Description: Ikari proves once more that they are composed of bad dudes and dudettes by taking on FREAKING TANKS. BOOYAH! (OOC Commentary kept in tact for priceless golden nuggets of comedy.)
[OOC] Scylla says, "All right I'LL DO IT."
[OOC] Scylla says, "Hold on to your asses, assholders."
[OOC] Ralf says, "....Okay, um."
[OOC] Ralf says, "First."
[OOC] Clark says, "I already got it. :|"
[OOC] Ralf says, "I'm listening to a death metal cover of Livin' La Vida Loca on this stream."
[OOC] Scylla snaps.
[OOC] Clark says, "oh snippity"
[OOC] Charybdis o.o
[OOC] Ralf says, "Secondly, I knew Clark would come through, because he's really my bestest bud. :("
[OOC] Scylla (Gay.)
[OOC] Clark says, "BFF. B("
[OOC] Ralf says, "There's a typo in your Corp description item, sir. :("
[OOC] Scylla says, "OH??"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Well, it is."
[OOC] Ralf says, "But that's beside the point."
[OOC] Scylla XD
Leona has arrived.
[OOC] Ralf says, "Okay. Are we all ready, now?"
[OOC] Scylla says, "Could be."
[OOC] Ralf picks Scylla up by the head. ._.
[OOC] Clark says, "Possibly?!"
[OOC] Ralf says, "ARE WE READY, SOLDIER?!"
[OOC] Leona says, "Not really, but I have no choice so lets go"
Heidern has arrived.
[OOC] Scylla says, "You don't have to, Leona, I just didn't want you to miss it. D: Ralf and Clark should be able to handle it."
[OOC] Leona says, "......"
[OOC] Leona says, "What the fuck ever."
[OOC] Leona says, "Just start"
[OOC] Charybdis plunks in some quarters.
It's nice to be away from the dingos and wallabies. Thin, snappy bastards and big, hoppy rats, no thanks! The poor Jeep, it nearly hit a couple of those as it went tearing over the terrain, sandy in color with its top on. It's still kind of hot, but seeing as how it's horribly sunny, that's no surprise. With the wind whipping through open windows, cooling sweat actually feels just as nice as air conditioning. That is, unless you're a preppy wuss that can't handle it.
Thick tires crunch over clots of sand, but hardly heard over the clamor of the thing's diesel engine revving up. They're well within sight, and close enough that the vehicle's passengers could just get out and run up. But no! The pedal is mashed down, tail end fishtailing on loose terrain before it grinds in and approaches max speed. That coming up awfully, awfully quickly. The jeep bumps, ever-so-briefly airborn when it hits the first edge of pavement, but still, it shows no sign of slowing!
Whether the people (whoever that may be) inside can hear them coming or not, the sight of a Jeep PLOWING through the thin metal shutter door must be shocking! Having raced up the ramp at full speed, the vehicle flies a good twenty feet before it hits the ground, tires squealing on the smooth concrete with a sharp turn, spinning a good two or three times until it finally comes to a stop.
And then, like fleeing rats, a small handful of people scramble out. "GO! GO!" can be heard, the command a loud bellow: no need for secrecy NOW, is there?
Oswald has arrived.
Maki has arrived.
Maki heads to Papua New Guinea.
[OOC] Clark mmm.
And the Ikari's are greeted with a small degree of chaos. High-pitched hums and thunderous roars echo and bounce off the walls, which is almost loud enough to even mask the sounds of suicidal flying vehicles. Luckily for certain people, they have TECHNOLOGY.
Cardboard boxes, slug rounds, wooden palletts, and spare tires are scattered all about the near half-mile long vicinity, and large stacks of neatly piled crates are continuously being knocked over. It isn't long before dead ahead, one of the out-of-control vehicles comes to view, some sort of weird, frog-like, futuristic wannabe device appears to be hovering a bit above the gravel and smashes into a wall.
"This -sucks-," Tanisha hears over her intercom, "I think I figured out how to move backwards though.."
"Yeah well you've got bigger problems!" a male voice then yells to both pilots, "I saw something blinking on one of these computers and I think they got the hell inside, man! Figure out how to pilot those damn things and take them out, QUICKLY!" a pause, "Oh and hey, I got some burrito's in the microwave. These things heat up in like two minutes, it's awesome!"
[OOC] Leona says, "...god. We are fighting the Nadesico pilots. ._."
[OOC] Heidern says, "lol burritos :|"
[OOC] Heidern says, "And don't worry Clark. She'll likely be back. e_e"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Ahahahaha."
[OOC] Ralf says, "God damn Metal Gears. :|"
Well, the other vehicle that comes up along side the first isn't quite so out of control, it's just kinda... weaving, like whoever is driving it was drunk or something. Regardless, it seems to be having less problems with obstacles for the simple fact that it's on treads like a tank should be, squeaking and rattling along, burning up more and more diesel.
"Whateva, whateva, you can whine later awright? These are tanks whether we know what we doin' or not! We got this!" the other novice pilot shouts back through her headset. "...oh wait... maybe not. Where the hell is the damn brakes?"
There's then a long moment of static, before her voice finally goes through again and Whiskers and the boss hear a low mutter of "Burritos? What the.. Shiyet... maybe he really *is* 17.."
[OOC] Ralf says, "We're beating up kids. :("
[OOC] Scylla says, "I'll whup your ass, old man. :|"
[OOC] Ralf says, "M...maybe, yeah. :("
The trip by jeep was a bumpy one which made preparations mostly needing to be taken care of before heading out for the mission itself instead of working on things last minutes. Of course that means the back of the jeep was loaded down with explosives that Leona had taken the liberty of making before heading out. Overkill? One might say so. She would prefer to call it being well prepared if dealing with the likes of tanks. Good thing Ralf's wreckless driving didn't set them all off to begin with.
After the jeep busts through Leona quickly snags some of the items she had in the back of the jeep to hide in her jacket before leaping out of the back of the vehicle and moving out quickly much as ordered. Dark eyes scan about the surroundings as she glances over towards where Ralf had disembarked. "Are you sure this isn't a joke? This was a bit too easy." she murmurs while removing her dogtags and begins tieing up her hair as she waits for more orders.
There are usually certain procedures you take in certain kinds of missions. Espionage work requires subtlety, a fact that any good mercenary knows. Demolitions work, though... well. When you're contracted to blow up things you've got to look good doing to. And the most important rule of all, is: you have to crash your jeep through the front door of whatever fine establishment you happen to be raiding.
Well, maybe it's not a rule. But it should be. And the establishment the Ikari are driving headfirst into isn't exactly 'fine,' which is why Clark Steel doesn't feel too bad the moment the vehicle crashes straight through the doors with the screech of metal and the cries of frightened evildoers. Sunglass-covered eyes observe silently as people scramble out of the way. Lifting his cap, Clark idly wipes his brow with his unclad hand as he leaps off of the jeep, landing with a soft 'hup!' before giving a lazy smile. Easy?
"Guess you don't have to be a genius to swipe heavy artillery like this, huh?" That entrance /was/ easy. And really cool, to boot. Maybe this is all just a joke. If it is, well... maybe then Clark will feel bad about them ruining the front door.
But probably not.
Nah! The shutter door is CHEAP compared to what the client would lose if these tanks got out, remember? Ralf feels no such regret. He's already slipping out of the driver's side window, hands clamped to the canvas top and...and he actually loses his professionalism for a moment. The frog-tank-thing looks odd, but it's the fact that it just ass-first into a wall that makes him wonder if the Ikari Warriors are just being made fun of. Could this REALLY be some rich person's idea of a joke? But eh, if it were, it probably wouldn't have gotten past Heidern.
The man's expression changes from dumbfounded to stern once more, and after landing on the ground with a grunt, he puts his hand atop his cloth-adorned crown. "Just like we planned, right! Leona, you take the animoo mech, keep it off balance. Clark, while it's down, you get inside that thing and stop whoever's trying to drive that thing." He peers around the jeep, watching the 'weaver'. It's somewhat comforting to have a more traditional target. "And me, I'm gonna pop the lid off the rookie's ride. Clear?" Sure, he takes the EASY one. The frog probably has lasers or some shit. Only, ONLY after confirmation from his partners does he take off into the maze of supplies, trying to keep enough between the treaded beast and himself to be a difficult target. Hopefully.
COMBATSYS: Scylla has started a fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Scylla 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Ralf has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Scylla 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ralf
COMBATSYS: Leona has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Scylla 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Leona
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Ralf
COMBATSYS: Clark has joined the fight here on the right meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Scylla 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Leona
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Ralf
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Clark
Oswald has reconnected.
Oswald has dropped a connection.
COMBATSYS: Charybdis has joined the fight here on the left meter side.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Charybdis 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Leona
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Scylla 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ralf
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Clark
Oswald goes somewhere else.
"... 'We got this?'.. What the hell does that mean, I hate lingo," Whiskers grunts to Tanisha, irritation in his tone. However upon hearing the Bosses words, it certainly makes him straighten up, despite the, "This -sucks-. All right, I guess we gotta to kill some folks." He's not even going to respond to the comment about burrito's. He's a vegetarian anyway.
The armored vehicle gives another high-pitched hum, eases off the wall, and in a wobbly motion, turns to face the three 'intruders'. The 'jaw' of the vehicle drops, and as Scylla hovers forward, proceeds to rattle off it's chain gun toward Ikari first in range- That being Clark, since he's wearing a cap, or something.. Well. There just seems something not right about trying to gun down a woman. Maybe she's a secretary.
"...godyousowhite." One would think that if she figured anything out about the tank, it'd be the damn com system, which is really quite simple, but no, she still keeps letting the other two hear her while she's mumbling. It's not voice activated, she's having to hold a button down to talk, but she's not letting off of said button whenever she talks under her breath like that, thus defeating the whole purpose of trying to be quiet about it at all. They can hear her. But that's probably not all that important right now. It's not like her accomplice there is gonna turn on her for it at a time like this, disgruntled postal worker or no. What matters, is there is a Rambo-looking dude with a bandanna around in her field of vision who seems to think she can't hit him from here.
And maybe he's right! At least, she won't be able to until she's got her cannon charged up. The shiny cylinder on the back of her slug-tank starts to gurgle and hiss, and she slows the whole vehile comes screeching to a halt none-too-gracefully. "Heheheh. Lessee what this thing can do... "
COMBATSYS: Charybdis gathers her will.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Charybdis 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Scylla 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Ralf
> //////////////////////////////]
|-------\-------\0 Clark
Leona shakes her head some in response to Ralf barking orders and doesn't even decide to correct him on the animoo comment. He is going to go have his fun and that will keep him distracted while her and Clark try to deal with the possibly more problematic of the tanks. Who the hell thinks making a tank look like a frog is a good idea anyways? She is still really wondering if this is all just one big joke being played on them just so Heidern could get a good laugh or the like.
