Description: In downtown Southtown, there's a little dojo of considerable reputation: the Kyokugenryuu Dojo. And it's here that resides one notorious Takuma Sakazaki. On one outing, however, the commander of the Ikari Warriors decides to stop in and pay an old acquaintance a visit...and see if old man Sakazaki has been keeping up with his training. Special appearance made by Mayor Mike Haggar.
It's another typical afternoon at the Kyokugenryuu Dojo, with a crowd of some twenty young, able-bodied teenagers filling the large clearing before the central building of the Dojo. Like anybody would be, every last one of them is in awe of the spectacle before them: You see, Takuma is doling out the harshness at the moment. On a large platform in front of the Dojo, the Kyokugen master faces one particularly /inpudent/ child, eyes filled with a particularly frightening bit of spite. The child stands some five feet across from him, quiverlegged and attempting to maintain his proper 'ready' stance, while Takuma simply shouts at him.
"Do you understand why we train, Kage? You're not going to get any further than this unless you're willing to push past your limits!"
"Bu- but sir... this is impossible! I can't break that!" Kage points at the enormous, heavy-looking cinder block Takuma's been thrusting at him for the past few minutes.
Sakazaki sets his jaw and simply stares at the boy. "Stop running your mouth, Kage, and punch it. When /I/ was your age, I could punch through /four/ of these. Are you calling me a liar?!"
It's an intense moment, to be sure. What will happen!?
While the crowd overall might be half Takuma's age, there are, of course, other observers. In fact, there's one set of eyes - or, eye - keeping a keen watch on the goings-on in the Kyokugenryuu Dojo. Offset from the majority of the crowd, the one-eyed man, more or less bundled in a mahogany-colored trenchcoat, observes the master and student, their exchange almost comical. There's the slightest makings of a grin on the weathered soldier's face, but he says nothing.
Not immediately, at least.
Pushing his back off the wall of a nondescript building where once he stood, the cycloptic soldier pushes forward, making his way a touch closer toward the platform positioned outside the dojo. A few young men turn their attentions toward the man, but keep to themselves, as they should. In fact, a few move out of his way, letting him approach the stage without interruption. That solitary eye is fixed on the elderly Sakazaki.
"I see your enthusiasm remains as passionate as ever, Sakazaki," the old soldier states, peering up from the ground at the platform's edge. There's a faint smirk on the man's face at this point, his eye alight with amusement as he regards perhaps the most infamous of the Sakazaki clan.
Takuma is fully aware of Heidern's presence, as his ability to detect /any/ kind of uncalled-for movement amongst his students is a thing of legend. It also probably helps that grizzled, mahogany-colored Heidern is wading through a sea of white gis. While poor Kage stares down a cinder block that's undoubtedly several times harder than his fist, Takuma's regarding Heidern from the corner of his eye: Eventually, Kage's inability to face his /destiny/ and simply PUNCH the damn thing has Takuma looking back up at the boy, thoroughly disappointed.
"Ugh, you're never going to be able to do it if you're so busy knocking your knees together, boy. Head in back and show Ryo how many pushups you can do." Takuma proceeds to toss the cinderblock behind his shoulder as though it weighed no more than a few pounds, and turns his attention to Heidern. His eyes narrow, one meaty finger scratches at the side of his head.
Recognition dawns in a few moments, however, and Takuma's smile is more than indicative of his pleasure at seeing Heidern - an old acquaintance - again. "Heidern! Of course I'm passionate about this: The only way to teach kids nowadays is by force. Damn youngsters don't want to do things if they have to /work/ for them. What can I do for you?" Takuma speaks while making a 'hold on' gesture to his students. Several of them, it'd seem, have started to out the center of the practice area. They know what's up.
Aware or not, Heidern makes his advance nonetheless. Pausing at the platform's edge, the one-eyed man glances up with a faint smirk on his face, regarding the old acquaintance and his habits. Habits which seem to intimidate his poor, weak-willed and knocked-knee student. Dismissed by his sensei, Heidern watches absently as the young man walks off, defeated by an unwillingness to face his cinderblock destiny.
