's throat in order to whirl him around, and slam him upon the ground adjacent with every bit of force he can muster. He was only stalled for a hiccup despite the resounding impact. At least one thing is universal of Ikari... The fights are little more then savage.
COMBATSYS: Clark blocks Rolento's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Clark 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Rolento
Rolento is quick, Clark will give him that. But he's attacking with something that the Ikari, at least, knows fairly well; gripped by the throat, Clark does not really resist. Rather, he flows with the momentum, up until the very last point of the throw. At that point, he twists in Rolento's grip, enough so that he can SLAM his left hand into the ground beneath him. Rolento. This man is dangerous, and Clark is most definitely going to have to be careful around him. That thought in mind, it still doesn't stop Steel from mounting a sudden counterassault. The second he is released, Clark's leg curls back. And hopefully before Rolento can withdraw, Clark SNAPS out with a single, brutal kick aimed for the man's gut, delivered with enough force to send him staggering backwards at the very least. "HUP!"
COMBATSYS: Rolento dodges Clark's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Clark 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Rolento
One should know better then to think that Rolento ever stands still. He is suddenly rolling backwards, and the kick strikes nothing but air. Flipping into the air thereafter, one hand reaches into his vest before he suddenly hurls out one of his signature grenades. It flashes through the air with incredible force, aiming to impact Clark within the chest. Of course, kinetic force is only secondary to the huge wash of flame and shrapnel that would follow, little more then a vicious snarl leaving Rolento's lips. He's got the advantage; Merely maintaining it should allow him to supercede Clark in this encounter. After all... He is the superior combatant. Although there's not much room to maneuver, that is potentially advantageous if properly manipulated. No worries of a Galactica Phantom in this endeavor, at least.
COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Clark with Grenadier.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Clark 1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rolento
Superior combatant? Well, they'll just have to see. Clark isn't overly concerned about this much, however. Mainly, the man concerns himself with delivering a beating to Rolento while he waits out the back up. Superior or not, Steel is relatively certain that he can keep the other man at bay -- at least, long enough to receive help in the form of his men. As it stands, this isn't going so well -- especially with one of those surprisingly powerful grenades suddenly blowing Clark up to kingdom come. The scrapnel and flame is enough to damage as the force sends Clark propelling backwards. The advantage Rolento may have, but Clark isn't about to give up yet. Through the haze and the smoke, Clark powers through, crashing towards Rolento with one single intention; to plow one fist forward and CRASH it across Rolento's face, a stream of blue chi helping to propel that fist forward like a rocket. Rolento hurts. But Clark isn't down for the count yet.
COMBATSYS: Rolento dodges Clark's Vulcan Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Clark 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rolento
There's an almost lazy backflip, clearing the fist by a large majority. It wasn't really within a meter of connecting; Rolento seems to have gotten significantly more dodgy lately then might be remembered, landing in a deft crouch with something of a superior smirk creasing his scarred features. The green baton twirls in his hand, ready to move with the same deceptive vigor shown opposite. Although Clark got in a heavy blow with his powerbomb, that's hardly going to be enough to offset the smothering advantage being sustained... "Tell me why Heidern is interfering with Southtown operations." is asked, almost casually. Hey, never hurts to chat up an old rival.
COMBATSYS: Rolento focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Clark 1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rolento
Well, Rolento has gotten much more nimble than he used to be. That chi-empowered fist goes crashing through nothing but air, leaving Clark staggering across the ground. His right, gloved fist clenching, he stares at Rolento for a moment, silently, before he speaks. "... Who knows?" Is his only response to the terrorist before him. He'd waste time with words, but really, he's never been very good at that. Instead, he just lets his hands do the talking for him; following through with his first punch with another. This one has no chi trailing behind it, yet it still comes fiercely, intent on SMASHING across Rolento's jaw. It is followed by a punch to the gut, before Clark polishes it all up with a simple uppercut. "HAH!"
COMBATSYS: Rolento interrupts Fierce Punch from Clark with Fatality Package.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Clark 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0 Rolento
"Hrmph." There might be a hint of amusement at just how nonchalant Clark is about the response, Although as Clark rushes forward with full intent to punch, he might realize how stupid that endeavor was. Two steps forward are taken, twirling the baton again. Although this little trick as it were had already been displayed before, Rolento is not adverse to repeat performances. The blow to the jaw misses as the shifty commando ducks down, swooshing past. His baton smacks against the Ikari, hefting him up while once more slapping another few grenades onto his body. Whirling around with a snarl, he then hurtles his opponent as far as he can down the hall, just as the myriad detonations go off with resounding finality. Although Clark might not be quite down, it's likely that his chance to prevail in this fight is over. "Your friends and commander are not here to protect you. I know the standing force within the base, and have the ordinance to repel them until reinforcements. You are no fool like Ralf, or irrevocably wrought with discipline like Leona. You know what methods I will take to acquire my information. Being forthright will save us both a significant endeavor of pain, energy, and time!!"