Their weapons at least seem real enough given the gunfire being aimed right towards Clark. She crouches low making sure no fire is coming her way and then she dashes forward towards Scylla at high speed, her hand whipping into her coat to pull out a packet of explosives tied together that she lights up. Upwards the explosives go aimed to be thrown in the gaping maw of that frog tank as she runs by. Time to disarm some of its weapons if she can.
COMBATSYS: Scylla successfully hits Clark with Heavy Chain Gun.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Scylla 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Ralf
> ////////////////////////// ]
|==-----\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Ralf says, "Way to take one for the team!"
[OOC] Scylla :(
[OOC] Ralf says, "Man. You're not gonna catch 'em in your mouth and chew them up, are you?"
[OOC] Clark says, "I'll catch 'em in my mouth and spit 'em back. B"
[OOC] Clark says, "I'm missing my mouth, though! Shit!"
"So we've got the larger, more ridiculous one?" Clark questions as he rubs the back of his neck with a gloved hand, taking a good look at the Frogobot. Blonde brows furrow beneath his sunglasses, and he chews his lip almost thoughtfully. Really? They... were really going to pitch that as a battle tank? But after taking a moment to decide, Clark finally nods once, hands clenching easily into fists. "...Shouldn't be too tough."
Or it wouldn't, if the mechanical frog of doom weren't spitting bullets at him. Behind shades the Ikari soldier's eyes snap wide, and he makes the beginnings of a movement to get the /hell/ out of the way -- not quite successfully. Bullets impact painfully against Clark's side as he leaps, and his lack of footing makes the man fly backwards, crashing into a heap of boxes. Now most of the time, being riddled with bullets would mean the person is dead; especially after being hit so many times. But Clark?
"HO!" Seconds later, Clark Steel is TEARIGN out of those boxes in a rush towards the frog tank. Like he's gonna let some animoo robot thing take him down! Hell no! Instead, he rushes across the ground, intent on leaping when he's close enough and ramming a single shoulder into the thing, intent on knocking it over -- or at least damaging it. That was humiliating. And kind of painful.
Man, if only, IF ONLY Ralf could hear the banter going on between the drivers. He might start to feel bad, beating on idiots for money.
...Maybe not.
Anyway! The POINT of ducking behind pallets and tires is to keep from being CLEANLY hit. Granted, against tank shells, there's the whole 'splash damage' thing to worry about, BUT! BUT! Shut up, ducking and weaving is what you're SUPPOSED to do against armored vehicles! It's in the handbook! ANYWAY (god!,) Ralf peers around whatever pile of parts and scrap he'd hidden behind. The tank's stopped. That's good! No, wait. That's bad; tanks usually stop only when they're aiming against small things. Comparatively, Ralf is a small thing. Therefore, two plus three is five and Bob's your uncle, so Ralf has to sing this little piggy while playing pattycake.
That, or he can pick up one of those big engine blocks, hoist it over his head, and HEAVE it at the damn thing. The gong along should be worth it.
[OOC] Ralf...makes sure he's taretting the right one this time.
[OOC] Ralf almost threw something at the frog. :`(
[OOC] Scylla racist
[OOC] Ralf says, "Well YEAH. Threaten the Frenchy first, and it runs! 3 on 1 is far better odds than 3 on 2."
COMBATSYS: Scylla dodges Clark's Tackle.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Scylla 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Ralf
> ///////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Ralf says, "Dude."
[OOC] Ralf says, "A TANK dodged you."
[OOC] Clark says, "Y-yeah. B|"
COMBATSYS: Scylla negates Earring Bakudan from Leona with Heavy Chain Gun.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Scylla 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Ralf
> ///////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
"... -Excuse you-," Whiskers grumbles, "First of all, I prefer to be called 'causasian', and I hate when you call me white like you're putting me down. You could at least have the decency to turn off the inter- Uh oh. I thought I killed that guy. This sucks." though handling two Ikari doesn't seem very difficult, with his gun -continueing- to fire, he causes Leonas explosive to explode in mechas face rather than inside it's gullet. And thank god. However with Clark, he sees something he may have never seen before:
The frog-like tank just -leaps- right over the Ikari, twirls in mid air and slams back onto the ground, the shocks seeming to have absolutly no stress whatsoever. On the other hand, it continues to slide back and slam into a stack of pallets, which come crashing down atop it.
Incoming transmission from above, there's some serious feedback coming from the intercom above, and then the sound of someone chewing behind the microphone. After a couple of lipsmacks, a grown mans voice, though asian in nature speaks, "Attention Ikari Warriors! Yeah that's right, I know who the hell you are. *smack* We have taken over the whole damn facility. The authorities can't even touch us, because these weapons are futuristic as hell! Now, you all better retreat the hell out of here, or I'm going to have to come down there, and kick all of your asses. Thank you!" and then the feed ends. Well for a moment, when there's feedback again, "Oh, and by the way, I'm seventeen years old!" Transmission end.
[OOC] Ralf says, "Metal Gear Ray."
COMBATSYS: Charybdis blocks Ralf's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Scylla 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Ralf
> ///////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
Tanisha pushes some buttons, pulls some levers, twists some knobs, and- "...whoa, you really shot him. You stonecold sometimes, Whiskas." But then he starts whining again and she has to tune him out to keep from getting caught up in another race arguement with him. And oh yeah, she was aiming. Though wouldn't you know it, just when she gets it *just right* Ralf goes and throws something heavy at her tank. And though she may have successfully fended it off with that big grappling arm the Charybdis comes eqiupped with, for a moment the main turret is still thrown off course, and pointed more toward the ground. Enough so that it starts to leak and lose a little water pressure.
Whether it's enough totally ruin her shot however, remains to be seen, as she doesn't just take a single shot. She aims high and just douses the whole general area where Ralf has been hiding! And damn if that isn't some kind of heavy liquid.
[OOC] Heidern returns and ha ha.
The result isn't what was intended, but if anything the explosive did the job in absorbing enemy fire for at least some time and giving Clark time to recover instead of being pelted some more. The hopping ability shown by the tank does make the blue haired mercenary narrow her eyes ever so slightly. It is a good thing the tank isn't managed by someone more competant or else there might be real trouble to be had. With it somewhat constricted by the pallets that have fallen on it Leona presses forward to continue her assault. Running about towards the right side of the froggish looking tank she comes in to leap foward at it, throwing her feet outwards to dropkick it right in the side and throw it off balance in hopes of letting Clark get a nice strike at it as well. Time to show these idiots that they picked the wrong group to taunt.
Wow -- so that's why it looks like a frog. The sudden leap is a bit surprising for Clark, at least. It throws him off balance when he tackles nothing but air, causing the large man to stumble. He keeps his feet on the ground, though, staggering once, twice, before he wips around to get a good look at the mecha once it lands. Rubbing his bullet-hole covered shirt with a little wince, Clark takes a good, long look at the mecha.
And that's about when the transmission cuts in.
Blinking, Clark looks towards the ceiling, tilting his head to the side. "..." He takes into consideration the words, the tone, and the revelation at the end. And then, he makes one simple conclusion. "This really IS a joke." Even if it's not supposed to be, Clark can't help but shake his head... and make a run at that Froggybot once more. About mid-run Clark ducks into a slide, right as Leona strikes with that feet strike. His intention is to grasp the mechatank firmly by one of those long, frog legs, hoping it's unsettled and unbalanced by Leona's attack. If his grasp is successful, he'll literally HEFT the thing into the air with a heavy grunt of effort, and then... start spinning. One, twice, dragging the thing across the ground until he builds up enough force that it starts to lift up. And then... "HAH!" He'll just RELEASE it, right into another stack of crates. He's not going to look like a joke in front of a bunch of teenagers!
COMBATSYS: Ralf blocks Charybdis' Water Cannon Suppression.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Ralf
> ///////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Ralf says, "..."
[OOC] Ralf says, "It spat on me, guys. :("
[OOC] Leona says, "You know what to do, sir."
[OOC] Heidern says, "..."
[OOC] Ralf says, "Run away, screaming?"
[OOC] Heidern says, "Oh, that's better than what I was thinking you were going to say."
[OOC] Ralf says, "No matter how many times you ask, I'm NOT going to strip-tease for you, sir."
[OOC] Heidern says, "... :|"
[OOC] Clark says, "Spit back at it, Ralf. With your Ikari acid-spit."
[OOC] Ralf no.
[OOC] Ralf has something else.
[OOC] Leona says, "Hip thrust to the turrent. ._.;;;"
[OOC] Scylla :(
[OOC] Heidern says, "oh lord"
Even with tanks moving, Jones can catch the voice of that who drives the frog. He straightens a little, so taken aback by it. "They're KIDS?!" God. GOD. Leave it to a country of thieves and vandals to have their high-tech weaponry swiped by some ratty, snot-nosed thrill-seekers. Perhaps instead of punching, they should be spanking.
Anyway, the 'slug' seems to be a bit more capable than your every day tank. It's got an ARM. If he weren't having to destroy it, he'd think that was damn cool. Alas, he has precious little time to appreciate the wondrous thing, as the gun is pointed right at him! Aw. Hell.
Reaching toward the closest pile of scrap, Jones grabs a modestly large piece of what looks to be some kind of armor plating. You never know, that stuff COULD be acidic, right? He has just enough time to slam it down into the ground between he and the tank, holding it at the top and the middle. The liquid smashes against it, spraying out in all directions, coating the floor, all that stuff. Unfortunately, it really only seems to push Ralf back up against the wall, slightly squashed with his own shield. Well then. A mental note is taken: slugs are ranged fighters. Nature's most harmless-looking beast, capable of distance death? Who's have thought?
As soon as the pressure gives way, the bandana-clad Ikari pushes off of his wall, slapping the plate down on the floor in front of him, and with a short, simple hop...he's surfing on a scant half-centimeter of fluid. Apparently, it's just enough to lubricate the sheened metal, JUST GO WITH IT. Still, the man plans to make use of his makeshift ride to skid right up to the side of the beast and, loosing a bellow, PUNCH the thing right in the side. Because that's just what Ralf DOES.
COMBATSYS: Scylla blocks Leona's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Ralf
> ///////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
COMBATSYS: Clark successfully hits Scylla with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Ralf
> ///////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
"*sigh* I hate my life," Whiskers groans, "I guess these things do kind of kick ass, though. And I'm -what-cold? Speak english, damn, is that so hard?" He's heard of the Ikari, but he didn't expect them to be this tough, though. He's still a little stunned that Clark got up from all those shots. But now he's got to deal with two on one on top of that? "... This sucks, and the bandanna assed one is kind of pissing me off. Tanisha, if you've got an 'all the missles' button, can you just push it or something?"