While not recognized by the elder Sakazaki immediately, Heidern makes no motion to refresh the man's memory. Instead he waits and, as he anticipates, is remembered. The grin crawls a little further along dry lips, and upon being acknowledged the Ikari commander crouches briefly, long legs bending before he springs up, landing on the platform with ease.
"Ha," he replies at Takuma's ranting, that solitary brown eye drawing to a close as he continues to grin, however faint it may be. "I think you have a point there, Sakazaki. That's what us old men are for, no? We have to set examples and show them what it takes to be real men." Lifting a gloved hand from the pocket of his dark coat, the lanky commander gestures toward Takuma.
"I thought I would stop in and pay a visit, while I was in the area." There's a pause that follows, the man's jaw squaring. A sigh slips past his lips, and the smile grows a touch.
"...maybe even see if you were up for a good, old-fashioned spar?"
Throughout Heidern's introduction and proposition, Takuma's crossed his arms and watches the military man with an expression of clear, careful consideration. This is interrupted by a quick, friendly grin at Heidern's agreement with him - old men ARE important! - and falls back into a respectful silence afterwards. Regardless, even though Sakazaki's put on a serious expression and seems, for all the world, to be intent on making a careful decision, it's clear that his students know what's to happen.
Every single one of them have settled down into a cross-legged position on the training mats around the dais, and a respectful, awed silence has overtaken the group. Takuma looks out to them, sees they've essentially made his decision FOR him, and falls into a classic, spread-legged ready position.
Takuma extends both arms towards Heidern, grins broadly, and gives the Ikari a 'come hither' gesture. "Can't look like a damn sissy in front of my boys, Heidern! Come on, show me if you've still got that crazy warlock magic everybody's so freaked out by. I'll show you that Kyokugen isn't so easily intimidated!
COMBATSYS: Takuma has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Takuma 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Heidern has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Heidern
COMBATSYS: Takuma takes no action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Takuma 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Heidern
A grin continues to haunt the Ikari commander's lips as he acknowledges the Sakazaki elder, that solitary eye narrowed ever so slightly in amusement. Bowing his head a bit, Heidern lifts both arms, the other sliding free of his pocket before both fold over his chest. He remains silent for a moment, letting his words settle upon Takuma, and only looks up when the sound of cloth shifting catches his sharp ear.
Looking up once more, Heidern narrows his eye briefly before his smile widens a slight touch. He's easing into stance, is he? That is obvious hint enough he'll accept the chance to spar with the soldier. Good, good.
Arms drop from his chest, gloved hands untying the belt of his coat before his hands grab the lapels and pull the coat free. Tossing it aside and off the platform, Heidern slides into a stance, one arm folded across his chest and the other at his side as he slides his legs a ways apart, centering his weight.
"Warlock magic, huh?" he replies, looking almost thoughtful before he chuckles deeply. "As you wish. But be warned. I won't make it too easy for you, Takuma." That said Heidern bolts forward, lifting a leg as he closes in. Bringing his knee down toward Takuma's head, he prepares for a one-two strike should it connect, the top of his foot aimed to strike the other man's shoulder as his leg descends.
COMBATSYS: Takuma fails to counter Shooter Narnagel from Heidern with Mouko Burai Gan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0 Heidern
Heidern's good-natured warning brings a wry smile to Takuma's weathered face, but then the Ikari is rushing at him. It's not like he wasn't expecting it, since taunts /are/ taunts, but still, there's something impressive about Heidern's approach. It's clear the students are impressed, too: Fights have always been a thing of reverence at Kyokugenryuu Dojo. Never once have any of Takuma's peers failed to amaze the youngsters, and it'd turn out that this is no different from the norm.
Takuma's left forearm comes up to attempt to stop Heidern's knee cold, but it's battered aside by the old dog's momentmum, and Takuma winds up stumbling backwards and to the left as his own attempt at attacking is soured by legs slamming into either side of his head. It leaves the old karate man shaking his head a few times and taking a step or two back, and reassuming his starting position again: Another invitation towards Heidern. "C'mon now, Ikari! You can hit harder than that! Barely made my ears ring."