Stupid? Not quite. Clark is still quite aware that his blow has done some damage to Rolento, whether he'd like to admit it or not. His odds of winning this particular fight may be slim at this point, but not non-existant. And Clark knows that well enough, which is why even as Rolento tries to appeal to his more logical nature, he only smiles. The repeat performance most certainly hurts, but he's felt it all before. And as the smoke clears in the aftermath, Clark is standing; weakly, but still standing tall and standing proud. "... You know, the Commander told me you were a one-trick pony. I didn't know how true he was about it." Wiping blood from his lips, he staggers forward, shaking his head. "Save your speeches. You're not going to break me." It's not said mockingly, it's just said as a matter-of-fact. Whatever Clark knows, whatever information Rolento might want to get from him... he'll never get it. Clark just values the safety of his men and his commanding officer more than his own life. That's all there is to it. And as Rolento goads onward, Clark merely lifts his shoulders in a shrug... and runs forward. He goes to grasp Rolento firmly by the shoulders; perhaps somewhat slowly, but still there. And if he grasps successfully, he'll toss the other man into the air, before delivering one simple, mighty gut punch straight into Schugerg's gut, with enough force to send him hurdling into a nearby wall.
COMBATSYS: Rolento endures Clark's Combo Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Clark 1/---====/=======|=======\=------\1 Rolento
"If you continue presenting laughable openings I will continue punishing them. Consider it a lesson from a superior tactitian. One does not drop a pistol that struck after discharging a single shot, merely because it worked. Odds are significant it will work again, and better then a naive mixup maneuver." Although Rolento merely digs into his vest, grinning wildly as he's hurled into the air. "MISSION COMPLETE!" The fist strikes cleanly, yet what comes forth is a... grenade, which would bounce between Clark's feet. And then explode, with a familiar amount of force. What is more troublesome is that Rolento continues to retreat backwards down the floor, trailing the ordinance and attempting to shoot Clark out like a cannon right back to the deck above, hopefully to offer a better vantage point for the second part of his mission. This one, he seems to think, is already a success!
COMBATSYS: Rolento successfully hits Clark with Mine Sweeper.
[ < > //////////// ]
Clark 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=------\-------\0 Rolento
Mission complete. While perhaps partly accurate, it's not entirely true. Clark was telling the truth about not saying a word to Rolento. So, if the man is trying to extract information, he'll be finding that part of his mission woefully difficult to accomplish. As it stands, Clark says nothing to the other man's ramblings; he's said all that he's had to. Perhaps he's not good enough to beat Rolento, but he knows, in comparison to his commander... Rolento really isn't much of anything to be worried about. The explosions rock the entirety of the ship and sending Clark SHOOTING through the air. The problem is... as Clark lands, he aims straight for Rolento. Falling back down towards floor below deck, Clark is beaten, most certainly. But he still has one last move left in him. He intends to CRASH into the floor beneath him, and in one moment... strike out towards Rolento and get a solid grip. If he succeeds, than there's more to come. If not, well... Rolento's going to have to knock him back onto the deck once again.
COMBATSYS: Clark can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rolento 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Rolento endures Clark's Running Pirate.
[ \ <
Rolento 0/-------/=======|
... and Rolento is gripped, for whatever foolish reason. If he's decided to try and brave the bulk of Clark's strongest move, than he can feel free. Powered by nothing more than the intensity of his will power, Clark simply RUSHES across the ground as he hefts Rolento over his head, settling him on his shoulder. In one movement, he SMASHES Rolento into a wall with such intensity that the ship hull dents /outward/ from the force. And, turning around, Clark intends to do the same thing to the opposite side, CRASHING rolento head first into another wall viciously. And then? "Huh... HAH!!" Clark leaps. Leaps so fast, so ferociously, that he CRASHES straight through the ceiling below deck, flying STRAIGHT into the air. Rolento is positioned head between Clark's legs as he begins to descend, rapidly, into the deck below. And, empowered by sheer velocity and ferocity, Clark PLOWS Rolento head-first into the deck, cracklines forming as the very ground depresses inward in the wake of the monstrous piledriver. And then... Clark drags himself up, looks at Rolento... and gives a thumbs down. "... boo...ya." And that's about when Clark falls flat on his ass, totally out of it.
"Come. Show me what one of Heidern's dogs can manage." Rolento states with a snort, twirling his baton and sheathing it. He actually spreads his arms, inviting th eother man to rush forward. This is forefront in one of the worst decisions he's made in recent history; His miscalculation was minor, but when you cross a certain line any manner of error is a bit too much. It's about the first dent into steel that Rolento's mind shifts, pondering the sanity of his actions. Mental thought is lost as he hits the other wall. Somewhere in the haze he realizes that he's only clinging to consciousness. Ah... he's not out. But the air is rippling past his beret in such a lovely fashion--SLAM. And although Rolento shudders, he's no longer a combative threat. This is significant in one manner; If he had merely sidestepped Clark's charge, he probably could have annihilated the approaching Ikari. And while his opponent got blown far into overkill, Rolento is merely weakened, able to crawl away thereafter, panting. It actually puts Galactica Phantom into perspective; When one slug can do the combined force of denting two walls, blowing through a ceiling and impacting a deck, a man's really able to punch. "Tch..." Slowly, trembling, Rolento flows to his feet. "...Impressive." He then reaches within his vest, and yanks out a myriad grenades. They scatter across the deck, pins clattering on the floor. "...You have repelled me today, Clark Steel. ...But enjoy the fact -- you know your victory was due to my humor -- and even then, the slimmist margin...!!" And with a sharp salute Rolento hefts backwards, falling overboard into the ocean. Just as the insane number of explosives go off, almost in tandem, plume of fire likely seen for many miles around.
Clark blows up, and then swims to shore to find a beer and his missing arm.
Log created on 21:14:55 03/12/2007 by Clark, and last modified on 14:22:18 05/22/2007.