Scylla's got problems of his own, like Leona flying at him with some serious mercenary force. The moment the heavy boot slams into and barely dents the metallic body, is when Clark dashes in and adds his fifty cents. It seems the pilot hit the 'outway' intercom button because a quite audible, "Oh damn! Oh damn! Oh damn!!" with each swing and the armored mech goes sliding across the floor like an airhockey puck and the noise following the collision is almost satisfying in a way. A lot of those things burst open and rain down bullets like a waterfall atop. It's steering is improving, but isn't used, instead it's left eye 'blinks', and with a *foop* three white darts are fired from it. As it sails in the air, the tips light up on fire, and the moment it hits Clark or -something-, it's followed with small, white, explosions.
COMBATSYS: Charybdis interrupts Bomb Punch from Ralf with Steel Snare.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Ralf
> ///////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Ralf says, "Curse your black heart, machine!"
While she's still pretty confident that these things they're both driving can take a beating enough to protect them both from these mercs, the weapons aren't really impressing her here. "Okay, so... you shot one, he ain't dead, this squirt gun looks pretty weak sauce.. Where the missles at?" Oh *he* found some apparently. Maybe that will stop his bitching for five seconds, even if he did just get tossed like a ragged doll. In a tank. Now they really look like noobs, even without broadcasting their conversations to the Ikaris themselves. Sigh.
As for Tanisha herself, she may not be finding missles or rockets, but she sure found *something* useful. Is that a BEAR TRAP coming out from under the treads and grabbing Ralf's arm!? Sure, his punch still explodes against the side of the machine a little, rocking it to one side and making it squeak loudly, but there's a girlish giggle from inside the cockpit, heard even without the aid of speakers, cause that apparently hurt, and Ralf is, well, snared, for the moment.
[OOC] Ralf D:< !!
[OOC] Ralf says, "Beartrap..oldest trick in the book."
The blue haired mercenary lands in a low crouch after her kick doesn't quite hit its mark. It didn't need to though. It worked as a distraction for Clark which was the plan to begin with. Straightening up it looks like the frog mech is intent on still going after Clark leaving her free to cause interference on it. She gets up to her feet and starts forward again, her gaze traveling back and forth to look between her two companions. Looks like they are both doing as well as they can be when dealing with kids with expensive and horrible looking tanks.
She comes around at Scylla's side once again with her hands clapping together as they glow green briefly before that energy turns into an orb that forms when she thrusts her hands forward touching palm to palm. That ball of energy crackles before exploding outwards to stab at the side of tank with spikes of chi.
COMBATSYS: Clark overcomes Tracer Rounds from Scylla with Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Ralf
> ////////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
Missiles. First bullets, now missiles. Well, Clark isn't going to put up with that, pathetic and small as they are. They're still /fast/, fast enough that Steel has to move quickly in order to muster up his counter measure. And what, exactly, is his counter-measure? He takes a grip of a nearby, massive crate filled with god-knows what. And with some effort, the Ikari mercenary HEFTS the massive box of crap /right/ over his head. There's only a small amount of strain on the cool-headed Ikari's part as those poprockets come blazing at him. He waits, until they're JUST close enough...
And then he chucks the entire crate at them.
Explosions send would flying every which way as the box is rocked; yet, it's not enough to destroy the bulk of the thing. And so in the aftermath, through the smoke, the damn hoppity hippity Frog tank mighty see a giant, burning crate flying RIGHT towards him, merchandise of all sorts flying out of the various holes of the burning wreckage. Hopefully, combined with Leona's own quick movements, this will knock the thing off its... feet. Hopefully.
"Damn kids."
"Ha HAH!" Ralf is impressed with his ability to rush in past nozzle and claw, and now that he's all up close and personal with this highly-advanced piece of weaponry, it's time to smash it into itty bitty pieces. His arm pulls back for a second shot when--SNAP!--he's caught! What is this?!
Gritted teeth and pulling on the captured arm do Ralf little good. The sensation of metal teeth biting your forearm is pretty intense, making those bones rub together and DAMN, is that driver gonna pay for this! He slaps one boot up on the vehicle's side, grabbing onto whatever mooring he can. A grunt, a groan, a mighty tug, all are given in the effort of ripping a chunk of his captor's plating CLEAN OFF. "GOD! LET! GO! DAMMIT!!"
COMBATSYS: Scylla dodges Clark's Large Thrown Object.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/--=====|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Ralf
> ////////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Clark says, "stop that, that's not allowed"
COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Scylla with Baltic Launcher.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Ralf
> ////////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Leona says, "I got him back, sir."
[OOC] Clark says, "Good work, Leona. B|"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Atta girl!"
[OOC] Clark idles for a little bit. BOOYABRB.
[OOC] Kobun decloaks. Gets in a battle tank of her own.
".. Did you just giggle?" Whiskers asks his companion, "Well I'm so glad you're having a good time while I'm getting my ass ki- What the hell is this secretary woman doing? Is she praying?" Leona can't tell but the pilot is looking to Leona like she's some sort of maniac. Of course she ends up teaching him a lesson, beaches the moment that green energy hits, an explosion follows, a gout of smoke billowing from the mechas backside. Take that as you will, "Aw DAMN! Christ! What the hell! NNGH!" he yells more audibly, as the force seems to have been enough to knock Scylla right out of the path of the flaming crate, which smashes into the ammo and causes a bunch of bullets within the crates to bang off like fireworks. It's pretty in a way. But he himself ends up smashing into the wall again like a bumper car, causing the concrete to spiderweb. Following a hum, this time the mech seems dead set on not just hovering toward, but going to try to ram right into the Ikari. "Tanisha.. This woman just hit the hell out of me, we need to take her out."
Incoming Transmission from above: "Hey guys! Guys, did you know that The male of one species of insect related to the praying mantis, can only reproduce after the female has bitten off his head? .. Wait. Shit, mischan."
".. Oh my god."
[OOC] Ralf D: !!
[OOC] Ralf says, "Three kids driving tanks... What is the world coming to? ;_(\"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Bad guys, your glorious leader is an idiot. X)"
[OOC] Scylla :(
[OOC] Ralf says, "A funny idiot! :("
[OOC] Charybdis says, "He's just crazy. We all are."
[OOC] Kobun was kidding about joining. D:
[OOC] Ralf knows, no worries. :o
[OOC] Charybdis bets tiny lego tank would be more effective than the two of them.
[OOC] Scylla says, "If it had missles. >:("
[OOC] Ralf surrenders immediately. ._.
[OOC] Scylla!!! dammit
[OOC] Ralf says, "Is Chary holding us up? >:I"
[OOC] Charybdis ahcrap
[OOC] Charybdis thought it was Clark's turn for some reason.
[OOC] Ralf says, "Ahaha."
COMBATSYS: Charybdis dodges Ralf's Strong Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Ralf
> ////////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Ralf says, "Noooooo! D:"
[OOC] Leona shakes her head at ralf
[OOC] Clark says, "God Ralf!"
[OOC] Ralf dangles by the side of the tank and points. "Beartrap. I can't help it." :(
[OOC] Ralf says, "I blame your infidelity, Clark."
[OOC] Clark says, "I blame you eating all the Fritos. B| Now you're all slow and fat."
[OOC] Ralf lipwibbles.
Gee I don't know, did she? Seeing as she's still giggling even now I think the answer is probably yes, yah? But at least she's not doubled over cackling like a crazy-person. If she were, then she wouldn't be able to jerk back on the steering column and make the top of the tank errr... lean away from the treads and move itself clear out of Ralf's reach. And when gravity brings it slamming back down on top of the treads after, she grunts a bit and starts to rev up those treads and drive away, leaving Ralf stranded in the Iron Snare!
"Well I s'pose so! You ain't doin' so hot and... man, you even sure what you climbed into is a tank? It /does/ have armor, right? Cuz the way you just got jacked it don't much look like it." *click* Oh, *now* she turns it off. For like two minutes. "But yeah, the bluehaired one is the troublemaker, right? Let's see how she like gettin' groped by a bigass mech arm!" And driven around, and thrown to the ground, whereupon those treads will throw dirt and gravel on her as Charybdis putters off again, to circle the area and start leveling its chaingun which has yet to be used.
COMBATSYS: Leona blocks Scylla's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Ralf
> ////////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
COMBATSYS: Charybdis successfully hits Leona with Grappler Drive.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Ralf
> ////////////////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
If she was wanting to get the attention of the pilots it looks like Leona had did her job. At least it looks like one is starting to look pretty well damanged overall after that last strike inflicted on it. She holds her ground even as both come in towards her. Her feet remaining planted as she grunts and lets that first tank slam into her barely budging her before the second one manages to grab hold of her and pull her away and toss her to the ground where she lands in a roll while avoiding any further punishment from the second tank. "Ralf, do your job." she calls back to him in a disturbingly calm tone as she looks towards her intended target. Stepping forward towards Scylla once again she brings a hand forward to just punch it right in one of giant frog eyes with a gloved fist.
[OOC] Ralf says, "Oh man. :("
[OOC] Scylla says, "told'd"
[OOC] Clark says, "Owwnneeed. B("
[OOC] Ralf says, "You sure know how to cut a man to the quick, Leona"
[OOC] Leona learned it from Heidern.
Damn. Clark literally snaps his fingers as Scylla is knocked out of the way of that massive crate of burning crap. The bangs and noises go unheard as Clark jerks his head to the side... and suddenly gets a good look at both dangerous mechas going /straight/ for Leona. Those hidden eyes of his widen only for a moment, but it's brief; he knows that she can take care of herself. And she does, for the most part. And delivers harsh, berating words to Ralf too, all in one fell swoop. Silently Clark looks towards his teammate, rubbing the back of his head and lifting his shoulders in a shrug.
"... Ouch." Ralf just got buuuurned.
But Clark doesn't linger on it for too long. Instead, he pivots on one foot, making a rush towards the giant mech. Much like Leona, Clark intends to punch the thing right in its stupid frog face, timed simultaneously with Leona's attack. The only difference here is that HIS burns with the faint trail of bluish-white chi behind it, sending his massive, gloved fist propelling forward like a rocket of destructive force. "BOOYA!" Yeah. Booya.
Oh, now that just hurts. That hurts RIGHT HERE. He's the only guy near this slug-tank-thing, and it has the balls to ignore him! Bullshit. Bullshit! And on top of that, they go to pick on Leona? No, sir. That's not right! At least he's finally let free, even if he falls on his ass. Nobody saw that. Right?
"OI!" What does Ralf expect the kids to do when he yells that, stop and listen? Tch. Okay, SCREW this. Plan B!
Apparently, Plan B is quite like Plan A, only this time, Jones has scurried up on top of pallets and crates, hoisted himself up on a thick pipe suspended from the ceiling, and running along IT instead of the floor. "I'M TRYING, DAMMIT!!" He really IS trying to stop that tank! It's almost comical, you know. And yeah, he's gonna catch HELL from the guys back at the base after this. When he gets close enough, the man vaults off of the pipe, gripping the edge of a support girder over head to swing further out, and then...then, he falls, fist-first to give this whole 'death from above' thing a try. RALF SMASH?!