Mike Haggar, Mayor of Metro City, is in the background of this fight for some reason. He is reading an innocent, Comics Code Approved comic book, turning a few pages and then laughing heartily. He does this forever, and never seems to run out of comic book.
All bets are off when the Ikari commander makes his move. Pressing forward with his attack, the soldier lifts a leg high, impressively clearing it over Takuma's head. While the Sakazaki elder tries to stop him short, Heidern breeches his counterattack; piercing through it, that knee soundly smacks his skull, followed by the top of his foot. Following through with the momentum, Heidern pivots on his boot's heel and plants his foot down, easing into his stance once again.
For the briefest moment, Takuma is left to his own devices. That solitary eye observes the Sakazaki with the tiniest of grins, long fingers splayed as he holds his curious stance. The teasing falls upon the other man with a soft chuckle. "Hey, I'm just getting started," he explains...
...before he rushes in AGAIN. Closing in on Takuma, Heidern lifts his leg as he draws in, attempting to plant the heel of his boot swiftly into the center of the other man's chest.
COMBATSYS: Takuma blocks Heidern's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Heidern
It says something that Takuma's abandoning his less-than-reverent strategy for now, and doesn't quite go for the same, gutsy maneuver he had earlier. Heidern's explanation is met with nothing but a re-establishment of Takuma's posture, and the other fighter circles around to the left, balling his hands into fists. "It's alright, Heidern. Us old men need time to warm up - I understand. After all, you haven't been teaching all day!" This is followed by gouts of uncalled-for, inappropriate laughter, the type of laughter that speaks of nothing but encroaching senility.
It doesn't mean, however, that Takuma isn't on his game. The rush is expected, and Takuma meets Heidern's boot with a re-directing sweep of his left arm, a step to the right, and one full-bodied punch forwards, a rather iconic expression of Kyokugen's full-contact philosophies. "Har-UMPH!", says Takuma, intent on making this punch one that should knock the Ikari back a fair bit.
COMBATSYS: Heidern endures Takuma's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0 Heidern
Easing into his stance once more, Heidern looks toward the elder Sakazaki, a smile - however discreet it may be - still haunting his weathered features. Holding his ground for the moment, Heidern seems content to wait for now, though as Takuma speaks, the other man offers a friendly chuckle. "Ah, how true. And I have not. That's why I expect you to give me quite a show, Sakazaki. You wouldn't disappoint this old man, now would you?"
Dashing in, Heidern attempts to plant that foot into Takuma's chest. Met with slight resistence, however, boot crashing into forearm. Blinking that one eye slowly, the man's features ease into another light-hearted expression of amusement. Pulling his leg back, the man plants it...and just in time.
Bracing himself, the fist of the eldest Sakazaki smacks cleanly into Heidern, a slight grunt escaping the one-eyed soldier. "Aww, that stung just a little, Sakazaki," he chides. Then, in a blur, the commander crouches low and springs UP into the air, his wiry form twisting as he ascends. Hands snap out, long gloved fingers reaching out, to grab Takuma by the neck...
COMBATSYS: Takuma fails to interrupt Neck Rolling Slashes from Heidern with Zanretsu Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Heidern
The moment those black-gloved hands make purchase on Takuma's neck, things take a sudden and quite...peculiar twist.
No pun intended.
Exercising that fabled "warlock magic," Heidern becomes a strange blur of olive-green fatigues around the Sakazaki elder's neck. He moves fast, defying gravity itself as he practically spins AROUND the other man's throat, long fingers clawing at and leaving a nasty mark. After a few seconds the man's form swings off, again rotating midair before Heidern lands on his feet a short distance away, again easing into his stance.
It's at this point in time that Takuma makes a sound not dissimilar to 'hgahlgalghalgaglhgh' while his THROAT is being used as a DANCING POLE. The fighter's right hand is, comically enough, attempting to hit the incredibly quickly spinning Heidern throughout his improbable abuse of physics, and failing each and every one of the several(SEVERAL) swings. Heidern swings off of Takuma's neck and leaves the Kyokugen rubbing at his neck with a painful, surprised expression on his face.
In the crowd, one student laughs. Immediately, several of his peers punch him in the arms and the back of the head. He stops.
Takuma, for the meantime, is shaking his head a few times and attempting to regain his bearings(and breath). "Hmph... I guess... I'm eating my words, eh, Heidern? I'll take things a little more seriously now. You'll have to teach me how to swing around like that, though." A little shaky, just a bit now, Takuma gets back into a proper position.
Somehow, Heidern avoids those punches Takuma attempts during his brief stint circling the other man's throat. It really IS a strange sight to see for the casual observer, almost funny, in fact. But it's not so funny for those on the receiving end. Fortunately, Takuma is made of meat...and awesome. And a dash of Kyokugen pain. Just ask his students.
Fortunately for the one laughing student, Heidern does not hear them, and it's not because he's "old" or "going deaf." He's just more focused on his spar with the other man here. Grinning faintly, like before, the other man shakes his head a bit. "You weren't taking me seriously? I'm a little offended." It's all in good fun, though. Rather than attack again, Heidern slides one foot aside. What's he doing?
A strange aura bursts to life around the man, a curious shade of crimson that seems to snake and spiral about him. It's barely visible to the untrained eye, but a seasoned fighter such as Takuma would recognize it as chi energies. And Heidern seems to be pooling them.
COMBATSYS: Heidern gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Heidern
Heidern is doing... THE SAME THING TAKUMA IS DOING. The other old man simply stands his ground and catches his breath, eyes on Heidern while the Ikari seems to guilt him about being less than totally serious for the first few moments of the fight. Takuma, caught red handed as it were, can really only offer a shrug and an apologetic smile. "Well, you know how it is, Heidern. It's been a long time since I've had to spar with anybody on my own level!"
Takuma re-assumes his bull-stance, and gouts of golden, healthy-looking chi erupt from the dais beneath him, suffusing the air about the Kyokugen fighter with pure energy. Takuma takes the time to stretch, flex, and roll his neck a bit to loosen up -- and abruptly everything about his charging posture simply shatters. Takuma rushes forward and dives into one quick, intense karate-kick aimed directly for Heidern's exposed, chi-licious form. If he hits, he'll bring his other foot around in an airborne upper-kick, to knock Heidern high into the sky.
"Har! Faked you out! WATCH OUT, IKARI!"
COMBATSYS: Heidern blocks Takuma's Hien Shippu Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Heidern
"Has it, Sakazaki?" the other man replies, sounding genuinely surprised, despite the faint look of amusement that still has yet to really and fully leave the man's weathered face. That solitary hazel eye draws shut briefly, lips pulling into a thin line before he simply replies, "Well, hopefully I won't disappoint you, Sakazaki."
But rather than attack him, Heidern instead seems content in playing defense. Holding his ground AND gathering that strange chi energy, the man's single eye opens and focuses on Takuma. Is he doing the same tactic? No matter; he'll wait it out. But then--
--he comes at Heidern.
That swift, initial kick is met with the soldier's surprisingly durable forearm. The second, follow-up kick is intercepted by the man's other arm - caught in the palm of his gloved hand, in fact. Grinning, Heidern tsks softly before he replies, "I'm not that old, Takuma!"
And with that the Ikari's hands seize what of Takuma he has a hold of and attempts to chuck him up and through the air, to crash into the opposite side of the platform, lest Takuma prove wilier than the Ikari commander anticipates!
COMBATSYS: Takuma blocks Heidern's Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Heidern
"HIEN SHIPPU KYAK-uh?" Takuma seems genuinely /surprised/ by Heidern's quick reactions, and even moreso as the Ikari grabs his second kick like that, and simply tosses him over his shoulder. This is, in itself, pretty badass. But when you take into account that Takuma's a big guy, it becomes even more impressive: It's pretty obvious that Heidern's developed quite a following amongst the audience members, despite Takuma's home-field fan advantage.