COMBATSYS: Scylla blocks Clark's Vulcan Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Ralf
> ///////////////////////// ]
|==-----\-------\0 Clark
COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Scylla with Strong Punch.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Scylla 1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0 Ralf
> ///////////////////////// ]
|==-----\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Ralf says, "Jesus."
[OOC] Ralf says, "I think Leona needs to lead the next mission."
[OOC] Heidern returns and ...damn Leona.
[OOC] Leona says, "Don't piss me off. C_C"
[OOC] Heidern says, "Noted, Leona. ...noted D:"
"Sh- Shut up! This thing is pretty fast, at least," Whiskers mutters back to his companion, "I haven't figured out it's strengths yet that's all.. Damn, damn, now what.." With Clark and Leona working in tandem, you'd think it would be a litle easier to deal with the attacks.
Unfortunatly that isn't the case, while Clark does slam a rocket-punch of the century, judging by the way small bolts of lightning crackle over the mechs body, it didn't do as much damage as intended. So Leona has to show him how it's done by punching the eye, not so much as to damage it; she punches the damn thing clean off with a small BANG, and takes out a portion of its arsenal. The pilot twists his lips, and comes up with something to say, ".. This sucks. Time to break out the hardcore stuff." Scylla backs off a little bit, and then abruptly vanishes.. Or rather, cloaks itself really -really- well. It can't be seen here but the mech ends up bursting forward again, only it's sound making it clear that it's approaching to slam into both fighters to toss the, into the air. And when they land? It backs up to barrel over them again.
[OOC] Ralf crosses his fingers. D:<
COMBATSYS: Charybdis endures Ralf's Springing Dive Bomb Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Ralf
> ///////////////////////// ]
|==-----\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Ralf says, "AHA! I hit it! Look, guys! C_C_"
[OOC] Ralf takes what he can get.
[OOC] Heidern says, "Endures don't count. :|"
[OOC] Leona slow claps
[OOC] Ralf._.
[OOC] Clark just shakes his head sadly. B| Fritos, man.
[OOC] Ralf says, "I hate you guys so much. :("
[OOC] Heidern says, "Don't give up, sport."
[OOC] Kobun steps out. <3
[OOC] Ralf says, "Lat--bah. D:"
[OOC] Heidern says, "slow"
[OOC] Leona says, "You even miss on goodbyes. e.e"
[OOC] Scylla cackles
[OOC] Ralf cries in the corner.
[OOC] Ralf consoles himself with heavy metal mahjong. >:(
Eiji has arrived.
[OOC] Heidern says, "ew"
[OOC] Eiji :|
[OOC] Eiji says, "ash told me to give you a message, heidern"
[OOC] Eiji frenches him and moves on.
Eiji heads to the Pacific Ocean.
[OOC] Heidern says, "..."
[OOC] Scylla coughs.
[OOC] Ralf says, "Oh my."
[OOC] Clark says, "Scandalous, sir ._."
[OOC] Heidern says, "God shut up!"
If one could see inside the cockpit of the Charybdis, they'd see the little wannabe Black Panther Tanisha in there wringing her hands and looking all smug after her grapple arm does its thing. "So what the problem is, Whiskas? The way you over here getting your ass beat I figured this chick was 'bout to flip out and make my arm 'splode or somethin'. She just got worked!" Yeah, maybe she plays it up a little, since Leona doesn't really look all that phased, but it was something. "Anyway just shoot her. And I'll help, in case she think she bullet proof like the one in the hat n' glasses. ......wait where did that Rambo guy go?"
She looks up just in time to see Ralf coming down on top of her little tankette, and, thinking it's tougher than it probably is, she wheels it around to point her chaingun at Leona, still paying no mind to Ralf and his mighty fist of anger. But before Tanisha can quite pull the trigger, there's this loud CRUNCH and the roof starts to get a lot closer to her head. "AHHH! The hell!" Not wearing a seatbelt at all, she's kind of thrown down on the console, and ends up hitting a button that it definitely not chaingun. At least she's still pointed at the right person though!
[OOC] Charybdis says, "More if. D:"
COMBATSYS: Scylla successfully hits Leona with Power Drive.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Scylla 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Ralf
> ///////////////////////// ]
|==-----\-------\0 Clark
COMBATSYS: Charybdis successfully hits Leona with Vacuum Crusher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Scylla 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Ralf
> ///////////////////////// ]
|==-----\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Ralf says, "...This is starting to sound like a porno guys."
[OOC] Heidern x_x
[OOC] Scylla sputters
[OOC] Charybdis took no part in naming these attacks. \c.c/
[OOC] Heidern says, "or did you"
So the tanks want to continue to play rough, then by all means Leona seems ready to oblige them even as she gets tossed around by the pair of them. She tries her best to hunker down and take the brunt of the hit of the quasi-invisible tank. It is enough force to knock her back into the attack from the other. She may not have been phased the first time, but right now she seems to be a bit bruised from the double teaming from the tanks. And to think they considered her the weak link to begin with. Their mistake it would seem. With a growl it looks like the woman has had enough of this and turns her attention back towards where she was struck by Scylla. Squinting she does her best to try to see the outline of the tank and forward she goes, her hands raising upwards and shes swings dowards creating a giant wave of Chi intent in slamming into the tank and knock it over.
COMBATSYS: Clark Toughs Out Scylla's Power Drive!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Scylla 1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0 Ralf
> ////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Clark says, "owned"
[OOC] Charybdis haha
[OOC] Heidern says, "Good job Clark."
[OOC] Charybdis says, "He's gonna Clark Spark you now. :|"
[OOC] Ralf says, "..Why the fuck is the ThunderCats theme song playing now?"
[OOC] Ralf stares at the station.
[OOC] Leona stares at Ralf.
[OOC] Leona disowns him.
[OOC] Ralf says, "I didn't tell them to play it!"
[OOC] Heidern says, "he's a liar"
[OOC] Ralf says, "That's it."
[OOC] Leona says, "I bet it is on your playlist and you are making it up. C_C_"
[OOC] Heidern nods to Leona. :|
[OOC] Ralf stuffs Heidern in his pants.
[OOC] Ralf stuffs Leona's explosive in afterwards.
[OOC] Ralf adds some soda water.
[OOC] Ralf shakes vigorously.
[OOC] Heidern walks in through the back door.
[OOC] Heidern says, "Oh YOU WOULD THINK THAT."
[OOC] Heidern says, "Your fixation on homosexualty is disturbing, Jones."
[OOC] Ralf says, "The evidence is pretty damning."
For looking ridiculous, these tanks have a lot of nifty gizmos on them. Clark would take more time to look surprised, but he's a little bit busy trying to not be put through too much pain having to DEAL with said gizmos. The fact that they're still so preoccupied with Leona is a little bit disconcerting; and Clark, for his part, does his best to distract at least ONE of them.
As that mecha disappears, Clark doesn't even look stunned. Instead, his body tenses, preparing himself for the inevitable attack. It comes admittedly faster than Clark expects. But though it's /fast/, it's by no means /unexpected./ As that mecha rockets through the air, Clark is knocked quite easily through the skies. He lands with an 'OOPH' sounds, but as the thing comes back a second time, as soon as it runs over them again... the pilot might feel some resistance keeping him from moving the mecha further. Namely, Clark's hands.
"... Really? That's as hard as you hit?"
He almost sounds disappointed; but Whisker's probably won't have enough time to mull over that. Unless he gets his tank out of Clark's grip, he'll find himself suddenly, literally, CHUCKED into the air. And as the thing descends? "HAAAAAAH!!" Clark is going to headbutt the frog tank. Headbutt it as hard as he possibly can muster.
[OOC] Ralf says, "YES."
[OOC] Ralf says, "Good man, Clark."
[OOC] Heidern says, "Ha ha ha."
COMBATSYS: Scylla dodges Clark's Combo Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Scylla 1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0 Ralf
> /////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Clark says, "OH YOU GO TO HELL"
[OOC] Ralf hay. "You wait your turn, young man."
[OOC] Clark says, "Turn-skipping bastard!"
[OOC] Ralf finger wag.
[OOC] Scylla :(
[OOC] Leona says, "For that you have to endure my attack"
[OOC] Scylla k
"LET! THE GIRL! GO!" Ralf beats mercilessly on the top of that slug-tank, completely oblivious to the fact that one has just VANISHED. At least HE'S not having to deal with all of those fancy gizmos right now. He's just kind of wasp, clung to the back of his prey and injecting its babies into its body, who will hatch and feast upon its delicious insides until they're mature enough to venture out on their own.
Er. Something like that.
It becomes evident that simply beating on the roof of this thing isn't going to be enough. He had expected to punch THROUGH by now, with the size of the dent that he'd managed. He looks around quickly, then doubletakes! Was that a big-ass tank he saw speeding past? No, no, couldn't be. Anyway! Back to business! Ralf slides down the side of the girl's ride, stopping just about the treads with his feet planted against the thick-ass steel girder nearby. And then...he shoves! Grunting, straining, pushing, he wants to tip this stupid tank over and have at its DELICIOUS, CREAMY center!
[OOC] Heidern says, "..."
[OOC] Heidern says, "i love you guys"
COMBATSYS: Scylla interrupts Moon Slasher from Leona with Incendiary Hailstorm.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Charybdis 1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Ralf
> /////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Clark
".. How the hell should I know I already got my hands full. Boss? Boss where the hell are you man? Give us some direction!" Whiskers growls, hands clenched into fists for a moment, but then quickly regrabs the controls in time to cringe as Ralf just wails on his partners mech. Though.. Actually wait a minute, wasn't he supposed to be going in reverse?
Scylla emits, "... Aw, you suck." and then like that, he is HOISTED into the air like some sort of giant paper airplane. Watch him saaaail. However, easily regaining control in mid-air, letting square boxes drop from its mouth in a line. It crashes down to the ground a way behind Clark and is more than ready for Leona's assault it'd seem. Sparking still dancing from the damage, then flame spews from it's maw, colliding with Leonas chi for a moment. But even just a drop of spark is enough to makes the boxes explode with uh.. Explosive force, one after the other to juggle Leona back and make the blue haired problem a little less of a problem. Sort of.
And then Whiskers and Tanisha get a transmission, "S- Sorry guys, eating that burrito was a really bad idea. What's the situation??"
[OOC] Heidern just laughs. x_x
[OOC] Ralf snerks.
COMBATSYS: Charybdis blocks Ralf's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Charybdis 1/-----==/=======|=======\==-----\1 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Ralf
> /////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Scylla says, "Guys I have to run my ass to work. D: Keep going without me."
[OOC] Ralf says, "Well, you tell work that you have important matters! D:"
[OOC] Scylla will be back in like 20. e.e
[OOC] Ralf oh, okay. ._.