However, Takuma's not entirely caught off-guard by this toss, and hits the ground in a somewhat haphazard, but nonetheless effective roll. It reduces the damage to his skull, at the very least, and allows him to come up on his knees in a prepared position. He turns to face Heidern, bringing his hands out to aid in whatever defense he may need to attempt to muster -- and doesn't bother standing. Instead, a far more intense yellow glow erupts from the ground beneath him, and for all it's worth, seems to be the REAL THING this time.
Since Takuma isn't doing anything else for the moment... that's probably the case.
COMBATSYS: Takuma gathers his will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Takuma 1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1 Heidern
Intercepted, it would seem the fate of Takuma lay in the leather-clad hands of the Ikari Commander. Fortunately, however, Takuma is tougher than that; thrown, the Sakazaki elder does not disgracefully land. In fact, he surprises the other man by catching himself and rolling before he comes back up. Impressed, to say the least, Heidern grins slightly to himself. It would seem Takuma isn't that old, either. This is the stuff old guys are made of!
There's a mutual silence between both. Watching carefully as Sakazaki chooses to stay on his knees and meditates, Heidern offers the faintest of nods, likely to himself. The next course of action is, in that decisive moment, set in stone. Rushing forward, the tall soldier suddenly drops to one knee and slides along, attempting to put the boot of his heel right into Takuma's face. It's fast, it's far from brutal, but it should be enough to at least distract the man and keep him on his toes.
COMBATSYS: Heidern successfully hits Takuma with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Takuma 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 Heidern
Takuma is either absolutely insane, or good at covering up the penalties of growing old. Needless to say, this means that Heidern's foot connects -squarely- with his face, sending the Kyokugen patriarch tumbling over the side of his demonstration platform and ultimately onto the ground somewhere out of sight. Whether or not he has died is a question quickly answered by the bales of hearty, eccentric laughter emitting from wherever it is that Takuma seems to have fallen.
"Ha ha ha! Heidern, you old coot! You haven't gotten worse at all! I was hoping you'd be subject to the same bad back I've got -- looks like I need to start cheating to get things back on even ground!" Like some kind of horrific, musclebound titan, Takuma gets to his feet off to the left of the dais... with an enormous cinder-block held high over his head. The same, in fact, that young Kage had been so frightened of shattering.
"HMP!" Takuma effortlessly tosses the thing at Heidern, leaping up at the Ikari afterwards in an attempt to get back on the stage without being punched back off or something.
COMBATSYS: Heidern overcomes Thrown Object from Takuma with Cross Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Takuma 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 Heidern
Haggar laughs at his comic!
Somehow, Heidern's boot connects with Takuma's face and, for a split-second, someone there in the crowd could swear the Ikari commander showed a look of disbelief. It fades swiftly however, the cycloptic soldier swiftly recovering by recoiling his leg back at his side. Gloved finger splay, touching down on the ground at Heidern's sides before he suddenly springs up and back, landing a few feet away from the platform's edge. There, he waits.
He didn't mean to hit Takuma THAT hard. A part of the soldier is suspicious.
The laughter earns a smirk, Heidern's one good eye narrowing a touch as he listens. "Cheating? Sakazaki, you're not going to set a bad example for your students here, are you?" he asks, lifting his head a touch and looking toward the platform edge, from where the other man's voice arises.
Then it comes, along with the Sakazaki elder, wielding the cinderblock effortlessly. Grining, the Ikari commander simply drops his arms to his sides, long fingers straight as he forms a knifehand. With one smooth motion of his hands he cuts the air, a blur of x-shaped chi flying into the cinderblock...and right for Takuma.
COMBATSYS: Takuma overcomes Cross Cutter from Heidern with Triple Haohshokoken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/------=|=======\==-----\1 Heidern
Takuma Sakazaki will tell you that in his youth, he was a master actor. Why, there was a time when he had to pose as a German colonel to infiltrate one of the secret neo-nazi installations home to a dangerously lethal experimental SPACE NUKE. Of course, the deception went off perfectly... but it's likely for the same reason that Takuma has Heidern so concerned about his well-being! His students know better, of course. They've seen him pull /this/ particular move, before. In fact... a few are nodding at each other in a respectful, awed sort of way.