[OOC] Ralf says, "I MEAN YEAH"
[OOC] Ralf says, "YOU WILL BE C_C_"
Scylla has disconnected.
Ewewew this is all your fault Leviathan, you had to talk about bugs and give a guy like Ralf weird ideas. Among Tanisha's many phobias, insects, and most especially the stinging kind, happen to be somewhere near the top, if not AT the top. Thankfully, the part about Ralf trying to impregnate her tank isn't true, but he's still acting a lot like a hornet buzzing around and crawling all over her... slug. Yeah.
"Get offa' me! Dizzam!" *squeakasqueakasqueaka* Okay, no, this tank has shocks, it's pneumatic. Maybe not as much as the frogtank over there, but Charybdis can jump too! It just... hasn't, yet. But perhaps now is the time! The grappler arm reaches out to try and take Ralf by the head, effectively scraping him off the side of the tank, should it work, and then that tank is gonna leap into the air like a grasshopper and plow him into the ground when it comes back down, all of its weight leaning on him.
"You wanna act like a bug I squish you like one!" is heard blaring out from the tank's speaker, the distinct screeches of an angry black woman.
[OOC] Ralf says, "...This will be awesome if it works."
[OOC] Ralf says, "When it's my turn."
The explosion is something Leona can't do much about aside from cover herself up and jump back, letting the force of the blast carry her away and actually knock her back to a safer place to be honest. She lands in a roll and shakes her head to clear out some cobwebs. If anything at least it looks like Ralf and Clark are both being a proverbial pain in the sides of those two that Leona should have enough time to move behind some crates and hunker down. Reaching into her coat she starts fiddling with some devices while also taking some time to catch her breath and allow herself some time to breath and get back into this fight and finally take out one of those damn tanks.
COMBATSYS: Leona gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0 Ralf
> /////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Clark
Scylla has connected.
[OOC] Ralf says, "Welcome back."
[OOC] Scylla says, "Thanks. :o"
[OOC] Scylla says, "So uh, guys, how are we doing on time here? D:"
[OOC] Ralf says, "You missed me totally blowing up your tank."
[OOC] Scylla d'aw.
[OOC] Ralf has a couple hours, easy.
[OOC] Clark says, "Same."
[OOC] Ralf says, "I'll stay 'til it's done."
[OOC] Ralf says, "As long as Clark gets to posing. >:["
[OOC] Ralf stuffs Clark's face in his pit!
[OOC] Heidern D:
[OOC] Ralf says, "For whom does the bell toll? FOR WHOM DOES THE BELL TOLL?!?!"
Dammit. That didn't go as planned, admittedly. But then Clark isn't without backup plans. Such as... throwing this thing around a bit more and actually hitting it. Maybe. At this rate he's just going to throw caution to the wind; especially as the pilot STILL seems intent on focusing on Leona. So what does Clark do? He thinks for a moment as the frog lands and assaults Leona... and then he comes up with a plan. Maybe not a good plan, but a plan.
Running once more, Clark leaps about halfway through. He INTENDS to grab the Frogotank by the head, attempting to let momentum carry him through the air and, by extention, it. Muscles straining, the moment Clark SLAMS into the ground, cement cracking around him, he intends to flip Scylla right /over/ his head and slam it, froggy-face first, into the ground. "HUP! Too afraid to take on a guy, top shot?" Well, maybe it's not the best insult, but that's really not Clark's forte. He's just hoping they're full of enough teenaged angst to get riled up by that.
[OOC] Clark says, "m-metallica? B("
[OOC] Scylla says, "Easy, Charlie Brown."
[OOC] Ralf says, "...whatthe--"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Okay, guys."
[OOC] Ralf says, "Okay."
[OOC] Ralf deep breaths.
[OOC] Heidern :|
[OOC] Ralf one with the rubber tree.
[OOC] Ralf zen.
[OOC] Scylla says, "Clark, paste me what I missed."
COMBATSYS: Ralf fails to interrupt Grappler Drive from Charybdis with Super Argentine Backbreaker.
- Power fail! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0 Ralf
> /////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Heidern D:
[OOC] Scylla says, "Pffhahahahahaha"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Aw man."
[OOC] Ralf :/
[OOC] Clark says, "YOU DISAPPOINT ME."
[OOC] Clark says, "K', Scylla."
[OOC] Ralf ( ._.)
[OOC] Leona says, "You have the worst luck with interrupts."
[OOC] Heidern says, "Ralf I feel your pain."
Okay, so get this. Get this, seriously. Ralf is trying to TIP A HIGH-TECH TANK OVER, like he's expecting it to just sit there and take it, or like it'll ignore him after he pounded its top right in. This should work! It should topple over, and he's gonna totally beat this thing's junk in.
It doesn't work.
Ralf's HEAD is snatched up this time, totally pulling him from his work with a hell of a surprised yelp. His hands grip the cold, lifeless metal claws, attempting to break free as he's whipped around. Well, NO SIR! HE'S NOT HAVING IT!
Ralf's chance appears as a ceiling beam! It's ALMOST close enough to grab! Maybe, just maybe, if he's quick, if he's strong, he can grab it and show this stupid slug what for!
Shortly afterward, the Ralf-sized dent in the concrete indicates that he's just not quick enough, not strong enough, not AWESOME enough to keep from being pressed by umpteen billion pounds of metal. Pain. Guys. GUUUUUYS. Ow.
[OOC] Scylla says, "Oh crap."
[OOC] Ralf says, "Yes, your turn. :o"
[OOC] Charybdis rofl
COMBATSYS: Scylla fails to interrupt Strong Throw from Clark with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Ralf
> /////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Charybdis says, "How did that look like a good idea x.x"
[OOC] Leona says, "Obviously Scylla has gone haywire"
[OOC] Scylla was going to fall on top of him. :(
Maki has arrived.
[OOC] Maki cheers on the Three Soldiers
[OOC] Ralf says, "Ah, eye candy to rejuvenate my soul."
"Eh?" With Leona having actually used that explosion to her advantage, Whiskers is actually a little perplexed. Man, maybe that wasn't such a hot idea, now that he has to deal with Glasses over here, "Boss, you're starting to kill me over here, we're seriously having some trouble with these guy- What the??" Scylla is hoisted a bit into the air, and try as he may to jam on the controllers and throw off Clarks momentum, it just isn't happening. The mech crashes to the floor with a resounding thud, slamming onto it's side and for the time being is left motionless. Smoke spews out of the armored cars mouth, as more electricity dances about the vehicle.
[OOC] Scylla also has to cram more awesome in a span of 90 minutes.
[OOC] Charybdis says, "Oh D:"
Welp, that's that as far as Tanisha is concerned. Bug=squished. And she doesn't really feel like laughing about it this time, because she's actually REALLY WORRIED about Scylla over there. What a shitty tank. She *could* probably blame it on the pilot and his negativity. Or.. OR, she could blame it on their stupid boss for being suck an absentminded jackass!
"Wait, wait, you're serious? You ain't even heard a word o' Mike's bitchin' and moanin'? ...okay we gonna have a talk later, see. I can't work like this." But now since it seems like it's the pot calling the kettle black, with her doing all the complaining, and in that harsh tone of hers too, she starts to flip EVERY SWITCH SHE CAN REACH and fire up the thrusters. Is that thing gonna fly? Is it gonna torch someone? Who knows! It's just really damn loud and bright all of a sudden, with the gunmetal grey paintjob starting to blink red like it's heating up or something!
COMBATSYS: Charybdis gathers her will.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/--=====/=======|=======\-------\1 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Ralf
> /////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Clark
A slight bit more time is taken to whatever Leona is working on, but soon enough she seems pleased and she stands up while pulling off her jacket and holding up a pleathora of explosives that are all armed to go off in a few moments. "Out of the way!" she says in a tone louder than she would ever care to use and she tosses the jacket in the direction of the tanks. The explosives go off in an array of pretty lights for the most part meant more to blind than anything and allow Leona to make her strike at Scylla.
Upwards the mercenary jumps and raises a hand high as she narrows her eyes and keeps focused on the tank as she comes down on it, her hand swiping downwards in an attempt to actually chop through some of the damn things armor. She lands in a low crouch before erupting upwards again making another slash in hopes to cut out a nice V shaped piece of the Frog tanks armor.
SMASH. The noise of metal striking concrete resounds through the area as Clark slams the mech as /hard/ as he can into the ground below. As soon as this succeeds, Clark will step backwards, rolling his neck and sliding his legs out to either side of him. "Huh. Is this all you kids got? Kind of disappointing..." But Clark doesn't linger on it for TOO terribly long. Instead, he rolls either shoulder, loosens his arms... and then watches Leona charge in like a bat out of hell.
Rather quickly, Steel backpedals, getting out of the way of the crash zone. She's moving fast and hard, and Clark doesn't really want to be there when she cuts the tank in half. Instead, he opts instead to take a brief assessment of the situation, taking a look at Ralf and his opponent, than all the crates around him. He shakes his head, sighs, and removes his cap, running a hand through a blonde, messy mop of hair.
"Hey, Ralf! You need some help over there?"
Maybe Ralf will be nice enough to say 'please'!
COMBATSYS: Clark focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/--=====/=======|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Ralf
> //////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Clark
Oh...oh god, what was that? When Ralf returns to the land of the living, it's taken in through bleary eyes. Just WHAT the hell hit him? Every bone in his body aches for reasons he can scarcely remember. When he sits up, it's with a clatter of broken concrete falling from his outline. How dangerous! It's many years has it been since he's been downed like that? At least conventional tanks can only make you explode. This one, just slamming him around like a...a damn mecha is just not something one experiences every day. Even if the drivers are kids, it's no wonder that the client wants the vehicles destroyed, rather than letting them loose: they're either embarassed as hell about their fruity-ass designs, or they're REALLY dangerous.
Vigorous shakes clear the webs from his mind, sharpening his vision. First thing's first: take in the situation. There's Clark, good. Leona--ah! She's in motion, no longer trapped. Excellent! Their tank, it looks pretty beaten up. Even better! The other tank, it--
"Ooooh shiiiiIIIIT."
That other tank is glowing. It's out of control! It's going to self-destruct?! "Hold this beast steady! I'm gonna have to hit this one out of the park!" The man's already standing, but his stance widens. His left hand slaps onto his right shoulder, which rotates constantly as his right arm windmills. Is he finally going to get serious?!
COMBATSYS: Ralf focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/--=====/=======|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Ralf
> //////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Clark
Leviathan has arrived.
[OOC] Heidern says, "..."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "HERRO"
[OOC] Heidern says, "you guys are boned"
The sounds of the battle between the Ikari Warriors and the terrorizing tanks echo throughout and beyond the devastated factory, but even in the midst of their valiant and noisy efforts, another ominous sound begins to infringe from the background: a quiet rumbling that steadily grows louder and louder. It originates from behind a large thick concrete wall, but it is potent enough to penetrate through and reach the ears of those on the other side, and when the crescendo begins to reach its peak, the wall itself begins to vibrate, massive though it is.
This rumbling can potentially be heard by all, but there is another rumbling, equally important from a different perspective, that can only be heard by one: the rumbling, that is, of a stomach.
"If only I had ordered a salad instead... uurghhh..."
But no amount of belly pain can stop the beast that is to come. The rumbling grows yet louder until the concrete wall actually begins to *shudder*, and, manning up enough to take a deep breath and ignore his protesting stomach, the pained one flicks a switch, initiating a loudspeaker, and prepares to-- do his thing.
The wall explodes, showering the combatants with concrete.
The Leviathan has arrived.
And with the sound of a thousand flourescent lights and a hundred screeching gears, a deadly blaze of laser light tears through the dust as an enormous armored tank grinds its way through the hole where the wall once was.
The laser is devastasing, merciless, and apparently totally unaimed. It jerks around heedlessly, the robotic arm holding it shaking wildly with sparks flying as the stream of energy shears through metal and concrete. It traces a bizarre loopy design on the ceiling, sending yet more dust over everyone -- a pillar collapses in the distance -- as the laser continues to destroy, well, everything. "Don't worry, guys!" blares out a commanding, utterly confident male voice, though one not entirely free from constipation. "I, Riroi "Jenkins" Sugiura -- seventeen years old -- have arrived! Everything's under control now!" Everything except, apparently, the laser. "To me, Potato, Whiskers! Let's regroup! We'll--"
And then the laser sputters and dies, the incessant attack fading. Riroi Sugiura looks down at Leviathan's control panel and blinks bemusedly, as though shocked that something like, say, a lack of ammunition, could possibly faze him in the slightest. "Hmm," he mumbles to himself, forgetting that the loudspeaker is still on. "This will be trickier than I calculated."
He pauses, and glances to the side of his control panel, where a half-eaten pollo asada burrito lies discarded.
"Well, at least I have chicken."
COMBATSYS: Leviathan has joined the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/--=====/=======|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Ralf
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Leviathan 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Ralf says, "...I hate you so much."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "don't worry guys, if we run out of time it's all good"
[OOC] Clark says, "o-oh god"
COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Scylla with V-Slasher.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/--=====/=======|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Scylla 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Ralf
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Leviathan 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Heidern says, "oh ha ha ha this scene is so great"
[OOC] Ralf laughs.
[OOC] Leona says, "TAKE THAT FROGGER! C_C_"
[OOC] Scylla :(
[OOC] Clark says, "she owned you hard"
[OOC] Leviathan says, "It's cool, Whiskers. I had my entrance. Our true mission is complete."
[OOC] Ralf :(a
[OOC] Ralf says, "Why the crap is a LASER physical?"
[OOC] Leviathan says, "Because it's not chi. XD"
[OOC] Ralf says, "But it's not Phsysical!"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Therefore, it is a throw."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "D...damn."
[OOC] Scylla can't beat that logic.
[OOC] Leviathan says, "With logic like that, how can we win!? Retreat!!"
[OOC] Clark thumbs up Ralf. B|
[OOC] Clark says, "m-man i totally am going to lift you into the air, leviathan, just you watch"
[OOC] Heidern says, "Quick, someone counter a laser."
Scylla actually appears to be stuck. A little too stuck. There's banging and thumping against the inner shell of the mech, and Whiskers appears to be freaking -stuck- inside the tank! But wait what's this? Their boss actually seems to be doing something -useful-! ".. Boss?"
But before he can actually finish his sentance, Leona is ALL OVER its ass. Whiskers sees a flash of chi that barely keeps him from getting cut the hell up, and almost comically a white line traces over the vehicle, and it falls into two perfect halves. Geez, you can't even self-destruct with that kind of precision. "Ugh!" onto his back falls a man in his early thirties, dressed in dark green cargo pants and a plaid button up shirt- And seems to be trying hard to grow in a beard. At this point, Leona could totally beat his ass. But maybe Riroi's distraction will be enough for him to just run, or stagger the hell away instead, "T- This sucks.. I'm getting out of here."
COMBATSYS: Scylla takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/--=====/=======|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Leviathan 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0 Ralf
> //////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Clark
COMBATSYS: Scylla can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/--=====/=======|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Leviathan 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0 Ralf
> //////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Ralf finally breaks down and gags pub.
[OOC] Ralf says, "The collective IQ has dropped below acceptable limits!"
[OOC] Heidern says, "i gagged it long ago"
[OOC] Ralf says, "I'm sure you did, manwhore."
[OOC] Heidern says, "...god. I hate you so much, Jones. SO. MUCH."
[OOC] Clark says, "Ruh roh."
[OOC] Heidern stuffs Ralf into Clark's pants.
[OOC] Clark says, "Don't flop around useless--"
[OOC] Clark says, "... leave it to heidern to go for the gayest solution"
[OOC] Scylla XD XD XD XD
[OOC] Ralf says, "TOLD YOU"
[OOC] Heidern just... just...
[OOC] Heidern sad Hulk walks away.
[OOC] Ralf says, "Now that he's gone, let the hookers out of the closet, break out his good china and wine."
[OOC] Leona says, "....."
[OOC] Clark says, "Yessir! B|"
[OOC] Leona says, "I am joining Rolento."
[OOC] Ralf gives Leona some scotch in a fine teacup.
[OOC] Leona breaks Ralf in half.
[OOC] Ralf fits easily in most overhead compartments. :`(
[OOC] Heidern comes back with ninjas.
[OOC] Clark D: "Traitor!"
[OOC] Ralf says, "No! Clark, wait!"
[OOC] Ralf says, "This must be...robo-Heidern."
[OOC] Clark !!!
[OOC] Ralf says, "Our real commander must be locked up in some tree somewhere. We'll have to fight out way through their armor of roboclones to get to him."
[OOC] Ralf says, "And then, their army of them."
[OOC] Clark says, "They have an armor made of Roboclones?"
[OOC] Clark says, "Wouldn't that be unwieldy and cumbersome? B|a"
[OOC] Heidern says, "you guys are unwieldy and cumbersome"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Don't ask me, I'm not the one that made them."
[OOC] Clark says, "gaaaay"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Aw, you're just saying that. ( .///.)"
Ralf is right, of course. Charybdis is totally about to go crazy. /Especially/ after seeing Scylla get wtfpwned like that. "Damn, son! You got tow' up! How come she ain't do that when I was throwin' her?" Yeah uh, maybe saying that now is pointless, since Whiskers doesn't even have a mech anymore. She can see him trying to skitter away and... well that probably isn't quite as safe with the boss here bringing down the damn ceiling! If the poor guy was still in a tank like the two of them it might not matter so much, but yeah she'd say he's pretty much screwed now. "Don't get caught! Get the hell out! I'll try an' distract 'em but no promises!" And her distraction? It looks like it's gonna be a mad dash for Leviathan, with arms flailing and shooting wildly. Let's see if Ralf and Clark can both interrupt her. C'mon, this'll be fun.
[OOC] Heidern says, "is that a pair of clawed boobs?"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Yes. Yes, it is."
[OOC] Clark says, "Are you challenging me?!"
[OOC] Charybdis says, "YES"
[OOC] Heidern says, "I think so."
[OOC] Ralf says, "Oh, it's on."
COMBATSYS: Leona blocks Leviathan's Sweeping Laser.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Leviathan 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0 Ralf
> //////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Clark
Maki heads OOC.
So one of the pilots have finally been revealed. There is little time to celebrate though given the fact that the new weapon of mass destruction makes its presence known and starts firing lasers rather erratically. Ducking behind some of the debris of the now destroyed froglike tank Leona is only minorly grazed by the blast. With a grunt she jumps up and over the debris she was behind and goes to chase down the pilot that was in it. Lets see if he can outrun someone like Leona when she is bursting forward at full speed to tackle him to the ground.
COMBATSYS: Leona gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Leviathan 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\0 Ralf
> //////////////////////// ]
|===----\-------\0 Clark
COMBATSYS: Clark endures Leviathan's Sweeping Laser.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Leviathan 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Ralf
> //////////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Clark
COMBATSYS: Clark interrupts Grappler Panic from Charybdis with Running Three.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Leviathan 0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0 Ralf
> ////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Heidern says, "...."
[OOC] Heidern nice
[OOC] Clark says, "Yeah. Yeah. :|"
[OOC] Leviathan says, "It seems I am not the only Jenkins in the house."
[OOC] Ralf says, "I--"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Uh."
[OOC] Ralf says, "How--"
[OOC] Ralf that's awesome.
[OOC] Ralf says, "...."
[OOC] Ralf says, "Why do I have Good luck."
[OOC] Ralf says, "This can't end well."
[OOC] Clark says, "... Yeah man."
[OOC] Charybdis got bounced. :O
[OOC] Heidern joins the fight, shoots Ralf's luck to :(
[OOC] Ralf says, "Ahaha."
[OOC] Ralf says, "Nah, man. That's my player luck."
[OOC] Heidern says, "Ditto."
[OOC] Ralf says, "Ralf's luck is all ":D hay a pony""
[OOC] Heidern laughs.
Man, there are certain things you just don't do. And one of them happens to be challenge Clark Steel to a game of chicken. You ain't gon' win. Which is something Charybdis is going to get to feel soon enough --
--After Clark gets over the shock of seeing a giant man-eating tank monster roll through. His eyes buldge wide at the sight, but Clark is nothing if not a professional soldier. First thing is first; he has to take care of the other tank that's trying to intercept the massive Leviathan. After he's taken care of THAT one, then, well, he can focus more on dealing with the massive metal beast of death over there. Leg's spreading, slapping his hands against his knees, Clark's entire body tenses as he starts to steel himself.
And that's about when Leviathan Shoop da Whoops the entire damn warehouse.
Clark only has a split second to decide what to do. And in that moment, he decides... to use the explosions from the lasers as cover. Which inevitably means getting HIT by the lasers themselves. Which... well, it hurts. It hurts a lot. His blue flak jacket becomes scorched, skin burning -- but his hat and sunglasses remain pristine as suddenly, from the veil, Charyb might notice something coming at her --
The blurred form of Clark Steel. There's no time to respond. Clark has called the game of chicken with the giant freaking tank, and he's about to prove here and now that he can hit harder. Which he does... by SLAMMING himself into the thing and literally hoisting it over his shoulders. "HO!!" Charyb's momentum is completely cancelled out as Clark simply /overpowers/ it, chugging along with the momentum of a train before he SLAMS the thing head-first into a nearby wall with a deafening crash. He turns, repeating the process, RUSHING into a nearby wall and using Charyb as a battering ram... before spinning one last time, and CRASHING the large mech into the previous wall one, last time. "HOO YEAH!" And then, Clark will simply throw the thing to the ground... and give it a thumbs up. Yeah. Goddamn right.