The cinder block, you see, was a FEINT. The airborne Takuma behind it has had a suspicious torrent of yellow chi crackling along his arms the entire time he's been in the air, and the very /moment/ he sees the Cross Cutter slash through the brick he'd tossed, Takuma thrusts either of those chi-laced arms towards the Ikari's projectile. An enormous blast of chi leaves his hands and propels Takuma BACKWARDS... and, as a matter of course, totally overcomes the Cross Cutter on its way towards Heidern.
Takuma's lips are moving and he looks like he's shouting while he's doing this, but there are unfortunately two more incarnations of the person-sized fireball headed downwards at Heidern... and propelling Takuma back into the air above the ground along the perimeter of the dais. Looks like he's not getting back on the platform after all.
COMBATSYS: Takuma successfully hits Heidern with Triple Haohshokoken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/------=|=======\======-\1 Heidern
A feint if ever there was one. Ever the "master actor" Takuma would no doubt claim himself TO be, Heidern falls for the trap. Arms move swiftly, slicing through the air with the greatest of ease. The result? A burst of x-shaped blue chi energy that decimates the block, sending chunks falling to the ground. That singular eye lifts, just in time to see a curious sight.
Takuma is readying himself for a brutal counterattack to Heidern's own.
Bursts of chi energy tear through the chi sent at Takuma by the Ikari commander, sending two additional blasts at him. Heidern does not, however, move. He just stands there, ready for it and, more importantly, preparing to TAKE it like a man. But he underestimates it strength, and as result gets blasted back.
Fortunately, Heidern recovers midflight and lands in a three-point stance at the platform's edge. Smirking to himself, the commander rises to full height, his lanky figure sliding into stance once again. "That was impressive, Sakazaki. I'll give you that." Watching as he falls. ..Heidern springs into action.
Moving like a blur of flesh and olive-colored fatigues, the soldier takes to the air, lunging up and AT the descending Takuma. Like the curious display before, when Heidern used his "warlock magic" to swing himself around the other man's neck, those hands seek to make purchase on Takuma's neck and shoulders...
COMBATSYS: Takuma fails to counter Final Bringer from Heidern with Mouko Burai Gan.
[ \\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Heidern
Snagged midair, the soldier gives a solid, forceful PUSH with his arms. Why? To ground Sakazaki, you see. Shoving him at the earth below, the pair lands, Takuma first. Swinging himself around, Heidern lands, face-to-face with the other man, that solitary eye narrowed.
"You've still got it, old man," he says. That's when the pain comes. But it comes...because Heidern knows full and well that the likes of Takuma can take it.
Swinging his gloved hand forward, fingers bury themselves into the man's gut, a strange aura lingering about Heidern, his arm aglow with red chi. Like a knife, it makes purchase past skin and muscle. Unlike most, however, Heidern does not seek to bury it all the way. He doesn't want to KILL Takuma, after all. But he's not going lightly, either.
In one quick motion the other man YANKS his arm out, the other hand of his jerking up and crashing against his shoulder, to knock Sakazaki back and away. Heidern? He flips up and back, landing on the platform once again before he jerks a hand aside, a splatter of crimson standing the floor beneath him.
Takuma's eyes go /wide/ at Heidern's quick recovery from being admittedly ripped apart by flaming balls of chi, and there's very, very little he can do by way of any sort of reaction. So... the karate man brings a forearm out and around in sheer desperation(one might think to possibly facebar Heidern), but is cruelly beaten aside by the Ikari warrior, and... and... HE'S GRABBED AGAIN.
"Dammit Heidern! Stop dodohgigaoghnghgkrhgmglk" Gasps rock the audience again as Takuma is rather soundly... TOSSED at the ground or something, and the fighter with a heavy, not-very-skillful thump. There is, in fact, a great dearth of skill right now. For Takuma is on the ropes already, and Heidern's volley of combat-surgery or whatever it is(warlock surgery is what it is) leaves Takuma's gi beaten and bloody. Which, you know, says not very much for the old man wearing it. Still on the ground after Heidern steps back and throws Takuma's blood all over his performance dais, Takuma holds up a hand in Heidern's direction.