[OOC] Heidern just puts his head down.
[OOC] Ralf :|
[OOC] Ralf says, "Clark, did you pun intentionally?"
[OOC] Clark says, "No, I noticed it about halfway through and said fuckit. B|"
[OOC] Clark says, "I said to myself, 'Whoever thinks that's a pun is a dweeb, so I don't care.'"
[OOC] Ralf D:<
[OOC] Ralf says, "THAT'S IT"
COMBATSYS: Ralf dodges Leviathan's Sweeping Laser.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Leviathan 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Ralf
> ////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
COMBATSYS: Ralf Toughs Out Charybdis' Grappler Panic!
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Leviathan 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1 Ralf
> ////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Clark says, "Oh--oh damn!!"
[OOC] Scylla says, "STOP IT, CLARK"
[OOC] Heidern says, "Oh DAMN"
[OOC] J2 says, "Dodge *and* TO? WHERE IS THE REAL RALF."
[OOC] Charybdis ohgod
Ah hah! "Time to sh--HOOOH JESUS!!"
Ralf's pumping up to knock that stupid slug-tank RIGHT the hell out of here is interrupted by some STUPID BURRITO ASSHOLE PLOWING THROUGH THE WALL. That is NOT good news. NOT GOOD NEWS AT ALL. First there were two tanks. He's been thrown about all night. Ladies and gentlemen, RALF JONES HAS HAD ENOUGH! The first thing he does is hide like a sissy coward!
Come on, those are LASERS out there. Lasers hurt! Crates and parts and all manner of things are punctured and seared around him. He thinks he's safe. And he is, for a bit. That is until a GIANT METAL CLAW comes in from above! AGAIN. No. NO. Just no.
Ralf lifts his left arm up, gripping the nearest, heaviest object with his right hand. The jeep, actually! Convenient, that! As much as the beast pulls and tugs, Ralf slides a bit, but doesn't let go; a process made somewhat easier by the fact that Clark just LIFTS the damned tank and slams it to and fro. "GOOD MAN! Watch where you swing that guy!" Leona's in there somewhere, after all. With the slams, Jones can feel the arm pulling just...just a bit less insistantly. And therein lies an idea. Twisting his wrist to get a good grip on one of the tines, the man digs his feet into the ground, releasing the poor jeep so that he can ball his hand up into a fist. Muscles tense all down his arm as he rears it back, the thing visibly shaking. "LET 'ER GO!" he yells out, and with a roar and a furious tug, he actually tries to PULL THE DAMNED TANK toward him! It should be a short flight in that direction, because the man's fist is right there, rushing forward to meet the piece of macheriny many, MANY times its size head-on. It really IS just like baseball: Ralf is the bad, the slug is the ball, and Leviathan,'s the pitcher, and there's soon to be a straight hit to the jewels!
Yeah, tanks don't have jewels. IMAGINE, PEOPLE.
[OOC] Charybdis is so dead.
COMBATSYS: Charybdis blocks Ralf's Galactica Phantom'.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Leviathan 0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0 Ralf
> ////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Ralf says, "GOD, you suck SO HARD."
[OOC] Scylla XD
[OOC] Ralf says, "HOW CAN YOU ONLY GET ONE BAR OF SUPER from that. :("
[OOC] Charybdis rofl I don't know
[OOC] Leviathan says, "So am I cancelling, or shall Charybdis slide into me in any case. XD"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Rather, how did I MISS. I'm weaksauce. D:"
[OOC] Ralf says, "You should cancel, I still think."
[OOC] Clark says, "oh pfft"
[OOC] Clark says, "how unhardcore"
[OOC] Clark says, "Charyb so slide into you still and you should ENDURE IT LIKE A MAN.... MACHINE."
[OOC] J2 says, "Clark, pick Ralf up and run him into the other tank."
[OOC] Clark says, "Solid plan. e_e"
[OOC] Ralf :(
[OOC] Charybdis says, "Oh wait, I do know why it gave little super. Super meter stunting stuffs. It still hurt. Kinda."
[OOC] Ralf hugs the Phantom. "It's okay, I still love you, baby." ._.
[OOC] Heidern :|
[OOC] Clark says, "at least it didn't get pl0 countered"
[OOC] Heidern says, "...ha ha ha"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Jesus, it's already 1:30."
[OOC] J2 says, "Hmm."
[OOC] J2 says, "Solution: Leviathan should transfer the Phantom to Ralf."
[OOC] Heidern says, "...haha"
[OOC] Leviathan says, "Well, I don't mind either way. If Char bangs into me I'll endure it, if it doesn't I won't. XD"
[OOC] Leviathan says, "Er, I mean."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "I..I'm not going to endure it, what? >_> <_<"
[OOC] Clark says, "you goddamn better well endure it"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Whatever you do, I REALLY need to get to bed very soon."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "I can bail after my next action then."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "It will be exciting."
"OHJESUS" comes blaring out over the speakers of the Charybdis, Tanisha sounding every bit as panicked as her tank looks right now, flailing about and completely unable to use its grappling arm properly thanks to the fact that it grabs Ralf first, and Ralf just doesn't want to move. She didn't know it was going to do that at all. She just thought 'Hey, this button is red, that means it's probably hardcore'. She's of course pretty disappointed though, since all it did was end up making her a sitting duck for Clark, who totally just picked her up and ran her back and forth from one wall to the next, smashing her tank up really really good. One of the treads even falls off when the battered machine is finally released! But the arms. The arms are still working quite well, and the gun arm still has a nice shiny plate of armor that its pilot hasn't even used to block anything yet. Let's see how it fairs against Ralf's Galactica Phantom.
*CLUNK* "...yea, that didn't hurt!" And that grappling arm? It's in good shape too. Good enough shape to dig down into the gravel and help the tankette right itself and stop short of careening into the boss's vehicle and make them a *real* laughing stock. Since she's probably not going to be going anywhere but in circles with just the one tread, though, might as well start emptying her clip into Ralf. :(
[OOC] Leviathan says, "I assure you I have an excuse for doing this."
COMBATSYS: Leviathan endures Ralf's Galactica Phantom'!
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Leviathan 0/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Ralf
> ////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Leviathan says, "PITIFUL."
[OOC] Ralf says, "Duh, pl10 singletype. :("
It is true that Charybdis, thanks to Tanisha's expert piloting skills and/or sheer desperation and luck, managed to prevent itself from careening right into the boss' monstrous vehicle in spite of Ralf's vigorous assault.
This, however, has not prevented Leviathan from trundling right into /Charybdis/, causing the smaller tank to bounce off even as it's skidding to a stop without taking much more damage itself, and having much the same effect.
That effect, apparently, is nothing much.
"Aaahahahaha!" cackles the young (?) Riroi Sugiura. "Your pathetic attacks mean nothing to me! Fools! Don't you know who I am!? I am Riiiiiirooo--uhh?" The unstoppable Leviathan continues to shear through rubble like butter as its treads grind the factory floor underfoot, and the gatling guns mounted at the top begin firing -- at the ceiling -- but besides its advance, it's not doing anything much. "Hey-- wait-- what's--" The loudspeaker cuts off, finally, and there is silence. Well, silence except for the excruciating noise of metal against metal and concrete.
It's impossible to tell what's going on, but after a few moments, as casually as he possibly can, Riroi Sugiura, a tall man apparently in his late twenties but dressed in a dark high school boy's uniform a little too small for him, leaps out of the top of Leviathan and begins to jog in the opposite direction. "Hot Potato!" he calls. "Mission complete!" Wait, what? "Let's withdraw for now! Get out of there!" He seems-- strangely self-satisfied, despite having departed his huge tank already. But why?
Is it going to... SELF-DESTRUCT!?
No one can say. But whatever else may happen, the huge machine is still crushing everything in its path. There's nothing to hide under, nothing to brace against. If it's not stopped, it may just plow through the opposite wall and make its way into the horizon-- but not before taking some Ikari Warriors with it! But is that all? Isn't there more? Rirou is looking strangely smug as he scurries away, though after a moment some apprehension reaches his eyes, and he glances down at his hands, blinking for a few moments-- before gasping in shock.
"My chicken!!"
It's too late. The Leviathan, half-burrito included, is on its way.
What is it doing!? What is going to happen!?
[OOC] Leviathan says, "I recommend everyone attempting to interrupt."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "That is all."
Scylla is pretty roughed up, but even in top shape Whiskers probably wouldn't have enough to outrun Leona. As it stands, he can barely even reach the HUGE HOLE that Leviathan has created before Leona tackles the hell out of him, "EERGH!" well he tried, at least, and crashing to the floor, cringes a bit in pain. Well, them's the breaks right? So long as his comrades can figure a way out of this mess the dream can live on ANOTHER DAY.
But for the time being, he utters true words of wisdom, food for thought, if you will, ".. This kinda sucks."
[OOC] Scylla votes Ralf to pose first so he can go his ass to bed. :|
[OOC] Charybdis votes also.
[OOC] Heidern says, "I vote no, just to make him suffer. :|"
[OOC] Clark votes... yes, just to make Heidern suffer that he couldn't make Ralf suffer.
[OOC] Heidern says, "how could you"
[OOC] Clark says, "i don't like you, that might be a good reason for how"
[OOC] Leviathan says, "/I/ like you, Heidern."
[OOC] Heidern says, "You're hired."
[OOC] Ralf pulls his face out of a drool puddle.
[OOC] Leviathan says, "Oh baby. z_z"
[OOC] Heidern says, "Poor Ralf."
[OOC] Ralf says, "Oh."
[OOC] Ralf says, "Okay, I can go."
[OOC] Ralf says, "I think we lost Leona anyway."
[OOC] Heidern says, "Wuhoh. D:"
COMBATSYS: Ralf endures Charybdis' Heavy Chain Gun.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Leviathan 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Ralf
> ////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
COMBATSYS: Ralf interrupts Runaway Train from Leviathan with Super Argentine Backbreaker.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Leviathan 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Ralf
> ////////////// ]
|=------\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Clark says, "oh man"
[OOC] Leviathan says, "Awesome."
[OOC] Heidern says, "Ha ha nice."
[OOC] Ralf says, "22 damage even interrupted."
[OOC] Ralf says, "god."
[OOC] Scylla wtf
[OOC] Ralf says, "This is gonn abe a shor t one."
[OOC] Scylla's head explodes picturing that.
[OOC] Ralf says, "gonna"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Er, short."
[OOC] Scylla says, "It's cool."
[OOC] Charybdis pats Scylla.
Well. That worked nothing at all like Ralf imagined. To think that coming in from above would have dented the slug so heavily, but his haymaker, the mother of all punches, it hardly leaves a dent? That's not right. It's wrong. He...he must have mistimed it. There's no way that THAT was his beloved Phantom. What's worse is that he's now facing a gut full of lead. The only bright side to this whole thing?
He's wearing a sweet flak jacket.
Sure, the constant pelting hurts, and he's going to have some bruises and welts on his stomach and chest, but the slugs are stopped within the jacket after ripping small holes in the outer, less durable layer. Hell, Jones doesn't even have time to worry about THAT. Well...he does, I mean he has to, but there's a bigger, more out-of-control tank coming toward him. If that thing gets out, it could mean the failure of the mission. No. NO. NO FAILURES. It's bad enough that he'll be the Ikari Bitch for the next week for this mission, but damned if he's going to let such a small, comically retarded mission stain their reputation. In a feat of ridiculous idiocy and willpower, Ralf endures the slings and arrows of lead until the Leviathan, that big, lumbering bitch, slams into his open arms. Boots slide across concrete, leaving plastic/rubber skids along it. It does slow the assault, until finally, finally, like some sort of retarded, drunken Superman, the tank is lifted up. Not only that, it's THROWN up. That's the hard part. Clark can do whatever the christ he wants to to follow THAT up.
He's not catching it on his head. That's just dumb.
[OOC] Ralf says, "okay, it was bigger than I thought."
[OOC] Heidern says, "I was about to say."
[OOC] Scylla C__C
[OOC] Leviathan wheeee
[OOC] Charybdis says, "So Clark's turn now, if Leona is passed out?"
[OOC] Scylla says, "Works for me. If Clark has mad skills, he can wrap the dang thing up"
[OOC] Ralf says, "Clark is required to Frankenstein Leviathan as it falls."
[OOC] Heidern says, "Ha ha ha."
[OOC] Ralf says, "Fuck."
[OOC] Ralf says, "I can NOT stay up later."
[OOC] Ralf says, "I need to go."
[OOC] Heidern says, "go go D:"
[OOC] Leviathan says, "Sleep well, man!"
[OOC] Ralf go go
[OOC] Scylla says, "I know man, I know. D: See you later."
Ralf has disconnected.
[OOC] Clark says, "--my turn?"
[OOC] Clark says, "HMM"
COMBATSYS: Clark interrupts Runaway Train from Leviathan with Super Argentine Backbreaker.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Leviathan 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Ralf
> ///////// ]
|=====--\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Clark says, "aaahahahaha"
[OOC] Heidern says, "jesus H"
[OOC] Heidern wants to steal Clark's g'damned luck.
[OOC] Heidern...Storm Bringers :|
[OOC] Scylla says, "Th- That is picture perfect."
[OOC] Clark says, "it's what happens when you challenge me to interrupt E_E"
Wow. Ralf... Wow. Well. That does it. That there's a challenge. Is Clark going to let RALF of all people show him up?
/Of course not./
The rioting rush of that massive tank is a scary thing to behold, but it doesn't seem like it's enough to stop the glory of the Ikari. For one, this mission has been ridiculous. And even if they've managed to dismantle and destroy ONE of those tanks, it's not quite enough. No, they need to prove that the Ikari are not someone to treat lightly. Not someone to thrust into situations where they have to fight seventeen year-old burrito-eating megalomaniacs and be absolutely humiliated. And that's exactly what Ralf proves with his mighty lifting of that massive tank, thrusting it into the air. Part one successful.
Time for part two.
What does Clark do like this, when there's a massive killer tank flying through the air, right for him? Well, first off, he adjusts his cap, tugging it down over his eyes. Next, he pushes up those sunglasses so they cover his eyes in their entirety. Finally... his legs tense, his body crouches, and Clark Steel lets out one singularly mighty cry:
The tank falls down. And like some kind of freakshow maniac, Clark situates himself RIGHT underneath it. It crashes, on top of him, and there is a moment where one might think Clark has been flattened. But the tank isn't moving -- its momentum has come to a dead stop. The reason why? It is still above ground. And, like some kind of anime superhero, or maybe like the Hulk, Clark slowly lifts up that massive tank on his shoulders, muscles and veins straining against his neck as he lets out another, loud holler. And as soon as he's lifted it up high enough? Clark chucks the Leviathan, as hard as he possibly can, right into the ground. Sweating, panting, blood flowing down his lip...
But giving a goddamn victory sign.
[OOC] Leviathan says, "So, is Leona not around anymore, then?"
[OOC] Scylla says, "Nope."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "What a pity."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "Well, I guess it's Charybdis' turn? Because I think Riori's just going to hightail it now in any case."
[OOC] Scylla says, "It's been a long scene. ._."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "Yeah. XD"
[OOC] Clark says, "It has indeed. XD"
[OOC] Leviathan says, "I should've started my homework a while ago, I'm going to be in trouble. But, I'm sick, so, I do what I want. Am I right??"
[OOC] Heidern says, "maybe"
[OOC] Leviathan says, "this excuse will probably not fly with my professor"
[OOC] Clark says, "/Completely wrong./"
[OOC] Leviathan says, "Although who knows."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "A hearty 'Am I right???' can get you places."
[OOC] Charybdis says, "Okay. :o"
"Hey, HEY! You tryin' to run me over too? Damn!" Black Panthers these two were not. Where's the solidarity? But whatever, being a Mormon too, like her mom, it's not like Tanisha could ever hang with real Black Panthers. When she gets over being bounced off of the Leviathan, and comes to realize that Riroi has already bailed out of it, it starts to dawn on her that he really is serious. They're done. But why? How?
There's no real time left to figure it out, now. Her tank is dead in the water, and as much as it was already dangerous with her boss /piloting/ that monster, leaving it on autopilot to self-destruct or whatever the hell he just did seems even more dangerous when you're stuck in an immobile steel coffin. "Okay, okay! I'm out then! But there's one more button here I gotta try... " *plip* ROCKET LOUNGER. "Hey, sweet! Black Power!" And then with fist raised and rockets firing off the back of the ruined slug-tank (which are somehow all aimed at Clark, blame the algorithm, she sucks at math) she comes up out of the front hatch and makes a run for it, a young negro girl in her 20s, dressed just as you'd expect in black fatigues with a little beret.
[OOC] Heidern laughs. x_x
COMBATSYS: Clark fails to interrupt Algorithm 178B from Charybdis with Tackle.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Leviathan 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Ralf
> ////// ]
|======-\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Clark says, "d'aaaw"
[OOC] Heidern pats. :|
[OOC] Clark says, "Can't interrupt everything, I guess B(!"
[OOC] Heidern says, "Indeed. :|"
[OOC] Clark says, "you'd know about that right"
[OOC] Clark hohoho
[OOC] Heidern says, "..."
[OOC] Heidern says, "god go to hell"
[OOC] Clark sorry B(
[OOC] Scylla XD
[OOC] Heidern says, "I get no respect. :|"
[OOC] Clark says, "I respect you, sir. B("
[OOC] Heidern says, "That's a load of crap."
[OOC] Scylla dies
The Leviathan is tossed about like a beachball, bandied between Ikari Warriors, before it finally lands in a horrible screeching heap in the midst of the shattered concrete, poised on an angle, a momument to the destruction.
And then--
And theeeeennn--
Riori just keeps on legging it. "It's cool!" he shouts. "I've got everything under control! My plan is working perfectly! Just trust me, let's go!" He ducks through the hole the Leviathan has made in the wall, apparently in the hopes of making his escape for good, and seemingly not noticing that they've lost track of poor Whiskers somewhere. But then, that fellow really has no manner of luck at all.
There is an ominous silence from the beaten Leviathan.
Aaaaand theeeeeeen--
--any moment now--
--an explosion or, or something--
No, Leviathan's just sitting there, fizzing a little.
But, what about--
"Gotcha!" shouts Riori from off in the distance.
--oh, for pete's sake.
What kind of plan was that!?
COMBATSYS: Leviathan takes no action.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Leona
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Leviathan 1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1 Ralf
> ////// ]
|======-\-------\0 Clark
COMBATSYS: Leviathan has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Charybdis 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Leona
> ////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Ralf
> ////// ]
|======-\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Heidern says, "rofl"
[OOC] Scylla XD
[OOC] Heidern says, "That scene was hilarious."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "Riori, prime R faction material."
[OOC] Charybdis bailllls
[OOC] Leviathan says, "I'd take Tanisha and Mikey over Vice and Mature as secretaries any day."
COMBATSYS: Charybdis has left the fight here.
> //////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Leona
> ////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Ralf
> ////// ]
|======-\-------\0 Clark
[OOC] Heidern lol
[OOC] Leviathan says, "Yeah, good fight, everyone. XD;;"
After you get done flipping a massive tank through the air, you sometimes misjudge things. For example, Clark Steel kind-of misjudges the fact that tons and tons and tons of rockets are flying at him very very fast. He also underestimates rockets' capacity for exploding upon violent contact. It's not as if it's the first time he's faced rockets after all, right? He can take it. And that's exactly what he intends to do, making a dead-run towards Tanisha as she tries to run off. His intention is to barrel through most of the rockets, even the ones that actually hit him, and just tackle the girl right into the ground. But--
--that doesn't quite happen as planned.
When the first rocket hits, Clark is knocked backwards, staggering from the pain of having and explosion just rocked in his face. But then the second one hits, and a third, and Clark is sent flying through the air in the wake of their explosions, smoking and in pain. He lands, screeches across the ground, and SMASHES into a nearby wall rather painfully A box falls, crashes against his head, and for a minute the whole world starts to swim as Clark's head sways back and forth. But then... his hands suddenly lift, and touch against his hat, his sunglasses, feeling them both.
"... thank god." They're fine. The criminal got away, but they got one of them. And dismantled at least two tanks. And most importantly...
His shades are OKAY.
But what about the Leviathan? His eyes dart to the thing as it sizzles, smokes... and then does absolutely nothing. A joke? Oh man. That--
"... I feel kind of dumb, now."
And that about sums up the Ikari opinion on this entire mission.
COMBATSYS: Clark has left the fight here.
> //////////////// ]
|-------\-------\0 Leona
> ////////// ]
|=======\-------\1 Ralf
[OOC] Clark says, "INDEED. :|"
[OOC] Scylla just wants to know how L kept misspelling the name DESPITE knowing the pun.
[OOC] Leviathan says, "Ahahahaha."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "You should've pointed that out earlier, you know."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "Like, way, way earlier."
[OOC] Scylla figured you were just typing -really- fast.
[OOC] Scylla says, "All right.. Yes. This is done."
[OOC] Scylla says, "CLOSE THE LOG."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "If only."
[OOC] Leviathan says, "The only thing I'm doing really fast is collapsing right now."
[OOC] Scylla XD
[OOC] Leviathan says, "But WE'LL BE BACK."
Log created on 16:34:04 03/11/2007 by Clark, and last modified on 14:18:25 05/22/2007.