"Be up... in a second. Just a second. Lord.." He needs a moment or two to recuperate.
[ \\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Takuma 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Heidern
Despite protest, Heidern makes with the motions. Grabbing the elder Sakazaki, the man jerks his hand forward and plants it firmly into his gut before he leaves him bloodied a bit and battered, despite the best attempts to prevent it. When it's over, that "warlock surgery," however, Heidern simply leaps up and back, finding his place atop the podium once more. He waits.
He'll be up in a second? That was probably a mistake. Smirking faintly, the Ikari commander springs to life again. Leaping off the stage, the man appears from above, his figure shrouded by the sun behind him. Like a wraith of death itself, Heidern descends toward Takuma and, as he nears, swipes a hand out suddenly, slashing it at the man's chest, as if it were a sword.
"There is no waiting in combat, Sakazaki!" he warns, though he sounds strangely amused.
COMBATSYS: Takuma fails to interrupt Medium Punch from Heidern with Zanretsu Ken.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Heidern 0/-------/----===|
COMBATSYS: Takuma can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Heidern 0/-------/----===|
Takuma looks up with a sour expression, and is very, very, very clearly done for now. Or, at least, if he's not /done/, he's content to go down without that much of a fight! He'd been up too late last night, anyway. It'd been a while since he'd slept under the stars, bloody and bruised. In retrospect, it may not be such a great thing that he's so bloody. Oh well - he's not too concerned about /his/ well-being for the time, anyway. So what happens when Heidern leaps down next to him and lances out with a fist?
Takuma punches Heidern's fist. It's a feeble punch, the punch of a man who is concerned over holes in his midsection. So Heidern pretty easily lances through Takuma's fists... but this is Takuma's plan! Sakazaki falls fully to the ground, eyes half-lidded, and rather willfully tugs the Ikari down so that he's able to speak with the taller man, face to face.
"Alright, old man, I'm taking a nap." He coughs once or twice. "But the /kids/ out there have five hours of training left, and since YOU broke the teacher, YOU'RE stepping in for him! By the time they all go home, I should be able to move again... and then you and I are going out for drinks, understand? Loser's treat." That's all he's got the energy for - Takuma falls to the ground, out for now.
Every single one of the children watching the fight is looking at Heidern expectantly. They know the protocol.
Making his aerial assault at the clearly-defeated Sakazaki elder, Heidern lunges in for the proverbial kill. Like a hawk he descends, a hand lashing out at the offense that he attempts to muster up, to stop the Ikari Commander short. It just isn't enough to hold the one-eyed soldier back. But, regardless...Takuma makes another effort.
It catches the other man by surprise, really. Snagged, he's tugged down for a brief bit of conversation. Narrowing that eye, Heidern gives him his ear.
What he SAYS, however, makes the man's weathered face falter a bit. Blinking that single eye once, rather slowly, too, Heidern stares at Takuma, as if he grew a second head. "You...what?" Nap? And he wants Heidern to do WHAT? Try as he might to protest, Heidern finds himself cut short. Defeated on a different level, the Ikari exhales a sigh, drawing that solitary hazel eye shut.
"Very well. You owe me, Sakazaki," he says, to ensure the other man makes good on the promise of drinks. "Enjoy your nap."
Rising from the ground, Heidern again leaps up onto the platform, making his way to its center. Casting his gaze out into the sea of adolescent faces, the soldier lifts his head, arms folding behind his back.
"Alright, listen here, worms," the man says, his voice booming, oozing with authority. "Your teacher is out of commission, so it's my turn to see what your made of. I want the bravest of you to step forward and show me what you've got. If you don't, it's pushup for each and every single one of you, and you don't want to do Heidern-style pushups." That single eye narrows, his expression dangerous. There is no sympathy here.
"Who is man enough to show me how fearsome Kyokugenryuu is and show me which of you will defend your sensei's honor?"
COMBATSYS: Heidern has ended the fight here.
Log created by Heidern, and last modified on 01:39:53 03/13/2007.